Bream fishing in mid-October. Bream fishing in October: where to catch bream in October, night bream fishing. Seasonal nuances of autumn bream fishing

Bream belongs to the carp family and is a valuable commercial fish due to the high taste of its meat. Bream leads a group lifestyle, and it feeds on the larvae of various insects, but it does not mind eating various types of vegetation that grows in the reservoir. It lives mainly in pits, but in summer it often approaches the shore. This article will raise the question of autumn bream fishing, as well as the effect of cold water on fish activity. It is very important during this period to choose the right bait and bait.

With the onset of cold weather, when the water temperature begins to drop, bream stops approaching the shore, so you need to look for it at depth and at a considerable distance from the shore. The main gear in such conditions is a bottom fishing rod or, as it is called,. It makes sense to focus on this type of fishing, since it is preferred by many anglers.

For such purposes, you can take a feeder rod with a length of at least 3.9 m, so that you can make long casts.

The reel, as a rule, is chosen to be a spinning reel with a well-tuned friction brake on the spool, which is wound with a monofilament line with a diameter of 0.25 mm and a length of up to 100 m. We can recommend the Salmo Feeder Specialist line, as it is strong and reliable, as well as practically non-stretching, which will allow transmit all the slightest bites from a long distance to the tip of the rod.

For greater efficiency, it is possible to use bait, which involves feeding the same fishing spot every day. If you fish in a constant place for several days, the effect will be the same, and a positive result will not take long.


This month, the activity of bream decreases, and this is due to the accumulation of nutrients throughout the month of September. During this period, bream can feed no more than 4 hours a day. Before the onset of real cold weather, the fish gather in schools and migrate through the reservoir, staying at great depths.

In October, bream feeds from the bottom, so equipment such as will be less effective, but the paternoster will be in place, as well as other types of equipment where the bait lies on the bottom. As a rule, bream during this period prefers to take bait of animal origin, such as:

  • Bloodworm.
  • Worm.
  • Maggot, but much less frequently.

The bait must contain bait elements: bloodworms, chopped worms or maggots. Animal components have a large amount of protein, which is necessary for fish for normal wintering.


This month it is difficult to find bream in the previous parking areas. Bream gather near wintering pits, at great depths, where you need to look for it, although it is not a fact that it will bite, since the bite at this time is not stable. At great depths, the water temperature does not drop to critical levels, and the fish can easily overwinter.

In November, it is better to use a longer rod to make longer casts. You should look for places up to 15 m deep. For this, it is better to use a portable echo sounder if you have a boat. If there is no boat, you can use a marker float.

As bait, maggots or bloodworms are suitable, which are placed on a hook 1-2 pieces each. The bait must be for fishing in cold water and consist of animal ingredients. In order not to bother too much, it is easier to buy components for bait in the store. Well-known brands such as Dunaev, Trapper, Sensas are suitable.

Bait for autumn bream

The most important condition for successful autumn fishing in November is the use of bait consisting of elements of animal origin. In September, you could get by with homemade mixtures, adding bloodworms, maggots or chopped worms to them, but closer to winter, the bait should contain bloodworm extract.

Fishing technique in autumn

Since it is a sporting tackle, it is very popular among fishermen. Feeder rod, is equipped with interchangeable tips of varying flexibility, which allows you to select gear that meets certain fishing conditions: depending on the speed of the current and the weight of the feeder. Otherwise, the autumn feeder and the summer feeder are one and the same.

For fishing to be effective, you should not be lazy and find a promising place where bream gathers in schools and spends the rest of the time. To do this, you can use either an echo sounder or probe the bottom with a fishing rod and a marker float. After this, you need to make sure that all subsequent casts land in the same place. To do this, you should decide on a landmark on the opposite bank and secure the fishing line with the clip.

To begin with, 10 casts are made to fill the area and only then should the fishing process begin. In cold water, the bait and the capacity of the feeder are checked every 10 minutes, since the bream at this time is quite passive and the five-minute summer mode is not appropriate.

Seasonal nuances autumn fishing bream:

  1. To guarantee a catch, you need to find a place where there is a concentration of bream.
  2. The most promising tackle for catching bream in the fall is a feeder, which allows you to fish over a considerable distance and at great depths.
  3. Fishing will be more effective if the bait mixture contains animal components or bloodworm extract. It is possible to use well-known brands, such as Dunaev, Sensas, Trapper.
  4. The use of bait of animal origin gives good results, since at this time the bream begins to stock up on nutrients.

