Where is Bermuda located on the world map. Applying for a visa and vacation in Bermuda. How much does a vacation cost?

Bermuda known to the average domestic lover of recreation and tourism for the presence of the mysterious Triangle, which is actively absorbing ships. But experienced travelers claim that holidays in Bermuda are more than safe.

Panoramic view of Bermuda and the capital Hamilton

In addition, this place, thanks to its magnificent pink beaches and warm ocean water, as well as its favorable location on the map, is considered a real tourist paradise. It is noteworthy that a special visa to Bermuda for citizens Russian Federation need not.

Officially, Bermuda is part of the British Empire, and visiting it is possible if you have any valid Canadian or Canadian residence permit in any of these countries.

Unfortunately, the locations of unexplained phenomena at sea in the Bermuda area are not yet indicated on the map. Seasoned sailors, experienced travelers, as well as those who are interested in the Bermuda Triangle solely as a phenomenon, believe that ships, sea and air, disappeared in the area between the Bahamas and Florida. The sea here is rough, and storms sometimes rage for up to eighty days a year.

Detailed map Bermuda showing all cities

One of the secrets of these places is the huge waves called “killers”. The height of these giants is tens of meters, so it is not surprising that the ships that encountered them perished at sea.

The secrets of this amazing place from time immemorial have excited the imagination of science fiction writers and ufologists. Thus, it is believed that Bermuda sheltered not only primitive sea ​​monsters, dealing with ships, but also fantastic creatures that are characters in world folklore.

The abundance of secrets is continually replenished with new and new evidence, most of which, however, are not worth close attention. Today, scientists are convinced that all the many mysteries are explainable without hoaxes.

Resort Features

On the world map, a luxurious natural area called Bermuda is located in the northwestern part of the Atlantic Ocean.
The distance to the North American coast is nine hundred kilometers. Bermuda includes seven large and about one hundred and thirty small islands coral islands. Only twelve of them are inhabited.

On the map of the area, a mini-archipelago of eight is marked with a special point big islands, connected to each other by an overpass network. This is Main Island, which is of interest to most exotic-hungry Russians for its pristine bays and magnificent beaches with soft sand. Among the vegetation here you can see pretty shrubs and unusual plants, not found anywhere else in the world.

Mystery Zone

The islands, named five hundred years ago after the Spanish navigator Bermudez, are believed to be in anomalous zone. The legendary Bermuda Triangle includes not only the archipelago.

Diving in Bermuda

In the anomalous zone there are also such geographical features, like Florida.

What to see

If you look at this resort at tourist map, then you should forget about all the dark legends and myths. The main attraction of one of the most beautiful and mysterious corners of the world is not the Bermuda Triangle, but its stunning gardens and magnificent coral reefs. There are also many attractions here, among which are:

  1. Fort Hamilton.
  2. Crystal Cave Caves.
  3. Pa-la-Ville and Blue Hole parks.
  4. National Gallery.

Marine life enthusiasts might be interested in visiting Devil's Hole, a luxurious natural aquarium. Prices for excursions are quite affordable.

Where to have fun

Bermuda is not only one of the most... mysterious places world, but also a real paradise for lovers of a variety of entertainment.
Connoisseurs of extreme sports at sea will be able to appreciate all the delights:

  • spearfishing;
  • yachting;
  • surfing.

Bermuda has several extreme schools for both beginners and true aces. The prices are quite high, but the pleasure is worth it.

Those Russians who prefer peaceful entertainment will certainly enjoy the opportunity to play tennis, cricket or golf. Bermuda will also delight connoisseurs of living flora and fauna: in this fairytale corner Ecotourism is very popular around the world.

Beach holiday

Most Russians go to Bermuda not so much for extreme tourism or the opportunity to see the most interesting sights, but to swim in the sea and sunbathe on luxurious beaches, the peculiarity of which is a surprisingly soft, gentle pink sand. All beaches are superbly equipped and amazingly clean. In addition to public beaches, there are also private beaches, the prices of which are quite high.

How much does a vacation cost?

Bermuda is famous for its fine cuisine. This is due to the amazing fusion of numerous cultures, as well as the proximity of the ocean. Lunch prices in most restaurants are reasonable.

