Cheops pyramid google map. Egyptian pyramids on the map. Necropolis in Dashur

These are the world famous pyramids located in the vicinity of Cairo. They are the main attraction and pride of the country. One of the pyramids on the Giza plateau is the only surviving “wonder of the world” that has survived to this day. The Pyramids of Giza are included in the version of our website.

The pyramids were built by the ancient Egyptians as tombs for their pharaohs. They were created around 26-23 centuries BC. All the pyramids were covered with polished white limestone, but after the fall of civilization, it was stolen by the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt. This ancient Egyptian necropolis includes three large pyramids, a sphinx sculpture, and a number of smaller pyramids and temples.

The largest pyramid on the plateau and in the world is the tomb of the pharaoh. The next largest is the tomb of his son. More modest dimensions are typical for the pyramid of Mykerinus (Menkaure). According to some sources, at one time it was the most beautiful of all the pyramids.

The Great Sphinx with the face of a man and the body of a lion is located in the eastern part and, according to many scientists, resembles Pharaoh Khafre. The smaller pyramids of the complex were built for the consorts of the pharaohs and are called the pyramids of the queens.

Geographically, the attraction is located approximately 25 km from the center of Cairo. The capital is connected to Giza by metro line No. 2. However, to the pyramids themselves, from the old part of Giza there are still about 8 km towards the desert. Therefore, you need to get off at Giza station and transfer to buses No. 900 or 997 to the sites. If you wish, you can also take a taxi.

Photo attraction: Pyramids of Giza

The Pyramids of Giza complex has long been considered one of the most visited attractions in Egypt. The oldest buildings attract with their uniqueness and centuries-old history. Built before our era, the pyramids of Giza in Egypt, having witnessed more than one war, conquests, and looters, turned out to be stronger than rocks. Many centuries later, they were included in the world-famous list of the Seven Wonders of the World, for the safety of which the international organization UNESCO is responsible. Photos of architectural monuments delight with their scale and monumentality.

Where are the Pyramids of Giza located?

The Pyramids of Giza are located in a small settlement 30 km from the capital of Egypt, Cairo. The pyramid complex is located on a limestone plateau, where 3 famous pyramids are located. The area is located next to the Libyan Desert, about 8 km, near the western bank of the Nile River. Previously, Giza was the name of the town where the plateau is located. After a while, for the convenience of tourists, Giza began to be called a complex of attractions near Cairo.

On the map you can see not only the oldest pyramids (Cheops, Khafre and Mycernus), but also the Great Sphinx guarding the tombs, as well as more than 100 smaller pyramids.

How to get there

To see the oldest buildings of Ancient Egypt, there are several ways to get to Giza. If you want to come to Cairo from another resort city, for example, Makadi, Sharm el-Sheikh or Hurghada, use intercity buses. Usually the interval between flights is short, approximately every hour. The time spent on the road will depend on the distance of the area from Cairo. Having arrived in the capital, there are still about 30 km of travel left to the pyramid of the Giza plateau.

Here you can catch local minibuses and follow to the Giza stop. From the stop there is about 2 km to the pyramid complex. More often than not, tourists walk this distance, enjoying and immersing themselves in the local flavor. You can also go Metro. Continue to the same Giza station.

Origin story

The history of the creation of the pyramids at Giza is unique. The number of buildings, according to 2008 data, in all of Egypt is about 138 pyramids of different ages and sizes. The oldest and largest are those located in Giza. These include the Pyramid of Cheops - the first building during the reign of Pharaoh Khufu, located on a rock that was leveled to ensure the stability of the foundation.

The predecessors of the pyramids were specific tombs called mastabas. They had a superstructure above the ground and burial chambers below it. New tombs began to be built during the reign of the IV dynasty of the pharaohs. Stone blocks were used as material. Construction took many years; for example, the Cheops pyramid took about 20 years to build, judging by the records in the works of Herodotus. The second largest on the plateau is considered to be the pyramid of Khafre, its second name is “Revered Khafre”. About 10 times smaller than the pyramid of Cheops, the pyramid of Mykernas is here. It reaches 60 m high. It is believed that this particular building marked the end of the era of large-scale pyramids.

