Ancient pyramid of Cheops, Egypt. Pyramid of Cheops, Egypt. Dimensions, interesting facts, construction, what’s inside, secrets The original view of the Cheops pyramid

- one of the most ancient “seven wonders of the world” that has survived to this day. It inherited its name from its creator, Pharaoh Cheops, and is the largest in the group of Egyptian pyramids.

It is believed that it serves as a tomb for his dynasty. The Pyramid of Cheops is located on the Giza Plateau.

Dimensions of the Cheops pyramid

The height of the Cheops Pyramid initially reached 146.6 meters, but time is inexorably and gradually destroying this impressive structure. Today it has decreased to 137.2 meters.

The pyramid is made up of a total of 2.3 million cubic meters of stone. The average weight of one stone is 2.5 tons, but there are even some whose weight reaches 15 tons.

The most interesting thing is that these blocks are so perfectly fitted that even the blade of a thin knife cannot pass through them. They were glued together with white cement as protection against water penetration inside. It has still been preserved.

One side of the pyramid is 230 meters long. The base area is 53,000 square meters, which can be equated to ten football fields.

This huge structure amazes with its grandeur and emanates antiquity. According to scientists, the total weight of the pyramid is 6.25 million tons. Previously, its surface was perfectly smooth. Now, unfortunately, there is no trace of this smoothness.

There is one entrance leading inside the Cheops pyramid, located at a height of 15.5 meters above the ground. It contains tombs in which the pharaohs were buried. These so-called burial chambers are made of durable granite and are located at a depth of 28 meters.

The pyramid consists of ascending and descending passages that were not used in any other similar structure. One of the features is a large descent leading to the tomb of the pharaoh.

The Pyramid of Cheops is located directly in the place that points to all four cardinal directions. She is the only one of all ancient buildings, has such accuracy.

History of the Pyramid of Cheops

How the ancient Egyptians were able to build this Pyramid and when, probably no one can say with exact data. But in Egypt, the official date when construction began is August 23, 2480 BC.

It was then that Pharaoh Snofu died and his son Khufu (Cheops) gave the order to build the pyramid. He wanted to build such a pyramid so that it would become not only one of the greatest structures, but also glorify his name for centuries.

It is known that about 100,000 people simultaneously participated in its construction. For 10 years they only built a road along which it was necessary to deliver stones, and the construction itself continued for another 20-25 years.

According to the research of scientists, it is known that workers cut down huge blocks in quarries on the banks of the Nile. They went on boats to the other side and dragged the block with felt along the road to the construction site itself.

Then came the turn of hard and very dangerous work. The blocks were placed next to each other with extraordinary precision using ropes and levers.

Secrets of the Pyramid of Cheops

For almost 3,500 years, no one disturbed the peace of the Cheops Pyramid. It was covered with legends about the punishment of anyone who entered the chambers of the pharaoh.

However, there was such a daredevil caliph Abdullah al-Mamun, he built a tunnel inside the pyramid in order to profit. But imagine his surprise when he found absolutely no treasures. Indeed, this is one of the many secrets of this majestic structure.

No one knows whether Pharaoh Cheops was really buried in it or whether his tomb was plundered by the ancient Egyptians. Scientists emphasize that the pharaoh's chamber does not have decorations, which were customary at that time to decorate tombs. The sarcophagus has no lid and is not completely hewn. It is obvious that the work was not completed.

After Abdullah al-Mamun's unsuccessful attempt, he became furious and ordered the pyramids to be dismantled. But naturally I did not achieve this goal. And the robbers lost all interest in her and her non-existent treasures.

In 1168, the Arabs burned down part of Cairo and when the Egyptians began to rebuild their homes, they removed the white slabs from the pyramid.

And from that pyramid that shone like gem, only the stepped body remained. This is how it appears today, before enthusiastic tourists.

The Cheops Pyramid has been constantly explored since the time of Napoleon. And some researchers are more inclined to believe the theory that the pyramid was built by aliens or Atlanteans.