It is important to remember that the price of lunch includes service (approximately ten to fifteen percent), which is always indicated on the bill.

The price of hotel accommodation includes a special tax of seven and a half percent. Taxi drivers' tips are ten to fifteen percent of the fare. It is noteworthy that depending on the character and thickness of the tourist’s wallet, the price may be rounded up.

The price of an air ticket per person in economy class and in both directions is one thousand three hundred euros.
The average price for a hotel room in 2019 is 320 - 350 thousand rubles.

Visa issue

Russians wishing to visit Bermuda are relatively visa issue A pleasant surprise awaits. Thus, citizens of the Russian Federation do not need a visa to Bermuda. Of course, this bonus is relevant for those Russians who have money in England or the United States. Also, a tourist who wants to visit this resort can present representatives of local authorities with a residence permit in one of these countries.

So, during the passage passport control The Russian citizen undertakes to present:

  1. International passport.
  2. Visa.
  3. Tickets (return or to a third country).

The period of stay on the territory of the archipelago for Russians, as well as for tourists from other countries, is ninety days.

This is what a visa to Bermuda looks like

Depending on the purpose for which a person arrived in Bermuda, the length of stay is doubled.

Russians who do not have a visa to Canada or the UK need to obtain a special visa to Bermuda. This can be done at the consular section of the British Embassy.

Accompanying documents

A person who wants to visit the archipelago and see the Bermuda Triangle with his own eyes must take into account that:

  • accompanying documentation must be translated into English;
  • the translation must be attached to each of the accompanying documents;
  • The translation does not need to be notarized.

Where are the mysterious Bermuda Islands?

The Bermuda Islands (Bermuda) are 150 coral islands and reefs in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean, 900 km from the US coast. To airports on East Coast USA from Bermuda flight 2-2.5 hours

Do I need a visa to Bermuda?

Bermuda is a British overseas territory with broad autonomy. Bermuda is governed by a governor appointed from London and a local prime minister.
For Russians to visit Bermuda a special Bermuda visa is required, which can be obtained through the British Embassy or Consulate. Also, citizens of Russia and citizens of the CIS who have a valid visa (or residence permit) of the United States, Great Britain or Canada can visit Bermuda without a special visa.

History of Bermuda

Bermuda was discovered by the Spaniard Juan Bermudez in 1503, but Spain did not lay claim to the barren and uninhabited pieces of land, so in 1609 they were “rediscovered” by the English captain George Somers. Since Bermuda, located at the crossroads of trade routes, was of great strategic importance, a stream of white settlers and black slaves poured here after Somers. However, due to the scarcity of local soils, the settlers became completely dependent on supplies from the United States, which played a cruel joke on them during the War of Independence. Then Bermuda became a transshipment base for the British fleet and came under blockade by the States.
Bermuda officially became a British territory in 1648, and only in 1968 received the right to internal self-government.
Bermuda's economy is based entirely on tourism, and until 1995 local population also served the American military base that appeared here during the Second World War.

Sights of Bermuda

Bermuda Triangle

The main attraction of Bermuda, known throughout the world, cannot be seen because... The Bermuda Triangle is a conventional area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean outlined by lines from Florida to Puerto Rico, from Puerto Rico to the Bahamas and from the Bahamas to Florida.

Thanks to ufologists, psychics and esotericists, the Bermuda Triangle is considered a place where marine and aircraft. Although venerable scientists believe that the bad reputation of this area of ​​​​the Atlantic is just a figment of the wild imagination of journalists and certain exalted individuals.

The secrets of the Bermuda Triangle are explored in great detail in the film The Bermuda Triangle Underwater

Detailed map of Bermuda

However, about everyone mysterious incidents You can find out about the Bermuda Triangle on an excursion to the house of the chief postmaster of Bermuda - Pa-La-Ville, which is located in the capital of the islands - the city of Hamilton.

The main attraction of the capital itself is the Anglican Church of the Holy Trinity, from the tower of which you can see the entire city.
Not far from Hamilton there is a large complex that combines a zoo, an aquarium and a museum. In this complex you can learn about the history of the islands and get acquainted with their extremely unusual flora, fauna and underwater world.
In Hamilton County you can also visit the Crystal Caves, which Mark Twain described in his books.

