Spain: what tourists need to know. Advice for novice tourists planning to visit Spain. Do not leave your passport with the hotel management


Spain is one of the most visited countries in Europe. Tourists in Spain are attracted by its mild climate, a huge number of attractions, and the general atmosphere of calm and relaxation that reigns in the country.

Spain ranks most Iberian Peninsula (the remaining part is Portugal), it also owns islands in the Mediterranean Sea (Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza, Formentera) and the Canary Archipelago, located in Atlantic Ocean. In addition, Spain owns small enclaves in Africa - these are the cities of Ceuta and Melilla, located on the coast of Morocco.

Spain - quite big country, in terms of territory size it ranks fourth in Europe, its population is over 47 million people.

Features of holidays in Spain


The official language is Castilian (what is called Spanish in Russia), but in some provinces local languages ​​are also common - in Catalonia - Catalan, in the Basque Country and Navarre - Basque, in Galicia - Galician.

Unfortunately, not all Spaniards speak English, so if you only speak English, you may encounter certain difficulties. It is guaranteed that the staff of large hotels will know English, and all other residents - as it turns out. Often, English is not spoken in restaurants and cafes, although it is worth recognizing that in many cafes they will bring you a menu in English (sometimes even in Russian), so you just need to point to the number next to the chosen dish.

The easiest way to communicate in Spain will be for those who speak Spanish (at least a little). They may encounter certain difficulties only in Catalonia (part of the population really does not know Castilian) and in the Basque Country - part of the population fundamentally does not want to speak official Spanish.

Food and restaurants

Spain has an incredible variety of restaurants, cafes and bars. Traditional Spanish cuisine is very different from region to region. Common ingredients of Spanish cuisine that are used in all areas are olive oil, garlic, spices and red wine.

Traditional Spanish dishes are palla (rice with the addition of fish, meat or seafood), gazpacho soup (cold soup made from tomatoes and other vegetables), jamon (uncooked smoked ham), tapas (numerous snacks to go with wine), tortilla (a hearty omelette based on potatoes and eggs). National Spanish sweets include turron (a confectionery product containing honey, sugar, egg white and roasted almonds or other nuts), crumbly biscuits, and crema Catalan (a dessert made from milk, eggs and sugar). The Spaniards also love alcohol - their favorite drink is red wine and sangria, which is made on its basis (it includes the wine itself, spices, fruits, sometimes it is diluted mineral water or other alcohol).

Food prices are usually not very high - you can have lunch in a small cafe for 10-15 euros, although, of course, there are also expensive gourmet restaurants in Spain.

The service is generally good, the waiters are quite attentive, the only negative is their slowness. The Spaniards are quite lazy by nature, so as a rule they do not rush - do not expect that you will be able to have lunch in half an hour, even if the restaurant you have chosen is half empty. At the same time, the service staff is quite friendly; they will always ask if you liked the food in their cafe. Here, as elsewhere, it is customary to leave a tip - the usual amount is 10 percent of the bill.

National characteristics

Tourists going on holiday to Spain would do well to know about some national characteristics life in Spain. Firstly, this siesta- that is, an afternoon rest. Initially, siesta was conceived as a rest during the hottest time of the day (that is, from 2 to 4-5 o'clock in the afternoon), but nowadays siesta is observed even in winter, when the air temperature does not exceed 15 degrees. From approximately two o'clock in the afternoon to four to five o'clock in the evening, some cafes and restaurants in Spain are closed (this does not apply to tourist places during the season), as well as the entrance to a number of museums. That is why, when going on holiday to Spain, think through your routes so as not to take a siesta and waste time.

Siesta does not affect large shopping centers- they, like everywhere else, work from 10 am to 10 pm.

Secondly, you should pay attention to bank work schedule(if you plan to use their services) - they are open only in the first half of the day, at 14:00 the banks close and do not open until the next day. This is their mode of operation, be careful.

Communication with local residents

The Spaniards are friendly, positive and smiling people, so you should not have any problems communicating with them. As I mentioned above, not everyone knows English language, but you can try to communicate with them in broken English, Spanish or even sign language. The Spaniards are much noisier than the Russians, so at first you may be deafened when entering a cafe or supermarket - the Spaniards do not talk to each other, they simply shout. Gradually you get used to it.


In principle, Spain is a fairly safe country for tourists. Violent crimes (robbery, robbery, beating) are extremely rarely committed against tourists. But in major cities and theft flourishes in busy resorts - there are plenty of pickpockets in Spain, most often not native residents, but immigrants. In order not to become a victim of pickpockets, you need to follow basic precautions - do not carry valuables with you to the beach, do not leave your wallet, camera, phone unattended, do not put valuables in a backpack, do not hang your bag on the back of a chair - in general, be more careful .

In general, single tourists, both men and women, can rest peacefully in Spain. Since the Spaniards are Europeans, they express their interest in the opposite sex more or less restrained - they can come up to meet you, look admiringly, but always remain within the bounds of decency.

