What are the groups of death in contact called? “I’m not afraid that I’ll be jailed.” Before the arrest, the administrator of the “death groups” Philip Lis gave an interview. A colony settlement is not a rest home

The creator of the “death groups”, Philip Lis, an administrator of one of the groups in social network"In contact with".

Investigative Committee officers have already conducted searches at the detainee’s place of residence in Solnechnogorsk near Moscow. This was reported by official representative of the Investigative Committee Svetlana Petrenko.

As it became known, ICR employees are now conducting investigative actions with the participation of the odious Internet activist, the creator of several so-called “death groups”, Philip Budeikin, known under the pseudonym Philip Lis.

Diaz - urgently meet the demands for the transfer of prisoners, because if you do not come, there will be a massacre, like in Roraima and Rondonia. The response of government authorities in recent decades has always been wrong. New prisons are currently being built, but these investments are not matched by investments in the criminal justice system as a whole, such as hiring security agents. A significant increase in the prison population and an increase in the prisoner-to-officer ratio. In prisons in São Paulo we often have one staff member for every 300 prisoners, a situation that is replicated in other parts of the country.

Budeykin is considered the administrator of several VKontakte communities belonging to the so-called “suicidal sect” F57. He became known in May 2016 after information appeared in the media about special public pages on social networks - the so-called “death groups” - that provoke teenagers to commit suicide.

Interest club

One, two - Freddy will take you, Three, four - lock the door in the apartment, Five, six - Freddy wants to eat you all, Seven, eight - Freddy will come to you without asking, Nine, ten - never sleep children...

It is clear that the state does not control the prison population. Those who exercise control in the chains are factions. Prison should be reserved only for those who commit violent crimes and effectively use criminal alternatives such as an electronic nose bracelet, not only for semi-open security prisoners, but also to ensure that anyone who commits robbery goes to prison. There should also be a serious discussion about drug decriminalization. The prison system will soon be rebalanced and we will continue until the next crisis.

For two and a half years, we played terrible psychological games with teenagers from VKontakte groups, systematically driving them to suicide.

Investigators began unraveling the tangle of suicidal groups back in the spring. The case was opened at the end of May. The reason was a number of frightening publications about children who, after corresponding with certain people on social networks, committed suicide. The article chosen was serious - “incitement to suicide.”

Canadian warning signal Federal Police

Websites and Internet users should be investigated by the police

"He was incredibly smart." Persistent insomnia, restlessness, or constant restlessness. Alcohol, drugs or addiction. Great impulsiveness, aggressiveness. Difficulties in relationships and integration within a family or group.

Social withdrawal or isolation. Pathologically, illnesses such as depression and bipolar disorder make adolescents more vulnerable to suicide. Maintain an open-minded and non-judgmental attitude. Cultivate careful listening to your teen's reasons for considering suicide.

From December 2013 to May 2016, attackers created eight virtual communities on the VKontakte network,” said Svetlana Petrenko, official representative of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. - There they promoted suicide.

Only the “chosen one” could get into such a group. It was such a closed club that the community administrator accepted or did not accept. But once you have entered, there is no turning back. A kind of “rite of passage” awaited the newcomers.

To highlight the hope that improvement may be possible with psychotherapy or antidepressants. Initial improvement in the patient's condition in the middle of treatment does not exclude suicide. On the contrary, in some cases patients tend to die while improving.

Avoid admission bias if experts recommend. A teen on the internet may connect with groups that claim to be suicidal but are very much alive. Sick people often have to search the Internet for ways to relieve themselves. They end up finding people so sick or sick.

Death Rating

Newly recruited participants had to pass various tests and tasks, investigators say. - Completed - the rating increases, opening access to new “opportunities”: content and tasks related to the themes of death, suicide, self-harm and the staging of these events.