Pyramid complex at Giza

The pyramid complex includes the three oldest and largest pyramids in Giza and the Great Sphinx, located near the Pyramid of Cheops.

The Pyramid of Cheops

Useful for tourists:

The largest pyramid of Giza is considered to be the tomb of Pharaoh Cheops. It was the first in the history of new tombs and received another name - “The Great Pyramid”. The architect was a kind of minister, vizier, of the pharaoh. The first descriptions of the tomb are found in the works of the ancient Greek philosopher Herodotus, who indicated that construction lasted almost 20 years. The materials used were limestone and granite blocks. Initially, the pyramid was lined with white granite, and at the top a gilded stone shimmered in the sunlight, which was later removed. The pyramid was built as the tomb of Cheops. Herodotus argued that the burial of the pharaoh took place not far from the pyramid, and the construction was only a symbol of eternal glory to the ruler. The monumentality of the landmark is almost imperceptible up close. The height of the pyramid reaches almost 140 meters, the total mass is estimated at 4 million tons. The perimeter is 900 m2.

Pyramids satellites

Next to the Cheops pyramid there are 3 smaller tombs. It is believed that they were built for the wives of the pharaoh. Each of them has underground shafts, the entrance to which is made through the hallway directly in the tomb. The appearance of the buildings is well preserved, if you do not take into account the lack of cladding.

Eastern tombs

If you head east from the pyramid, you will come across tombs. These are mastabas, their number reaches 40, it is believed that they became the burial place of some members of the pharaoh’s family and the priests of the dynasty. Archaeologists, conducting excavations, recovered the remains and placed them in a museum in Cairo.

Western Tombs

To the west of the pyramid there are an even larger number of mastabas - about 100. They are usually numbered or named after the archaeologists who dug up the find.
Southern Tombs
Finds from the southern tombs are also placed in the Cairo Museum. 10 mastabas were found here; it is believed that the pharaohs of the 5th dynasty were buried in the southern tombs.

Central tombs

The central tombs were intended for close relatives of the pharaoh and for the fifth generation of rulers.

Pyramids of Khafre

The Tomb of Khafre is the second largest pyramid after the Pyramid of Cheops. It is located on a steep slope, the height is about 143 meters. The central corridor of the tomb leads to 2 chambers, one of which contains the sarcophagus of Khafre. The pharaoh was the heir of Cheops, so the tomb for him was built in close proximity to the burials of family members. The sarcophagus is made of durable granite, which was used to line the entire pyramid on the outside. A satellite pyramid was built near the pyramid, probably for the pharaoh's wife. The Khafre complex also includes a wall that serves as a fence, a road and a temple.

Did you know? There are 2 tombs in the pyramid for Khafre. One of them is located almost on the ground, placed at a shallow depth. The burial chamber was prepared in case the pharaoh died suddenly. After which they began construction of the main chamber, in which Khafre’s sarcophagus is located.

The third and smallest of the pyramids listed is the tomb of Pharaoh Menkaure. The relatively small size of the building, whose height reaches 60 m, was regarded by scientists as a sign of the decline of civilization. However, the statue of a seated king, which is located in the center of the entire composition, indicates the opposite. One of the blocks is estimated at 200 thousand tons kg, to lift it to the foundation would require not only slaves, but also technical equipment. The pyramid of Mykerinus is the most magnificently lined of all the previous ones. It was decorated with red granite, alternating with white limestone slabs. The top was also painted red. It was this pyramid that became the first example of the use of a new style in the architecture of Ancient Egypt. Low pyramids that did not exceed 80 meters became the standard, and tombs began to be located not in underground chambers, but in one of the rooms directly on the ground.

