What can you take in hand luggage on a plane, prohibitions and restrictions. What you can and cannot take on a plane What cargo can you take on a plane

Experienced travelers have long known that they cannot be taken on a plane or carried in luggage. People who travel rarely or for the first time do not always understand that there are special requirements for luggage. At the same time, special requirements are imposed for hand luggage carried into the aircraft cabin. There is also a list of prohibited items in luggage and special rules of conduct on board the aircraft.

What not to take in hand luggage

Many people know that you are only allowed to enter the aircraft cabin with small luggage. The rest of the cargo must be placed in the luggage compartment. When preparing to fly on an airplane, ordinary things in a personal backpack or bag are not perceived as something special. At the same time, a number of items that people are accustomed to always carrying with them are prohibited from being carried in the cabin. Such things often cause controversy when planting.

Attention girls! Items not allowed in hand luggage are manicure accessories and tweezers. They must be carried in luggage. You can only take a round file into the cabin, but not all airlines allow it. The same applies to deodorants, especially in aerosol form.

Everything that is prohibited from being carried on an airplane is defined by international flight rules. Disputes with airport employees will lead nowhere - they are simply doing their job. If you do not put the manicure set into your suitcase before checking in, you will have to leave it behind - you will not be allowed into the salon with it.

The same applies to a number of other items. Prohibited items in airplane hand luggage are not a whim of the airlines - this is a way to ensure maximum flight safety. You cannot take the following on a plane:

  • Fragile items
  • Aerosol cans
  • Liquids in a volume of more than 100 ml.
  • Any objects with sharp corners
  • Toys and objects imitating weapons
  • Alcohol, excluding duty-free purchases
  • Medical and sewing needles, knitting needles and crochet hooks
  • Any other things that could cause injury to passengers.

There are special conditions for liquids - a half-filled 200 ml container is not allowed. The container should not be more than 100 ml, regardless of how full it is. The exceptions are medications and baby food needed during the flight. Medicines are not carried in the cabin according to the passenger - the need to carry medicines in large containers must be documented. It is especially worth highlighting solutions for contact lenses - they travel in luggage; you can only take filled containers or mini-bottles in hand luggage.

If small bottles for the solution are used, then they, like other liquids, should be placed in a transparent bag. Experienced travelers advise using plastic files with a lock, which simplify both transportation and inspection. It is worth remembering that the maximum volume of liquids, with the exception of baby food and medicines, should not exceed 1 liter. The liquid category includes perfumes, gels, any aerosols, shaving foam, toothpaste and even lip gloss.

What phone cannot be taken on board?

Among the prohibited mobile devices was the Samsung Galaxy Note 7. It is prohibited even in the luggage compartment due to cases of spontaneous combustion, sometimes leading to explosions of the device.

Special conditions! Information has already been received about new bans on the contents of hand luggage when flying with American and British airlines. Any equipment larger than a standard smartphone is not allowed. However, on most flights of other airlines it is allowed to carry portable computers and other equipment in the cabin.

These rules apply to all flights from Middle Eastern countries where Islam is the dominant religion. This also applies to North African states with a Muslim population. The rules apply not only to arrivals to America and Britain, but also to transit flights landing in these countries.

The ideal option for proper travel would be prior information. It is necessary to clarify in advance with the airline everything that is prohibited from being carried on the plane in checked luggage and hand luggage. There are uniform rules, but they sometimes change depending on the international situation.

There are quite strict criteria for hand luggage. Items checked in luggage also have restrictions. For all airlines, without exception, there is an international list of items prohibited for transportation, even in luggage. This list applies to individuals flying on passenger flights.

This cannot be carried in luggage on an airplane:

  • Compressed and/or liquefied gases
  • Weapons and various ammunition
  • Any magnetized objects
  • Toxic and radioactive materials
  • Caustic, corrosive, oxidizing substances
  • Flammable liquids and solids
  • Explosive materials and components for their production.

In addition, there are internal transportation rules created by a specific airline. They cannot contradict current international standards, but are able to expand the list of prohibited items at their discretion.

Important! Changes may affect both the luggage itself and hand luggage. Sometimes it is prohibited to carry an umbrella in the aircraft cabin - you may be required to check it in as baggage. According to the rules for transporting umbrellas, there are no uniform requirements, so if you need to transport it, it is better to clarify this point with a specific airline.