Teens are generally curious and may end up committing suicide online. The caveat, however, is that they exclusively visit sites that apologize to death. Sources: Silsa Tramontina, psychiatrist for children and adolescents at the Hospital de Clínicas, Enio Resmini, psychiatrist and author of Suicide Orientation - a lens for understanding adolescence and Jair Segal, head of psychiatry at the emergency hospital.

You were told about this a while ago, and the least we can say is that it's not the funniest news. Thanks to the journalist's investigation, the existence of these groups was highlighted just as we partially discovered what was happening there. Young people, once accepted by administrators, must “verify” several steps to gain access to more important status and gain more recognition on social networks. The last stage is suicide.

They didn’t take his word for it - the teenager had to send proof to the group administrator: drawings, texts, photographs of his own injuries. Now investigators say: among the attackers there were good psychologists.

They had tactics that were clearly calibrated from a psycho-emotional point of view, say the Russian Investigative Committee. - Some tasks had to be completed late at night. This led to a systematic lack of sleep, and as a result, a deterioration in well-being, a decrease in volitional and analytical abilities, and the inability to perceive what was happening balancedly and adequately. As a result, the child fell into a psychological trap.

Manipulated by the Game of Death: "Blue Whale"?

However, local police have not yet conclusively proven that these secret groups are the cause of the 130 suicides committed so far. A message of support, a personal assistance number or a call to a relative can be sent to him or recommended. They are certainly the right space to explore, evaluate and look for opportunities that will allow us to create new contacts.

Without a doubt, the environment in which, in addition to being absolutely justified, the investments of our time have the greatest return. Let's start with the fact that there are two categories. Only the thumbs up or thumbs down symbol is missing to destroy the result. To update: Find yourself in specific settings with professionals who have interests, with whom you can exchange information, discuss or exchange opinions. To see how they move, they often have different experiences with the problems or challenges of the work you have to do every day, in other words: groups allow for better job training. Cultivating them day after day allows you to see these relationships grow, creating business opportunities, networking. Do personal branding: Well, what can I say. In my opinion, this is a flyover for those who want it from a social platform. Do personal branding. A short summary. In the Group statistics section, which we will go deeper into, you can find a list of your contacts who are members of the group. Don't you think it would be useful to have this information to select a specific group and strategically plan to "market" yourself to those people?

  • But don't be afraid, corridor voices are inevitable! 😉.
  • For networking: Participating in groups definitely creates contacts.
Having a group administrator responsible for assessing the usefulness of a single content, and therefore deciding whether to publish it, is clearly a guarantee of quality.

Scary game

Most likely, initially for most children it was just a game. “A little” risky, but with all the attributes that can “attract” a teenager. Special hashtags - #Nyapoka, #Rina, #quiethome, #f57 - emphasized the “chosenness”.

Often, unfortunately, open group, where there is no filter, is spoiled by spam or commercial messages. Does it make sense to invest your time in a group like this? In the search bar, simply enter a keyword that identifies what you're looking for after you've selected the type of filter you want from the drop-down menu.

What keywords are you using? For business: marketing, entrepreneurship, human resources, etc. for a geographical location. Nearby: associations, former students, no profit, of interest. . With this option, you can search for groups in which your contacts are registered. Read the statistics. Clicking on it will open an area where you will find various information about the group.

Death was promoted as the only correct and beautiful way out of difficult life situations, says Svetlana Petrenko. - Depressive psychological states were cultivated, violence was used against oneself and others, and immutable human values ​​- family, friends, education - were criticized, ridiculed and devalued.

Date of creation, Type, Owner, Number of members and various information, namely Group Statistics. You have all the data you need to gauge their vigor, engagement, and the ability to evaluate whether the participants' characteristics match those you've established as the ideal features for building your audience. Try to calculate the real contributions of members in terms of Content, but above all "Discussions", a real plan health insurance Groups. Working experience of members Working function Coverage Place of work Work area. . Give large groups with fewer groups.

It would seem that just leave the group and that’s the end of it. But no! Once hooked, children lost control of their own will.