Is the answer helpful?

When going on holiday to Spain, most tourists imagine bright, warm sun and delicious, colorful food. And this is quite close to the truth. This is a country with a very warm and mild climate, intoxicating with its beauty and unique landscapes.


Having visited Spain, you should definitely get acquainted with its kitchen, which will not leave anyone indifferent.

One of the most popular dishes is rightfully considered paella - a unique rice dish with the addition of meat and seafood. I would like to immediately note that there are several hundred versions of paella, and in each region, and in different restaurants or families, the traditions of its preparation may differ. But it’s almost impossible to argue with the fact that this is truly a culinary masterpiece.

Another national dish is jamon - dry-cured ham, which can captivate not only with its impressive appearance, but also with its impeccable taste. This is the real pride of the Spaniards. In numerous shops you can see a variety of sausages , which you shouldn’t pass by either, as they will undoubtedly amaze you with their richness of taste.

A lot in Spanish cuisine and seafood. In most Spanish families, fish takes pride of place on the table at least several times a week. Great respect is here, first of all, for tuna . But they are also in great demand anchovies , And sardines , which can often be seen roasting on a grill or spit. Among seafood delicacies, they are especially loved oysters, scallops, mussels and shrimp, which are an integral part of many Spanish dishes. If you see the name "frutos del mar" (which means seafood), then be prepared to see all kinds of seafood.
Popular on the Mediterranean coast of Spain is the dish " zarzuela ", which is a real assortment of stewed fish and seafood with a thick sauce.

One of the integral parts of Spanish cuisine, especially in restaurants, is tapas - small snacks served before meals with beer or wine. But you shouldn’t pounce on them right away - they are so tasty and filling that after eating the entire portion, you may be surprised to find that there is no room left for dinner.

And, of course, we must not forget about olives . Where else if not here can you enjoy their divine taste. But you shouldn’t immediately run to the supermarket - olives in tins are not much different from the ones we are used to. It’s better to go to the local market and buy olives soaked in barrels in various seasonings from traders - you definitely won’t find these at home.

Those with a sweet tooth will be delighted by Spanish desserts, one of the most popular of which is turron - nougat with nuts. It can be easily found in any store, so you are guaranteed a delicious souvenir. Also, the Spaniards are very fond of various flans (puddings) and creams, among which the most famous is crema catalana (cream Catalan, which contains milk, egg yolks, sugar, lemon zest and cinnamon).

It is impossible to leave Spain without trying their traditional cheeses . As a rule, they are simply cut and served with wine. Each region has its own traditional cheese, which is typical for this area, so you should definitely try it, because you are unlikely to find it anywhere else.

And of course we can’t forget about Spanish alcohol. The most popular Spanish wine is fortified sherry , which is drunk not only on its own, but also as an aperitif. Another traditional Spanish drink is sangria - a wine with spices and fruits, often complemented with ice and perfectly quenches thirst on a hot day. Spanish is also valued wine , because the country is one of largest centers winemaking Therefore, it is not surprising that every dinner is usually accompanied by a glass of good wine. But it is a little stronger than the French one, so you need to be a little careful not to be overwhelmed by its soft cunning.

As for the process and ritual of lunch or dinner, you need to remember that the Spaniards are a temperamental but measured people, so the process of devouring delicious dishes can drag on for several hours, interrupted by leisurely conversations.


When walking along the local busy streets, it is better to keep money and documents with you and within sight, because street thieves are a fairly common phenomenon in Spain. It would be even better if you leave the original documents at the hotel, and carry photocopies of the documents in your bag (in case you need them). Well, I wouldn’t recommend walking along little-known deserted alleys in the dark, and even alone. Although in large tourist centers the level of security is quite high, in remote areas, especially not very prosperous ones, the crime rate remains quite high. True, in resort place and near the main attractions, and especially during the day, you can and should feel quite calm and confident.


Be prepared to be confronted by numerous trinket sellers who may simply attack by offering their wares. Buying something secondhand would probably be reckless, since the quality of such products is very questionable. For shopping, it is better to go to one of the many stores or to the market, since the prices and assortment are very pleasing.

In Spain, as in most European countries, there is a return system VAT Tax Free, which can be used when making a large purchase by issuing a corresponding receipt in the store.


1. Using by car, remember that all passengers must wear seat belts. Otherwise, you will have to pay a fine, and the likelihood that you will be stopped is quite high. And remember that traffic in the city is limited to 40 km/h, on regular roads - 100 km/h and on the highway - 120 km/h.

2. When traveling to Spain, do not forget about siesta- afternoon rest, usually from 14.00 to 17.00 (in government institutions, recently until 15.00), during which shops and some establishments may be closed. True, during the crisis, many owners refused this, giving employees the opportunity to work in two shifts, but do not be surprised if you see the doors of the place you need closed.

