Aircraft fleet of Russian airlines. What do you need to know about Russia Airlines aircraft? Flights and aircraft types

From month to month travel portal WORLD-S publishes to you information about the average age of the aircraft fleet Russian airlines, as well as statistical data on the increase/departure from the aircraft fleet, reasons. What changed in Russian aviation in April 2016 compared to March 2016?

To begin with, we consider highlighting some moments that occurred in global aviation in March and which directly affected us. The most tragic incident occurred on March 19, 2016. While approaching the Rostov-on-Don airport, a Boeing 737-800 of the Middle East carrier (low-cost airline) Dubai Fly, which was flying on a Dubai-Rostov-on-Don flight, crashed. There were 62 people on board (including the flight crew) - no one survived. All aircraft of the air carrier have a maximum service life of 5 years; there is no doubt about timely maintenance. Most likely, pilot fatigue and bad weather conditions could lead to control errors, because low-cost airlines are like taxis in the sky.

On March 20, 2016, a Boeing 737-800 aircraft of the Russian air carrier UTair (flight Moscow-Surgut) made an emergency landing at Moscow airport due to engine problems. The plane circled in the sky above the airport for two hours until it ran out of fuel. No one was injured on board (112 passengers).

On March 28, 2016, a Fokker-100 aircraft of Back Air (flight Kyzylorda - Astana) made an emergency landing at Astana airport. Problems occurred with the release of the front landing gear. The pilots landed the plane on its belly. Fortunately, no one was injured on board (116 passengers). The reason is clear, production of the Fokker 100 has long been discontinued. They are used in aviation by third world countries. The aircraft's service life exceeds 20 years. However, the airline uses 7 aircraft of this type. If we analyze the statistics of incidents with this model, this is not an isolated case when the landing gear release mechanism did not work.

Now let's move on to the good news. Azerbaijan Airlines AZAL launched a new low-cost airline AzalJet in March, ticket prices will start from 49 euros including all taxes and fees.

Now we propose to study the table of statistics on changes in the average age of the fleet and the movement of aircraft in Russian airlines.

TABLE: IN Age of aircraft in Russian airline fleets as of April 12, 2016

Carrier name

Average Age of Aircraft Years (March 2016)

Number in park (March 2016)

Average Age of Aircraft Years (April 2016)

Number in the park (April 2016)

Statistics of changes in the fleet








S7 increased its fleet by 6 units (Boeing 737-800 purchase of six aircraft from UTair with terms not exceeding 2.6 years), which led to a decrease in the average age of the fleet. Why UTair sold its newest aircraft is a question of falling demand for certain destinations.

Yamal increased the fleet by one Sukhoi Superjet 100-95LR aircraft, purchased under lease from UTair Express airline for a period of 1.8 years.

Based on the above, important changes have occurred in Russian aviation over the past month. Now, instead of three Russian airlines, there is one. The management plans that it will take second place in air transportation. UTair is selling its aircraft, unable to bear the costs of leasing payments due to the decline in demand for certain destinations.

Many Russians today prefer to travel by plane. Of course, tickets for this type of transport are more expensive than, for example, for the same trains, but you can also get to your destination by air much faster. However, of course, people who fly do not least think about their safety. The list of Russian airlines today is quite wide, and most of them, fortunately, are considered reliable in this regard.

A little history

Many people remember that during the Soviet era, only one company transported passengers by air - Aeroflot. It was founded in 1921. Initially it was given the name “Deruluft”. In 1923 the company was renamed Dobrolet. The name "Aeroflot" was assigned to the civil air fleet of the RSFSR in 1932.

New companies

Unfortunately, in the 90s of the last century, the only Russian airline ceased to exist, breaking up into several small ones. Today, Aeroflot Corporation aircraft are again plying the airspace of Russia and other countries of the world. However, by now this is far from the only carrier in our country. includes both giants that can compete with Aeroflot, and small charter firms.

