Customs duties on parcels to Belarus. Belarus has increased the duty-free limit on parcels from abroad. Import is still there

By 2019, the limit on parcels from abroad will gradually increase to 200 euros per month. Deputy Minister of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade Irina Narkevich announced this on June 8 at a round table on electronic commerce.

Photo: Alexander Vasyukovich, TUT.BY

According to Irina Narkevich, since the introduction of limits on parcels, Belposhta has lost a fairly large amount of money.

We knew that there would be a redistribution of the flow of goods to the territory of Russia - the post offices of the Bryansk and Smolensk regions are now actively working for Belarus. Therefore, the post office is now actively initiating the return of the previous limits,” said the deputy minister.

The return to the limit of 200 euros per month will occur gradually until 2019. As Irina Narkevich notes, an immediate return to the previous amounts is impossible. The deputy minister also does not name specific dates for increasing the limits:

This issue is currently being discussed jointly with the State Customs Committee. They proposed this option: so that the total amount of parcels per month does not exceed 200 euros, and the cost of one remains at 22 euros. That is, a person will be able to order more things duty-free.

Let us remind you that limits on parcels from abroad and the import of goods from abroad were introduced on April 14, 2016. The reason for tightening the limits on duty-free import of goods was a significant increase in the volume of import of goods on a commercial scale to individuals without paying customs duties. Over the past year, Belarusians received 12.7 million international postal items and only 1% of them, according to data reported by the State Customs Committee, exceeded the limit of 22 euros. Belarusians paid 2.4 million rubles last year for exceeding the limits.

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On December 22, the President signed Decree No. 490 “On customs regulation.” The basic norms come into force 10 days after official publication. Changes to postal items will take effect from the 1st day of the month following the month of publication of the decree, presumably from January 1, 2019. What will change?

Not 22, but 200 euros

Now it will be possible to receive duty-free postal items from abroad per month in the amount of up to 200 euros and weighing 31 kg (in total). Let us remind you that previously the limit was 22 euros and 10 kg. The one-time rate for one shipment remains the same: 22 euros and 10 kg.

For medical reasons

A preference has been provided for customs duties for medical goods and medical nutrition products sent by mail (within the limits of duty-free import standards established at the level of the Eurasian Economic Union). From January 1, 2019, the norm will be 500 euros and 31 kg. For example, it is planned to include in the list goods for diabetics, of whom there are more than 300 thousand people in Belarus.

The recipient has the right to clarify

photo by Alexander Stadub.

Recipients have the opportunity to declare postal items. If a foreign sender incorrectly indicated information about the goods, the addressee will be able to clarify it by submitting a passenger declaration. Let's say the package says “mp3 player” instead of “mobile phone”. Then the post office will inform the recipient about the possibility of clarifying the actual item, and after submitting a regular passenger declaration, customs will clear such item. Previously, these parcels were simply returned to the sender, which was an additional expense. In 2018, more than 50 thousand pieces of mail were returned this way.

Duty free on airplanes

Duty free shops have the right to:

● sell goods at the Minsk National Airport upon entering the country;

● organize trade in goods directly on the planes of Belarusian airlines carrying out international passenger transportation.

Import is still there

A list of goods has been determined that will not be subject to duty-free import standards established by national legislation (300 euros and 20 kg), as well as union duty-free import standards (from January 1, 2019 - 500 euros and 25 kg). These included personal hygiene items needed along the route and at the destination, used clothing, shoes, other wardrobe items, etc.

Ambiguities are interpreted in favor of the declarant

The issues referred by the agreement on the Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union to the competence of national legislations have been resolved. The principle of fairness and good faith is enshrined; it means: all contradictions and ambiguities in acts of customs legislation are interpreted in favor of the declarant.


Limits on the import of goods from abroad will change in the EAEU countries

From January 1, 2019, the limits for duty-free import of goods for personal use are being reduced in five EAEU countries. Citizens of these states, when crossing the border less than once every 3 months, will be able to import duty-free goods worth no more than 500 euros and weighing up to 25 kilograms. Now this level is 1,500 euros and 50 kg. The innovation is provided for by a decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission. However, the following will remain the same:

● cost and weight standards for import when crossing the border more than once every 3 months: 300 euros and 20 kg;

● standards for moving goods by air: costing up to 10 thousand euros and weighing up to 50 kg;

● standards for the import of alcohol and tobacco products: up to 3 liters of alcohol, as well as up to 200 cigarettes (cigarillos) or 250 grams of tobacco per adult.

If the limit is exceeded, you must pay customs duty - 30% of the value of the goods, but not less than 4 euros per kilogram.

