The custom of traveling is another tradition. Unusual national traditions that every tourist must know. Don't dwell on unpleasant situations

Traveling to other countries opens up opportunities for new experiences. But before you start expanding the horizons of your worldview, it is important to be aware of the cultural differences between countries, especially if this is your first trip abroad in your life.

The following 20 tips will make it easier for you to explore new cultures and make your trip not only enjoyable, but also safe.

1. Do not travel without knowing at least a few words in the language of the country you are going to visit.

At least learn how to say please, thank you, sorry, and sorry. If you have difficulty communicating with the locals, they will surely appreciate the effort you have made to try to communicate with them in their own language.

2. Read more about the culture and customs of the country

You should know for sure if there are any gestures or statements that are considered impolite in this country and avoid using them in every possible way.

Reading about the experiences of other travelers is very helpful. Reviews can glean information about things you just shouldn't be doing, or areas to avoid, about inexpensive hotels, good restaurants or attractions that are not in the guidebook.

4. Don't raise your voice

The trip can be exciting, but spending time in a crowd of other tourists is not what you expect from an overseas trip. When in public, speak as quietly and calmly as possible so as not to identify yourself in the crowd as a tourist. This most often attracts thieves and scammers.

5. Don't smile at everyone

In some cultures, being too friendly towards others makes locals think you are flirting with them. And this is fraught with misunderstanding or other unpleasant consequences.

6. Be prepared to pay "tourist tax"

Tax on goods and services is, in fact, a fairly common practice abroad. As a tourist, you should expect to pay more than the price tag says. But don't pay too much for something that is clearly not worth it.

7. Don't expect everything to be like your home.

Don't compare a comfortable vacation in your home country with a vacation abroad. Prepare yourself to stay awake until lunchtime, eat to sleep, and hang out with your friends. You will have to adapt to the new pace and lifestyle in order to see all the sights and get to know the new culture in a short time. Abroad, the concepts of "shop", "club", "restaurant" differ from what we are used to seeing in our native country. So do not build illusions so as not to be disappointed, but simply be genuinely surprised at the things around you.

8. Do not judge prematurely about the life, values ​​and traditions of other peoples

Even if the streets of the city are full of rubbish, and residents drink water and wash clothes in the same river, instead of condemning glances, say: “Isn't this interesting? Tell me more about your life. " Respect local traditions, because this is not your country, here you are only a visitor.

9. Travel in a style that suits your values, interests and hobbies

Ignore other people's opinions and do not listen to skeptics. If you don't have the money for a five-star hotel and want to stay in an inexpensive hostel or with couchsurfers, throw away other people's stereotypes and prejudices. This is your vacation and only you can decide what it will be like.

10. Don't be afraid of street food

Street food won't kill you. Moreover, there are many reasons other than the low price for which you should try it.For example, in Thailand, street food is a whole culinary art that has in many ways surpassed the dishes from the most expensive restaurants. Also, be sure to try traditional cuisine the country you are traveling to.

11. Don't be afraid to say no

If you are offered to buy a wonderful, but absolutely unnecessary souvenir, or they are trying to treat you to a dish that does not make you hungry, do not be afraid to refuse, just do it respectfully.

12. Meet the locals

Locals are not only direct carriers of another culture, but also an invaluable source useful information... They can suggest cheap hotels and cafes, interesting sights that are not in the guidebook, and even shelter for the night for free. In gratitude, be friendly and genuinely interested in their lives.

13. Celebrate local holidays and festivals in a traditional manner

Not better way immerse yourself in a new culture than a traditional local celebration, be it an Indian wedding, a chili sauce festival, a tomato battle or a Venetian masquerade. Thus, you will get more experience in one day than visiting attractions in a week.

14. Travel Longer, but Fewer Seats

Every single city or country deserves as much attention as possible. It is impossible to visit five countries in a week and claim that you are well acquainted with local customs, culture and lifestyle. Visit two countries in a week, and you will forever remember the locals, cafes, parks and squares, and not the views outside the window of a tourist bus.

15. Don't make too many plans for the day.

Spend your days enjoying every minute, and don't gallop in all the prominent places.

16. Protect your documents

Take special care of your passport and never give it to the immigration office for visa renewal, because they, somehow, may not return it to you.

17. Buy an insurance policy

Travel insurance seems like a waste of money to many. But it will save you thousands of dollars in the most unforeseen situations.

18. Don't dwell on unpleasant situations.

If you suddenly get robbed or other bad things happen, don't get hung up on it. As long as you are alive, let go of all negativity and continue enjoying your vacation.

