Where is the best place to relax in Bulgaria? The best seaside resorts in Bulgaria. Where to go in Bulgaria and how much it costs Where you can relax in Bulgaria in the summer


(Republic of Bulgaria)

General information

Geographical position. Bulgaria is located on the Balkan Peninsula. In the north it borders with Romania in the west, Yugoslavia and Macedonia in the south, Greece and Turkey in the north and is washed by the Black Sea.

Square. The territory of Bulgaria occupies 110,994 square meters. km.

Main cities, administrative divisions. The capital of Bulgaria is Sofia. The largest cities: Sofia (1,200 thousand people), Plovdiv (400 thousand people), Varna (340 thousand people). Administratively, Bulgaria is divided into 9 regions.

Political system

Bulgaria is a republic. The head of state is the president. The head of government is the prime minister. The legislative body is a unicameral people's assembly.

Relief. Bulgaria has a truly unique variety of landscapes. From the high banks of the Danube, which is the border of the country in the north, to the green peaks of the Stara Planina mountain range in northern Bulgaria, the plain stretches. Stara Planina stretches from the Black Sea in the east to Yugoslavia in the west. In two places it is dissected by deep valleys of the Iskar and Kamchia rivers, forming picturesque gorges. The Iskar Gorge is especially majestic and beautiful. Everywhere you can see picturesque villages climbing steep slopes. On this ridge of the Balkan Mountains there are a number of passes convenient for motorists at altitudes from 400 to 1,600 m: in the west - Petrokhansky, Botevgradsky, in the middle part of the Stara Planina-Zlatitsky, Troyansky, Shipkinsky, Republic Pass, in the east - Kotlensky and Dyulinsky.

Another mountain range, Sredna Gora, is separated from Stara Planina by the so-called geological fault - small valleys and gorges of volcanic origin. Not far from Kazanlak is the Rose Valley, where about 70% of the world's rose oil used in the perfume and cosmetics industry is produced.

The most mountainous area lies in the southwest of the country, where the Rila-Rhodope mountain range is located along the border with Greece. It includes the highest Bulgarian mountains: Rila and its peak Musala (2,925 m), located south of Sofia, Vihren (2,915 m) in the Pirin mountain range.

Geological structure and minerals. On the territory of Bulgaria there are deposits of bauxite, copper, lead, and coal.

Climate. Bulgaria is located in a zone of temperate continental climate, and the extreme south of the country is in a zone transitional to a Mediterranean climate. The air temperature in January reaches zero. The average temperature of the warmest month - July - in lowland areas is from +23°C to +25°C. In the mountains, vertical climatic zonation is clearly visible. Autumn frosts in the northern regions occur no earlier than the end of October, and the last spring frosts no later than the beginning of April.

Inland waters. The main rivers of Bulgaria are the Danube, Iskar, Maritsa.

Soils and vegetation. About a third of Bulgaria's territory is covered with forests. Deciduous tree species predominate in the valleys, and coniferous trees predominate in the mountains. National parks: Vitasha, Golden Sands, Ropotamo, Steneto, etc.

Animal world. The fauna of Bulgaria is characterized by deer, fallow deer, roe deer, wild boar, wolf, fox, hare, ferret, badger, and gopher. Lots of birds. Reptiles are common in the south.

Population and language

The population of Bulgaria is about 9 million people. Largest cities: Sofia (1 million 250 thousand people), Plovdiv (375 thousand people), Varna (315 thousand people), Burgas (205 thousand people), Ruse (195 thousand people) , Stara Zagora (165 thousand people), Pleven (140 thousand people).

Ethnically, Bulgarians belong to the group of Southern Slavs. The most numerous national minorities are Turkish (8.5%), Roma (2.6%), Macedonians (2.5%). Ethnic Macedonians inhabit the Pirin mountain range, south of Sofia.

Turks (about 800 thousand people) inhabit mainly the northeast of the country, in particular, the eastern part of the foothills of the Rhodope massif. Between the First and Second World Wars there was a massive (more than 340 thousand) migration of ethnic Turks to Turkey, and after the Second World War another 200 thousand people emigrated. In the 80s, the government adopted a program of “active” assimilation of the Turks remaining in the country, but the program had obvious excesses, since it included bans on the observance of religious and national traditions. There were even attempts to ban the wearing of Turkish national dress and speaking Turkish in public places. The protests of the Turkish part of the population against this policy and its rejection were very strong. After changes in the passport regime in 1989, another 350 thousand Bulgarian Turks left the country. At the end of 1989, when power in the country passed to the democrats, mosques were opened, and it was allowed to call children by Turkish names. Turkish secondary schools also opened in 1991.

In the Rhodope Mountains, south of Plovdiv, live 250 thousand Pomaks of Slavic origin who converted to Islam at a time when Bulgaria was part of the Ottoman Empire. In the Rose Valley, especially around Sliven, many gypsies live (about 550 thousand in total).


Approximately 85% of the population is Christian, 13% Muslim, 2% other faiths.

Brief historical sketch

In ancient times, the territory occupied by modern Bulgaria belonged to powerful Macedonia, and it was inhabited by the Thracians.

After 46 BC e. all these lands and part of Macedonia, which in turn became part of the powerful Roman Empire, were divided by the Romans for ease of administration into three parts - Lower Moesia, the Balkan Mountains and Thrace in the south.

Appeared here in the middle of the 6th century. n. e. Slavic tribes merged with the small Thracian population, which easily accepted their way of life, traditions and rituals. This merger was also facilitated by the fact that the Slavs were very peaceful towards the local residents and were engaged in arable farming and cattle breeding in small communities.

In 679, the Turkic hordes, the so-called proto-Bulgarians, led by khans and boyars, leaving their traditional habitats between the Volga and the Southern Urals, crossed the Danube.

In 681, the Turkic Khan Asparukh formed the first Slavic state in history - the First Bulgarian Kingdom - with its capital in the city of Pliska in Moesia. The state existed until 1018 and was very extensive by European standards - in the 9th century. its borders extended from Byzantium to Macedonia. At the same time, the few proto-Bulgarians dissolved among the Slavic tribes, adopting their language and culture.

Since 870, Bulgaria has professed Christianity, and the Bulgarian Church is independent and has its own patriarch.

The Bulgarian kingdom reached the peak of its power under Tsar Simeon (893-927), who moved the capital to Preslav and expanded the country's borders to the western shores of the Adriatic. Even the proud and independent Serbs recognized Simeon as their sovereign (the adoption of Christianity by the Serbs dates back to the same time). Prospered

culture and writing. The writing schools of Preslav and Ohrid were the first in Europe after the Hebrew, Hellenic and Roman schools, which had long since experienced their heyday.

Simeon's attempts to try on the crown of the Byzantine Empire significantly weakened the country, the collapse of which was also facilitated by minor internecine wars after his death. Serbia managed to prove its independence in 933, and in 972 Byzantium also dissociated itself, leaving behind part of the eastern lands.