The group leaders kept their finger on the pulse, forcing the guys to perform increasingly sophisticated tasks, says a representative of the Sledkom. - Refusal to carry them out was followed by uncontested exclusion from the group, and each of the participants valued their rating so much that they did not dare to contradict the virtual authorities, and were forced to carry out dangerous tasks, even committing suicide.

Number of groups to subscribe to

In many groups, given the large amount of published content, it is more difficult to leave, note. This way the audience will be larger. This is a phase that often does not coincide with the date of social membership. Only at the second stage is it appropriate to include new ones, while at the same time considering the possibility of disagreeing with those who are less involved or where participation in discussions remains low.

It is a fact that group members are more cautious to share their content than to listen and actively participate in discussions presented by other group members. You just need to click to leave the group. Date of creation, Type, Owner, Number of members and various information, namely Group Rules. You just need to read them to avoid having to engage in behavior that, for example, makes you perceive him as a spammer. This, you will understand, can damage your reputation. Try to understand the level of discussions. Understand the type of professionals you are looking for. It is important to be aware of this and then act correctly. Read Netiquette. . After the first stage of listening to understand the dynamics of the Groups that are influential, what tone is used, and the level of discussion now just needs to be present.

Coverage - whole country

Fifteen! This is exactly how many teenage suicides of participants in “death groups” in Russia were recorded by investigators of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee for St. Petersburg. Five more people, fortunately, escaped a sad fate. And this is just the official figure. It is difficult to say how many more children died precisely because of such communities.

All children's correspondence with the group administrators was sent for psychological and linguistic examination. Experts confirmed that the conversations “contained an incentive to commit suicide, which contributed to the deformation of the instinct of self-preservation and the devaluation of death.”

If so, then the administrators of these groups are the first suspects. One of them has already been detained.

The best investigators were sent to investigate this criminal case and did everything possible to get on the trail of the attackers as soon as possible,” emphasizes Svetlana Petrenko. “As a result of the measures taken, which in the interests of the investigation have not yet been disclosed, in the Moscow region, investigators of the Russian Investigative Committee during an operational Accompanied by employees of the central office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB of the Russian Federation, the first suspect was detained - the administrator of one of the “death groups”. Soon the investigation will petition the court for his arrest.

According to preliminary information, since the criminal case was initiated in St. Petersburg, the detainee is being transferred to the Northern capital.

Cunning fox

The name of the detainee is already known - Philip Budeikin, registered online under the pseudonym “Philip Lis”, living in the city of Solnechnogorsk, Moscow Region.

This detention is only the first thread in a tangled tangle. It is possible that in the near future there will be many more suspects and accused. At the same time, in ten regions of Russia - Krasnodar region, Republics of Komi and Bashkortostan, Moscow, Volgograd, Voronezh, Tula, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, Omsk regions- Investigators are conducting a series of searches, interrogating witnesses and victims.

Searches are being carried out at the administrators and members of the “death group” with the pseudonyms “Philip Lis”, “Philip More”, “Miron Stekh”, “Keeper of Truth” and others, Petrenko added.

It is still unknown whether any measures will be taken against the social network. But investigators claim: the management of VKontakte, where the death group was actually based, “did not take sufficient measures to block it and suppress the correspondence of administrators and participants.”

By the way

Apparently Philip was waiting for his arrest. At least at the end of October, on his page on the social network, he decided to explain himself to everyone who accused him of the death of children. Here are a few highlights from his recording.

"For once, I decided to answer the points that interest you not with trolling, but seriously. Before that, I would just like to clarify that I am not doing this under pain of “justice,” because I have nothing to fear (I will explain why below), not under threats and not under pressure from the "reasonable and sensible" public. I just wanted it that way....

I'm still free and alive. I’ll explain why: there is no evidence of my involvement in committed suicides. If only because I did not communicate with those who committed suicide. Not a single dialogue. Not a single message...

