San marino message. San Marino is the smallest state in the world. Late Middle Ages

The question of which country the Republic of San Marino is located within most often remains relevant for Russians, because we know so little about it. The state, despite its miniature size, has rich history and culture. Today the Republic of San Marino is, but this is far from the only reason why it is worth visiting this country.

Founding of San Marino

The state, which today is called the “Republic of San Marino,” was founded on long-inhabited territory. Archaeological excavations show that people settled here in the last millennium. But the documented history of the country begins in 298, when, according to local legend, Saint Marinus, fleeing persecution, decided to retire from the world to Mount Titano. The saint came from Dalmatia, where he was persecuted for his religious views. He hired himself to work as a stonemason in the Rimini area, and then looked for a mountain for solitude, on which he hollowed out a cave as his cell. Marino’s righteous life began to attract pilgrims to him, and a community gathered around him, then a monastery was organized, which in the country is considered the starting point of history and the source of the country’s name.

There is documentary evidence that in the 6th century there was an autonomous monastery here. Over the course of 7 centuries, it experienced raids by different tribes: Saracens, Magyars, but retains its independence. This is facilitated by the extremely convenient location for defense; in addition, the monks constantly worked on the defense capability of their monastery, they built fortress walls and made ramparts.


Today the Republic of San Marino is surrounded by the state of Italy. It is located on the southwestern slope mountain range Monte Titano. 80% of the country's territory is occupied by mountains. Monte Titano has three peaks, each of which has long been inhabited. The foothill plain of the Apennines is suitable for Agriculture and has a subtropical, Mediterranean climate. Winter in San Marino is quite cold, especially February, when temperatures reach zero. Summers are mild and hot in August-September. The mountainous parts are always cooler than the plains. The area of ​​the country is about 60 square meters. km. San Marino is a republic living in rather harsh conditions. Life in the mountainous region is not easy, but it made it possible local residents develop a special character and create a unique culture.


Gradually, the monastery buys adjacent lands from peasants and expands its holdings. An independent state emerges, which is constantly under threat of being absorbed by stronger and major countries. In the 13th century, San Marino became involved in the confrontation between the Ghibellines and the Guelphs, taking the side of the former, the country aroused the wrath and curse of Pope Innocent the Fourth.

San Marino, a republic that constantly evoked the illusion of its easy capture, was subjected for several centuries to severe pressure and attempts to subjugate from papal Rome. To withstand such attacks, the country had to show miracles of diplomacy.

In the first half of the 15th century, the Republic entered into an alliance with Alfonso the Fifth, which allowed it to retain the castle of Fiorentino. In 1462, Pope Pius II resorted to helping San Marino in the war against Malatesta. The successful outcome of such an alliance brought the republic power over three villages.

In the 16th century, Rome made several attempts to impose taxes on San Marino, even resorting to force, but the republic retained its independence. In 1543, the papal army sent to capture the republic got lost in the dense forests of Monte Titano, this bloodless victory is still a public holiday in the country.

The 18th and 19th centuries passed in the same persistent struggle against external pressure. But even Napoleon offered a friendly alliance to San Marino. The Congress of Vienna did not touch the tiny country either. The country's territory became a place of refuge for political emigrants, whose extradition the government did not allow and zealously defended against attempts to take them by force. The Republic was able to maintain its sovereignty during attempts to incorporate it into its dominions by Pope Pius the Ninth in the 1860s. During the world wars, San Marino remained neutral, although this was not easy.

In World War II, the country was mistakenly bombed by British aircraft in 1944. In July of the same year, German troops were able to briefly occupy the territory of the republic; the help of the British arrived in time and helped drive out the invaders. After this, the country manages to maintain its independence to this day.


Residents of the country proudly declare that the Republic of San Marino is the smallest country in the world, and this awareness is the basis of their worldview. Here they are carefully preserved national traditions and self-identity, although the influence of the surrounding Italian state is extremely large.

The main value of the people is family. Weddings and christenings of children are very lavish here, and the divorce statistics are very low. Residents of the dwarf state are well aware of how important loved ones are in the fight against the aggressive outside world, so the feeling of unity here is very high. The intimate nature of the country allows national holidays to be turned into almost universal feasts; tables the length of streets are set here, at which all residents sit.

