What not to do in the Dominican Republic. Dominican Republic: what a tourist needs to know Holidays in the Dominican Republic what you need to know

Before leaving for the airport

You must have the following documents with you: a correctly issued passport and an air ticket for round-trip flights.

You do not need to apply for a visa in advance. Upon arrival at the airport, you must fill out a tourist card and pay an airport tax of $10 when entering and $10 when leaving the country. Bring your salary (valid for 3 months from the date of return), an air ticket with a return date, cash at the rate of $50/day, and a power of attorney for the child from the second parent. If your stay is longer than 3 weeks, you must pay an additional 15 pesos.

Your flight to the Dominican Republic will take place on the basis of your issued air tickets.

Customs regulations

You can bring duty-free across the border: 1 liter of alcoholic drink with an alcohol content of up to 22%, 2 liters of less strong drinks, 500 grams of coffee, 200 cigarettes or 250 grams of tobacco and gifts worth no more than $100 US. The import of drugs and weapons is strictly prohibited.

We inform you that from May 13, 2014, Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 398 of April 29, 2014 “On invalidating paragraph 7 of Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2005 No. 866 “On labeling alcoholic products with excise stamps” comes into force ". In this regard, the import of any alcoholic beverages into the territory of the Russian Federation from abroad is prohibited. The exception will be alcoholic beverages purchased at airports in Duty Free shops.

General information

A state in the West Indies, occupying two-thirds of the island of Hispaniola (also known as the island of Haiti). By land, the Dominican Republic borders on Haiti in the west; on three other sides there are water borders: in the north - the Atlantic Ocean, in the south - the Caribbean Sea, in the east - the Mona Strait. The Dominican Republic's closest neighbors are Cuba to the northwest, Jamaica to the west, and Puerto Rico to the east. Area - 48734 km2. The country has the highest mountain range among Pico Duarte 3175 m. Capital: Santo Domingo, its history goes back more than 500 years. Today Santo Domingo is a city with a population of 2 million, with an abundance of architectural monuments, museums, shopping centers, restaurants and discos.
Christopher Columbus discovered the island in 1492. He wrote: “These lands are so vast, beautiful and rich that it is impossible to even imagine.” Hispaniola was the center of the conquistador empire. This was the residence of the Spanish king. The viceroy of the Spanish colonies was located here (for a long time he was Diego Columbus, the son of a navigator). In 1655, the French occupied the western part of the island, which later became the state of Haiti.
The nature is luxurious, lush and varied. More than 8,000 plant species - three times more than in Europe, of which 800 are found only here. The best beaches in the Caribbean: endless, with fine white sand and a shallow lagoon, fenced off from the ocean waves by a coral reef. The most famous beaches are located in the north - in the province of Puerto Plata.


Comfortable buses run throughout the country.
Taxis are also available to the public and can be “caught” anywhere in the city. The cost of some routes is pre-set. Car rental is expensive, foreign driver's licenses are valid for 90 days.

The national currency is the Dominican Peso. In dollar terms, 36 pesos are worth 1 dollar. Foreign currency can be exchanged at the hotel or at commercial banks, which are open from 08:00 to 15:00.
Traveler's checks and major credit cards (Eurocard, MasterCard, Visa International, American Express, etc.) are accepted in most cases. Some commercial banks advance cash.

The difference with Moscow is minus 7 hours in winter and minus 8 in summer.

Humid tropical. The average temperature is 25 C. The rainy season lasts from May to July with frequent but short showers. The hottest month is August. Water temperature is about 25 C.

Spanish, but in resort areas English, German, Italian are used.

Catholics - 95%, but ancient cults, such as voodoo, have also been preserved.

It is customary to tip $1 for small services. In restaurants located outside the hotel, it is customary to tip 10% of the order amount.


Electrical voltage in the Dominican Republic networks is 110-120 Volts. To use electrical appliances, you must have special adapters for flat sockets

Features of staying in the country

The Dominican sun, like rum, is potent, although you may not notice it at first. Use sunscreen with high protection.
Meals at the hotel. As a rule, all hotels in the Dominican Republic operate on an all-inclusive basis. Upon arrival at the hotel, you will be given an information sheet at the reception desk, which contains a list of free services in a particular hotel and the opening hours of bars and restaurants on site.
It is not recommended to eat anywhere outside the hotel, because... It is not possible to guarantee the quality of food. The exception is good restaurants in the center of Santo Domingo.

