A family that travels the world. The young millionaire sold all his property and went traveling with his family (16 photos). Proverbs and sayings about travel, road and tourism

Australians Claire and Andrew Barnes, together with their children Lily and Spencer, decided to arrange for themselves big Adventure Worldwide. They quit their jobs, sold their house, donated their belongings to charity and now live on $150 a day and enjoy the beauty of the world. But the Barneses are not just romantic downshifters: when planning the trip, they foresaw almost everything.

The Barnes couple are 35 years old. They have an eleven-year-old daughter, Lily, and a nine-year-old son, Spencer. Before traveling, Claire was an interior designer and stylist, and Andrew worked for a company based in Melbourne. The family lived in Geelong - 75 kilometers from Melbourne - and Andrew was away from his family for about 70 hours a week. The four of them had spent the last few months in exotic countries, and this is just the beginning: perhaps they will soon overtake .

Claire told the Daily Mail that she and her husband first came up with the idea of ​​traveling after a trip abroad in October 2016. They thought about how great it would be to spend a whole year away from everything associated with ordinary life, and instead do something extraordinary.

Andrew's father died of a heart attack when the current head of the family was only seven years old, and when Claire was 12, her mother died of cancer. For both spouses, early loss still constantly reminds them that life is short and they need to have time to do as many interesting things as possible. According to Claire, this gives them both determination.

For us it has always been driving force in the big decisions we make throughout life.

Soon the decision was made: the Barneses began to prepare for the trip. To avoid financial difficulties, they sold their house in Geelong, but that was not the end of it.

We sold several large pieces of furniture that we had at home, and it worked out well. And we also sold both cars - they will be easy to replace when we return. We donated all the children's clothes to charity, because they will still be too small for them when we find ourselves in Australia again.

But the family did not completely get rid of all the property, because some things are too valuable to be easily given away or sold.

The children have several boxes with things from their rooms. There are toys, books and souvenirs. And we ourselves left a collection of paintings and some other things that cannot be replaced. These things are packaged and in storage, but only these.

Claire calls getting rid of so much stuff a cleansing process and believes that we all have too much stuff that we don't need.

On November 1, 2017, the Barnes announced on their family Instagram that they were ready to travel and hit the road the next day.


We did it!!! 🎒

The journey began with South-East Asia. It's clear from the photographs that the Barnes pay a lot of attention to the contrasts in countries like Vietnam and Malaysia.

We really wanted to show the children how other people live. Show the good and the bad. Give them knowledge about different cultures and demonstrate how much the world has to offer them.

According to Claire, the children have adjusted very well to the trip, although sometimes they are in a bad mood and can be grouchy. But most time to explore new places with interest. They have already learned how to pack their backpacks perfectly and endure long waits at airports. IN free time Lily and Spencer are working on commemorative albums, in which they paste coins, tickets and brochures.

Travel doesn't stop little Barnes from learning. Their parents made an agreement with the Australian teacher and are constantly in touch with him. The teacher teaches children at a distance, corrects their work and sometimes sends tests. As a result, children keep up with the Australian school curriculum.

The children really enjoy this method of learning and they learn a lot in each of the places we visit.

The Barnes try not to spend too much money on everyday needs. IN different time their costs vary, but remain on average at $150 per day. The exception, of course, is air tickets, because the Barnes do not travel with the help of. At this level of spending, they have enough money for everything they need.

Andrew receives payments from the company where he worked for long and successful work. They cover about 70 percent of the family's expenses. For the remaining 30 percent, they use the funds they received from selling extra items before the trip, and this is quite enough. The money from the sale of the house is kept in a separate account, which they do not touch - this is a reserve in case of emergency.


On top of the world.
Sunset in Penang 💛

The family has already visited Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand. They are now in Malaysia. Among the Asian countries, they also plan to visit Singapore, Sri Lanka, India, China and Japan, and then go to Europe. The Barneses don't know exactly how long the trip will take, but it doesn't matter because their plan is flexible enough to change along the way.

Of course, we will return to “normal” life at some point. But for now we have plans for at least 12 months. We will continue as long as we like it and as long as we all agree with it.