Fishing for bream in October promises to be productive if you choose the right place, prepare the necessary equipment and groundbait. We want to consider each of these points today.

Even with the onset of autumn cold weather, contrary to popular belief, you can catch large, peaceful fish. So, catching bream in October promises to be productive if you choose the right place, prepare the necessary equipment and groundbait. We want to consider each of these points today so that you go fishing armed with knowledge.

It’s important to take into account right away that your potential prey in the water is no longer as active as in the summer. The October bream already has fat, it has managed to gain weight, and therefore no longer cuts through the water area as much, no longer splashes on the surface. It bites well only in clear, windless weather, from about 7-8 to 12 o'clock, and in the afternoon it already rests.

Which place to choose for bream fishing in October

You need to remember that at the beginning of the month your potential prey swims in schools at medium depths, and towards the end they may move to wintering pits. It all depends on the water temperature. At the same time, the October bream steadfastly maintains its habits and eats in those spots where it liked, practically without looking at other places. Therefore, having fed him in one area, you can catch him for a couple of weeks, each time seriously counting on catch. True, it is important here not to scare off the entire flock, otherwise it will move to a new place, which still needs to be determined.

How to find cool spots? To do this, you need to check the following areas:

    places where the channel widens

    points of entry into and exit from pits

    riverbed depth

Feed these points, cast them, changing them after a few hours if there are no bites. And as soon as you find an area of ​​more or less active biting, don’t leave it and you will be rewarded for your patience with a good specimen.

Equipment for catching bream in October

A plug rod with a flat float, a sliding weight, and an adjustable leash performs well. But the feeder is also good, because it is universal, it can be easily adjusted to specific biting conditions, and since our site is dedicated to it, let’s take a look at it.

Bait and bait for catching bream in October

The fish is already quite passive, so it needs to be attracted with something. For example, protein-rich bait - it is important to make it just like that, and without unnecessary flavorings in October - some strong smell can scare off bream. Although there is an option - this is thyme, it is important not to overdo it with it, add just a pinch of it.

Very easy to prepare, enriched with protein and effectively attracting fish is bait made from bran and crackers, simply mixed in a ratio of 1 to 1. For every 5 kg of such bait you need to add a glass of chopped worms and bloodworms (or, alternatively, maggots).

Animal bait works well as bait. For smaller prey it may be, for larger specimens it may be the already mentioned worm. Either of these two options actively behaves on the hook, thereby attracting fish well in clear water.

Fishermen have an opinion that in the fall you can only catch predatory fish, and you can forget about bream, but this is not so, on the contrary, in October you might get a big one bream, which would not have been caught in the summer.

In itself it is very careful, it is not so easy to catch it, if it gets scared, it will take off from its place and will not return to it again, it lives in a clayey, but not dense bottom, but small breams can settle on the sand. Bream fishing in October- This is a completely different process that will differ from other seasonal methods of catching this type of fish.

What is special about catching bream in October?

The month of October itself is gray and rainy, during this period of the year the bream has already gained a lot of fat and it will be very, very difficult to catch it. To begin with, you will have to choose a place to catch this fish, this question is the most common; in the first half of the autumn period, bream tries to be in the water column, that is, in the middle, and all because the water is still warmed up by the sun.

How do you like the idea of ​​watching the whole process of catching bream online?

After cold weather, the bream begins to descend to the bottom and bream fishing in October becomes a complex process, since it is almost impossible to find out the exact location and it does not make itself known, there are no outbursts. They find out a place to catch bream in October in a proven way, choose an approximate habitat, throw in bait and wait until the bite starts, if the bite does not happen, then you need to move to another place, and if the bite is good, then the main thing is not to miss it and don't scare off.

A very important feature is that in autumn the water becomes much clearer and large bream will not bite during the day, so you need to go fishing for bream in October at night, and before that it is advisable to prepare bait, good tackle, choose a suitable place and roughly study the terrain, the bait should also be able to get enough sleep at night.