Creole cuisine is a combination of European and Caribbean traditions using local ingredients. Typical dishes: san cacho - thick soup of different types of meat with vegetables, la bandera - rice, meat, beans, vegetables and green fried bananas, fish with coconut, mangu - green banana puree, served for breakfast, panonate - dessert, made from milk and coconuts. National drinks are coffee, rum and Pru (fermentation product of the Pru plant).

Santo Domingo. In Santo Domingo - the Cathedral of Santa Maria la Menor (built in 1514-1520), which contains the remains of Christopher Columbus; ruins of the palace of Diego Columbus, brother of Christopher; 16th century churches of San Nicolas and San Francisco, remains of Spanish fortifications; The oldest American university is Santo Domingo, opened in 1538. In the west of the country there is the famous salt lake Lago Enriquillo.
Jarabacoa. For thrill-seekers, we offer excursions to the mountains, rafting trips to Bavaro and any individual programs. SAONA Island. An exotic island in the Caribbean with crystal clear waters and white beaches where you can dine in tropical style. Departure from the hotel early in the morning, arrival at Altos De Chavon Park, excursion in the park, then descent along the gorge and the mouth of the river, where high-speed boats await you, which will take you to a comfortable boat. You will sail for an hour and a half through the crystal waters of the Caribbean Sea past pristine beaches. Here you will see starfish and flying fish. On the boat there is a bar and dancing with local girls. Lunch on arrival on the island. Hydrobikes, canoes, boats are at your service; in the evening, departure to the hotel. Botanical Garden. Here you will see all the plants collected from the island, visit the only valley overgrown with vines, palm trees and visit one of the most beautiful places - the Japanese Garden.
Zoo. If you want to visit a zoo, we suggest you visit the zoological garden where you will see many inhabitants of the world's fauna. City of artists Altos De Chavon. A flight on a small plane across the entire island, and you are in a town built of stone about 30 years ago by the hands of artists - a typical Spanish settlement of the 16th century. You will see a beautiful Amphitheater, art galleries and salons with works by artists living in the town, and take a paddle boat ride down the river.


Telephone calls can be paid in cash or with credit calling cards, which can be purchased from your telephone company. To call from the Dominican Republic to Russia, you need to dial the code “011” - access to an international line and the Russian code - “7”. Mobile phones operating on the island have the GSM standard in the 1900 MHz frequency range, which is used in the USA and Canada. You can rent a mobile phone from local companies. Rental cost is $10 per day plus a calling card.

If problems occur

There is no Russian Embassy in the Dominican Republic.

Host company

Before you plan to go on vacation to the Dominican Republic, it is still advisable (but not necessary) to get yourself vaccinated against malaria and yellow fever. It’s not a fact, of course, that you will get sick from these diseases, but caution won’t hurt. Don't forget to bring a supply of necessary medications with you. In addition to those you may already be taking, you may need something else to improve the digestion process, since you will have to eat foods that are unfamiliar to you. Just in case, take pills for conjunctivitis and headaches. Still, you are facing a serious climate change.

In the Dominican Republic, you should not drink tap water. It is advisable to purchase it in plastic or glass bottles in supermarkets or grocery stores. The same goes for the water you use to brush your teeth. Try to also use peeled or boiled.

Dominican Republic is a very sunny country. The sun here is scorching and burning. Don't forget to bring sunburn cream or buy it on the spot. Dermatologists generally categorically do not recommend sunbathing from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. And in the first 4 days, when you go through the acclimatization process, try not to sunbathe at all. Well, the basic rule to help avoid sunstroke is to drink plenty of fluids (but not alcoholic beverages).

Since during your vacation you will naturally attend various excursions, do not forget about comfortable shoes - something low-top, sneakers or comfortable sports slippers. Take with you on vacation clothes made from natural fabrics, since it is very difficult to withstand the heat in synthetics.