There are a lot of national festivals here, which date back to ancient Roman history. The Middle Ages Festival in July becomes a national celebration: people dress up, dance, go out in processions, cook National dishes. To understand the essence of the culture of this state, it is worth remembering which country the Republic of San Marino is located within - Italy. Therefore, the culture is extremely similar to the culture of a powerful neighbor; it is only seasoned with notes of great pride in one’s country.

Republic today

Considering government structure countries, one might wonder: Is San Marino a republic or a monarchy? The answer is surprising: San Marino is the oldest republic in the world. Even during the breakup Ancient Rome this territory began to be governed by an elected regent, and this continues to this day. How did this miniature country manage to maintain its social structure surrounded by such strong states with monarchical rule that tried to seize all the territories around? Mystery. But even today the country is governed by two regents elected for six months. Considering the number of inhabitants of the country (32 thousand people), it can be assumed that almost every person has a chance to be a regent once in their life.

San Marino is a member of the European Union, but has the right to issue a certain number of euro coins with its own symbols. The country's economy is mainly provided by financial sectors: banks, insurance, trade. Tourism is also an important industry. More than 3 million people come here every year. There are about 30 settlements in the country, the largest is the city of Serravalle, where about 10 thousand people live. Official language San Marino - Italian. To visit you need to apply for a Schengen visa, the country does not have its own airport, the nearest air harbors are located in Italy, for example, in Rimini.


Today the Republic of San Marino, whose sights are of great interest to tourists, is one of the record-breaking countries for the number of historical and cultural monuments per square meter. The state has managed to preserve several important buildings since the Middle Ages. The tourist route necessarily includes a visit to the fortress on Monte Titano, the State Palace, the neoclassical Basilica del Santo, built in 1838 according to the design of the architect Antonio Serra, and the streets of the old town. The entire city center and Monte Titano are protected as UNESCO monuments. For particularly inquisitive travelers, San Marino has several temples, fortresses and interesting remains of ancient buildings. Of particular interest are the ancient gate of San Francesco from the 14th century, through which foreigners entered the country, the Church of Santo Pieve - one of the first monuments of Christianity, the Church of San Francesco with the adjacent monastery, which were built in the 15th century. The country has historically united 9 administrative units, each of which still has its own medieval castle.


San Marino, a republic that has fought for independence throughout its history, has unique defensive structures. Once upon a time, there were three circles of fortress walls on Mount Monte Titano, which began to be built back in the 10th century. Today some of the belts have not survived, but there are defensive walls around the peaks. Monte Titano has three peaks, each with defensive towers and fortress walls. Rocca Guaita (the first tower) appeared in the 11th century; the fortress surrounding it consists of two rows of fortress walls, a bell tower, and watchtowers.

Today the fortress can be explored; its walls offer magnificent views of the plain. Castello della Cesta - the second tower - was built in the 13th century on the highest peak of the mountain. The preservation of the fortress is very good, the spirit of the Middle Ages reigns here, and there is also a museum of ancient weapons on the territory. The third peak is decorated with the Montale fortress, built at the beginning of the 14th century. This attraction can only be viewed from the outside.

State Palace

The Republic of San Marino, whose photos amaze with the spirit of antiquity, is proud not only of its defensive structures. On Liberty Square stands the magnificent Palazzo Publico, the Government Palace. It was designed by the architect Francesco Azzurri at the end of the 19th century in the neo-Gothic style. The palace looks very majestic, with beautiful views from its walls. The interiors of the palace are made in medieval style. Despite the fact that today the government of the country meets in the palace, you can get here with excursions.

Things to do in San Marino

The most popular shopping area in the region is the Republic of San Marino. Italy, or rather its residents, loves to go shopping to the tiny state on weekends. This is due to the fact that San Marino has tax incentives and familiar goods can cost much less. Therefore, tourists most often free time carried out in stores. Here you can buy perfumes and excellent leather goods (bags, shoes, clothes) at prices lower than in Italy. There are several large shopping centers here that offer significant discounts on many products. Of particular interest is visiting local markets, where you can try delicious and very fresh local cheeses, eat freshly caught fish, taste wines and sausages and buy edible souvenirs to take home.

