Test work on recreational tourism. Recreational tourism - what is it? Types and development of recreational tourism Recreational trips

The largest segment of international tourism is travel for the purpose of recreation and recreation, accounting for 60% of the global volume of international tourism.

Recreational tourism: tourism with the main purpose of recreation, treatment and other health purposes. Concept recreation(recovery) covers all types of recreation, including sanatorium and resort treatment.

By the end of the twentieth century, the concept of “recreation” acquired new shades, and the goals became more diverse. Tourists themselves, especially those who travel regularly and often, are more adventurous when it comes to their holidays, trying to get maximum pleasure and diversify their leisure time with active pursuits. Travel planners are also looking to innovate to differentiate their offering and stand out from the competition.

The most beautiful places are chosen for recreational travel. There are many places on earth where nature itself appears to tourists as a work of art. Be it mighty Niagara Falls V North America, Lake Baikal in Siberia or the picturesque fjords in Norway. Each of these places evokes an inexhaustible desire of people to see this miracle with their own eyes.

Caring for nature and preserving it for future generations occupies a central place in the policies of states seeking to develop the tourism sector of the economy. In Canada, for example, much attention is paid to the creation of national parks. Some of them are associated with historical events or the lives of prominent historical and public figures, others serve solely the purpose of preserving nature and creating “quiet corners” where current and future generations can take a break from the noise of the city and enjoy nature in its original form.

Guests of national parks have specially designed routes, which you can follow with a guide or take an independent walk using a tourist guide. Tourists come to national parks to see dense forests, picturesque lakes, mountain rivers and glaciers, watch the life of birds and wild animals in their natural environment, admire the beauty of wild flowers, and breathe in the healing forest air.

In recreational tourism, one of the main health-improving methods is climatotherapy. The beneficial effects of climatotherapy on the body are determined by such factors as the location of the area above sea level, the degree of distance from the sea, atmospheric pressure, air temperature, air circulation and humidity, precipitation, intensity of solar radiation, etc. Main directions of climatotherapy: heliotherapy, aerotherapy and thalassotherapy.

Thalassotherapy resorts usually use heated water if natural sea water is not warm enough. But if you are planning a trip to a regular vacation spot on the sea coast, you need to keep in mind the difference in air and water temperatures. Water warms up more slowly than land, so in the spring, when the average air temperature reaches 20 degrees Celsius, the water in the sea is still cold - no higher than 15 degrees, and swimming in the sea is unsafe for health. In autumn, on the contrary, the air rather cools, and sea water continues to retain summer heat. In Tunisia, for example, the water in March is much colder than in October.

Number of rainy and sunny days is also of great importance when choosing the time of year to visit a particular area, and when visiting countries with a tropical climate, it is necessary to highlight the most and least favorable periods. Thailand, for example, is usually hot and humid, with the driest and most favorable time to visit being from November to February. In March it becomes unbearably hot, and from June to October there are monsoon rains.

Widely used in recreational tourism landscape therapy- a method of spa treatment that uses the beneficial effects on the body of a person’s stay in an area with beautiful landscape. This helps to normalize the functions of the nervous system, cheerful mood, improve sleep and appetite.

In recreational tourism, natural and climatic resources are actively used. Consistently successful balneological resorts where various methods of influencing healing mineral springs on the human body are used. Offered mud therapy- applications of therapeutic mud of various origins. Are used thermal waters- groundwater with a temperature of 20 degrees and above. They got their name from the village of Terme, located in Sicily, where they were first used for medicinal purposes. Implemented everywhere hydrotherapy- hydrotherapy (hydromassage, circular shower, bathing, cascade bathing, etc.). Under construction water parks. Since ancient times, people have noted the beneficial effects aquatic environment on human health. Now water parks have begun to be created everywhere in large tourist centers (the USA, France, Japan, Spain, Turkey, Italy, Finland and other countries have famous water parks that attract thousands of tourists).

In St. Petersburg, for example, for the 300th anniversary of the city, it is planned to create a huge water park that will be visited by 8,600 tourists per day. It will be a one-stop recreation and entertainment center - an indoor water park offering swimming in pools with currents and ocean waves, diving from diving boards, water slides, hot tubs, etc. In Moscow, a similar center has already been opened and is popular with the population.

Under the beneficial influence of the surrounding nature, as a result of the process of communication and direct contact with natural benefits, healing occurs in the human body itself, and its emotional and mental state improves. Inspection of monuments of human culture enriches the human intellect; familiarity with the customs and traditions of other peoples contributes to the interpenetration of cultures and the development of mutual understanding between nations.

Recreational tourism offers a wide variety of sports activities and entertainment to fill leisure time, and for some reasons it includes such types of tourism as excursion, water, mountaineering, adventure, hunting, fishing, entertainment, sports, exotic, environmental, etc.

Sightseeing tourism is one of the most popular types educational tourism. It is carried out with the aim of getting acquainted with tourist attractions (monuments of history, architecture, art, etc.). In our country, before perestroika, educational tours formed the basis of Soviet outbound tourism. Trips, as a rule, were made in tourist groups with comprehensive services, accompanied by a guide-translator and according to a planned program, which indicated all the attractions that were to be visited during the trip abroad.

By the beginning of the third millennium sightseeing tourism has undergone changes. Regular group excursion tours are considered a kind of business card serious tour operator. But at present, in Russian outbound tourism, it is necessary to offer and implement guaranteed trips according to excursion tours Only a few companies can. Travel abroad is increasingly taking on the characteristics of an individual rather than a group trip; excursions are no longer planned in advance; tourists decide on the spot where to go and what to see.

Excursion routes, as a rule, cover several cities and provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the most outstanding monuments of a particular country. One can already call classic tours in Germany, including visits to Cologne - Bonn - Dusseldorf - Frankfurt am Main - Nuremberg - Munich, or tours in Italy Rome - Venice - Florence.

Specialized tourism. Unlike ordinary holidaymakers, travelers in this category have a specific purpose and their stay usually focuses on that purpose, be it participating in a sporting event, watching birds or animals, participating in horseback riding trails, visiting a number of sites associated with a particular historical event or personality, etc. The organization of this type of tourism requires a highly qualified tour operator. Typically, such groups are accompanied by a specialist on the issue of interest to tourists, who has in-depth knowledge of the subject and can provide explanations during the trip.

In specialized tourism, there is also a segment united by the desire to stay in unusual accommodation, such as, for example, a health farm, or a peasant house. Research conducted on this segment has shown more high level education, higher level of personal income, high social status of participants (managers, unique specialists and high-class professionals).

Educational tourism. Traveling for the purpose of training and advanced training is relatively new in international tourism. The most popular trips are those aimed at learning a language, especially to the UK and other English-speaking countries.

Sports tourism. The main objective of these tours is to provide tourists with opportunities to engage in their chosen sport. Sports tours are divided into two types: active and passive. In the first case, the basis is playing some kind of sport, in the second - an interest in sports, for example, attending competitions.

Adventure tourism is a unique type of recreation and ensures not only that tourists stay in an attractive place, but also engage in an unusual type of activity. Adventure tourism is divided into several types:

1. Hiking expeditions;

2. Safari tours (hunting, fishing, butterfly catching, etc.)

3. Sea and river travel (yachting).

A specific feature of such tourism is obtaining various licenses (hunting, fishing, importing trophies), as well as ensuring security, which requires highly qualified instructors. This type of tourism has a fairly high cost, and it can be classified as an elite vacation.

