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15 best places Cephalonia that is not in the guidebooks

The island of Kefalonia is one of the most beautiful in Greece. Svetlana shared her impressions of her journey through it and talked about the places that she liked most. And we have designed this into an ideal vacation program that allows you to relax and see all the interesting things.

Greece. Unique country where is the history ancient world densely mixed with culinary traditions and winemaking, ancient ruins coexist perfectly with the Athenian Acropolis that has survived to this day.

It's no secret that in, like in any other touristically developed country, there are popular places that are on everyone's lips. Usually, the Greek titans of package holidays loom on the surface of the Russian-speaking traveler: Crete and the island of Thassos, the resorts of the Halkidiki peninsula and the monasteries of Meteora, the islands of Corfu, Rhodes and Santorini. Along with them in Greece there is great amount not particularly popular, sometimes completely unknown to the general public, but no less amazing and beautiful places for relax. Since we are independent travelers, in most cases we don’t like overstaying tourist locations. That is why this time our choice fell on the Greek island of Kefalonia/Cephalonia, which is not particularly well-known in wide tourist circles.

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It is the largest of the Ionian islands in southwestern Greece and, as popular rumor goes, the greenest. We went to explore Kefalonia in the second half of September 2017.

Transport logistics

There are two ways to get to the island of Kefalonia - by air and by sea. There is an airport on the island, but there are no direct flights from Ukraine. Alternatively, you can fly to Kefalonia with a connection in Athens. But the most interesting option in terms of price and flight schedule for the dates we were looking for was offered by UIA, whose services we used. The logistics turned out to be as follows: a direct flight from Kyiv to Athens; we had a car booked in advance at the Athens International Airport Eleftherios Venizelos. We then transited along the upper tip of the Peloponnese peninsula on our way to the port of Kyllini, where ferry services to the Ionian islands of Zakynthos and Kefalonia start.

On the island of Kefalonia, apartments were also pre-booked for 10 nights in the village of Mousáta, 15 km from the capital of the island, Argostoli. In many Russian-language reports that I came across before the trip, tourists mainly admired the northern tip of the island or the western coast of Kefalonia. I liked the coastline in the southwest and southeast of the island more, although at that time I could only judge by photos on Google maps. Therefore, they chose housing closer to the desired beaches. During the 10 days we spent on the island, we managed to travel and see quite a lot. I won’t talk about those places that are widely circulated on the Internet. I will only focus on what really impressed us.

One of the closest to our “base” in Musata and, indeed, one of best beaches Kefalonia - Koroni Beach. It is located in the southwest of the island at the foot of a high mountain. This is a long unequipped beach, that is, you need to understand that it is conditionally wild, where you need to take a towel and sun umbrella with you. As a bonus, there are a minimum number of people on the beach. We came here several times different time day, and invariably there were very few people. In my humble opinion, Koroni Beach is ideal for romantic getaway and search for inspiration: fine golden sand, smooth entry into the water, emerald waters Ionian Sea and a stunning panorama before your eyes.

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A little further up the mountainside above Koroni Beach we discovered another stunning place, Sesto Koroni Hill Bar - a wine bar with panoramic views. Amazing place, atmospheric. It would seem that everything is so simply done, sometimes from the simplest materials at hand, but the essence is in the sincere atmosphere and cordiality of the owners of the establishment (an English couple). Sesto Koroni is equally pleasant to be in during the day and in the evening, especially at sunset. The opening panorama is mesmerizing! Nothing superfluous, just the turquoise waters of the Ionian Sea and the neighboring island of Zakynthos stretching out in a light haze.

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Nearby you can also stop by for a tasting at the Melissinos Winery (one of the best wineries on the island), and we move further along the coast to the south of Kefalonia.

Next stop is Cape Mounda, the island's southernmost cape. An unusual landscape of the coast: the sandy beach smoothly turns into a powerful stone slab that goes far into the sea, and closer to the tip of the cape, rocks with bizarre weathering forms and hidden grottoes hang over the shore. From a high hill above Cape Mounda you can go down to a long, seemingly endless, deserted beach. Beautiful landscape... and space, space! And the same stunning wind that only happens at the extreme points of the earth.

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We get into the car again and drive further, moving to the southeast of the island. First we pass the lively village of Skala, and literally a few kilometers later we park the car near the next object of our interest, a bay with the poetic name Kato Lagadi. There are no landmarks or signs along the route, only a small spot along the road where the cars of those in the know are left... That’s right: the bulk of tourists are brought to the bay on yachts and boats by sea, so there are no signs along the road. But there is still a land passage to the bay. The trail and the descent to the sea are moderately extreme, but if you have at least minimal physical fitness and hiking experience, there will be no problems.

Kato Lagadi Bay is an amazing coastal landscape, a series of grottoes and tiny coves with small pebbles and a smooth entry into the water. Great place for snorkeling! It’s better to come in the morning, when the sun’s rays brightly illuminate everything around and the grotto-caves can be seen in all their glory. After lunch, the sun goes behind Mount Enos and the grottoes hide in the shadows. However, photographs speak louder than words:

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Our next point of interest is the famous Antisamos beach, one of the most beautiful beaches in Greece according to TripAdvisor. A quick note: we don't like public beaches by default. According to our version, an ideal beach is when there are minimal or no people on it, and there is also a minimum of tourist infrastructure. To be alone with nature is our main desire on vacation. In the case of Antisamos beach, this is a rare exception when we betrayed our principles. The beach is truly stunningly beautiful. First of all, the view! The view of the bay, deep and elongated like a fjord, and the neighboring island of Ithaca is indescribable. Legends and myths ancient Greece, Homer's Iliad and Odyssey come to life before your eyes... and it's truly breathtaking just to see it with your own eyes! By the way, as local Greeks say, in the strait between Kefalonia and Ithaca there is ancient city the time of Odysseus. All that remains is to take their word for it. In general, quite a lot of reminders of Mycenaean culture (the period in the history of Greece from the 16th to the 11th centuries BC) and more have been preserved on the island to this day. later periods, in particular the museum under open air Acropolis of Ancient Same (located high on the mountain above Antisamos beach, admission is free).

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Antisamos beach is also unique in that it is usually completely calm. This is due to the fact that the bay in which the beach is located is “covered” from the sea by the mainland and the island of Ithaca, and from the land side it is reliably protected by an amphitheater high mountains. And indeed, it has been verified experimentally that even when a serious storm broke out one day, the sea in Antisamos Bay was calm and comfortable for swimming. To be fair, it is worth noting that despite all the aesthetic beauty, the beach also has its drawbacks: there are quite large pebbles underfoot, and the depth starts literally from the shore, so this beach is not very suitable for families with small children. But if you are an esthete and your rich inner world is in dire need of new doses of earthly beauty, then Antisamos beach is at your service.