Fans of excursions can travel with a guide through several settlements of the country, see other castles besides the capital ones, and get acquainted with the life of ordinary Sanmarinians. For the most daring, helicopter rides over the country are offered. You can also devote your free time to walks; the intricate streets, mountain peaks, and castles are simply ideal for leisurely exploration. To get to the top, you can use the cable car. You should also take time to watch the changing of the guard at the Government Palace.

San Marino is a country of holidays; numerous festivals of art, cooking, ethnic music, and crafts are held here. Therefore, there is never a problem of what to do.


For curious tourists, the Republic of San Marino, Italy offers many museums. This is an interesting museum of torture, where there is a collection of torture instruments, museums of wax figures, curiosities, luxury Ferrari cars, which contains 250 models of cars of this brand different years. And the main museum of the country, telling about the history of the state. For art lovers, the Pinacoteca of San Francesco offers a good collection of 14th century paintings and a unique collection of religious objects


The Republic of San Marino in Italy, like its more famous neighbor, famous for its cuisine. The cuisine here is very reminiscent of Italian; you can try your own versions of pasta, flatbread “a la pizza”. It’s impossible to stay hungry in San Marino, here great amount restaurants, cafes and outlets street food. The obligatory program includes thick bean soup with bacon, Titano cake, and sweet bread with raisins soaked in aniseed vodka. The country is famous for its unique honey, which has an inimitable taste, and local olive oil.

Helpful information

San Marino is a very tiny republic, but the transport here works great, although the center is given over to pedestrians. You can leave your car at numerous locations. It is customary to pay everywhere in the country. bank cards, although cash is accepted very willingly. To enter the country you will need a passport and medical insurance. People usually buy leather goods, ceramics, jewelry, forged metal products, olive oil in beautiful bottles, and local wine as souvenirs in San Marino.

San Marino - very calm, friendly and safe country. There are almost no unpleasant incidents here, but caution does not hurt, as cases of pickpocketing and fraud in trading do occur.

Country, republic, capital, bearing one name - San Marino. Sounds like the answer for the experts in “What? Where? When?". But this question is not for them. The result is too obvious. This mini-state has no similar ones on the world map. There are more miniature ones (Monaco), there are those surrounded on all sides by water (Nauru), those representing one religion (Vatican), small and poor (Tuvalu).

The Republic of San Marino is prosperous, democratic and problem-free. Also beautiful, with a unique geographical location. Wherever you look from the highest (on its territory) mountain peak- Italy is everywhere. A state with which, like a Siamese twin, we have a lot in common. Borders, language, culture, currency, religion. But there are also many differences. Could it be otherwise in a country that has had the proud status of the Republic of San Marino for more than seven hundred years? And no winds of history could deprive the people of their individuality.

"I leave you free"

According to legend, these words belong to the stonemason Marin. This extraordinary man, remaining faithful to his religion, fled from persecution of the pagans from one of the islands of the Adriatic Sea. It was to the spurs of the Apennines, to the three-headed mountain of Monte Titano that his fate led him. Here he founded a monastery, around which a settlement was formed. The history of San Marino, its famous capital, began.

Marin's strength of spirit, purity of thoughts, kindness and hard work attracted many like-minded people to him. This is how an independent commune was formed, guiding thread life, which was served by spiritual priorities, the Christian religion. But politics, territorial claims, and other worldly problems were alien to these people.

The canonized founder left a legacy to the Sanmarinians of wonderful moral behests and his name. The literal translation of the country's name is the Most Serene Republic of San Marino. And this is the only state on the world map that has an exact date of birth - September 3, 301.

Country of Three Peaks

The three peaks of Monte Titano with three fortress towers on them are decorated with the coat of arms of the state. The country's territory is about 62 square meters. km. Most of- hilly slopes, flat areas at most 17%.

In a small area, 9 administrative centers manage to coexist. The most densely populated cities- Serravalle and Borgo Maggiore. The capital is only the third on the list, with about 5 thousand inhabitants. The population of the remaining “regional castles,” as they are officially called in the country, is no more than a thousand people each.