Exotic tourism. This type of tourism is associated with travel to exotic countries, to the islands in the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean, or with travel on an unusual vehicle or to an exotic location. IN last years tours appeared that were striking in their unusualness. The most incredible and expensive tour while there is a flight into space. After the first tourist Denis Tito's flight on a Russian spaceship, traveling into space no longer seems like a distant dream. Currently, a list of those wishing to make a short space journey in Russian has already been formed. spacecraft"Buran", ready to pay 100 thousand dollars for this exotic trip.

An example of exotic tourism is a trip to the Arctic on comfortable icebreakers with a sauna, swimming pool, and conference rooms. The icebreaker is equipped with boats and helicopters for excursions. There are many people who want to meet underwater world and travel on a submarine. In Germany, a former prison cell is popular among tourists who love exotic things, where you can feel like a prisoner.

Ecological tourism, or as it is usually called for short ecotourism, has attracted close attention in recent years. For residents of Europe and America, traveling through protected natural areas has become one of the most common types of recreation. The main difference between this type of tourism is that the focus of the trip is the natural environment and tourists strive not to cause damage natural complexes, promote nature conservation and improve the well-being of local people. Ecotourism is designed to create economic incentives for environmental conservation. This is a wide range of trips - from small educational tours for schoolchildren to regular tourist programs in national parks and nature reserves. The income received from this type of tourism can be partially used for environmental protection measures.

Social tourism- These are travels subsidized from funds allocated by the state for social needs. The purpose of social tourism is not to make a profit, but to support people with low incomes to realize their right to vacation.

The educational and methodological manual contains material on the discipline “Geography of recreational systems and tourism” and complies with the state standard of specialty 49.03.03 – “Recreation and sports and health tourism”. In the development of tourism and recreation, the role of recreational tourism is great. Based on theoretical analysis and scientific and practical material, the characteristics of Russia's recreational resources were determined and a methodological assessment of program tourism was developed. Intended for higher education students educational institutions specialty 49.03.03 – “Recreation and sports and health tourism”, as well as for organizers of active forms of recreation and independent activities of various segments of the population.

Chapter 1. Tourism as a type of recreational activity

1.1. Concept and goals of tourism

Using the most authoritative publication on tourist terminology - the encyclopedia of tourism by V. A. Kvartalnov and I. V. Zorin, we can give the following definitions of tourism and tourist activities: temporary departures (travels) of citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons from their permanent place of residence to health resorts , educational, professional, business, sports, religious and other purposes without engaging in paid activities in the country (place) of temporary stay (Law of the Russian Federation “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation”, 1996).

Temporary departure of people from their permanent place of residence for vacation, recreational, educational or professional and business purposes without engaging in paid activities at the place of temporary residence (Recommendatory legislative act “On the basic principles of cooperation of the CIS member states in the field of tourism”, 1994).

The activities of persons who travel and stay in places outside their usual environment for a period not exceeding one year, for leisure, business or other purposes.

A special form of movement of people along a route in order to visit specific objects or satisfy a specialized interest.

A type of travel undertaken for leisure, educational, business, recreational or specialized purposes. “Tourism is one of the types active rest“, which is travel made with the aim of exploring certain areas, new countries and combined in a number of countries with elements of sports” (Manila Declaration on World Tourism).

Movement (relocation), being away from a permanent place of residence and the aspect of temporary residence in an object of interest. The Manila Declaration on World Tourism (1980) declared: “Tourism is understood as an activity that is important in the life of people because of its direct impact on the social, cultural, educational and economic areas of the life of nations and their international relations.”

A form of mental and physical education implemented through the social and humanitarian functions of tourism: educational, educational, health and sports.

A popular form of organizing recreation and leisure activities.

The sector of the economy serving people who are temporarily away from their place of permanent residence, as well as the market segment in which enterprises from traditional sectors of the economy converge in order to offer their products and services to tour operators.

The totality of all types of scientific and practical activities for the organization and implementation of: tourism and excursion business; resort business; hotel business.

Term tourism(tourism) was first used by V. Zhekmo in 1830. The word “tourism” comes from the French “tour”, which means “walk”. Until recently in different countries the concepts of “tourism” and “tourist” were understood differently. In our country, due to the fact that tourism and sanatorium-resort institutions were managed by different systems, the concept of “tourist” was limited to participants in tourist trips and hikes and was separated from the concept of “vacationer” in sanatoriums, boarding houses and rest homes. In other countries different types recreational activities were also often defined in different terms. With the development of tourism in modern world, especially international and with the creation of international tourism organizations, it became necessary to give a generally accepted definition of the concept of “tourist” and, accordingly, “tourism”.

The international conference in 1963 gave the following definition of the concept of “tourist” - a person who arrived in a country in which he does not permanently live and is not engaged in paid professional activities, with the aim of spending free time for treatment, entertainment, education, recreation, religion, sports , for family or business reasons. Extending this definition to domestic tourism, a tourist should be considered a person who temporarily travels outside his permanent place of residence to spend free time for various purposes other than permanent paid professional activity.

The concept of “tourist” adopted by international organizations differs from the concept of “excursionist”: a tourist spends more than a day outside his permanent place of residence, an excursionist - less than a day.

According to the WTO, tourist– a temporary visitor, i.e. a person who is in a country other than his country of residence for any purpose other than carrying out a paid activity. The main goals are study, treatment, transit. That. tourist - a person who stays away from his permanent place of residence for at least 24 hours and for no more than a year.

One of the first and most accurate definitions of tourism was given by University of Bern professors Hunziker and Krapf and was later adopted by the International Association of Scientific Experts on Tourism. These scholars define tourism as a series of phenomena and relationships that arise as a result of people traveling as long as it does not lead to a permanent stay and is not associated with any benefit.

Tourism is a special case of travel, however, it has clear demarcations from the generality, strictly defined characteristics, many definitions of tourism are known in the conceptual sense, and, of course, a person who makes or participates in a tourist trip, a tourist trip, a hike, is generally called a tourist . Tourism is:

– a special mass type of travel with clearly defined tourism goals, carried out by tourists themselves, that is, the activity of the tourist himself, and

– activities related to the organization and implementation (accompaniment) of such trips – tourism activities. Such activities are carried out by various enterprises in the tourism industry and related industries.

Let us now give the classic definition of tourism. Tourism is the temporary movement of people from their place of permanent residence to another country or another area within their country in free time for the purpose of pleasure and recreation, health and medical, guest, educational, religious or professional and business purposes, but without engaging in work paid from a local financial source in the place of temporary stay.

Tourism is a type of travel and covers the circle of people traveling and staying in places outside their usual environment, for the purpose of recreation, business or other purposes. Although in the process of tourism development various interpretations of this concept have appeared, the following criteria are of particular importance in determining this phenomenon:

Change of location. In this case we are talking about a trip that takes place to a place outside the usual environment. However, persons who travel daily between home and their place of work or study cannot be considered tourists, since these trips do not go beyond their usual environment.

Stay somewhere else. The main condition here is that the place of stay should not be a place of permanent or long-term residence. In addition, it should not be related to work activity (wages). This nuance should be taken into account, because the behavior of a person engaged in labor activity differs from the behavior of a tourist and cannot be classified as tourism. Another condition is that travelers should not stay in the place they visit for 12 consecutive months or more. A person who is staying or planning to stay for one year or more in a particular place is considered a permanent resident for tourism purposes and therefore cannot be called a tourist.

Payment from source at the location visited. The essence of this criterion is that the main purpose of the trip should not be to carry out an activity paid for from a source in the place visited. Any person who enters a country for work remunerated from a source in that country is considered a migrant and not a tourist of that country. This applies not only to international tourism, but also to tourism within one country. Every person who travels to another place within the same country (or to another country) to carry out an activity remunerated from a source in that place (or country) is not considered a tourist of that place.