However, you won’t be satisfied with natural beauties alone, so we are going in search of Greek delicacies. Each country has its own signature dish or product - specialty. This is part of the gastronomic history and culture of a particular country, where culinary traditions are respected. In Greece, one of the most famous specialties is, of course, Greek yogurt. It is difficult to live without it in Hellas.

Our guesthouse neighbors, Italians, warmly recommended a place in Kefalonia where you should definitely have a Greek-style breakfast. What can I tell you, Italians know a lot about gourmet food! This is a real oasis... a very small open area, but placing and submitting an order, relaxed communication with the young and cheerful owner of the establishment - this is exactly that rare case when the memory of something is etched in the memory for a long time and over time is mentally savored with slight nostalgia.

Breakfast in the tiny and inconspicuous Myrtillo is worthy of a separate story. This is not only a positive charge and a full stomach, but also a real taste pleasure. We only stopped once for breakfast at Myrtillo on the way to Myrtos beach (the Myrtillo cafe-shop is located on the main road west coast, between two observation decks on Myrtos Beach), but I really remember this place. Here you can buy local homemade and other only nature Greek specialties (honey, jam, jam, nuts) as souvenirs, and there is also a small open area with tables where you can eat.

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A proper Greek breakfast, like everything ingenious, is extremely simple. Greek yogurt, honey, tahini (sesame paste), nuts. You can also add seasonal fruits or homemade jam. It is not for nothing that, according to statistics, the Greek islands have the highest number of long-livers, because with delicious natural food you can afford to live healthily for many years.

If you come to Myrtillo ideally for breakfast, then for dinner it is advisable to climb higher into the mountains. For example, you can taste excellent young lamb near the resort town of Sami. Our destination is the mountain village of Poulata. The owner of the house where we rented an apartment told us about this place. In fact, this is an ordinary village in the mountains, which is notable only for the fact that the local specialty is excellently prepared here - young lamb meat. You can also try lamb, goat and other mixed grilled meats. But it is the rack of lamb on the coals that is the masterpiece of local Greek cuisine.

In the village of Poulata there is a popular tourist establishment “Rambolis Grill Lamb Reataurant”, where tourists are brought by buses after an excursion in the Melissani cave (this is “ business card» Kefalonia, which is located in the vicinity of the city of Sami). And very close to this restaurant there is a small family tavern, the name of which cannot be reproduced in Greek (look at the photo). You need to arrive in the evening, around 8 o'clock is ideal. Because at 7 o’clock in the evening the workers are just getting ready to receive guests, and at 9 there may no longer be any free places left. They work until late as long as there are visitors. It’s very tasty, the portions are impressive, the prices are reasonable, and the attitude towards guests is good-natured. The owners of the establishment welcome guests like a family, and the food and service are beyond praise!

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By the way, the basic principle for choosing catering places in Greece (however, this applies to many European countries). Many domestic tourists have stereotypical thinking about what a catering establishment (restaurant, cafe, pastry shop or coffee shop) should look like. How is it usually with us? That's right: a cafe-restaurant will be cool and tasty if it looks at least decent: a beautiful interior, fabric tablecloths and napkins, expensive dishes, etc. This is a delicious restaurant. Tasty and expensive, there’s no other way. As you understand, the rules of “appearance” of taverns, familiar to compatriots, do not apply in Greece at all. In Greece, taverns focus primarily on the quality and taste of food. That is, if the food is not tasty, then you can do nothing further - there are no people in this tavern, and there never will be. Then the second most important thing is the view from the tavern, and only after that, almost lastly, is it about the design, beautiful dishes, napkins, etc.

Ask me, which tavern in Greece was most memorable and sank into your soul? The answer is simple: this is a tavern somewhere in the mountain wilderness or inconspicuous back streets of the old city, in a completely ordinary room, with the same ordinary ordinary people who cook and serve food. After all, it is the delicious food and friendly atmosphere that is remembered, not the well-trained waiters and original design. Although this also has the right to be, but definitely not in Greece.

It would be worth starting with the fact that in Greece you always need to pay attention to the sign of the establishment. It is extremely rare that in front of a tavern on English language it was written “taverna”, most likely they would write “restaurant” in English. But a restaurant is just that: a restaurant with all the attributes: waiters, white tablecloths, etc. Authentic restaurants in Greece – a rare event, which you can only find in major cities, for example, in Athens or Thessaloniki, or at hotels. Their cuisine is also usually European. Therefore, the “restaurant” sign is a deliberate substitution of concepts for foreign tourists. If you want to try authentic Greek cuisine, you need a tavern with its understated simplicity and "family" feel.

When your stomach is full, you usually want more spectacles. Or if you suddenly get bored from a measured rest, and there is a desire to dilute the languor of life, you can go to the north of the island, to the small town of Fiskardo. There is a large marina for yachts, around which everything is touristic for the discerning public. In short - pretentious, expensive, cocktail bars, taverns and restaurants. Everything your heart desires, for every taste and budget. In Fiskardo, in addition to the ancient architecture, I remember the impudent and not at all prim young Englishmen, blond Scandinavians, cheerful and loud Italians, drunk and noisy Czechs... the marina in Fiskardo is large, the audience is motley and colorful. You won't get bored, that's for sure! But for a relaxing holiday, it is better to choose accommodation in the immediate vicinity; you should not base yourself in Fiskardo itself.

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Meanwhile, we go around the northern part of Kefalonia and smoothly move to the western coast of the island, closer to the inaccessible rocky bays and the piercing blue Ionian Sea, well known from publications in glossy magazines. The first thing your eye catches from the height of the main route is a long cape protruding into the sea. The view is incredible, so it’s impossible to just drive past! This is Assos - perhaps one of the most beautiful and spectacular places in Kefalonia.

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Assos is a small cozy town located on an isthmus between the mainland and a peninsula crowned by a Venetian fortress. The town itself is miniature and very touristy, which is not surprising in view of its special external attractiveness, and in terms of the number of idly wandering tourists it can easily compete with the pretentious Fiscardo. Assos looks equally great from afar and up close! Houses with brightly colored facades stretch up the slope of a small sheltered bay. On the narrow cobbled streets there are large tubs and tall clay pots everywhere with decorative and exuberant flowering plants, which I especially like in the south. In the marina, fishing boats and small yachts sway rhythmically, taverns with tables along the water, alluring smells of cooking food spread, and then spicy aromas excite the receptors. The colorful reality is pleasing to the eye, and the emotions are overwhelming inside... a real Mediterranean idyll.

If you take the time to climb the wide winding path paved with marble to the top of the peninsula to the Venetian fortress (Castle of Assos of the 15th century), then you will be rewarded for your work and perseverance - the views are grandiose!

