Operation of aircraft and air traffic management - specialty (25.05. Operation of aircraft and air traffic management (Specialist) Flight operation of civil aircraft who to work with

Specialty "Aircraft Operation and Organization air traffic" provides for the training of a specialist with a standard period for mastering the basic educational program (BEP) of training in full-time education - 5 years (300 credit units). The time frame for mastering the BEP specialist in full-time (evening) and correspondence forms of education, as well as in the case of a combination of various forms of study may be increased by one year relative to the standard period of full-time study based on a decision of the academic council of a higher educational institution.
The specialist's area of ​​professional activity includes:
organization, execution, support and maintenance of aircraft flights;
organization of use airspace;
organization and maintenance of air traffic;
organization, implementation, provision and maintenance air transport and aviation works;
ensuring the safety of aircraft flights and the safe use of airspace;
organization and provision aviation security;
organization and provision of search and rescue operations;
organizing and ensuring the safety of technological processes and production at air transport.
The objects of professional activity of a specialist are:
aircraft; processes, methods and means of operating aircraft, power plants and aircraft systems, including radio and electrical lighting equipment, automation and control systems, flight navigation systems, on-board navigation systems and equipment; processes, methods and means of organizing, performing, supporting and maintaining aircraft flights;
objects of the unified air traffic management system; processes, methods and means of organizing the use of airspace, organizing and servicing air traffic, including operation automated systems air traffic services, radio-electronic communication systems, navigation and surveillance, navigation and meteorological support for air traffic; processes, methods and means of organizing and conducting search and rescue operations;
airfields and airports, airport operators; aviation enterprises and operators; processes, methods and means of organizing, performing, providing and maintaining air transportation and aviation work;
control systems for production and technological processes in air transport; processes, methods and means of organizing and ensuring the safety of technological processes and production in air transport.
processes, methods and means of ensuring the safety of aircraft flights and the safe use of airspace;
processes, methods and means of organizing operational control over flight operations, including the operation of technical and other means intended to support aircraft flights;
processes, methods and means of organizing and ensuring aviation security and preventing acts of unlawful interference in aviation activities, including the operation of technical means and systems for ensuring aviation security.

Entrance tests in direction 162001 (05.25.05) in 2014:

Required items: Russian language, Mathematics

By choice of universities (mandatory): Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

Aviation is a strategically important industry, closely related to astronautics and weapons. Since the times of the USSR, our pilots have been considered one of the best in the world. Even foreign campaigns are happy to welcome them to work, but not every pilot will be able to take advantage of this opportunity. Some will be stopped by health requirements, others by language skills.

More and more tasks that were previously solved by humans are now performed by automation. However, this does not mean that people are no longer needed. For a long time, even the smartest robot will be monitored by an operator - a pilot, airport dispatcher or engineer. Of course, they will constantly have to improve their knowledge, but modern world no one will be able to work efficiently without periodic training.

Working at the airport is simply beautiful

Working in aviation comes with enormous responsibility, which directly impacts pay. The salaries of pilots and flight attendants occupy leading positions in the ranking of the highest paid specialties. There are not many jobs in the industry; this area is waiting for real enthusiasts who are ready to do anything for the sake of the sky.

Professions in civil and military aviation

Usually work in civil aviation is associated with passenger transportation, but that’s not all. "Grazhdanka" carries out commercial transportation of goods, is involved in agriculture, makes urgent flights for medical purposes. Training future pilots, aviation exhibitions, training parachutists and firefighting also remain behind the scenes.

Fortunately, Russians observe the work of military aviation only at the Victory Parade on May 9. Otherwise, the activities of the Air Force are classified or take place at airfields far from settlements. Military aviation includes the development of new aircraft, personnel training, and combat operations.

Working in the sky

1. Civil aviation pilot

The ship's commander is responsible for the safety of the flight, the safety of the aircraft, the lives of passengers or valuable cargo. The pilots are well prepared physically, morally and mentally. In an emergency situation, they must be able to assess the risks and capabilities of the aircraft and make a quick and correct decision. This requires experience and a thorough knowledge of the machine you are flying.

