Little Africa beach. Women of Africa: inexpressibly beautiful, dangerous and happy. Musicians' refuge and fishing village

There is an authoritative opinion that it was from the Dark Continent that humanity began. Therefore, it is not surprising that sooner or later travelers turn their attention here, for whom simple all-inclusive package tours are a long-gone phase. There are mountains and waterfalls, lions and elephants, deserts and equatorial forests, and beach holidays surprise even seasoned tourists with their diversity.

Where to go to sunbathe?

When choosing where to spend a vacation by the sea, a traveler will certainly pay attention to several criteria. African beach resorts can be divided into conditional groups united by common characteristics:

  • Economically accessible and closest to located are the countries of the Maghreb and North Africa. This picturesque company includes the popular, discreet and windswept.
  • The dream of the 90s “Holidays in the Canary Islands” is quite feasible today. The eternal summer archipelago is located just seven hours' flight from.
  • The islands are located a little to the south and further, and their wide sandy beaches usually sparsely populated. Here you can find an all-inclusive hotel and enjoy a relaxing lazy holiday or explore the coastal waters and wrecks while being keen on diving.
  • The Seychelles is often called paradise and this is hardly an exaggeration. Newlyweds and romantics bring ideal photos from here, and vivid impressions– lovers of surfing, yachting and sea fishing. The only problem beach holiday in Africa on Seychelles– inhumane prices, but paradise should not be too affordable.
  • The island is a mini-continent with its own animals and plants that are not found anywhere else on the planet. They mine here gems and relaxation on the beaches of local resorts can be combined with bargain purchase jewelry of your dreams.
  • Flying to the beaches of the Republic of South Africa, of course, is not a shortcut, but combining relaxation in national parks and enjoying the scenery from the Cape Good Hope, with sunbathing is quite possible.

Weather features of a beach holiday in Africa

The huge continent is located in two hemispheres at once and the calendar summer here begins in June and December, depending on geographical coordinates:

  • The weather is almost constant throughout the calendar year. The air usually warms up to +27°C, as does the water, but the hottest time is still considered to be the period from December to May. Monsoons arrive on the island in June and bring some coolness until November. Most precipitation falls in January.
  • Even 30-degree heat can be easily tolerated due to the dry air. You can swim on local beaches as early as May, and until the end of October, thermometers in the water show about +25°C.
  • Summer starts in October and beach season here lasts until March. The air warms up to +30°C during the day, and at night it can be cool - up to +20°C and below, and therefore it is worth taking warm clothes for your vacation even in the midst of the South African summer.
  • The dry tropical climate of the Cape Verde Islands allows you to sunbathe comfortably almost throughout the year. In summer the air warms up to +32°C, and in winter thermometers rarely drop below +25°C during the day. The greatest amount of precipitation falls in January and February, and the rest of the time, a beach holiday in Africa on the Cape Verde Islands is pure enjoyment of the sun and sea.

When going to African resorts, check to see if you need to get vaccinated. In many regions there is a risk of infections that are easier to prevent. It is equally important to observe household precautions: do not drink tap water, do not wander into unfamiliar areas, do not walk alone after dark. And on African beaches the sun is too active, and therefore you should protect your skin and eyes with special products with a high factor and high-quality glasses.

Magical Zanzibar

The island, even whose name sounds like a magical African spell, until recently was a resort for wild tourists who preferred ordinary tents to the benefits of civilization. Today along it coastline chains of fashionable hotels have been built, and the clean beaches are favored by wealthy travelers, divers and fans of sport fishing - blue marlin and swordfish bite in the waters near Zanzibar.
Diving in the archipelago of the same name includes several sites with a variety of coral forests, shipwrecks and seamounts. Maximum depth dives from 15 to 30 meters.
Other entertainment on the islands includes excursions to spice plantations, trips to visit giant turtles and walks around the capital of the island, Stone Town. The city, founded by the Arabs in the 9th century, has retained its charm and its architecture resembles the setting of oriental fairy tales.