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We move further along the western coast of Kefalonia. In this part of the island the main road is laid at a decent height. At a decent height along steep cliffs! I don’t know how anyone perceives reality, but I am always impressed when a Man masters the mountains, “taming” them to his needs. Just imagine: along the western coast of Kefalonia, the road is in some places carved out of huge stone blocks, which causes genuine surprise and, of course, respect for the people who built it. And now driving along ideal mountain roads is a real pleasure, despite the endless turns. After all, behind each of them a new, unique view opens up, and you want to make stops as often as possible to capture this beauty as a memory. But, alas, there are very few suitable places for this. The track has two lanes, fences on both sides, closed blind turns...

Following the settlement of Assos is the famous Greek beach of Myrtos and one of the few equipped areas along the route where you can stop. This Observation deck Myrthos Beach Viewpoint. There are not enough words to express the fullness of feelings and emotions when you see piercing blue in real life!

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Myrtos Beach, along with the Melissani Cave, is the calling card of Kefalonia. We did not go down to the beach itself; according to reviews, it is not very convenient for swimming. It is usually very stormy here and strong winds often blow, due to the fact that the beach “looks” into the open sea. There are large pebbles on the shore, and the depth begins immediately from the shore. But from the outside, especially from a bird’s eye view, this is a dream beach.

Further along the western coast of Kefalonia, between Myrtos beach and the village of Zola, there are several more moderately beautiful beaches and lagoons, but we go further - to a “secret” bay. Lost in the mountains at the north-western tip of the Paiki Peninsula, Atheras Bay is striking in its beauty at first sight. In a carefully closed bay, with a cape protruding far into the sea, everything is perfectly suited for swimming and relaxing - moderately secluded, there are small pebbles on the shore, a clean bottom and a calm sea. And the view is amazing, this is very important!

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I cannot ignore the capital of Kefalonia - Argostoli. This is the main transport hub of the island; most hotels and large supermarkets are concentrated around the capital, and the promenade along the coastal part of the city will bring a lot of pleasure. The city center is interesting and beautiful embankment lined with multi-colored pebbles framed date palms. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s morning, afternoon or evening – there is something to do in the capital at any time of the day.

The city of Argostoli spreads widely in the shape of an amphitheater along the shore of a large lagoon. There is an airport close to the capital and for fans of spotting this is a place of power. In addition to a large selection of beaches, there are several noteworthy places in the vicinity of Argostoli. For example, a viewpoint on the edge of the cape, the active lighthouse of St. Theodora (Agion Theodoron), better known as the Fanari lighthouse, and nearby the Katavothres Sea Mill watermill is located. Actually, tourists usually fly through this section (between Argostoli and the lighthouse) in cars without stopping. But in vain! From Argostoli, a path stretches along the sea through a natural park, where along the way there are small coves suitable for swimming, pine trees, cypress trees and juniper trees, thanks to which you can breathe in the heady Mediterranean pine air. I can’t even believe that there are such quiet, relatively deserted places very close to the noisy capital of the island.

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The mill, located near the lighthouse, is very unusual place. It is not so much the engineering structure that is interesting, but Katavotres, a unique geological phenomenon of the island of Kefalonia. Usually on an island the river flows into the sea, but on the island of Kefalonia the opposite happens. Streams of sea water fall into underwater karst crevices near the village of Katavothres (on the outskirts of Argostoli), then they pass under the island from west to east and appear on the surface in the village of Karavomilos (near the town of Sami), where they then flow into the cave lake Melissani.

In 1963, geologists from an Austrian university dropped 160 kg of paint in the area of ​​the underground tunnels of the village of Katavotres, and 15 days later traces of this paint appeared in the water on the eastern side of the island. The Englishman Stevens was the first observer to describe this unusual phenomenon. He decided to use the energy of the water that was lost in the “catavotra” (in the crevice) and built a water mill there, which we can still see today.

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What else is noteworthy in Argostoli? Every day in the morning and evening on the embankment you can take part in a free “attraction” - feeding sea turtles. One day we specially arrived early in the morning at the Argostoli embankment to see the Caretta-caretta turtles up close. It happens like this: at 9 am, fishermen with their morning catch moor at the pier on the embankment, where the first buyers of fresh fish are already waiting for them. A spontaneous mini-fish market is formed. The fish for the buyers are immediately cut up and the offal is thrown into the water right there. Turtles come to them to feast on them. If you see crowds of people on the embankment, that means turtles are there.

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And, concluding the topic of Argostoli, I would like to note that it is in the capital that active tourist life is in full swing. Here is the brightest evening promenade and, in principle, only in this place was nightlife noticed. In addition, Argostoli has a huge selection of establishments: taverns, restaurants, nightclubs, cocktail bars, pizzerias. And, of course, the Greek version of fast food “giradiko” and “souvladzidiko” is widely represented (the first is called after the dish “gyros”, and the second takes its name from “souvlaki” - these are small kebabs). In terms of cuisine, Argostoli has everything your heart desires, for every taste. We dined here several times in various establishments, but most of all I remember the family restaurant of Greek cuisine, Casa Grec, lost in the narrow streets of the old city.

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From Argostoli you can conveniently and fairly quickly move to the Paliki Peninsula. You can get there by land, but it’s much more comfortable to get there by water. The Argostoli-Lixouri ferry, which departs every half hour from the port of one capital of the island to another and back (Lixouri is the capital of the Paliki Peninsula), takes on board both passengers and cars.

The gathering point for vacationers on the Paiki Peninsula is the popular “red” Xi Beach. We deliberately skip it and head a little further, our goal is neighboring Koutala Beach. Most of the beaches on the coast of the Paiki Peninsula are known for their characteristic and expressive combination: a thin strip of bright red sand on the shore and high clay cliffs (this clay is said to have a cosmetic effect and can be smeared with it like in a spa - I can only take their word for it, we haven't tried). It looks very beautiful in sunny weather!

The sea is shallow and calm. Quiet, secluded, practically no people. In my opinion, it is also a great place to relax with small children - shallow, warm sea, sandy.

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Greece – amazing country, half consisting of islands, each of them is beautiful and interesting in its own way. One of the most beautiful is the Greek island of Kefalonia (Kefalonia), it is a paradise for tourists. Here even the most demanding and sophisticated will find something to suit their taste.

Location of the island of Kefalonia, how to get there

Kefalonia is one of the most big islands Ionian group in western Greece. The island is located in the Ionian Sea, the closest neighbor of Kefalonia is the legendary Ithaca.

A special feature of the island is the dense pine forests that completely cover the mountains. Therefore, the air in Kefalonia is very clean and healthy, saturated with the aromas of pine needles and the sea. Also, thanks to the climate, they grow on the island. rare plants, many of them are listed in the Red Book (Kefalinian fir and violet).

There are only a few on the island major cities, the most significant are Lixouri (almost completely rebuilt after the earthquake) and Sami (completely new seaport). The capital of Kefalonia is the city of Argostoli, which was also heavily damaged by the earthquake in 1953.