Each of them is interesting in its own way. So knowledgeable tourists trying to find suitable transport to see everything in a short time settlements states. But the most significant objects are the city of San Marino and Mount Monte Titano. They are recognized as unique and are included in the UNESCO list as one of the rarest on the world map.

Roads of San Marino

Transport in the Republic of San Marino is also unique. There are only 220 kilometers of roads on the country's map. But they are arranged in such a way that all three million tourists (annually) have time to admire every corner of the mini-state without any problems. There are only 10 republican taxis, the rest come from Italy - such is the ground internal transport.

From mountain to mountain, as well as to neighboring towns, they cheerfully equip those who wish to go with cable car cabins. Their number is small. Just three cabins circle the slopes, arriving every 15 minutes on schedule. Sanmarinians call them “gondolas”. Maybe from a slight longing for the surface of the water. To the sea - 13 kilometers. There are no other bodies of water except the pretty city fountain in San Marino.

Transport that brings tourists to the country itself from Italy are regular buses from the city of Rimini. In Rimini are international Airport and the railway station. Wealthier tourists have the opportunity to use the services of helicopters. There is a heliport in the town of Borgo Maggiore.

But inveterate travelers who know a lot about beauty and relaxation assure best transport- legs. Only through walking can you enjoy the richness, beauty and uniqueness of natural world San Marino.

Frozen Middle Ages

The population of San Marino has hardly increased for many centuries. The country protects its traditions, borders, and religion. One detail: to obtain citizenship, you need to live here for 30 years. Now the number is a little more than 29 thousand people. 96% of them profess Catholic religion. But they get along well with those who have a different faith.

City architecture, historical monuments preserved in amazing pristine condition. The culture of San Marino, despite its proximity to Italy, has a distinct identity. The watchtowers crowning the famous three peaks are unique in their location. Each village and commune cherishes the buildings of the past like the apple of their eye. And the “Medieval Festival”, held here in July, is a real “time machine”. During the amazing procession, the Sanmarinians recreate the atmosphere, style, ambience, and spirit of the Middle Ages. It is during this period that the largest number of guests arrive here.

The scope and splendor of the celebration can only be compared with the national celebration on September 3 on the occasion of the birth of the state.

And only the currency does not allow the Sanmarinians to become isolated in their exclusivity. Here, as in Italy, the euro is used. What can you do, it is impossible to separate from the world economy. But even here, resourceful patriots found a way out. Coins in denominations of “one” and “two” cents have elements of national symbols. This became possible after the conclusion of a special agreement with the European Union on currency.

San Marino – the most ancient state Europe, existing within its borders since 301 AD. e. Refers to dwarf states - the most tiny state European continent after the Order of Malta, the Vatican and Monaco.

It is located on the territory of Italy and has an open border with Italy, but at the same time it represents absolutely independent full-fledged state. Independence has been the watchword of San Marino throughout 17 centuries of its turbulent history.

Basic information

San Marino is located 22 km from Italy, on the slope of Mount Titano, 750 m high. The area of ​​the country is 60 square meters. km, population - 32 thousand people, 19% Italians and 80% Sanmarinians. The population speaks Italian, 93% are Catholics. The climate is Mediterranean with mild winters (-4-6 ºС) and cool summers (24 ºС).

Borders: surrounded by Italy.

Full title: Most Serene Republic of San Marino.

Capital: San Marino, population 4 thousand, founded in 301 AD. e.

Sources of income: tourism, winemaking, textile production, ceramics.

How to get there: from Piazza Marvelli to Rimini by bus, about 1 hour, round trip ticket – 9 euros. The trip from Rimini by car will take 20-30 minutes.

History of the Most Serene Republic

The founding date of San Marino (both the capital and the state itself) is considered to be September 3, 301 AD, when a certain Marinus (Marino), a stonecutter, climbed Mount Titano. a Christian who fled from persecution by the Roman authorities.

He built a cell on the mountain and withdrew from the world. He was joined by his followers, who became the first inhabitants of the state.