Our last evening in Georgetown. We walked around the whole city before finally deciding where we would eat.
We really liked it here. We ourselves can’t believe that at first we didn’t even plan to go to Malaysia.
VERY, VERY glad we went!
If you haven't been here, add it to your list of places to visit.

No matter how long the trip lasts, there is no doubt that it will continue to be interesting. Let's hope that when the Barnes return home, they will find something new to do. After such vivid adventures, this can be difficult: but she visited only 12 different interesting places.

Parenting isn't easy, but what about taking care of a newborn baby while traveling to new countries? One ordinary family from Canada, where mom works as a nurse and dad works as a builder, went on a trip almost immediately after the birth of their first child. And now, when their eldest daughter is just over three years old, and little Quinn is not even a year old, they are again exploring new places on the globe.

Karen with children in Guatemala. Instagram travelmadmum.

Karen Edwards and her husband Sean Bayes from London were able to pull off this venture because Karen, as a nurse, is given a whole year of maternity leave. In 2016, 32-year-old Karen decided to use this time “wisely.” She set up her blog, Travel Mad Mum, and, taking her daughter Esme by the arm, set off to explore the world.

Spent the night in Mendocino in northern California. Instagram travelmadmum.

All four of us in Vancouver. Instagram travelmadmum.

In February 2017, when the couple found out that they were expecting a second child, they announced that they would also spend their second vacation on travel, only now there would be four of them. "I'm a regular nurse from the UK and I'm very lucky to have a whole year off. It's not fully paid, but it's still partly paid. We also rent out our house while we travel."

Johnston Canyon. Instagram travelmadmum.

*Do you love maps as much as I love them?* Instagram travelmadmum.

This time the couple went to another continent: they started their trip from the north - to Calgary in Canada. Then we went to Vancouver, further to the USA along the entire west coast. “We are now exploring Latin America, we arrived in El Salvador this morning,” Karen wrote on November 3. “As you can see, we have gone very far.”

At home in London shortly before leaving on a trip. Instagram travelmadmum.

Karen and her husband decided to go on a trip when the baby was 9 weeks old.

Of course, the couple admits that things don’t always go smoothly for them. “I wouldn’t trade this trip for anything else, it’s simply amazing, but we also have bad days. There are delays in the transport schedule, being late for the bus, lost luggage, children's tantrums, childhood illnesses - of course, just when we are somewhere completely in the middle of great nothing. But on the other hand, it's all worth it. I became a mother for the second time, and I can say that my husband’s support is the most important thing."

Surf club in El Salvador. Instagram travelmadmum.

In November, Esme turned 3 years old and Quinn turned 4.5 months. Instagram travelmadmum.

When Karen is asked how they travel, she explains that the first time was more difficult than now, even though now they have two children at once. "Like I said, I'm a nurse and my husband is a builder. I like to think that we're just frugal travelers. The first time we went entirely with our savings. This time it's a little different because I already have a successful blog ", and some hotels want me to write reviews about them, so they give us free accommodation. This is much more than we could even imagine."

Near Lake Atitlan in Latin America. Instagram travelmadmum.

Guatemala. Instagram travelmadmum.

"With my blog, I hope to inspire other young parents to travel with their children. Being abroad has made it easier for me to understand myself as a parent. Last time it was just the two of us caring for one child. I think if I had stayed at home, I would have been there most of the time "I would feel lonely alone. But I always had help and I could always be distracted by something else." Indeed, Karen admits that she often receives messages from other mothers who, after watching her, also began to travel. "People understand that there are always opportunities. Staying home during parental leave is normal. But that doesn't mean it should or can only be that way."

Antigua in Guatemala. Instagram travelmadmum.

Family selfie. Instagram travelmadmum.

Belize. Instagram travelmadmum.

Last day in the USA. Instagram travelmadmum.

This is the story of a young family who has been traveling around the world for 9 months now. 25-year-old millionaire Garrett Gee and his 29-year-old wife Jessica did not enjoy their wealth by sitting in one place, but took their children (3-year-old Dorothy and one-year-old Manilla) with them to see the world.

This perfect family from the USA has been to many places Pacific Ocean and even managed to swim with a sperm whale and watch leatherback turtles lay eggs.