The co-pilot is no less important. According to the job description, all flight preparation is his responsibility: find out the route, weather, check the serviceability of the instruments. Have you heard stories about birds getting into airplane engines? To prevent this from happening, the co-pilot will also check the ornithological situation in the area. So he has no less responsibilities.

The pilot's salary starts from 150 thousand rubles. The amount depends on the flight hours, the prestige of the airline and the aviation industry where the pilot works. However, no one will trust the plane to a newcomer. To take the helm of a plane, you need at least two years of flight practice, which can be acquired during training at a flight school or at training grounds.

2. Military aviation pilot

Military pilots are superhumans. They can withstand a grueling schedule, constant physical and mental overload, and are familiar with technical characteristics of all known air machines, with radio technology, echolocation, can, if necessary, repair the aircraft themselves.

Presumably, a military aviation pilot earns from 100 thousand a month, but the exact data is not advertised. But you shouldn’t join Russian military aviation for the sake of a good salary and a decent pension. The work is difficult and dangerous. You will face constant travel, regular business trips to remote corners of the country and huge workloads. Perhaps this work is only for real patriots and daredevils.

3. Test pilot

Test pilot is a very rare profession. Only the most experienced get here, but even they still have to complete their studies! The responsibilities of this pilot are to test new technology and help aircraft designers refine it. The second area of ​​responsibility is training the crew of military aircraft.

“The test pilot constantly “does not remember” that he may not return from the flight - He “knows it.” Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to work efficiently.”.

Honored Test Pilot of the Russian Federation S. N. Tresvyatsky

Test pilots are trained in everything related to innovations in the aviation industry. Sometimes graduates even write a real thesis before starting their duties.

4. Flight attendant

Not everyone will be hired as flight attendants or stewards either. There are quite strict requirements for the appearance of boys and girls. The person on whom the safety of passengers depends in an emergency situation must be personable. Employers look at height, weight, appearance defects such as scars, clarity of speech and good appearance. It is also necessary to speak English.

Thousands of girls dream of becoming a flight attendant, but the requirements for them are very strict.

The job of a flight attendant is to greet passengers, help them settle into the cabin, take care of them during the flight and see them off after the flight. Flight attendants must be able to immediately notice a dangerous situation and organize coordinated actions of passengers. It is also their responsibility to provide first aid if necessary. Read stories about in-flight births to get an idea. The salary of a flight attendant starts from 40 thousand rubles per month. Experienced flight attendants earn 2-3 times more.

5. Flight engineer

An airplane is a complex structure, literally everything in it is verified: shape, size, materials, power, artificial intelligence, operation of instruments, landing gear and fuel system. In order for the vessel to be in good working order, a person is needed who will carefully monitor it. This is the responsibility of the flight engineer.

The flight engineer can either accompany the aircraft in flight or wait for it on the ground at the airport. The salary of these specialists starts from 40 thousand rubles, and they can work in both civil and military aviation.

Work on earth linked to heaven

1. Airport dispatcher

What is just an endless sky for us, is clearly planned air routes for the controller. Like an interchange on a highway. A specialty that requires great perseverance, attentiveness and concentration. An air traffic controller coordinates the routes of aircraft in the sky and on the ground. An error in instructions to pilots is fraught with a terrible catastrophe. The interaction between the aircraft and the airport also takes place under the guidance of the control room.

Air traffic controllers earn 60 thousand a month. They can also count on a very good social package (benefits, privileges). For example, after five years of work, an air traffic control employee can fly to anywhere in the world for free once a year. The work is hard, so dispatchers rarely work more than 36 hours a week, and every two hours their schedule includes a short break.

An experienced air traffic controller can fly to anywhere in the world for free once a year

2. Aircraft designer

One of the very rich interdisciplinary specialties. The physics of materials is necessary to develop the alloy from which the aircraft will be created. The laws of aerodynamics will give the car its optimal shape. Radio engineering will deal with precision instruments, without which pilots and dispatchers will not be able to control the aircraft. Even IT specialists have something to do: autopilot and airport equipment help people avoid mistakes in their difficult and responsible work.