19. If you don't like your vacation, change direction.

If you take into account the countries of Asia, you can easily move from one country to another, in search of yourself and new experiences. If this is not possible, change the city. In any country you can find something close to your heart.

20. Get ready for culture shock.

When you get home, the trip can change the way you think about life. Try to bring good experiences with you without drawing parallels with your home country. Over time, the shock will pass, and positive emotions and memories will remain for life.

Enjoy your travels!

We have a lot of traditions!

Family traditions- this is the spiritual atmosphere of the house, which includes the daily routine, customs, lifestyle and habits of its inhabitants, which are passed on from generation to generation.

Our family traditions are a discussion at dinner of the events of the past day, summer car trips to the sea, joint meals, discussion of plans, baby foot prints at one year old, child growth marks on the wall, children's drawings, reading books to kids at night, dad's fairy tales, Family birthday, celebration of Easter, Christmastide; New Year's tradition - homemade toys, culinary traditions - various preparations for the winter, picking mushrooms, fishing, singing songs, summer at the grandmother's, ice rink on the river, photos of butterflies, insects, Border Guard Day, growing houseplants.

Anastasia Kashchenko (8b)

Creative family

I want to tell you about one tradition of our family.

We have solid creative personalities in our family. My sister Masha and I sew and embroider, my brother Seryozha is studying to be a painter, and my older brother Zhenya has eloquence. Therefore, for the birthdays of our close friends and relatives, we give gifts, invented and made by hand. Brother Seryozha will come up with everything, choose the colors, Masha and I will sew everything, embroider, in general, we will do everything necessary, and brother Zhenya will say warm and pleasant words for congratulations.

This is such an interesting tradition in our family!

Natalia Loginova (8b)

We travel and honor the memory of ancestors

Each family has its own traditions that unite and hold it together. There are some in my small but very close-knit family.

All its own free time we try to spend together. We have a lot of common interests: travel, photography, sports, floriculture, aquarium keeping. We love to travel together, get to know new cities and countries, discover new places. We visited Germany, the Czech Republic, Italy, drove almost all of Spain by car, saw very beautiful fjords in Norway, visited the Monastery of St. Catherine, the Burning Bush on the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt, and visited the Holy Land in Jerusalem. And in our travels there is a tradition - every summer we necessarily go to Lake Seliger, to the Nilova Hermitage, where the relics of St. Nil of Stolobensky, one of the most revered Russian saints, rest. This is an extraordinary place where you can rest your body and soul: reserved, transparent, pine forests, the vast expanse of Seliger with picturesquely scattered islets, one of which is a monastery.

There is another tradition in our family that is especially dear to me. My great-grandfather and my namesake, Semenkevich Pyotr Romanovich, a career soldier, major general of tank forces, was born in Belarus into a large family. His childhood and youth were difficult, he worked at a factory and studied. Before the war he graduated from the Armored Academy in Moscow and from the first days of the war went to the front. He went through the entire war and ended it near Berlin. I didn't know my great-grandfather, but he talked a lot about the war to my dad, and dad to me. Every year on Victory Day, our whole family must visit grandfather's brother-soldiers, congratulate them on the holiday, go with them to grandfather's grave. Every year, unfortunately, fewer and fewer of them remain alive. They are very old, cry, remembering the days of the front, and are very glad that they are not forgotten. Five years ago, some of them were on May 9 with us in Pleskovo. And I really hope that in this memorable year of the 65th anniversary Great Victory this tradition will not be interrupted. May God give them all health!

Petr Semenkevich (8b)

Delicious tradition

Our family has preserved culinary traditions. Every Sunday my brother and I go to our grandmother, who is now 83 years old. She bakes amazing pancakes in the Russian oven, and we help her together.

We also bake goose and turkey in the oven every Easter and Christmas.


Alexey Kuimov (8b)

Memory of grandfather

I can tell you about one of our family traditions, which came from my great-grandfather.

Luppov Anatoly Petrovich, my great-grandfather, during the war was the head of the department for supplying the army with fuel. Together with him, another 10 people worked in this department. Every year on July 4, on his birthday, they got together. This continued after the war. After a while, the company began to get smaller and smaller. Then my great-grandfather died too, it was 1990.

My great-grandfather was a very kind person. I remember that in childhood some of his fellow soldiers came, but he has not been there for 5-6 years. Everyone loved my grandfather, especially my grandchildren - my dad and my aunt. Unfortunately, I did not find him.