3. Climate in Spain it is quite mild, so, as a rule, special vaccinations are not required. However, if you have any serious health problems, it is better to consult your doctor in advance.

Well, the main thing is that Spain is a wonderful country, simply created for relaxation and getting to know its rich history, which left its mark on numerous architectural monuments. This is a country that can amaze not only with its friendliness or delicious cuisine, its natural beauty, but also with a special atmosphere that you will not find anywhere else.

Today is a post about Spain in general and Catalonia in particular from experienced traveler Galina Ignatova. Galina travels and writes a travel blog, Travel Diary. The resource is useful, bright and with soul. I strongly recommend it, especially to those who prefer to travel around Europe or are planning to discover European countries.

Planning a trip to Spain: what you need to know

When you are going to Spain for the first time, it is very difficult to choose where to go and what to see first. After all, Spain, or officially the Kingdom of Spain (Reino Espanol), consists of 17 autonomous regions, each with its own parliament and its own government. They are all very different in architecture, cuisine, and customs. But if you are going there for 2-3 weeks, then it is better to choose one region.

First of all, for example, we wanted to see Madrid and Barcelona, ​​and since we planned the trip for the end of September, we also wanted to sunbathe and swim. Therefore, it was decided to fly to Catalonia, the capital of which is Barcelona.

Visa to Spain

Getting a visa to Spain on your own is not at all difficult, just contact the visa center of the Spanish Consulate, fortunately, they are now available in all major cities. The website of the Spanish Consulate in Russia has all the necessary information. At the first application, as a rule, you are issued a six-month Schengen, and at the second - an annual one.

Flying to Spain is also easy. You can travel to Madrid, Barcelona and Malaga very economically. The main thing is to take care of this issue several months before the trip.

Resorts in Spain

The most popular resorts in Catalonia are the Costa Brava and Costa Dorada, which are located north and south of Barcelona.

Rambla del Mar sliding curved bridge

Costa Dorada– translates as “golden coast” and is located from Barcelona to the province of Tarragona. There are many large and not so large resorts on this coast - Salou, La Pineda, Sitges, Cambrils and others. This coastline is famous for its golden sand beaches, modern high-rise hotels, nightclubs and a variety of entertainment options to suit every taste.

Costa Brava, without a doubt, is one of the most picturesque places in Spain. This north coast Catalonia, which stretches from the French border to the city of Blanes (near Barcelona). Translated from Spanish, Costa Brava means “wild coast” or “coast of the brave.” This coast is very famous beautiful views, sheer mountains stretch for 80 miles along the coast, and coastline, windingly indented by small coves, due to its unattractiveness for the construction of ports, has kept its magnificent landscapes intact.

For a beach holiday, we chose a little-known place among our tourists - the town of Empuriabrava. It is also called the Spanish Venice, as there are more than 30 water canals. It is located 160 km from Barcelona and 25 km from the French border.

Empuriabrava is located in an ecologically clean area of ​​Spain, in the very center of the largest Bay of Roses on the Costa Brava, where there are no industrial enterprises, and has a unique mild climate.
If you choose the Costa Brava for your holiday, be sure to visit:

  • - in Figueres - the city where the famous Dali Museum is located;
  • - in snow-white Cadaques, where Dali met his Gala;
  • - in delightful Girona, with its colorful houses along the promenade.

Views of Girona

Flights to Spain

Prices in Spain for housing and food

We always prefer to stay in apartments rather than hotels. This is very convenient, especially when traveling with children. You can always cook something yourself from local products. Prices for apartments here range from 50 to 100 euros per day.

Here are housing prices in Spain and reviews:

Prices for food in supermarkets are approximately the same as here in Russia. Some are cheaper, some are more expensive. Restaurants and cafes on every corner. It is better to book accommodation for 12-14 days by the sea, so that it is convenient to travel on excursions to neighboring towns. And plan a few days for Barcelona - it deserves it!

photo for memory with a living sculpture

Barcelona - travel route

Barcelona is a surprisingly cosmopolitan city. It's more European than Spanish. And great for hiking. I always try to find apartments that are within walking distance of the city's main attractions. Although Barcelona is very convenient system public transport, we prefer to get to know the city on our own.

The night before, we mark the route for the next day on the map and go ahead in the morning. For example, we devoted the first day to Gaudi objects, and the route was as follows: Plaza Catalunya, Casa Calveta, Casa Mila, Casa Amalter with the oldest chocolate shop on the ground floor, Casa Batllo and the Sagrada Familia.

Along the way we stopped at one of the oldest pastry shops in the city - Mauri (Rambla Catalunya, 103). Since 1929, this establishment has been delighting Barcelona residents with delicious pastries. This is a very atmospheric establishment with magnificent interior. And everything there is really very tasty.