Developments for civil and military aviation are not very different from each other. Therefore, most likely the aircraft designer will be faced with a military secret. According to statistics from the portal trud.com, most vacancies for aircraft designers are located in Moscow, and the salary of specialists ranges from 50 to 100 thousand rubles.

3. Airport staff

Large airports like Domodedovo employ more than 10,000 people! These are numerous service personnel for people and machines. The average passenger is not even aware of the existence of most airport workers.

There are specialists who monitor the transportation of goods and passengers. Airports also constantly need drivers, equipment operators, and managers. Separate large group people are served by the landing strips. They must be free, properly illuminated with signal lights, and cleaned of dirt and ice.

According to the information on the website Domodedovo Airport, work experience is not required for employment at the airport, and you can get a job in some specialties, for example, territory maintenance engineer, immediately after graduating from school - everything you need will be taught on the spot.

The salary of airport employees starts from 35 thousand rubles for those who do not require higher or secondary specialized education and have almost no upper limit.

Where to go to study: aviation universities and flight schools

Let's group everything around aviation specialties by interests: I want to fly, I want to design flight equipment, I want to work at an airport. Let's go!

I want to fly

To become a pilot, you do not need to have a university degree. A secondary specialized education is quite enough. There are not many places where a civil pilot can undergo training, usually aviation schools. Studying in college takes less time than studying at a university.

Speciality Ssuza
02/25/04 Flight operation of aircraft

Krasnokutsk Civil Aviation Flight School;
Sasovo Flight School of Civil Aviation;
Omsk Flight Technical College of Civil Aviation named after. A.V. Lyapidevsky;
Buguruslan Flight School named after. Hero of the Soviet Union P.F. Eromasova.

05/25/04 Flight operation and use of aviation systems Branch of the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Air Force of the Air Force Academy named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin (Krasnodar);
VA MTO im. A.V. Khruleva

Only a couple of aviation universities across the country produce pilots with higher education.

How to become a flight attendant? This can generally be done after the 11th grade of school. Training to become a flight attendant or steward is a short course at an airline or airport training center. Best options— Aeroflot, Vnukovo, Domodedovo and Airschool flight attendant school.

I want to create aircraft

Aircraft designers of all possible profiles are trained by the country's main aviation university - MAI. But this is not the only place where you can get the education you need.

Speciality University Profession
03/24/01 Missile systems and astronautics MSTU im. Bauman,
Siberian State University named after. M.F. Reshetneva, Omsk State Technical University
Launch complex engineer, IT systems specialist, rocket systems design engineer, cosmonaut
03.24.03 Ballistics and hydroaerodynamics MAI,
Navigation engineer, air traffic control engineer, aircraft control systems test engineer
03.24.04 Aircraft manufacturing MAI,
UGATU, University of Dubna
Air traffic controller, aviation engineer, aviation technician, military pilot, aerodynamic engineer
03.24.05 Aircraft engines MAI,
RSATU im. P.A. Solovyova,
Siberian State University named after. M.F.Reshetnev, Izhevsk State Technical University named after M.T. Kalashnikov, UGATU
Aviation engine engineer, aircraft and engine technical operation engineer, aircraft engine test engineer, aircraft engine design engineer, aircraft engine mechanical engineer
05.24.01 Design, production and operation of rockets and rocket-space complexes MSTU im. Bauman,
Siberian State University named after. M.F. Reshetneva, Izhevsk State Technical University named after M.T. Kalashnikov, Omsk State Technical University
Design engineer of aviation and rocket and space technology, design engineer of cruise missiles, design engineer of high-speed underwater vehicles, nanosatellite design engineer
05.24.02 Design of aircraft and rocket engines MSTU im. Bauman,
Siberian State University named after. M.F.Reshetnev, Russian State Technical University named after. P.A. Solovyov, UGATU,
Omsk State Technical University
Design engineer, liquid and rocket engine engineer, aircraft engineer, software engineer, IT systems specialist
05.24.07 Aircraft and helicopter manufacturing MAI,
NSTU im. R.E. Alekseeva, KAI,
Aircraft designer, aviation engineer, research engineer in the field of aircraft construction, mechanical engineer, aviation equipment certification specialist

I want to control flights

If your dream is to work at an airport, then the choice of professions is huge. For example, there are profiles that train professional managers for aviation.