Good mood to you all! In this article, we will try to calculate the permissible customs duties for parcels from China to Belarus. Although, in principle, this information will be relevant for all international postal items imported into our blue-eyed country.

And it must be said that there is nothing particularly to be happy about here, since duty-free import from April 2016 began to amount to only 22 euros per capita population in one calendar month. The weight should not exceed 10 kilograms.

Now let's consider the case when the price of a product ordered from abroad is higher than the permissible duty-free limit. Well, for example, we wanted to buy this phone:

In this situation, things will be like this. First of all, the declared value must be converted into euros at the exchange rate at the time the parcel was registered in the destination country. In our case it will look like this:

Then we apply the standard formula: 66.21 euros (cost of goods) - 22 euros (permissible limit) x 30% + 5 euros (fixed customs duty). As a result, we get a figure of 18.26 euros, which we need to pay extra.

Therefore, it turns out that a Chinese phone is already becoming a tidy sum. Let's estimate again: 66.21 euros (original cost) + 18.26 euros (customs duties) = 84.47 euros or 89 US dollars:

These are the pies, dear readers. Now about where to pay customs duties and whether it is possible not to pay them at all. There are no special problems here. We pay for this whole thing at our post office upon receipt of the parcel.

If the final price of the goods, taking into account the accrued duties, does not suit us, then we completely calmly refuse to pick up such a shipment and that’s that. In this case, the item will be sent back to the seller.

This is completely legal and no one has the right to force us to pay the full price. If in the end it turns out to be unprofitable, then we simply renounce such happiness and calmly go home:

Another important nuance that you should know when ordering parcels from China and: delivery costs and insurance are not taken into account when calculating duties by Belarusian customs. Only the price of the product itself counts.

Also, you should not buy several pieces of the same name at once. In this case, the order may be accepted as a commercial shipment and additional payments will again be charged.

And, in general, there is a list of goods that under no circumstances can be sent by post. We recommend that you read carefully to avoid problems with customs authorities in the future:

But as they say, that's a completely different story. And our story about how to correctly calculate for parcels from China to Belarus has come to its logical conclusion.

If you have any questions, ask them in the comments to the article. We will solve them together. And now you can watch another educational video about geniuses.

The EAEU proposes a gradual equalization of limits on goods for personal use sent in international mail and express cargo. Deputy Minister of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade Irina Narkevich announced this on June 8 at a round table on electronic commerce.

Aligning the limits is a matter of discussion by the Eurasian Economic Commission, Irina Narkevich clarified.

Previously, the site stated that the EEC proposes to reduce the limits on international mail from abroad to the territory of the EAEU. It is proposed to reduce the norms to 500 euros and 31 kilograms per calendar month for one individual from January 1, 2019, and from January 1, 2020 - to 200 euros and 31 kilograms.

According to Irina Narkevich, the introduction of limits up to 200 euros is a premature decision today.

“We consider this issue, having discussed it with the business community, including large Internet platforms and the Internet association, and representatives of domestic enterprises, to be premature,” said Irina Narkevich.

Let us remind you that the limits on parcels from abroad and from abroad were on April 14, 2016. The reason for tightening the limits on duty-free import of goods was a significant increase in the volume of import of goods on a commercial scale to individuals without paying customs duties. Over the past year, Belarusians received 12.7 million international postal items, and only 1% of them, according to the State Customs Committee, exceeded the limit of 22 euros. For exceeding the limits, Belarusians received 2.4 million rubles last year.

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The threshold for duty-free import of goods in international mail to Belarus has been increased to 200 euros and 31 kilograms. But there is a nuance: this is the monthly norm in total; the one-time norm for one shipment will be 22 euros and 10 kg. This is provided for by presidential decree No. 490 of December 22 “On customs regulation,” the press service of the head of state reports.

The Decree increases the maximum permissible monthly norm for duty-free import of goods for personal use in international postal items from 22 euros and 10 kg to 200 euros and 31 kg (in total), while maintaining the one-time norm for one item in the amount of 22 euros and 10 kg.

The document also removes restrictions on the import by international post of medical goods, food products, and dietary medical nutrition necessary for citizens suffering from certain incurable diseases.

Let us remind you that from April 14, 2016, the maximum amount of parcels in Belarus is limited to 22 euros and 10 kilograms per month (regardless of the number of purchases). For everything that is more than the limit, you need to pay 30% of the excess amount. In addition, you additionally need to pay a customs fee of 5 euros for customs operations for each parcel.

In 2017, we received about 11 million parcels from abroad. Only about 1% of them exceeded the duty-free import rate, that is, 22 euros in value.