History milestones:

  • from its foundation until the 10th century. the tiny state is subject to raids by the Hungarians, Saracens, Byzantines and Normans;
  • 10th century – the community of San Marino officially for the first time mentioned in chronicles as a republic;
  • 1243 - 2 consuls or captain-regents were appointed to govern the state,
  • which are replaced every 6 months. (this form of government has survived to this day);
  • 1249 – Sanmarinis join the Ghibellines(supporters of strengthening the power of the ruler of the Holy Roman Empire), for which Pope Innocent IV curses them;
  • in 1600 the Sanmarines adopted a Constitution;
  • 1739 - the country is captured by the troops of Pope Clement II, who soon ends the occupation and signs a peace agreement with the republic;
  • 1797 – Napoleon captures Italy and kindly invites the rulers of San Marino to expand the territory at the expense of the Italian lands he captured - the leaders of San Marino reject the offer;
  • 1815 - the independence of the republic is confirmed by the Congress of Vienna;
  • 1915 - San Marino, together with Italy, enters the war against Austria-Hungary and sends 15 soldiers to the front;
  • October 1922 – fascists come to power;
  • On June 22, 1944, the country was bombed by British aircraft, killing 63 people;
  • August 10, 1944 - the state is occupied by German troops;
  • On September 21, 1944, the country was liberated by Anglo-American troops;
  • 1945–1959 – The country is ruled by a coalition of communists and socialists;
  • 1959 – a bloodless “right-wing” coup takes place, Christian Democrats come to power;
  • 1978 - the communists take revenge;
  • from 1986 to this day, the country is ruled by an alliance of democrats, communists and socialists;
  • 2002 – San Marino lira are withdrawn from circulation and the euro is introduced in the country.

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Interesting facts

Some amazing facts about San Marino:

  • Although the population is less than 40 thousand, the tourism sector employs 2 million people, and the number of tourists visiting this tiny country each year is reaches 3 million
  • Russian tourists are such frequent visitors to this miniature state that the shops have signs in Russian, and the cafeteria of San Marino's largest outlet, ARCA, serves borscht. The outlet itself, located in a huge hangar, according to some reviews, resembles the Central Department Store from the times of the USSR.
  • Up to 2010 the republic was offshore.
  • Postage stamps of the Most Serene Republic are highly valued among philatelists and bring 10% of revenue to the country's budget.
  • The republic is not part of the EU, nor is it part of the Schengen zone (although a visa is not required to get to San Marino from Italy).
  • Obtaining citizenship of this country is not easy: you must either be born here, or have lived for at least 30 years, or have special merits to the state, for example, promoting local culture.

San Marino is a miniature state located in the northeast of the Apennine Peninsula, between the Italian regions of Emilia-Romagna and Marche. This is the smallest and most ancient republic on the planet. The full name of the country is the Most Serene Republic of San Marino.

Despite the very small area, the country is divided into 9 municipalities ( castelli): the capital of San Marino, as well as the castelli of Acquaviva, Borgo Maggiore, Domagnano, Chiesanuova, Montegiardino, Serravalle, Faetano and Fiorentino. These areas, or city-communes, historically arose on the site of the first settlements, where defensive fortresses were subsequently erected.

The capital is not the most big city: only 4.5 thousand people live in San Marino, while in industrial Serravalle there are twice as many.

The Republic owes its name to Saint Marino, who at the beginning of the 4th century AD gathered a group of Christians and took refuge with them from the persecution of the Roman Emperor Diocletian on Mount Titano. Marino was canonized during his lifetime. According to legend, last words his words were: “I leave you free from other people.” The tiny village quickly received the status of a separate state and already in the Middle Ages had its own republican laws, which are still in effect in San Marino today.

In foreign policy, the republic invariably maintains neutrality.

These days, San Marino is deservedly one of the most visited countries in Europe. This is facilitated by both the rich cultural and historical heritage of the republic and the distinctive hospitality of the local residents.

San Marino


32,000 people (2011)

Population density

519.9 people/km²




Form of government

parliamentary republic

euro, San Marino lira


International dialing code

Internet domain zone


220 V, 50 Hz, European type sockets.

Climate and weather

San Marino has a subtropical Mediterranean climate. This means that the summers here are long, hot and sunny, and the winters, although short, are quite cold.

There is practically no rain in summer, and the average daily temperature in August–September is +26 °C. At this time, breezes blow on the flat part of the country, which somewhat soften the heat.