Tsar Samuel (980-1014) tried to prevent fatal changes, but suffered a severe defeat in 1014 in the battle of Belastitsa with the troops of the Byzantine emperor Vasily P. The latter ordered the eyes of 15 thousand Bulgarian soldiers to be gouged out. Upon learning of this, the Bulgarian Tsar died of a heart attack. Four years later, all of Bulgaria came under Byzantine rule.

In 1185, two brothers - Peter and Asen - led a successful uprising against Byzantine rule, which resulted in the creation of the Second Bulgarian Kingdom (1185-1396). Asen became king, and the capital was moved to Veliko Tyrnovo.

Tsar Ivan Asen II (1218-1241) subjugated all of Thrace, Macedonia and Albania, but after his death in 1241 the gigantic empire began to fall apart again. The country was exhausted by continuous Tatar raids from the north, the Serbs captured Macedonia.

In 1340, the Turks sensed an opportunity to declare weakened Bulgaria a zone of their national interests. In various ways - political, economic and religious - they carried out expansion, which by 1371 was crowned with success. The Bulgarian Tsar Ivan Shishman recognized himself as a vassal of the Turkish Sultan Murad I.

In 1393 the Turks took Veliko Tarnovo. The last Bulgarian stronghold, the city of Vidin, fell in 1396. Its fall marked the beginning of five centuries of rule by the Ottoman Empire.

The Turkish governors, who chose Sofia as their residence, and the Turkish colonists who settled on the fertile plains, pushed the indigenous inhabitants into the mountains, onto dry and infertile lands, while collecting huge taxes from them. These circumstances, however, contributed to the fact that the Turks failed to introduce Islam into Bulgaria and force the indigenous population to forget their old traditions and customs. The Christian faith was preserved, despite persecution, in remote monasteries such as Rila, Troyan, and Bachkovo. The richest folklore traditions have been preserved, serving as a bridge between the 14th and 19th centuries. - the end of Turkish rule. The Bulgarians retained self-government, and the national economy was still dominated by the agricultural sector.

The cities became centers of Turkish trade and crafts, and in the 16th-17th centuries. Turkish influence in Bulgaria reached its peak. It weakened significantly in the 18th century, when the deprivation of the population sharply increased due to the extremely unsuccessful wars of Turkey with Austria and Russia, accompanied by rising taxes and soaring inflation.

At the beginning of the 19th century, as Ottoman influence weakened, the revival of national Bulgarian culture began on the basis of folk traditions, customs, rituals, and folklore. For the first time in 500 years, schools were opened and books were published in Bulgarian.

In 1860, a movement began for a church independent of the Patriarch of Constantinople, which was crowned with success ten years later. Turkey's recognition of the autonomy of the Bulgarian Church was an important step on the path to independence.

While the future national heroes of Bulgaria: Hristo Botev, Lyuben Karavelov and Vasily Levski, were preparing in deep secret for the war of liberation, the inhabitants of Koprivshtitsa raised a premature uprising in April 1876. It was suppressed with unprecedented cruelty. In Plovdiv, 15 thousand Bulgarians were executed, and 58 villages were destroyed.

This turn of events forced Serbia to declare war on Turkey, which in April 1877 Russia and Romania entered on the side of Serbia. Decisive battles took place near Pleven and Shipka. Russia lost 200 thousand people killed and wounded in this war. When Russian troops approached Istanbul within 50 km, the Turks laid down their arms, fearing the possibility of complete defeat. According to the treaty signed in San Stefano, Turkey gave 60% of the Balkan Peninsula to Bulgaria.

The modern history of Bulgaria dates back to 1878.

Fearing the emergence of a powerful Russian outpost in the Balkans in the form of a new nascent state, the Western powers did everything possible to prevent this. At the Congress of Berlin, the southern part of Bulgaria was declared an autonomous province, which was nevertheless nominally under the authority of the Turkish Sultan. Macedonia was officially recognized as part of the Ottoman Empire.

In 1879 Northern Bulgaria adopted a liberal constitution.

In 1885, Southern Bulgaria, called Eastern Rumelia, became part of a new state, the formation of which was largely completed by 1878.

June 29, 1913 Bulgarian King Ferdinand (1908-1918) launched a surprise attack on his former allies, the Second Balkan War began. It quickly ended with the defeat of Bulgaria by Serbia, Greece, as well as Romania, which successfully chose the moment to join the winning side. Macedonia was divided between Greece and Serbia, and Romania received Southern Dobruja from Bulgaria.

In September, rebel troops forced King Ferdinand to abdicate the throne. Bulgaria concluded a truce, giving up part of its territory to Greece and Serbia.

Elections in 1920 led to the victory of Alexander Stambolisky, a democrat and opponent of the war. The government he formed managed to carry out land reform, according to which land that belonged to large landowners was distributed among the peasants who worked it. This state of affairs could not suit the landowners. The internal situation of the country was complicated by the abundance of refugees from Macedonia, as well as an unprecedented increase in crime in Macedonia itself and complete arbitrariness in the country. A. Stamboliysky was killed as a result of a conspiracy by a right-wing radical group that came to power in June 1923, and in September of the same year an armed peasant uprising led by communists was brutally suppressed. Terror has come to the country.

In 1935, Boris III was crowned king in Bulgaria.

On January 24, 1937, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia solemnly signed a treaty of “indestructible peace and sincere and eternal friendship.”

In September 1940, Hitler demanded that Romania return southern Dobruja to Bulgaria, and in 1941, grateful Bulgaria, having terminated all treaties, took an active part in the German intervention in Yugoslavia.

In 1942, the majority of anti-fascist and anti-government groups, including communists, united into the Fatherland Front to organize Bulgaria’s withdrawal from the war and the conclusion of a truce. Tsar Boris died under mysterious circumstances in August 1943. A Regency was formed

advice. It carried out its functions until September 1944 - on September 2, the Fatherland Front planned an armed uprising.

On August 8, 1944, as Soviet troops advanced through Romania, Bulgaria unexpectedly declared itself a neutral country and disarmed its German troops. At the insistence of the USSR, Bulgaria declared war on Germany, after which Soviet troops entered Bulgarian territory without encountering resistance, as if they were entering the territory of a friendly state.

On September 9, 1944, armed detachments of the Fatherland Front and partisans entered Sofia. Power passed into the hands of the communists under the leadership of Todor Zhivkov. From 1944 until the end of the war, units of the Bulgarian army took part in the battles with the Nazis along with Soviet troops.

After a referendum in 1946, Bulgaria was declared a republic, and Georgi Dimitrov was elected prime minister on October 27, 1946.

In the 1980s Bulgaria joined Greece's call for the Balkans to be declared a nuclear-weapon-free zone, but relations with Turkey remained strained.

Since the late 1940s. In the country, led by the communist Todor Zhivkov (from 1954 to 1989), large-scale reconstruction unfolded, and then the development and transformation of industry, industrialization and collectivization of agriculture. Bulgaria has become one of the most prosperous countries in Eastern Europe. At the same time, as part of planning in a socialist economy, significant flexibility was shown, which made it possible to increase the quality of products and labor productivity; private farming was allowed in free time from the main job.

