Industrial tourism: from curiosity to career guidance. Excursion tourism. Industrial tourism. Children and youth tourism What is industrial tourism

Industrial tourism- a new global trend. At the international tourism exhibition “Rest”, this fresh trend was presented at a single stand by the Kaliningrad region and the Ural regions ( Perm region, Udmurtia and Yekaterinburg).

“The Urals have great potential for industrial tourism, there are many interesting sites and many enthusiasts,” emphasized the deputy head Federal agency on tourism Roman Skory at the panel session “Industrial tourism - a new global trend: the best regional and international practices”, held as part of the International tourism exhibition"Rest" in Moscow.

IN Ural cities Many ancient industries have been preserved: the factories of the Demidovs, Stroganovs and others. They will be especially interesting to foreign tourists. After all, in Russia and in the West, production development followed different paths. We always had a lot of land, and industries that had lost their importance were simply abandoned, and a new plant was built on a new site. In Europe, on the contrary, industrial buildings were rebuilt and even demolished in order to erect new workshops in their place, and the equipment was melted down and disposed of. As a result, almost no historical production facilities have survived there. And to see what, for example, a metallurgical plant was like in the 17th - 18th centuries, tourists will have to go to Russia. In addition to historical factories, the Urals has interesting industrial complexes from the Soviet period, as well as modern enterprises.

“Industrial tourism is the best advertisement of an enterprise,” says Natalya Kazakova, head of the Profi-Tour agency (Kaliningrad). After all, this is an opportunity to promote the company’s products both in Russian and foreign markets. This is the creation of consumer confidence in the plant's products. This is important, for example, for the production of food, cars, household appliances, furniture, etc. At the same time, industrial tourism can have an educational and career guidance function.

“Showing our production means demonstrating our educational potential to schoolchildren and students. So that they choose not only humanitarian specialties, but also technical ones,” added Elena Godovykh, Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee for International Relations of the Assembly of Peoples of Russia. In Russia now there are not enough engineers and designers. Young people can be attracted to professions through excursions to production facilities.

The discussion was attended by heads of travel agencies that organize excursions to existing industrial enterprises in Moscow, Kaliningrad and Perm. They all noted that creating an industrial tourism product is not an easy task. This is a business plan for several years to build relationships with the enterprise. After all, excursions need to be organized so that they do not interfere with the production process. This sometimes requires large investments. In addition, the plant will need staff for such an excursion project. There are problems with the legislative framework for visiting industrial sites. However, there are no enterprises that are not ready to cooperate. Production managers understand that this is an advertising and marketing event plus a solution to a personnel problem.

Tour operators noted that industrial, or as it is also called, industrial tourism, is a solid all-season product with a margin of more than 30%. The main thing is to choose the right program. Children from 6 to 12 years old are interested in the production of ice cream, chocolate, jewelry and perfumes. They like it when the excursion program includes a master class.

Children over 12 years old can be shown large modern production cycles; they are interested in the history of production and the educational program. They want to know how the airport dispatch service, a furniture factory, a greenhouse farm, shipyard and a line for the production of dairy products.

Having started to talk about industrial tourism, we should not forget about its domestic development. In, or more precisely in the USSR, excursions to enterprises were a completely common activity and everyone, from children to adults, went on them. For some time this tradition was lost, but is now gaining popularity again. Among the hundreds of Russian factories open to the public, we have selected several interesting options.

Coca-Cola Factory, Moscow

They will be happy to tell you how one of the most popular drinks of our time is produced at any Coca-Cola plant, of which there are more than a dozen in Russia. Walk through the workshops historical excursion, getting to know the museum and tasting take one and a half to two hours.

All factory tours are free, but must be arranged in advance. If you are planning to go to production, contact the excursions department at least a month before the expected date and coordinate everything.

Factory of Christmas decorations "Yolochka", Vysokovsk

As children, we all looked in fascination at the fragile, shining toys that at the end of December were taken out of dusty boxes and carefully hung on the Christmas tree. Now we have the opportunity not only to see how these miracles are made, but also to create something similar ourselves.

A two-hour tour of the factory includes a visit to the museum, a story about the history of New Year's toys, a walk through the blow molding and coloring workshop, and a master class. By the way, your creation will be given to you, and you can decorate your New Year tree with it. This pleasure costs about 400 rubles, and in a local store you can also buy toys as a gift.