We devoted the second day to Park Guell. We took all sorts of goodies with us and had a picnic there. After all, there are a lot of tourists only in the monumental (now paid) part of the park, and in the free park area it is almost free. We looked around everything, then walked along the terraces of the park, climbed higher, the view of the city from there is wonderful. We had a great day there.

You definitely need to climb cable car to Mount Montjuic and take a walk there. And in the evening, go down to Piazza di Spagna and admire the magical fountain.

And of course, you need to go around the entire historical center of the city - this is the Gothic Quarter with its beautiful Cathedral, the Raval district with its oriental flavor and the Barceloneta district with the old port of Vell.

The architecture of this city is simply amazing, one can only envy the people of Barcelona.

Spanish cuisine

Spanish cuisine is also excellent. Catalan dishes you should try:

  • - butifarra - traditional Catalan sausages. This dish is usually served with white beans, but a salad and fries version is now common;
  • - Mar i Muntanya – called “between the sea and the land.” This is a dish with interesting name implies an unusual combination of products: chicken and shrimp on one plate with a sauce of tomatoes, onions and garlic;
  • - Catalan paella with seafood;
  • - churros with hot chocolate for breakfast;
  • - Crema Catalana is a very tasty Catalan dessert, reminiscent of French creme brulee. Made with milk, eggs, caramel and caramelized sugar;
  • - Panellets - an original Catalan dessert made from almonds and sweet potatoes;
  • - Turron is a traditional Catalan sweet made from almonds, honey and sugar. This is a very sweet and tough delicacy that is good to bring as a traditional souvenir. There are several different variations of turron. Many candy stores allow you to try small pieces before purchasing.

And of course, Sangria is a traditional light alcoholic drink made from wine and fruit. Chilled sangria is especially pleasant on a hot summer day.

One of the evenings, arrange a trip to tapas bars, as is customary among the Spaniards.

Shopping in Barcelona

And also, be sure to leave 1-3 days for shopping in Barcelona. This city is a paradise for shopaholics. Especially during sales periods. Major sales in Barcelona are held, as throughout Europe, twice a year. Winter sales start in the second week of January, right after the holidays, and end at the end of February. Summer sales start at the beginning of July and end at the end of August. But keep in mind that in August many Spaniards are on vacation and many shops and cafes may be closed. Discounts during sales reach 70%.

We can talk endlessly about Barcelona and Spain; we want to come back here again and again.

Rent a car in Spain

If you prefer to travel by car and feel confident behind the wheel, pay attention to this car rental service.


Spain is one of the most visited countries in Europe. Tourists in Spain are attracted by its mild climate, a huge number of attractions, and the general atmosphere of calm and relaxation that reigns in the country.

Spain occupies most of the Iberian Peninsula (the rest is Portugal), it also owns islands in the Mediterranean Sea (Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza, Formentera) and the Canary Archipelago, located in the Atlantic Ocean. In addition, Spain owns small enclaves in Africa - these are the cities of Ceuta and Melilla, located on the coast of Morocco.

Spain is a fairly large country; it ranks fourth in Europe in terms of territory size, with a population of over 47 million people.

Features of holidays in Spain


The official language is Castilian (what is called Spanish in Russia), but in some provinces local languages ​​are also common - in Catalonia - Catalan, in the Basque Country and Navarre - Basque, in Galicia - Galician.

Unfortunately, not all Spaniards speak English, so if you only speak English, you may encounter certain difficulties. It is guaranteed that the staff of large hotels will know English, and all other residents - as it turns out. Often, English is not spoken in restaurants and cafes, although it is worth recognizing that in many cafes they will bring you a menu in English (sometimes even in Russian), so you just need to point to the number next to the chosen dish.

The easiest way to communicate in Spain will be for those who speak Spanish (at least a little). They may encounter certain difficulties only in Catalonia (part of the population really does not know Castilian) and in the Basque Country - part of the population fundamentally does not want to speak official Spanish.

Food and restaurants

Spain has an incredible variety of restaurants, cafes and bars. Traditional Spanish cuisine is very different from region to region. Common ingredients of Spanish cuisine that are used in all areas are olive oil, garlic, spices and red wine.

Traditional Spanish dishes are palla (rice with the addition of fish, meat or seafood), gazpacho soup (cold soup made from tomatoes and other vegetables), jamon (uncooked smoked ham), tapas (numerous snacks to go with wine), tortilla (a hearty omelette based on potatoes and eggs). National Spanish sweets include turron (a confectionery product containing honey, sugar, egg white and roasted almonds or other nuts), crumbly biscuits, and crema Catalan (a dessert made from milk, eggs and sugar). The Spaniards also love alcohol - their favorite drink is red wine and sangria, which is made on its basis (it includes the wine itself, spices, fruits, and sometimes it is diluted with mineral water or other alcohol).

Food prices are usually not very high - you can have lunch in a small cafe for 10-15 euros, although, of course, there are also expensive gourmet restaurants in Spain.