The small village of Somerset is home to the former Royal Naval Dockyard, which now houses an interactive dolphinarium where you can swim with and feed dolphins, and a maritime museum.
One of the oldest buildings in Bermuda is Fort St. Catherine, built in 1614. The fort is located off the beaten track near the town of St. George.

Many people dream of going to Bermuda. Some lucky people enjoy vacationing here. Why do they attract numerous tourists and where is Bermuda? Let's figure it out.

Where is Bermuda?

The islands of interest to us are located in the center of the Atlantic. It takes six and a half hours to get there by plane from England. Distance from North Carolina - 1046 km east. They are located at the intersection sea ​​routes. North America is only 900 kilometers away. This archipelago consists of 180 coral islands, as well as tiny islets, most of which are uninhabited. Bermuda is the main one.

Interesting facts about Bermuda

Historically, Bermuda belongs to Britain. Therefore, the first inhabitants (back in 1609) were the British, although the islands were discovered by the Spaniards. There are plenty of incredible stories and secrets here. Everyone knows, for example, the Bermuda Triangle. Several routes of various airlines pass over Bermuda, and often unexplained disasters occur here at sea and in the air. However, tourists do not usually swim to these places. There are places to relax on 150 islands. There's enough room for everyone!

In 1503, Juan Bermudez, a Spanish navigator, discovered Bermuda. For a long time they bore the name of one British admiral, George Somers, who in 1609 was shipwrecked after an expedition off the coast of Bermuda. He returned here that same year, but died soon after, so the name didn’t stick. The settlers he left here are believed to have inspired Shakespeare's play The Tempest. The Bermuda Islands known today were famous only for their cedar forests in Somers' time. Today it is resort area with many attractions.

Climate and beaches

The climate on all islands is subtropical. The temperature ranges from +19 to +28 degrees Celsius, making it possible to visit all year round for beach holiday Bermuda. The sea here is always warm (from December to April, however, its temperature is +20...+22 degrees, but this does not stop many tourists). The rainiest period is from the end of June to October. Best time For visiting it is, perhaps, May, June and November. During this time, humidity levels will not be very high. Hurricanes peak in other months. And the temperature for a beach holiday will be optimal.

The beaches here are famous for their unique pink sand, which is very rare in nature. You can find it on the island of Bermuda, on a stretch of coast between Horseshoe and Warwick Long bays. There are both public beaches and those owned by hotels. IN dark time public days are closed.

Bermuda infrastructure

The population of all islands combined is almost 70 thousand people. There are tens of times more vacationers here, so the economy is almost entirely related to tourism business. However, the agricultural, shipbuilding and pharmaceutical industries are also developed here.

A variety of hotels are located along the entire coastline, which is unique in beauty. These range from intricate and traditional houses to modern luxury buildings. All categories of vacationers can find a suitable option for themselves. In addition, there is the opportunity to play golf and tennis, cricket and rugby, horse riding, snorkeling and diving, yachting and kayaking, as well as take a course of spa treatments, which are very popular here.

There are many interesting things to explore on these islands - these are botanical gardens, and crystal caves, and 365 sunken dive sites different time near the shores of ships. Lucky treasure hunters still find treasures on the seabed that belonged to Spanish galleons and British merchant ships. In addition, there is a 120-kilometer ridge of coral colonies in clear coastal waters, among sea grass, which creates excellent conditions for marine life.

About 350 different species of birds can be found in Bermuda. Some of the rarest are Bermuda petrels, blue herons, bright blue buntings, kiskade, and arctic plovers. Thanks to the mild climate, the islands are covered with tropical vegetation all year round. You will find bougainvilleas, oleanders, lilies, white, yellow and red hibiscus flowers, and Bermudians everywhere. This is real paradise!

Reserves and national parks

The waters around Bermuda are among the richest in species diversity in the western Atlantic. About 4.5 thousand species of marine organisms live here, as well as about 650 species of fish and 350 species of birds. Local ecosystems, of course, suffer significant damage due to numerous tourists. It is therefore not surprising that there are strict environmental laws here, as well as many small environmental protection zones. For example, Nonsuch Island. He protects the kahu, the Bermuda pigeon, which is one of the rarest bird species on the planet. Access here is naturally limited, although sometimes the Bermuda Biological Station organizes visits for some tourist groups.