After Garrett sold last year mobile app QR for Snapchat for 54 million dollars, a couple from Utah, USA, put their millions in the bank and began to live on 45 thousand dollars, which they received from the sale of their property. The photo shows Jessica and Manilla in the Bahamas with a swimming pig.

In 2015, this wonderful family set off in search of adventure in various parts of the Pacific Ocean. In the photo, Garrett gives 3-year-old Dorothy a lift as the plane lands over the beach on the island of St. Maarten, Caribbean.

Garrett Gee, his wife Jessica and their two children Dorothy and Manilla have been traveling the world for nine months. In the photo they are on the beach on the island of Antigua.

"The Bucket List Family" - as they are known on Instagram - has more than 93 thousand followers.

The family has already visited Antigua, Tonga, Fiji, Hawaii, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Thailand and many other places.

During the trip, the young family was able to swim with a sperm whale and watch leatherback turtles lay eggs in Dominica.

Initially, the family planned to vacation for only 5 months, but 9 months have already passed and so far Garrett and Jessica do not even plan to complete such an exciting trip.

The couple, who married in 2009, even posted an open invitation for friends and family to join them.

And although Garrett contracted the Zika virus from mosquitoes in Dominica, Jessica insists the good outweighed the bad during the trip.

“Perhaps above all, the greatest benefit of these trips is the unique amount of time we spend together as a family.”

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  • 1. Hello! My name is Elena. I live in the Republic of Belarus, the city of Mogilev. My first trip took place at the age of 1.5 to Anapa with my parents. Probably, already then my love for travel awoke. We went on holiday as a family seaside resorts Every year. I had a chance to visit Crimea, Bulgaria, Poland. At the age of 7, under the program “Help for children affected by the Chernobyl accident,” I was invited to stay with an Italian family for a month. We developed an excellent relationship, and from then on I spend 1-2 months in Italy every year. Now I have my own family - a husband and a three-year-old daughter. The child's first trip took place to Egypt at 6 months. We cannot imagine our life without travel.

    2. Most of our trips outside the country took place with the help of travel agencies. This is mainly due to the fact that this way it is easier to obtain a visa in Belarus. We also had completely spontaneous trips, for example, to Kyiv, when our suitcases were packed in half an hour, or long-awaited and planned ones - Rio de Janeiro, Copenhagen.

    3. My earliest memory associated with travel is when I was four years old, when my whole family vacationed in Miskhor, Crimea. Then palm trees made a huge impression on me. And by the way, since then this tree has remained the most beautiful and attractive for me.

    4. During my 26 years, I had the opportunity to visit Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg) and the Crimean Peninsula, Ukraine (Kiev, Lvov, Truskavets), Bulgaria (Nessebar, Burgas), Denmark (Copenhagen), the USA (New York, Las Vegas), in Egypt (Hurghada), in Poland (Kołobrzeg), in Italy (Turin, Rome, Florence, Venice, Pisa, Siena and many others). Most often we had to contact a travel agency for help in getting a visa, and then we traveled on our own.

    5. Italy has become my second homeland for 19 long years. I can definitely say that this is one of the most beautiful countries peace. Italians say without too much confidence: “We have the most delicious food, the most beautiful nature and the most charming men,” and I completely agree with them, no offense to my Belarusian husband))

    6. Traveling for me is relaxation, entertainment, a way to get to know the world and myself. Over the many years of traveling to other countries, I have met many wonderful people. We now maintain close relationships with many of them, we go to visit, give gifts, and help each other.

    7. I have plans to visit Mauritius. Previously, I knew practically nothing about this country. My friend visited there recently. Her photographs of the sea coast simply fascinated me. Besides, I think our family hasn’t had a quiet beach holiday for a long time.

    8. You may be surprised, but the most vivid memory from travel is associated not with the grandiose Las Vegas, amazing Pisa or the Grand Canyon, but with a trip with my two-year-old daughter to Italy on the Ligurian coast in the city of Diano Marina. My child learned to swim here. Those swimming lessons that we took in the Mogilev pool were not in vain. Watching your two-year-old baby swim in the sea without any inflatable devices is incredible happiness.