There are only two ways to get to the island: by air and by sea. There are flights from Athens airports to Kefalonia, and ferries to the island also go from the capital. But the most interesting will be the boat trip.

Kefalonia on the map of Greece

Kefalonia weather

The area of ​​the island of Kefalonia is 786.6 km 2, and the length of the coast is 267 km; it is inhabited by more than 35 thousand people. Like most islands of Greece, the topography of Kefalonia is mountainous, the most high mountain Enos is considered.

The climate on the island is typical Mediterranean, with hot, dry summers and mild, rainy winters. In addition, there are very rarely strong winds on the island, which makes holidays here more comfortable. In summer, the air temperature can reach more than 35 degrees, and in the sea the water warms up to at least 25C.

According to legend, the island got its name in honor of the ancient hero Cephalus, who became the king of the island. His sons divided the island among themselves and founded four cities named after their rulers:

  • Sami,
  • Pronni,
  • Krani,
  • Pali.

Cephalus is also considered the ancestor of the legendary Odysseus, king of the island of Ithaca. Many other corners of the island are associated with myths and legends, but this will be discussed in more detail below.

And if we return to reality, the history of the island of Kefalonia has its roots in ancient times: these lands were inhabited back in Paleolithic times. And from the 15th century BC. An ancient Greek tribe called the Lelegi settled on the island, worshiping the god of the seas Poseidon. Already during the war in Troy, the island could boast of a high level of civilization.

Research by archaeological scientists confirms that in ancient times the island was indeed divided into 4 regions with main cities. Philip V, the father of Alexander the Great, also tried to conquer Cephalonia, although unsuccessfully.

But the Romans were able to subjugate the island, and from 187 BC. Cephalonia became part of the Roman Empire. In the Middle Ages, the island passed to the Byzantines.

From time to time it was captured by different peoples: the Venetians, the Normans, the Turks, and the French. During the 2nd World War it succumbed to occupation by the Germans and Italians. Now Kefalonia is part of Greece.

Since the island is located in a seismically active zone, it was often subject to earthquakes. One of them, of great power in 1953, almost completely destroyed several cities of Kefalonia.

Natural attractions of Kefalonia

The nature of the island is truly amazing, thanks to the mountainous landscape, there are many picturesque harbors and bays. But the caves of Kefalonia - Melissani and Drogarati - are worthy of the greatest admiration.

Melissani is not just a cave, it is an underground lake in the middle of the rock, and there is no ceiling of the cave. The cave acquired this unusual shape thanks to an earthquake that collapsed its dome.

Over time, the edges of the cliff became overgrown with grass and trees, which were reflected along with the sky in the waters of the lake. This gives both the lake and the entire cave an even more fabulous look.

Like all more or less significant places in Greece, this cave is also associated with myth. In ancient times, this place was inhabited by a nymph named Melissani, who was desperately in love with the god of fertility and fun, Pan.

But her love was unrequited, and the nymph threw herself into an underground lake out of grief. Be that as it may, studies of the cave showed that in ancient times this cave was a place of worship of nymphs and Pan.

The Melissani cave is located 2 km from the town of Sami. The depth of the lake is 14 m, but the water in it is so clean and transparent that the bottom is visible even at such a distance. Further, where the lake ends, the cave itself begins, with stalactites and stalagmites.

Another feature of this beautiful place is that this lake mixes fresh groundwater with salty seawater. It is impossible to convey in words all the beauty of the Melissani Cave - you just need to visit it.

The Drogarati Cave also arose due to frequent earthquakes on the island, and was discovered about 300 years ago. It was studied by speleologists, and only in 1963 it was opened to the public.

The cave is located at a depth of almost 90 m, its dimensions are 45x65 m, and the height of the room is 20 m. It was not possible to establish exactly when this cave was formed, but researchers believe that it was about 100 million years ago. It is also known that Drogarati is connected by passages to other cavities in the rock, but all of them are still filled up and have not been explored.

Drogarati received its name due to a legend according to which a dragon with that name once lived in the cave. Once a month he attacked human settlements and ate one person at a time. But one day, a brave resident of the island killed the dragon and freed the people from the bloody tribute. And since then the local population has called the cave “The Dragon’s Mouth.”

This is one of the most beautiful caves in all of Greece, thanks to stalagmites and stalactites of various shapes and sizes. The Drogarati cave has another unique phenomenon - perfect acoustics.

Thanks to these data, it is also called the “Hall of Perfection” or “Music Cave”. Sometimes a symphony orchestra is invited to the cave and performs various works. The impressions of what we saw and heard were simply unforgettable.

The island's climate is conducive to passive relaxation: you want to soak up the sun's rays and a light breeze, and then plunge into the clear waters of the Ionian Sea. And here you can’t do without beaches, fortunately, there are plenty of them in Kefalonia - there are 28 equipped beaches in total.

The island can rightfully be proud of their status as “The Best Beaches in the Mediterranean”. Here are some of the most beautiful and popular beaches on the island:

This beach ranks first in beauty on the island, and is recognized as one of the five best beaches in the world. Myrtos is located in the west of the island, between the peaks of Kalos Oros and Agia Dinati. The shore is covered with snow-white sand and pebbles, and the sea water is crystal clear even in the deepest places.

The beach is well equipped: plenty of umbrellas and sunbeds, bars and cafes, rescue teams. The beauty of Myrtos beach is complemented by a nearby grotto - a wonderful place for photo sessions.

In terms of fashionability, this beach can be compared with Myrtos, but in terms of their natural “data” they are very different. Petani is located in a secluded bay at the foot of the mountains, so you have to take a mountain road to get here, but the beach is worth it.

There is not such an influx of tourists here as on the flat beaches. The shore is covered with small pebbles, and the water is a rich azure color; all this beauty is complemented by the pristine mountains surrounding the Petani beach in a semicircle.

Although the shore is flat, close enough to it a depth of several meters is already reached. In addition to the standard set of “benefits of civilization,” you can rent scuba diving equipment on this beach.

A unique beach on the island, thanks to its unusual bright orange sand. In addition, along the beach there are rocks made of bluish clay. The clay composition is very beneficial for the skin, so the softened mixture can be used as masks for the whole body.

Xi Beach is located on the Paiki Peninsula, and is adjacent to the equally beautiful Megas Lakos Beach.


Another interesting beach in Kefalonia, its second name is “Salty”. And all because of the salt deposits in the rocks surrounding the beach. Also in these rocks there are pools created by nature, the concentration of salt in which is much higher than in the sea, and the water in them warms up more strongly.

So on Alaties you can not only sunbathe, swim in the sea, but also take “salt baths”. This beach is located in the north of the island, near a town called Fiskardo.

In addition to caves and beaches, Kefalonia has other attractions that have already been created by the inhabitants of the island themselves.