In 1989, a wave of perestroika came to Bulgaria from the USSR. On November 9, 1989, the Berlin Wall came down, and the next day, a radical group within the Bulgarian Communist Party ended the 35-year rule of 78-year-old Todor Zhivkov. After 43 days, T. Zhivkov was placed under house arrest, and in February 1991 he became the first communist leader to stand trial on charges of corruption and bribery during his reign.

Brief Economic Sketch

Bulgaria is an industrial-agrarian country. Brown coal mining. The most developed are mechanical engineering (production of electric hoists and electric cars, tractors, agricultural machines, computers, machine tools) and the food industry (tobacco, fruit canning). Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy. Chemical and petrochemical, woodworking industries. Agriculture is dominated by crop production. Production of grain and legumes, tobacco, vegetables, fruits, grapes, essential oil crops. Meat and wool livestock farming (cattle, sheep, pigs). Fishing. International resorts Golden Sands, Albena, Sunny Beach. Export: mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, chemical products, plastics, vegetables, fruits, wine, tobacco products. Foreign tourism. d Currency unit - lev.

Brief sketch of culture

Art and architecture. Veliko Tarnovo, the former capital of the medieval Bulgarian kingdom, Koprivshtitsa, the ancient peninsular town of Nessebar and Melnik, the smallest city in Bulgaria, where all the houses have signs hanging on them explaining the architectural value of each house, are declared museum cities. The ancient villages of Zheravna and Shiroka-Lyka were also taken under protection. The roofs are traditionally tiled and hipped. The houses are two- or three-story, on a high base, often with a bay window. The central place in the house is the hall (day room), separated by an arch with a curtain or a sliding wall from the rest of the room, so that when receiving a large number of guests (an important moment in Bulgarian life), a spacious room is formed.

There are more than 200 museums in the country, most of which are located in Sofia (National Archaeological Museum, National Ethnographic Museum, National Museum of Natural History, etc.)

Sofia: Church of the Holy Resurrection (was built after the Liberation from the Nazis, continuing the tradition of building churches on this site from medieval times. Previously, it was the old aristocratic quarter of the city - Varosha, where there were bell towers and church schools); Banya Pasha Mosque (a Sultan-style building with a huge dome and minaret, built in 1576 by Hajj Mimar Sinan). Plovdiv. Ruins of a Roman stadium; Dzhumaya Mosque (“Friday Mosque”); Imaret Mosque (1444-1445, with an old Turkish tomb in which the Turkish ruler Pasha Gaazi Shahabeddin is buried); Archaeological Museum; Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary (where several icons by the famous master of the late 19th century Stanislav Dospevsky are presented); Museum of Icons; Church of Saints Constantine and Helena; ruins of a Roman citadel.

The science. G. Nadzhakov (1896-1981) - physicist who discovered the photoelectret state of matter).

Literature. P. Vezhinov (1914-1983) is the author of novels and stories about the anti-Hitler struggle of the Bulgarian people (the collection “Second Company”) and works about modernity, which are distinguished by the depth of psychological analysis (the stories “The Smell of Almonds”, “Barrier”, “Dimensions”, novels “At Night on White Horses”, “Scales”).

Bulgaria this is the place that generous nature has rewarded with luxurious golden beaches, the picturesque Balkan Mountains, the gentle Black Sea and the waters of the mighty Danube. And here are the most modern ski slopes and vineyards that produce good harvests. Rich history and culture- an excellent addition to the natural and tourism potential of the country. All this, combined with affordable prices, makes Bulgaria an attractive place on the planet for thousands of tourists at any time of the year.

Bulgaria is located in southeast Europe and is located on the western coast of the Black Sea. The total area of ​​the territory is 110.910 km², of which 360 km² have to to the water.

The country ranks eastern part of the Balkan Peninsula- its 22%. The exact geographical coordinates on the world map are as follows: 43°00′ N. w. and 25°00′ E. d. .

Where is Bulgaria

Bulgaria is a small country, but it has an advantageous geographical location, bordering the following countries:

In the north with Romania (608 km);

On South with Greece and Turkey (734 km);

In the West with Serbia and Macedonia (466 km);

The total length of land borders is 1808 km.

Administrative division

Bulgaria is conditionally divided into 28 administrative-territorial regions, which in turn count 264 communities.

All 28 regions belong to special regions (statistical zones): 2 first order And six second order. They were created for the convenience of classifying areas and summing up statistical data, but do not have any administrative status.

Capital of Bulgaria - Sofia(translated from Greek - “wisdom”) with the population more than 2000,000 people.

The city is the administrative center of the Sofia region, the urban region of Sofia and the community of Stolichna. It is located in the center of the Balkan Peninsula, in its very heart.

Other major cities in Bulgaria: Plovdiv,





The length of the coastline is 354 km.

The Bulgarian coast is very attractive. About 25% is covered with fine golden sand. Many wonderful modern resorts are located on the Black Sea coast in Bulgaria.

River system

The river network of Bulgaria is very rich in large and small rivers and lakes. However, only two main river systems of the country can be distinguished: the northern part and the southern, including the territory of the Upper African Plain.

Rivers and waters flowing through the northern territory of the country usually pass through the Danube channel and flow into the Black Sea basin. They originate at the foot of the Balkan Mountains. The longest river in the country is considered Iskar (368 km.).

Its source begins in the mountains Ripa, after which it turns north, enters the Danube and also flows into the Black Sea.

Tributaries collected Upper African Plain, pour out to the Aegean Sea.

Some of the largest rivers in this part of the country: Maritsa(which, leaving Bulgaria, flows along the Greek-Turkish border),

The origins of "Maritsa" begin in the eastern part of the Rila Mountains


"Struma" originates in Bulgaria on the southwestern slopes of Vitosha

And Places(ending in neighboring Greece).

"Mesta" takes its "let" in the Rila Mountains and flows through Bulgaria for 126 km

The largest naturally fed lake in Bulgaria - O. Burgas with total water area 27 km², which is located on the territory of the region of the same name.

Picturesque lake "Burgas"

Bulgaria is the most popular country among Russian buyers of foreign real estate. In 2013, more than 10 thousand of our compatriots purchased local real estate. The most popular apartments are on the country's Black Sea coast.

“Bulgaria’s seaside resorts are in demand for a variety of segments of the population. Young people prefer large, noisy resorts; they have almost no opportunity to buy housing. Young families as well as older people like calm and quiet places, but some prefer cities due to the availability of medical care, better infrastructure and the ability to rent out homes all year round. Some people prefer good apartments in large resorts (in gated complexes) for long-term stays or for renting out housing,” says Todor Stoyanov, financial director of Prime Property BG.

the site has compiled a list of the best resorts in Bulgaria for families with children and purchasing real estate. The rating is based on the following criteria: quality of beaches, infrastructure and attractions, level of safety, environmental conditions, cost of living and recreation.