Confectionery factory "Rot-Front", Moscow

Those with a sweet tooth have long learned that you can eat plenty of sweets and chocolate not only in the store, but also right at the factory. All confectionery factories in Moscow and the Moscow region are happy to welcome both organized groups and individual sweet lovers.

The cost of the excursion is 630 rubles. This amount includes a visit to the museum, watching a film about the factory, visiting several workshops and, of course, tasting. The guides strongly recommend taking a supply of unsweetened water with you, because you will have to try a lot.

Television center "Ostankino", Moscow

Is Ostankino a production facility in the truest sense of the word? I think no. But this does not make a visit to the television center any less educational. Here, for a thousand rubles you can learn how TV shows are made and take part in one of them.

It is worth agreeing on an excursion a week before the expected date of visit, and you need to have a passport with you.

Porcelain factory "Gzhel Association", Ramensky district, Novo-Kharitonovo village

Gzhel is known all over the world and is a very expensive and exquisite souvenir for foreigners. But Russians often don’t know where and how these blue and white works of art are made.

You can see the entire process of making Gzhel products in the Ramensky district. Here, in a large factory, guests will be shown how craftsmen work and taught how to sculpt and paint figures on their own. The duration of the excursion will be two hours, but prices will need to be agreed upon in advance with the factory administration - they may vary depending on the size of the group.

Bogorodskaya Toy Factory, Sergiev Posad

If you are planning to go on an excursion with the whole family, then give preference to the toy factory. Of course, you will have to go to another city, but Sergiev Posad is well located and you can get to it either by car or by car. public transport won't be difficult.

For 200 rubles you can see and touch funny wooden figures known to us from Soviet cartoons. And for another 250 - learn how to make the same ones (well, almost the same ones) yourself. Tours take place on any day except Sunday; advance registration is not required.

Brewing company "Baltika", St. Petersburg

But an excursion to the Baltika plant is only suitable for persons who have reached the age of majority and are able to document this. However, there is a plus - visiting the factory is free, although you will have to pay for the tasting.

Although the number of people wishing to look into the boilers with the foamy drink is growing from year to year, the number of excursions to the plant is not increasing. So you will have to adapt to the Baltika schedule and book your seats in the nearest group in advance.

Of course, prices for visiting most enterprises are higher than, for example, tickets to a museum or cinema, but believe me, you will enjoy an interesting and useful pastime.

Modern tourism is, on the one hand, a young phenomenon, since it became widespread only after the Second World War; on the other hand, tourism has deep historical roots, because travel has been known to mankind since ancient times. Now tourism refers to temporary departures of citizens and stateless persons to free time from a permanent place of residence for health, educational, professional, sports, religious, business, educational and other purposes for a period of at least 24 hours and no more than 6 months and without engaging in paid activities in a place of temporary stay.

Excursion (educational) tourism is one of the varieties of the tourism industry, travel with the aim of getting acquainted with historical and cultural monuments, natural attractions, museums, theaters, enterprises, and traditions of peoples in a certain territory.

The activity of excursion tourism consists of organizing tours of a historical, cultural, and educational nature.

Such tours are developed by travel agencies and operators and can represent various topics depending on the range of interests of potential tourists. For example, these could be literary tours to the places of life of famous poets and writers, historical tours to places associated with certain events of the past. Study tours are also very popular architectural features cities and countries, folklore tours, tours with visits to art galleries, tours to operating enterprises, as well as tours of any other topic that are interesting to a certain circle of people.

The organization of excursion tourism can be carried out in two main directions - these are the so-called stationary tours, which are designed for tourists to stay in one city, as well as routed tours, which involve visiting several cities according to a predetermined schedule.

As a rule, stationary tourist routes involve a detailed study of the sights of one city.

Routed tours are designed so that the cities visited are located close to each other, so that a minimum of time is spent on travel, and they are not so tiring.

Excursion tourism includes many programs for tourists to choose from. If a route tour is organized, the guide travels with the group, or, alternatively, in each city visited, tourists are met by a professional guide who lives in that country and specializes in a specific topic. As a rule, such tours provide free time for self-study for each individual city visited - from half a day to a whole day, if the stopover time is more than three days.