Several protected areas created to protect underwater world, include Castle Island, Gilbert Nature Reserve, Hungry Bay, Charlies Island, Coopers Island, Wallsingham, etc.

Hamilton (capital)

Bermuda has several important cities. However, the main one is Hamilton - a cosmopolitan and dynamic capital with a cheerful and relaxed pace of life. Its main attractions are: the historical Bermuda Museum, containing an exhibition from the period of the Great Geographical Discoveries, as well as objects that were found at the bottom of the sea; Bermuda Cathedral (style - neo-Gothic), Bermuda National Gallery, where you will find works by Winslow Homer, Joshua Reynolds, Thomas Gainsborough. You will see all this and much more when you visit Hamilton, Bermuda.

St. George

St. George is a city declared by UNESCO as a heritage of humanity. With its architecture it reproduces the attributes and events of bygone days. This Bermuda city has many attractions. It should be noted that the Royal Square is where the City Hall with a pillory dating back to the 18th century. Once upon a time, criminals were punished in this place. Also interesting is the Old State Residence, which was built in 1620. The fort, restored and given a second life, is also very interesting. Currently it contains: Bermuda Maritime Museum, cinema, traditional pub, craft market and the famous Snorkeling Park (one of the best scuba diving training centers in Bermuda).

Hospitable and friendly residents The islands are rightly proud of their historical heritage, which unites different cultures. Bermuda shorts (traditional clothing) are worn with dignity here, and a rum cocktail and a plate of fish chowder are always available. You will find more than 150 restaurants on the islands - from gastronomic, gourmet to democratic.

Local kitchen

Bermuda, tours to which are now in high demand, has its own special cuisine. It is the result of a mixture of different cultures. Usually, traditional dishes include pork, rice, peas. One of the favorite dishes in Bermuda is fish chowder served with hot sauce. Residents of the islands always prepare cassava pies for Christmas. Local delicacies also include sea bass chowder flavored with black rum, shark chowder, cod pies, Bermuda lobster, etc.


The cost of service in most restaurants is approximately 10-15% of the check amount. It is usually included in the bill. Tipping is not accepted in hotels; they are usually already included in it. It should be noted that hotels add a special tax to the room rate. Its size is 7.5%. In addition, there may be some other fees. Porters and doormen at hotels and airports are usually given a few dollars. Taxi drivers expect approximately 10-15% of the fare as a tip.

Bermuda Money

Many tourists bring Bermuda coins as souvenirs. Let's talk a little about local money. The Bermudian dollar is national currency. It is 100 cents. On the islands, before the introduction of this currency in 1970, the Bermudian pound was equal to the pound sterling. The Bermuda dollar was introduced on February 6, 1970. It is equal to the US dollar. All banknotes feature an image of Queen Elizabeth II on the obverse. The banknotes are similar in appearance. There is also no fundamental difference between the designs of new and old samples.

Festivals and holidays

In Bermuda, as in the Caribbean region as a whole, various festivals, carnivals and celebrations take place. The most famous is the SOCA Caribbean Music Festival, which is held in Royal Naval Dockyard at the end of July or beginning of August. The Bermuda Reggae Festival, no less colorful, takes place in mid-August. Also worth noting is the three-day Bermuda Tattoo, which ends with a big fireworks display (times to be held in early November).

Bermuda has long been one of the most famous resorts in the vast Atlantic. National parks and Bermuda Gardens, are famous for their trails that are designed for long walking. The islands have some pretty unusual museums and art galleries. The islands have become famous throughout the world thanks to their fascinating national holidays, the most popular of which are the magnificent carnivals.

In addition to simply relaxing on the beautiful beaches, all guests who visit Bermuda can actively and unforgettably spend their time snorkeling and diving. Bermuda has several world-famous stud farms that provide horse riding services.
It will also be very interesting to look at the magnificence of the coral reefs, which are here at the most extreme point of their distribution. Will surprise the imagination and beautiful parks, which became an example of gardening culture.
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This one will be in front of you map of Bermuda in Russian, both in image format and an interactive satellite map.

