The Bermuda Triangle is the most mysterious place on earth. The Alaskan Mystery Triangle can compete with the Bermudian Mystery Triangle The most mysterious triangle

The abode of Satan himself, the sea cemetery, the horror of the Atlantic - all these terrible epithets are used to describe the mystical zone in the Atlantic Ocean. Every year, ships and planes mysteriously disappear in the Bermuda Triangle. What is this - the sick imagination of journalists or a truly dangerous and mystical zone, shrouded in mystery and enigma?

The first mention of the devil's zone

Bermuda Triangle in the ocean is a sensation that has been exciting humanity for half a century. This anomalous zone was first mentioned in 1950. An American researcher named E. Jones wrote a short article, formatting the material in the form of a brochure in which he placed several photographs. But at that time almost no one paid attention to this. Until, in 1964, another American researcher named V. Gaddis wrote about the Bermuda Triangle. He told about the real danger that this mystical area conceals. But the real fear for the average person was brought about by a book called “The Bermuda Triangle,” written by Charles Berlitz. Since then, this topic has not ceased to be relevant throughout the world.

Where is the Bermuda Triangle

Conventionally, the symbolic peaks of this mystical zone are the following areas: Bermuda, the southern cape of Florida, Puerto Rico. The marked points are unofficial, since the boundaries of the Bermuda Triangle are constantly being adjusted, moving them, for example, closer to the Gulf of Mexico or joining the basin Caribbean Sea. Many researchers also attribute part of the Azores Islands to the anomalous zone, near which many incredible events took place. Therefore, it is still impossible to get a definite answer to the question “where is the Bermuda Triangle?”

The most common theories regarding the phenomena occurring

There are several dozen versions as to what is actually happening in the Bermuda Triangle. Some of them are incredible and defy logic, while others, on the contrary, are more rational and almost scientifically based. We will consider a few assumptions below.

Mysterious gas bubbles

For the first time in 2000, several physicists in laboratory conditions decided to find out what was happening to an object located on the surface of boiling water.

After conducting a series of experiments, they came to the following conclusion: when bubbles appear in the water, its density decreases significantly and the level rises, while the lifting force exerted by the water on the ship is minimized. Therefore, if there are enough bubbles, then the ship may well sink.

The description of this experiment, carried out in laboratory conditions, and its results have long been published. But can bubbles actually sink a large vessel? This is still unknown, because such studies have not yet been carried out under so-called field conditions, that is, directly in the Bermuda Triangle area.

Insidious algae

There is a version that ships supposedly “suck” huge algae into the water column. This opinion is as implausible as the idea that the devil himself lives here. This is explained by the fact that the water area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle is comparable to the Sargasso Sea, the flora of which is rich in various algae. Sailors who are not accustomed to such a sight are simply frightened and use their developed imagination.

Lonely waves

In 1984, a competition between sailboats was held in Spain. The route ran from Puerto Rico through Bermuda. A 40-meter ship called the Marquez, built in 1917 in Spain, led the race, ahead of ships leaving Bermuda. This is where the trouble happened. A strong squall hit, which tilted the ship, and at that moment, out of nowhere, a gigantic wave arose and hit the ship on the port side. This case is one of the few that has excited the public.

Such waves can reach 30 meters in height. They appear unexpectedly and can instantly drown big ship. The wave that hit the side of the Marquez covered it with a wall of water, and soon a second one followed - deadly. It was she who decided the fate of the ship. 19 people died.

In the Bermuda Triangles, such waves are caused by the Gulf Stream, which lies near the United States. The reasons for their formation are simple: the waters of the Gulf Stream, flowing from south to north, meet a storm front moving from north to south.

Waves form behind the storm front and travel in the same direction. The waves formed by the Gulf Stream are moving towards them, to the north. After their collision, a huge mass of water rises up. And when there seems to be no sign of danger, waves 3-5 meters high suddenly turn into 25-meter “monsters”.

Unfortunately, today there is no device that would monitor or predict the occurrence of such a destructive phenomenon.

Alien Invasion

Some claim that this territory is controlled by aliens who are trying to study our planet. They allegedly destroy ships and planes so that no one will ever know about their visit.


This version is the most common and quite plausible. Constant weather changes, unexpected storms, storms, and hurricanes become dangerous for any type of transport.

Clouds with mysterious charges

This version has also been considered by scientists. Many pilots flying over the Bermuda Triangle area claimed that they found themselves in the center of a black cloud, inside of which lightning discharges and bright flashes sparkled.

Thus, the missing “link 19” before its crash transmitted a message that they were enveloped in a certain dark cloud, due to which visibility was significantly impaired.


There is a version that in these areas a sound appears that terrifies all passengers and forces them to leave the vehicle.

During underwater earthquakes or landslides, powerful infrasonic vibrations occur on the ocean floor, but scientists have proven that they cannot in any way be associated with a danger to life.

Relief features

Most researchers are inclined to believe that the complex terrain of this anomalous zone is to blame. This is explained by the fact that under the Bermuda Triangle there is a deep-sea trench, mountains that reach a height of 150-200 meters, and cone-shaped hills with a diameter of tens of kilometers. Therefore, finding shipwrecks in this area is almost impossible.

If you look under the water, Bermuda resembles a huge dormant volcano. A depression extends from it to the north, maximum depth which reaches 8 km. It is in this area that most of the terrible incidents occur.

It should be noted that Puerto Rico (deep sea trench) is the deepest part of the entire Atlantic (8742 km). Therefore, finding a sunken ship or a crashed plane here, again, is simply unrealistic.

The Bermuda Triangle, whose secrets have not yet been revealed, has the Blake Escarpment in the west - these are the steepest cliffs in the entire mystical Atlantic region. Some of them reach a height of two kilometers. And the continental plume is divided in two by the most active current in the world - the Gulf Stream.