Criteria for selecting carrier security

Accidents do not occur often, but usually end in a great tragedy with many casualties. Therefore, of course, you should approach the choice of airline with all responsibility. Before purchasing a ticket for any flight, you should make sure that the carrier is able to ensure flight safety. This can be done very simply.

Since 1999, by order of the Russian Federal Aviation Service, our country has had a program for monitoring the safety of civil transportation. Within its framework, every vessel flying in Russian airspace, whether foreign or domestic, can be checked for compliance with safety standards at any airport in the country. Based on the inspections carried out, a safety rating of carrier companies is compiled. After reading it, you can decide, among other things, whether it is worth using the services of a particular company.

The largest Russian carriers

What giants does the list of Russian airlines include? The rating of safe carriers will be presented to the reader below. The list of the largest domestic airlines by number of passengers carried and size is as follows:

    Aeroflot. This carrier, although no longer the only one, currently tops the list of Russian airlines with the largest fleet. The latter currently consists of 106 modern machines. this company is owned by the state.

    S7-Airlines (“Siberia”). This company is currently the leader in domestic Russian transportation. This carrier has 42 aircraft in its fleet. The company operates flights on 80 routes, only 26 of which are foreign.

    "Russia". This company is also state owned. Most of its flights are carried out to the countries of the former CIS and the Far East. However, Rossiya aircraft also fly to European countries. This carrier's fleet includes 30 aircraft.

    Utair. This company also owns 30 machines. Its main feature is considered to be the presence of a helicopter fleet. This carrier occupies both 4th and 5th places in the ranking.

This list can also be supplemented by the carrier OrenAir (Orenburg and Orsk). This company deals mainly with charter flights. Its fleet includes 29 aircraft.

Rating of the safest airlines in Russia

Below, in descending order, we present to you a list of Russian airlines considered (according to the 2015 rating of the Federal Air Transport Agency) the safest:

    "Ural Airlines". Although this company was not included in the list of the 7 largest, today it tops the ranking of the safest. During the entire existence of this carrier, only 3 incidents with aircraft occurred. Moreover, they all did without casualties.

    S7 Airlines. Since its opening, this carrier has had 3 major accidents. In 2001, a Sibir company Tu-154 plane was shot down by Ukrainians over the Black Sea. In this case, 178 people died. Another accident occurred with a Tu-154 of the S7 Airlines brand (51 people). The next crash killed 125 passengers (A310). To date, this carrier is considered one of the most reliable in terms of safety in Europe.

    Aeroflot. This company has four disasters to its name. The most famous one happened in 1994. The pilot put his 15-year-old son at the controls. Unknowingly, the teenager pressed one of the levers, as a result of which the autopilot was turned off. It was not possible to level the plane, and it went into a dive. 75 people died in this accident.

The list of Russian airlines in terms of safety can, of course, be continued. In principle, control over compliance with standards by legal entities involved in air transportation is carried out quite seriously today. However, the companies listed above are currently considered the best in terms of security.

Rating of companies with the oldest aircraft

The average age of the aircraft fleet in the Russian Federation in 2016 is 12 years. The list of Russian airlines with the oldest aircraft looks like this:

    "Kagalymavia" - 17.1 years.

    “North Wind” - 14 years.

    "Nord-Avia" - 14.

    "Yamal" - 13.7 years.

    Ural Airlines - 12.3 years.

    "UTair" - 11.7.

    Orenburg Airlines - 10.8.

    "Siberia" - 9.6.

    Red Wings - 6.6.

    Aeroflot - 4.4.

Are any companies banned from flying to Europe?

Some passengers would probably like to know whether there are Russian air carriers that are not allowed to fly to EU countries. After all, these states have certain safety standards and have specific requirements for the technical condition of aircraft. At the same time, “black lists” of companies that are prohibited from flying in European airspace are regularly compiled.