Rating of Bulgarian resorts for holidays and home buying (maximum score - 10)

Resorts Beaches Infra-
and attractions
and rest
1 10 10 9 4 8 41
2 6 8 9 7 10 40
3 5 9 10 8 7 39
4 9 9 9 10 2 39
5 6 6 10 10 6 38
6 9 5 9 10 5 38
7 8 9 9 10 1 37
8 10 10 1 5 10 36
9 7 10 4 5 10 36
10 5 1 10 10 10 36
11 6 3 10 6 10> 35
12 3 4 9 9 10 35
13 5 6 10 9 5 35
14 5 3 8 9 9 34
15 2 9 8 6 8 33
16 10 10 1 10 1 32
17 5 7 10 5 5 32
18 5 5 5 6 10 31
19 10 6 5 5 5 31
20 2 2 9 9 8 30
21 3 1 10 6 9 39
22 3 1 10 4 10 28
23 5 5 9 5 1 25
24 6 10 1 5 1 23
25 4 10 1 1 5 21

Sveti Vlas: a quiet resort for families

Sveti Vlas is a coastal town located 40 km from Burgas International Airport and 6 km from Sunny Beach. “Sveti Vlas is an ideal place for a quiet, measured holiday with the whole family. It feels like home, the complexes are cozy, and accommodation is inexpensive. The only drawback is that there is little greenery at the resort,” says Alexander D., who vacationed in Sveti Vlas in the summer of 2013 with his wife and two children.

This area has a special microclimate: the air is enriched with iodine ions, a fresh breeze blows from the sea, the Stara Planina Mountains and the surrounding hills keep it cool during the summer heat. There are sunny days from May to September or a total of 70 days. Due to the combination of a mild climate and healthy air, many come to Sveti Vlas to treat their lungs.

All three beaches with a length of 1.5 km (Camping, Marina and Central) are marked with the Blue Flag. This award is given for environmental friendliness. The beaches are sandy, wide, free (money is taken only for sun loungers and umbrellas), with small bays convenient for swimming.

The tourist infrastructure of the resort is actively developing. Now there is a marina, shops and restaurants. Most streets are under video surveillance, so crime here is almost reduced to zero. Attractions include the Church of St. Andrew and the Temple of Athanasius the Great.

Some Bulgarian government officials have acquired houses in this town. Available real estate offers include apartments in hotel complexes, apartments and villas. Housing in Sveti Vlas is sold at prices from 22.6 thousand to 376 thousand euros. Apartment rental costs 25–55 euros per day.

Kranevo: an ideal holiday for children

“In the summer of 2012, we sent our children to the AquaLife water sports camp in the village of Kranevo. From June to July we rented a house there to live near our children. We enjoyed our vacation so much that in the future we plan to vacation only in Kranevo,” says Olga K.

From Kranevo to Varna Airport is about 30 minutes drive. Buses and minibuses also run regularly to Albena, Balchik, Dobrich and Golden Sands. All these resorts are nearby.

The beach in Kranevo is clean, with golden sand, 6 km long and up to 100 m wide. There are paid and free recreation areas. The seabed is flat, without dangerous currents or depth changes, so children can swim here without fear. Some tourists believe that Kranevo beach is the most convenient on the coast. The village also has mineral springs, which are used to treat various diseases.

Kranevo is a village, but it has all the infrastructure necessary for recreation: bars, discos, restaurants serving Bulgarian, Indian and Chinese cuisine, shops, hairdressers, a market and even children's attractions. On the beach you can rent catamarans, jet skis and windsurfing equipment. And yet, Kranevo is famous not for its nightlife, but for its quiet relaxation, so young people who are accustomed to noisy parties may find it boring here.

The resort has both hotels and a private sector. Prices for apartments in Kranevo range from 37 thousand to 80 thousand euros, for houses - from 62 thousand to 337 thousand.

Review: beautiful nature and warm sea

There are several beaches - sandy, pebble, concrete; one of them is marked with the Blue Flag. The sea is clean, warms up well, and the slope to the sea is gentle. However, not everyone likes the beaches in Pomorie: the sand has a gray-brown color due to its high iron content, in some places there are stones, and in the morning, sometimes, the current carries algae.

In the surrounding area there are salt lakes, the healing properties of the water in which were known to the Byzantines and Thracians. It was used to treat wounds, rheumatism and skin diseases. Since Pomorie is located at zero elevation above sea level, the area is swampy, and the mud also has healing properties.

The city is located in the middle of the plains, so you won’t see the greenery of the forests here. But there are many vineyards here. Pomorie is famous for the fact that on its outskirts there is a wine and cognac factory called Black Sea Gold. It is believed that cognac made from grapes grown on salty soil is of special quality.

The resort has many hotels, sanatoriums, cafes, an open-air cinema, museums, monasteries and churches, but there is little entertainment for young people. “Pomorie will appeal to those who value peace and do not like crowds of tourists. It seemed to us that there are very few foreign tourists here; mainly Bulgarians come here from other regions of the country,” says Elena K.

The old part of the city has many buildings with interesting architecture, located on narrow winding streets, while the new areas are dominated by modern houses ranging in height from two to four floors. Pomorie is considered one of the cheapest resorts in Bulgaria. Both food and housing are inexpensive here. Apartments in Pomorie can be purchased for prices starting from 20 thousand euros.

Mermaid: rare birds and protected places

Rusalka is the northernmost resort in Bulgaria. It is located 80 km from Varna and 50 km from Albena in the Tauk Liman nature reserve, which translated from Turkish means “chicken haven”: many species of rare birds nest in the reserve. Nearby is Cape Kaliakra - an archaeological and natural reserve with secluded coves, exotic caves and mineral springs. You can get to Rusalka by bus, minibus or taxi from Varna, as well as by water transport from Kavarna and Kaliakra.

Rusalka has both sandy and pebble beaches. The average sea water temperature is +24 °C. The swimming season lasts from May to September. In summer the air warms up to +28 °C, and only a fresh breeze from the sea brings coolness.

The complexes at the resort operate on an all-inclusive basis. On their territory there are dozens of tennis courts, a riding club, a fitness room, a sauna, discos and bars, and swimming pools with animation. Here you can play football, go scuba diving and ride a bike.

There are about 600 country houses available for rent in Rusalka, where tourists, mostly British and Germans, stay in the summer. The houses are equipped with air conditioning, telephones and televisions.

Primorsko: a haven for surfers and exotic nature

Primorsko is located in the Burgas region, near Sozopol and Tsarevo, at the foot of the Strandja Mountains. From here you can take a bus to Burgas, Pleven, Plovdiv, Sofia and Tsarevo.

The surrounding area of ​​Primorsko is a protected area with pristine forests, rare plants and wild animals, as well as unusual rock formations. In the Ropotamo Nature Reserve, which covers an area of ​​1 thousand hectares, you can go hiking or boating on the river. Tourists also visit St. Thomas Island, where white water lilies grow and turtles live.