The spool is small... And expensive

This proverb applies to Mauritius in every sense. can be crossed on foot in less than a day, but is considered one of the most expensive beach resorts in Africa.
The local beaches can be called ideal in every sense. They are very beautiful and covered with snow-white fine sand, which, moreover, is thoroughly cleaned every morning.
Best surfing– in the area of ​​Tamarina Bay, where strong waves occur almost constantly. Calm water awaits fans of comfortable swimming in the east on Belle Mare Beach. Party-goers will be able to find a lot of entertainment in the southwest on Pereybere beach, where young people and fans of active sports prefer to stay. nightlife. Beach holidays in Africa are especially popular among those who dream of solid fishing - it is in this part of the Indian Ocean that the largest specimens of blue marlin, tuna and hammerheads are caught.
Hotels on the island are very comfortable and therefore not cheap. Even a simple bungalow on the beach will be equipped with all amenities, and often have its own pool and staff.

There are some truly beautiful places on the vast continent of Africa that are definitely worth exploring

Active tourists always on the lookout for new places to enjoy adventure and explore new cultures and places. Europe, Caribbean and Latin America - popular destinations due to their proximity and relative accessibility. However, there are some truly beautiful places on the vast continent of Africa that are also worth exploring. This film contains some of the most scenic and picturesque beaches in Africa, even the simple contemplation of which will give you a real summer mood.

Belle Mare – Mauritius

Mauritius is a magnificent island country located in Indian Ocean, off the coast of Africa. This country has passed through a succession of colonial masters, dominated by Portugal, France and England, and the influences of all these empires are visible throughout the island. If you are looking for a quiet and serene beach to enjoy some peace and quiet, then Belle Mare Beach is on east coast Mauritius - perfect place. The beaches are covered with beautiful white sand, and the sunrises in these parts will make you look at life in a new way.

Cocrobite Beach, Ghana

Among the advantages of visiting Ghana is the fact that you are guaranteed not to encounter any social unrest or social upheaval. The country is peaceful, warm and very attractive to tourists, with some of the best beaches in the world. One of the most beautiful beaches in Ghana is Cocrobite, which is located 19 miles from the capital. The water here is very clean, the sand is soft, and everything is located in close proximity from friendly locals and fishermen. This is a great place to travel, where you can become one with local residents and have a wonderful vacation.

Kitimba Beach, Malawi

Malawi is a landlocked country in Africa, bordered by Zambia, Tanzania and Mozambique. But even though it doesn't share a border with the ocean, Malawi has a beautiful beach along the breathtaking Lake Malawi. One of best places The place to visit this lake is the Kitimba campsite. It is located 143 km from largest city Mzuzu. The beach here is quite exotic: golden sand with abundant banana trees and papaya trees. In a short distance you can see the magnificent mountains Livingstonia and Nyika. If you want to relax on a unique beach, Kitimba is definitely it.

Anse Soleil, Seychelles

Seychelles has always been known among tourists as paradise on earth. This archipelago of islands in the Indian Ocean has the smallest population of any African country, with just 100,000 inhabitants. Anse Soleil beach is located on the island of Mahe and is unique for its isolated location. It can be called one of the most romantic beaches in the world. It's picturesque private beach, surrounded by cascading jungle and boulders, and one of the best places in the world to watch the sunrise and watch the sunset.

Uvongo Beach in South Africa

Many beaches around the world are occupied by couples and older tourists, but there are also some that are ideal for families with children. One of them is Uvongo Beach in South Africa. It is located at a lower level south coast South Africa, with a shallow, child-friendly lagoon. Here kids can have fun and play as much as they want. Here you can completely immerse yourself in the exotic and enjoy a unique beach holiday.