Because to this day it is not clear how builders could achieve such excellent stone processing and precise laying, which has not been affected by external factors for centuries. And the measurements of the pyramid themselves are amazing in their results.

The pyramid was surrounded by other interesting buildings, mainly temples. But today almost nothing has survived.

Their purpose is not completely clear, but in 1954 archaeologists found the oldest ship at this site. It was the Solnechnaya boat, which was made without a single nail, with preserved traces of silt, and most likely sailed during the time of Cheops.

The Pyramid of Cheops is located on the Giza plateau. Giza is a settlement northwest of Cairo. You can get there by taxi, calling the Mena House Hotel as your final stop. Either take a bus from the Tahrir Square stops in Cairo or take the bus at Ramses Station.

Pyramid of Cheops on the map

Opening hours, attractions and prices

You can see the majestic Pyramid of Cheops every day from 8.00 to 17.00. in winter, visiting is limited to 16.30. It is advisable to visit the pyramid in the early morning or late afternoon. At other times it is quite hot, and you can’t get through the crowds of tourists. Although even at this hour there are not so few of them.

When walking to the ticket office, which is not far from the hotel, you should not pay attention to the barkers offering camel rides or calling themselves inspectors. Most likely, these are scammers.

The cost of entry to the territory will cost $8, entrance to the Pyramid of Cheops itself will cost $16. And of course it’s worth visiting the two nearby pyramids of Khafre and Mikerinus, each costing $4. And see Solar Rook — 7$.

It is impossible to appreciate the full power and grandeur of the Cheops Pyramid, shrouded in many secrets, from photographs or words.

You just need to see it with your own eyes and touch this ancient, truly impressive structure.

Pyramid of Cheops (Egypt) - description, history, location. The exact address, phone, website. Tourist reviews, photos and videos.

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There is probably not a person who does not know the main Egyptian attraction - the Pyramid of Cheops. And the number of tourists who have visited Egypt and not visited the only surviving Seven Wonders of the World can only be counted on one hand.

Despite numerous studies, the Cheops pyramid keeps many secrets. The pharaoh's sarcophagus has not yet been found.

The height of the largest pyramid in Egypt today is 140 meters, and total area more than 5 hectares. The Pyramid of Cheops is made up of - attention - 2.5 million stone blocks! To deliver these blocks to the construction site, the ancient Egyptians had to travel hundreds of kilometers! It took 20 years to build the Cheops pyramid.

Millennia have passed, but the pyramid is still highly revered in Egypt. Every year in August, Egyptians celebrate the day its construction began.

True, historians have never found reliable information confirming this fact.


The entrance to the Cheops pyramid, like all ancient Egyptian tombs, is located on the north side at an altitude of approximately 17 m. Inside the pyramid there are three burial chambers and a whole network of descending and ascending corridors leading to these rooms. For the convenience of tourists, multi-meter passages are equipped with wooden steps and railings. The pyramid is illuminated, but it is better to take a flashlight with you.

Despite numerous studies and excavations, the Cheops pyramid keeps many secrets. For example, it has still not been possible to find the corridor leading to the chamber with the pharaoh’s sarcophagus.

In the burial room of the ruler's wife, scientists discovered secret doors that supposedly symbolize the road to the afterlife. But archaeologists could not open the last door...

Several disassembled boats were found near the Cheops pyramid. Now everyone can admire the assembled vessels (by the way, it took the researchers almost 14 years to complete this task).

Practical information

How to get there: by bus or taxi from Tahrir Square in Cairo (about 20 minutes travel time), from Hurghada (5-6 hours), from Sharm El-Sheikh (7-8 hours).

Working hours: daily from 8:00 to 17:00, in winter - until 16:30.

Entrance: on the territory - 80 EGP (for adults), 40 EGP (for children); in the pyramid - 200 EGP (for adults), 100 EGP (for children).