At the beginning of the new millennium, some Russian carriers actually had to abandon flights to Europe. The list of banned Russian airlines included such a giant as Ural Airlines (partially). Flights of old Kuban Airlines, Airlines 400 and some others aircraft were also banned. However, these were not sanctions from the European Union. The ban came from Rostransnadzor and Rosaviatsia. Currently, ships of all Russian companies can make voyages to Europe.

Surely, many have used Rossiya Airlines flights. But what kind of airline is “Russia”? How did it appear and who is the owner? This is a subsidiary. She has been there since November 16, 2011. Its fleet is not very large, however, it represents quite a large variety.

Being one of the largest, its passenger traffic increases from year to year. In 2015 alone, about 4.7 million people were transported. The hub in is Pulkovo Airport, and in Moscow - Vnukovo. Simferopol Airport is also an additional hub.

Initially it was the Pulkovo company. It was reorganized into “Russia” October 9, 2006. After that, after 5 years, it became part of Aeroflot.

Previously it included Special flying unit “Russia”. This is an airline that transports exclusively top Russian officials. But then she came out of it, becoming an independent enterprise.

Stewardesses of the Rossiya company.

Not long ago it also included Orenburg Airlines and Donavia. The company's policy is to primarily satisfy the needs of the average consumer. Now the company almost 74 aircraft.

Continuing to remain part of the Aeroflot company, it operates all flights under the Aeroflot name. Also included in the Aeroflot Bonus system. You can read about what it is in.

Today the company operates flights to 25 Russian cities and the same number of points around the world. He also cooperates with the Zenit football club, with which they have signed an agreement.

Air fleet of the company “Russia”

As noted above, the company's fleet consists of almost 74 airliners. Of the aircraft Rossiya Airlines currently has, almost all of them are age 9-12 years.

You can see photos of Rossiya company aircraft below. Most of them were purchased from other airlines.

Main characteristics of Rossiya aircraft.

The largest number of aircraft from is Airbus A319-100. In total there are 26 models, of which 10 belonged to Donavia.

One of them painted in the signature colors of the Zenit football team. In October 2014, a special competition for the best design was held. It was won by Sergei Skrebnev. According to his sketches, in Holland, the plane was painted in new colors.

From Airbuses the company has 5 more Airbus A320-200. All 5 aircraft belonged to the company from the very beginning.

Almost 30 other aircraft are Boeings. 15 Boeing 737-800 models, which previously belonged to Orenburg Airlines.

From the same company - 1 Boeing 777-200. After the bankruptcy of Transaero, the fleet was replenished 9 Boeing 747-400 and 5 Boeing 777-300. Some of them were registered in Ireland, and some in Bermuda.

Until April 9, 2015, “Russia” still had 3 Boeing 767-300, as well as an AN-148, but following its anti-crisis program, the company abandoned them.

Boeing 777-300ER.

It was also ordered - 5 Boeing 777-300ER, which previously belonged to Emirates airlines and 20 more Sukhoi Superjet 100.

They were planned to be transferred to Aeroflot, but then the decision was changed in favor of Russia.

Sukhoi SuperJet 100.

New design

The planes, previously owned by the Orenburg Airlines and Donavia companies, still have to undergo repainting in new company colors, according to a completely new design. Some Airbuses and Boeings have already been designed in this vein.

The fuselage is bright red, then seems to split into small geometric shapes towards the wings.

By the way, real small wings are drawn behind them. The company name is indicated at the nose of the aircraft - “Russia”.

Flying junk. Age of airline aircraft around the world

The age of the passenger A320 that died on March 24, 2015 in the south of France was 24 years old. One and a half hundred people died... ((((... The plane belonged to the German airline German Wings, maintenance of the board was carried out by the technical staff of Lufthansa, which owns this airline.
The question arises: is 24 years for an airplane a lot or a little? And what is the real situation with the age of aircraft in the global passenger air transportation industry?
More recently, things were such that all reputable airlines usually got rid of aircraft older than 12-15 years. And these planes were purchased cheaply by many countries, including Russia.
The average age of German Wings aircraft as of 2015 is already 9 years.
Is it a lot or a little?
As of 2012, German Wings had an average age of only 7 years and was ranked 38th in the average fleet age ranking of 100 airlines in the world.

