Excursion tour holiday in Goa. Tours to India. When is the best time to go to India?

  • Time: Asia/Kolkata.
  • Official language: Indian, English.
  • Local currency: Indian Rupee (INR).
  • Visa for Russians: required.

India is most suited to the name of a country of contrasts, because exquisite architectural monuments and modest shacks, the luxury and idle fun of Goa, and the exceptional poverty of areas far from tourism are closely adjacent here. In any case, it is difficult not to succumb to the exotic charm of this country with its distinctive history and culture, so when choosing tours to India, be prepared to be surprised.

Resorts in India

The length of the Indian coastline is no less than 6000 km, here are located beautiful beaches and popular resorts. Among famous places worth mentioning:

  • Nicobar Islands;
  • Lakshadweep Islands.

Those who are looking for exciting entertainment and incendiary night discos, as well as those who prefer cozy solitude and a unique atmosphere, will enjoy relaxing on the beaches of India.

Last minute tours to India from Moscow are chosen not only by fans of beach holidays. At local resorts, tourists can enjoy exciting excursions, Ayurvedic treatments, active entertainment according to tastes and planned budget.

When is the best time to go to India?

Soak up the sun Goa beaches and Kerala is best from October to April, until the coast is covered by tropical downpours. In conditions of high humidity, recreation in these places becomes, to put it mildly, problematic. If you dream of getting to the mystical Himalayas, then July and August are the most comfortable temperatures here. During the rainy season, India does not suffer too much from a lack of tourists, because it is during this period that Ayurvedic and yoga tours to India are especially popular.

The beaches of Goa and Kerala are, as a rule, very clean and well-groomed; in Kerala they are wilder, in Goa they have more developed infrastructure. If you are looking for a noisy company, it is better to go to the beaches of North Goa. For a respectable holiday, the coast of southern Goa is more suitable. Snow-white beaches with a typically tropical landscape are the highlight of the Andaman, Nicobar and Lakshadweep Islands.

Traveling through cities

Excursion tours to India are always rich and varied. One vacation is clearly not enough to see even half of the local beauties. You can start exploring the country from the Golden Triangle, which includes Delhi, Jaipur and Agra. Delhi, the capital of India, alone is home to thousands of architectural, cultural, historical and religious monuments. There are modern ones nearby shopping centers, so a last-minute tour to India is a great shopping opportunity.

Hinduism is spread far beyond the country’s borders, so many tourists strive to see famous spiritual centers in order to achieve special “enlightenment.” The most popular Ayurvedic resorts are located in Kerala and Karnataka. When choosing a tour, you can determine the strictness with which you will adhere to Ayurvedic rules. On a yoga tour, it is better to go to the ashrams of Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Rishikesh. Another picturesque place is Varanasi on the coast of the Ganges, where the departed are seen off on their last journey and funeral pyres are lit.


It should be noted that there are 31 objects in the country that are included in the list World Heritage UNESCO. In Delhi, it is worth seeing the Qutub Minar, Hamayun's Tomb, and the Gateway of India. In Goa, it is worth visiting the 17th century Aguada Fort, spice plantations, and taking your children to the Bandla and Cotigao nature reserves.

Jaipur is famous for its Mughal-era palaces, Agra is home to the famous Taj Mahal, as well as the Red Fort and the ancient capital of the empire, Fatehpur Sikri. Every self-respecting tourist strives to go to Mumbai, where the brilliant Bollywood and the impressive slums of Dharavi are located. The Buddhist cave monastery of Kanheri is also located here. If you decide to explore India in all its diversity, you should definitely admire the snowy peaks of the Himalayas.

An interesting site is the Padmanabhaswamy Temple in Trivandrum, which is the richest temple in the world. The monasteries and temples of Little Tibet are not in such a solid state, but still make an indelible impression. Famous religious shrines include Vijayanga ruins in Hampi village, Meenakshi temple, temple complex Ajanta.

The history and culture of India are carefully preserved in various museums.

Gastronomic tourism

The mixture of hot, spicy, sour and sweet flavors is the basis of Indian cuisine. Vegetables, seasonings, dairy products and rice are the main ingredients of local dishes. Among the most popular culinary delights are curries, chutneys and pakoras, lentil soup and tandoori kritsa. Local chefs are famous for their masterful use of seasonings, which give dishes a unique taste and aroma. An unprepared tourist may be unprepared for their combination or spiciness, so when ordering dishes it is better to immediately warn about this.

Get acquainted with national cuisine You can do it in regular restaurants, small colorful establishments, or in fast food joints. The majority of local restaurants serve exclusively vegetarian dishes, but there are also establishments for meat fans.


Posted on the website
December 20, 2018

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India is a mystery country. From year to year sightseeing tours to India are becoming more and more popular. This country combines several cultures: Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu and European. Its history began more than six thousand years ago. On the territory of the country there are ancient monuments- the remains of cities that existed back in the 4th-3rd millennium BC.

Usually excursions in India are divided into several main types and may differ in different travel agencies only in name. By choosing one or another sightseeing program, travelers will see the temples in the Ganges Valley, the Taj Mahal mausoleum, temples located in caves, the legendary Mumbai railway station, the famous Delhi Fort and the temple of love.

Classical India

Excursion tour “Classical India” involves visiting cities such as Delhi, Jaipur, Agra, Orchha, Varanasi and some others. In these places, tourists will see the main attractions: the palace of the head of state, the Lotus Temple, the Gateway of India, the Lakshmi temple complex and the Taj Mahal.