It is impossible to drive a person to suicide through the Internet without at least a psychological education. All I did was give out “numbers”. I simply called them “numbers,” but already mentally ill journalists made them “DEATH NUMBERS.” The teenagers themselves contacted me for numbers. I wasn't looking for them, they were looking for me. I teased some, talked to some, asked what happened, ignored some, whatever suited my mood. You called it a “sect” yourself. Although this term simply does not fit. That f57 that you associated with suicide and me does not belong to any religion. This a priori cannot be a sect. But no one cares.

Look for the cause of suicides in the family and immediate environment of children. It’s easier for mothers to blame everything on the leftist guy from the network than to admit their guilt in the fact that they didn’t look after the child, didn’t pay enough attention to him, didn’t ask once again how things were at school, etc. Otherwise, if you believe you, then a cheerful, healthy person came to me, happy with life, I wrote him “228” and he went to jump from the window.”

November 16 Oktyabrsky district court Petersburg arrested until January 14 21-year-old Philip Budeikin, known as Philip Lis, the administrator of one of the “death groups” on VKontakte. He is being investigated for incitement to suicide; 15 teenagers are listed as injured. The investigation believes that the children were incited to suicide by the administrators of eight VKontakte communities, the administrator of one of which was Budeykin, who is so far the only suspect in the case.

On May 16, 2016, journalist Galina Mursalieva spoke in “ Novaya Gazeta» about closed VKontakte groups, where participants are pushed to commit suicide. Mursalieva claimed that unnamed “adults”, “secret puppeteers” “systematically, systematically and clearly” led teenagers to suicide, using “manipulation of meanings and invented symbols.” The author counted 130 suicides committed by children from November 2015 to April 2016, with four children committing suicide on December 25, 2015. According to her, almost all the children were members of VKontakte communities, where “interactive games” were held with them, during which teenagers had to complete a number of tasks: write an essay about suicide, cut their hands, draw a thematic picture. The last task of the game was to commit suicide. Those who refused to complete the tasks were excluded from the groups. The text mentioned Philip Lis - he was allegedly one of the administrators of the “death groups”. The publication sparked widespread debate about teenage suicide. The Investigative Committee opened a criminal case under Article 110 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Incitement to suicide”).

On May 17, their creators themselves spoke about “death groups.” In the text of Lenta.ru it was told how administrators of “death groups” tried to persuade teenagers to commit suicide. It followed from the text that the initiative to create groups came not from “adult puppeteers,” but from young people. In particular, the material described how 20-year-old Philip Lis created groups with “psychedelic content,” invited teenagers to them, published materials on the topic of suicide, and also posted fake recordings of his suicide and distributed tasks to group members. He also announced a “flash mob” on December 8, during which participants were supposed to commit suicide by leaving a suicide message on a page on a social network. As follows from screenshots of Fox’s correspondence published in the material, the 20-year-old young man led groups and handed out tasks for fun. The text also talks about other administrators of “death groups” who behaved in a similar way.

Philip Lis first confirmed that he had something to do with teenage suicides, and then began to deny it. He estimated the number of suicides committed by participants in “death groups” (those where he was an administrator) as “at most 10.” “The space in the universe is full! We are cleaning the world from bio-waste!” - he explained his motivation (author’s spelling). Already on May 23, Philip Lis retracted his words. “I created the group with one goal - to promote my group for the sake of subscribers, likes, about this,” he said.

On November 11, 2016, Philip Lis changed his position again. He gave an interview to the publication Sankt-Peterburg.ru in which he said that he pushed children to commit suicide. Lis admitted that after the publication in Novaya, he began to deny everything because he was “afraid that they would close it down.” “Remember with the Khabarovsk knackers? How many people wrote then that such people should be burned? Well, figuratively speaking: I burned,” the publication quotes Budeikin as saying. He claims to have directly influenced the suicide decisions of 17 teenagers. He also noted that he is conducting “relatively new project“D28,” whose 28 members are already “ready to leave.” Now the group #d28 consists of 682 people, the group’s materials are made in a style similar to the “death groups”. The last message from the administration dates back to November 13.