Great Sphinx complex

One of the attractions of the Giza plateau complex is considered to be a statue of a lion with a human face located near three pyramids and is considered a symbol of the protection of the afterlife of the pharaohs. The statue exudes wisdom, humility and strength. It amazes with its monumentality and contains many legends. The mystery of the Sphinx has not yet been solved– scientists cannot give an exact answer when, by whom and why the sculpture was erected. The only known fact is that the restoration of the figure was carried out several times. This is due to the sandstorms that swept the Sphinx. So, several times the Sculpture practically disappeared from view, and was again revived to protect the tombs of the pharaohs.

To this day, the pyramids of Giza keep interesting facts that attract millions of tourists on excursions every year.

  • None of the sarcophagi on the plateau contains inscriptions indicating that the body belonged to any of the pharaohs;
  • There is a version according to which all three pyramids are projects of the Great Pyramid. It is believed that the architects had to resort to creating 3 different layouts to achieve a single result. Later, two more pyramids were created from the found sketches;
  • Another version says that the two smaller pyramids were intended for the wife and daughter of Cheops;
  • The Egyptians referred to tombs as the “eternal home”;
  • In the construction of the pyramids, the main geometric principle was the “principle of the golden section.”

What to see nearby

The Giza pyramid complex includes not only the 3 famous pyramids, but also the necropolis around the pyramids, the road to the Nile and the path to the desert. Having visited this place, a huge area opens up for tourists to view ancient Egyptian culture. 15 km from Giza there is another necropolis in Saqqara, where there are no less interesting sights.

Tombs of Egyptian Pharaohs in Giza

Egyptian pyramids are a unique architectural monument of Ancient Egypt. These are huge stone burial structures with a pyramidal shape. The ancient Egyptians believed that after death a person ascends to heaven via a ladder. The pharaohs of Ancient Egypt erected pyramid tombs that symbolized the ascent up the heavenly ladder.

Great Pyramids of Giza

The most famous among the Egyptian pyramids are the so-called “Great Pyramids”. The map shows that the Great Pyramids of Egypt are located in Giza, near Cairo.

The Great Pyramids are the pyramids of the pharaohs Khafre, Cheops and Mikerin. These pyramids are distinguished by a strict pyramidal shape, in contrast to the first stepped tombs of the pharaohs. The elevation angle of the walls of the Great Pyramids is from 51 to 53 ° relative to the horizon. Interestingly, the edges of the Great Pyramids are precisely oriented to the sides of the sun.

Pyramid of Cheops (Khufu)

The only surviving one of the “seven wonders of the world” is the Pyramid of Cheops, built around 2589-2566 BC. Today, this pyramid is the largest of all Egyptian pyramids: the length of the base is 230 m, and the original height is 146.6 m. Today, due to the lack of cladding, the Cheops pyramid has decreased to 138.8 m in height.

More than 2.3 million stone blocks were used to build Khufu's pyramid. The average weight of a stone block is 2.5 tons, and the largest block weighs more than 15 tons. The pyramid is built from granite, limestone and basalt blocks.

The entrance to the Cheops pyramid is located on the north side, at an altitude of 15.63 m. Now tourists enter the pyramid through a 17-meter gap, which was made in 820. Inside the pyramid there are 3 burial chambers, one above the other. The lower burial chamber was not completed, the middle chamber is called the “Queen’s Chamber”, and the upper one is called the “King’s Chamber”.

Near the pyramid, 7 pits were found in which the “solar boats of the pharaoh” were placed.

Scheme of the Cheops pyramid

Pyramid of Khafre (Khafre)

The Pyramid of Khafre (Khafre) is the second largest among the Great Pyramids. The map of the Egyptian pyramids shows that the Pyramid of Khafre is located next to the Great Sphinx. It is believed that the tomb was built around 2558-2532 BC. The length of the base of the Pyramid of Khafre is 215.3 m, and the height is 143.5 m.