The resort has a clean beach 2 km long with fine sand. The northern beach is open to all winds, which is why it is chosen by surfers. The southern beach is calmer, it is reliably protected from the wind, there is a gentle shore and a warm sea. “We vacationed in Primorsko from July to August, it was very hot and sunny, but thanks to the dry air, high temperatures were easily tolerated,” says Alla B.

Primorsko is an affordable resort for the whole family. Hotels, goods and services are cheaper here than in other resorts in Bulgaria. Apartments in Primorsko are sold at prices from 20 thousand to 100 thousand euros, houses - from 95 thousand to 700 thousand euros.

Elenite: healthy air and all-inclusive system

Elenite is a resort located in a picturesque bay on the southern slopes of the Stara Planina mountains, 40 km from Burgas airport and a few minutes by bus from Sunny Beach and Sveti Vlas. The resort was named “Elenite” (Bulgarian for “deer”) because deer live in the local forests.

In Elenite, iodized sea air is combined with the air of coniferous forests growing in the surrounding area, which creates a special microclimate that is beneficial for pulmonary patients. There is no sweltering heat here: the average air temperature in summer is about +28 °C. From May to October the water heats up to an average of +24 °C. Stara Planina Mountain protects the resort from northern winds.

This is a closed resort, and outsiders are not allowed into its territory. In Elenite there are several hotels and residential complexes with apartments located on the first line of the sea, along an 800 m long beach. There are many shops, benches, restaurants serving European and Bulgarian cuisine, bars, an outdoor seawater swimming pool, tennis courts, a yacht club , volleyball and football grounds, a fitness room, table tennis and billiards, a riding club, and a water park. The complex operates on an all-inclusive basis. The holiday is comfortable and inexpensive, meets European standards.

“Externally, Elenite reminded me of Ibiza - the same white villas with red tile roofs. Beautiful resort. But the entrance to the sea is inconvenient - the sand is strewn with stones, you can get hurt, and the beach seemed narrow to me,” says Svetlana S. from Kazan.

Prices for apartments in Elenite range from 35 thousand to 260 thousand euros.

Golden Sands: lots of tourists and discos until the morning

The Golden Sands resort is located in a national park 18 km northeast of Varna. There are bus connections to all coastal resorts.

There is a legend associated with the name of the resort. According to it, a long time ago, pirates buried a gold treasure somewhere on the coast, later they could not find it, and then this gold turned into fine-grained golden sand. Beaches of amazing yellow color, from 50 to 100 m wide, stretch along the northern coast for 3.5 km. The average air temperature in summer does not fall below +27 °C, and the water remains warm even at night.

“Golden Sands has a lot of entertainment and is a great place for young people. But for older people this is rather a disadvantage. We lived in a house on the first line of the sea, nearby discos were open until the morning, and because of the resting youth and loud music it was impossible to sleep. There are also a lot of tourists at the resort,” says Alexander Sh.

The resort has many attractions for adults and children, restaurants, discos, hotels, casinos, sports centers and amusement parks. Cultural attractions include the Chapel of St. John the Baptist and the 14th-century Aladzha rock monastery.

At the Ambassador balneological center, arthritis, arthrosis, bronchitis, neuroses, stress and chronic pharyngitis are treated using sea water, rich in salts and microelements, as well as healing mud and various types of medicinal plants.

Prices in Golden Sands restaurants are approximately twice as high as in Varna. Real estate is also not cheap: apartments with an area of ​​30–40 m² are sold for 30–40 thousand euros. Apartment rental costs 40–50 euros per day.

Kavarna: historical sights and rock concerts

The resort town of Kavarna is located 64 km from Varna, 49 km from Dobrich and 18 km from Balchik. From here there are buses to Bolgarevo, Balchik, Varna, Dobrich, Durankulak and Sofia.

The sandy beach is located about 2 km from the center of Kavarna and has a length of about 1.5 km. In summer, the air temperature varies from +22 to +30 °C, there is almost no rain - precipitation only falls closer to autumn.

Kavarna has cafes, snack bars, fish restaurants, an ethnographic museum, and many ruins of Roman villas and medieval churches. The city is famous for hosting the International Rock Fest every summer, where many world-famous performers have performed. Among them are Accept, Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Glenn Hughes, Ronnie James Dio and Scorpions.

The city has a large selection of residential complexes with apartments. Prices range from 24 thousand to 350 thousand euros. A house can be purchased at a price from 60 thousand to 2 million euros. Rental housing costs 30–50 euros per day.

Lozenets: seafood cuisine and the cleanest sea

The fishing village of Lozenets, surrounded by greenery, is located in the Burgas region between the resort towns of Kiten and Tsarevo, 60 km south of Burgas. The sea and the proximity of the Strandja Mountains create a unique landscape here.

The village has more than 10 restaurants and bars where you can listen to music and taste different dishes from freshly caught fish: mussels, crabs, octopus, squid, shrimp, mackerel and much more. There are six sandy beaches: Babeshki, Coral, Oasis, Maly, Mechata Dupka and Central. Activities include surfing, fishing, horse riding, jet skiing, and, of course, swimming and sunbathing. According to scientific research, sea water in Lozenets is the cleanest on the entire Bulgarian Black Sea coast. It is rich in microelements - bromine, iodine, calcium and magnesium.

In summer it can be hot - up to +30 °C, but the heat is softened by a light fresh breeze blowing from the sea. Lozenets is protected from strong winds by the Strandja Mountains.

The resort is dominated by two- and three-story houses, many of which have been converted into small hotels. The low-rise buildings of the village are reminiscent of European suburbs. Apartments in Lozenets are sold at prices from 30 thousand to 300 thousand euros, houses - from 90 thousand to 400 thousand euros.

Sozopol: architectural monuments and bohemia

Sozopol is the oldest Bulgarian city on the Black Sea coast. The first settlement in these places arose in the Bronze Age - in the 4th–3rd millennium BC. e. The resort is located 34 km from Burgas, on a small peninsula that juts into the Black Sea. By bus you can reach Burgas, Kiten, Primorsko and Sofia.

There are three sandy beaches in Sozopol - Zlatna Ribka, Harmanite and Central. Harmanyte is awarded the Blue Flag. There are several campsites nearby - “Veselie”, “Gradina”, “Zlatna Ribka”, “Kavatsi” and “Smokinya”. The city has more than 600 restaurants, taverns, bars and discos. This is a museum city: there are many historical and architectural monuments of the 18th–19th centuries, beautiful churches, old white houses with red tile roofs and narrow cobbled streets. The special atmosphere of the resort attracts creative people - artists, musicians and painters.

It is hot in Sozopol in summer. From May to September, the air temperature is +27–33 °C, the water temperature is +25–28 °C.

Apartments in Sozopol cost from 27.5 thousand to 500 thousand euros, houses - from 100 thousand euros.

Balchik: magnificent park and bad beaches

Balchik is the third most important port in Bulgaria after Varna and Burgas. It is located close to Albena, Varna, Dobrich, Golden Sands and Kranevo.