But even such unusual features of the relief cannot fully answer the questions that arise among pundits and ordinary people and shed at least a little light on these mysterious phenomena. The mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle still remain beyond the bounds of reason.

Mysticism at the bottom of the mysterious triangle

The well-known legend about a city that disappeared along with its inhabitants is no longer a legend at all. So say Canadian scientists who found a sunken settlement at the bottom of the Atlantic. This city is located at east coast Cuba, 700 meters from the most mystical zone in the whole world. The Bermuda Triangle was explored underwater by a robot that dived to depth and photographed the surrounding area. The images were subsequently studied by Canadian researchers who made an incredible discovery. What does the Bermuda Triangle hide from people's eyes? Photos showed that at its bottom there are buildings, pyramids and figures, on the walls of which there are unfamiliar writings. According to experts, the discovered buildings are very reminiscent ancient architecture. The city at the bottom was discovered by a Canadian scientist couple. In fact, they encountered the pyramids lying at the bottom of the triangle 10 years ago. At that time, the couple worked for the government, studying the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean and searching for sunken ships and missing treasures.

At the end of the Ice Age, the water level rose significantly, which is why many cities, islands and even continents found themselves at the bottom of the ocean. The discovered settlement, according to scientists, is one of these.

There is an opinion that American researchers noticed this city back in the late 50s, but did not tell anyone about the find.

It is also known that the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle has not yet been studied by scientists themselves, so we will wait for new discoveries.

Mysterious disappearance in the Bermuda Triangle

Over the past 50 years, the Bermuda Triangle has acquired a terrible reputation, which is why many are afraid to travel in these parts. They try to bypass the anomalous zone using the tenth road. The sad story of “link 19” has become widely known. Shortly after the disappearance of the 5 Navy bombers, observers began to notice something strange. But first things first.

On December 5, 1945, 5 torpedo bombers, crewed by 14 people, were preparing for a routine flight from a Florida airfield. In accordance with the plan, the bombers were supposed to fly to the Bahamas and conduct target practice there - the remains of a sunken ship. They flew over the ship several times and turned north towards the Bahamas. The detachment acted in accordance with the plan. Soon, the crew of one of the planes, led by pilot Taylor, reported that they had lost their route. All his navigation devices have simply failed, and he cannot find a landmark. Meanwhile, the weather began to suddenly change. The wind changed its direction and began to blow from the north.

The control tower tried its best to send them along the right route - towards Florida, but Taylor was completely confused and refused to listen to the controller. The pilots circled over the water in despair, trying to find at least something resembling land. But the weather got even worse. Later the radio connection was completely cut off. The last thing they heard from one of the pilots was the words “white wall” and “strange water”.

The next day, the search for the missing planes began. Several helicopters went on this dangerous mission. But something strange happened here too. One of them disappeared in the same mysterious way. But later, rescuers still managed to find out what happened to him. The sailors of a ship passing very close said that they heard a strong explosion high in the sky.

But neither the wreckage of the missing bombers nor any remains of the “search engine” were found. What happened to the planes? Where does the Bermuda Triangle hide its victims? No one knows the answers to these questions yet.

Have the planes of “link 19” been found?

In 1991, British scientist Graham Hawkes made a real discovery. He claimed to have found five planes from “flight 19.” Quite by accident, while searching for a Spanish galleon, he, along with other members of the research group, allegedly came across the wreckage of fighters. Observations were recorded.

This story made the headlines of all newspapers and magazines, and also created a stir among journalists and ordinary citizens. Graham promised to sort out this curious story within 2 weeks. Since submarines were incredibly expensive, the scientist decided to use an underwater camera, which was controlled by a special wire. After viewing the resulting images, the researchers concluded that the planes did not belong to “link 19”, and became even more confused.

After some time, Graham decides to go into this himself mysterious place to understand what kind of planes these are. One of the relatives of the missing Flight 19 pilot follows him on the search.

Having descended to the bottom of the ocean (to a depth of 220 meters), they notice an object similar to the disappeared fighter.

The discovered plane was broken into 2 parts, the wing and tail were completely torn off. Researchers found out that this fighter took off from Fort Lauderdale (from where “flight 19” also departed), and they determined this by the first letters (FT 23). But such meager information was clearly not enough to fully identify the aircraft.

After some time, Graham and his team descend to the bottom again to find some more evidence and discover the remaining 4 planes. On one of them, the researchers noticed the inscription “FT 87” and saw an open cabin, which means that the team could get out. Near the window, the researchers find a number on the wall of the plane (23990). At that time, similar numbers were assigned to each fighter, so with its help it was easy to find out what kind of object lay at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle.

Later, researchers came to the conclusion that 4 aircraft definitely belonged to “link 19”. What about the first find? Perhaps this is the same missing search engine.

But many questions still remain. How did the Bermuda Triangle, the photo of which evokes terrible thoughts, “absorb” all 5 planes at the same time? And why did such an experienced pilot as Taylor make a fatal mistake, because the radars of neighboring aircraft were still working, and it was possible to contact the dispatchers? What was going on in his head, what was he thinking about at that moment, why did he turn into reverse direction, if there were only 20 km left to the destination? All these mysteries still remain unsolved.

Having examined the situation from all sides, psychologists concluded that Taylor was influenced by some psychological factor, for example, spatial disorientation, which did not give him the opportunity to save himself and his crew.


In 1918, an American ship called the Cyclops disappeared. This is the most significant loss, because along with him 309 people disappeared without a trace.

This ship was a cargo ship that carried fuel during the First World War. The length of the ship was 165 meters. Therefore, everyone is still perplexed, how could such a colossus disappear without a trace in the depths of the ocean?

In 1918, the loaded ship set sail for the United States, but never returned. Cyclops was last seen in Barbados. No one sent any messages from the ship, therefore, everything went according to plan. But the connection was suddenly interrupted and... the end.

The Navy later organized a major search operation, but neither the wreckage nor the remains of the crew were ever found. Researchers believe that the wave is to blame, completely engulfing the ship and sending it to the bottom. But why have no traces been found yet? The answer, again, remains a mystery.