One of the most significant architectural monuments is the fortress of St. George. The structure is located (now ruins) at an altitude of 320 meters, 7 km from Argostoli, near the village of Peratata.

The land on which the fortress was built has been sacred since ancient times - burials from the Mycenaean era were discovered here. The construction of the fortress dates back to the 12th century - the time of Byzantine rule.

It was a well-fortified structure of 16 thousand m2, having a rectangular shape. Time and frequent earthquakes on the island almost completely destroyed this monumental structure.

In the west of Kefalonia there is an ancient Venetian castle from the 16th century, within which the village of Asos still exists. The decision to build a fortress castle on this site was dictated by nature itself - a piece of land surrounded by steep rocky shores.

The castle was surrounded by walls, the total length of which was more than 2 km. For a long time it was an excellent protection for residents from various invasions. Now both the castle and the walls are badly damaged.

This island is not as popular among tourists as Cyprus or Santorini, but it is definitely a wonderful holiday resort. And those who visit it will be satisfied with both the nature of Kefalonia and the hospitality local residents, and service in hotels and on the beaches.

Kefalonia, hotels

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Kefalonia - the island of seafarers, an island of beaches where nymphs gather and miracles happen. The island got its name from the hero Cephalus from ancient Greek mythology.

Kefalonia is the largest island in the group of seven Ionian islands. It is located between the islands of Zakynthos and Lefkada almost in the center of the Ionian Sea. The area of ​​the island of Kefalonia is 671 square meters. km, and its length coastline stretches for 250 km.

Since May 2013 to the island of Kefalonia started for the first time direct weekly charter flights from Moscow, which together with the existing ones charters from St. Petersburg making the island of Kefalonia more accessible to tourists from Russia. Kefalonia is connected by air (30 minutes) and ferry (1.5 hours) connections.

Complex tours Zakynthos – Kefalonia are in particular demand for holidays on the islands of Greece, because you can fly to one island and fly back from your vacation from another. The islands complement each other, and the impressions from your tourist trip will be twice as great.

Holidays on the Island of Kefalonia in Greece.

At first glance, Kefalonia is a mountainous and harsh island. As you move along the serpentine road leading along the coast, landscapes of amazing fabulous beauty open up around every turn: a sea of ​​incredible blue, framed by rocky bays with beaches, and green islands of seaside villages. Vineyards, myrtle and olive groves with trembling leaves of trees emitting an almost metallic sound, as well as distinctive coastal towns with yachts and small fishing boats moored at the embankments, complete the landscape picture of the island of Kefalonia.

The island of Kefalonia captivates travelers with grape valleys, slopes with cypress alleys and pine air. Kefalonia immerses tourists in an atmosphere of relaxation and gives joy! The hospitality and cordiality of the Greek residents towards the Russians proves that there is an invisible spiritual connection between the two countries.

Holidays on the island of Kefalonia are distinguished by their regularity and tranquility.

Cities and resorts about. Kefalonia.

The capital of the island of Kefalonia is city ​​of Argostoli. 10 km from the capital is international Airport, which receives flights from Athens and charter flights.

The city of Argostoli was rebuilt after the devastating earthquake of 1953 with a magnitude of 7.2 on the Richter scale. Today modern life is bustling here, and at night there is also a holiday “party” in discos, clubs and bars.

Patron of the Island of Kefalonia – Saint Gerasim, who lived as a hermit in the Katavotres cave 2.5 km from the monastery near Argostoli.

Ferry services operate from the main port of Argostoli, as well as Sami, Poros and Fiskado.

Sami is the second port of the island and the main gate for ferries from Italy, Patras, Astakos and Lefkada. Port Sami became the main filming location for the film “Captain Corelli’s Mandolin” with the participation of N. Cage and P. Cruz.

The main resort towns of the island of Kefalonia: Skala, Lixouri, Lassi.

The beach season on the island of Kefalonia lasts from May to mid-October. The highest summer temperature of +35C occurs in August.

Beaches on the island of Kefalonia are presented for every taste: from “wild” and secluded to noisy with developed tourist infrastructure.

The best beaches of Kefalonia island.

  • Myrtos is the most beautiful and photographed white sand and pebble beach in Greece with great depth of sea. It is among the top 10 best beaches on the planet;
  • Xi is a shallow beach with dense red sand, framed by limestone cliffs with healing blue clay;
  • Katelios – long sandy beach;
  • Makris Gialos and Platis Gialos (4 km from the capital Argostoli);
  • Antisamos – near the port of Sami;
  • Petani Beach;
  • Skala Beach is a long sandy beach near the town of Skala.

More than 20 beaches in Kefalonia have their own names, many of which are awarded “ Blue Flag"for cleanliness.

Hotels on the island Kefalonia.

Apartments and villas, small family hotels and 4* and 5* luxury hotels make up a significant part of the hotel map of the island of Kefalonia.

The best hotels for all categories of tourists: Cyprotel Kefalonia Garden Village 4*, Porto Scala Hotel Village 4*, Mediterranee 4*, Cephalonia Palace Hotel 4*, Utopia Resort & SPA 5*, Appolonion Resort & SPA 5*, White Rocks Hotel & Bungalows 5*.

Family holiday with children It’s better to spend it at the Ionian Sea Hotel and Aguapark 3*, where the SOLnechny Krug club has been created and animators-educators work.

Sights of the island of Kefalonia.

  • Argostoli. Archaeological and ethnographic museums and an ancient multi-arch bridge;
  • Mounts Enos (1627 m) and Rudi (1130 m) are the natural attractions of the island. They're covered relict rock trees of dark green color “black spruce”, which grows only here. mountain range Enos is a national reserve with an area of ​​1973 hectares;
  • The resort village and port of Agia Efimia is a holiday destination for diving and yachting enthusiasts;
  • Lixouri. Jacob's Palace with a library, ruins of ancient Pali;
  • Fiscardo is a fishing harbor with ancient architecture, the only one not damaged by the 1953 earthquake;
  • Melissana is a cave on the lake, which can only be accessed from a boat;
  • Drongarati Cave (House of the Dragon) is one of the longest descents at 44 meters, which ends in a cave hall with excellent acoustics, where concerts can be held. The cave fascinates with stalactites up to 300 meters long;
  • Assoc. Venetian fortress from the 16th century;
  • Kastro is the medieval capital of the island.

What to bring as a gift from the island of Kefalonia? Great mood, video and photos! Honey, Robola wine, Feta cheese, quince and almond sweets and olive oil.

If you have long dreamed of unforgettable vacation, it’s time to go to Kefalonia: there are no attractions here big island so much that it will last for several trips.

Kefalonia – beautiful island in the Ionian Sea, with rich history And beautiful beaches. Tourists come here in search of an unusual holiday, acquaintance with ancient culture and vivid impressions. There are beautiful ones here quiet bays and centers beach holiday and entertainment, preserved ancient buildings and mysterious caves, beautiful nature and modern service.