The coldest month is February: at this time the air warms up during the day to +7...+9 °C. In winter it often blows cold North wind(here it is called " boron"), so there may be frosts down to -1...-4 °C at night. Sometimes snow falls, but the snow cover does not stay long.

The best time to travel to San Marino is from May to September, when the weather is most comfortable.


The nature of San Marino will impress any traveler. And if you climb higher into the mountains, you will see that the lands of Italy also “work” on the beauty of San Marino - after all, they offer a wonderful view from above. Mount Titano, 738 m above sea level, is the highest point in the country.

The flora of this region is very diverse and has about 4 thousand species. Numerous evergreens grow here: cypress, laurel, pistachio, cork oak, magnolia, pomegranate and olive, southern juniper and boxwood, blue-green agaves, lemon. Blackberries and dozens of types of flowers grow everywhere.

The country's fauna is notable for the fact that, if desired, all its representatives can be found in the surrounding forests. In addition to the well-known squirrels and hares, there are martens, weasels, chamois, roe deer, wild boars and badgers here. The rivers are inhabited by chubs, tench, pike and even trout and grayling.


The main attractions of the country are located in the capital - the city of San Marino. An examination of the local architectural wonders always begins with the famous towers - Guaita, Montale and Cesta (they are depicted on the coat of arms of San Marino).

The Guaita Tower was built in the 11th century and initially served as a prison. Now this is perhaps the most popular place among tourists in San Marino. From the height of the tower you can endlessly admire the picturesque beauties of the lands of San Marino and Italy. The Tower of Chest was built on highest point Monte Titano in the 13th century, and Montale was built a century later. True, tourist access to this tower is now limited.

It is also interesting to visit the Government Palace of San Marino, or Palazzo Publico. This grand building, with its battlements, pointed turrets and polygonal balconies, looks much more like a defensive fortress than a secular palace. Actually, the palace has always performed protective functions. Inside you can look at the perfectly preserved Council Hall, the Meeting and Audience Hall, the Voting Hall and a huge number of examples of medieval art.

Be sure to take a walk around Freedom Square (“ Piazza della Liberta") in front of the Government Palace. Here is the Statue of Liberty, which was given to the city in 1876 by the German Countess Geirot Wagener. Under the square there are huge tank tanks " Fossey", which used to collect rainwater to provide the residents of San Marino with drinking water (there are almost no rivers in the country). The square offers beautiful views of the city and the local cemetery of Montalbo, which, oddly enough, is considered a popular tourist spot.

There are also many interesting historical monuments in the vicinity of the capital. Here one cannot help but pay attention to the unique temples, which were not only places of worship in medieval San Marino, but also centers of education and science. The rock-cut Chapel of San Marino, located in Baldacerrone, is very impressive. Cailungo is located temple complex San Rocco Oratori, where you can see the Madonna and Child canvas, dated 1542. Domagnano has the church of San Michele Arcangelo, built in 1253. And the most old church St. Andrew's, which is mentioned in the chronicles in 1144, is located in Serravalla. True, the ancient building has not survived, and the modern building was erected in 1824.


Italian cuisine dominates in the Republic of San Marino. Here you will be offered the same ravioli, lasagna, cannelloni, tortellini, pasatelli broth, various pastas and pizza. Particularly popular are Roman escalopes, fried rabbit, Bolognese cutlets, assorted “mutfuls” of three types of meat and fried partridge with different sauces. You can’t be in San Marino without trying the San Iarino pie and caramel dessert “ Cacciatello».

Any restaurant will offer you an impressive wine list. The best are considered to be Muscat Moscato di San Marino, as well as Albana, Biancale and Sangiovese wines. If you are brave enough, you can try the local strong drink " mister».

Of the Italian restaurants in the country's capital, tourists are usually advised to visit Ritrovo dei Lavoratori And Il Piccolo. Note that there are almost no alternatives to Italian cuisine in San Marino, except for American-European fast food in shopping centers. But if you want to take a break from pasta and pizza, you can dine at a restaurant Guang Dong, where visitors are offered a wide selection of Chinese and Japanese cuisine.


The bulk of tourists come to San Marino for a one-day visit and live in a nearby Italian city Rimini. In some cases it turns out to be cheaper.