Stationary tours, in turn, provide more free time, and they also have a more widely organized leisure program, which may include various creative meetings, National holidays, visiting restaurants with a variety of cuisines, including national ones, visiting exhibition halls and tasting centers.

Excursion services are the organization and provision of excursion services that satisfy a person’s needs for familiarization with spiritual and moral values, for the accumulation of knowledge, including professional ones, in the mode of free choice of objects, methods and means of knowledge.

Excursion services allow you to convey to the consumer (tourist, tourist) a complex of knowledge on history, culture, geography, ethnography, ecology, economics, etc. When participating in such excursion activities as visiting museum and exhibition exhibits, historical, cultural, natural, ethnographic, engineering and other attractions, the individual’s need to understand the surrounding reality is satisfied.

A person’s selectivity in choosing excursion services is subconscious. The excursionist (tourist) chooses those excursion services that satisfy several needs at the same time, i.e. have functional completeness. Thus, by visiting a country excursion, its participants not only satisfy the need for knowledge, but also, in combination with emotional and intellectual stress, eliminate the lack of movement, increase the efficiency of information exchange in the process of communicating with each other. Thus, excursion services can be considered not only as part of a comprehensive tourist service, but also as an independent type of service, the purpose of which is to satisfy the requests and needs of excursionists (tourists) in understanding the surrounding reality.

Considering excursion services as a result of the activities of tourist and excursion enterprises of the system organized holiday, it should be borne in mind that the complex of tasks of excursion services includes the organization of recreation, trips and travel with visits to historical, cultural, natural and other sites.

The tourism industry has recently begun to look for new types of tourism, primarily excursion services. One of these innovations was the organization of tourist excursions to advanced operating production facilities. Organizing such excursions serves as excellent advertising for many companies that are interested in promoting their products.

Erupted in last years The crisis forced many entrepreneurs to look for new, non-standard technologies for surviving in the economy. Entrepreneurs working in the tourism business found a rather interesting solution. They decided to combine what seemed to be two incompatible things - to develop tourism and industry at the same time.

Currently, the task of industrial tourism is to organize regular tourist tours and routes to existing or once existing industrial enterprises. This phenomenon is completely new, so there are almost no studies devoted to this topic. All we have today is a large number of cities that serve as examples of the organization of tourist routes at enterprises located on their territories. For example, in 2007, in France, about 1,700 different companies received tourists at the sites of their enterprises. So the tidal station in the city of Rance receives about 300 thousand tourists every year. In England chocolate factory Cadberry had 400 thousand visitors in a year. In countries such as Spain they are especially popular wine tours, in the Netherlands - floral, and in France - cheese.

But the pioneers in this industry were American companies. So the Jack Daniel’s factory opened the doors of its enterprise to visitors in 1866, on the day the enterprise itself opened. Currently, there are almost no businesses left in the United States that do not welcome tourists and visitors.

Modern enterprises can not only produce various goods, but can also organize the provision of various services; this will in no way harm the production process. You just have to be able to take advantage of everything.

We can confidently say that modern tourists are “place collectors.” Today, tourists are no longer satisfied with the standard tourist assortment - beaches, museums, theaters, art galleries, etc. Now they are interested in recreation, which can be combined with educational purposes. Excursions to various enterprises are exactly what will interest modern tourists. During such excursions, everything is revealed to tourists from an unusual side. On such excursions you can see everything with your own eyes, touch everything with your own hands, try, try on and ultimately purchase. This type of tourism is especially popular among travelers who go on tours with children. Children will especially be interested in seeing how ice cream or chocolate candies are made, even before they hit the store shelves.

Such excursions represent quite interesting advertising, unobtrusive and interesting, for which tourists also pay. During such excursions, the manufacturer shows its true face, the impeccability of advanced technologies, the transparency of production management, and relationships in the work team.

It is important to note one more important aspect. When an enterprise becomes a tourist destination, then the management of the company significantly improves relations within the workforce. First of all, attention is paid to the cleanliness of the workshops, the presentable appearance of the technological equipment, the clean work uniform of the employees, and much more. In addition, the motivation of the workers themselves changes dramatically due to the fact that they are looked at as a museum exhibit. As a result of such actions, the company receives effective support for its products. It is important to note the fact that the turnover of shops selling souvenirs is 30% higher at the points where the excursion ends than in the same shops with similar goods.