And until now, on July 4th, my family and my closest relatives, friends, now my grandfather, are gathering at the dacha in memory of my great-grandfather.

Ivan Luppov (8b)

Features of my family

We have a big family. It takes its roots from different places: from the Far East, from Siberia, the Moscow region. Surely, if you dig deeply into your pedigree, you may find that you come from places that you never thought of before!

Of course, we all do not live in the same city. My relatives are scattered all over Russia: they are in Tatarstan, and in Chuvashia, and in the Caucasus. Wherever they are not!

One of the main features of my family is a penchant for creativity. The main creative person, of course, should be considered my grandfather on my mother's side, Yuri Efimovich Koldaev. He was born in the Siberian town of Leninsk-Kuznetsky. After the war, they were forced to leave for Kamchatka. Unusual in its unspoiled beauty landscapes with volcanoes, geysers, the Pacific Ocean - Kamchatka is indescribable. All this awakened the desire to create in my grandfather. After school, he entered an art school, and then at the Institute of Arts. Grandpa became a real artist. At first he worked as an artist-designer, and then began to teach children at an art school, later he was admitted to the Union of Artists of the USSR. Many years passed, and my grandfather and his family moved to Volokolamsk. There are many of his paintings in our house, and exhibitions are still taking place in the museum. The cycle of paintings "Orthodox Rus" was donated to the Sunday school. Among the students of my grandfather is my aunt, she is engaged in design. I love my grandfather very much. He studied reading and drawing with me, and I will never forget his game of Lisa Patrikeevna, which was put on my hand.

I would also like to tell you about my grandmother. She was born in the city of Nakhodka, at the very end of the earth. After school, my grandmother entered a music school, and later met her grandfather. She and her grandfather were not afraid of difficulties and hardships. My grandmother told me a lot about how they went hiking in Kamchatka. They were at the top of a volcano, in which there was a volcanic lake, swam in mud springs ... When I grow up, I will definitely go to Kamchatka. And with this I will lay the foundation for a new family tradition! And now about my grandmother.

My grandmother teaches me to play an instrument, and she also loves to travel. She travels to Tatarstan, Chuvashia, Kaliningrad. And once she was in Italy! But if the grandmother has to stay at home, she does not lose heart, she comes up with different recipes, tk. likes to cook, for example, dumplings with potatoes.

What she taught me is invaluable. My grandmother forced me to do what I did not want: she taught me poetry, rehearsed roles from performances, wrote essays with me for regional competitions - my grandmother developed me. I achieved all my results largely thanks to my grandmother.

And my dad is just an extraordinary person. He has many hobbies, one of them is the history of the Great Patriotic War. At the dacha, dad has many books about the war and military maps, as well as military rarities that he found in the forests where the battles took place. He knows how to snowboard, bike, and parachute many times. And how many mopeds, scooters he has, a snowmobile, a jet ski - just not to list. Dad can also ... fly a plane! In addition, dad is a jack of all trades: he can build something, repair something, he is not afraid of any work.

Our favorite family tradition is to travel annually, often and several times a year. We travel by car, sometimes for a couple of days - just to see something new. And we love to go to the sea! Traditionally, we try to visit Turkey once a year.

Everyone in our family has some hobbies, everyone strives for something new. Mom is teaching herself now English, grandmother - new works on the piano. I think this is the main tradition of my family.

Daria Kudryavtseva (8b)

Culinary tradition

There are many traditions in my family, but I will tell you about some of them. Of course, every family has a culinary tradition, and so does my family. Once we decided to make a cake "Ryzhik" for someone's birthday - and so it happened that this cake became an indispensable attribute of the festive table of our family's birthday.

But besides culinary traditions, there are others. For example, every May 9 we go on foot along the river to Poklonnaya Gora (30 minutes walk). Therefore, most often I associate May 9 with a hike. And the tradition to go to Taganrog every summer is sacred. The tradition started when I was about a year old. Therefore, summer for me is the sea, and a summer cottage with flowers, and a vegetable garden. And also wormwood, the extraordinary smell of wildflowers and hay.

Olga Koroleva (8b)

Family dynasty

There is a tradition in my family - the choice of the same profession as one of the parents. For example, my grandfather Roald Vasilievich, a chemist, and my dad was also a chemist at first, and then became an architect. My older brother, knowing that being an architect, in his opinion, is interesting, decided to choose the same profession. I haven’t decided yet who I want to become, but it seems to me that I’m definitely not an architect.

We also have a tradition to build a house according to our own project and monitor the progress of construction. For example, my dad and brother worked together to build a house in which our whole family will live.