Bream fishing in October. How to properly prepare for bream fishing

Bream fishing in October It also provides for certain gear and bait that must be prepared in advance. For example, if this is night fishing, then the fishing rod should be with a luminous bait or with another personally adapted one; fishing can be done not only from the shore, but also from a boat, in this case you can cast it anywhere, and if you have an echo sounder, then find a place aggregations of bream will be a piece of cake.

In October, bream bite very well on bloodworms and small dung worms; steamed pearl barley and white bread work well; the bream bites on them with a special grip. It is in October that bream settles in wintering pits and if you manage to get into them, then a great catch is guaranteed.

Fishing for bream in the autumn months is not easy. The result depends on many aspects, but it is worth it. Let’s see why fishing for bream in the fall is attractive, how it changes depending on behavior, location, changes in the fish’s diet, and weather conditions. We’ll also figure out how and what to feed bream in the off-season and what gear is best to catch.

Features of behavior

In stable warm weather, when the water temperature is still around 12-15 degrees, the behavior of bream changes slightly compared to the summer period. The flock is dispersed throughout the entire water area of ​​the reservoir and is active. As it gets colder, it goes deeper, heading for places with warm water and plentiful food. Changes in fish behavior are observed. Extreme timidity, caution, and pickiness in food come to the fore. He takes the bait timidly, in several approaches, taking a break after 2-3 trials.

Towards the end of September, the gluttony begins. There is a lot of fish, often, greedily, fattening up before winter. This fact is important, since the composition of bait and bait must be enriched with nutritious protein products that are most attractive to autumn bream. Changes are observed in the frequency and duration of feeding. These periods are different, and if in some reservoirs the best bite is observed in the morning, then in others the optimal time for successful fishing is evening and night.

Bream always feed in the fall at the same favorite spots. And it will not be possible to lure the flock to another place with any bait. Therefore, if the fishing point is chosen incorrectly, the fishing result will be zero. And, conversely, in the right area the bite is always excellent, and less bait and complementary food is required.

Where to look for bream in the fall?

The best places in the off-season are considered to be reservoirs with a muddy bottom. Fish are usually found in areas of riverbed dumps 6-10 meters deep, where crustaceans, bloodworms, and dreisena accumulate—the main food for bream in the fall. When the food supply is depleted, the flock moves to a new site.

Most of the time in the middle and end of autumn, the flock is in the pits. It rarely comes out to feed, at certain hours. The bite is affected by weather changes. IN sunny days Bream emerges more readily from deep holes. In such weather, you can look for it in areas of the bottom with smooth relief, clearly visible among the depths. If there are ruts and grooves on a flat bottom, the fish will happily climb into them.

When there is a sudden change in weather or pressure changes, the fish prefers to stay in the middle layers of water. Under favorable weather conditions, it feeds closer to the shore, in thickets of aquatic plants. Around 12 noon it goes away average depth. With the onset of darkness, in the evening and at night, bream becomes bolder than during the day. Large specimens sometimes approach the very shore.

Features of autumn fishing by month

In September, when the summer warmth still persists, the bite is quite active. If the weather is good, clear and calm, it is best to catch bream in the early morning or evening, at sunset.

Cloudy, windy September weather is not best time For fishing. Under such conditions, the bite can be good only if you can find a relatively calm area in the reservoir.

With the onset of October, fish activity decreases, which becomes noticeable by the deterioration of the bite. The flock devotes no more than 4 hours a day to feeding, so for successful fishing you need to get within this time period. In November you should look for bream only in very deep places. The bite is unstable even with good complementary foods and the right fishing point.

Tackle for autumn bream fishing

In the off-season they fish mainly with a feeder, float side rod, ring and bottom. Regardless of the method chosen, the tackle should be light and very sensitive. It is better to replace large hooks with medium ones (No. 5-6). Select the sinker and float and adjust the weight so that the float protrudes 3-4 mm above the water.

The most popular tackle is the feeder. The advantage of being able to fish great depths, where the fish prefers to “stand” with the onset of cold weather. Required attribute for feeder fishing bream in autumn in calm water - feeder. It is advisable to choose a flat shape for the feeder for a more convenient location at the bottom. Feeder equipment for autumn fishing - replaceable tips, which are selected taking into account the weight of the feeder and the strength of the current.