But in San Marino there are about a dozen beautiful family hotels categories 3* and 4*. Almost all of them are located in picturesque areas with green parks and flowering gardens. As a rule, hotels have a swimming pool and a restaurant. The rooms are air conditioned. Internet access and breakfast are often not included in the room price.

Please note that from April to October, during the high season, there may not be enough rooms, so we advise you to book hotels in advance.

As for rental housing in San Marino, it is mainly not apartments that are rented here, but houses designed to accommodate a large family. As a rule, the cost of such pleasure is at least 2000 euros per month, which is perhaps more affordable than a long stay in a 4* hotel, but not at all cheap for long-term rental.

Entertainment and relaxation

The first thing that impresses all travelers without exception in San Marino is the abundance of holidays, which are a series of religious and secular events. All celebrations take place in San Marino on a grand scale. Many holidays are concentrated in the period from January 6 (Epiphany) to February 5 (Anniversary of liberation from Alberone occupation). It is extremely interesting to watch on April 1 and October 1 the magnificent ceremony of transferring powers to the new captain-regent. And, of course, if you find yourself in San Marino at the end of April, do not miss the opportunity to attend the Formula 1 Grand Prix races. The most spectacular holidays are “ Medieval Days” at the end of July and Independence Day on September 3.

Active recreational activities are very popular in everyday life in San Marino. There are many football fields, swimming pools, and tennis courts. Tourists are also offered roller skating, bicycles, basketball, hunting and fishing. Be sure to try your hand at local sports - clay pigeon shooting and ball throwing " bocci».

If you come with children, be sure to visit the local aquarium and watch the life of rare fish and reptiles.

Museums in San Marino deserve special attention. You can touch the history in State Museum San Marino and the Museum of Ancient Weapons in the Tower of Cesta. Paintings and sculptures of the 16th-17th centuries are presented in the art gallery of the Church of San Francesco. Car enthusiasts are welcome vivid impressions at the Antique Car Museum and Exhibition Maranello-Resso- the world's only exhibition of Ferrari cars since 1951. Curious exhibits are also presented in the Museum of Curiosities and the Wax Museum.


Shopping in San Marino is attractive because the country is a duty-free zone: prices here will be about 20% lower than in Italy! Therefore, this is where tourists come who want to buy a whole wardrobe for 500-1000 €.

In San Marino there are about ten so-called outlets where you can buy things from famous Italian designers with a 30-70% discount. Moreover, discounts are valid all year round, and during total sales in July-August and January-February, discounts are doubled. True, at this time there is such an influx of shopaholics that popular models and sizes are not easy to find.

The most popular outlet is the capital one Big Chic, or San Marino Factory Outlet. All brands are located in separate stores. These are mainly mid-segment items at reasonable prices.

Fur coats deserve special attention: there are two fur factories in San Marino - UniFur And Braschi. In factory stores you can buy a beautiful, high-quality fur coat for 1000-1500 €.

It is believed that in San Marino you can buy high-quality sunglasses inexpensively: in the center of the capital there are indeed a lot of shops with a huge selection of glasses in different price categories. But you should be very careful not to buy a fake.

All tourists consider it their duty to purchase leather items in the city of San Marino. There are many small private shops in the center, where during sales you can find leather jackets from little-known brands. Italian brands for 200-300 €.

When it comes to souvenirs and gifts, San Marino deservedly has the reputation of a souvenir paradise. In local souvenir shops you can find anything: from glass and ceramic vases to exclusive jewelry. We also recommendbuy alcohol in San Marino, as it is cheaper here than in duty free.

When planning a shopping trip in San Marino, remember that from 13:30 to 16:00 almost all shops are closed.


Neither airport nor railway in San Marino no. However, the country gets along just fine without them, since literally an hour’s drive from San Marino, in the Italian city of Rimini, there is an international airport named after Federico Fellini and a railway station. Buses and taxis run regularly from Rimini to San Marino.

Finding a taxi in San Marino is not a problem. There are about ten San Marino taxi services, and several more Italian ones are added to them, which carry passengers from San Marino to Rimini and back.