It would not be amiss to say that the city budget benefits significantly from stimulating the sale of various city services and goods. In addition, excursions to operating enterprises serve as an additional burden to other tourist sites that are located in these cities. A striking example is the Rolex factory in Zurich and the port complex in Rotterdam. Cities actually provide popularity for various brands.

In the former Soviet Union, excursions to Moscow confectionery factories were once popular. But this was most likely an exception to the rule. Such events were held as a kind of tribute to fashion, but the multilateral benefits that such excursions brought were not taken into account. In most cases, such excursions were carried out for special high-ranking guests, sometimes for schoolchildren who arrived on excursions in the capital. For example, at a factory like Rot Front, registration for visits was carried out over two days in mid-August and a year in advance. Currently in Russia one can note the Baltika concern, which conducts regular excursions at its enterprises in St. Petersburg, Tula and Chelyabinsk.

Among the cities of Russia, at present, only Chelyabinsk has the opportunity to become the capital of industrial tourism, since there are all the prerequisites for its development. In addition, the sphere of industrial tourism can become a saving straw for a number of cities whose industry has declined. In such cities one can observe the majestic ruins of the former Soviet economy. These are cities such as Asbest, Baikalsk, Chapaevsk, Karabash, Kopeisk, Krasnouralsk, Ozerny. The list of such cities can be continued. For such cities, organizing industrial tourism is the only opportunity to remain on the map of the state. In this case, the conversation will not be about visiting existing enterprises, but about turning enterprises that have already ceased to function into museums.

If we look at the experience of other countries, we can see that the financial costs are relatively small to organize tourist routes for existing enterprises. It is much more difficult with enterprises that have already stopped working. In this case, it is necessary to develop special investment projects to transform them into museum complexes. But at present in our country this is almost impossible, since a solid financial resource is needed, which currently does not exist. The first step in organizing industrial tourism can be the cooperation of regional and local authorities, with local experts in local history, the local business elite and, of course, travel companies.

Industrial tourism can serve as a tool for territory marketing, systematic cooperation of local communities to promote their interests, in order to attract investors. After all, in the end, marketing is a philosophy of local development that provides the necessary assistance where economic depression prevails, and there are no exits from standard situations at all.

One of the groups of tourists that could become regular consumers of an industrial excursion could be groups of schoolchildren and students. In this case, there is an interweaving of industrial, excursion and children's and youth tourism.

Children and youth tourism (school, children's tourism) is the travel of schoolchildren and students. In our country, this type of tourism has a glorious and rich history. A large number of children and teenagers become visitors to sanatoriums, camps, and recreation centers. According to the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation, in 2013, 52,100 operating children's health institutions were registered in Russia, of which 34,600 (66.4%) were for day-time schoolchildren, 8,900 (17.1%) were for work and recreation, 4 700 (9%) - specialized, defense sports, recreational sports and others, 3,300 (6.3%) - country health resorts and 600 (1.2%) - sanatorium type.

Many children were caught up in tourism during the Soviet era. But now the picture is different. At the state level, funding for children's travel of all types – excursion and tourism, sports, recreational, etc. – has sharply decreased. Institutions of additional education were closed and repurposed - Stations for young tourists, Centers for children and youth tourism, clubs and sections for young local historians, young naturalists, young ecologists, etc.

Equipment for sports and tourist trips has risen sharply in price. The publication of methodological literature on tourism, cartographic materials and descriptions of popular routes has practically ceased.

Nevertheless, experts believe that in the future, children’s and youth tourism can and should become one of the priority areas for the development of tourism in Russia.

The economic advantages of this type of tourism are obvious: schoolchildren and students travel, as a rule, organized groups, trips are rhythmically repeated from year to year, which greatly facilitates business planning.

Children's tourism is even more important from a social point of view. Tourism provides a unique opportunity to learn more deeply and visually become familiar with the historical and cultural heritage their country and other states, to awaken in young people a sense of national identity, to instill respect and tolerance for the way of life and customs of other nationalities and peoples.

Travel also plays a great role in ensuring multifaceted personal development. It is hikes, trips, and excursions that can give the younger generation the opportunity to increase their intellectual level, develop their powers of observation, and the ability to perceive the beauty of the world around them. Tourism is also important as a means of relieving physical fatigue, psychological tension and stress. It is also necessary to note the influence of children's tourism on the development of communication skills, self-discipline, and adaptation to the conditions of modern life in the younger generation.