You should know that the Dominican Republic has a rather confusing address system. Together with addresses, street intersections are most often indicated here instead of house numbers, or two neighboring streets will be recorded, between which the place you are looking for may be located.

Never exchange money on the street or in markets. Cases of currency fraud in the country make up the bulk of crimes in the Dominican Republic. It is best to exchange money in banks or inside hotels. It is best to take American dollars with you, since the euro has a very unfavorable exchange rate here. Don’t forget to also take small change, otherwise sellers often don’t have change.

In the Dominican Republic, apart from supermarkets, you can and should bargain almost everywhere. When targeting visiting tourists, almost all sellers initially inflate prices, so as a result of bargaining, you can easily reduce the original price by almost half.

There is a ban on photography on the territory of the Dominican Republic - you cannot photograph military personnel while they are on duty. Some museums also have restrictions on photography, and there are usually warning signs posted in such places.

Don't be scared by the fact that you can often meet armed people on city streets. The country legally allows the carrying and storage of short-barreled firearms. However, often this is only an external attribute. Such weapons are used extremely rarely, except in slum areas.

If you are planning to rent a car on vacation, then be extremely careful on Dominican roads - local drivers have an extremely extreme way of driving vehicles. If you put it simply, then they do not follow any traffic rules. But they use horns very loudly and everywhere, in almost any circumstances, probably sometimes pressing them instead of the brake or gas pedal. And remember, traffic police accurately identify cars rented by tourists and do not miss an opportunity to stop and, if possible, fine a rich (in their opinion) traveler.

In the event of an emergency, immediately call 911. The tourist police in the Dominican Republic arrive very quickly and their response is very effective.

Just in case, try to carry with you a photocopy of your international passport (the first pages with a photo) and a copy of your air ticket. To contact relatives by phone from the Dominican Republic, it is best to buy a local GSM SIM card. For this purpose, you can use the services of the Orange company; it has a fairly reliable reception signal in almost all places, one way or another, related to recreation. To buy such a SIM card you will need a passport. And remember that all incoming calls from this company are free.

As for electrical appliances, the network voltage here is different from ours and is 110 Volts, and the frequency is 60 Hertz. So that you can charge your phone, laptop, tablet, use a hair dryer, etc., you will need an adapter, since all sockets in hotels are made according to the American standard - that is, they have flat plugs. In theory, the hotel administration must give you such an adapter, but, as a last resort, you can purchase it at a supermarket or grocery store. It will cost from 2.5 to 4 dollars.

The country's currency is the Dominican Peso. Almost everywhere, dollars and euros are accepted as payment, but you can also be given change in pesos. It is prohibited to import alcoholic beverages of more than one liter (22% strength) and more than 2 liters of low-alcohol drinks, more than 500 grams of coffee and more than 200 cigarettes (or boxes of cigars) into the Dominican Republic. The import of any type of food, drugs and certain medicines is prohibited. It is also prohibited to export (without special permission) objects and things that are of artistic and historical value (especially those raised from the bottom of the sea), some types of orchids and the heart of a palm tree. It is also not allowed to export cigars in quantities of more than 50 pieces per person.

As for the size of the tip in the Dominican Republic, 10% service charge and sales tax are usually added to the bill amount. If you want to leave something else, then this amount is determined solely at your discretion.

We will not claim that this expression came specifically from the Dominican Republic; rather, the author of the expression was inspired by all the countries of the Caribbean. Many countries in the region fit the definition of “Banana Republic,” and, to be honest, so does the Dominican Republic. Over the past 200 years, rulers have changed so often and there have been so many coups that the status of “Banana Republic” could have been safely assigned to the Dominican Republic (30 years ago).

Now the Dominican Republic is considered a very civilized country. The country is holding fair (we hope that this is so) elections, and the political situation can be considered stable. Don’t be afraid to go to the Dominican Republic, coups and war are clearly not planned here.

In the photo on the left is the President of the Dominican Republic (as of 2013) Danilo Medina. We ask for love and favor.

Danilo Medina won the elections in August 2012 by a narrow margin, with 51.2% of voters voting for him. Of course, immediately after the elections, both candidates gladly accused each other of buying votes, but no political crisis occurred.