These three criteria, which form the basis for the definition of tourism, are basic. At the same time, there are special categories of tourists for whom these criteria are still insufficient - these are refugees, nomads, prisoners, transit passengers who do not formally enter the country, and persons accompanying or escorting these groups.

Analysis of the above features, characteristics and criteria allows us to highlight the following signs of tourism:

– business trips, as well as travel for the purpose of spending free time, are moving outside the usual place of residence and work. If a resident of a city moves around it for the purpose of making purchases, then he is not a tourist, since he does not leave his functional place;

– tourism is not only an important sector of the economy, but also an important part of people’s lives.

It covers the relationship of a person with his external environment. Consequently, tourism is a set of relationships, connections and phenomena that accompany the trip and stay of people in places that are not places of their permanent or long-term residence and are not related to their work activities.

There are five clearly identified important features that separate tourism from travel and other activities and processes:

– temporary movement and visit to the destination and inevitable return back;

– destination is another locality (country), different from the place of permanent residence of a person;

– tourism goals, characterized by purely humanistic content and orientation;

– making a tourist trip in your free time from work or study;

– prohibition of a tourist from engaging in activities in the destination paid for from a local financial source.

Of the totality of economic characteristics of tourism, five must be defined conceptually:

– tourism as a process and result of the movement of people along various tourist routes;

– definition of two main basic elements of tourism: travel to the place of stay and stay there;

– travel means leaving the country (region) of the tourist’s permanent residence;

– the movement of tourists to various tourist centers takes time, which means that they will return to their place of permanent residence in a few days, weeks or months;

– an excursion is a trip without permanent residence in a tourist center, not intended to generate additional income.

The following can be distinguished functions social and humanitarian impact of tourism: restoration of working capacity; rational use of free time; providing employment; rising living standards of workers; ecological harmlessness and orientation.

Travel goals are one of the main and defining features of tourism. In the classical theory of tourism, only 6 general goals are recognized, according to which tourism is distinguished from travel in general:

– health-improving (restoration of a person’s spiritual and physical strength, as well as treatment);

– cognitive (improving and deepening knowledge about the nature of natural phenomena, the history and present of humanity, the culture of other countries and peoples);

– sports (preparation and participation in competitions and games at professional and amateur levels, accompanying athletes, as well as participation as spectators);

– professional and business (business trips, participation in congresses, conferences, seminars, exchange of experience, professional training);

– religious (pilgrimage and cult, cultural and historical studies of religion and cults);

– guest and nostalgic (visiting relatives, places of historical residence).

The following are also distinguished functions of tourism:

– Restorative – freeing a person from the feeling of fatigue through a contrasting change of environment and type of activity;

– Developmental – providing opportunities for personal development (expanding cognitive horizons, creative and organizational activities);

– Entertaining – providing vacationers with the opportunity to have fun. This also includes: getting to know the area and its inhabitants, organizing concerts, sports and other events, and active recreation.

1.2. Classification, types and forms of tourism

Classification of tourism is the identification of internally homogeneous taxa of tourism activity on accepted grounds.

The type of tourism is the result of the classification of tourism on one or another basis.

Motivational factors can also be used as a feature that allows you to classify travel by type of tourism. With this classification, one should proceed from the main motive that prompted the person to go on a trip. Although the motives are not always determined unambiguously, it is still possible to distinguish six types of tourism in the system of its management.

Tourism for leisure purposes. This type consists of a short or longer rest for the purpose of physical or psychological recovery of the body. In addition, this group also includes resort holidays, in which the natural properties of the soil, climate and sea water are used for treatment or recuperation.

Tourism for cultural exploration. Tourism, focused on understanding a foreign culture, is divided into educational and pilgrimage. Educational tourism includes visits to historical, cultural or geographical attractions. Tourists traveling for educational purposes are most often interested in the social and economic relations of the countries they visit. The purpose of pilgrimage tourism is to visit places of special religious significance.

Community tourism. Public tourism includes trips to visit relatives, acquaintances, friends, as well as club tourism. Club tourism is distinguished by the fact that travelers are consciously integrated into groups. Grouping occurs when there is an entertainment or sports program that interests people.

Sports tourism. Sports tourism includes trips for the purpose of active participation in sports events, as well as trips that are passive in nature to participate in sports competitions.

Economic tourism– trips made out of professional and commercial interest: visiting exchanges, exhibitions, fairs, etc.

Congress (political) tourism is divided into diplomatic tourism, participation in congresses, as well as tourism associated with political events and activities.

Sometimes the need to specify tourism in its forms arises in connection with different durations of travel (long and short trips). In this case, the length of stay during the trip was chosen as the main criterion for such classification. If travel differs according to such external criterion as length of stay, then we can say that these trips belong to different forms of tourism. There are many opportunities to distinguish forms of tourism according to external criteria: by the origin of tourists; by organizational form; by length of stay on the trip; according to the age; by vehicles; by time of year or season.

At first glance, it may seem that there is not much difference between the forms and types of tourism. In both cases, journeys are grouped based on certain points of view. The difference is that types of tourism differ in the motivation of travelers, i.e., according to internal factors, and forms of tourism - according to external reasons and influences, which is very important for management.

Forms of tourism depending on the origin of tourists. Depending on the origin of travelers, tourism is divided into domestic and international. In this case, the word "origin" does not refer to a person's nationality or place of birth, but to his place of residence and work.

Forms of tourism depending on its organization(organizational forms). Depending on the form of organization, a distinction is made between lump-sum tourism (providing a range of services for one cost) and individual tourism. A lump sum tour is a standardized, pre-organized set of tourist services. Individual tour has the peculiarities that the tourist organizes and carries out it independently. Such tours are also called single, but this does not mean that you need to travel alone, because you can travel with your family, and the trip is called solo.

The concept of “individual tourism” is most often contrasted with the concept of “mass tourism”. Mass tourism originally meant that many people participated in tourism. Over time, this concept acquired a negative meaning. Currently, negative impacts are associated with mass tourism, especially lump-sum tourism, which is why the concepts of individual tourism and mass tourism are no longer suitable for distinguishing forms of tourism by the number of participants.

Forms of tourism depending on length of stay. A very important classification of forms of tourism is their classification depending on the length of stay.

Travel duration refers to the time spent by a tourist during the trip or stay in the place or country visited. Day trips are classified as follows: less than three hours; three to five hours; six to eight hours; nine to eleven o'clock; twelve or more hours. Overnight trips can be classified as follows: 1–3 nights; 4–7 nights; 8–28 nights; 29–91 nights; 92–365 nights.

Long trips are usually complemented by short trips. Short trips include transit trips, day trips and short-term tourism. Transit tourism is stops for tourists along the way to their destination. One-day tourism is a tour lasting during daylight hours: they do not involve an overnight stop. A particularly important form of short-term tourism is short-term tourism. Short-term tourism includes business tourism and weekend trips. Regardless of whether trips are made for business or personal purposes, their average duration is 2–4 days, i.e. they include a minimum of one and a maximum of three overnight stays.

Forms of tourism depending on the age of travelers. When classifying forms of tourism, the age of travelers is also taken into account. Determined by age scale the following groups tourists: children traveling with their parents; youth (tourists aged 15–24 years); relatively young, economically active people aged 25–44 years; economically active middle-aged (45–64 years old) people (usually traveling without children); pensioners (65 years and older).

Forms of tourism depending on means of transport. Depending on the vehicle used to move tourists from one place to another, the following forms tourism: air tourism, bus, rail, road and sea.