I have two grandfathers, one of whom fought and the other was in school at the time. It so happened that the Germans occupied the city where my grandfather Roald lived. Many different stories happened to him, I will tell one of them.

One day, my grandfather's mother sent him to the railway station for coal. Since he had to bring a lot of coal, and it was a long way to go (and grandfather was 12 years old at that time), he took a sled. But on the way, grandfather met a German soldier who carried a huge backpack on his back and carried a gun in his hands. The German saw his grandfather and threw his backpack onto his sled, saying: "Shnel!", Which means "faster." Grandfather had to carry that backpack so that the German would not shoot him. But soon a German car with people drove by, and the German, seeing it, took a backpack, ran to the car and tried to climb onto it. This car was tall and he had nowhere to put his foot. His comrades had to take him by the collar to drag him into the car, while the German almost suffocated, as the buttons on his overcoat were buttoned. Apparently, this is how God punished the German for cruel treatment of people.

My other grandfather, Vasily Alekseevich, fought, and only by a miracle God saved him from death. For example, when the Germans were bombing, one bomb fell next to my grandfather. Then, from the stories of his comrades, grandfather learned that when the bomb fell, several people remained lying, and grandfather, raised by the blast wave, fell right on them, and other people covered him from above. So grandfather escaped from other explosions, which killed almost everyone. The grandfather himself did not see any of this, as he lost consciousness. My grandfather once came to Plyoskovo when I was in third grade.

Maria Sycheva (8b)

Conquering unknown places

Every family has traditions that it honors. Someone every year gathers with relatives for a holiday, others keep the family recipe and pass it on from generation to generation. Our family also has a very extraordinary tradition, which I want to tell you about. As soon as the ground is freed from snow, my mother and I take bicycles and go on a journey to conquer unknown lands. I remember these trips from early childhood, then my mother put me on the trunk, and we drove far, far. How much we have learned about the place where we live! We traveled around a huge forest, found many lakes, springs, discovered a wonderful village near Moscow, which civilization has not yet touched so much. There flows a lovely stream where women wash and shepherds graze cows.

I really love these trips with my mother and I hope that this tradition will never be interrupted.

Anna Khavanova (8b)

Fancy-dress holiday

Our family has a tradition that has been preserved for a long time. IN New Year we gather with the whole family and celebrate the holiday according to a scenario we have invented in advance. We put on costumes and put on a show. We make the costumes ourselves, which is the most interesting for me. I met the New Year with Snowflake, Snow White, Little Red Riding Hood and just the host of the holiday. Recently, we have been celebrating the New Year not only with our family, but also with friends. They gladly joined the carnival and also took part in the creation of the costumes and the script.

Maria Galtseva (8b)

What we are like our children

I read somewhere that a family prepares for a family, and a set of virtues growing on the basis of nepotism not only hardens a person for earthly life, but also inspires him for a flight into eternity. I wanted to write about a family that, in my opinion, takes their parental duty very honestly and seriously. Since our children study together and are friends, I often had to communicate with the Kuimov family. Here they do not read long lectures to children, they are brought up by personal example. This is a patriarchal Christian family, here they try to instill in children the virtues that grow in the family: sacrifice, desire and ability to serve, obedience, humility and hard work. The head of the family, Aleksey Vasilyevich, helped and helps people a lot, and most importantly, what he did, in my opinion, was to gather and put all the relatives nearby. His parents, parents of his wife, brothers and sisters (and he is from a large family) and built the Church of the Intercession of the Mother of God nearby. Children are very lucky, they live in an atmosphere of love and kindness. A very hospitable family, the doors of the house are always open both in the literal and figurative sense of the word. Always full of house and friends of children. There are no housekeepers in the house, all things - cleaning, cooking, etc. - are the joint work of the whole family, without exception. Children know that they need to visit their grandparents and help them, weed the garden, feed the chickens, and nurse their little cousin. This family also has many traditions. Every Saturday, dad spends the whole day with the children, and on Sunday, mom's day, when they go to the theater, cinema, of course, if there is no fasting. Mom, Elena Alexandrovna, realizes herself in motherhood, having four schoolchildren is very difficult, she is a creative person, she actively helps in all classes where her children study. And when she has a free moment at home, she draws.

The second tradition is when, on the eve of Christmas, children invite their friends, classmates and all together make and bake real gingerbread with their own hands, and then decorate them. I would like to say a huge thank you to Elena Alexandrovna on behalf of all the participants in this already common tradition of ours. Gingerbread recipes are very difficult, and Elena Aleksandrovna cooks the dough in large quantities so that everyone has enough. I think they will remember for the rest of their lives how they baked gingerbread at Christmas.