The rating is divided into three sectors – Green, Orange, Red
Green sector: aircraft under 10 years old.
Orange sector: aircraft between 10 and 15 years old.
Red sector: aircraft over 15 years old
The rating is interesting. The last place is 100th for UTair airline (Russia) – 20 years.
At number 95 is Transaero Airlines (Russia) – 15.3 years.
The following airlines are located nearby:
90. Thomas Cook UK (Great Britain) – 14.1 years
91. El Al (Israel) – 14.5 years
92. Monarch Airlines (UK) – 14.7 years
93. American Airlines (USA) – 15 years
94. Condor (Germany) – 15.1 years
95. Transaero (Russia) – 15.3 years.
96. ExpressJet (USA) – 15.4 years
97. Pakistan Int. Airlines (Pakistan) – 16.3 years
98. Delta Air Lines (USA) – 16.7 years
99. Air Transat (Canada) – 16.7 years
100. UTair (Russia) – 20 years.
Slightly higher on this list, at number 85, is Lufthansa (Germany) – 12.6 years!

It is clear that since 2012, amid the crisis, the Lufthansa fleet has not become any younger.
First places in this rating
1. IndiGo (India) – 2.4 years
2. Wizz Air (Hungary) – 3.7 years
3. Virgin America (USA) – 3.8 years
4. Pegasus (Türkiye) – 3.9 years
5. Virgin Australia (Australia) – 4 years
6. Ryanair (Ireland) – 4.4 years
7. EasyJet (UK) – 4.4 years
8. AirAsia (Malaysia) – 4.4 years
9. Xiamen Airlines (China) – 4.7 years
10.Spirit Airlines (USA) – 4.8 years
11. Copa Airlines (Panama) – 4.8 years
12. Etihad Airways (UAE) – 4.9 years
13. Shenzhen Airlines (China) – 5 years
14. LAN Airlines (Chile) – 5.1 years
15. JetStar Airways (Australia) – 5.1 years
16. Norwegian (Norway) – 5.2 years
17. Aeroflot (Russia) – 5.3 years
18. Qatar Airways (Qatar) – 5.3 years
19. Gulf Air (Bahrain) – 5.5 years
20. Shandong Airlines (China) – 5.6 years
Advice: if you have the time and opportunity, read not only reviews of angry passengers about the quality of food on board, but at least something regarding the technical condition and types of aircraft of your carrier.

Age of aircraft of Russian airlines as of April 2013
The updated rating as of November 19, 2013 is ready. Link to the updated rating
Do you want to know which airlines carry you on new planes? We present to your attention another updated rating of the largest Russian airlines, ranked by the age of their fleet. Taking into account global trends in the formation of aircraft fleets, the rating is conditionally divided into 3 ranges: green (young aircraft fleet, up to 10 years), orange (middle-aged aircraft fleet, from 10 to 15 years) and red (outdated aircraft fleet, over 15 years).
Over the past six months since the previous publication of the rating, only 2 Aeroflot subsidiaries have achieved serious success in updating their fleet. By withdrawing 20-year-old Boeing 737s and receiving 6-year-old A-319 and A-320 airlines, Russia Airlines has reduced the average age of its fleet by 2 years and moved into the green range. Similar operations allowed Donavia airline to reduce the average age of aircraft in operation by 4 years and move from the red to the orange range.
Aeroflot – 5.7 years