Forms of tourism depending on the time of year. Depending on the time of year, winter and summer tourism differ. Seasonal classification of forms of tourism shows fluctuations in demand for tourism services throughout the year. The time during which the maximum number of trips is made is called the tourist season, the period of decline in travel is called the off-season. Tourist seasons in different regions may not coincide.

In addition to the six proposed criteria, there are other points of view that allow us to classify travel according to forms. To make the classification of tourism more complete, the World Tourism Organization proposes to classify tourism into the following types: domestic tourism - travel of residents of a region within this region; inbound tourism – travel within a country by persons who are not its residents; Outbound tourism is the travel of residents of a country to another country. These main types of tourism can be combined in different ways to form categories of tourism. These categories of tourism can relate not only to a country, but also to a region; the term “region” refers to some area within a country, or to a group of countries. The definition of “tourism within the country” covers domestic and inbound tourism; “national tourism” – domestic and outbound tourism; “international tourism” – inbound and outbound.

Tourism classification:

– by the number of travel participants: individual, group, family;

– by holiday region: national, international;

– by market: domestic, foreign;

– by method of organization: unorganized, organized, amateur (qualifying);

– by purpose: relaxation (rest), rehabilitation (sanatorium), recreational;

– by age: children, youth, middle age, third age;

– by means of transportation: road, bus, water, pedestrian, railway, horseback;

– by type of main activity: business, educational, sports, environmental, congress;

– according to the main ones used natural resources: mountain, sea, forest, river, bathing and beach, therapeutic;

– by the nature of the territory: continental, coastal, island;

– by sources of financing: commercial, social;

– according to the method of accommodating tourists: hotel type, non-hotel type;

– by travel distance: short-range, long-distance;

– by duration of travel: short-term, medium-term, long-term;

– according to the rhythm of tourist flows: seasonal, year-round.

Types of tourism.

Automobile tourism – 1) a special type of travel using a personal or rented car as a means of transport; 2) specially organized category travel in cars and motorcycles. As part of automobile tourism, caravanning is distinguished, in which a caravan is used as a means of accommodation - a van with sleeping places.

Active tourism – 1) in international tourism – the number of visits to a given country by residents of other countries; 2) tourism undertaken for the development of physical strength, including for sporting purposes; recreational activities using active modes of transportation.

Cycling tourism – special category hikes that involve completing the route on a bicycle.

Domestic tourism is the temporary departure of citizens of a particular country from their permanent place of residence within the state borders of the same country for recreation, satisfaction of educational interests, sports and other tourism purposes.

Water tourism – special category trips that involve rafting on rivers, passing through lakes or other bodies of water.

Outbound tourism is the travel of persons permanently residing in a country to another country.

Inbound tourism is travel within the country by persons not permanently residing in that country.

Mountain tourism - special category hikes that involve walking routes through mountainous terrain, overcoming passes above 3000–3500 meters, passing through rocky areas, steep slopes, glaciers, snowfields, and mountain rivers.

Group tourism is a form of organizing a tourist trip for people united by the opportunity to travel together along a specific route or for the purpose of receiving program services; satisfaction of collective interest in the object of travel.

Long-distance tourism is a trip that requires a significant amount of time to travel to the destination (over 4 hours by plane, 4 days by car, and 4–5 days by boat or train).

Business tourism – temporary business trips and trips for official purposes, including participation in conferences, congresses, etc., without receiving income at the business trip destinations.

Incentive tourism – tourism by invitation. It is especially common in large private companies, which thus encourage their employees and at the same time hold corporate events (congresses, exhibitions, meetings and conferences).

Individual tourism– a form of organization of human tourist activity. Most of all it is implemented within the framework of business, scientific, balneological and health tourism.

Foreign tourism is a system of travel and exchanges carried out on the basis of interstate agreements, taking into account current international standards.

Short-term tourism – a trip for up to 5–7 days.

Congress tourism is the most significant and constantly increasing its influence segment of the tourism market, focused on holding and servicing congresses, symposiums, conventions, conferences, meetings, etc.

Cultural tourism– tourism for the purpose of familiarization and knowledge of the cultural heritage of various countries and peoples.

Ski tourism – special category hikes that involve skiing along the plains, foothills and mid-mountains.

Multi-stage tourism – tourists visiting several countries during one trip.

Youth tourism– a specific type of tourism activity of youth and adolescents, implemented both within state borders and at the regional and global levels.

National tourism – the state and development of tourism within state (national) borders.

Unorganized tourism is spontaneous trips of tourists organized by tourists themselves without the participation of an intermediary organization, tourist club or section.

Nostalgic tourism – tourist trips to the place of birth, youth, past residence, to the places of one’s origin.

Organized tourism – trips on tours and routes organized by travel companies or clubs.

Hiking tourism - special category hikes, the routes of which are laid along the plain or in the foothills, low mountains, in almost any area.

Educational tourism – tourist trips, the main purpose of which is to satisfy the curiosity of other educational interests.

Incentive tourism is group tourist trips provided by the administration of enterprises and institutions to its employees on exclusively preferential terms or free of charge as a bonus for high production performance.

Regional tourism is a tourism activity characteristic of a specific region - a set of countries or territories with similar conditions for the development of tourism and a similar level of tourist development.

Recreational tourism is travel for the purpose of recreation, health improvement and treatment, restoration and development of a person’s physical, mental and emotional strength.

Religious tourism – trips to holy places.

Amateur tourism – 1) travel using active modes of transportation, organized by tourists independently. Priority type of tourism activity. Types of amateur tourism - hiking, water, mountain, ski, caving tourism, auto tourism, bicycle tourism, horse tourism, motorcycle tourism; 2) a specific type of tourism activity, implemented on a voluntary, amateur basis.

Rural tourism is recreational travel to the countryside as a response to environmental pressure in cities.

Family tourism is a form of organizing trips for people related by family ties.

Speleotourism is a special category of tourist trips that involve passing routes through caves and karst cavities underground.

Neighborhood tourism – short-term international tourist trips to border areas neighboring country with transportation usually by car and bus.

Social tourism is a social tourism product that satisfies the cognitive interests, spiritual or other needs of people, including health improvement, recuperation, through various sources of funding, including funds allocated by the state for social needs.

Specialized tourism is a tourism activity designed to fulfill the specific needs of people during a trip or visit to an object. Private types - congress, scientific, youth, professional, business, balneological, school, teenage, family, etc.

Tourism for military personnel is a specialized type of tourism activity implemented in order to meet the requests and needs of personnel of the Armed Forces.

Tourism of compatriots - tourist trips of compatriots from near and far abroad, including through family ties, which are designed to preserve family ties, promote the cultivation of their native language, familiarization with their national values, mutual understanding and cooperation.

“Third age” tourism is a model of social tourism of people who have reached retirement age, widespread in foreign practice.

Festival tourism is a wide range of tourist trips that are organized to visit fairs, exhibitions, festivals, and sporting competitions.

Eco-tourism is tourism focused on the direct use of more or less “wild” nature as a habitat for tourists and travel purposes based on the introduction of environmental technologies into all components of the tour.

Elite tourism is tourism that includes the highest strata in the social hierarchy and VIPs.

Ethnocultural tourism is trips organized in places of residence of small peoples who do not have their own national state or administrative education.

1.3. Tourist: concept, goals, types

There are many definitions of a tourist, which reflect the focus of the regulatory act and certain economic interests of the state by affiliation. Actually, experts have been working on this definition for more than 50 years. The first definitions of a tourist were formed in 1937 by a special committee of the League of Nations.