In ancient times, buildings here were built from white limestone. The Roman poet Ovid, sailing past the city on a ship, wrote about what he saw: “I greet you, white-stone city, with your unique beauty.” Balchik remains a beautiful city to this day. The most picturesque place is the residence of the Romanian Queen Maria with a palace park in which there are about 200 species of trees, more than 3,000 rare and exotic plants, more than 250 species of cacti, the collection of which is the second largest after the collection of Monaco. Other attractions include churches, remains of the Temple of Cybele, medieval walls and stone fountains.

“I didn’t like the beaches in Balchik. There is no sandy beach area as such, people sunbathe wherever they can, even on the parapets,” says Olga L. Due to the fact that there are no good beaches in Balchik, this resort is not as popular as others. The other side of the coin is low prices for holidays in local hotels and restaurants.

Here you will find a yacht club with 60 yachts, a 20-hole golf course, nightclubs and bars. In general, Balchik is a calm and quiet resort where young people may get bored.

The sea water temperature is 2–3 °C lower than in the south of the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. For many Balchik homeowners, landslides are a big problem.

Among the property owners in Balchik there are many English, Irish and Russians. Apartments cost from 40 thousand to 200 thousand euros. The average cost per square meter is 300 euros.

Tsarevo: a boring resort for a lazy holiday

Tsarevo is a small port city in the Burgas region, located on a peninsula with a heavily indented coastline. There is a bus connection with Ahtopol, Burgas and Malko Tarnovo.

There are more than 200 sunny days a year, the air temperature in the summer months ranges from +24 to 35 °C, the water temperature reaches +25 °C.

This is a quiet, relaxing resort, where there are no noisy discos and crowds of tourists. There are not many hotels, since this resort is not the most popular among foreigners. In addition to Russians, Germans and Norwegians vacation here. There are three picturesque beaches, regattas and surfing competitions are held here, and you can go spearfishing. 9 km from Tsarevo there is a private botanical garden “Raiskata Gradina” with more than 2,000 species of plants, including bananas, kiwi, magnolia and cacti. There are no historical values ​​in Tsarevo, since most of the old buildings burned down during a fire in the 19th century.

Housing prices in Tsarevo start from 20 thousand euros.

Ravda: a relaxing holiday without the fuss

The seaside village of Ravda is located 30 km from Burgas Airport and 1.5 km from Nessebar. This is primarily a children's and youth resort with good sports facilities. Here you can surf, swim and water ski. The main advantage of Ravda is safety.

There are beaches in Ravda for every taste - both rocky and sandy. On the approach to the beach there are undeveloped areas. The vacation spots are protected from cold winds by rocky capes, making the climate here mild. Every summer, about 5,000 tourists vacation in the village, mainly from Germany, Macedonia, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Most vacationers stay in small private hotels.

The village has shops, restaurants, entertainment complexes, a post office, an outpatient clinic, a fitness center and discos. However, active young people may find it boring here. On the outskirts of Ravda there are vineyards and melon fields, where you can buy watermelons and melons.

Ravda is one of the cheapest resorts in Bulgaria. You can rent a studio here for an average of 25 euros per day in the middle season. You can buy apartments for a price starting from 19 thousand euros.

Riviera: luxury hotels and luxury holidays

Riviera is a private resort located 14 km northeast of Varna, next to Golden Sands. It is surrounded by a magnificent park of 12 hectares and consists of several five-star hotels such as the Imperial, Lotus, Oasis and Riviera Beach. Local hotel rooms are some of the most expensive on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast.

The beach is located in a cozy cove, right behind it is a park with centuries-old trees. The Riviera has entertainment for every taste - from beach and water sports to get-togethers in bars, night discos, day excursions and animation. You can water ski and yacht, surf, fish, play tennis, and take bicycle rides. There are swimming pools with mineral water and healing springs that lead directly to the beaches.

The sea at the resort is clean and warm: the water warms up to +24 °C. It is hot in summer, but due to the light breeze and abundance of greenery the heat is almost not felt.

Varna: a major transport hub and a bustling resort with discos

Varna is the largest city in Northern Bulgaria and on the country's Black Sea coast. It is often called the “sea capital”, “summer capital”, “Bulgarian pearl” and “pearl of the Black Sea”. This is a major transport hub and a starting point for tourists coming to other resorts in the country. Flights from many major cities in Europe and Russia arrive here. Seasonal trains depart from Kyiv, Minsk and Moscow. There are ferry connections to Batumi and Istanbul.

The city has sandy beaches and hot springs with temperatures of +35–50 °C. Good beaches are located in the northern part of the city, including wild ones. In the center of Varna you can see the beach, separated from the rest of the city by a garden. In summer, the water temperature varies from +20 to +30 °C, and on hot days the sand on the beaches heats up to +65 °C. In September (“velvet season”), the sea, which has warmed up over the summer, is still quite warm, and there are fewer vacationers at this time than in July and August, since the school year begins.

Varna has many restaurants, cafes, museums, galleries, shops and nightclubs. There are Roman baths, churches, a large pedestrian area and a dolphinarium. Prices here are lower than Western European ones, but higher than at other resorts in Bulgaria.

A square meter in the city costs on average about 600 euros. Apartments and houses in Varna are sold at prices starting from 30 thousand euros. Rental costs from 25 euros per day.

Nessebar: city of churches

Nessebar is a beautiful, ancient city with a three-thousand-year history and a rich excursion program. There are about 50 churches here - more than in any other city in Bulgaria, many museums and various antiquities.

The nearest airport and train station are in Burgas. By sea you can reach Burgas, Sveti Vlas and Sunny Beach. Buses run from Burgas, Elenite and Sunny Beach.

The long coastline creates favorable conditions for the development of tourism. Nessebar is considered the largest tourist center on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. The city has 730 hotels, almost 3,000 private residences with more than 155 thousand beds and over 3,500 catering establishments. Tourists often stay in ancient houses of past centuries, equipped with modern amenities.

The beach in Nessebar is small. The bottom is sandy, without cliffs, but in some places there are sharp stones. On the beach you can play volleyball, rent a scooter or yacht, hire an instructor for diving and windsurfing.

Since Nessebar is a popular tourist city visited by foreigners from all over the world, crime here is slightly higher than in other, quieter and smaller resorts.

“There are always a lot of tourists in Nessebar during the beach season. Fraudsters know this and take advantage of large crowds of people for their own purposes. I would advise you to keep a closer eye on wallets and valuables. It happens that foreigners are deceived at exchange offices,” warns Dimitar K., a local resident who works in the tourism industry.

Prices for goods and services in the city are higher than in other resorts. Apartments in Nessebar are for sale
for 27–65 thousand euros. Rental costs 50–160 euros per day.

the site advises choosing Bulgarian resorts for holidays and buying real estate in accordance with your preferences, lifestyle and budget:

- Best beaches:

Albena, Dunes, Elenite, Golden Sands, Rusalka, Sveti Vlas, Sozopol, Sunny Beach

- Developed recreation and entertainment infrastructure:

Albena, Burgas, Varna, Golden Sands, Nessebar, Sveti Vlas, Sunny Beach

- Quiet and relaxing holiday:

Ahtopol, Balchik, Kavarna, Kamchia, Obzor, Ravda, Rusalka, Tsarevo

- The most expensive resorts:

Varna, Elenite, Golden Sands, Nessebar, Riviera, Rusalka, St. St. Konstantin and Elena, Sozopol

- Cheapest resorts:

Burgas, Kamchia, Kiten, Kranevo, Lozenets, Obzor, Pomorie, Ravda, Sunny Beach

Detailed map of Bulgaria in Russian. Map of roads, cities and regions on the map of Bulgaria. Show Bulgaria on the map.