What is the Bermuda Triangle? Is the mystery solved or not? What does this anomalous zone contain? Are the events taking place in this place really mystical? Or can there be a logical explanation for everything? Who knows whether humanity will find answers to all these questions... And whether the future will throw up other mysteries?

Today, like 50 years ago, the secrets of the Bermuda Triangle excite the minds of the public. Will we ever be able to solve this mystery, will we be able to predict the natural anomalies occurring in this territory? Let's hope we find out about this in the near future.

The waters south of Tokyo bear the ominous name of the Devil's Sea, as many fishing boats and other larger ships have disappeared into them. In 1953, a research vessel with 31 crew members, including scientists, Kaiyo Maru #5, set sail into the Devil's Sea to investigate these mysterious disappearances. Can you guess what happened to this ship? It disappeared.

However, his end was not mysterious. The ship was destroyed by a volcano. The crew were exploring a newly formed volcanic island when it erupted, leaving no survivors. Devil's Sea lawyers also ignored the fact that the number of fishing boats that disappeared in this region was no greater than the number of boats lost in other Japanese waters.

North of Reno, Nevada, on the Paiute Tribe Reservation, local legend has it that trout lovers disappear into the waters of Pyramid Lake almost every spring. Allegedly demonic spirits, “children of the water,” grab fishermen and lead them to death, while their bodies disappear. On the shores of Pyramid Lake, the cries of water babies pierce the silence, and the laughter of unseen children echoes from the pyramidal rock that gives the lake its name.

However, if the lake takes lives every year (according to the assurances of local inhabitants), why is this not written about in local newspapers? Probably, the water babies carefully monitor this, hiding from justice.

Chippewa legend says that Lake Superior never gives up its dead. But the reason why the lake preserves its victims is not at all mysterious. The cold waters of the lake cause slow decomposition, which under normal conditions would cause the body to fill with gases, causing it to float to the surface.

More than 200 ships disappeared in Lake Superior, especially along the southern part. Intense storms cause ten-meter waves that will gladly sink any boat in no time; The 210-meter Edmund Fitzgerald did not escape this fate either. The underwater properties of Whitefish Point have become a sanctuary for many shipwrecks that attract divers. However, others disappeared without leaving a trace.

Bermuda Triangle

The most famous item on this list has its reputation for good reason. Yes, there have been significant incidents in the Bermuda Triangle, which stretches from southern Florida to Bermuda and Puerto Rico, including the loss of the USS Cyclops with its 309 crew in 1918. Five American Avenger bombers disappeared there in 1945.

However, the Bermuda Triangle is famous for its strong storms, changeable weather and treacherous shallow waters, according to oceanographers. Along with the bad weather, the triangle is famous for being one of the busiest sea ​​routes on the planet. Proportionally, the level of loss of ships and aircraft in this zone does not exceed other places on our planet. The Bermuda Triangle didn't even have a bad reputation until the 1950s, only to become famous thanks to inflated and even fabricated stories written over the next few decades. And like many other things in our lives, it became a household name.

East of the Bermuda Triangle, circulating currents created the Sargasso Sea. Floating algae create entire mats that float on the Sargasso Sea and swirl strong currents. For a long time, sailors avoided this region and created legends about ghost ships sailing in the Sargasso Sea. In the 1840s, one such ship was the Rosalie, which was found empty without a single crew member on board, CNN reported.

One of the most mysterious ghost ships in maritime history, the Mary Celeste, was discovered in 1872 west of the Sargasso Sea. The entire crew, including the captain's wife and daughter, disappeared, although the ship's cargo of explosive ethanol and large quantities of food remained intact. The ethanol leak may have scared the crew, causing them to abandon ship for fear of an explosion. And the lifeboat could easily sink during a storm.

Michigan Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle's northern cousin, the Michigan Triangle, extends from Ludington to Benton Harbor, Michigan, and Manitowoc, Wisconsin. Ships and at least one plane are the spoils of the region. In 1891, the schooner Thomas Hume and her crew of seven sailed to the Michigan Triangle, but did not return and left no trace. In 1921, the ship "Rosa Belle" was found floating in this triangle completely empty, without eleven crew members sailing on it. In 1950, Northwest Airlines Flight 2501 disappeared while flying over the triangle, and with it 58 passengers.

Bennington triangle

The Bennington Triangle in southwestern Vermont was the last place to be seen for five people who disappeared between 1945 and 1950. The first time, an 18-year-old tourist disappeared even though her two companions were only 100 meters behind her. Exactly three years later, to the day, a man disappeared from a moving bus. No one noticed his disappearance.

One logical explanation was the presence of a serial killer in the woods of Vermont. However, serial killers usually target certain demographic groups. Among the people who disappeared in the Bennington Triangle were a 74-year-old female guide and an 8-year-old boy.

South Atlantic Anomaly

Strange and powerful forces envelop the Earth in energy, but there is nothing supernatural about them. The Van Allen radiation belt forms a lopsided donut of charged particles around the planet. The belt sags closest to the Earth above South America and the Atlantic Ocean off eastern Brazil. This region is designated by NASA as the South Atlantic Anomaly. When passing through the anomaly, the Hubble telescope, satellites and others spacecraft received and are receiving intense bombardment by protons, the building blocks of atoms, with energies exceeding 10 million electron volts.

Being 200-800 kilometers from the surface, the anomaly should not affect anything on the ground or aircraft. However, some use it to explain the flight crash Air France 447, which killed 228 people in 2009. The real reason The disaster could simply be a failure of a tool that needed to change a few lines of code, according to scientists at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

Look around more carefully: what if there is some kind of “triangle” next to you?

The Bermuda Triangle is a place traditionally considered the most terrible, the most... creepy place planets. Many ships and planes disappeared here without a trace. Over the past 26 years, more than a thousand people have died. However, during the search it was not possible to find a single corpse or debris..."