In 1963, at the UN conference on international tourism in Rome, issues of tourism definitions were considered. The following definition for a tourist was adopted:

A tourist is a temporary visitor who stays for more than 24 hours in the visited area (region, country) and whose travel purposes can be defined as leisure, recreational, holiday, health, educational, religious and sports, as well as business and guest.

In the theory of tourism, in relation to Russian conditions, this definition in full is as follows: tourist - consumer of a tour, tourist product or tourist services - temporary visitor to the area, settlement, territory or country, regardless of his citizenship, nationality, gender, language and religion, staying in a given area for at least 24 hours, but not more than 6 months during a calendar year, or being outside his place of residence within his country and carrying out at least one overnight stay in a collective or individual accommodation facility, traveling for pleasure or for educational, medical, business purposes and not engaging in activities in the place of temporary stay, paid from a local source.

Let's consider the incentives for tourism that attract foreign tourists. Experts list the following as the main motives:

– learning and getting to know a new culture and way of life, food and customs;

– introduction to entertainment, nightlife, the opportunity to visit good restaurants, dance halls and other entertainment venues;

– the opportunity to experience a slightly different lifestyle, have fun, freely spend money that has been accumulating for a long period, and feel at least a little like a person of a higher level;

– change of general environment, stress relief, relaxation;

– visiting theaters, performances, festivals, carnivals;

– meeting new interesting people;

– study of conditions for potential business in a given country;

– shopping goals;

– purchasing souvenirs and gifts;

– seaside recreation, sports;

– winter sports and recreation;

– treatment, health purposes;

– religious purposes, pilgrimage;

– meetings with relatives and friends.

Pleasure and relaxation are natural needs of a person, allowing him to restore physical and mental strength, relieve stress accumulated during routine work over a long period. Typically, normally working people have between one and five weeks of rest each year.

The second most important are health-improving and medicinal purposes: visiting resorts, sanatoriums, health-improving institutions, health-improving trips, staying at medicinal waters, and other types of treatment.

This is followed by professional and business purposes: this includes seconded specialists, for example, those sent to assemble and install equipment; participating in meetings, meetings, conferences, congresses and conventions, trade fairs and exhibitions; incentive trips for enterprise employees (incentive tourism); giving lectures and concerts; preparation of tourist travel programs ( promotional tours); concluding agreements for accommodation and transport; working as tour guides and other positions in the tourism industry; participation in professional sporting events; paid training, education and research activities (we especially note that this methodology unfairly includes government business trips, including diplomats and military personnel or employees of international organizations, with the exception of service in the country being visited); guest trips to relatives and friends, home leave, attendance at funerals, care for the disabled; religious – pilgrimage, participation in religious events.

Types of tourists.

All tourists can be classified according to the following criteria: depending on their activity; depending on your lifestyle. Traditionally, tourists are divided into six groups based on their activity during vacation:

Lovers of a relaxing holiday. Its representatives go on vacation in order to free themselves from everyday stress and relax in a calm and pleasant environment. They are afraid of strangers and large crowds of people. Relaxed holidaymakers are drawn to the sun, sand and sea.

Pleasure lovers. This is a type of very adventurous tourists who, during their holidays, are busy looking for a variety of pleasures and prefer a social atmosphere. In relation to them, words such as flirting and long distances are most often used.

Active recreation lovers. These tourists love nature and create active stress for their bodies. They prefer measured movement and being in the fresh air. Their vacation can be combined with treatment.

Lovers sports recreation . Unlike active vacationers, tourist-athletes have all their attention focused on competitions. Sports are very important to them – their hobby. They are not afraid of physical activity.

Vacationers for the purpose of knowledge, study. This type of tourist is interested in improving their educational level and learning new things. In this type, three subgroups are distinguished: Pr, P and Pd. Tourists of the Pr type visit places described in guidebooks. Type P pays attention not so much to recognized attractions, but to searching for places where he can feel their atmosphere. For him, feelings and moods come to the fore. Tourists of the PD type have pronounced cultural and socio-scientific interests; they are very attracted to nature.

Adventure lovers. Few thrill-seekers go on a journey alone and expose themselves to truly serious risks. The type of adventurers includes those tourists who are looking for unusual experiences with a certain amount of risk. For them, risk is an opportunity to test themselves.

Classifying tourists into groups depending on their lifestyle suggests a more in-depth approach to identifying types, since it considers a person and his behavior not in isolation, but in connection with his life position, attitude towards various things and his desires.

When identifying groups of tourists depending on their lifestyle, the basis is not some separate criterion, but a person’s general attitude towards his life. This is very difficult to do, since trends and the economic situation in society are subject to very strong changes over time.

Depending on the lifestyle, four groups of tourists are distinguished: pleasure-seekers, tendentious, family and exclusively leisure tourists. With this classification, it should be borne in mind that the identified groups are constantly changing and the boundaries between them are very vague.

Lovers of pleasure. Representatives of this group have very high demands on the quality of their vacation. For them, traveling is a way of self-expression. They want to enjoy their vacation, allow themselves some weaknesses, or give themselves exercise.

tendentious tourists. For tourists entering this group, rest is an opportunity to find and express yourself as an individual. These are vacationers with high demands, but unlike those who “enjoy life,” they do not need luxury conditions. They are looking for unity with nature, silence and the possibility of psychological relief. They are aware of environmental issues and are interested in the politics and culture of the region they are visiting.

Parameter name Meaning
Article topic: Recreational tourism.
Rubric (thematic category) Tourism

The largest segment of international tourism is travel for the purpose of recreation and recreation, accounting for 60% of the global volume of international tourism.

Recreational tourism: tourism with the main purpose of recreation, treatment and other health purposes. Concept recreation(recovery) covers all types of recreation, incl. Spa treatment.

By the end of the twentieth century, the concept of “recreation” acquired new shades, the goals became more diverse. Tourists themselves, especially those who travel regularly and often, are more adventurous when it comes to their holidays, trying to get maximum pleasure and diversify their leisure time with active pursuits. Travel planners are also looking to innovate to differentiate their offering and stand out from the competition.

The most beautiful places are chosen for recreational travel. There are many places on earth where nature itself appears to tourists as a work of art. Be it the mighty Niagara Falls in North America, Lake Baikal in Siberia or the picturesque fjords in Norway. Each of these places evokes an inexhaustible desire of people to see this miracle with their own eyes.

Caring for nature and preserving it for future generations occupies a central place in the policies of states seeking to develop the tourism sector of the economy. In Canada, for example, much attention is paid to the creation of national parks. Some of them are associated with historical events or the lives of prominent historical and public figures, others serve solely the purpose of preserving nature and creating “quiet corners” where current and future generations can take a break from the noise of the city and enjoy nature in its original form.

Guests of national parks have specially designed routes, which you can follow with a guide or take an independent walk using a tourist guide. Tourists come to national parks to see dense forests, picturesque lakes, mountain rivers and glaciers, watch the life of birds and wild animals in their natural environment, admire the beauty of wild flowers, and breathe in the healing forest air.

In recreational tourism, one of the main health-improving methods is climatotherapy. The beneficial effects of climatotherapy on the body are determined by such factors as the location of the area above sea level, the degree of distance from the sea, atmospheric pressure, air temperature, air circulation and humidity, precipitation, intensity of solar radiation, etc. Main directions of climatotherapy: heliotherapy, aerotherapy and thalassotherapy.