Many tourists dream of climbing Egyptian pyramids to admire the views from them, however, this cannot be done. Otherwise, you can get three years in prison. This post will tell you why it is forbidden to climb the pyramids.

On the pyramids, and most often on Great Pyramid Khufu in Giza, a variety of travelers of all stripes climbed from different countries, and it's worth it. From the top you can see unique views of the surrounding lands, Cairo seems to be in the palm of your hand... And the very fact that you have climbed to the highest and most mysterious man-made point of the Ancient World is already inspiring.

But Egyptology and the protection of monuments is a strict discipline, and for pyramid climbing you can get punished: from deportation and the closure of entry into Egypt or Egyptian calabush. But that doesn't stop everyone. Previously, it was not so strict and we climbed much more often than now. Photos taken in different time.

So, why can't you climb the pyramid?

Firstly, this the oldest monument, and although it has withstood more than one thousand years, it is not immune from destruction and vandalism. Stones are still crumbling piece by piece, and even whole pieces can jump out from under your feet. Many people like to break off a piece as a souvenir or take it to a laboratory so that they can tell whether it is concrete or not. If anything, of course, not concrete. Others like to leave autographs, some with a marker, some with an awl. And the pyramid also needs protection, like any other monument anywhere in the world.

The second reason is just as banal. It's still dangerous. You can trip on the sidewalk and break your neck. And here there is a steep climb, and unstable (due to erosion) limestone, the rapids are quite narrow and, of course, the height is not low. I couldn’t find any sources, but there were rumors that people often crashed when trying to climb or get off the pyramid. Maybe there are some other reasons, but the main ones are these: protection of the monument and safety.

Many people know about the ascent of Raskalov and his company to the Cheops pyramid. If I'm not mistaken, they managed to escape and now entry into Egypt is closed. But they gave us interesting night photographs from the top of the pyramid.

A very recent story was when an 18-year-old young man from Germany, Andrei Tsiselsky, climbed the pyramid and then posted the video online. Upon arrival in Egypt, he will be escorted to Kalabush, so his way to the land of the pharaohs is barred, and no one will extradite him to Egypt, since there is no reason.

He climbed along the western side, and it is precisely the northern side that is clearly visible to both the police and the administration. I marked it in green - this is the house of the commandant of Giza, so to speak I had to visit, although I was not allowed into the house) Well, behind the whole administration of the complex. The author bought a ticket and immediately went. Of course, they will already be waiting for him downstairs. It was necessary to go in the evening, sit out in a secluded place, climb in early in the morning and climb down before the opening. And, of course, not on the north or west side. Usually many people climb on the eastern route (like Raskalov), it is the most convenient and less visible.

Norwegian guys climbed in 2007.

Interesting video of the climb to the Pyramid of Menkaure

And here is how Yu. Shcherbachev describes the climb to the pyramid in his travel notes from 1876.

There was also a case when a religious fanatic climbed the Khafre pyramid, which is very difficult to do due to the poor condition of the blocks and the presence of cladding on top. He climbed in to pray, and a special forces helicopter filmed him from there. And then, of course, calabush. But what views I saw...

In the film "Death on the Nile" (1976), the heroes climb the pyramid of Menkaure.

Here is a photo from half of the pyramid of Menkaure. It is the easiest to climb, it is remote from the administration, and all the guards share the baksheesh.
Companion pyramids

Upper Temple of Menkaure

The stone is not eternal...

Masonry with mortar at a level of about 30 meters.

Of course, everyone knows where the Cheops pyramid is located. After all, this is one of the most outstanding monuments not only of Egypt, but of the entire planet. And despite the achievements of modern science, the secrets of the Cheops pyramid are still unrevealed. This is one of the reasons why this huge structure attracts numerous tourists, as well as the fact that it is the only wonder of the world that has survived to this day.