Another tradition is musical living rooms. It is not the first year before Lent that the results of music are being summed up in the house, since all the children of the Kuimovs are engaged in music. The teacher Natalya Alexandrovna calls children only by name and patronymic, and the children become serious, trying to play as best they can. Friends of the children who play music also participate in the concert, and it turns out to be a very good concert. Mashenka sings and plays beautifully. The concert is attended by grandmothers, grandfathers, and other relatives who receive prizes, and then sit down at the table with the audience to have tea. I love to be in this family, where you feel comfortable, where love and understanding reign, where you know that they will come to your aid if necessary.

No matter how much morality and advice we give children, the most important thing is a personal example. What we are - so are our children.

I want to apologize to the Kuimovs if I wrote something wrong, but wrote what I felt.

And I also express my condolences to their large family: the other day their grandfather, r. B. Vasily.

N.V. Zakharova (half board teacher)

Memory of father

My deceased father (Vladimir Lebid) was an officer, colonel (in the general's degree). The tradition of our family is inextricably linked with the memory of him. Together with his military friends, everyone who knew and loved him, we are gathering on the day of my father's memory. Even in the days of his memory, my mother and I always visit the church, then we go to the grave, and then we collect the memorial table at home. Everyone speaks only kind words about my father. Over and over again they talk about what a reliable friend he was, about his honest service, about his fair character. And my sisters and I tell you what a wonderful father he was.

Although my dad passed away almost 6 years ago, vivid memories remain in my memory of how we spent time together.

Svyatoslav Lebid (8b)

Veneration of Saint Onuphrius the Great

We have a lot of traditions in our family, I want to tell only about one of them.

In our family, Onuphrius the Great enjoys special respect. His wonderful life deserves a separate topic for conversation, but now is not about that. So, every year we gathered on the saint's memorial day with friends and close relatives and celebrate the feast of saint Onuphrius.

The reason for this understanding was his incredible miracles in helping our family.

Ioann Zakharov (8b)

School traditions

Last year I decided to try boarding. Thanks to this, I have made many new friends. I made friends with the current ninth grade and high school students. Having joined their team, I, to some extent, joined the traditions of the company. He even contributed some himself. Of course, I tried to accept good and at least harmless habits for others.

So, for example, the tradition of different types of greetings appeared. The greetings between us were carried out with the help of all sorts of handshakes, claps and other movements, and we greet each other at almost every meeting, even if ten times a day. We have different greetings with different people. My longest greetings are with Sasha Lykov and Seryozha Trashkov. It lasts about forty seconds, but due to lack of time, we often use the shortened version (it lasts about fifteen seconds).

Many, perhaps, remember how at the beginning of the school year a congratulatory poster "Congratulations on the 259th day of the year" was hung in the forum. This is another emerging tradition. Better not ask where this story with the number 259 came from - the story is very long and confusing, but we decided to somehow distinguish this day from all the others.

Of course, I agree with the opinions of others that these traditions are useless and do not make any sense, but they bring joy to us, students, and even some adults. Is joy really stupidity?

Ivan Luppov (8b)

Best traditions

Each family has an individual lifestyle, and it is most vividly reflected in family traditions. After all, it is traditions that emphasize those wonderful events that mean a lot in the life of a family. They give us the joy of waiting and preparation, distracting us from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Some traditions have passed to us from our parents, we supplement them, shape them, and also create our own traditions that will pass with us throughout our life, and our children will continue them in their families.

Our Orthodox holidays play a very important role in this, because often family traditions are formed around their celebration. From childhood, one of the most anticipated and favorite holidays was, of course, the Nativity of Christ. And this is not surprising, because it is Christmas that is very rich in family traditions.

Preparing for the holiday, looking out the first star, after which you can eat kutya. Moreover, the whole family took part in the preparation of kutya. Mom cooked wheat, poured it with dried fruit uzvar, and dad and I ground poppy seeds with sugar in makitra. After all the culinary preparations, it is imperative to sleep so that those who are rested can go to the temple for the night service! In the temple, they approached the nativity scene and left a gift to the Baby. After the service, they always went to visit their grandmother, sang the troparion to Christmas and broke the fast with the whole family.

To these Christmas traditions in our family, we decided to add the tradition of congratulating with a handmade holiday card.