At resorts that use thalassotherapy, they usually use heated water if natural sea water is not warm enough. But if you are planning a trip to a regular holiday destination on the sea coast, it is extremely important to keep in mind the difference in air and water temperatures. Water warms up more slowly than land, therefore in the spring, when the average air temperature reaches 20 degrees Celsius, the water in the sea is still cold - no higher than 15 degrees, and swimming in the sea is unsafe for health. In autumn, on the contrary, the air rather cools, and sea water continues to retain summer heat. In Tunisia, for example, the water in March is much colder than in October.

The number of rainy and sunny days is also of great importance when choosing the time of year to visit a particular area, and when visiting countries with a tropical climate, it is extremely important to highlight the most and least favorable periods. In Thailand, for example, it is usually hot and humid, the driest and most favorable time to visit is from November to February. In March it becomes unbearably hot, and from June to October there are monsoon rains.

Widely used in recreational tourism landscape therapy- a method of spa treatment that uses the beneficial effects on the body of a person’s stay in an area with a beautiful landscape. This helps to normalize the functions of the nervous system, cheerful mood, improve sleep and appetite.

In recreational tourism, natural and climatic resources are actively used. Consistently successful balneological resorts where various methods of influencing healing mineral springs on the human body are used. Offered mud therapy- applications of therapeutic mud of various origins. Are used thermal waters- groundwater with a temperature of 20 degrees and above. They got their name from the village of Terme, located in Sicily, where they were first used for medicinal purposes. Implemented everywhere hydrotherapy- hydrotherapy (hydromassage, circular shower, bathing, cascade bathing, etc.). Under construction water parks. Since ancient times, people have noted the beneficial effects of the aquatic environment on human health. Now water parks have begun to be created everywhere in large tourist centers (USA, France, Japan, Spain, Turkey, Italy, Finland, etc.
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countries have famous water parks that attract thousands of tourists).

In St. Petersburg, for example, for the 300th anniversary of the city, it is planned to create a huge water park that can be visited by 8,600 tourists a day. It will be a one-stop recreation and entertainment center - an indoor water park offering swimming in pools with currents and ocean waves, diving from diving boards, water slides, hot tubs, etc. In Moscow, a similar center has already been opened and is popular with the population.

Under the beneficial influence of the surrounding nature, as a result of the process of communication and direct contact with natural benefits, healing occurs in the human body itself, and its emotional and mental state improves. Inspection of monuments of human culture enriches the human intellect; familiarity with the customs and traditions of other peoples contributes to the interpenetration of cultures and the development of mutual understanding between nations.

Recreational tourism offers a wide variety of sports activities and entertainment to fill leisure time, and for some reasons it includes such types of tourism as excursion, water, mountaineering, adventure, hunting, fishing, entertainment, sports, exotic, environmental, etc.

Sightseeing tourism is one of the most popular types of educational tourism. It is carried out with the aim of getting acquainted with tourist attractions (monuments of history, architecture, art, etc.). In our country, before perestroika, educational tours formed the basis of Soviet outbound tourism. Trips, as a rule, were made in tourist groups with comprehensive services, accompanied by a guide-translator and according to a planned program, which indicated all the attractions that were to be visited during the trip abroad.

By the beginning of the third millennium, excursion tourism had undergone changes. Regular group excursion tours are considered a kind of calling card of a serious tour operator. But at present, in Russian outbound tourism, only a few companies can offer and implement guaranteed trips on excursion tours. Trips abroad are increasingly taking on the characteristics of individual rather than group travel; excursions are no longer planned in advance; tourists decide on the spot where to go and what to see.

Excursion routes, as a rule, cover several cities and provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the most outstanding monuments of a particular country. One can already call classic tours in Germany, including a visit to Cologne - Bonn - Dusseldorf - Frankfurt am Main - Nuremberg - Munich, or tours in Italy Rome - Venice - Florence.

Specialized tourism. Unlike ordinary holidaymakers, travelers in this category have a specific purpose, and their stay usually focuses on this purpose, be it participation in sports, bird or animal watching, participation in horseback riding trails, visiting a number of places associated with a certain historical event or person, etc. The organization of this type of tourism requires a highly qualified tour operator. Typically, such groups are accompanied by a specialist on the issue of interest to tourists, who has in-depth knowledge of the subject and can provide explanations during the trip.

In specialized tourism, there is also a segment united by the desire to stay in unusual accommodation, such as, for example, a health farm, or a peasant house. Research conducted on this segment showed a higher level of education, a higher level of personal income, and a high social status of participants (managers, unique specialists and high-class professionals).

Educational tourism. Traveling for the purpose of training and advanced training is relatively new in international tourism. The most popular trips are those aimed at learning a language, especially to the UK and other English-speaking countries.

Sports tourism. The main objective of these tours is to provide tourists with opportunities to engage in their chosen sport. Sports tours are divided into two types: active and passive. In the first case, the basis is playing some kind of sport; in the second, it is an interest in sports, for example, attending competitions.

Adventure tourism is a unique type of recreation and ensures not only that tourists stay in an attractive place, but also engage in an unusual type of activity. Adventure tourism is divided into several types:

1. Hiking expeditions;

2. Safari tours (hunting, fishing, butterfly catching, etc.)

3. Sea and river travel (yachting).

A specific feature of such tourism is obtaining various licenses (hunting, fishing, importing trophies), as well as ensuring security, which requires highly qualified instructors. This type of tourism has a fairly high cost, and it can be classified as an elite vacation.

Exotic tourism. This type of tourism is associated with travel to exotic countries, to islands in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, or with travel on an unusual vehicle or to an exotic place. In recent years, tours have appeared that are striking in their unusualness. The most incredible and expensive tour so far is a flight into space. After the first tourist Denis Tito's flight on a Russian spaceship, traveling into space no longer seems like a distant dream. Today, a list of those wishing to make a short space journey on the Russian spacecraft “Buran” has already been formed, ready to pay 100 thousand dollars for this exotic journey.

An example of exotic tourism is a trip to the Arctic on comfortable icebreakers with a sauna, swimming pool, and conference rooms. The icebreaker is equipped with boats and helicopters for excursions. There are many people who want to get acquainted with the underwater world and travel on a submarine. In Germany, a former prison cell is popular among tourists who love exotic things, where you can feel like a prisoner.

Ecological tourism, or as it is usually called for short ecotourism, has attracted close attention in recent years. For residents of Europe and America, traveling through protected natural areas has become one of the most common types of recreation. The main difference between this type of tourism is that the focus of travel is the natural environment and tourists strive not to damage natural complexes, promote nature conservation and improve the well-being of the local population. Ecotourism is designed to create economic incentives for environmental conservation. This is a wide range of trips - from small educational tours for schoolchildren to regular tourist programs in national parks and reserves. The income received from this type of tourism can be partially used for environmental protection measures.

Social tourism- ϶ᴛᴏ travel subsidized from funds allocated by the state for social needs. The purpose of social tourism is not to make a profit, but to support people with low incomes to realize their right to vacation.

Recreational tourism. - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Recreational tourism." 2017, 2018.

Concept of tourism. Modern scientific literature describes many approaches to defining the concept of “tourism”. All these approaches are considered in more detail in their works by I. V. Zorin and V. A. Kvartalnov. We can only say that there are geographical, economic, marketing, industrial and other approaches.

In Russia, this concept is enshrined in law. Federal Law “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in Russian Federation»» defines tourism as “temporary departures (travels) of citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons from their permanent place of residence for medical, recreational, educational, physical education, sports, professional, business, religious and other purposes without engaging in activities related to generating income from sources in the country (place) of temporary stay.”

1. Temporary departure of people from their permanent place of residence for vacation, recreational, educational or professional and business purposes without engaging in paid activities at the place of temporary residence (Recommendatory legislative act “On the basic principles of cooperation of the CIS member states in the field of tourism”, 1994).