This place really has some special magnetism. And even the numerous souvenir sellers and camel drivers who want to make money from curious tourists do not spoil the overall impression. Looking ahead, I will say that the Cheops Pyramid inside is not as stunning as the outside. And if you decide to save money on an “internal” excursion, you won’t lose much. Moreover, I would not recommend going inside for people with claustrophobia, breathing problems or heart problems. The corridors here are quite narrow, and the air is heavy and stuffy, despite the presence of ventilation ducts. By the way, excursion tours are often very intense and do not allow time to get acquainted with the pyramidal structures inside. Therefore, be sure to clarify this point in advance if you still decide to come into contact with the secret from the inside.

History of construction

The most famous pyramidal structure owes its “birth” to Pharaoh Khufu, who ruled Egypt for at least 27 years. According to legend, the creation of this great monument took great amount funds, which led to the weakening of the state. Scientists do not yet have a consensus on how true this is. But it is clear that a lot of resources were spent. After all, the original height of the Cheops pyramid was 146.6 meters. But what is noteworthy is that it looks slightly lower than the neighboring building. And not only because she “lost” the top. The son of Cheops, building his pyramid, cheated a little by choosing a place 10 meters higher.

There are many versions of how the Cheops pyramid was built, consisting of 2.3 million stone blocks. Their total weight is approximately 6.5 million tons. The stone blocks are carefully fitted to each other and held together with a special compound - pink gypsum “milk”. The walls have a slope of 52 degrees and embody the number "pi". This giant is located on an area of ​​5 hectares. The diagram of the Cheops pyramid clearly demonstrates that inside it is practically a monolith, in which there are only a few corridors, halls and ventilation ducts. To avoid theft, the ancient Egyptians placed special mechanisms inside. But the traps of the Cheops pyramid, religious prohibitions and other tricks did not protect the structure from robbers.

There is also no exact information about how old the Cheops pyramid is. Its age is estimated at only approximately 4.5 thousand years. But some researchers believe that the monument could have been erected much earlier - back in the 11th millennium BC, and that representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations were involved in the construction.

There are many legends about this building. But I also picked Interesting Facts about the Cheops pyramid, confirmed by scientific research. Among them are those that still remain little known. And if you have never been here on an excursion, then you are unlikely to know that:

  • For almost three thousand years, the Cheops pyramid was the tallest structure in the world. She gave the “Palm of Championship” only in 1311 - at that time construction was completed in Lincoln Cathedral. Sometimes the Eiffel Tower, built at the end of the 19th century, is mistakenly called the new record holder. In fact, before it there were structures higher than the Cheops pyramid. These are mainly temple buildings, as well as the Washington Memorial.
  • Many consider the pyramid to be the tomb of a pharaoh. But this is a misconception, since the Egyptian ruler was buried in the Valley of the Kings, and his body was never inside the structure. But still there is a direct connection with the pharaoh. The pyramid functionally played the role of a kind of “suitcase”. Within its walls are many things that, according to the ancient Egyptians, were necessary for a royal person in the afterlife.
  • For a long time it was believed that the pyramids were built by slaves. But as modern researchers have proven, free residents were employed in construction Ancient Egypt who also have high professional qualifications. The dimensions and proportions of the Cheops pyramid are perfectly calculated, and the structure was built with impeccable precision.
  • The Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt was first mentioned in writing in the works of Herodotus. The author describes his own impressions of visiting this religious building and shares the information he received from local priests. This work is dated 440 BC. However, Herodotus was unable to obtain any valuable information, except for some geometric data.
  • The Pyramid of Cheops has its own “birthday.” The Egyptians celebrate it on August 23, and this day is national holiday. However, this holiday appeared in Egypt quite recently - only in 2009, and has only a tentative relationship to the exact date of the start of construction. This hypothesis was put forward by scientists from Cambridge.

But, nevertheless, too many tourists gather here on this day, and if you want to explore the main Egyptian attraction in a relaxed atmosphere, do not plan an excursion for this day. There are also other nuances that are useful to know if you are going to get to know this wonder of the world with your own eyes.