Where is Bulgaria located on the world and European map?

Bulgaria (Republic of Bulgaria) is a state located in South-Eastern Europe.

Bulgaria is located in the eastern region of the Balkan Peninsula and occupies about 22% of its area. In the east, Bulgaria is washed by the Black Sea, in the south it has borders with Turkey and Greece, in the west with Macedonia and Serbia, and in the north with Romania.

Geographical position of Bulgaria

The geographical position of Bulgaria is quite advantageous, since it is located at the crossroads of Western and Central Europe, as well as the Near and Middle East. Moreover, the Black Sea connects Bulgaria with Ukraine, and the Dardanelles and Bosphorus with the Mediterranean countries. Geographical coordinates of Bulgaria: 42.9064941 north latitude and 25.4553223 east longitude.

Interactive map of Bulgaria with cities

There are not many large cities in Bulgaria, but you can spend a whole vacation just exploring Sofia or Plovdiv. For a beach holiday, the country can easily offer a whole galaxy of famous resorts: Sunny Beach, Golden Sands, Pomorie, Rusalka, Sunny Day... the list goes on. Fans of winter holidays from December to April can choose one of 10 ski resorts with a lot of sports centers. Each of them is unique in its own way: here is the oldest Borovets in the Rila Mountains and democratic Bansko and Pamporovo, where you can combine skiing with medical procedures.

Bulgarian territory

The area of ​​Bulgaria is about 111,000 square kilometers and ranks 103rd in the world. The distance between the northern and southern points of the state is 330 kilometers, between the western and eastern - about 520 kilometers. The country's topography is very diverse. Thus, in the north of Bulgaria and in the central regions there are quite high mountains, and in the south there are long plains. In the east, the coast of the country with magnificent sandy beaches is washed by the Black Sea. The length of the coastline along is about 380 kilometers. All major cities (Sofia, Ruse, Plovdiv, Varna, Burgas) are located in the valleys of large rivers or on the Black Sea coast. Small towns and villages are scattered along the mountain slopes.

Regions of Bulgaria - 28 regions of Bulgaria on the map

Administratively, Bulgaria is divided into twenty-eight regions, which in turn are divided into 264 communities. Областями Болгарии являются: Благоевградская, Бургасская, Добричская, Габровская, Хасковская, Кырджалийская, Кюстендилская, Ловечская, Монтанская, Пазарджикская, Плевенская, Перникская, Пловдивская, Разградская, Русенская, Шуменская, Сливенская, Силистренская, Смолянская, София Софийская, Старозагорская, Тырговиштская, Варненская , Vidin, Veliko Tarnovo, Vrachan and Yambol regions.

Resorts in Bulgaria for relaxation, review of the best beaches, descriptions and photos. Bulgaria is traditionally popular among lovers of budget holidays at sea. It is not surprising, because the length of the Bulgarian Black Sea coast is more than 400 km, there are beautiful beaches and the best resorts in Bulgaria, at a cost lower than other destinations in Europe.

Tourists to Bulgaria are drawn to its beautiful mountains, golden beaches and vibrant cities at the crossroads of the Mediterranean and Eastern Europe. Bulgaria's major resorts have become vibrant and attractive, boasting well-kept boulevards and plenty of shops and nightclubs. Many towns and villages have preserved the true Bulgarian spirit and hospitality, and the country is especially proud of its rich folklore traditions. But most of all tourists in Bulgaria are attracted by the clean beaches scattered along the Black Sea coast. We tell you which resorts in Bulgaria are the best and which resort in Bulgaria to choose for a vacation for young people, alone or with family and children.

Sunny Beach - the best resort in Bulgaria

Sunny Beach- a popular resort in Bulgaria. The most famous of all Bulgaria's beaches, Sunny Beach is the largest and busiest resort and it is probably the most expensive place in the country. Many consider Sunny Beach the best resort in Bulgaria. The beach of Sunny Beach stretches for 8 km along the Black Sea coast. The beach is one of the best in Bulgaria, with a well-developed infrastructure, with the largest number of hotels, restaurants and clubs. The resort is suitable for those who just want to sunbathe on the beach during the day and dance in the best nightclubs at night. Sunny Beach truly lives up to its name, with this resort averaging around 1,700 hours of sunshine from May to October. Sunny Beach includes beautiful high-rise hotels, restaurants, water sports, tent rentals and the craziest nightclubs. Therefore, Sunny Beach is considered the best youth resort in Bulgaria. For nature lovers, Sunny Beach offers natural sand dunes and rare plant species.

Who is the Sunny Beach resort suitable for: young people, noisy groups of friends, families.

Golden Sands

Which resorts in Bulgaria are suitable for both young people and families? Bulgarian beach Golden Sand and is truly the owner of fine golden sand. Many believe that this is the best sand in Europe and the best resort in Bulgaria. The Golden Sands resort is located less than 20 km from the ancient Roman city of Varna, and ranks second, after Sunny Beach, where it is better to go in terms of development for tourism and opportunities for fun. It can also be called a youth resort in Bulgaria, but quieter than Sunny Beach. The ecology of this resort is favorable for treatment and wellness: the beach is surrounded by dense forests of the Golden Sands Natural Park, and the healing water of hot mineral springs is used in local sanatoriums.

Who is the Golden Sands resort suitable for: lovers of spa, treatment and wellness, youth, families.

Albena - a resort in Bulgaria for families with children

Resorts in Bulgaria, where it is better to go with children - Albena. Albena positions itself as a coastline for family holidays. It’s not surprising, because Albena has everything you need for such a holiday: beaches and water parks, bowling alleys, mini-golf and amusement parks. For children, Albena is considered the best entry into the water, a long, clean sandy beach, as well as shallow water. Even 150 meters from the seashore the depth is no more than 1.6 meters. For parents, Albena also has nightlife: there are cafes, bars, restaurants and discos. Albena is the best resort in Bulgaria for families with children.

Who should go to the Albena resort: families with children, people who prefer a more relaxing holiday.


Ahtopol– the southernmost Black Sea city in Bulgaria, located near the Turkish border. The name Ahtopol means “City of Love”, and the city itself stands on the site of an ancient Thracian settlement. This is a completely different city in Bulgaria, unlike the popular resorts, and is suitable for lovers of natural life in Bulgaria. In Ahtopol you will see a lighthouse and old wooden houses on the rocky shore. Here you're more likely to find creaky fishing boats than cruise ships bobbing along the sparkling waters. In general, Ahtopol is the best resort in Bulgaria, like a city on the sea with local flavor, atmospheric and uncrowded.