The service is generally good, the waiters are quite attentive, the only negative is their slowness. The Spaniards are quite lazy by nature, so as a rule they do not rush - do not expect that you will be able to have lunch in half an hour, even if the restaurant you have chosen is half empty. At the same time, the service staff is quite friendly; they will always ask if you liked the food in their cafe. Here, as elsewhere, it is customary to leave a tip - the usual amount is 10 percent of the bill.

National characteristics

It would be useful for tourists going on holiday to Spain to know about some national peculiarities of life in Spain. Firstly, this siesta- that is, an afternoon rest. Initially, siesta was conceived as a rest during the hottest time of the day (that is, from 2 to 4-5 o'clock in the afternoon), but nowadays siesta is observed even in winter, when the air temperature does not exceed 15 degrees. From approximately two o'clock in the afternoon to four to five o'clock in the evening, some cafes and restaurants in Spain are closed (this does not apply to tourist places during the season), as well as the entrance to a number of museums. That is why, when going on holiday to Spain, think through your routes so as not to take a siesta and waste time.

Siesta does not apply to large shopping centers - they, like everywhere else, are open from 10 am to 10 pm.

Secondly, you should pay attention to bank work schedule(if you plan to use their services) - they are open only in the first half of the day, at 14:00 the banks close and do not open until the next day. This is their mode of operation, be careful.

Communication with local residents

The Spaniards are friendly, positive and smiling people, so you should not have any problems communicating with them. As I mentioned above, not all of them know English, but you can try to communicate with them in broken English, Spanish or even sign language. The Spaniards are much noisier than the Russians, so at first you may be deafened when entering a cafe or supermarket - the Spaniards do not talk to each other, they simply shout. Gradually you get used to it.


In principle, Spain is a fairly safe country for tourists. Violent crimes (robbery, robbery, beating) are extremely rarely committed against tourists. But in large cities and busy resorts, theft flourishes - there are plenty of pickpockets in Spain, most often it is not the natives who do this, but immigrants. In order not to become a victim of pickpockets, you need to follow basic precautions - do not carry valuables with you to the beach, do not leave your wallet, camera, phone unattended, do not put valuables in a backpack, do not hang your bag on the back of a chair - in general, be more careful .

In general, single tourists, both men and women, can rest peacefully in Spain. Since the Spaniards are Europeans, they express their interest in the opposite sex more or less restrained - they can come up to meet you, look admiringly, but always remain within the bounds of decency.

Is the answer helpful?

When going on holiday to Spain, most tourists imagine bright, warm sun and delicious, colorful food. And this is quite close to the truth. This is a country with a very warm and mild climate, intoxicating with its beauty and unique landscapes.


Having visited Spain, you should definitely get acquainted with its kitchen, which will not leave anyone indifferent.

One of the most popular dishes is rightfully considered paella - a unique rice dish with the addition of meat and seafood. I would like to immediately note that there are several hundred versions of paella, and in each region, and in different restaurants or families, the traditions of its preparation may differ. But it’s almost impossible to argue with the fact that this is truly a culinary masterpiece.

Another national dish is jamon - dry-cured ham, which can captivate not only with its impressive appearance, but also with its impeccable taste. This is the real pride of the Spaniards. In numerous shops you can see a variety of sausages , which you shouldn’t pass by either, as they will undoubtedly amaze you with their richness of taste.

A lot in Spanish cuisine and seafood. In most Spanish families, fish takes pride of place on the table at least several times a week. Great respect is here, first of all, for tuna . But they are also in great demand anchovies , And sardines , which can often be seen roasting on a grill or spit. Among seafood delicacies, they are especially loved oysters, scallops, mussels and shrimp, which are an integral part of many Spanish dishes. If you see the name "frutos del mar" (which means seafood), then be prepared to see all kinds of seafood.
Popular on the Mediterranean coast of Spain is the dish " zarzuela ", which is a real assortment of stewed fish and seafood with a thick sauce.

One of the integral parts of Spanish cuisine, especially in restaurants, is tapas - small snacks served before meals with beer or wine. But you shouldn’t pounce on them right away - they are so tasty and filling that after eating the entire portion, you may be surprised to find that there is no room left for dinner.

And, of course, we must not forget about olives . Where else if not here can you enjoy their divine taste. But you shouldn’t immediately run to the supermarket - olives in tins are not much different from the ones we are used to. It’s better to go to the local market and buy olives soaked in barrels in various seasonings from traders - you definitely won’t find these at home.

Those with a sweet tooth will be delighted by Spanish desserts, one of the most popular of which is turron - nougat with nuts. It can be easily found in any store, so you are guaranteed a delicious souvenir. Also, the Spaniards are very fond of various flans (puddings) and creams, among which the most famous is crema catalana (cream Catalan, which contains milk, egg yolks, sugar, lemon zest and cinnamon).