Elmina in Ghana

The town of Elmina in the coastal region of Ghana is one of the first European settlements in coastal Africa. The name El Mina literally translates to “Mine” in Portuguese. It was the Portuguese who built several castles here during the transatlantic slave trade. Even though human trafficking took place here, the beauty of this Atlantic coastline makes you forget everything. This city is located three hours from the capital Accra. Elmina's beaches are home to outstanding 15th-century architecture and charming resorts, the most popular of which is Coconut Grove Resort.

Nungwi Beach, Zanzibar

It is impossible to make a list of the most beautiful beaches in Africa, without mentioning the scenic archipelago of Zanzibar. This semi-autonomous Tanzanian territory has some breathtaking beaches, but one of the standouts is Nungwi Beach. This is traditionally a fishing village, and now a tourist center and one of the most beautiful places in Tanzania. Beaches with endless white sand and clear turquoise water stretch as far as the eye can see. If you are looking for heaven on earth, this is definitely it.

Skeleton Coast, Namibia

Don't let the name of this beach scare you, because here you can have one of the most intriguing vacation experiences. The Skeleton Coast in Namibia is located between the Namib Desert and the Atlantic Ocean. This is a unique point of contact between warm air from the desert and cold air from the ocean, which results in shrouds of thick fog. The Skeleton Coast is a very beautiful and popular place among travelers. Intrepid surfers also know that this is a great surf spot where you can catch best waves. Among the attractions of Namibia, this coast is especially popular.

Cap Skirring in Senegal

For all lovers West Coast Africa, this beach on the Atlantic Coast of Senegal is a must-see. It is located in the beautiful Casamance region, isolated from all the hustle and bustle of urban areas. A striking feature of the beach is that it is very flat and huge, with white sands that stretch for many kilometers. This place deserves attention.

Beaches of Sidi Bou Said, Tunisia

True travel lovers already know that most coasts Mediterranean Sea have a temperate climate, pleasant and absolutely relaxing. The beach in the Tunisian coastal town of Sidi Bou Said has all these advantages. The city itself is called an “artist's paradise” because of its quaint whitewashed buildings with their beautiful arched blue doors that look like they came straight out of a postcard. The beaches here are clean and the water is completely clear. Around you can find a lot of eateries and restaurants, where you should definitely enjoy delicious North African cuisine.

How much do we know about Africa? What is this hot continent with unique nature and little-explored territory. Do you know about the beach resorts in Africa, of which there are a lot - Tunisia, Morocco and Seychelles are the most famous. Did you know that Africa's white sandy beaches are some of the best in the world? We invite you to a virtual tour of the best African beaches.

The beach with snow-white sand, which is absolutely white without any inclusions, makes a truly fantastic impression: greenery and flowers are fragrant all around, and the coastal strip seems to be covered with snow. Paje Beach has one caveat - however, traditional for the entire coast of the Indian Ocean, at low tides you will have to walk quite a long time to reach deep water. But there is an abundance of entertainment on the shore - cafes, discos and so on.

Wild beaches of Africa - Trou d'Argent - ideal in the classical sense. It is uncrowded, spacious, safe, clean, surrounded from prying eyes by rocks, the entrance to the ocean is gentle. There is nothing stopping you from enjoying a truly unique landscape. For example, palm trees of the subspecies Geophorbe Verschaffelta grow only here, on the Mascarene Islands of the Indian Ocean.

Source D'Argent Beach is among the top 5 best beaches not only in Africa, but in the whole world according to BBC Travel. You can hardly find sand of such a pale pinkish hue. And the turquoise color of the ocean and granite boulders surrounding the beach create a magnificent landscape. It can also be classified as wild beaches Africa, since civilization will definitely not distract you from your vacation.

Grand Anse Beach is a popular beach on La Digue, also included in the BBC Travel rating. In beauty it is in no way inferior to the nearby Source D'Argent. And in the nearby island park L’Union Estate, scenes from the French film “Emmanuelle” were filmed, because all the surrounding nature contributes to a romantic mood.