Inside the pyramid there are 2 tombs, one of which was turned into a treasury. Next to the pyramid of Khafre, a whole funeral complex was built: a companion pyramid for the pharaoh’s wife, a temple, a port, a temple in the valley and an enclosure wall.

Khafre's pyramid diagram

Pyramid of Mikerin (Menkaure)

The lowest of the Great Pyramids at Giza is the Pyramid of Mikerinus, which is 66 m high and has a base length of 108.4 m. The pyramid was built around 2532-2504 BC. It is believed that, unlike the other Great Pyramids, the Pyramid of Menkaure has no unity in terms of construction. There is an assumption that the pyramid was first built for the heir to the throne, and after his accession it was enlarged.

The Pyramid of Mikerin is considered to be a kind of completion of the era of the Great Pyramids of the IV dynasty of the pharaohs.

Egyptian pyramids in Giza - this is the main attraction of Egypt, the only surviving one of the seven wonders of the world.

Giza is the name given to a large necropolis on the outskirts of Cairo - the ancient city of the dead, as the Egyptians once believed. In their opinion, to the west of the Nile lies the land of the dead.

Pyramids in the Nile Delta

There are about a hundred pyramids here - large and small, stepped and with smooth sides, which have reached us almost unchanged and look more like a shapeless pile of stones. They are located along the left, western bank of the Nile in small groups, not far from the place where the capital of the country was located during the era of the Old Kingdom - Memphis.

The most famous of the pyramids are on the outskirts of Cairo, on the edge of the desert Giza plateau, hanging over the green Nile Valley. Here, in Giza, there are three great pyramids - Cheops, Khafre And Mikerina. At the foot of the Giza plateau are mortuary temples and Great Sphinx.

The Pyramid of Cheops

The largest of the pyramids is the Pyramid of Cheops. Its height is 138 meters.

This is the most famous pyramid still in existence. The pyramid was built in 2650 BC. and not a single architectural monument has been preserved for so long! The length of the side of the base of the pyramid is 233 meters. Its height is 146.6 meters. The weight of this colossus exceeds six and a half million tons. You need to walk a whole kilometer to go around it.

The second name of the Cheops pyramid is "Horizon of Khufu".

Pyramid of Mikerin

The smallest pyramid in Giza is the pyramid of the grandson of Cheops - Mikerin. Its height is 66 meters - the height of a twenty-story building. We should not forget that it was built by people, like everyone else, and more than four thousand years ago.

True, it was preserved differently from other pyramids.

Purpose of the pyramids

The pyramids were used as burial chambers. The ancient Egyptians believed that when a person died, their body should be preserved so that the spirit could continue to live after death. They removed the internal organs, filled the body with salts and wrapped it in linen shrouds and the body turned into a mummy.

Where are the pyramids in Egypt on the World map. Show the location of the Egyptian pyramids on the Yandex, Google map.

Absolutely the entire culturally developed population of the planet knows about the existence of the mysterious Egypt, and its silent Sphinx, the majestic Nile, powerful pharaohs and grandiose pyramids. This is not just a country - it is country of Queen Hatshepsut, magnificent and proud Cleopatra and also beauties Nefertiti, which is still considered the standard of femininity and beauty. It is interesting to note that one third of all historical monuments in the world are located on the territory of this stunning and mysterious country. Egypt is the magnificent Nile Valley. This is the gentle Mediterranean, as well as the exoticism and diversity of the Red Sea. It is here that every tourist who loves exotic nature will be able to discover one of the richest and most beautiful coral gardens in the world, which are located on the territory close to, for example, the unique and one-of-a-kind coral reserve of Ras Mohammed. Almost all the cities of Egypt that are located on the Red Sea coast have become real international centers for underwater fishing, sailing, surfing and scuba diving. And thanks to a jeep safari, anyone can plunge into the world of real wild nature.