On a river with a rapid current, it is recommended to abandon the bottom feeder and use a heavy feeder with a paternoster rig or a helicopter with two knots. Line with a diameter of 0.3-0.4 mm. Small onboard fishing rods are convenient for fishing from a boat on large rivers in the fall. In order to hook the fish in time, the nod of the side rod should be hard, with a soft tip. The length of the whip is about a meter. You can use any reel, since bream is fished on a fishing line.

Important! When fishing for bream with a side fishing rod in the current, you need to make sure that the bait is at one point, and the fishing line goes under the water strictly vertically.

In the fall, bottom bream is caught in still water or on a river with a slow current. It is better to use one donk with a spring feeder. The length of the rod is 2-2.5 m, although this is not important.

It is recommended to choose reels of size 2500-3000, inertia-free. Line diameter is 0.2-0.3 mm. To catch bream in the current, you can use an even thinner line.

When fishing with a ring, the fundamental condition for a successful bite will be the presence of a current. In summer, bream willingly approaches bait floating, falling or moving along the bottom, but in autumn this happens extremely rarely. But you can use the “ring” method in any weather conditions, since fishing is carried out at the bottom level and practically does not depend on atmospheric phenomena, the presence or absence of the sun.

Lures and baits

In the last days of summer and the very beginning of September, bream responds well to peas, mastyrka, pearl barley, and corn. Towards the middle and at the end of September, the best bait will be bread, earthworm or red worm, maggot, hominy, cereal porridge. In October, the diet of the fish changes dramatically. Bloodworms or maggots are used as a win-win bait. In November, the best bait is whitebait. You can use bloodworms, crustaceans, various mollusks, and shrimp without shell.

Attention! The division of types of baits for bream in the autumn months is conditional. To choose best option, you need to experiment with different baits and their combinations.

In autumn, a red worm is considered a very popular bait for bream. It has a distinct odor that attracts fish. In addition, the worm attached to the hook actively wriggles, which is an additional factor in the interest of the wary bream. The underleaf, a reddish-crimson worm, will also be a good bait. If you make a bunch of several dung worms and underleaves, the bite will become even better, because bream feeding on fat in the fall are more attracted to bulky baits.

Bait for bream in autumn

The main rule when creating bait for catching bream in cold water is the presence of animal protein ingredients. The consistency, composition of complementary foods, proportions of main products and flavorings are important. The slightest deviation from the recipe has a negative impact on the quality of the bite.

For bait, bloodworms in combination with chopped worms and maggots are well suited. If the composition contains a mass of crushed dracena, the bait will interest the bream even more.

Advice. To bind protein components when creating autumn bait for bream, it is recommended to use crushed clay mixed with soil, or purchased super-soil.

To catch bream in the fall, you can also use standard or special purchased baits with coriander, thyme, strawberry, and fennel flavors. The choice of such a product in stores for fishermen is huge, however, it is advisable to give preference to trusted manufacturers (Sensas, Dunaev, Trapper). The advantage is that you don’t need to bother with grinding live food into minced meat and selecting the right proportions of ingredients.

With the arrival of October, real autumn begins in Akhtuba and the Lower Volga with its changeable weather. The foliage on the trees turns yellow, and together with the grass that has burned out during the hot summer, it colors Volga-Akhtuba floodplain in autumn colors. At the beginning of October, the weather may be dry and warm, or prolonged rains may begin, which turn floodplain roads into a difficult-to-pass "mess". Therefore, if you go fishing in your car, get ready for possible troubles associated with a difficult road. By the end of October, frosts may occur at night, but this does not frighten the fishermen who still live in tent camps on the banks of rivers, although there are already much fewer of them than in September. The air temperature in October on Akhtuba can change dramatically during the day: there is no wind, the sun is shining - you can sunbathe, a breeze blows, the sun is hidden behind the clouds - then you cannot do without warm clothes on the water.

In October, due to the abundance of rain, the water in Akhtuba can rise significantly. The water temperature in the rivers drops rapidly and by the end of October it, as a rule, does not exceed 10 degrees. Cooling water, in turn, forces the fish to feed more intensely and prepare for a long winter, which undoubtedly has a positive effect on fishing in the fall. Clearing the water in rivers and saturating it with oxygen also have a positive effect on autumn fishing. One of the negative factors that has a bad effect on fishing and fish biting in October can be a strong and cold wind, which raises quite big wave on Akhtube, and even more so on the Volga with its open spaces.