Who is the Ahtopol resort suitable for: budget travelers, families, romantics, nostalgics.

Irakli Beach

Irakli- one of the last remaining wild nudist beaches in Bulgaria. Irakli is a favorite destination for those who want a good, even tan. Mostly budget tourists come here for camping. Irakli is a beach with a beautiful lagoon, turtles and numerous bird species. It's more than a beach for activists, naturists and artists who enjoy their solitude. Dozens of happy hippies come to Irakli beach every year on June 30 to celebrate the so-called “July morning” and celebrate the sunrise over the Black Sea. Irakli is the best resort in Bulgaria for lovers of nudism and unity with nature.

Who is the Irakli resort suitable for: nudists, eco-tourists, travelers on a budget.


Sozopol was founded in the 7th century BC. e. Greeks, and it is not surprising that they decided to stay on this absolutely stunning coastline. Old Town Sozopol is a charming old town with winding cobbled streets and beautiful wooden houses huddled together on a narrow peninsula. Today, Sozopol offers a large number of hotels and good transport links, so from here you can easily travel to neighboring towns and resorts in Bulgaria. It is not as crowded a city as Nessebar, but it is gaining popularity among foreign tourists. During the summer, Sozopol has a lively cultural life, with many free concerts and other events. The former town of Apollonius is now famous for its wide Harmani beach, the city beach of Kavatsi just a couple of kilometers from the city center. Sozopol is the best resort in Bulgaria for history lovers.

Who is the Sozopol resort suitable for: romantics, history buffs, free travelers.

Silistar Beach

Beach Silistar- one of the few beaches in Bulgaria where you can enjoy privacy. It is not so easy to get to, it is located in the Strandzha National Park. Silistar Beach is shallow, making it a favorite spot for divers. Silistar is the best resort in Bulgaria where wild camping is allowed on the beach.
Best for: Nature lovers, backpackers, budget travelers.


When people choose resorts, they are unlikely to consider Sinemorets as a resort in Bulgaria. But in vain! Sinemorets is a tiny town with two beautiful white sand beaches in Bulgaria. Simemorets is a resort in Bulgaria, where it is better to go for those who are looking for a quiet place where they can relax from the bustle of the city. The easiest way to get here is by your own transport. On the beach of the village of Sinemorets there are several modern hotels, but there is also a sense of leisurely pacevillage life. Sinemorets is on the border natural park Strandzha, which can be reached on foot bywalking trails. Sinemorets is the best resort in Bulgaria for lovers of a leisurely life.


Varna- the third city in Bulgaria and the sea capital, the most interesting and cosmopolitan city on the Black Sea coast. Varna is a port city, an attractive place to spend a few unforgettable days in Bulgaria. Varna has a huge park and a long beach where you can relax. In the city center there are the largest Roman thermal baths in Bulgaria and the best archaeological museum. Varna is a city with easy access to nearby top Bulgarian resorts such as St. Constantine, Golden Sands and the charming town of Balchik.

When to go to Bulgarian resorts

When to go on holiday to Bulgaria? Bulgaria is rich in cultural monuments, most of which are collected in the large cities of Sofia, Veliko Tarnovo, Nessebar, Plovdiv. In summer you can relax in the sea resorts of Albena, Balchik, Sunny Beach, Golden Sands, Kiten, Kranevo. Each resort has many hotels, bars, restaurants, discos, sports centers, and water attractions. The beach season lasts from June to September. Small, quiet resorts like Albena and Balchik are suitable for families with small children. Popular ski resorts include Bansko, Pamporovo, Borovets, and Vitosha. Here you can celebrate the New Year. In addition, in Bulgaria there are balneological and climatic resorts where you can improve your health - Velingrad, Sandanski, Hisarya.

Bulgarian resorts in spring

In early spring you can still visit the famous ski resorts of Bulgaria. The best and most modern resort is Bansko. In spring, relaxation at spa resorts is popular. Today there are about 250 hydrothermal springs and artesian wells in Bulgaria. In March The average sea temperature is +10°C during the day, +1°C at night. In April the temperature during the day rises to +16°C, at night above +5°C. Until the beach season begins, you can relax in Bulgaria inexpensively. The water is still cold and the temperature during the day in Bulgaria in May already up to +24°C, at night +10°C.

Spring holidays in Bulgaria:

  • March 1 is Baba Martha's Day (the first day of spring in Bulgaria).
  • March 8 is International Women's Day.
  • April 1 is International Day of Laughter.
  • May 1 is the holiday of Spring and Labor.

Bulgarian resorts in summer

Summer in Bulgaria is sunny and warm, especially on the Black Sea coast and in the southern part of the country. In the summer months, there are practically no big waves or bad weather on the Black Sea coast, the weather is hot and the sea is warm, and, of course, all hotels and beaches are 100 percent filled with tourists. In June during the day the temperature is +24°C, at night +13°C. The peak summer season begins in the second week July and continues until the end August. As a rule, during this period the temperature is +28+32°C, and the water temperature in the Black Sea reaches +26°C. It almost never rains at this time.

Summer holidays in Bulgaria:

  • June 1 – Children's Day;

Bulgarian resorts in autumn

Autumn in Bulgaria is the time when there are fewer tourists, families with children leave because school starts. At this time, prices for tours to Bulgaria are lower than in summer. But the weather can suddenly deteriorate. In September Velvet season in Bulgaria, temperature during the day is +22°C, at night it drops to +11°C. In September, the harvest begins, delicious Bulgarian grapes, figs, and oranges ripen. The first new wine is being prepared. In October the temperature drops sharply, during the day +17°C, at night +8°C. In November quite windy and rainy, average temperature during the day is +9°C, at night +2°C.

Autumn holidays in Bulgaria:

  • 1 September is the day of knowledge.
  • September 22 is Independence Day.

Bulgarian resorts in winter

Winter in Bulgaria is not too rainy. Frosts of more than -20°C are rare, but sub-zero temperatures of -10-15°C are common. At ski resorts, of course, the weather is colder and there is snow until spring. At ski resorts in Bulgaria, prices are lower than the European average. Therefore, there are a lot of tourists, and in Bansko there are queues for the gondola lift.

December in Sofia during the day +3°C, at night -2°C. In January the temperature during the day drops to +2°C, at night -4°C. In February It becomes a couple of degrees warmer, +4°C during the day, -3°C at night.

Winter holidays in Bulgaria:

  • January 1 – New Year.
  • February 14 is Valentine's Day.

In this article, we got acquainted with the resorts of Bulgaria and identified the best resorts in Bulgaria for holidays in 2019. Bulgaria is a country located in South-Eastern Europe on the Balkan Peninsula. From the east it is washed by the Black Sea. In Bulgaria you can relax by the sea, go skiing, walk and hike, visit healing mineral springs, temples and monasteries, and many natural, architectural and historical attractions. If you have not been to Bulgaria yet, I advise you to definitely visit the resorts and beaches of Bulgaria, you will not be disappointed!