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Where are the pyramids in Egypt

The location of the Egyptian pyramids has always been of interest to tourists, because in order to find them you need to use the services of excursion guides. It is worth noting that their location is concentrated in the territory of such cities as Abu Roash, Medum, Saqqara, Abusir, Lahun, Dashur and Hawara. And the most popular ones are located in Giza.

Location of the most popular pyramids in Egypt:

1. Pyramid Hubs
Located in the city of Zawyet el-Erian. It was built by the slaves of Khaba, who was the pharaoh of the third dynasty. It was built from small rough stones and clay mortar.

2. Pyramid of Djoser
The architect was Imhotep, who decided to show everyone that pyramids can also be of a stepped type. Construction took place back in 2670 BC, and outwardly it resembles several layers that were placed on top of each other from larger to smaller. Also, Imhotep was able to develop cut stone masonry. Over time, a huge number of Egyptians revered the new style of architecture and after that, almost all the pyramids were built according to the same system. You can admire it in Saqqara, which is located just 15 km from Giza. The height is 62 meters.

3. Bent pyramid
Located in Dahshur, its construction was designed by Pharaoh Snefr in the 26th century BC. The king died before the construction of the pyramid was completed, therefore, in order to speed up the construction process, after the death of the king, the angle of inclination was sharply changed.

4. Pink Pyramid
The pyramid that was built for Snofr in the territory of Dahshur. It was erected in the 26th century BC, and at that time it was the tallest building on the planet. Now, in comparison with others, it is second only to the pyramids of Khafre and Khufu, which are located in Giza.
Its name is primarily due to the fact that it is built from limestone blocks, which turn pink when the sun sets.

5. Pyramid of Cheops
It is the largest in the world. Initially its height reached 146.6 meters. But due to the fact that it was not lined, today its height has decreased to 138.8 meters. Construction was completed in the 26th century BC. On average, its construction took close to 20 years.
It consists of more than 2.5 million stone blocks. It is also worth noting that neither cement nor any other binders were used in the process. On average, each block weighed up to 2.5 tons, but there are blocks weighing up to 80 tons.

6. Pyramids of Khafre
Rightfully considered the second

The size of an ancient Egyptian structure. It is located right next to the world famous one, which is a monument carved into the rock. The face of the Sphinx is exactly the same as the face of Pharaoh Khafre. Also next to it are the pyramids of Cheops and Mikerin, namely in Giza. It was built in the 26th century BC.

7. Pyramid of Userkaf
Located on the territory of Saqqara. It cannot boast of large dimensions, especially when compared with the monuments of the pharaoh's predecessors. At one time it was built rather carelessly with poor materials, which is why, at present, it is practically destroyed, but rather just a pile of stones.

8. Pyramid of Sahur and Neferefre
It was erected for Pharaoh Sakhur, who insisted on building the first one on the Absir sand plateau. Afterwards, the buildings of Niuserra and Neferefre were erected there, which have remained in excellent condition to this day.

9. Pyramid of Niuserra and Neferikara
Neferikar was the successor of Sahure, he erected his tomb a little to the south. It is worth noting that during his lifetime they did not have time to complete the memorial complex, and Pharaoh Niuserra decided to complete it. in the north-eastern part of the pyramid of Neferikara is the pyramid of Niuserra. But, unfortunately, it now resembles an ordinary hill of stones.

10. Pyramid of Senusret 1
Senusret 1 decided to build his own tomb just two kilometers from his predecessor. It is located on the south side of the Amnemhat 1 pyramid. Initially, its height was 61 meters. Now, only one third of the building remains, and limestone slabs and even remains of cladding are still preserved on the walls.

11. Pyramid of Unis
At Saqqara, Unis ordered the construction of his own tomb, to which he gave the name Nefer-sut-Unis. It was erected next to the Pyramid of Djoser in the city of Saqqara. It was discovered back in 1881 by traveler Gaston Maspero. Today, it is almost completely destroyed, and you can only admire the foundation and its lower half.

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