Fishing calendar in October:

Fish Nibble Fishing places Fishing time Tackle Lures, baits Lure
Bersh Deep pits with reverse flow, moderate depths near the pits Jig-spinning, trolling-spinning, fishing rod for vertical trolling, bottom tackle Jig head 20-55 gr. with silicone or foam rubber. A small wobbler with a depth of 5-7 m. A large heavy jig with a whitebait attachment, a heavy spoon or a medium-sized balancer. Hook No. 4-8, jig with a whitebait attachment
Vobla Moderate depths near holes, in holes, near the shore, in deep backwaters Morning, evening, afternoon in warm and calm weather Hook No. 3-5, jig with a worm attachment, a bunch of bloodworms or maggots
Chub Near the rifts, near the shore, on the current Spinning. Float rod. Feeder or bottom tackle Small spoon for current, popper. Small wobbler with a depth of 1-3 m. Hook No. 6-9, jig with a worm attachment, a bunch of bloodworms, maggots, fry Unikorm, chopped worm, bloodworm, maggot
Gustera Moderate depths near holes, in holes, near the shore. In eriks and lakes Float rod. Feeder or bottom tackle Hook No. 2.5-5, jig with a worm attachment, a bunch of bloodworms or maggots Unikorm, bran, cake, chopped worm, bloodworm, maggot
Riffles, extensive shallows with rapids, in the upper and middle layers of water Morning, evening, day in clear warm weather Spinning. Trolling spinning. Live bait tackle Heavy small spoon for current, Devon, popper. Small wobbler with a depth of 2-5 m. Hook No. 7-12 with a bait bait, fry
crucian carp Sections of the river with a quiet flow and aquatic vegetation, near the shore, in backwaters, in eriks and lakes Morning, evening, afternoon in calm and cloudy weather Float rod. Feeder or bottom tackle Hook No. 3.5-7, jig with a worm attachment, a bunch of bloodworms or maggots Unikorm, bran, cake, chopped worm, bloodworm, maggot
Rudd Morning, evening, afternoon in warm weather Hook No. 3.5-5, jig with a worm attachment, a bunch of bloodworms or maggots. Small spinner. Unikorm, bran, cake, chopped worm, bloodworm, maggot
Bream Deep holes, moderate depths near the holes. Early morning, at sunset, during the day in warm weather, at night Feeder or bottom tackle Hook No. 5-8, jig with a worm attachment, a bunch of bloodworms or maggots, cake, pearl barley Unikorm, bran, cake, chopped worm, bloodworm, maggot
Tench Sections of the river overgrown with algae with a quiet current and a silted bottom, in backwaters. In eriks and lakes Morning, evening, afternoon in calm weather Float rod Hook No. 4-8, jig with a worm attachment, a bunch of bloodworms or maggots Unikorm, bran, cake, chopped worm, bloodworm, maggot
Perch Shallow sections of the river with a quiet current, near the shore, in backwaters. In eriks and lakes Morning, evening, afternoon in warm weather Spinning. Jig spinning. Trolling spinning float rod. Bottom tackle Small rotating spoon. Jig head 5-15 gr. with silicone, foam rubber. Small wobbler with a depth of 1-3 m, popper. Hook No. 5-9, jig with a worm attachment, a bunch of bloodworms, leeches, fry Unikorm, bloodworm, chopped worm
Roach Shallow sections of the river with a quiet current, near the shore, in backwaters. In eriks and lakes Morning, evening, afternoon in warm weather Float rod. Feeder or bottom tackle Hook No. 2.5-5, jig with a worm attachment, a bunch of bloodworms or maggots Unikorm, bran, cake, chopped worm, bloodworm, maggot
Carp Deep holes and moderate depths in holes with a quiet current, near snags, under holes Morning, evening, twilight, during the day in warm weather, at night Feeder or bottom tackle Hook No. 7-12, with a worm, cake, barley shell, crayfish, boilies Unikorm, bran, cake, boilies, chopped worms, bloodworms, maggots, pearl barley
Sinets Deep holes, moderate depths near the holes, near the shore in the depths. Early morning, at sunset, during the day in warm weather Feeder or bottom tackle Hook No. 3-5, jig with a worm, a bunch of bloodworms or maggot attachment Unikorm, bran, cake, chopped worm, bloodworm, maggot
Som Deep holes, moderate depths near holes with a quiet current, at depth near the shore, under holes Morning, evening, during the day in warm weather, at night Jig spinning. Trolling spinning. Bottom tackle. Jig head 15-55 gr. with silicone or foam rubber. Medium and large wobbler with a depth of 6-15 m. Hook No. 14-30, with bait bait, a bunch of worms, pearl barley, frog, crayfish Fish giblets, pearl barley shell
Zander Pits, moderate depths, near shore Morning, evening, twilight, during the day in warm weather Jig spinning. Trolling spinning. A fishing rod for vertical trolling. Bottom tackle. Live bait tackle Jig head 15-55 gr. with silicone or foam rubber. A small or medium wobbler with a depth of 5-8 m. A large heavy jig with a whitebait attachment, a heavy spoon or a medium-sized balancer. Hook No. 7-12, with small bait bait, fry
Chekhon Deep holes, moderate depths, near the shore at depth Morning, evening, twilight, during the day in warm weather Feeder or bottom tackle. Spinning. Hook No. 3-5, jig with a worm attachment, a bunch of bloodworms, maggots, fry. Small rotating spoon. Bloodworms, chopped worms, maggots, unikorm
Pike Shallow sections of the river with a quiet current, moderate depths, in backwaters, near the shore. In eriks and lakes Morning, evening, afternoon in warm cloudy weather A fishing rod for vertical trolling. Spinning. Jig spinning. Trolling spinning. Live bait tackle A large heavy jig with a fry or small bait bait, a heavy vertical spoon, a balancer of medium and large sizes. Small or medium spoon. Small or medium wobbler with a depth of 2-6 m. Jig head 10-20 g. with silicone or foam rubber. Hook No. 10-16, with small bait bait, fry
Ide Deep holes and moderate depths with quiet currents, in deep backwaters. Morning, evening during the day, in warm weather Float rod. Feeder or bottom tackle. Spinning. Hook No. 5-10, jig with a worm attachment, a bunch of bloodworms or maggots, fry. Small rotating spoon. Unikorm, bran, cake, chopped worm, bloodworm, maggot