Bermuda Triangle- area in Atlantic Ocean, in which mysterious disappearances of marine and aircraft. The area is bounded by lines from Florida to Bermuda, then to Puerto Rico and back to Florida via the Bahamas. A similar “triangle” in the Pacific Ocean is called the Devil’s.
This place (the Bermuda Triangle) is traditionally considered the most terrible, creepiest place on the planet. Many ships and planes disappeared here without a trace. Over the past 26 years, more than a thousand people have died. However, during the search, not a single corpse or debris was found.

The Bermuda Triangle and its secrets

The story that I will tell you began on December 5, 1945. It was a normal day for the US Air Force based in Florida. At that time, there were a large number of pilots in service who had gained extensive combat flying experience, so accidents in the air occurred relatively rarely. An experienced commander with more than 2,500 flight hours was Lieutenant Charles K. Taylor, and the rest of the pilots of his 19th flight, many of whom were senior to Taylor in rank, could also be relied upon. And this time the task they received was not too difficult: to set a direct course for Chicken Shoal, located north of the island Bimini. Before the usual training exercises, the combat pilots joked and had fun, only one of them felt something wrong in his soul and remained on the ground at his own peril and risk. It saved his life.

The weather was excellent, five three-seat Avenger torpedo bombers took off and headed east, with (remember this figure!) 5.5 hours of fuel on board.
Nobody saw them again, what happened to them afterwards - only God knows. There have been plenty of different hypotheses and versions put forward on this matter. All of them remained unsaid for only one reason - the missing planes were not found. Let's try to restore the picture of the tragedy. We warn you in advance that the details are taken from investigations and official publications in Florida, so many of the details are very different from what you may have read.

At 14.10, planes with 14 pilots (instead of 15) took off from the US Naval Base in Fort Lauderdale. Having reached the target around 15.30-15.40, we set off on the opposite course, to the southwest. And a few minutes later at 15.45 at the command post of the Fort Lauderdale airbase they received the first strange message: “We have an emergency situation.” Obviously, we've lost our way. We do not see the earth, I repeat, we do not see the earth. The dispatcher made a request for their coordinates. The answer greatly puzzled all the officers present: “We cannot determine our location.” We don't know where we are now. We seem to be lost. As if he wasn't speaking into a microphone former pilot, but a confused beginner who did not have the slightest idea about navigation over the sea! In this situation, the airbase representatives made the only correct decision: “Head west!”

There's no way planes can get past Florida's long coastline. But... - We don't know where west is. Nothing works... Strange... We can't determine the direction. Even the ocean doesn’t look the same as usual!.. They are trying to give the squadron instructions from the ground, but due to the sharply increased atmospheric interference they are not getting through. The dispatchers themselves had difficulty catching snippets of radio conversations between the pilots: “We don’t know where we are.” Must be about 225 miles northeast of the base... Looks like we're...

At 16.45 a strange message comes from Taylor: “We are over the Gulf of Mexico.” Ground controller Don Poole decided that the pilots were either confused or crazy; the indicated location was on the completely opposite side of the horizon!

At 17.00 it became clear that the pilots were on the verge of a nervous breakdown, one of them shouted into the air: “Damn it, if we had flown west, we would have gotten home!” Then Taylor’s voice: “Our home is in the northeast...” The first fear soon passed somewhat, some islands were spotted from the planes. “Below me there is land, the terrain is rough. I’m sure this is Kis...”

Ground services also took direction of the missing, and there was hope that Taylor would restore orientation... But everything was in vain. Darkness fell. The planes that took off to search for the flight returned empty-handed (another plane disappeared during the search).
Taylor's very last words are still debated. Radio amateurs were able to hear: “It seems that we are kind of... sinking into white waters... we are completely lost...” According to reporter and writer A. Ford, in 1974, 29 years later, one radio amateur shared the following information: Allegedly, last words commander were “Don’t follow me... They look like people from the Universe...” (“Abroad” 41-1975, p. 18). In my opinion, the last phrase was probably invented or interpreted later. Even at a meeting of the Commission to investigate this incident, they subsequently dropped the phrase: “They disappeared as irrevocably as if they had flown to MARS!” It is unlikely that Taylor would have used the little-used word “Universe,” especially since even science fiction writers did not think about aliens from there.

Let's take a break from the Avengers for a moment and look at other cases that the Bermuda Triangle hides. In 1840, near the port of Nassau - the capital Bahamas- the French sailing ship Rosalie was discovered, drifting. All the sails were raised on it, all the necessary equipment was available, but the ship’s crew itself was absent. This seemed very strange. After inspection, it was found that the vessel was in excellent condition, had no damage, and its cargo was intact. But where did the crew go? No entries clarifying the essence of the matter were found in the ship's log. The same story happened with the brigantine “Mary Celeste”. She, like “Rosalie,” was found safe and sound, but again... without a team. Scientists still cannot explain everything that happened to “Mary Celeste” and “Rosalie”.

Among recent incidents, it is worth telling about the amazing case of an American submarine sailing in a “triangle” at a depth of 200 feet (70 m). One day the sailors heard a strange noise overboard and felt a vibration that lasted about a minute. Following this, it was noticed that people on the team allegedly aged very quickly. And after surfacing with the help of a satellite navigation system, it turned out that the submarine was in... Indian Ocean 300 miles from the east coast of Africa and 10 thousand miles from the Bermuda Triangle! Well, why not repeat it with the movement of technical devices, only not in the air, but in the water? True, it is too early to draw conclusions in this story: the US Navy, as before in such cases, neither confirms nor denies this information.