After Christmas, until Epiphany, Christmastide continues, when everyone goes to visit each other and congratulate them on the holiday. And for Epiphany, after the service and the festive prayer service with the consecration of water, by tradition, we must go to the ice hole and plunge there.

It is very good when family traditions not only bring the family together, but also bring considerable benefits, for example, they temper and heal. A useful tradition has already begun in our family - every year it is compulsory to go hiking in the picturesque mountains of the Crimean peninsula.

At the family council, the date, the route of travel is decided in advance, other participants who want to join us are approved. A route scheme is laid on the map, suggested overnight stays and sights that must be visited are marked. A menu is made for every day. A week before the hike, food, bivouac equipment, and clothing are distributed among the participants of the hike.

The hike, like no other tradition, very much unites and strengthens family and friendships. Because in the mountains, the participants of the hike can only rely on themselves and the support of their relatives and friends. All problems that may arise are solved together. The surrounding nature gives a lot of strength: mountain air, cool spring water, birdsong and a pleasant cooling breeze help to overcome all the difficulties of the hike. And how wonderful it is in the evening, after dinner, with a mug of tea, by the light of a fire, to sit on a log and admire the stars that seem so close in the mountains.

I think this will be the best tradition in our family, it will definitely become generic, and our children will gladly accept it and pass it on to their families.

Maria Loginova (graduate of 2006)

We bake pancakes with the whole family!

Our family has a tradition that is pleasing to women. All men bake pancakes. And not only on holidays, but also on weekdays, just when you are in a good mood. We even reworked a rhyme from a children's book:

Daddy bakes pancakes for us
They are very tasty.
We got up early today
And we eat them with sour cream.

When Kirill was two years old, he surprised the teachers by telling a detailed recipe and the sequence for making pancakes. One day during Shrovetide, when Dad was at work, I baked pancakes. Cyril was sincerely surprised: "Mom, can you also bake pancakes?"

Ingredients: 0.5 l "Essentuki", 3 teaspoons of granulated sugar, 1 teaspoon of salt, 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil, flour until the thickness of liquid sour cream.

Instructions: Mix Essentuki, sugar, salt, vegetable oil. Gradually add flour so that the dough becomes like liquid sour cream. Mix well. The dough is suitable for 30-40 minutes. Bake pancakes only in a Teflon pan (!). Pancakes are dryish, but you can fix the situation if you eat them with honey or jam.

1st grade mother
Kirill Yakovenko

Going on a trip, you definitely need to take care of a minimum set of knowledge about the country in which you are going to spend your long-awaited vacation.

After all, abroad, even a seemingly insignificant trifle can seriously offend a local resident.

Especially a lot in the matter of eating. We will tell you about some foreign traditions that you must know and remember in order not to offend anyone in a foreign country.

Morals and customs for the Great Chinese wall, as well as the ability to eat with chopsticks, many admire, mixed with horror and delight at the same time.

Indeed, the ability to eat with chopsticks is worth learning thoroughly. And the first step is to find out what they cannot do.

You cannot put chopsticks in a plate of food vertically - this is how food is served only to the dead, and if you do not want to experience the wrath of otherworldly forces and those around you, then never do this.

Never point your chopsticks at other people, and it doesn't matter if you hold them in your hands or put them on the table. Of course, it is necessary to recognize the art of putting chopsticks so that they do not point at a single person at the table, but for the reputation of a well-mannered person it is worth trying.

You cannot also tap on the cup with chopsticks or use the back side.

If food with chopsticks is definitely not given to you, try to eat ... with a spoon. Keep in mind that in Thailand, eating with a fork is considered a pretty gross offense.

It is clear that in tourist areas, well-trained personnel are accustomed to look at such a violation of etiquette through their fingers, however, when going to visit Thai friends or to a restaurant located off tourist routes, eat only with chopsticks or a spoon.

If you don't want to part with the fork, then try the following method: put food in a spoon with a fork, and now we send it into your mouth.

Middle East and

In some countries in this region, eating with your left hand is prohibited. If in Thailand they can just look at you sideways for a plug, then the ban is mandatory.

Here it is believed that the right hand was given to a person for saturation and touching beauty. Whereas the left hand is intended for hygiene needs and other not very pleasant things.

Honor national traditions abroad so as not to offend anyone. Photo zane & inzane

Remember the famous phrase from the movie "Hello, I'm your aunt!" When asked who will serve the tea, Kalyagin replies: "Who, if not me, is the oldest lady present here."

Know, in Korea it is the same: no matter how many people sit at the same table, until the eldest of those present touches the food, no one will eat.