Over the past 200 years, there have been no major changes in the economy, except, of course, the development of tourism. It is tourism that has distinguished the Dominican Republic from other countries of the Caribbean islands in a positive way. Let's take, for example, the neighboring Republic of Haiti. The GDP per capita in Haiti is 1,900 USD per person, while in the Dominican Republic it is 9,000 USD. As they say, feel the difference, now you understand why illegal immigrants flock here from Haiti.

It is believed that illegal immigrants from Haiti are the main source of crime in the Dominican Republic. In general, crime here is low.

As you noticed from the photo on the left, the socket of this format does not have round pins, but is shaped like plates, which makes it incompatible with our “plugs”. For many tourists this comes as an unpleasant surprise.

We advise, firstly, to check that the electrical appliance you are taking with you can be powered from a 110 Volt network. If the device does not have this capability, there is no point in taking it with you; in this case, not a single adapter will help, and improper power supply can damage the device. Secondly, take adapters with you, otherwise they will sell them to you at exorbitant prices at the hotel.

An interesting activity in the Dominican Republic could be visiting a baseball match. This sport is very popular in this country, it was brought here by the Americans. Of course, you can see a baseball game in many countries, but not many countries can see a big stadium and a truly “big game”. We highly recommend doing this, there are a lot of impressions, but the rules are not very clear.

Read other interesting facts about the Dominican Republic in our articles ( links below).

The Dominican Republic is a state that is like heaven on Earth. Everything here is at the highest level - the whitest sand of the most gorgeous beaches, the most luxurious tropical nature, friendly locals, comfortable relaxation... The Dominican Republic has 16 national parks and reserves, where you can observe both unique species of animals and plants, as well as wonderful natural landscapes of the tropics. This country is home to Duarte Peak, the highest point in the Antilles, which attracts many tourists to climb.

The best time to vacation in the Dominican Republic is December – March or July – August – at this time it is warm and dry, there is no rain that would prevent you from sunbathing on the beach, exploring exotic sights and marine treasures of the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic. It is always warm in the Dominican Republic, the air temperature in winter is 26 degrees, the water temperature is 27. This area is replete with nature reserves, waterfalls and coral reefs. Those who come to the Dominican Republic forget about their problems, indulging in relaxation surrounded by mountains - the Cordillera, palm trees, the sea, waterfalls and local exotic inhabitants.

If you have the opportunity to come here, you must do it! This is a great opportunity to relax with the whole family; at the resorts of the Dominican Republic, everyone will find a vacation to their liking and recharge themselves with positivity and improve their health.

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Cost of a holiday in Punta Cana. May 2018.

tour cost

The cost of the tour is 52,000 thousand rubles per person. I traveled in a company of 3 people and, accordingly, the total amount came out to 156,000 rubles. The vacation was planned for 10 days and included all-inclusive meals, including a bar menu. The flight was from Moscow, from Domodedovo airport. We returned back through it the same way. Holiday destination Punta Cana is one of the most popular destinations in the Dominican Republic. There were several other vacation spots in this country, but the price tag there was higher - a kind of place for wealthy people. From the point of view of nature, these resorts were no different from each other. The tour mostly involves a beach holiday and no excursions were included in the price. Therefore, we had to pay extra for excursions. During the entire vacation, our company took advantage of 4 excursions, which we scattered throughout the days and alternated with simple time on the beach. The hotel we stayed in was called Whalo Bravo. According to the rating system, it has 3 stars. The rooms were quite comfortable, located in 2-story buildings. Between the buildings there were large pools with comfortable water for swimming. Access to the pool was allowed from 9 am to 9 pm, so no noisy night splashing was noted. The room had large beds, a refrigerator, a private shower and even air conditioning. The design was made to look like wood and everything was in perfect harmony with each other. In the evenings, various discos and grill parties were held by the pool. Also, everyone could visit the restaurant on site for free and choose 3 free dishes from different categories. This restaurant served exclusively Dominican cuisine. The only drawback I can mention is paid internet.