It is worth clarifying in advance what you cannot carry in luggage on the plane, this will save your nerves, time and money. Persons transporting oversized cargo or animals must find out the possibility of their transportation. Now there are many airlines and even individual flights that do not allow the transportation of animals.

Attention! It must be remembered that transporting animals by plane is very different from transporting them by train. It is necessary not only to collect all the required certificates and veterinary documents, but also to clarify the conditions for placing pets. This is necessary in order to select the right cages and/or carriers for them during the trip.

For inexperienced travelers, it is important to remember that different airlines have their own restrictions on the size and weight of cargo checked in as luggage. The same applies to hand luggage brought into the cabin. Therefore, all information about what is prohibited on a particular airline’s plane must be clarified in advance in order to avoid misunderstandings.

Rules of conduct on board - what is prohibited from doing on the plane

Tightening of general requirements for passenger transportation has long occurred in many modes of transport. Fans of railway travel know that drinking alcohol on the train can result in a fine or even be dropped off at the nearest train station.

There are also restrictions when flying, but most passengers do things that cannot be done on an airplane. They understand perfectly well that they will not be able to drop them off, but this does not exempt them from the fine. Moreover, if a passenger behaves in a threatening manner, the plane may be grounded at the nearest airport for safety reasons. In this case, not only a large fine is required, but also arrest. In other cases, you can get away with only a small financial penalty upon arrival, but it is better not to do such things.


  • Get up from your seat during landing and takeoff
  • Smoking and drinking strong alcohol
  • Walk the aisles while serving food and drinks
  • Without the need to use emergency equipment
  • Refusing to fasten a seat belt when requested by the pilot
  • Screaming and talking loudly, making noise, listening to music without headphones or singing
  • Recline too low in the seat if the passenger in the back continues to sit upright.

The rest concerns the general rules of behavior in society - you should not insult, push, or show aggression in any way. It is advisable to try not to impose communication on passengers sitting next to you if they do not want to maintain a dialogue.

Interesting! Those who have flown on an airplane many times know that a pressure difference occurs during takeoff and landing. This does not last long, but may cause discomfort. At this time, it is recommended to chew, suck on a lollipop, breathe deeply and evenly, or try to force a yawn. People with experience advise not to sleep during takeoff and landing in order to be able to do any of the above recommendations. At the same time, no one prohibits sleeping under the flight rules.

Previously, all flights allowed various digital devices in the cabin. Now a number of airlines require tablets, laptops and even e-books to be checked in as checked baggage, while only carrying a phone in hand luggage. British companies directly indicate the dimensions of devices, allowing you to immediately understand which phone cannot be taken on a plane.

In order for baggage inspection, boarding and the flight itself to go smoothly, you need to know in advance what you cannot take on the plane and how you are prohibited from behaving in the cabin. The presence of items prohibited for transportation in hand luggage or checked luggage may be grounds for refusal to board the plane if you do not want to leave such items at the airport. Violation of the rules of conduct during the flight may result in a fine upon landing. If everyone follows the established baggage rules and standards of behavior, the flight will be much more enjoyable and safer.

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It’s quite simple to figure out on your own what you can carry in hand luggage on an airplane and what you can’t: both general and specific rules are available on the website of each carrier airline. Special “showcases” at airports, where items confiscated from hand luggage are displayed, are also reminded of the prohibitions, while the carriage of some of these exhibits is allowed in checked baggage.

Prohibited items in hand luggage on an airplane

Basic list of items and substances prohibited for transportation on an airplane (attention - both in hand luggage and checked baggage) is determined by Appendix No. 1 of the Rules for pre-flight and post-flight inspections, approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated July 25, 2007 No. 104.

What not to take in hand luggage

  • Explosives and objects, including pyrotechnics, detonators;
  • Compressed and liquefied gases (household, nerve agents and others);
  • A number of flammable liquids (gasoline and samples of petroleum products, acetone, methanol, ethers, etc.);
  • Flammable solids (calcium phosphorous or metallic, potassium, sodium, phosphorus - white, yellow, red, as well as other substances - spontaneously igniting or releasing flammable gases in reactions with water);
  • Oxidizing substances, organic peroxides (colloidal nitrocellulose in certain proportions);
  • Toxic substances;
  • Radioactive materials;
  • Caustic acids (hydrochloric, sulfuric, nitric, hydrofluoric and others), corrosive liquid compositions;
  • Poisonous and toxic substances (in any form);
  • Weapons (pistols, revolvers, rifles, carbines and other firearms, gas, pneumatic weapons, stun guns, dirks, stilettos, airborne bayonets, except in cases and in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation);
  • Lithium batteries used in small personal mobility devices.