Just as the flag and coat of arms of Bermuda define the essence of this country, its map allows you to get to know this country better. Below you will see map of Bermuda in Russian in JPG format. the image is presented in a reduced form, you can open it with the left mouse button on the entire screen, or save it by right-clicking and then “save as”.

Below you will see what Bermuda looks like on a world map.

Below you can use satellite map of Bermuda. The map was kindly provided to us by Google Maps. If you don’t know how to use them, then I’ll be happy to tell you, just go to my Google Maps article, where I tell you everything in detail. Well, in short, using the “+” and “-” buttons you can zoom in and out on the map, by holding the left mouse button on the map you can move around on it, and in the upper right corner you can change display modes.

And one more opportunity to show a map of Bermuda - this is a wonderful program for displaying a complete three-dimensional model of our planet, you can even see the terrain, the mountains are high, the water in the seas is swaying, and special cultural monuments presented in Google Planet mode

On a group of coral islands in Atlantic Ocean There is a British territory called Bermuda. They are located only 900 kilometers from the coast of the continent North America. The state includes more than 150 islands and reefs. Only 20 of them are inhabited. In addition, 10 islands are connected by bridges and special overpasses that form main island, which is called Main Island. The capital of the state is located in the port city of Hamilton. The islands have a favorable geographical location - they are located at the intersection of sea routes. The country's area is only 53 square kilometers, and about 64 thousand people live here. More than half of the country's population is black and mulatto.

The existence of Bermuda became known in 1503, after the navigator Juan Bermudez first landed here, after whom they received their name. However, the Spaniards did not begin to develop the islands. And the first English settlement here arose more than a hundred years later - in 1609, founded by shipwrecked colonists heading to Virginia. They were mainly engaged in agricultural work here.
In 1684, Bermuda was officially declared a crown possession of the British Empire. For a long time, black slaves were imported from Africa to Bermuda to work on local plantations. Slavery was only abolished here in 1838. Since the end of the 19th century, the Bermudian economy has become based primarily on the tourism business.

Today, tourism continues to be the main revenue stream of the Bermuda state budget. More than half a million tourists come to the country every year. Most of them live in the United States of America.

In addition, Bermuda is an offshore zone; foreign exchange transactions are not subject to taxes here. Today the country is a major financial center. More than six thousand different companies are registered here.
In addition, Bermuda has enterprises for ship repair, boat production, pharmaceutical products, and building materials. Bermuda is quite well developed Agriculture, bananas, potatoes, tomatoes, and cabbage are grown here. Local floriculture farms target their products for export. Almost 80% of food in the country has to be imported.

The capital of Bermuda, Hamilton, is home to most of the country's commercial and government institutions. Its main street, Front Street, is lined with old Victorian buildings with overhanging verandas, apricot orchards and limestone railings.

Among the most popular tourist sites in the city, it is worth highlighting the Senate building, the Assembly House, the park, the Desmond Fountain Gallery and the National Gallery.

The bulk of tourists come here to relax by the ocean. Beautiful beaches line almost the entire coastline of Bermuda. The largest number of first-class beach hotels is concentrated on south coast islands, including in the areas of Horseshoe Bay, Warwick Long Bay and Jobson's Cove. They enjoy well-deserved fame near Hamilton. Bermuda beaches are famous for their white sand with an amazing pink tint, extremely rare in nature. The pinkest sand can be found on the stretch of coast between Warwick Long Bay and Bermuda Bay.

For most people, Bermuda is traditionally associated with the legendary Bermuda Triangle, in which, as the legend tells, they disappear without a trace sea ​​ships. A particularly large number of such publications shocked the world in the 60s and 70s of the last century. However, most of of which have never received their official confirmation. However, scuba divers love to comb the wrecks in the immediate vicinity.

In Bermuda you can spend unforgettable vacation in an unusual exotic setting, however, only very wealthy people can afford it. Everything here is done in order to once again emphasize the luxury and exclusivity for those who can afford to relax in these places. Bermuda is a wonderful place that will give you a lot of positive emotions and magical memories.

Wiki: de:Bermuda ru:Bermuda en:Bermuda

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