Bad bite

Average bite

Good bite

Fishing in October on Akhtuba interesting and effective both in catching predatory and peaceful fish. Although daylight hours are rapidly decreasing and there is less and less time left for fishing, you can fish all day in October, unlike summer fishing with its midday heat. Cooler temperatures and clearer waters contribute to more efficient operation of artificial baits such as spoons, wobblers and silicone baits. This fact attracts many seasoned fishermen to the Lower Volga in the fall, who prefer active fishing for predators - pike perch, pike and asp. Some of these fishermen have been coming to Akhtuba every fall for many years in a row, because they know that October and November are the best time to catch a trophy specimen of the predator.

Sudak in October It’s good to catch, and the closer to the end of October and the cooler the water in Akhtuba, the larger, more often and more confidently the pike perch is caught. In autumn, pike perch, like all fish, moves to deeper sections of the river. If you catch pike perch by trolling, then you need to look for it at depths of 5-7 meters near dumps in holes, on edges or sastrugi. If you catch pike perch with jig baits, then it is better to fish in holes and under holes, at the same time, there is a good chance of finding a school of fattening bersha, fishing for which with a jig is no less exciting than catching pike perch. Some fishermen specially come to Akhtuba in the fall to catch bersh, which, although small in size, is valued in cooking higher than pike perch due to its fattier and more tasty meat. You can catch pike perch and bersh in October on the Lower Volga using bottom tackle and plumb line with fry as bait. It often happens that in October such methods of catching pike perch are more effective than trolling and jig-spinning.

In general, pike perch in the Lower Volga is a certain indicator of the quality of the spring flood - if the flood was long and there was a lot of water, then in the fall there will be a lot of pike perch in the river, and, therefore, its bite will be good. Towards the end of October, pike perch begins to gather in schools, in which the majority of specimens are of the same age and size. These schools are concentrated in certain places, which an experienced fisherman can easily determine by depth, bottom structure and other signs. Typically, such places are located in close proximity from the pits or in the pits themselves, for example at " Black market» - holes in the immediate vicinity of base "Sudachye Place". Having found such a point, the fisherman can count with full confidence on many bites and a trophy specimen of pike perch.