In addition to those listed, all potentially dangerous types of cargo, including objects and substances that can be used to attack passengers or crew (primarily sharp metal products), are completely prohibited from being transported on an airplane.

Some flights may be subject to an expanded list of prohibited items. First of all, this applies to high-risk flights; the measure is introduced by the airport administration. Appendix No. 1 lists the main prohibited items from the additional list, these are:

  • Hypodermic needles (may be permitted if medically justified);
  • Knitting needles;
  • Scissors, travel and pocket knives with blade length up to 60 mm;
  • Corkscrews.

Certain restrictions on hand luggage and baggage are also imposed by Article 16 of the Federal Law “On Plant Quarantine”, according to which the import of seeds and specimens of living plants and soil into Russia is prohibited. At the same time, it is allowed to take some pets into the cabin in a cage/container, but this possibility must always be agreed upon in advance with an airline representative.

And one more thing: you should not carry fake weapons on the plane in your hand luggage (this also applies to toys); you need to carefully check your luggage for the presence of metal objects, even completely safe ones. For example, when checking at the airport, a bunch of keys forgotten at the bottom of a backpack can cause trouble. Along with portable electronics and coins, keys must be placed in a separate bowl or box during inspection.

What can you take in hand luggage on a plane?

Accordingly, you can carry anything on board the plane in hand luggage that is not subject to strict prohibitions or weight/volume restrictions and fits into the general carry-on baggage allowance.

If you plan to check in checked baggage, then you can take only the most necessary and valuable things in your hand luggage:

  • Documentation;
  • Essential medicines (preferably with a prescription);
  • Gadgets - laptops, phones, and photographic equipment;
  • Jewelry (within reason - checking customs regulations);
  • For a small child - baby food and care products.

Conveniently, some of the items from this list fall under the category of additional items for passengers (more details below) and do not add up to the total weight of hand luggage. It is necessary to check in checked baggage what does not fit the carry-on baggage allowance: containers with liquids and gels with a volume of more than 100 ml; scissors, files and other potentially dangerous items in the aircraft cabin.

In cases where hand luggage is your only luggage on a trip, the list will have to be expanded: take clothes, sanitary and hygiene products (liquid - always in containers up to 100 ml each), permitted products. You will have to leave metal scissors, knives, and forks at home; you cannot carry them in hand luggage according to the current rules.

What can you take on a plane in excess of hand luggage?

In addition to the established carry-on baggage allowance, you can usually take additional items of baggage with you on the plane:

  • A ladies' handbag or a men's briefcase;
  • Paper folder;
  • Gadgets and equipment for work/tourism: telephone, tablet, laptop, camera and video camera;
  • Umbrella;
  • Cane;
  • Outerwear, suit in a case;
  • Printed publications (for in-flight reading);
  • For a small child: baby food, cradle;
  • Crutches;
  • Packaged from Duty Free.

Please note: the list of items and items in excess of hand luggage is established by the air carrier. You can rely on the most general list provided, but before your flight you will still have to check the list on the airline’s website. Do not forget about the specifics of low-cost airlines: low-cost airlines often have restrictions on the carriage of hand luggage.

Sometimes it happens that we need to carry something non-standard, for example, an exotic plant bought in another country, or a musical instrument whose dimensions go beyond the usual, or even our smaller friend. If we go on a trip and cover the distance to our final destination by plane , then, as a rule, we take an ordinary suitcase with us and know perfectly well what to do with it.

But sometimes it happens that you need to bring something non-standard, for example, an exotic plant purchased in another country, or a musical instrument whose dimensions go beyond the usual, or even our smaller friend, no matter shaggy or feathered.

So what do you need to know and what is important to remember when packing your suitcase for a trip if you need to transport non-standard cargo on the plane?

7 Tips on how to transport such cargo.

Reference -

What is oversized baggage?