Taimyr (NordStar) – 8.6 years

Siberia - S7 (including Globus) – 9.4 years

Red Wings - 9.5 years

Russia – 9.7 years

Ak Bars Aero – 10.7 years

Vladivostok Air – 11.3 years

Ural Airlines – 12.7 years

Severstal – 12.9 years

Donavia – 13 years old

Yamal – 13 years old

RusLine - 13.1 years

Colavia (TUI) - 13.5 years

I Fly - 13.9 years

Orenburg Airlines – 13.9 years

North wind (Nord Wind) – 14.4 years

Tatarstan – 14.8 years

Transaero – 15.5 years

Flight – 16 years

Muscovy – 16.4 years

Gazpromavia – 16.9 years

Yakutia – 19.7 years

UTair (including UTair-Express) – 20.1 years

VIM-avia – 21 years old

Sakhalin air routes – 22.2 years

Nordavia – 24.8 years

Tulpar – 25.1 years

Saratov Airlines – 25.4 years

Grozny Avia – 25.7 years

Izhavia – 29 years old

Alrosa – 30.4 years

Angara – 30.5 years

Iraero – 30.5 years

Tomskavia – 37.2 years

Polar Airlines – 37.8 years

The developing active Rossiya airline is one of the subsidiary air carriers of the group. This is the largest corporation serving passengers from all over Russia and the world. Its structure includes two more enterprises operating in different regions of the country. These are Aurora (Far Eastern regions of the Russian Federation) and Pobeda, a young company engaged in low-cost transportation.

In terms of annual passenger traffic, Rossiya ranks third in the ranking of the entire list of domestic airlines, of which there are more than 30. Let's look at the activities of this popular carrier, how many and what kind of aircraft it has, and also study the customer service system to make sure of its reliability and quality of work.

To determine the scale of work of the national airline, we will establish several main factors for the existence of “Russia” in the passenger transportation market.

So, “Russia” has:

  • the main airport is the base in the city of St. Petersburg at Pulkovo Airport;
  • hubs – points in cities where long-distance flights connect and passengers transfer;
  • federal status and the ability to operate both domestic and interstate flights;
  • own subsidiary groups - Donavia and Orenburg Airlines.

The type of aircraft Rossiya Airlines has is evidenced by the constant formation and renewal of the fleet. Of the 61 aircraft in operation, almost half are American-made Boeing aircraft, the rest are the most famous and reliable European airliners from Airbus.

The first transformation of the carrier from the northern capital occurred when the Pulkovo airline in 2006 received a new name and status as the state transport company Rossiya. It came under the wing of Aeroflot already in 2011 as a result of the purchase of 75% of its shares by Russian Airlines.

Initially and historically, the company is engaged in air transportation of over half of the volume of customers from the main base located at Pulkovo Airport. In addition, branches include Vnukovo in Moscow, as well as large hubs in Rostov-on-Don and Orenburg. Last year, over 8 million people were recorded to have received the company’s services. The growth in annual passenger turnover is associated with Rossiya’s loyal pricing policy and the provision of profitable bonus programs. Despite the difficulties in the country's economic situation, the company consistently adheres to the average for its own flights.

In order not to depend on the state meteorological service, the airline’s management decided to create an internal unit to study changes in weather conditions. Which is what happened in 2013. This department employs a group of professional weather forecasters and qualified dispatchers of the company.

The total number of routes today is carried out by airliners of Rossiya Airlines to 140 cities around the world. The most popular are domestic flights, which are booked by residents of the Far East and southern districts of the Russian Federation. Among tourists today there are a lot of fans of domestic resorts on the Black Sea coast, so whatever the weather conditions, Rossiya Airlines planes deliver outdoor enthusiasts to the city of Sochi and other southern regions of Russia all year round.

High indicators of the quality of passenger service and flight safety based on an audit by the international association of operators IATA Operational Safety Audit allowed Rossiya Airlines to accept the responsibilities of a member of the IOSA register. As indicators of the successful operation of an enterprise, the main advantages can be identified, consisting of:

  • personnel performance indicators;
  • professionalism and experience of pilots and crew;
  • attentive attitude towards passengers during the flight;
  • arrangement of the aircraft interior;
  • provision of food;
  • entertainment system for customers of all ages;
  • convenience of registration through the company’s website.