It is impossible to leave Spain without trying their traditional cheeses . As a rule, they are simply cut and served with wine. Each region has its own traditional cheese, which is typical for this area, so you should definitely try it, because you are unlikely to find it anywhere else.

And of course we can’t forget about Spanish alcohol. The most popular Spanish wine is fortified sherry , which is drunk not only on its own, but also as an aperitif. Another traditional Spanish drink is sangria - a wine with spices and fruits, often complemented with ice and perfectly quenches thirst on a hot day. Spanish is also valued wine , because the country is one of the largest winemaking centers. Therefore, it is not surprising that every dinner is usually accompanied by a glass of good wine. But it is a little stronger than the French one, so you need to be a little careful not to be overwhelmed by its soft cunning.

As for the process and ritual of lunch or dinner, you need to remember that the Spaniards are a temperamental but measured people, so the process of devouring delicious dishes can drag on for several hours, interrupted by leisurely conversations.


When walking along the local busy streets, it is better to keep money and documents with you and within sight, because street thieves are a fairly common phenomenon in Spain. It would be even better if you leave the original documents at the hotel, and carry photocopies of the documents in your bag (in case you need them). Well, I wouldn’t recommend walking along little-known deserted alleys in the dark, and even alone. Although in large tourist centers the level of security is quite high, in remote areas, especially not very prosperous ones, the crime rate remains quite high. True, in a resort location and near the main attractions, and especially during the day, you can and should feel quite calm and confident.


Be prepared to be confronted by numerous trinket sellers who may simply attack by offering their wares. Buying something secondhand would probably be reckless, since the quality of such products is very questionable. For shopping, it is better to go to one of the many stores or to the market, since the prices and assortment are very pleasing.

In Spain, as in most European countries, there is a Tax Free VAT refund system, which can be used when making a large purchase by issuing an appropriate receipt in the store.


1. Using by car, remember that all passengers must wear seat belts. Otherwise, you will have to pay a fine, and the likelihood that you will be stopped is quite high. And remember that traffic in the city is limited to 40 km/h, on regular roads - 100 km/h and on the highway - 120 km/h.

2. When traveling to Spain, do not forget about siesta- afternoon rest, usually from 14.00 to 17.00 (in government institutions, recently until 15.00), during which shops and some establishments may be closed. True, during the crisis, many owners refused this, giving employees the opportunity to work in two shifts, but do not be surprised if you see the doors of the place you need closed.

3. Climate in Spain it is quite mild, so, as a rule, special vaccinations are not required. However, if you have any serious health problems, it is better to consult your doctor in advance.

Well, the main thing is that Spain is a wonderful country, simply created for relaxation and getting to know its rich history, which has left its mark on numerous architectural monuments. This is a country that can amaze not only with its friendliness or delicious cuisine, its natural beauty, but also with a special atmosphere that you will not find anywhere else.

A summer holiday in Spain is the best gift for the whole family. Water parks, amusement parks, aquariums, delicious cuisine, sandy beaches and world-class attractions make this one of the most popular destinations in Europe.

Frequently asked questions from tourists about Spain

Tour costs

Prices for a week-long tour to Spain in 2018 for two:

  • in a 2* hotel in Calella from 68,000 rubles.
  • in a 3* hotel in Lloret de Mar with 2 meals a day from RUB 80,000.
  • in a 4* hotel in Lloret de Mar with all inclusive from RUB 115,000.
  • in a 5* hotel with all inclusive in Tenerife from RUB 225,000.

“All inclusive” is not widely used in Spain, so it is better to choose hotels with 2-3 stays.

This is one of the destinations where vacationing is usually cheaper than flying with a tour operator. But for this you need to start planning your trip in advance. Cheap air tickets can be tracked using the bot (below), and hotels can be selected. With the help of the Internet, you can even get a visa without leaving your home.

Pros of holidays in Spain

First of all, it's amazing.

There are many things you can explore on your own, but some are best visited with an experienced guide.

Wide sandy beaches, large playgrounds, European cuisine and mentality attract family tourists here.

A must-visit with children is one of the largest theme parks in the world.

Very mild climate- another plus. Barcelona is at the same latitude as southern part Bulgaria, but thanks to the Mediterranean climate there is less rain and the season lasts longer.

Short flight(4-5 hours) from Moscow to Barcelona is another advantage of Spain.

Paella, tapas and seafood for which it is famous Mediterranean Kitchen- this is what many tourists return here for again and again. Paella and a selection of tapas with beer or wine are the minimum dishes you should try on your holiday in Spain.

What's not to like about Spain

In Spain travel business built in such a way as to drive tourists out of the hotel territory and allow all market participants to earn money. And since there is somewhere to go out and take a walk (unlike Turkey), tourists don’t mind. But this entails additional expenses for food and transport.