Real, recorded cases of ship disappearances are unlikely to amount to more than 10-15% of what was reported in sensational newspaper publications. The trouble is that it is almost impossible to deal with these cases; this mysterious “something” leaves no witnesses. So, let's return to the disappearance of the 19th link. It is these events, despite the fact that there were bloodier and more numerous tragedies in Bermuda, that are worth paying attention to, at least as a classic.
So, the first and indisputable conclusion that follows from listening to radio recordings is that the pilots encountered something unusual and strange in the air. This fateful meeting was the first not only for them, but also, probably, they had not heard about anything like this from their colleagues and friends. Only this can explain the strange disorientation and panic in a normal normal situation. The ocean has a strange appearance, “white water” has appeared, instrument needles are dancing - you must agree that this list can frighten anyone, but not experienced naval pilots, who have probably already found the desired course over the sea in extreme conditions before. Moreover, they had an excellent opportunity to return to the shore: all they had to do was turn west, and then the planes would never have flown past the huge peninsula.

This is where we come to the main reason for panic. The bomber flight, in full accordance with common sense and following recommendations from the ground, searched for land only in the west for about an hour and a half, then alternately in the west and east for about an hour. And they didn’t find her. The fact that the whole American state disappeared without a trace, can deprive even the most persistent of their sanity.

To be fair, it must be said that at the end of their flight they saw land, but did not dare to splash down nearby in shallow water. Visually, based on the outlines of the islands, Taylor determined that he was located above the Florida Keys (southwest of the southern tip of Florida) and at first even turned northeast towards Florida. But soon, under the influence of his colleagues, he doubted what he had seen and returned to his previous course, as if he were significantly east of Florida, i.e. where he should be and where he was located by ground-based radar installations.

But where were they really? On the ground, the crew's report about the sighting of Keys was perceived as the delirium of panicked pilots. Direction finders could be mistaken by exactly 180 degrees and this property was taken into account, but at that moment the operators knew that the planes were somewhere in the Atlantic (30 degrees N, 79 degrees W) north of the Bahamas and they were simply in It never occurred to me that in fact the missing link was already much further west in the Gulf of Mexico. However, how could the planes move seven hundred kilometers to the west without anyone noticing?

Cases of, if not instantaneous, then ultra-fast movements of aircraft are already known to aviation historians. During the Second World War, a Soviet bomber, returning from a mission, overshot an airfield in the Moscow region by more than a thousand kilometers and landed in the Urals... In 1934, Victor GODDARD flew over Scotland to no one knows where, approached an unknown airfield, which in an instant eye “disappeared from sight”... These and many other similar cases are united by the fact that ultra-fast flights were always carried out in strange clouds (white fog, strange haze, sparkling haze). These are the terms that eyewitnesses use to describe another strange phenomenon in which rapid movement in Time occurs; for example, after walking for half an hour or an hour in the “strange white fog” on the island of Barsakelmes, travelers returned a day later.

And in the Bermuda Triangle itself, “white fog” is not such a rare guest. After meeting with him, an airliner approaching Miami one day disappeared from the locator screens, and when 10 minutes later it reappeared, all the clocks on board were behind by the same minutes. None of the passengers noticed anything unusual on that flight; it is possible that a sudden increase in speed will also be invisible to the eye due to “tricks” with Time. Although no, at the same time, apart from the notorious fog and post-flight reconciliation of chronometers, pilots should notice the dancing of the hands on some instruments and even interruptions in radio communication (they have to communicate with the ground, a place where the normal course of Time does not coincide with the anomalous “heavenly” one) ). Let us remember that it was after the Avengers pilots mentioned that a strange fog had appeared and five compasses had failed, that radio contact with them disappeared and was subsequently restored only occasionally.

Similar anomalous places occasionally arise also because the course of physical Time is somewhat influenced by all bodies moving around the circumference. This effect, as follows from the experiments of Professor Nikolai Kozyrev, can be achieved on a very small scale even with the help of tiny flywheels. What can we say about the Bermuda region in the Atlantic, where the powerful Gulf Stream swirls water vortices hundreds of kilometers in diameter! The vortices spin, Time changes, and gravity must change. In the center of the vortex (where American satellites recorded the water level 25-30 meters lower than usual), gravity is increased, while at the periphery it is decreased. Isn't the reason for many ship disasters that the cargo in the hold suddenly increases in weight? If the load is non-uniform and the safety margin of the hull is exceeded, a disaster is almost inevitable! To complete the tragic picture, we must add to this the unreliability of radio communications in such places...

Some conclusions can be drawn in the case of the disappearance of 5 planes. Most likely, in the sky above the Bermuda Triangle, this link collided with a non-stationary nomadic anomalous zone, in which their instruments failed and radio communications went haywire. Then the planes, being in a "strange fog", with very high speed moved to the Gulf of Mexico, where the pilots were surprised to recognize the local chain of islands...

Let's clarify what "at very high speed" means. So, an hour and a half after takeoff, the planes find themselves in a strange fog, where all their instruments fail, INCLUDING THE CLOCK. At 16.45 the planes emerge from the clouds and restore their orientation (from the reports it is heard that they already trust the compasses). According to the airfield ground clock, 2.5 hours of flight had passed, and there was still 3 hours of fuel left. It is difficult to say how much time has passed according to the airplane clock (out of order). It is unlikely that even pilots could answer this question correctly; in extreme situations, the perception of time is sharply different from usual. Only one mechanism can give us the answer - these are aircraft engines, they are the only ones that continued to work normally in the anomalous zone! So, at 17.22 Taylor announced: “When someone has 10 gallons (38 liters of fuel) left, we will splash down!” Judging by the phrase, the fuel was indeed running low. Apparently, the planes soon splashed down because at 18.02 they heard the phrase on the ground: “... He can drown at any minute...” This means that the fuel in the torpedo bombers ran out between 17.22 and 18.02, while it should have been enough until 19.40, and taking into account the emergency reserve - until 19.50. Such a sharp discrepancy can be explained by only one thing: the engines burned fuel for 2 hours more than previously expected!