2. The activities of persons who travel and stay in places outside their usual environment for a period not exceeding one year, for leisure, business or other purposes (UN Statistical Commission, 1993).

3. A special form of movement of people along a route in order to visit specific objects or satisfy a specialized interest.

4. The type of travel undertaken for leisure, educational, business, recreational or specialized purposes.

5. Movement (relocation), being away from a permanent place of residence and the aspect of temporary stay in the object of interest. The Manila Declaration on World Tourism declared: “Tourism is understood as an activity that is important in the life of peoples because of its direct impact on the social, cultural, educational and economic areas of the life of states and their international relations.”

6. A form of mental and physical education, implemented through the social and humanitarian functions of tourism: educational, educational, health and sports.

7. A popular form of organizing recreation and leisure activities.

8. The sector of the economy serving people who are temporarily outside their place of permanent residence, as well as the market segment in which enterprises from traditional sectors of the economy converge in order to offer their products and services to tour operators.

9. The totality of all types of scientific and practical activities on the organization and implementation of tourism, excursion, resort and hotel business.

One of the first and most accurate definitions of tourism was given by University of Bern professors W. Hunziker and K. Krapf and was later adopted by the International Association of Scientific Experts on Tourism. These scientists determine tourism as a series of phenomena and relationships that arise as a result of the travel of people until it leads to permanent residence and is not associated with the receipt of any benefit.

According to one of the first official definitions adopted by the UN in 1954, tourism There is active recreation that affects the promotion of health and physical development of a person, associated with movement outside of one’s permanent place of residence. A broader description of this concept was presented by the Academy of Tourism in Monte Carlo: tourism– a general concept for all forms of temporary departure of people from their place of permanent residence for health purposes, to satisfy educational interests in their free time or for professional and business purposes without engaging in paid activities at the place of temporary residence.

At the World Tourism Conference (Madrid, 1981) tourism is defined as one of the types of active recreation, which is travel made with the aim of exploring certain areas, new countries and combined in a number of countries with elements of sports. It should be noted that tourist trips will be only if the time (more than a day) and spatial (moving to another place) criteria are met.

In The Hague Declaration on Tourism (1989) tourism is defined as the free movement of people from their places of residence and work, as well as the services created to meet the needs arising from these movements. From a legal point of view tourism represents a set of relationships and services associated with a temporary and voluntary change of residence by a traveler for non-commercial or non-professional reasons.

From the perspective of economic science tourism is considered as a large economic system with various connections between individual elements within the framework of both the national economy of a particular country and the connections of the national economy with the world economy as a whole; as a sphere of economic activity, including the production and sale of tourist services and goods by various organizations with tourist resources.

In the socio-cultural sphere tourism appears as a special kind of interpersonal activity, which, in the conditions of internationalization of life, has become a form of using free time, a means of interpersonal connections in the process of political, economic and cultural contacts, and one of the factors determining the quality of life.

As a type of leisure activity tourism- this is the temporary movement of people from their place of permanent residence to another country or locality within their country in their free time from their main work in order to satisfy the needs for recreation, entertainment, knowledge, health, as well as to solve professional or any other problems, but without paid work in the place visited.

In 1993, the UN Statistical Commission adopted a definition approved by the WTO and widely used in international practice: “ tourism covers the activities of persons who travel and stay in places outside their usual environment for a period not exceeding one consecutive year for leisure, business or other purposes.” This definition contains three main criteria for tourism: a) travel outside the usual environment; b) temporary nature of movement; c) the purpose of the trip.

All existing definitions of tourism can be divided into two groups: 1) highly specialized (industry) definitions designed to perform specific tasks, that is, used in legal regulation, statistical accounting, social policy, etc.; 2) conceptual definitions that serve as the basis for the first group and reflect the internal content of tourism.

An example of a conceptual definition of tourism can be considered the following definition: tourism is a set of relationships and phenomena arising from the movement and stay of people outside their permanent place of residence for reasons not related to work, but in order to satisfy cultural, health, relaxation, entertainment needs and for the sake of pleasure, as well as for other reasons, if they are not related to making a profit.

Let us now give the classic definition of tourism. Tourism– temporary movement of people from their place of permanent residence to another country or another locality within their country in their free time for the purpose of pleasure and recreation, health and medical, guest, educational, religious or professional and business purposes, but without occupation in the place of temporary stay in a job paid from a local financial source.

In the process of tourism development, various interpretations of this concept have appeared. However, the following criteria are of particular importance in determining this phenomenon:

Change of location. Trips will be considered tourist trips if they are made to a place outside the normal environment. However, persons who travel daily between home and their place of work or study cannot be considered tourists, since these trips do not go beyond their usual environment.

Stay somewhere else. The main condition here is that the place of stay should not be a place of permanent or long-term residence. In addition, it should not be related to work activity (wages). Another condition is that travelers should not stay in the place they visit for more than 12 months. A person who stays 12 months or more in a particular place is considered a migrant.

Payment from source at the location visited.The main purpose of the trip should not be to carry out an activity paid for from a source in the place visited. Any person who enters a country for work remunerated from a source in that country is considered a migrant and not a tourist of that country. This applies to both international tourism and domestic tourism.

These three criteria, which form the basis for the definition of tourism, are basic. But there are special categories of tourists for whom these criteria are not enough - these are refugees, nomads, prisoners, transit passengers who do not formally enter the country, and persons accompanying or escorting these groups.

Many domestic and especially foreign experts consider tourism from the point of view of a systems approach. According to the Swiss scientist K. Kaspar, the tourism system is based on two subsystems: subject of tourism(tourist as a consumer of tourism services) and tourism object, consisting of three elements - a tourist region, tourist enterprises and tourist organizations.

Analyzing the concept of “tourism” using a systematic approach, we highlight N. Leiper's concept(Professor at Meissen University Auckland). He considers tourism to be a system consisting of the following main elements: geographical component, tourists and the tourism industry. The geographical component includes three main components: the region that generates tourists; transit region and region of tourist destination.

Destination is a territory that offers a certain set of services that meet the needs of the tourist, satisfies his demand for transportation, accommodation, food, entertainment, etc., and is the purpose of his trip. Consequently, a destination, in order to be such, must have: a) a certain set of services; b) attractions; c) information systems.

So, there are five clearly identified important signs, separating tourism from travel and other actions and processes:

ü temporary movement and visit to the destination and the inevitable return back;

ü the presence of a destination as another locality (country), different from the person’s place of permanent residence;

ü tourism goals, distinguished by humanistic content and orientation;

ü making a tourist trip in your free time from work or study;

ü prohibiting a tourist from engaging in activities in the destination that are paid for from a local financial source.

Tourism and recreation: general and specific. Currently, there is a very complex terminological problem - the problem of the relationship between the concepts of “tourism” and “recreation”. For several decades now, scientists have been trying to separate these concepts. However, the problem remains unresolved. Within the framework of this paragraph, we will try to identify the general and special features of recreation and tourism, which are identified and recognized by the majority of specialists.

Recreation usually defined as “rest, restoration of human strength expended in the process of labor.” At the same time, the concept of recreation is less known and emotionally charged compared to rest, and therefore more accurate. It better meets the objectives of empirical and applied research, while it is more convenient to use rest as a fundamental concept along with the category of “work”.