    9. We found ourselves in a dangerous situation when, while vacationing in Hurghada, we rented a small private boat with a captain to swim in the open sea and fish. In addition, the boat had a transparent bottom, it was possible to observe underwater world Red Sea. At the moment when we jumped off the boat to swim in shallow water in the middle of the open sea, another boat sailed up to us, there were three men on it, and they started an argument with our captain, almost leading to a fight. The conversation was conducted in Arabic, we could not understand anything. There was a very unpleasant feeling of danger that we could be left right here in the middle of the open sea, a few kilometers from the coast... But our captain was forced to move onto an “enemy” boat, and another Egyptian moved onto our ship. In English, he told us that we should not worry about anything and enjoy our swim. Of course, our mood was spoiled, we asked to simply be taken back to the shore and were infinitely glad when we set foot on land.

    10. We also travel a lot around Belarus. Only this mainly happens in the warm season. We refuel the car, fold up the tent, hang the bikes on the car bike rack - and off we go! As soon as my daughter learned to sit, we put her in a bicycle seat. In three years we traveled around the country about 10 thousand kilometers. We visited all regional centers and thoroughly studied the Mogilev region.

    11. Swimming season closed with a week-long trip for two families to Lake Naroch. We lived in a tent in a car camp. Every day we went cycling around the Naroch region.
    The cycling season closed with a three-day trip to the Chigirinskoye Reservoir. We are looking forward to warm spring days!

    You need to not only spend your everyday life with your family, but also relax together. After all, this is a great opportunity to take a break from everyday problems and feel like part of a strong and friendly family. But do not forget that it is too early to take babies and very young children on family trips, so you should wait until the child is 4-5 years old. And you can safely plan your trip.

    A place for travel and family vacation should be chosen together, because vacation should bring pleasure not only to parents, but also to children. Otherwise, there is simply no point in taking small children with you. And yes, when booking places and planning your vacation, take into account the child’s age and availability possible options rest for him. For example, if you choose a hotel where couples most often stay together, then it is quite logical that your child will quickly get bored there. As a result, you will have to entertain him yourself, or the child will simply begin to be capricious and ask to go home - also not the best option. Therefore, every little detail should be taken into account. Every family member should get the pleasure of relaxation, otherwise it will no longer be possible. family holiday, but a complete hassle. And don’t forget to take your camera with you - you’ll get a lot of interesting shots for the family archive.

    Family trip with children beyond the borders of Russia

    The first possible option for family travel with children is a trip abroad. Suppose, if you choose a holiday at sea, make sure that there is either a children's animator, special excursions for little ones and, of course, other children. Of all the possible options, we advise you joint trips to Thailand and Belize (Caribbean coast).

    In addition to the sea, there is the option of traveling around Europe and America. The option is of course expensive, but the emotions and memories will be off the charts and will remain in the memory of you and your child for a long time.

    The dream of any child who has watched Disney cartoons at least once is to visit the world famous amusement park Disneyland. Orlando has an analogue of the world famous park - Walt Disney World. There you will meet well-known cartoon characters, and you will also be able to immerse yourself in the world of Harry Potter (by the way, the most visited place in the park), ride on numerous attractions and interact with sea animals in Discovery Bay. There is entertainment here for both children and adults. You should know the main hotels that are located near this park - The Ritz-Carlton Orlando, Grande Lakes, Waldorf Astoria Orlando and Disney's Grand Floridian Resort & Spa, located inside the park itself. Prices in such hotels are not cheap, but if you wish, you can find cheaper options through the Internet or friends or negotiate with a family for temporary accommodation (this practice is very common in American families). How to save money: go to the park in the fall, when American schoolchildren have not yet started their holidays; Some offers include park admission and meals in the price.

    Yosemite national park has a unique natural landscape that can instill fear in anyone - high waterfalls, huge redwood trees and unique rock formations. Here you will see many unique phenomena nature, and the bravest are offered a rock climbing lesson. There are excursions here, but if you are afraid of missing something, you can take the risk and walk through the park yourself, if you don’t get lost. By the way, many experienced travelers advise visiting this place early in the morning, then the extraordinary beauty of the landscape will appear to your eyes. You can save money if you pitch tents right in the park instead of a hotel (this is not prohibited). But if this is not your option, you can always find rental housing at inexpensive prices near the park.