The area of ​​Kefalonia is more than 780 square kilometers. It is located between Lefkada and Zakynthos, in the very center of the Ionian Sea. Therefore, Kefalonia's weather is warm and humid all year round. In summer, the average air temperature is +32°, and the water warms up to +26°. In January, the thermometer rarely drops below +14°, while sea water warms up to +16°.

In Kefalonia (Greece), the weather is favorable for the tourist season to last throughout the year. You can relax on the beach from April to October inclusive. The rest of the time, not everyone will risk taking a dip in the cool water. But this time you can visit a variety of excursions in Kefalonia.

Village of Assos

How to get to Kefalonia

You can get to the island by air or water. There is one airport here that accepts domestic flights within Greece - regular and charter from Europe.

How to get from Athens to Kefalonia? By plane only: flights operate all year round. During the summer, Kefalonia Airport receives flights from Corfu and Zakynthos.

You can get here by ferry almost all year round from the cities of Sami, Killini, Argostoli, Poros. The Kefalonia – Zakynthos ferry runs only in summer.

Inside, the main transport is buses. They connect almost everything settlements. Buses run every day except Sunday - keep this in mind when planning your travel route around Kefalonia. The fare ranges from 1 to 5 EUR, depending on the length of the route.

Petani Beach

Another type of local transport is a taxi: Kefalonia offers quite affordable prices and the opportunity to book a transfer from the airport on a budget.

Car rental in Kefalonia is a common service; you can arrange it right at the airport. There are companies that rent a car and deliver it to the client within 15 km. It is convenient to travel around Kefalonia by car, and if desired, you can load it on board a ferry: often water transport provides such services for private transport and taxis. Driving around the island by car is convenient: you don’t need to adapt to the traffic schedule, you can break away at any time and go to see the next attraction. Or drive further away in search of a secluded beach.

It’s worth renting a car if you’re traveling to Kefalonia with children: the little one will be comfortable in a car with air conditioning, and you can go to the hotel or have lunch at any time.

In Kefalonia, the roads are suitable for traveling by bicycle and moped: almost the entire local population travels this way. Visitors, wanting to save money on renting a car in Kefalonia, often also choose two-wheeled transport.


Where to stay

How to get to the island of Kefalonia on your own? The easiest way to fly is from Athens. If you are vacationing in Greece, you can devote 1-2 days to visiting this island. If you are not initially planning a trip to Kefalonia, you should take care of overnight accommodation in advance.

The cost of living here depends on the area and the distance from the coastline. At the same time, even the most budget hotels on the island of Kefalonia offer a high level of service and luxurious rooms.

The largest hotel complex is located in the town of Lassi, near beaches with golden sands. There are quiet hotels for families with children and a corresponding beach. Hotel Lassi is located 300 meters from the sea and has its own swimming pool. From here to the airport is only 5 kilometers.

Before booking a room, read reviews about hotels in Kefalonia. The low level of service here is nonsense. But if you are looking for a quiet option, away from noisy parties, finding such a hotel is quite possible. You can also rent a room in a villa or an apartment.

Hotel Maria Anna in Trapezaki is surrounded by a picturesque garden, located near the sea. Guests can use the grill. There is a restaurant and grocery store on site.

Listostrotos (Bobble Street) in Argostoli

What to see in Kefalonia Island?

There are many attractions and interesting places, where you can wander from morning to night.

Kefalonia Island: Attractions to see:

Village of Assos

Miracle with snakes in Kefalonia

Miracles on the island of Kefalonia are associated with the mysterious icon of the Virgin Mary. Many years ago, she was found on a tree after a fire, safe and sound. Several times it was transferred to the church, but the icon mysteriously disappeared, after which it was found in the roots of a burnt tree. Later a church was built here. One day the temple was attacked by pirates. But mysteriously snakes appeared around the building. Since then, in Kefalonia, the Assumption of the Virgin Mary (August 15) has been accompanied by the appearance of snakes in the temple in this church of Kefalonia. If they do not appear, this indicates impending troubles, most often an approaching earthquake.

Wild beach in the northern part of the island

Local beaches

Looking at the map of Kefalonia with beaches, you will see that they are located almost along the entire perimeter of the island. They are in every city, near every major beach resort. Usually the hotel is a stone's throw from the beach. But in some places it is prohibited to build any buildings at a distance of 5 km from the water line - it is better to get to such beaches by rented car or bicycle.

Xi Beach

Myrtos Beach (Kefalonia) has a UNESCO award as the cleanest and most beautiful. There is a very high level of security here, so among the vacationers there are many families with children. And in the evening, the coast is flooded with sunset light, which makes it incredibly beautiful.

Popular local beaches include Xi, Atisamos, Skalou.

Kefalonia's nudist beaches are usually located behind the cliffs. Some of them can only be reached by water - for this you will have to rent a boat.

Foki Beach

Enjoy your holiday on the island of Kefalonia: excursions to interesting places

A sightseeing tour of the island is the easiest way to see absolutely all the sights of Kefalonia, take photos memorable places. The main routes begin with a visit to the caves, which are the pride of the island.

Other popular routes include:

  • Excursion to the monastery of St. Gerasimos;
  • Visit to the Robolla winery with tasting;
  • Sea cruise around the coast of Onassis's Dream.

The average cost of excursions is from 50 to 300 EUR, depending on the duration and route.

On the largest island of the Ionian archipelago - Kefalonia (modern Greek name Kefalonia) - there are real cities and resorts. Like its neighbors, Cephalonia suffered greatly during the Second World War. world war from the Germans and Italians, and the “transition” of the island from one occupier to another after the surrender of Italy in 1943 was marked by a massacre in which over 5 thousand Italian troops were killed by the invading German troops. These events are described by Louis de Bernieres in the novel “Captain Corelli Mandolin” (Louis de Bernieres, Captain’s Corelli Mandoline).

Until the end of the 1980s, the island was not developed by tourism - partly, apparently, because adapting Kefalonia to the market seemed to be a difficult undertaking. The 1953 earthquake literally razed all the towns and villages of the island, and the lost masterpieces of Venetian architecture were perhaps the only graceful touch enlivening the harsh mountainous landscape. The delay in tourism can be explained in a simpler way: they say that the Cephalinians have a very firmly established reputation as intractable, stubborn, proud people, who are also eccentric, if not foolish.

However, there is something to attract guests: the beaches of Kefalonia are no worse than their rivals on other islands of the archipelago, and the local (admittedly expensive) wine – dry white Robola – is also famous. Fortunately, the merciful heavens sent down the “Corelli factor” and the island has not yet become too crowded with visitors and too expensive, although there are trends. The island itself seems ready to absorb a huge number of people, and it won’t get crowded anyway, but the majestic nature speaks for itself: steep slopes and slopes reach their maximum expression in Mount Enos (1632 meters above sea level), declared a national park.