In addition, children's and youth sports and health tourism is one of the most effective health technologies that contribute to the formation of a healthy lifestyle for individuals and society as a whole, which is of great national importance in the education of the younger generation.

Therefore, we can say with confidence that children’s and youth’s youth tourism– an important way of transferring to a new generation the life experience and material and cultural heritage accumulated by humanity, the formation of value orientations, moral improvement and cultural development of the nation, one of the ways of socialization of the individual.

Taking into account that the future generation of the country in modern economic conditions should not lose moral guidelines, slide into a criminal environment, alcoholism and drug addiction, the Russian state and society today face the priority tasks of returning to the young generation the wonderful world of children's tourism and developing it in all forms and types

The new economic relations that have currently emerged in our country have aggravated problems in children’s and youth tourism and require changes in approaches and mechanisms for organizing activities for the development of mass children’s tourism. If until the early 90s only the education system dealt with issues of children's tourism, now the situation has changed radically. Both commercial firms and public associations have emerged as entities developing children's tourism. Therefore, there is a need to study and generalize the experience of developing children’s tourism not only from the point of view of additional educational activities, but also from the standpoint of the economic efficiency of this direction.

The tourism industry differs from other sectors of the economy in that income from the tourism business is not one-time in nature, but increases as the trust of consumers of tourism services to the producers of these services strengthens. Therefore, it should be expected that the involvement of adolescents and young people in tourism from an early age, showing young people the best examples of a tourism product at a time of high emotional sensitivity characteristic of a young age, will lead to an increase in their need for tourist trips and travel at a more mature age. In addition, the development of children's tourism should lead to an increase in the number of young people who decide to make tourism their main profession, i.e. solve the problem of training tourist personnel, which is also quite acute today.

Selecting objects to display in children's tourism very important. Such objects should be interesting, large, dynamic, and varied. Therefore, showing the activities of industrial enterprises is the optimal solution for schoolchildren and students.

Related information.

In recent years, industrial tourism has been rapidly developing throughout the world. Many people have no desire to actively explore objects and enter their territory illegally, so they attend excursions to existing industrial sites. Special tours are organized for them to different cities of the world. IN Russian Federation this type of tourism is poorly developed, unlike the countries of the European Union and North America where it is very widespread. In Western countries, industrial tourism is not only a popular entertainment, but also an additional way to attract attention to the brand and stimulate sales of goods and services throughout the city. The rise of industrial tourism in states Western Europe started 15 years ago. Excursions to the production plants of BMW, Audi, theme park Volkswagen's Autostadt in Germany, Legoland in Denmark, Swarovski Krystallwelten in Austria and many others. However, not only individual brands, but also entire countries are famous for industrial tourism. Beer tours in the Czech Republic, wine tours in Spain and France, flower tours in The Netherlands, diamond factories in Namibia.

Industrial tourism in Russia is represented by only a few dozen enterprises that invite people to visit them, and for this reason the market is practically not formed today. At the same time, the demand for many objects exceeds supply tens of times. In Russia, since the times of the USSR, they have been very famous sightseeing tours to confectionery factories in Moscow. Currently, it is quite difficult to get on such an excursion. As a rule, they are held for special guests, and occasionally for groups of schoolchildren. For example, registration for an excursion to the Rot Front factory is carried out only for 2 days in August for a year in advance.

There are also special tours for businessmen interested in industry and looking for a profitable investment in production.

Enterprises that are actively developing industrial tourism, in addition to effective advertising and, in some places, an additional source of income, indirectly motivate their employees. Any employee is pleased to know that your work is valued and respected, as evidenced by the genuine interest of tourists. Productivity increases and the “production culture” improves.

Industrial tourism can involve not only the production of goods, but also the provision of services. It all depends on the enterprise. If a company is open to consumers and has something to brag about and show its advantages over competitors, then the doors to the enterprise are open to all curious tourists. Moreover, some also charge money for such excursions, and tourists pay very willingly. That is why manufacturers allow consumers into their production facilities, which is nothing more than very effective and cost-effective advertising: costs are minimal, and guests have only positive impressions. And the consumer, along with emotions, also receives trust in this company, within which he was taken, shown around and introduced to the staff.