Oversized baggage is baggage exceeding dimensions 500x500x1000 mm, or baggage weighing more than 32 kg. / Note: for many airlines, skis, ski equipment, bicycles, and a set of golf items are considered as 1 piece of baggage and are included in the free baggage allowance. At the same time, weight and dimensions do not matter. Check with the airline carrier

How to book oversized luggage?

If your baggage is oversized, in order for it to be accepted for transportation, you need to make a reservation for it and receive confirmation from the airline that it agrees to transport your baggage. Reservations are made when purchasing an air ticket, but if you have already purchased an air ticket, then the reservation must be made through the airline’s call center, providing your name, air ticket number or flight information, weight and luggage dimensions. Oversized baggage is confirmed and accepted for transportation, provided that there is space for baggage on board, and that the dimensions of the loading hatches and baggage and cargo compartments of the aircraft allow for loading and unloading and placement of baggage in the baggage compartment of the aircraft,

How should oversized luggage be packed?
- Oversized baggage should not have old tags and barcodes from previous flights.
- Long dangling straps must be removed and bag handles must be tied together.
- Baggage packaging should not only ensure the safety of your belongings during transportation, but also exclude the possibility of damaging the belongings of other passengers and crew members, and not damage the aircraft itself with its spilled or sharp, cutting, foul-smelling or explosive contents.
- Oversized baggage must be suitable for securing it, carrying it during transportation to the aircraft, from it and on board the aircraft.


1. Transportation of oversized cargo

Everything is obvious here. Oversized items are transported exclusively as cargo. Familiarize yourself in advance with the options that the carrier offers, and of course with the tariffs. Some companies have information about the possibilities of transporting oversized luggage in the “services” section, while others have it on a separate website.Transportation of oversized baggage is paid at the rate for each kilogram as for excess baggage.

2. The suitcase itself

Here everything is no longer so obvious. Baggage allowances vary from carrier to carrier and depend on the class of service and fare. You can always find out how much baggage you can take on board for free from the information contained in the ticket and is designated PC (piece or place).

So, in most cases, economy class passengers are allowed to carry 1 PC weighing 20 - 23 kg, i.e. one piece of luggage. Business class travelers - 2PC. If the ticket says 0PC, then the price includes only hand luggage, and you will need to pay separately for a suitcase (if you have one).

3. Transportation of valuables

It is strictly not recommended to check valuables in your luggage! All fragile items, money, cards, jewelry, documentation and passports, computer equipment, apartment/car keys, as well as any other valuables should be kept with you. And remember - the owner is responsible for the safety of hand luggage! Keep track of your belongings. Better yet, place your most valuable items under the seat of the chair in front of you.

4. Transportation of plants

Many people have a desire to bring something exotic from distant countries. Most often, tourists first purchase a plant, and only then think about whether they can be transported, and if so, how. Please know that all countries without exception have restrictions on the import of plants. And often what can be safely taken out of one is not subject to confiscation at the border of another. To reduce your chances of being left without a green friend, when buying it in a store, take a special phyto-certificate, ask to pull it out of the ground and immerse it in the substrate.

In most cases, customs at the airport of arrival is quite loyal to tourists and the living souvenirs they bring. But there are also overlaps, so you shouldn’t rely on chance.

5. Sports equipment

This information is relevant for outdoor enthusiasts who prefer to carry everything with them. Equipment for golf, surfing, fishing, skiing, cycling, etc. is considered a separate piece of baggage, must be securely packed in a special case and not exceed the standards established by the carrier. As a rule, the airline has a clear list and number of items that can be included in a set of sports equipment. But you can always quietly squeeze an extra pair of sneakers and favorite jeans that don’t fit into the suitcase into the case. The main thing is to know when to stop.

6. Transportation of animals

Remember - traveling with an animal must be prepared in advance. This applies to both the collection of documents (permits to import, export or transit an animal for the relevant country, medical certificate, vaccination certificate) and the coordination of such transportation with the airline. Some airlines recommend making such requests at least 24 hours before departure. In this case, you will have enough time to agree on the details and determine the method of transportation. It all depends on the total weight of the pet and the container.

And, of course, transportation of animals is subject to payment in accordance with the carrier’s tariffs. How could it be otherwise, because our best friends are also passengers. When it comes to service animals that provide emotional and functional support to passengers with special needs, the situation is different. Such pets, regardless of weight and size, travel in the cabin for free, subject to the provision of documents confirming their special “qualification”.