This rule even applies to twins and other people born at the same time. If there is no way to understand who is older by the day, then the count goes by minutes.

The same rule applies to feeding small children in the same family: the oldest child is fed first.

It is very, we emphasize, very impolite to ask a waiter or a person who invited you to visit in Italy to serve grated Parmesan with a fish dish.

Of course, because of this, you will not be banished, but conclusions will be drawn accordingly.

Alaska, and almost at the North Pole

Where there is snow, cold and permafrost, manners and decency become simpler in direct proportion to the temperature outside the window.

Some indigenous peoples of the northern lands consider an ordinary ... bunch to be a manifestation of gratitude for a good dinner and a romantic meeting. It's so simple and straightforward to say thank you for so many things.

Different countries differ

Not always the same thing has the same meaning in different countries... In India and Japan, for example, it is very important to leave the plate empty so that the owner of the house can see that you are grateful for the food and thereby (empty dishes) say thank you to him. In China, on the other hand, a clean plate will tell the audience that you are a greedy person who cannot fill your stomach in any way. Poverty, illness and lack of proper upbringing will be ascribed to you with great pleasure.

Never finish your coffee or tea in a Bedouin village, otherwise you risk drinking it for the rest of your days and get an upset stomach and arrhythmia. A drunk drink here means you are asking for a supplement. What if you don't feel like drinking anymore? Reach out your hand with the empty cup in the direction of the person with the kettle and shake it slightly. This means “thank you very much, everything was very tasty, but I don’t want any more”.

As you can see, these rules are not all that complicated. So, if on a trip abroad you do not want to offend or even anger the natives, then try to remember at least the main local traditions.

The more you travel, the more rewarding experience you accumulate. You begin to understand the mistakes you've made before, and you can correct them effortlessly. This allows you to save money, get rid of unnecessary worries and travel much more conveniently. Build all of these habits to make every trip enjoyable.

Create a list of the things you want

If you make a list of everything you need in advance, it will be more convenient for you to pack your suitcase and you will not forget anything. Experienced travelers always make lists - it is convenient to use them both to pack up before leaving, and to put things before returning home.

If your friends or relatives have already been to the place where you are going, they will be able to suggest you where to eat, which museum to visit and which public transport ride. People close to you know you well, so they will be able to give advice that suits you personally and which is tested on their own experience.

Get ready in advance

You should have a habit of getting ready at least a day before your trip, ideally even earlier. If you pack slowly all week before leaving, you might want to put things in your bag when you think about them. So there is less chance that you will forget something. Do not wait until the last moment, otherwise you will start your journey with stress and you may forget about something.

Make multiple copies of important documents

You should have copies of your ID and insurance with you, and leave the itinerary to relatives or friends. If you lose anything, they will send you the copies you need. The originals of the documents should be kept in the safe at the hotel, and only copies should be carried with you, so it is much more convenient and safer.

Always carry a water bottle with you

Bring a water bottle with you wherever you go - you can easily fill and drink it during the flight and throughout the trip. You never know if you can buy water at any time, so a bottle will be very convenient for you.

Charge your devices constantly

Take adapters and chargers with you wherever you go. If there is a power outlet where you dine, be sure to use it. Charge all devices at night while you sleep so that you have a full battery in the morning to last as long as possible. In this case, you will not have to face the inconvenience.

Try to get everywhere early

Travel to the airport in advance. Come early to the train station. Do not be late for the restaurant where you have a reservation. If you are in an unfamiliar country, you never know what the problem is, so the best solution is to leave early to anticipate problems. This is especially true when traveling by plane. Avoid being late so you don't run into trouble.

Don't keep your money in plain sight

You should not openly show your money, no matter if you are in your hometown or traveling. Keep money with you, but not in plain sight, never put anything of value in your back pocket - this is the place where it is easiest for a thief to steal something.

Download maps to use them offline

You can pre-download parts of the map that you especially need, so that you can use them even when you do not have wireless Internet. You can navigate the city at any time, even if for the first time you find yourself in a completely unfamiliar country.

Take photos of important details

Take a photo with the address of your hotel, your itinerary, your tickets, parking space, departure confirmation numbers, receipts, hotel room. Don't rely solely on your memory. It is likely that you will be glad that you have these useful photos in your phone.

Remember when your passport is expired

If your documents become invalid soon, you may have a problem. In many countries, you cannot travel if there are three months or six months left until the end of your passport. Be sure to keep track of this and update documents on time.

Learn to take the minimum of things

Try not to overload your bags, take the minimum of things - only what you really need. Try to limit yourself to one bag - it will be much more convenient for you to move around, and besides, you will not worry about luggage.