There is only one airport on the island, information about which is given in the article about. The bus service is not very convenient, but the schedule is maintained, and with transfers you can get to almost any point on the island. The main routes connect the main tourism centers with Argostoli - Sami, Fiskardo, Skala and Poros. The route connecting Sami with the resort of Ayia-Efimia, where many vacationers are drawn on vouchers, is also convenient.

Motorcyclists are advised to be extremely careful: the paths, especially those off the beaten path, can be very difficult, although the highways and highways along the main routes are now mostly paved. Please note that small engines often cannot cope with steep road inclines. The island is connected by ferry service to many island and mainland ports: from Fiskardo ferries go to Ithaca, from Sami to Ithaca, Astakos and, from Argostoli and Poros to the mainland, to Kyllini, and from the port of Pessada to. Almost every year during high season there is a direct ferry service between Sami and one of the Italian ports, usually Brindisi, but this route is operated by only one company.

Greek town of Sami and surroundings

Ships mostly land at the large and functional port of Sami, built and then rebuilt on the southern edge of the strait separating Cephalonia from Ithaca, roughly where ancient Sami once stood. In the Homeric era, the capital of the island was in Sami, and Cephalonia itself was part of the sea kingdom of Ithaca. Today, everything has changed in the power ladder, and on the contrary, it is considered a quiet backwater.

Ferries link the city with Patras, many more ferries go to Ithaca, and there is also a direct (though unpredictable) connection with, so Sami is clearly poised for a boom in the near future. The long sandy beach surrounding the bay is quite good, and 2 kilometers behind ancient Sami on the beautiful pebble beach of Andisamis you can have a cool drink at the Mojito Beach Bar.

There are three large hotels in town: the friendly Athina Beach is the better of the two at the far end of the beach, essentially in Karavomylos, while the Pericles, with extensive grounds, two swimming pools and sports facilities, is more than 1 kilometer from the road to Argostolion. The best option middle class hotels - convenient Kastro on the waterfront. Close on his heels is Melissani behind the ferry dock. Camping Sami - Karavomilos Beach - has 300 shaded sites, a tavern, a shop, a bar and access to the beach. There is no doubt that it is much better than its competitors (there are two official sites on the island for those who like to spend the night in the fresh air).

There are few taverns outside the waterfront: the best in the center are Mermaid and Faros, which serve decent meat and vegetarian dishes, including the famous meat pie (a local delicacy). It's much quieter at Dionysos, which offers fresh seafood at low prices and live music on weekends. Obviously, some pub must bear the name "Captain's Corelli" - it, together with Aqua Marina, makes up a couple of the most beloved evening bars, and you can have breakfast or treat yourself to ice cream at the "other captain" while at the club Asteria bouzouki is a fun night out. Rent a motorcycle on the embankment, in “Sami Center”, and rent cars in a reliable local company “Island”.

  • Drogarati and Melissani caves on the island of Kefalonia

Another reason to stay in Sami is the city’s proximity to the caves of Drogarati (5 kilometers towards Argostoli) and Melissani (3 kilometers to the north, direction towards Agia Efimia). Drogarati (April-October daily 9:00-20:00) has impressive stalagmites, and on occasion it serves concert hall: the acoustics are magnificent, Maria Callas herself sang in the cave. Melissani (daily 8:00-19:00) is partly flooded with saline waters, which, surprisingly, seep up from an underground fissure, and this crack runs through the entire island to a point near Argostoli.

There - the place is called Katavotres - the sea constantly flows into the underground tunnel, and before the earthquake of 1953 that destroyed everything, the current rotated water mills, not river ones, but sea ones. Glowing paint in the cave marks the water level in the cave - current and previous, before 1953. The play of light leaking through the collapsed roof of the cave creates bizarre patterns and shadows, and there is always a rare fog in the air, like a haze, made up of water droplets.

  • Fishing harbor of Agia Efimia on the island of Kefalonia

The friendly little fishing harbor of Ayia-Efimia, 9 kilometers north of Sami, although it has been chosen by tour operators who bring vacationers here on tour packages, there are no large construction projects or other “development” here. There are two significant flaws. The first is the beaches, or rather, the lack thereof: the largest, called, in no way mockingly, “paradise”, Paradise (Greek name paradisos), is a measly 20 meters of small pebbles, although there are other coves to the south. The second one is bad transport connection(only 2 bus services daily, to Sami and Fiskardo). But accommodation is very good, there are two nice hotels - Boulevard Pyllaros, but prices are lower in Moustakis, and Yerasimos Raftopoulos offers apartments.

Paradise Beach Tavern, further along the headland past the harbor, offers island cuisine at reasonable prices. Pergola and To Steki Tou Kalofaga also prepare dishes typical of the island, as well as those that are common throughout the country. As you would expect, the cafe-bar, where filmmakers and actors whiled away their time during the filming of the film, was renamed Captain’s Corelli; it’s better to have breakfast at Strawberry. Nightclub Paranoia - 700 meters from the village, in the direction of Fiskardo. And if you are traveling on your own, know that between Ayia Efimia and Sami in the Ayia Paraskevf tavern above the bay of the same name you will be treated to famous spaghetti with pickled mussels, and the places around are majestic.

South-eastern part of the island of Kefalonia

Traveling from Sami to the southeast became much easier when they finished building the asphalt highway to Poros and launched a bus on the Sami-Poros route (2 trips daily). Poros is connected to the resort of Skala in the south by another paved road along the coast.

Poros was once one of the first resorts of the island, and its modern look indicates that the place knew better days. There are few hotels and high-rise buildings with apartments for visitors in Kefalonia - something rare, even unique; the poor promenade and unsightly pebble beach do not improve the impression. But from Poros there is a ferry to the Peloponnesian port of Kyllini, which is worth keeping in mind in case the Sami-Patra route is not suitable.

Actually, the resort is built around two bays: the first, where there are more tourists, and the current harbor a few minutes' walk behind the cape. There are many rooms and apartments for rent, and there are also hotels. It is best to stay at the cozy Santa Irina hotel at the crossroads away from the sea, and the neighboring Odysseus Palace often offers good discounts. Among the travel agencies, Poros Travel at the ferry dock also helps with accommodation, and not only sells ferry tickets and rents cars.

Bars and restaurants are mostly concentrated along the main promenade. The Fotis Family Tavern has good food and a pleasant environment, and the Mythos Bar has internet access. The mentioned road, leaving Poros, makes an arc of 12 kilometers along the coast and comes to Skala at the southern tip of the island. The route is pleasant and there are almost no buildings along the way, not counting the church 3 kilometers before the Rock near the ruins of a Roman temple.