If you plan to eat outside the hotel (and this most often happens), then one full meal will cost 25-30 euros. For a family of 4 people, get ready to shell out about 50-60 euros. This is without any frills or long gatherings. Prices by European standards cannot be said to be high (in France and Italy they will be higher), but for pocket expenses you need to take at least 50 €/day per family.

The Spaniards are a liberal and open people in all respects. The first thing you see on the beaches abundance of topless girls. Girls, for example, can be a decoration of the beach for its male part, but pensioners can plunge even the seasoned into shock. For a married couple this is not a problem, but for children this may not be the most pleasant discovery. .

The same goes for gay culture. In Barcelona, ​​it is quite possible to see men... or women kissing. Not that it’s on every corner, but here it’s par for the course and no one pays attention to it. Catalonia is one of the leaders in LGBT tourism and is proud of it.

Another catch - cool sea. Due to the cold current from the Atlantic, it is only truly warm in August. The rest of the time it either heats up or cools down.

The influence of the Pyrenees affects raininess. In summer you won’t find rainy days, but a couple of times the rain will definitely please you with its presence.

Finally, the language barrier. In prestigious tourist restaurants they will understand you in English and even speak it. But in a small cafe you will have to explain yourself with gestures and fragments of phrases.

Visa application

To enter Spain you will need a Schengen visa.

  • The registration period is 10 days.
  • Cost from 2500 rub.

When to go on vacation

The best time for a beach holiday in Spain from mid-June to mid-September. IN sightseeing tours It is better to go in autumn or spring.

There are three main tourist areas in Spain

  • Costa Brava and Costa Dorada
  • Majorca
  • Tenerife

Most Russian tourists arrives in and . You can sunbathe here from April to October, but the sea warms up to a comfortable temperature only in June and maintains it until October. In summer, short-term precipitation and partly cloudy weather are quite common. Moreover, for the Costa Brava, which is located 200 km to the north, this is more typical. You need to choose where to go taking into account each region.

Mallorca lives only on tourism, so everything here is subordinated to it. Even the weather. The influence of cold currents is less here, so the water is warmer and you can swim and sunbathe from the beginning of June. It rains much less often here, so beach lovers often go to this island. But it will be quite boring for fans here active tourism. But for parents with small children, the beaches and local infrastructure are just right.

The only year-round resort in Spain is. You can swim in the ocean all year round, but from February to May the water is quite cool (below +20°). But the pools, which are in every apartment complex, are available all year round. Tenerife reaches its peak weather in September-October.

Which resort to choose for your stay?

The entire Spanish coast is sandy beaches. The resorts differ only in their infrastructure, excursion programs, the width of the beach strip and the flatness of the seabed.

Main attractions

We will try to highlight the 10 most interesting objects that you should definitely see when you come to Spain for beach holiday. For this reason, we did not include the Prado Museum in Madrid here, since it is unlikely to take you there. So, what is needed and where you can and should see:

  • Barcelona
  • Salou
  • Lloret de Mar
  • Tossa de Mar
  • Blanes
  • Tenerife

In addition, there are a huge number of less significant objects in each region, but if you miss them, you won’t have to regret it. And the objects mentioned above are really worth your attention.

What excursions are worth visiting?

If you are vacationing near Barcelona, ​​be sure to take sightseeing tour around town. Better yet, get to the city on your own by train and book with a guide. The price will be 10-15 euros higher, but the quality of the information presented is much better.

Flamenco is another performance that can only be seen in Spain. All tour operators offer this excursion and it is worth visiting if it is close and interesting to you.

The most modern dolphinarium in "" (Costa Dorada).

In Spain there are two places where you can buy good branded items at a ridiculous price. One of them starts on July 1st!


You can bring a whole suitcase of things as souvenirs from Spain :) But the most popular souvenirs are:

  • Barcelona T-shirt;
  • jamon;
  • brandy;
  • fan;
  • castanets;
  • bull figurines;
  • Andalusian ceramics;

The Kingdom of Spain with sunny Barcelona is one of the most temperamental and vibrant countries. Bullfighting and flamenco - business card this amazing land. And what mountains in Montseratte, what a sea! Having been here once, you return to these wonderful places again and again. We were here in May 2014, summer 2016, spring 2018 and will be there again. Our favorite place is Barcelona! We are a little biased towards Spain (we love it very much), but we will try to be objective in the article :)

There are a lot of different resorts in Spain and you can have a great holiday at each:

  • in Catalonia: Costa Brava, Costa del Maresme, Costa del Garraf, Costa Dorada;
  • in Valencia: Costa Blanca;
  • in Andalusia: Costa del Sol, Costa de la Luz;
  • on the West Bank: Galicia, Costa Verde, Cantabria;
  • in the Balearic Islands: Formentera, Ibiza, Menorca, Mallorca;
  • on Canary Islands: Fuerteventura, Lanzarote, Tenerife, Gran Canaria.