The guide will tell you about the traditions of India, history and culture of this eastern country, will introduce the main principles of Indian philosophy. By the way, it is based on the fact that there are many worlds and souls.

The cost of an eleven-day tour is approximately two thousand dollars. This amount is calculated for one person based on double occupancy. It includes a visa, external and internal transfers, hotel accommodation, breakfasts, travel within the country, guide services and medical insurance. Price may vary depending on region and season.

Rajasthan is the largest state in India. Its peculiarity is that the traditions of feudal lords are still alive here and the caste division of people is still relevant. Excursion tour to India“Mysterious Rajasthan” (the name may be different, but the keyword Rajasthan will indicate the nature of the tour) is built along a route that involves visiting the most vibrant cities in the region. In Jaipur you can see pink monuments, in Mever - the remains of Chittorgarh, in Marwar - princely palaces and fortresses, in Jaisalmer - the “Golden Fortress”. In addition, tours in Rajasthan include a visit to the city of lakes, Udaipur.

Is it possible to earn good money in India? More details: .

The tour usually lasts twelve days and costs about $1,600 per person based on double occupancy. This amount includes accommodation in a three-star hotel, breakfast, all travel by bus, tickets to museums and excursions included in the tour program, guide services, visa and medical insurance.

The cost of a 12-day tour is 1,570 USD (price is per person based on double occupancy).

Chasing tigers

Extreme travelers who are not satisfied with leisurely trips and sightseeing can choose the type of excursion to India for themselves. This is a visit to Madhya Pradesh. It is not yet popular among tourists, but it will certainly appeal to those who love lush landscapes with mountains and unruly rivers, wildlife and animals. Plus, there are a lot of attractions along the way. The tour includes a visit temples of priestesses of love, where you can see ancient sculptures and bas-reliefs illustrating the text of the Kama Sutra, a tour of the city of Khajuraho, which belonged to the Chandella dynasty, a walk to the Kanha reserve (habitat of buffaloes) and Kinch (habitat of tigers), national park Bandhavargarh, visit to the elephant nursery and jungle safari.

Such an extreme tour for one person costs about two thousand dollars. This is the price for accommodation in a three-star hotel, breakfast, all transfers and movements, guide services, museum tickets, visa and health insurance. Airfare is paid separately.

Main cities Golden Triangle of India are Delhi, Jaipur and Agra. In addition to them, the tour includes visits to Fatehpur, Sikri, Mathura and Vrindavan. This is the most intense excursion program, since in the indicated populated areas The largest number of monuments and interesting places are concentrated.

Jaipur is considered the size small town, but its uniqueness is that it was built in compliance with all the principles of ancient Indian architecture. Its layout is rectangular, the streets are narrow, and the outside of the city is protected by a fortress wall.

Most of the monuments in Jaipur are pink in color. This is due to the fact that they were built from pink sandstone. The most colorful and interesting for tourists are the Palace of the Winds (the layout of which looks like a honeycomb of bees) and the city palace complex(it houses many museums with a wide variety of exhibits).

At the end of autumn, Jaipur hosts a large-scale and beautiful festival of lights, which is dedicated to the goddess Lakshmi, and in the summer - the Teej festival, marking the beginning of the rainy season.

Golden Triangle of India unthinkable without Delhi - a city that combines local and British architecture. IN Jama mosque Masjid tourists can climb the minaret, which offers panoramic views of the Old City.

A colorful place in Delhi is Chatta Chowk market. The spirit of India as it was several centuries ago still hovers here. Experienced travelers advise purchasing souvenirs here, but refraining from buying food.

Tourists will visit the New Town Connaught Square, which is the business center of this part of India. This is followed by a visit to the Lakshmi Narayan Temple.

In January, Delhi celebrates Republic Day with colorful folk music and dance festivals.

The city of Agra is home to one of the seven wonders of the world - Taj Mahal mausoleum. The tomb, according to legend, was built by Shah Jahan in honor of his wife. The construction material was white marble; the mausoleum is crowned with a double dome and four minarets. The tomb is decorated precious stones and ornaments made of black marble.

Another attraction of the city is Agra fort. The complex is built of red sandstone. Travelers can explore the terraces, halls, mosque and gardens that lie outside its walls.

Excursions to Goa, video:

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Excursion tours to India are a unique opportunity to experience the mysterious world of the East. The country has a developed infrastructure, rich cultural and historical heritage, entertainment centers And health resorts. The most ordinary trip to India at first glance turns into an exciting journey.

Excursion tours to India from a tour operator

Our company will help you choose a tour that will take you to a world of endless relaxation and peace. You will be able to find yourself in the most remote corners of India, get acquainted with its history and traditions, communicate with local residents, improve health in best centers Ayurveda.

For those who are discovering the mysterious world of this state for the first time, a fascinating “Golden Triangle” tour is in store. This is an opportunity to visit the main cities and see with your own eyes the most famous architectural monuments, take a walk through the most breathtaking places on the planet. In a week you can conquer Delhi, Mumbai, Jaipur, Rajasthan. You will be accompanied by experienced guides who will tell you fascinating legends and stories associated with the places you will find yourself in. A lot of new and interesting things await you in India. And excursions combined with relaxation in an Ayurveda center are a great spiritual experience.

Excursion programs around the Golden Triangle of India

Exists great amount excursion tours to a land of contrasts. Some are designed for a quick introduction to the country, others are more detailed. India will help you get a lot of new impressions and replenish your knowledge base. Prices for excursion tours vary depending on the resort, length of trip, hotel level and many other factors. Our company’s specialists will help you find the tour of your dreams at an attractive price.