As for other Akhtuba predators, such as pike, asp and catfish, their bite in October can also please the fisherman. At depths of 6 meters in the river it begins to catch bottom pike, which exceeds in size and strength the grass pikes that live in the shallows. When catching pike perch, it often gets caught in the bycatch or bites off the bait. The asp continues to move along the river in flocks, here and there attacking the fry and forming “ asp fight" Towards the end of October, the asp moves to the middle layers of water, and catching asp by trolling with a small wobbler can be more effective than fishing with a classic spinning rod using lures. By the way, if you troll through the holes and use a wobbler floating in the middle layers of water or closer to the surface, you can get caught silver carp or grass carp, which in the fall large quantities migrate along Akhtuba to wintering grounds. But since this method of fishing is not entirely honest, you should not get carried away with it.

Soma in October they move closer to the wintering pits, where they should be looked for. Catching catfish by trolling in shallow water in October is an ineffective activity; it is better to catch it in holes using bottom tackle or jig spinning. However, fishing using silicone baits involves the use of the lungs with Anastasia and a thin cord, which can be a big problem when landing large catfish, although the catfish towards the end of October is already quite sluggish. On kwok In October, catfish are not caught.

Fishing on the Lower Volga in October can be effective when catching such peaceful fish as carp, and this also applies to trophy specimens weighing more than 10 kg. Catching carp on Akhtuba you need to bottom gear, and as bait it is better to use bait of animal origin, for example worms. During the fishing process, it is necessary to feed the fishing spot, but you need to be more careful with the bait, since cold water sharpens the taste of the fish, and if you use “leftovers from lunch” as bait, which is quite acceptable in the summer, you can scare the carp away from the feeding spot . Towards the end of October and in November, carp prepare for hibernation and concentrate in large quantities in holes and in deep places under holes. At such times, it often happens that when catching a predator with a jig, a carp turns purple and is caught in the bycatch, but more often it breaks off and the fisherman gets only the scales on the hook, the size of which gives reason to worry about the lost trophy.

In October, you can catch others on Akhtuba, including large representatives of peaceful fish. In first place in popularity is bream. A huge number of bream live in Akhtuba and the Volga, and the weight of specimens caught by fishermen often exceeds three kilograms. But mostly the catch includes white bream and other white bream - silver bream and sopa. Bream and whitefish are caught in the Lower Volga, usually from a boat using bottom gear. It is better to use a worm as bait for catching leucorrhoea in the fall, and to catch trophy specimens of bream, you need to put several worms on the hook, creating something like a bunch. Places for catching whitefish and bream are chosen closer to the pits and in a quiet current. You can catch whitefish throughout the day, and you can catch bream at night. In October and November, harvesting fishermen come to Akhtuba and the Volga specifically to catch bream and other peaceful fish. They spend all day catching fish from rubber boats; the caught fish is processed, salted and, if possible, dried. Weather in October, unlike in summer, they allow you to preserve fish, and the fish itself is much tastier and fattier than caught in the summer.

On erikas and lakes in autumn, after prolonged rains, the water may rise and the fish that survived the hot summer have every chance of surviving the coming winter. This primarily concerns crucian carp or buffalo, tench, rudd, roach, pike and perch. In October, these types of fish are well caught in the eriks and lakes of the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain. Crucian carp, tench, rudd and roach can be caught using a float rod, but it is not necessary to use bait. If there is a school of perch at the fishing spot, then it can also be successfully caught using float tackle. At the same time, in the fall you often come across trophy specimens of perch weighing more than 500 grams. On eriks you can catch pike and perch using a spinning rod, using appropriate spinners - perch prefers small spinners, and pike prefers medium-sized oscillating spinners, but you can experiment here too.

Autumn fishing on Akhtuba and the Lower Volga can bring a long-awaited trophy to both a professional fisherman and a novice amateur. The main factors for good fishing on Akhtuba in October can be knowledge of the water area and the use of different fishing methods, for example, alternating trolling and jig. Of course, the weather can make its own adjustments to fishing; there may be a short period of complete no-biting on the river, but no one is immune from this.