Helpful information

The Pyramid of Cheops on the map is located on the left and slightly south of Cairo, in Giza. It is from the Egyptian capital that it is most convenient to get to this pyramid complex, where, in addition to the famous tomb of Khufu, you will also see the pyramids of the son and grandson of the pharaoh (Khephren and Mikerin), which are slightly lower. This is the best preserved pyramidal complex in the entire country. The journey from Cairo takes about 20 minutes. Excursion tour can be purchased both directly in the capital and in any of the resorts. The road from Hugarda is approximately 5-6 hours by bus, from Sherm al-Sheikh - from 7 to 8 hours.

  • When buying excursions from these cities, do not focus on the cheapest offers - there is a risk of ending up in an uncomfortable bus without air conditioning, which, given the high Egyptian temperatures, can ruin the entire impression of the excursion.
  • Entrance to the territory is paid (80 and 40 EGP for adults and children, respectively). Entrance inside is paid separately - (200 EGP for adults and half the price for a child's ticket). You will also have to pay extra for photography inside.
  • Be sure to check the weather forecast. If there is strong wind in the future, it is better to postpone the trip, as everything will be covered in sand. And don’t forget to take a hat - this will protect you from the heat and from pestering sellers.

The number of internal visits is limited (300 people per day), so the chances of getting inside the pyramidal complex on your own, not as part of an excursion group, are not very high. But you can take great photos in front of the most famous Egyptian monument in any case, and they will remind you of this exciting journey for a long time.

In the eastern regions, tourists cannot ignore one of the greatest mysteries of history - the Pyramid of Cheops. The only surviving miracle Ancient world, out of the seven existing ones, generates interest among scientists, archaeologists, historians, astrologers and simply fans of mysteries. To questions like: “Where are the pyramids of Cheops?” or “Why is it worth visiting them?”, we will be happy to answer in our article.

What are the dimensions of the Cheops pyramid?

To fully understand the greatness of this architectural masterpiece just imagine its dimensions. Just imagine, this is a huge structure weighing about 6.4 million tons, located in Giza, a republic of Egypt. The height of the Cheops pyramid, even after wind erosion, reaches 138 meters, the size of the base reaches 230 meters, and the length of the side edge is 225 meters. And it is with this pyramid that the greatest mysteries are connected. Egyptian history, which scientists around the world are struggling with.

The mystery of the Cheops pyramid - who built it and why?

The most common theory is that the pyramid was built as a tomb for Pharaoh Cheops or Khufu (as the Egyptians themselves call him). Proponents of this theory confirm their guesses with the pyramid model itself. On a base of 53 thousand square meters there are three tombs, one of which houses the Great Gallery.

However, opponents of this version emphasize that the tomb intended for Cheops is not decorated in any way. Which is strange, since, as is known, the Egyptians were adherents of pomp and wealth in the design of the tombs of their rulers. And the sarcophagus itself, which was intended for one of the greatest pharaohs in Egyptian history, was not completed. The edges of the stone box that were not completely hewn and the missing lid indicate that the craftsmen did not take the issue of burial too seriously. In addition, the remains of Cheops himself were not found during any excavations.

Video - How was the Cheops pyramid built?

The version with the tomb is being replaced by the version that the pyramid is an astronomical structure. Astonishing mathematical calculations and the ability to see constellations in the night sky through corridor-type shafts provide astronomers with reasons for debate.

Archaeologists and scientists around the world are trying to unravel the truth of Khufu's pyramid in Giza. However, based on the facts already obtained, we can say with confidence that the author of the project was Hemion, a close relative and, concurrently, the court architect of Cheops. Under his strict leadership for 20 years, from 2560 BC. and until 2540 BC, more than three dozen builders, architects and laborers built a pyramid from huge granite blocks.