7. Useful little things

If, however, something doesn’t fit, hand luggage comes to the rescue. Typically, carry-on luggage is considered to be a bag weighing 7 - 8 kg and measuring on average 55x40x20. In addition, outerwear, a case with a laptop computer, a camera, an umbrella and, of course, a handbag are carried free of charge. Its dimensions, by the way, are not regulated. This means that women can take either a miniature fashionable cross-body or a traveler’s “classic” - a spacious bucket bag. We hope that our advice will be useful to you in the very near future. Have a nice trip!

During the holiday season, the question of what cannot be taken in hand luggage on a plane arises especially acutely. To avoid problems when going through the baggage inspection procedure while boarding the plane, the passenger must read in advance the new rules for 2016, which contain a list of items prohibited for carriage.

Items that should not be taken on board an airplane as hand luggage

Hand luggage is a list of items that a passenger is allowed to take with him into the cabin during the flight. They are recognized as safe for passengers. At the same time, there is a list of items the transportation of which is strictly prohibited. The list is constantly changing. It may vary depending on the airline chosen.

Airport workers strictly monitor compliance with the rules for carrying hand luggage on board the aircraft. If a passenger has a prohibited item in their suitcases or bags, they will be forced to leave the item at the airport. If the traveler refuses to do this, he will be prohibited from boarding the aircraft.

To prevent this from happening, items that are included in the list of prohibited items for transportation, but which must be taken with you, should be handed over to the luggage compartment in advance.

What is prohibited from being carried in hand luggage on an airplane? When packing luggage for an upcoming flight, a traveler should know that he will not be allowed through security if he plans to take with him:

  • Weapons, including traumatic ones;
  • Children's toys and souvenirs that imitate weapons, which can easily be confused with real ones;
  • Liquids that are easily flammable;
  • Explosives;
  • Flammable solids;
  • Radioactive substances;
  • Oxidizing substances;
  • Magnetized objects;
  • Toxic substances.

Carrying the above items on an airplane is prohibited in any form. Their presence in luggage may raise additional questions from airport security and arouse suspicion. To avoid problems when passing control, it is better to leave these items at home. Transportation of weapons can be carried out only in cases provided for by law.

  • wine corkscrew;
  • nail file;
  • wire cutters;
  • knitting needles;
  • tweezers;
  • medical injection needles without the appropriate documents;
  • razor;
  • jackknife;
  • scissors.

These items belong to the category of piercing and cutting objects. If, during inspection, they are found in the bag that the passenger is about to take on the plane, he will not be allowed into the cabin. Items should be placed in a suitcase, which will be transferred to baggage, or purchased after landing. At the same time, a file with rounded edges and a razor with interchangeable attachments do not fall into the category of piercing and cutting objects. The passenger can safely take them with him on the flight.

If it is announced that the planned flight is a high-risk flight, the list of items that will be prohibited for transportation will expand significantly. The list may include some personal items.

The final list must be clarified on the company's website a few days before departure. The luggage of passengers traveling on high-risk flights is checked especially carefully. If prohibited items are detected, the passenger may be prohibited from flying.

Transporting liquids

If a traveler needs to take liquid with him, he must remember that its volume should not exceed 1 liter. The following are allowed for carriage:

  • water;
  • beverages;
  • shampoo;
  • creams;
  • aerosols.

Cosmetics also fall into the “liquids” category. The traveler has the right to transport:

  • mascara;
  • lip gloss;
  • cream.

The volume of the package should not be higher than 100 ml. If a traveler takes a container that holds 200 ml and fills it halfway, the liquid will have to be left on the ground when going through security. Otherwise, the passenger will not be allowed to board the flight.

Baby food falls into the “liquid” category. You can take it with you, it is necessary food for feeding a small child during the flight. Baby food is the exception to the rule.

If a child requires a volume exceeding 1 liter during the flight, the rules allow you to take the required amount of baby food.

If 2 passengers travel on a flight together with one hand luggage, then the volume is not summed up.

Liquids that the passenger plans to take with them must be placed in transparent bags in advance. It is best to use packaging with a lock.

Where can I buy a container for liquids that does not exceed 100 ml?