Surfing. Cost is $75 per person. Included is a transfer to a beautiful beach with the right size waves for beginners, which we were. The price also included rental of equipment, a surfboard and a wetsuit. The excursion lasted 4 hours with travel in both directions, instructions, and exercises in the water with breaks. The impressions of catching your first wave in a paradise on earth are unforgettable. Our second excursion was called a safari. Cost $45. In the company of guides, we raced in large open-top Ural-type trucks. We visited a coffee farm, indigenous settlements and other local monuments. There was also a tour with zip lines. Cost $60 per person. Trolley rides in the mountains, at such heights that it will take your breath away. After surfing, this is one of the best entertainments. And the last excursion was to the rum and cigar factory. The cost is $70 with a tasting of everything that was made. After the excursion, tourists bought souvenirs to take home.

Most tourists associate it exclusively with a beach holiday - and it’s completely in vain. This unique region is ready to pleasantly surprise not only connoisseurs of the sea-sand-palm trees trio, but also those who are looking for new excursion experiences, as well as fans of active recreation.


Tourists have long ceased to focus on the so-called “seasons”. They are not afraid of showers, because they do not last long; they wait out the heat in the coolness of shopping centers and water parks. But we haven’t figured out what to do with hurricanes yet. But they rarely visit the Dominican Republic, in August-October, and they warn about this danger in advance.

The most comfortable period on the island is December-March: no precipitation or winds, moderately hot during the day, warm at night, the sea-ocean is like fresh milk. The rains begin in November and April, and the official rainy season starts in May and lasts until July-August. At the same time, the temperature practically does not drop, and August is considered the hottest month of the year.

In February and early March, humpback whales can be seen on the island.

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Beach holiday

“Heavenly Delight” is about the beaches of the Dominican Republic (by the way, the “Bounty” video with the iconic slogan was filmed on the island of Saona). Wide sand spits, lush greenery, turquoise waves. The approach is most often flat, which is important for families with children; active waves are usually in the north.

The most popular, crowded, clean and equipped beaches are in Punta Cana, where the sea meets the ocean, in Costa del Barn and Playa Dorada. Solitude can be found on the Samana Peninsula and in the village of Bayahibe.

On the hotel beach you do not need to pay for an umbrella or a sunbed if they are included in the price of your stay. On the central beaches their price starts from 150 DOP per day. Prices on the page are for December 2018.

Excursion holidays

The “excursion” of the Dominican Republic will not please those for whom all ancient buildings and cathedrals are presented. But there are plenty of national parks with exotic inhabitants - Armando Bermudez, Los Haitises, Jaragua and El Choco. There is a whole city of Jarabacoa waterfalls and the Three Eyes limestone caves, which hide three lakes.

Wedding and eco-tourism are especially popular in the Dominican Republic.

Other attractions of the island include the Columbus Lighthouse, from which the sea is as close as the moon, the Indian, Amber and Tobacco Museums, the chocolate and rum factories and the artists' city of Altos de Chavon.

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The Dominican Republic has long been favored by divers. For them, not far from La Romana, there is the Swiss Diving School Casa Daniel (official site), a little away from Punta Cana - Happy Dive Center and Dolin Dive Center (office site in English). Many hotels and many beaches have their own rental centers and instructors.

Having plunged into the local waters, in the Monte Cristi National Park, you can see a whole cemetery of sunken ships, in Silver Bank - swim with humpback whales, near Saona Island, look at schools of reef sharks, and in the Santo Domingo area, visit a group of underwater caves.

Other activities on the island include fishing, golf and surfing of all kinds. The number of golf hotels here is unreal, there are more than 20 golf clubs (5 are considered the best in the world). The most fields are in La Romana, Puerto Plata, Punta Cana and Santo Domingo.

Various international competitions are held for surfers. The wave is especially good in December-March in the north of the island.

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Vacation with children

The Dominican Republic is a paradise not only for adults, but also for little tourists. With one exception: many hotels do not accommodate children. Hotels designed for family holidays have a special menu, animation, mini-water parks and playgrounds.

It is better to live with children in Punta Cana: the developed infrastructure and proximity to the airport here are complemented by an abundance of amusement parks. Manati Park (office site in English) with monkeys and parrots, dolphinarium (in English), extreme park Bavaro Adventure (office site in English) opened their doors here.

Those who choose Puerto Plata will not be left out either: in this part of the island there is the Ocean World water park (office site in English). And those who came to rest in