There is also such a type of transport as cable car. It leads to the towns of Borgo Maggiore and Monte Titano. The cable car cars are called gondolas and run every 15 minutes. From July 1 to September 5, the cable car operates from 7:50 to 01:00, from September 6 to 30 - until 20:00, in October and March - until 19:00, and in November-February it stops operating at 18:30 . The cost of the trip is 4.5 € in both directions.

If you wish, you can rent a car in San Marino. There are several car rental points in the capital. In order to rent a car, you need credit card and an international driver's license. The driver must be at least 21 years old.


San Marino has many internet cafes with wireless internet access. Internet services are also provided in all hotels, but it makes sense to check their costs in advance.

But mobile communications here are of excellent quality: the country uses the GSM 900/1800 standard. There are two mobile operators - Vodafone Omnitel And Telecom Italia Mobile. Roaming is also available; only the cost of this service can upset a tourist.

An alternative to expensive roaming can be telephone booths located everywhere. To pay for calls, you can use telephone cards (sold at any kiosk or store), as well as tokens or small coins. At the post office and from some bars you can call using the “ scatty", that is, pay after the conversation.

If you need to call abroad, again, a street pay phone will help. You can also order a conversation at a call center. The cost of calls depends on the destination country and time of day. The cheapest time to call is from 22:00 to 8:00. If you are going to make calls from a pay phone, it is better to buy a special calling card that provides favorable rates to certain countries.


The crime rate in San Marino is one of the lowest in Europe, so there is no need to worry about safety here. But, as in any tourist place, you should beware of thieves of all stripes. It is better to store large sums of money, expensive jewelry, watches and other valuables in a hotel safe, even for an additional fee. By the way, you shouldn’t leave valuables in your hotel room either, since the administration is not responsible for things not deposited in the safe.

There are no predatory animals or outbreaks of infectious diseases on the territory of San Marino. Only a cool person can pose a potential danger mountainous terrain, due to which roads and streets are known for their sharp bends.

Business climate

Since 1956, San Marino has had the status of a free economic zone. The country is an attractive offshore zone and has a reputation as a “tax paradise”. It is not for nothing that many Italian companies locate their production in San Marino in order to take advantage of significant tax breaks. From the point of view of foreign investment, such areas as banking, numismatics and tourism are traditionally considered promising.

Real estate

As in many dwarf states, in San Marino it is unlikely that you will be able to buy real estate cheaply. The opportunity to have housing in a picturesque mountainous region with excellent ecology and excellent infrastructure costs a lot of money, and, apparently, in San Marino this is understood very well, since the cost of real estate in this country is traditionally high.

The conditions for purchasing an apartment or house in San Marino are not much different from the conditions for purchasing real estate in Europe or Italy. So, today any foreigner in San Marino can purchase an apartment, villa or commercial real estate with ownership. But, unfortunately, you won’t be able to obtain citizenship this way, even if you buy a villa for several million euros. To become a citizen of San Marino, you need to have officially lived here for 30 years.

Note that in this country any real estate taxed, but fortunately there is an agreement between Russia and San Marino that prevents double taxation.

Among residential real estate, most offers concern the sale of country houses - the apartment market is very scarce. But villas and luxurious mansions abound. But prices for a house in San Marino usually start from 500-600 thousand euros.

San Marino is a small but proud country, and this should be taken into account when communicating with its natives. Be sure to ask permission before photographing a local resident.

Residents of San Marino are offended if they are called Italians: however, not at all because they do not like Italians, they simply value their own independence very much.

A striking difference from Italy is also manifested in restrained etiquette: when meeting or making acquaintances in San Marino, they do not hug and kiss, as in Italy, but just shake hands.

Smoking is prohibited in most public places and, incidentally, while driving a car. Violation of the latter prohibition is punishable by a fine of 100 €.

As for currency exchange, we advise you to inquire in advance about the commission percentage charged at the bank or exchange office. Since the maximum percentage is not prescribed by law, in some places it can reach 10%. Some exchange offices may also charge a fixed commission. Also note that most banks require you to present your passport when exchanging foreign currency. Banks are open at weekdays from 8.30 to 13.30 and from 15.00 to 16.00. Exchange offices work an hour longer. By the way, the official money of San Marino - the lira - is not used here.