    Another popular route for children and adults is Denmark, which is compact and not always cheap country, it seems, was specially created for small residents. For example, the fabulous amusement park has lots of good food, free music and nightly fireworks. Psychologists believe that it is better to take a 10-12 year old student on such a trip.

    A trip to India will be colorful and memorable for your family - jungles, elephants, colorful castles, beaches and closeness wildlife will do their job and give you a lot of positive emotions.

    A family trip with children to Prague will cost you little. Having children does not mean you need to forget about your satisfaction from the trip - both you and yours will be completely satisfied with a walk through this wonderful city with its own aura and history. Visit castles located on the hills and admire the city from above observation deck. And by the way, amazingly beautiful wooden toys are sold in Prague - your child, despite the long walks, will be pleased with such a surprise.

    In Italy they love children very much, so you will not have problems going out to a restaurant with them late at night, for example. Together with your spouse and child, you can enjoy the most delicious pizza in the world, and visit the most famous historical places– Colosseum and Pompeii. In addition, you can enjoy delicious ice cream in numerous Italian parks, take nature walks or swim at the local beach.

    You can also take your children to the residence of Father Frost - Lapland, because every child dreams of meeting this fairy-tale hero, whom he has heard about since childhood. From October to March you can see the incredibly beautiful Northern Lights, and in the summer you can visit numerous national parks

    Family trip to museums

    A more economical option for family travel by car in Russia. Here you can settle down calmly and find entertainment both common for the whole family and for everyone according to their taste and desire. Choose any city that you have not been to yet, or if you are by car, you can visit the cities that are part of the Golden Ring.

    For families with school-age children, there is a museum program in which several museums in the city participate: “Family trip: the whole family to the museum!” - now in almost everyone big city There are museums in Russia that have a special children's game program. At the entrance they are given a traveler's card and during their stay the child is given the opportunity to independently study the exhibitions and answer questions. Let us turn our attention to the Moscow project: sixteen museums of different profiles are involved there. The child is given a bright and colorful guidebook - now he becomes the hero of some adventure story, in which he is helped to overcome all the “obstacles” - tasks and expositions (no more than 15 pieces) - a fairy-tale character.

    To begin this educational family trip, you should pick up a participant’s passport at one of the participating museums (since we are on a trip), which offers three card options for different age groups.

    For a child from 5 to 7 years old - knowledge of the depths of the inner and outer surface of the earth.

    Route for children from 8 to 12 years old “Expedition”.

    And for the first time in 2013, a “Formula of Love” route was developed for children aged 13 to 15, in which children study everything related to human feelings and experiences.

    As a result, after each trip the child receives either a gift souvenir or a piece of card with interesting places cities.

    Transport for family travel

    Choose how you plan to travel - by plane, train or bus tour? In fact, the most ideal option for a family with several children is a family trip by car. Many people are sure that it is worth choosing a special, comfortable car for traveling. Well, let's try to find out what it should look like.

    Firstly, the choice of car should be made by the one who will be behind the wheel all the time, most often it is a man - he should be comfortable behind the wheel, and nothing should distract him.

    Secondly, the car should be designed specifically for the whole family: if your family has four or more members, then you should take care of a spacious car, for example a minivan. If you also have a large dog, the car should have a spacious trunk or it could be an SUV with a station wagon body. Pay attention to the folding seats; it should be possible to transform them into a third row (so that seven people can fit in the car). All these characteristics correspond to an MPV class car.

    Third, do not forget to purchase car seats for the smallest ones and attachments for other children. Typically, the fastening system is provided in machines that cost more than $15,000.

    Fourthly, for the safety of your children, you should provide for locking the rear doors, as well as various drawers or shelves for convenience on the road. And the presence of climate control in the car will make life easier for all travelers during the road.

    Based on these criteria, choose a car that will provide you with the safest and most enjoyable time on the road and will not spoil the entire experience of family travel by car.

    Family travel with children is an important step that requires careful preparation and thinking through all the little things that will make your life easier during your vacation.