Another beach on the Indian Ocean with sand of a specific white-pink hue is Nakupenda Beach. In addition to a relaxing beach holiday, swimming and sunbathing, this beach is just a godsend for those who want to snorkel. At the same time, you can admire the underwater inhabitants quite safely - they are non-aggressive and non-poisonous.

The island of Nosy Be is located in the north of Madagascar in the Indian Ocean. This is a great combination beautiful nature and civilization - the island’s beach is fully equipped for a civilized holiday. At the same time, here you can see real lemurs, chameleons and turtles, and also touch them - the animals do not expect anything bad from people and do not run away. On the Internet it is easy to find an amateur video from this particular island, where you can see how close tropical animals come to humans.

No less beautiful beaches in Africa are located on Atlantic coast. The Moroccan resort city of Agadir on the Atlantic coast boasts luxurious, spacious beaches with specific reddish sand. These are quite civilized, well-equipped beaches with sun loungers, umbrellas and a warning system for approaching dust storms, which happen regularly in the desert. Here you can also catch a wave, which surfers and other lovers enjoy with pleasure. marine species sports

The island of Sal is located in the south of Cape Verde on the coast Atlantic Ocean. This is one of the most popular islands in the country. And Santa Maria is the most famous city on the island among tourists. This is where the bulk of travelers stop when visiting neighboring islands with excursions. Santa Maria is a four-kilometer beach with clean, reddish sand depending on the light. All water activities are developed here: windsurfing, kitesurfing and diving.

Boulders Beach at Falls Bay is truly unique beach, where you can see real penguins. By nature's standards, the penguin colony was formed recently - in 1982. However, these animals liked it here so much that the colony grows every year. Boulders Beach is included in the boundaries National Park, including because of the habitat of penguins here. People will also like it here: a lot of neat, protected from high waves coves, centuries-old huge boulders around the beach area. To make it easier to observe animals and take photos and videos, wooden platforms have been built.

These are perhaps the most beautiful beaches in Africa that are worth visiting. You will get a lot of impressions, and Africa itself will be remembered by you with bright colors that are not found on the European continent.

10 most beautiful beaches in Africa: 1. Paje, Zanzibar, Tanzania Zanzibar is famous for its snow-white and cleanest beaches, which are among the best in the world. Well, Paje Beach definitely deserves the title of the most beautiful - an excellent place for those who are looking for privacy, but at the same time want to relax in comfort. One of the advantages of a holiday on Paje is the absence of sudden low tides, so you can always swim to your heart’s content and at the same time appreciate the purest snow-white sand, and various entertainment (kiting, bars, beach discos) will greatly diversify your vacation. One of the possible disadvantages is the rather low water level. 2. Paradise Beach, Jeffreys Bay, South Africa The Republic of South Africa is a real “beach pearl” of the Black Continent: it will appeal to both lovers of active recreation (for example, diving, surfing, kiting or snorkeling), and those who just want to relax against the backdrop beautiful landscape. For the latter, we recommend one of the most picturesque beaches in South Africa - Paradise Beach. Silence, tranquility and snow-white sand against the backdrop of the azure ocean... What else is needed to enjoy life to the fullest? 3. Trou d’Argent beach, Rodrigues Island, Mauritius Mauritius is your choice if you prefer uncrowded beaches, for example, Trou d’Argent beach on Rodrigues Island. A very beautiful and small beach in the lagoon, surrounded by rocks, with many rare birds that you will not see anywhere else. Only the turquoise ocean, silky sand and you - beauty! 4. Anse Soleil, Mahe, Seychelles This beach is a real treasure of the Seychelles archipelago and one of the most romantic beaches in the world, with amazing sunrises and sunsets and heavenly landscapes. Surrounded by wave-glossy boulders and emerald jungle, Anse Soleil is a must-see for everyone! 5. Grand Anse, La Digue, Seychelles One more thing most beautiful place in the Seychelles, worthy of the epithet “paradise”. Grand Anse beach is everything that we associate with exoticism and tropical bliss: slender palm trees, 500 meters of white coral sand and gentle waves of the azure ocean. Another undoubted plus is the minimum number of tourists, which is the best way to have a good rest. 6. Anse Lazio, Praslin Island, Seychelles This beach is an ideal incarnate: no annoying algae in which you tend to get entangled, no sharp corals. The waves are perfectly stunning, the depth is perfectly deep. And the beach is also free. What else is needed? Plus, you can find a secluded place among the boulders if the neighbors are really overwhelming. 7. Nosy Be, Madagascar This beach, located on the island of the same name, boasts a developed tourist infrastructure and excellent condition of the beach area, which, combined with stunning scenery, creates all the conditions for a comfortable holiday. 8. Santa Maria, Sal Island, Cape Verde Santa Maria is considered best beach Cape Verde, and this opinion is quite understandable: the crystal clear blue of the ocean and the amazing beach invite you to laze in the sun, and the expanses of water are ideal for surfing, windsurfing and diving (near the island there is a wreck of ancient ships). 9. Diani Beach, Ukunda, Kenya Here you will find everything for a good holiday: white sand, warm ocean waves and the opportunity to do aquatic species sports One thing: at low tide you should be careful not to accidentally step on a sea urchin. 10. Nakupenda Beach, Stone Town, Zanzibar, Tanzania Nakupenda Beach is the epitome of paradise: azure ocean, gentle sand, sparsely populated areas and vibrant beauty underwater world will give you a lot of impressions and a desire to come back here again!