Here it is, the missing link in the chain of clues! While only one hour had passed on the ground, about three had passed in the white fog!! The speed of the planes was normal all this time, but to a hypothetical outside observer it would have seemed 3 times faster! Probably, during these 3 hours of their own time, the torpedo bombers, alas, passed the Florida salient with their home base and ended up in the Gulf of Mexico. The pilots had not yet completely emerged from the tenacious clutches of the very thinning fog, when a chain of islands appeared under the wings...

Friends of the missing pilots still cannot understand why Lieutenant Taylor ordered, and his subordinates (among whom were more senior in rank), landed on a choppy sea, while they could have searched for land for two more hours!.. Splashdown on high waves there was practically no chance of escape, and yet, Taylor’s subordinates carried out this order without a doubt, although they had just loudly swore and argued with their commander about the course. The pilots could carry out a suicide landing only if they knew that fuel was really running out. Presumably, at about 19 o'clock the lieutenant's plane was already at the bottom, radio operators recorded snatches of conversations between other crews, someone tried to call Taylor through the obvious noise of the waves and did not receive an answer. Then the rest of the voices fell silent... On earth, hope for their return still remained, since no one could believe in the fact of splashdown. Another hour passed, according to the calculations of the airfield personnel, the pilots were only now running out of emergency fuel supplies, and everyone was waiting for a miracle... Finally, 20 o'clock came, it became clear that the wait was in vain... Bright lights on the landing strip, which were visible beyond tens of miles away, they burned for some time.

Finally, at 21:00, someone in the control room silently turned the switch... The pilots, of course, were still alive at that moment. Most likely, after the planes sank, they were in the water in their life jackets. But the night storm was guaranteed to do its job. Extensive experience of maritime disasters suggests that most likely the undetected pilots were able to withstand the cold waves until about midnight.

Perhaps the same anomalous zone that confused Taylor, Powers, and everyone else was encountered by the Marine Mariner seaplane that disappeared without a trace, which fearlessly went in search of the Avengers. The last words of the seaplane radio operator were about “strong winds at an altitude of 1800 meters”... Although the reason may be more prosaic, someone in the flight area of ​​this seaplane saw a bright flash in the sky. Explosion?.. Together with the crew of the seaplane, the number of victims of the “triangle” that evening was 27 people.

When the hypothesis described above more or less took shape. It became known that the planes were recently found in the Atlantic, just 10 miles from their home base of Fort Lauderdale! Relatives of the victims say that it would have been better not to have found it; it is bitter to know that the pilots died literally on the doorstep, one minute into the flight! First they found 4 planes together, then a fifth one was discovered.

True, it is not at all clear why the 19th link fell to the input in that area, why in this case they were hard to hear on the radio; 10 miles (18 km) away they should have been heard as if from the next room.

We managed to find out all the details of this, without a doubt, greatest find. In 1991, the search vessel "Deep Sea" of the company "Scientific Soach Project" northeast of Fort Lauderdale was searching for a sunken Spanish galleon with gold. The crew on deck joked about the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle, recalling various stories, including those of the missing torpedo bombers. Therefore, when the message “There are torpedo bombers below us” came, everyone took it as a joke. These were 4 "Avengers" lying in formation at a depth of 250 meters, the fifth with number 28 was located a mile from the rest. The four seemed to be slightly behind the leading “28th” aircraft (I can’t help but remember the version that Taylor’s last words were: “Don’t get closer, they look like...”).

The archives were immediately brought up. It turned out that over the entire period of time in the Atlantic Ocean, 139 Avenger-type aircraft fell into the water, however, a group of five aircraft went missing only once in December 1945. Skeptics also decided to check whether planes could have fallen into the water from an aircraft carrier in this area? Similar records were also not found in the archives, but soon there was no need to search for them; more detailed photographing of the finds proved that the planes actually landed on water: their propeller blades were bent and the cockpit lights were open. No bodies were found in the cabins. No one had any doubts that this was the missing 19th flight, especially since on two sides there were the letters “FT”, which was the designation for aircraft based at the Fort Lauderdale base. The US government, the Navy and SSP immediately began a legal battle over ownership of the find, while relatives of the victims demanded that the planes be left alone. The discoverer of the Avengers, Hawks, said in one of his last interviews: “We will sail closer on a submersible to read the numbers. I’m sure it’s them! We have solved the greatest mystery! But if it turns out that this is not the 19th link, then this means that we have created a new great mystery, because 5 planes cannot so easily gather at the bottom of the ocean!..”

But the secret did not give in. A month later, in the summer of 1995, at a Press conference, it was announced how hard it was for the researchers under water, how long it took them to get to the numbers, and how... they were disappointed: two numbers were clearly visible FT-241, FT-87 and two only partially - 120 and 28. The missing link had numbers: FT-3, FT-28 (Taylor), FT-36, FT-81, FT-117. Only one number matched, and that one without a letter designation. The numbers of the planes found at the bottom have not yet been identified, and they are not listed among the missing. In most archival records, only the serial number of the aircraft is listed, but since these numbers were written on the plywood fin of the Avenger, there is no hope that the number on the aircraft would be preserved for such a long time.

In short, the mysteries remain open. What planes lie on the ocean floor near Fort Lauderdale, and what or who caused them to come together? And where did “those” planes go?

In 1996, the US government found an explanation, an official commission found that: 1. At the bottom there are not planes at all, but mock-ups of planes. 2. They were specially placed there in order to practice aerial bombing.

Only the most gullible believed such official nonsense. The scuba divers probably laughed until they dropped. Did no one from the government agencies read their reports, where they described the numbers, open lights, propeller blades bent during landing. None of this could have happened on the mock-targets. If these are models, then they are the ones that flew here in formation. And the pilots probably laughed because making bombing targets at a depth of 250 meters is the same as aiming a pistol at a target located beyond the Great Chinese wall!

Judging by how stupid the version was put forward by the official bodies, there is feigned indifference to this problem up there at the top... Let us make a cautious conclusion that the secret you just read about will remain a Mystery for a long time.