The first trip, the most memorable:
It was when our daughter was about ten years old. However, many years have passed, with age I can and confuse.
Once on a weekend, my husband, who by that time had bought a badly beaten clunker, with the proud name Zaporozhets, announced: "We are going to the forest!"
He also said that he was taking us to the Grafsky Reserve, for strawberries.
Since he did not show the initiative in matters of trips so often, for the sake of creating family traditions and strengthening the unit of society, I of course agreed. Previously, I only timidly asked if there was a river nearby. It was 35 degrees Celsius, and I wanted to swim to the point of stupor.
I replied indignantly that the main thing in this trip was picking a sweet berry dearly beloved by his heart, and not at all some stupid river.
I was young, inexperienced, and not scandalous (at that time!))), So I did not object further. I sat down with my daughter in a red-hot torture chamber, portrayed joy and anticipation of the trip on my face, and we crawled off to the enthusiastic hooting of local boys who had already written on the dirty door of our Auto “Wash me!”.
We drove for a long time. For three hours, stopping every half hour on the way, and cooling the smoking engine.
They asked for directions from passers-by, they, sincerely trying to help, directed us to the right and then to the left, as a result, we almost got lost, but after long ordeals we still arrived in the forest!
A narrow track, broken by tractors, led into the grove, and besides, it was in a shallow ravine, and there was no way to go into the clearing. The car scraped with its belly on the ground, but there was simply no longer any strength to remain in its red-hot captivity.
I suggested that my husband let me out with my daughter so that he could drive on, and found a parking spot, and at that time we walked a little.
No sooner said than done! Having happily fluttered out of our metal bug, we walked merrily along the side of the road. Misha drove on. A few seconds later, I suddenly heard a strange buzzing ...
It grew stronger and stronger, and terribly got on the nerves.
Trying to determine the source of the noise, my daughter and I began to turn our heads vigorously, then wave our hands, then scream heart-rendingly!
In general, it was impossible to do everything that was impossible to do when meeting an angry swarm of hornets!))) I still don't know if my husband crushed their nest with a wheel, or if my spirits were so annoying ... We, howling heart-rendingly, rushed from the swarm away, to our typewriter, blushing in the distance.
Most of all I was afraid that these creatures would bite the child. I ran and yelled: “Misha! Misha! Misha! pi..pi ... pi..pi .. Give the car back! "
Want to know your husband's reaction? he stood, smiling, waving to us))
When I was sweaty, red, and panting, shoved myself and the child into the car, I poured down on him ... you yourself understand that (now my vocabulary is much wider than it once was!)))! And I asked why he didn’t come after us, do you know what he told me ??
“But I didn’t hear! I thought you were running and waving your hands, you rejoice at me! "))) A dumb scene.))))

But our tests did not end there! We drove about half a kilometer to break away from the swarm. (And I'm not making it up!) It's a miracle that we were not bitten!
Finally, we stopped at a forest clearing, and finally decided to do what, in fact, we had come for. The daughter and husband went to look for strawberries. The child went into the bushes, and…. Screamed in an inhuman voice with fear. Slightly - almost stepping on a huge viper.
My patience finally ran out, and I immediately demanded to take us out of this viper.
Since my daughter supported me in every possible way, dad decided not to argue with two angry women, put us in our ancient car, and drove ... forward. He said it would be shorter! After a few meters we got stuck in the sand, and I had to push the car))) Mom dear !!! We pulled it out, though my unfortunate back still remembers this feat!
We drove out of the forest and saw a wonderful lake ahead. I began to beg to stop the car.
The husband gritted his teeth and said that he would not stop, and in general, he was tired, and we had to go home.
To which I vengefully replied that we will still return here! Having strayed about twenty minutes, and not finding the way, we really returned, after which we were graciously allowed to bathe. Well, we came off as well!)))
After that, one of the locals, to the great joy of my daughter and mine, showed us again some kind of roundabout road along which we returned home for four hours, and I already began to doubt that we were going to our native Voronezh, and not to Moscow. Why to joy? Because this road passed through all children's camps and rest houses, and great places for swimming there was not enough. So the goal of the trip, even if not the one that was planned at the beginning, was still achieved by us!)))) (The husband reads from under my hand, while I write, sniffs angrily, and says that the car was not ancient !))) If you consider that the stove did not work in it in winter, and I, on the contrary, worked as a windshield wiper, then, probably, he is right!)))) The main thing is that we love him with any car !!!