As if in contrast to Poros, the resort of Skala consists of low buildings among large pine trees that literally hang over a good sandy beach. In the 1950s, near the rental rooms called Golden Beach Palace, a Roman villa was excavated (daily 10:00-14:00 and 17:00-20:00, longer in summer; free) and some mosaics. Many adherents of Skala do not leave the resort even when Poros closes until the next season, so it is difficult to find an overnight stay almost all year round. The owners of the Dionysus Rooms also offer studios and apartments, Dionysus Rooms, a block south of the main street, and Etam Travel Service also helps with accommodation.

Among the hotels, the small cozy Captain’s Hotel on a street shifted to the east, parallel to the main one, is convenient and friendly, and the more expensive Tara Beach hotel offers rooms and separate bungalows in a lush garden on the edge of the beach. There are many taverns in Skala: The Old Village and Flamingo offer the usual range of Greek and European dishes in a pleasant atmosphere, the coastal Paspalis serves fish and home cooking, Sunrise serves not only Greek cuisine, but also pizza. It's a good idea to have a drink at the Veto cocktail bar or at the seaside restaurant-bar Stavento, accompanied by the most fashionable music.

  • From Skala to Ludrata

Some of the best sandy beaches The islands are located next to Skala, below the village of Radzakli and around the growing resort of Kato Katelios, where there are already hotels: the intricate Odyssia and the almost completely German-occupied Galini Resort, which also offers good apartments for four. Rooms and apartments can be found at your local CBR Travel office. Of the half a dozen local restaurants and cafes on the embankment, the Blue Sea tavern is praised for the freshness and good quality of the fish, and people go primarily to the Cozy bar for drinks. The coast around Kato Katelios is the main breeding ground for loggerheads in Kefalonia. Therefore, resting and spending the night in the open air are prohibited here.

The village of Markopoulo in the island's hinterland is sometimes claimed to be the birthplace of the multilingual explorer Marco Polo, but today it is better known as the site of the outlandish "snake rite" performed annually on the Assumption of Our Lady, August 15th. The church in which the ritual is performed stands on the site of an ancient monastery. According to legend, the monastery was once attacked by pirates, and the nuns began to pray to be turned into snakes, just so as not to be captured. It is believed that their prayers were answered, and the annual “return” of many small and harmless snakes is perceived by the villagers as a good omen, promising good luck.

And since it is unlikely that nature is ready to observe with such precision a schedule not invented by it, a suspicion arises: are the (individual, of course) village holy fathers keeping an inconspicuous snake nursery? It is impossible to approach the shore until the village of Vahata, where rooms are rented out and restaurants operate, but there is little point in staying here, and turning downhill, after 2 kilometers you will find yourself at the Lourdata resort: on a 1 kilometer long beach, small pebbles are mixed with imported sand. Adonis and Ramona offer rooms on the outskirts, on the access road, and the new Thomatos Apartments behind the beach also have studios with kitchens.

Vegetarian dishes are prepared at the Diamond Tavern under a plane tree in the tiny village square. Further, on the hill is Dionysus, where they serve food as you would expect in an ordinary tavern. On the beach itself, Patritsia is good if you want good, inexpensive fish, and Lorraine's Magic Hill offers quality food. Cafe Platanos is located outside the village. To get to another good beach, Trapezaki, you need to turn off at Mussata, which is west of Vahata; This is a very pleasant spit, with the only restaurant near a small pier.

West Bank and road to the north of Kefalonia

The road from Argostoli to Fiskardo is the most picturesque in the archipelago. After leaving the city, the road climbs the Eumorphia spurs, where you can turn inland to visit the modern Museum of Natural History (daily 9:00-13:00, and on Monday-Saturday another 18:00-20:00; 1.50 € ) in Davgata. After passing Agonas, the road continues to climb up the mountain, clinging to almost sheer cliffs, until it comes to the village of Divarata, where some rooms are rented, for example, in the Mina studios there are a couple of restaurants, and this is the starting point of the path to Myrtos beach. This path leads downhill - 4 kilometers along a road suitable for a car or motorcycle.

On the beach itself there is only a snack bar, but above and below this establishment there is a shore that makes an incredibly strong impression - there is no landscape that would touch all the senses even more strongly in the entire archipelago: a brilliant strip of amazingly white sand with pebbles. Only there is little shade, and at the height of the season there are a lot of people. After 6 kilometers there will be a turn to Asos; this original village clings to a small isthmus between the island and a huge hill, on top of which there are the ruins of an ancient fortification.

Accommodation is in short supply, so it's best to book in advance at the friendly Cosi's Inn, the chic Kanakis Apartments, or the more standard rooms at Andreas Rokos on the driveway, all three on the driveway. In addition to the small pebble beach, Asos has three taverns, two of them - Nefeli and Platanos Grill - under plane trees in a square surrounded by mostly restored mansions, so there are no signs of the earthquake. It’s a bit cramped there, but you won’t find anything like it in the entire Ionian archipelago.

Located at the northernmost tip of the island, the town of Fiskardo is built on a limestone bed that protects the city from strong tremors. The bay is guarded by two lighthouses, Venetian and Victorian, and those ruins that are noticeable on the cape are said to remain from the 12th century church, which the Norman conqueror Robert Guiscard began to build, and the current name of the town reminds us of Gixar. The harbor embankment remains the same as it was in the 19th century, only now it is surrounded by luxurious restaurants and chic boutiques.

It is also home to the new Museum of Nature and Navigation (summer Monday-Friday 10:00-18:00, Sunday 10:00-14:00; donations), housed in a renovated neoclassical mansion built on a hill behind the village. The volunteers who take care of the museum study the environment, not without valuable results, and can also organize scuba diving. There are two good pebble beaches nearby: Emblisi, about 1 kilometer on the way back from the city, and Fokis, about the same distance, but to the south, along the path to the northern cape. Daily ferries connect Fiskardo with Lefkada all year round, and with Ithaca only in season.

As the main resort of the island, Fiskardo is busy until the end of October, so that accommodation is practically unaffordable. The cheapest rooms are in the hospitable Regina’s with its own cafe behind the building, near the car park, as well as in the Sotiria Tselenti agency. At the bakery, 50 meters behind a tiny square. An excellent, if ruinous, option is the beautifully remodeled Archontiko mansion behind and above the harbor convenience store. A little further from the ferry pier, on the embankment, there is the Pama Travel office, where they can also help you find a room or (more expensive) apartment.

There are a lot of restaurants, many good ones, but almost all are expensive. On the embankment, the rich seafood at Tassia is recommended (just watch your order - otherwise they will bring the wrong fish and not as much as you wanted) and Captain’s Table: hearty Greek and Cephalonian cuisine. Near the cape behind Pama Travel, Panormos has much lower prices and is superbly located, and Lagonderia around the corner offers delicious oven-fired food and now has premises on the seafront as well. Some of the most successful harbor bars include Irida's and the Yacht Inn. In the Kastro club on the outskirts of the village, among other things, they dance.

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