The triangle is one of the first geometric figures that began to be used in the ornaments of ancient peoples. IN Ancient Egypt it was rectangular and was the embodiment of the triad of spiritual will, love and the higher mind of man.

The triangle is a symbol of the triune nature of the universe: Heaven, Earth, Man; father, mother, child; man as body, soul and spirit; mystical number three; three, the first of the flat figures. Hence the symbol of the surface in general. The surface consists of triangles (Plato).

An equilateral triangle symbolizes completion.

On Ancient East revered the triangle as symbol of the nature of all things. A triangle with a vertex connected to the same geometric figure was used by pharmacies as an emblem of the time cycle.

The hermeneutic tradition knows many types of triangles with different interpretations.

Tara Yantra

Downward facing triangle, is lunar and has the symbolism of the feminine, womb, water, cold, nature, body, yoni, shakti. Symbolizes the Great Mother as a parent. The horizontal line is the ground; its color is white. In the symbolism of the mountain and the cave, the mountain is a male triangle facing upward, and the cave is a female triangle facing downwards. In many goddess yantras, a triangle with a point downward is placed in the middle.

Triangle pointing up, is solar and has the symbolism of life, fire, flame, heat (hence the horizontal line symbolizing air), masculinity, lingam, shakta, spiritual world; it is also the trinity of love, truth and wisdom. Denotes royal grandeur and has the color red as its symbol.

Hexagram. When it is superimposed on the sign of the feminine principle described above, we get the Hindu emblem of the unification of the creative and generative principles - a hexagram.

In the Indian tradition, such a symbol was also interpreted as a sign of the love of the gods for everything earthly. In Europe, this geometric figure was known as the Star of David.

A triangle inscribed in a circle represents the world of forms contained in the circle of eternity. Plutarch, describing this geometric figure, called the space limited by the sides of the triangle the plain of truth, on which the images of everything that was and will be are located. Triangles can also act as a lunar symbol, then they are positioned horizontally and their vertices touch. The common point of these triangles symbolically denotes death and the new moon.

In the Buddhist tradition, two interlocking triangles represent pure flame and the Three Jewels of the Buddha.

Trinity and triangle

Since the early Christians, the triangle has been a symbol of the Holy Trinity. The equilateral triangle was interpreted as the equality and single divine essence of God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit. Sometimes this symbol was made up of three intertwined fish. The symbol of the Trinity, according to Catholic tradition, was composed of three small triangles inscribed in one large one with circles on the tops. These three circles mean trinity, but each circle is independent and perfect in itself. This diagram illustrated the principle of trinity and at the same time the individuality of each component of the Holy Trinity.

Seal of Solomon

The Seal of Solomon is another name for David, formed by superimposing two triangles on top of each other, i.e. hexagrams. According to legend, King Solomon used this sign to control the spirits enclosed in a copper vessel. It is believed that the Seal of Solomon is a powerful amulet that can protect its owner from the influence of evil spirits.

Kepler's triangle

At the beginning of the 17th century. The famous astronomer Kepler compiled a diagram of the conjunction of the planets Saturn and Jupiter. This is how in astronomy the position of the planets is called, in which for an earthly observer the ecliptic longitudes are equal to zero, and the celestial bodies are close to each other or even overlap. Kepler presented this phenomenon in the form of a triangle that rotates around the zodiacal circle, completing a full revolution every 2400 years.

Triangle in ancient architecture

In the ancient tradition, a triangle with its apex facing upward symbolized the desire of matter for spirit. Therefore, the pediments of ancient Greek temples in ancient times were made triangular and decorated in every possible way. Unlike later, more northern European buildings, the presence of a gable roof was not caused climatic conditions. IN Ancient Greece the climate was warm and there was no snow in winter.

Triangles on vessels

In the Neolithic era, among early agricultural peoples, triangles in ornaments symbolized air, earth and fire. They are one of the most ancient symbols associated with agricultural work, nature and its calendar cycles.

Triangulum constellation

The exact origin of the name of this constellation is unknown. It got its name in the Ancient East; Phoenician sailors knew it and used it in navigation. For them, it symbolized a sacred pyramid-shaped stone. The Triangulum was one of the 48 classical constellations of antiquity. The ancient Greeks believed that this was the Nile Delta transferred to the sky, which indicates the Egyptian roots of the name of the constellation. Already in modern times, the constellations of the Southern Triangle and the Angle were identified in the starry sky.

Eye in a triangle

The symbol, graphically representing an eye inscribed in a triangle, called the “eye of providence” or the “all-seeing eye,” appeared in Europe in the 17th century. It is believed to go back to the solar eye of Horus of the ancient Egyptians. This sign became widespread in Baroque architecture, decorating the pediments of luxurious Catholic churches. In the 19th century it appeared on Orthodox churches, for example, on the pediment of the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg. Christianity viewed it as a symbol of the Holy Trinity. At the same time, this symbol was also used by Freemasons, who interpreted it as a symbol of the absolute, enlightenment and higher knowledge. For Masons, the “eye of providence” is located above the chair of the master of the lodge, in order to thus remind of the wisdom of the Creator that permeates all mysteries.

A triangle in a circle signifies the world of forms contained in the circle of eternity. The area within such a triangle is the common center of them all and is called the Plain of Truth, on which are the cause, forms and images of everything that was and what will be; they remain there in peace, which cannot be disturbed, and Eternity surrounds them; and from here time, like the stream of a fountain, flows down into the worlds (Plutarch).

Three connected triangles denote the inviolable unity of the three persons of the Trinity.

The double triangle, the six-pointed star, the Seal of Solomon, Mogun David, says that every true analogy must be used in reverse, as above, so below. It is a union of opposites, male and female, positive and negative, with the upper triangle white and the lower black, fire and water, evolution and involution, interpenetration, everything is the image of the other, hermaphrodite, the perfect balance of complementary forces, the androgynous manifestation of the deity, man peering into its own nature, the dual forces of creation, the synthesis of all elements, with the triangle facing upward as a heavenly symbol, and facing downward as an earthly symbol, and together - a symbol of man, as uniting these two worlds. As the Seal of Solomon is the image of the Preserver; it gives spiritual power over matter and is the lord of the jinn.