It is not that difficult to obtain packaging that meets the requirements. There is no need to throw away the packaging of shampoo and detergents that are provided during your stay at the hotel. The containers exactly meet the requirements when passing control at the airport.

The bags required for transporting liquids can be purchased from office supply stores. To pass control, it is enough if the liquids are packed in a tight file with a zipper. It is best if the traveler purchases a ready-made travel kit. It is sold in specialized stores. The set is compiled by professionals taking into account the requirements for control.

Familiarization with the requirements of a specific air carrier

When thinking about what cannot be carried in hand luggage on an airplane, a traveler should familiarize himself with the requirements of a particular airline. The list of prohibited items may vary significantly. For example, during the Olympics in Sochi, a complete ban on the transportation of liquids was introduced.

If the list of items in hand luggage is prohibited, security will not allow the passenger to pass. You will need to leave prohibited items at the airport. There is no use arguing with employees. The passenger risks the flight being delayed or not being allowed to board the flight. You can familiarize yourself with the requirements for the list of items for transportation in hand luggage in the aircraft cabin on the company’s website.

Number of seats provided to a passenger in the aircraft cabin for hand luggage

The number of luggage spaces provided to a passenger for storage in the aircraft cabin may vary depending on the class and the chosen airline. Typically, 1 piece of hand luggage is allocated per economy class traveler.

At the same time, for passengers flying 1st class, 2 seats can be allocated at once. There are items that do not count as baggage taking up storage space. These include:

  • briefcases or handbags;
  • cameras;
  • laptops;
  • tablets.

If a person is carrying a folding stroller, outerwear or crutches, then these items will also not be counted as hand luggage, which occupies 1 piece. Items can be transported freely. There is no additional charge for them.

In economy class, only one piece of hand luggage is allowed

Allowable weight and size

Requirements for the size and weight of transported items may vary. They depend on the distance of the upcoming flight and the class the passenger is flying. Typically, the weight of a suitcase or bag transported in the cabin should not exceed 5-10 kg. Items exceeding the permissible volume should be checked in to the luggage compartment in advance.

Weight is checked before boarding. To avoid any problems, the passenger should check the weight of the items he plans to take on board the plane at home. To carry out the procedure, ordinary scales are suitable.

Transportation of sports equipment and musical instruments is carried out in accordance with existing requirements. If items exceed the permissible weight, they must be checked in as checked baggage. An exception may be rare musical instruments of high value. Their transportation is permitted in the aircraft cabin if the weight of the item does not exceed 32 kg.

According to the requirements, the passenger must be able to place a suitcase or bag on the luggage rack without assistance.

The total volume of a suitcase or bag should not exceed 115 cm. A suitcase with a maximum dimensions of 55 x 40 x 20 may be allowed into the cabin. Any larger item cannot be taken as hand luggage on the plane. If your baggage exceeds the measurements, airport employees will force you to check your bag or suitcase as checked baggage. If the passenger refuses, he will not be allowed to board the plane.

The airline checks the volume of luggage in a special frame. Bags and suitcases must pass through it freely, along with handles and wheels. For excess and excess volume you will have to pay extra. For this reason, passengers should carefully consider the list of items they plan to take with them on their trip. You should give preference only to things that will definitely be useful during the trip. Everything else should be left at home.

Frame for checking the size of hand luggage

What can you take with you on the plane?

In the cabin of the aircraft, regardless of the airline, class or country, you are allowed to take with you:

  • documentation;
  • children's toys, if they do not have sharp corners;
  • souvenirs;
  • medications if the passenger needs them;
  • printed materials;
  • keys;
  • money;
  • jewelry.

You should take medications on a trip only if their use may be required during the flight. If there is no urgent need, it is better to refuse to carry them in hand luggage. The passenger will have to prove the need for medications and their purpose. The procedure will complicate registration.

If the item is of high value, in order to avoid loss or damage, you are allowed to take it with you into the aircraft cabin. The statement also applies to expensive musical instruments. Their weight should not be higher than 32 kg. Items exceeding the permissible limit must be checked into the baggage compartment of the aircraft.

Cameras, outerwear, food for children, phones and laptops are not subject to weighing and are not marked. There is no charge for their transportation.