Speciality University Profession
03.24.02 Traffic control systems and navigation ITMO,
Siberian State University named after. M.F. Reshetneva
Air traffic control engineer, specialist in the operation of aviation electrical systems and flight navigation systems, navigation engineer, navigation equipment specialist, specialist in technical support and maintenance of traffic control systems
05.24.04 Navigation and ballistic support for the use of space technology MSTU im. Bauman Aviation engineer, aircraft designer, aircraft instrument assembler, air traffic controller, aviation technician
03.25.03 Air navigation MSTUGA, SPbGUGA Aviation manager, flight director of an aviation enterprise, air transportation manager, aviation safety inspector
03.25.04 Operation of airports and provision of aircraft flights SPbGUGA Transport network security engineer, transportation organization and transport management engineer, aviation safety inspector, transport service specialist

I want to get a job at the airport without specialized education

The list of administrative staff vacancies also offers many options where specialized education is not required. You can get closer to aviation right after school through on-site training, during which the airport usually pays a stipend.

How to get to know the profession better?

Working in the aviation industry will require a lot of dedication from you. To avoid disappointment from disappointed expectations, choose your profession carefully. We have put together some tips for you to help you get to know aviation better.

1. Virtual simulations and video games
You can get acquainted with the work of a pilot using flight simulators. The most popular video games - series Microsoft Flight Simulator for future civil aviation pilots. Military aviation is represented in IL-2 Sturmovik And Digital Combat Simulator.

2. Movies
A great many films have been made about aviation. Soviet cinema has a lot to tell about the heroes of the Great Patriotic War: “Only old men go into battle”, “Keys to Heaven”, “The Tale of a Real Man”. Modern films about the difficulties of the pilot's profession - “Crew”, “Miracle on the Hudson”, “Ghost”.

Still from the film “Miracle on the Hudson.” Starring Tom Hanks.

3. Books
The most reliable books about pilots are, perhaps, their autobiographies. For example, “Memoirs of a Military Pilot” by Stepan Mikoyan. Fiction with detailed description airport life and an exciting plot - the novels of Arthur Haley. “Airport” and “Runway 08” will not leave indifferent even those who do not intend to connect their lives with aviation.

4. Excursions
Airports and airlines are also interested in hiring enthusiasts, so they conduct excursions to introduce future employees to their place of work. For example, at the Vnukovo training center, schoolchildren will not only be told about the history of the airport terminal, but will also be shown the work of the staff from the inside and will be allowed to test their pilot skills on a Tu-154 aircraft simulator.


Training in this area involves the development of abilities and skills:

  • operate power plants, aircrafts and systems, taking into account regulatory requirements;
  • operate navigation and flight systems, navigation systems and equipment, on-board communication systems;
  • operate aviation facilities, observing the principles and requirements of legislation in this area;
  • operate systems serving air traffic, radio-electronic communication, surveillance and navigation systems;
  • determine the performance of the equipment used;
  • select devices that need to be replaced;
  • configure and maintain software and hardware;
  • check their technical condition;
  • organize, perform, maintain and ensure flights of aircraft;
  • plan flights, prepare their operational plans;
  • conduct marketing analysis of service needs;
  • ensure safe operation of ships;
  • develop regulations for servicing air facilities;
  • prepare documents necessary for certification and licensing.

Who to work with

Graduates can work in the aviation field, performing functions related to the maintenance, execution, organization and provision of aircraft flights. They are often arranged by air traffic controllers, landing, taxiing and launch controllers. Ambitious graduates aspire to become pilots. Often, in the process of servicing and organizing the movement of aircraft, former students perform an expanded range of functions, being air traffic control specialists. Small and private airfields regularly require professionals to work in the control center, where, with a specialized diploma, higher education It is quite easy for former students to get settled.