Two triangles lying horizontally and touching their vertices are a lunar symbol, the waxing and waning Moon, eternal return, death and life, dying and resurrection. The point of contact is the new moon and death. Alchemists have two triangles - essence and substance, forma and materia, spirit and soul, sulfur and mercury, stable and changeable, spiritual force and bodily existence.

The triangles symbolizing are:

fire (pointing up),
water (top facing downwards),
air (facing the truncated apex upward),
ground (facing the truncated top down).

The Chinese the triangle with hanging swords symbolizes restoration.

Christians An equilateral triangle or triangle formed by three intersecting circles symbolizes the Trinity in the unity and equality of its three constituent persons. Triangular radiance is an attribute of God the Father.

The Egyptians the triangle symbolizes the Triad. They compare the vertical side (of a right triangle) with a man, the horizontal with a woman, and the hypotenuse with their descendants: Osiris as the beginning, Isis as the middle or storehouse, and Horus as the completion (Plutarch). The hand of the Egyptians is the union of fire and water, man and woman. The figure of three double triangles surrounded by concentric circles symbolizes Khui, the Land of Spirits.

Among the Greeks delta symbolizes the door of life, the feminine principle, fertility.

The Indians the triangles facing up and down are Shakta and Shakti, Lingam and Yoni, Shiva and his Shakti.

Among the Pythagoreans The equilateral triangle symbolizes Athena as the goddess of wisdom.

Aztecs used the image of a triangle with the apex at the top, connected to an inverted triangle, as a symbol of the time cycle, o The Triangle combined with the cross forms the alchemical sign of Sulfur. Inverted, it means the completed Great Work.

An equilateral triangle, symbolizing, according to the Hebrew tradition, perfection, among Christians means Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The Masons the triangle symbolizes the Triplicity of the cosmos, and its sides are Light, Darkness and Time (base).

The triangle seen in a dream symbolizes the mother's womb of the cosmos.

IN Ancient China the triangle is a “symbol of the feminine”, but does not play a significant role in speculative reasoning. In Tibetan Tantrism, the combination of two equilateral triangles in the form of a hexagram represents “penetration of the feminine by masculine fire.”

The symbolic sign "Heart of Hrungnir" of three intertwined triangles. Viking times. Gotland Island.

In Judaism and Christianity triangle is a sign of God. The God of the Christian Trinity is sometimes represented by an eye within a triangle or a figure with a triangular halo. Alchemists used triangles with points pointing up and down to represent fire and water. More generally, linear triangles or triangle-shaped compositions can represent triads of gods or other tripartite concepts.

Magic triangle Christian Theosophists have the famous “abracadabra”, to which they attributed extraordinary properties. When used as a magical formula, the word was usually inscribed in or arranged as an inverted triangle.

San jiao fu, or "Triangle Spell", is a piece of paper on which spells are written, folded into the shape of a triangle.

Gnostic amulets were varied in shape: triangular, rectangular, fire - Tejas - red - green - triangle.

Unions - all paired oppositions, perfect circle, intersecting circles, double triangle, androgyne, trees with intertwined branches, unicorn horn, yin-yang, lingam and yoni.

The geometric symbolism of space plays an important role in architecture: all round shapes express the idea of ​​the sky, the square is the earth, the triangle symbolizes the interaction between the earth and the sky.

Independent researchers prove that there are many mysterious zones on Earth in which, like in the famous Bermuda Triangle, people and equipment, say, airplanes, disappear without a trace.

And one of these places can be called the Alaskan Triangle near the city of Anchorage - an area of ​​the 49th US state, famous not only for its harsh climate, but also for the mysterious disappearances of people, both tourists and local residents.

The first recorded case of such a plan is considered to be the disappearance of an Alaska-Texas flight with 44 passengers on board in 1950. The airplane simply disappeared - no traces of it have been found to this day. A little later, a private plane with four passengers disappeared into oblivion...

All this could be attributed to chance, the harsh climate and desolation of this region, which is why finding crashed equipment here is very problematic. But here’s what’s amazing and even terrifying: since then, more than 16 thousand people have disappeared without a trace in the Alaska Triangle. And not a single person has been found yet...

Representatives of the local Tlingit Indian tribe claim that this place is a cluster of evil spirits that kidnap people and equipment that disturb their peace.

Conspiracy theorists have their own theory about this. They believe that an ancient huge pyramid, which they call black, is “hidden” in Alaska, capable of harnessing the power of the entire Earth. Former military man Bruce L. Pearson claims that the American authorities have long been trying to master the secret of the black pyramid and that he himself, as an expert, participated in this project and therefore can say with confidence that the structure is not of our civilization and it was created many thousands of years ago.

There were other witnesses to this secret military zone, the goal of which is to unravel the secret of the dark pyramid and use it. It is quite possible that people and equipment disappear here because, willingly or unwillingly, they interfere with the military. But this is only a version, and the official US authorities in every possible way deny it; it is all the more difficult to assume that the study of that ancient pyramid started by the American military in the middle of the last century and, in general, there is so little information about it...

There is also an official explanation by scientists for the strange disappearance of people in the Alaska Triangle. Naturally, academics reduce everything to geopathogenic zones, extreme electromagnetic currents, and so on, with which the Bermuda Triangle and a number of other mysterious places on our planet have long been “awarded.” However, such theories are too far-fetched, since they cannot explain the fantastic disappearances of people, planes and other equipment, which simply do not fit into the framework of our physical laws.

Based on materials

  • Bermuda Triangle
  • Bermuda Triangle
  • Christopher Columbus, Sargasso Sea and Bermuda Triangle