Some Egyptians and lovers of occult sciences perceive the pyramid as a religious object. They see a mystical pattern in the intersections of corridors and catacombs. But this idea does not have sufficient basis, as does the version of alien intervention. Thus, a certain circle of ufologists argues that only with the help of alien creatures could such a colossal work of architectural art be built.

What should a tourist know?

Tourists and admirers of Arab culture are only amused and inspired by the difference in versions and general uncertainty that revolves around the Cheops pyramid. Every year, hundreds of thousands of visitors come to the foot of the granite structure to experience history. And local residents are only happy about this - all conditions for educational excursions have been created for visitors.

Twice a day, at 8 and 13 o'clock, a group of up to 150 people comes to the pyramid. They enter inside through a passage located on the north side. But, having finally arrived at the place of a kind of pilgrimage, not all visitors are ready for what the Cheops Pyramid is like inside. The long, low passage, compressed on the sides, causes an attack of claustrophobia for some foreigners. And sand, dust and stale air can cause asthma.

But for those who overcame themselves and withstood the transition inside the pyramid, all the architectural grandeur of Egyptian culture is revealed. Massive walls, the Grand Gallery, the general feeling of antiquity and authenticity - this is exactly what captivates guests.

On south side, at the exit, tourists are invited to get acquainted with the exhibits, which are the fruits of many years of excavations. Here you can also look at the Solar Boat - one of the largest floating vehicles discovered in the entire history of archaeological activity of mankind. Here you can buy souvenirs and commemorative figurines, T-shirts and so on.

Those who stay until late in the evening will be lucky enough to see the light show. Under the spotlight, the organizers create a unique, slightly mystical atmosphere and tell mysterious stories about the pyramid and Egyptian culture.

Another point that visitors to the Cheops Pyramid should pay attention to is the issue of photography and video shooting. Inside the building itself, there is a ban on any photography, as well as on the desire of some people to climb the pyramid itself. But, after leaving the tomb and buying a souvenir, you can take countless pictures from any angle. In the photo, the Cheops pyramid will sparkle with new colors and amaze with its geometric shapes.

However, you should be as vigilant as possible and not give your gadgets to strangers, other tourists and, especially, local residents. Otherwise, you risk either never seeing your camera at all, or parting with an impressive amount to get it back.

From a purely practical point of view, there is nothing strange in this. As you know, in any tourist center in the world, the local population prefers to make a profit at any cost. Hence the inflated prices, the tendency to fraud, and a large number of pickpockets. Therefore, you should be as vigilant as possible.

Pyramid of Cheops: interesting facts

The Pyramid of Cheops is a beautiful and amazing creation. She is the object of fascination for scientists, artists, writers, directors and many other people who are not afraid to solve mysteries. And before heading to Giza to the granite massif, it is worth reading the stories about it. There are dozens of movies online for this purpose. Such as, for example, the documentary “Unraveling the Mystery of the Cheops Pyramid” directed by Florence Tran. In it, the author tries to explore as broadly as possible the idea of ​​construction, the mystery of creation and the true purpose of the pyramid of the great pharaoh.

Interestingly, despite the unfinished sarcophagi and the lack of clear information about the architect of the Cheops pyramid, the greatest mystery is the internal shafts. According to experts, reaching a width of 13 to 20 centimeters, the shafts run along the sides of the main rooms and have a diagonal exit to the surface. The specific purpose of these mines is still not known. Either this is ventilation, or secret passages, or a kind of air gap. Until now, science has no specific information on this matter.

Video - Facts about the Cheops pyramid

The same goes for the process of building a pyramid. Materials for one of the seven wonders of the world were delivered from a nearby quarry. But it is still not known how large boulders weighing up to 80 tons were delivered to the construction site. Here again a lot of questions arise about the level of technological progress of the Egyptians. Or to the question of magic or higher intelligence.

What is the Cheops pyramid really? Tomb? Observatory? Occult object? A message from alien civilizations? We will probably never know this. But each of us has a chance to go to Giza and touch history and make our own assumptions.