But where to holiday in Spain cheaply? Which resort is better? The most fashionable youth resort in Spain is undoubtedly Ibiza. It was recognized as such based on the results of 2017. Famous and famous young people spend hot days and nights here, inviting the most popular DJs from all over the world to their extravagant parties. If you love nightlife, partying is the place for you! You can read the best way to book a tour online in our article.

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Best suited for a family holiday quiet resorts: Costa Brava, Mallorca, Costa Dorada. Colorful Barcelona surprises with its diversity of colors and lively streets, and on the Costa Blanca life never sleeps, especially at night! We ourselves went both to the Costa Brava (Lloret de Mar) on a tour (took on Travelata) and on our own to Barcelona.

List of proven resources where we have repeatedly found and purchased tours to Spain, Thailand, the Czech Republic, and the UAE:

Where is it cheaper in Spain?

Sagrada Familia and fountain in Plaza Catalunya

Where to relax in Spain as cheaply as possible? The popularity and infrastructure of the territory is of great importance. Cheapest cities– these are ancient and incredibly cozy Lloret de Mar, Calella, Cambrils, Blanes, Pineda del Mar, Mallorca. But staying in Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Bilbao or San Sebastian costs a little more.

First youth resort in Spain, of course Ibiza, followed by Benidorm - the little Spanish Las Vegas, Magaluf in Mallorca, Salou and Lloret de Mar. We like it best cozy and sunny Barcelona, which combines a beach and relaxing holiday with a stormy nightlife, shopping and beautiful architecture Gaudi.

Should you go on vacation on your own or buy a tour?

Using the services of a tour operator is very easy and is often cheaper than going on your own. For example, back in 2014, we flew on a tour to Spain for only 16 thousand rubles for one person (32 thousand for two). But traveling on your own will cost less if you plan to visit several countries (as we did in 2016 - France, Italy

To buy cheap tour to Spain you will have to make an effort, and not just pay for a trip and pack your bags. 🙂 When buying a tour, you need to take into account all the facts: from the tour operator, where to book the cheapest tours to where exactly to look for and buy a tour. You also need to understand in advance what to buy cheaply in Spain as a souvenir for family and friends (usually magnets, olive oil, football paraphernalia, and jamon).

Numerous travel agencies offer a wide range of varied tour packages. Last minute tours to Spain are much cheaper than scheduled flights. In this case, you need to wait until the last minute, but in the end the last-minute tour may not be enough for you (it’s up to you to take the risk or not). But you can buy tours for almost half the price by purchasing tours in winter or spring with early booking (this is what we personally do).

Photos from our trip to Barcelona - view from Park Guell

At this time, tour operators promise a big discount. The cheapest tours can be purchased even 70% cheaper than their regular price. We ourselves flew on a tour at the beginning of May, when the weather in Spain is conducive to walking. The Internet is literally replete with many thousands of bright and colorful electronic offices of travel companies.

You can buy or book cheap tours to Spain from Moscow without leaving your home. Above we showed three proven sites for finding cheap tours to Spain -,. If you see discounts on the tour you have chosen, we advise you to book immediately! Prices change every 20-30 minutes.

The cheapest tours to Barcelona from Moscow. How to buy?

The cost of a tour depends on many factors: season, number of days, place of departure, place of arrival, hotel category and type of food. The cheapest trips to Spain will cost just over $300 for 7 nights without meals in a two-star hotel for one person on the Costa del Maresme.

Of course, if you decide to go on vacation as a savage, you can rent a bungalow at a lower price, but you have to pay for comfort. In addition, cheap tours to Spain from Moscow will eliminate your problems with choosing a carrier and arriving at your destination from the airport. And air tickets can often cost you more than the cost of the tour. 🙂 Therefore, it is more profitable (if you plan to fly only to Spain) to consider a trip!

Planning a cheap holiday in Spain on your own

From Barcelona you can fly to nearby countries for 3-4 thousand rubles,
for example to Portugal

Going to the seaside in Spain in the summer on your own with the whole family is not an easy task. Not everyone can organize and carry out a trip, anticipate and calculate all possible expenses. But when independent travel you can visit several countries at once, save on accommodation and spend 10-14 days much more exciting than a tour holiday. It’s worth planning everything: from the time, place and duration of your vacation, through excursions and beach holidays, to buying souvenirs and returning home.

Cheap housing in Spain. How to find it correctly?

Apply for a visa to Spain yourself

A Schengen visa to Spain can be issued independently through BLS Spain visa centers located in Moscow or other regions. We have described everything in more detail.


To spend unforgettable days The best things to do in Spain:

  • go to Ibiza or Barcelona - the center of 24-hour entertainment. Personally, we recommend Barcelona more!
  • great family holiday awaits you in Lloret de Mar and Calella;
  • the most favorable time: from June to September;
  • Stock up on a pocket phrasebook, a good mood, and all the wonders of Spain will unfold before you.

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