They are hardworking and caring; they have charming smiles and soulful eyes; they have a special understanding of beauty and home comfort. And despite the difficulties that accompany them almost all their lives, they know how to be happy. Today, July 31, is African Women's Day, which was established in Tanzania in 1962. TUT.BY invites you to look at representatives of the African continent: happy, smiling, loving, caring and strong.

A Massai woman with jewelry, Tanzania, July 7, 2007.
A woman with her child in the village of Taiba, Chad, July 9, 2008.
A woman walks on the street in Kadji, Mali, March 1, 2013.
A mother with a child in her arms walks along sand dunes in Nouakchott, Mauritania, June 22, 2014.
Somali women near the town of Harfo, Somalia, July 20, 2011.
A girl inside a church carved into a rock in the city of Lalibela, Ethiopia.
A woman wearing an earring depicting Pope Benedict XVI, Luanda, Angola, March 22, 2009.
A woman stands in front of a colonial-style building in Bissau, the capital of Guinea-Bissau, on March 22, 2012.
A girl plays water volleyball on the beach in Tipasa, Algeria, August 3, 2010.
Ramatu Woori, beauty queen of Sierra Leone, during a photo shoot in the capital Freetown, August 22, 2008.
A carnival participant in Lagos, Nigeria, April 5, 2010.
A woman swims in the pool of her home, Dakar, Senegal, June 22, 2007.
Women from Western Sahara in a refugee camp near the city of Tindouf, Algeria, November 23, 2003.
A woman holds a child during celebrations of African Children's Day, Makumba, Malawi, June 16, 2009.
A Massai woman wearing traditional clothing and bracelets. Kenya, October 30, 2007.
Tuareg woman, Ingal, Niger, September 18, 2011.
A woman walks on the street in Asmara, Eritrea, May 12, 2008.
Mudahogora Ernestine, victim of the 1994 genocide, Kigali, Rwanda, April 3, 2014.
A mother feeds her baby during a break from collecting salt near the town of Saint-Louis, Senegal, April 9, 2007.
A woman prepares tea, Abyei, the border between North and South Sudan, October 29, 2013.
A young girl combs her hair, Mbabane, Swaziland, August 28, 2011.
Girls prepare for a performance, Dhaka, Morocco, February 28, 2008.
A woman attends a rally in support of Muammar Gaddafi, Tripoli, Libya, March 18, 2011.
Egyptian women celebrate signing a marriage contract, Cairo, Egypt, August 31, 2006.