The level of management among the airline's personnel corresponds to two-star, which is confirmed by the certificate of quality of services provided. Flights on Rossiya planes are available to every resident of the country, regardless of income and wishes, because the high level of service will make the flight convenient and enjoyable for any client.

Not long ago, the domestic passenger carrier became a partner of the popular Russian football club Zenit. One aircraft from the company's fleet was specially painted in the team's authentic colors. Since 2014, football players have constantly used the services of the fleet of Russian airlines and fly only on Rossiya planes. These contractual obligations are renewed periodically and will remain at this level in the future.

Many new and experienced air travelers who have turned to the services of a major carrier are interested in the question: “What kind of aircraft does Rossiya Airlines have?” As already mentioned, its fleet includes foreign-made vessels that have proven themselves well all over the world.

These are such series of aircraft as:

  • Airbus A319– two types: with the number of seats in economy class 108 and 146 pcs., with a capacity of business class from 8 to 12 pcs. The flight range of the airliner with a short fuselage, which measures 34 meters, can be 6650 km. The climb is achieved at a maximum of 11,200 m at a speed of 840 km/h. The total load of an A319 aircraft should not exceed 45 and a half tons.
  • Airbus A320-200- an aircraft with narrow-body geometry, has the same wingspan (34 m) as the previous model. The length of the aircraft is 37.5 m with a capacity of up to 168 people. During takeoff, the weight of the vessel is allowed up to 77 tons. At the same time, the flight range does not exceed 6100 km.
  • Boeing 737-800- a popular model of American aircraft with a capacity of 189 people. The flight speed is 850 km/h for a maximum distance of 5765 km. The board rises into the air above 12,000 m if its load is less than 79 tons.
  • Boeing 747-400– a double-deck board with a wide fuselage, which has a length of 70.6 m. In total, its cabin can accommodate 624 passengers. With a wingspan of 64.4 m, it reaches a speed of 913 km/h. The flight altitude is 13,000 m with a carrying capacity of no more than 397 tons. The maximum flight distance is 14205 km.
  • Boeing 777-200ER- the largest twin-engine airliner with a fuselage length of 63.7 m, a wingspan of 60.9 m, a carrying capacity of 297 tons and a flight speed of 905 km/h. It lifts 400 passengers to a height of up to 13,000 m, while the route range is 14,300 km.
  • Boeing 777-300– the length of the wide-body vessel is 73.9 m, and the wingspan is 64.8 m. The liner has 550 passenger seats with a carrying capacity of 349 tons. The aircraft can fly 14,685 km in one flight.
  • Boeing 777-300ER– an improved modification of this series of Boeings is equipped with additional fuel tanks, a reinforced fuselage (length 73.9 m) and wings. This affected the efficiency and profitability of passenger transportation. The aircraft has a cruising speed of 905 km/h and can cover distances of 14,690 km. Its cabin has 365 seats. The takeoff payload should not exceed 351 and a half tons.

Every year, the fleet receives the latest aircraft with improved technological systems. The average age of aircraft does not exceed 13 years. What were the first planes that Rossiya Airlines produced? European Airbus laid the foundation for a fleet of this level (the A319-100 model has been in operation for 19 years). But the Boeing 737-800 is only one year old. These reliable vessels are used for long-haul flights.

Almost all types of aircraft have separate seats for business class customers. But there are special airliners for certain passengers. A sharp increase in the fleet occurred with the integration of two enterprises of the former Transaero into “Russia”.

The improvement of Rossiya's aircraft fleet with high-quality aircraft has given rise to plans to increase passenger service, the number of which is expected to reach 10 million people per year in the coming years.

New livery of the Rossiya aircraft