The boundaries of recreation are very wide. It covers short-term recreational activity (from micro-pauses in muscle work to smoking breaks at work and other routine forms of recreation) and long-term recreational activity during the period of annual work leave and holidays, as well as weekly rest. In the first case, recreation does not go beyond the framework of everyday life, human production activity, in the second, it involves a long-term change in the usual way of life. Both the first and second types of recreation are necessary for a person’s normal life, regardless of his social status.

In contrast to recreation, the concept of tourism, in terms of its content, socio-economic content, initially gravitated towards the category of leisure. Tourism is a multifaceted concept that reflects the complexity of the phenomenon itself. This is a type of population migration, and a business sector of the world economy and national economy, and the sphere of intercultural interaction. The presented list does not exhaust the variety of interpretations of tourism.

In domestic and foreign specialized literature, tourism is often presented in the form of a kind of “conceptual framework”. Its internal space is filled with specific activities of a person while staying outside his usual environment - health improvement, knowledge of the surrounding reality, entertainment, visiting relatives and friends, participation in business and professional events, worship of religious shrines (pilgrimage), treatment, etc.

As tourism emerged from the “shadow” of recreation and tourism issues acquired their own, independent sound, the understanding of the need for a clearer conceptual distinction between tourism and recreation and the elimination of strong scientific discrepancies in the correlation of these terms grew. The differences between them relate, first of all, to the scope of concepts and content. The main difference between tourism and recreation is the different ratio of social (socio-economic) and biological components.

Tourism and recreation also differ in the scope of their concepts. Recreation includes short-term recreational activities as part of everyday life. Tourism, on the contrary, denies any manifestations of everyday life, everyday life, routine. Its indispensable condition is a relatively long change of environment and a person’s usual way of life. On this basis, short-term health, cultural, educational, entertainment and other activities that are motivationally similar to tourist activities, but are carried out within the usual environment for people, are outside the “conceptual framework” of tourism.

The scope of the concepts under consideration also differs in that travel for business purposes (without generating income at the place of business trip) is an integral part of tourism, while recreation does not include professional types of human activity. Thus, tourism activities are not always recreational, and recreational activities are not always tourism.

An interesting view on the relationship between work, tourism, recreation and leisure is the point of view of the English geographers S. Hall and S. Page. They presented their model in the form of a drawing (Fig. 1.1.). The dotted lines in the figure show that the boundaries between the concepts under consideration are blurred. Work is opposed to leisure, but two areas of their interpenetration and integration are distinguished - business tourism and “serious” leisure (advanced training, social activities, creative and intellectual activities, etc.).

Rice. 1.1. The relationship between the concepts of “work”, “leisure”, “recreation” and “tourism”

In development of this idea, Western science distinguishes “pure” tourism (business, educational); “pure” recreation (short-term recreational activity within everyday life); transitional form - recreational or health tourism and border types of tourism. Some of them - cultural-educational, sports, religious - occupy an intermediate position between “pure” and recreational tourism, others (trips to the country) are located on the border between recreational tourism and “pure” recreation.

In domestic practice, a model showing the essential foundations of recreation and tourism is quite often encountered. According to this model, the internal essential forces of a person include: the need for physiological rest (recreation); need for movement (spatial activity). With stimulation from cognition, recreation in a broad sense and tourism as a form of travel are formed; when stimulated by labor activity - migration.

The social component of people's activities includes primarily recreation; travel and tourism, to a lesser extent, can be defined as social phenomena. Tourism is of an economic nature, and recreation is of a social nature. But the question of their volumetric correlation is not entirely correct due to the fact that tourism includes activities that are outside the boundaries of recreation. At the same time, recreation includes a number of activities that are not tourism in nature.

Types, forms and system-forming factors

It is necessary to consider recreational tourism from other points of view.

From the point of view of tourism typology, types of recreational tourism varied: automobile, motorcycle, bicycle, water, mountain, ski, pedestrian, sailing, horseback riding, alpine skiing and others, not limited by sports classification and other regulatory documents.

Forms of recreational tourism is also diverse: amateur tourism and planned travel, winter and summer, domestic and international, mass and elite, long-distance and near, school and student, etc. Forms of tourism not related to physical activity are not considered by us within the framework of recreational tourism tourism due to the lack of system-forming signs of physical recreation.

Tourism with active means of transportation is becoming an increasingly widespread need of society in the conditions of the scientific and technological revolution, a need not only social, but also biological and psychological. Satisfying this need makes it possible to eliminate or weaken the unfavorable consequences of urbanization of life, in particular: neuro-emotional overload, hypokinesia and excessive poor nutrition, to achieve an increase in the working capacity of the population and a reduction in the level of “diseases of the century.” Based on a number of works, we can highlight:

system-forming factors of recreational tourism: change of environment, ensuring sufficient muscle activity, stimulation of natural immunity - the body's immunity to pathogenic influences.

A change of environment with a person’s “exit” from everyday, monotonous and therefore already tiresome living conditions, ensuring a switch of the neuro-emotional sphere to new objects of the external environment, distracting him from the tiring and sometimes negative impacts of everyday life. Tourist trips and travels, which transport a city dweller to a new landscape and climatic environment, are associated with direct contact with nature. Close communication with her, cultivating the ability to see and enjoy the beauties of nature during hikes, and developing a “kinship” relationship with her have invaluable psychological significance, ennobling and elevating a person spiritually. Instilling in tourists a sense of collectivism, curiosity, patriotism, a thirst for overcoming obstacles and other valuable moral and volitional qualities that play a decisive role in the prevention of neuropsychiatric diseases and disorders is also extremely important in this regard. An improvement in neuropsychic indicators is observed in 98 out of 100 people who regularly took part in hikes. The most characteristic features of this type of recreational activity are the development of optimism, poise, endurance, self-confidence, and smoothing out the symptoms of increased excitability and fatigue of the nervous system. Moderate working capacity according to proofreading tests increases (by 12-18%), the latent period of motor reaction is reduced. The increased tone of the neuropsychic sphere after the Sunday hike persists, reaching a maximum on the 2nd day, until the middle of the work week.

Ensuring sufficient muscle activity, eliminating the adverse effects of “muscle hunger” with training of the main functional systems that ensure the body’s performance: cardiovascular, respiratory and musculoskeletal systems (along with the nervous system). Hiking, water and especially mountain and ski tourism are one of the effective means of developing endurance of the cardiovascular system, eliminating vascular dystonia by “extinguishing vegetative reactions” (I. V. Muravov, 1982). An improvement in functional hemodynamic parameters was observed in 98 out of 100 people involved in hiking. A very characteristic manifestation of the impact of hiking is the normalization of the reaction to functional tests, in particular with physical activity (Ruffier’s test, Martinet’s test, etc.).

After another weekend hike, metabolic rates improve: high cholesterol levels in the blood decrease by 8-12%, and weight in case of obesity decreases by 0.3-0.6 kg. Tourism, especially mountain tourism, is one of the effective means of developing functional reserves of external respiration. Indications of vital capacity of the lungs, intra-bronchial conductivity (exhalation force) and maximum pulmonary ventilation after 6-8 mountain climbs during a vacation increase by 8-17%, often exceeding the “proper values”. Hand strength increases. Indicators of physical endurance increase.

Stimulation of the body's natural immunity to pathogenic bacteria. Long-term, moderate-intensity muscle load ensures an increase in the level of not only metabolic processes and the activity of the endocrine system, but also tissue immunity. Myogenic biostimulants formed during physical activity (Filatov V.P., 1954) promote the resorption of foci of subsiding inflammation and stimulate regenerative processes in the tissues of the body.

Stimulation of the neuropsychic sphere, endocrine and immunobiological systems of the body can explain the absence of “colds” in the vast majority of hikers, even with significant cooling.