You are strictly prohibited from taking into the aircraft cabin:

  • Food;
  • items that may break during a flight;
  • objects with sharp corners;
  • objects capable of causing cutting wounds to passengers.

If a children's toy has sharp corners, airport workers may consider it a sharp object and prohibit its transportation in the aircraft cabin. The passenger can take outerwear with him, which can later be stored in the luggage rack. At the same time, he has the right to put it in the luggage rack. Clothes do not count as carry-on baggage and do not require additional space.

Most companies allow you to carry umbrellas in the cabin. However, some companies have come to the conclusion that it can be used as a weapon to cause harm to the health of passengers, and require the item to be checked in as luggage. To avoid any misunderstandings, the umbrella should be handed over to the luggage compartment in advance.

The passenger has the right to take any printed materials with him into the aircraft cabin. In most airlines, if the weight of items does not exceed 5 - 10 kg, then you can carry baggage for free. However, there are exceptions to the rule.

Strong painkillers in large quantities may raise questions

Passing control

During the inspection procedure, the passenger must present to airport employees:

  • laptop;
  • telephone;
  • hand luggage;
  • outerwear.

Inspection of objects is carried out using a scanner. It is important to remember that different airlines have different requirements for the contents of hand luggage that is allowed to be carried in the cabin. To avoid misunderstandings, the passenger must familiarize himself with the requirements in advance. You can find out information by visiting the airline's website.

In contact with

Any cargo can be transported by plane, and TV is no exception in this regard. But it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to fit it into a regular suitcase; you’ll have to tinker a little. It is recommended to contact an airline representative and find out which method would be best to transport your equipment. Before calling, you should weigh the device along with the box and write down the dimensions.

A small TV may be allowed into the cabin as carry-on luggage. A standard or large sized TV will be carried as oversized or fragile baggage at an additional cost. To do this, it should be properly packaged and special stickers should be affixed at the airport, indicating that the cargo being transported must be handled with care.

How to properly pack a TV for transportation by plane?

When packing the TV, it is necessary to ensure that the equipment is protected on all sides. For example, you can use pieces of foam or plywood that are placed inside the box between the walls. This allows you to protect the screen from impacts, although it increases the final weight of the luggage. In any case, you need to make sure that there is enough bubble wrap and foam inside the package, which will help protect fragile equipment from possible damage during transportation.

What to do before departure?

So, you called the airline and agreed to transport oversized fragile cargo. Now there is very little left. Upon arrival at the airport, your box will be weighed and measured again by airline representatives, after which it will be labeled with a “fragile cargo”, “glass” or something similar sticker. The amount of additional payment for transporting the TV will depend on the dimensions and weight of the device along with the box.

Next, the TV is taken to the luggage compartment. Competent air carriers always handle fragile cargo with care. Sometimes loaders carry such boxes into the luggage compartment by hand, sometimes they transport them separately from other luggage. There is a special compartment in the luggage compartment of the aircraft for fragile cargo. At the destination, such luggage is not placed on the belt, but is lifted separately.

Carrying a TV in the passenger seat of an airplane

Baggage that requires special transportation conditions (for example, breakable, fragile, brittle, valuable items) may be transported in the passenger cabin of the aircraft if:

    the passenger has agreed on this transportation format with the airline;

    luggage was inspected for aviation security.

If the baggage exceeds the dimensions established for hand luggage, the passenger must pay for another seat, which will be allocated for his cargo. The weight of transported luggage must not exceed 75 kg, and its dimensions cannot be larger than the passenger seat.

Such luggage is placed in a seat near the window and secured with a seat belt. Baggage that requires special conditions of transportation and is transported in the passenger seat of the aircraft is subject to the registration procedure. Responsibility for its integrity and safety falls entirely on the passenger.

Risks associated with transporting a TV on an airplane

No one can give a 100% guarantee that the TV will reach its destination unharmed. Of course, no one will kick or throw it during loading and unloading operations, but if the screen breaks, it will be very difficult to determine exactly where it happened. The biggest difficulties are associated with transporting plasma TVs, as they are heavier and bulkier. It's a little easier with LCD. The larger the diagonal of your TV screen, the more difficulties it will cause to transport it by plane.

In rare cases, airlines may offer you to transport cargo directly in the cabin, but for an additional fee. Be careful and follow all safety guidelines when packing and transporting fragile equipment by air.