Superjet 100 interior diagram the best seats of the Iraero. Yamal Airlines planes. The best and worst seats in the airliner cabin

The pride of the Russian aviation industry, an innovative development that the government is entrusting big plans– all this is about the model of the modern aircraft “Sukhoi Suprejet-100”.

Despite the fact that the model has a number of shortcomings, it is the next step in the development of domestic passenger transportation over short distances.
Subject to responsible development and modifications, it has every reason to receive the title of best in its class.

History of creation

Work began on creating a prototype of the first Superjet after the PRJ project won the competition for a development license.

In February 2006 the company began assembling the first SSJ model, and exactly 1 year later the model was delivered from Komsomolsk-on-Amur to the Zhukovsky test site for the purpose of presentation and conducting a static control test.

In February 2008, the first check was carried out to check the performance of the power plant and its compatibility with other systems. After another 2 months, the Sukhoi Superjet-100 was tested on the runway.

The model passed the movement and steering tests successfully.

This fall, the SSJ-100 underwent certification testing at the Interstate Aviation Committee and passed endurance tests.

On December 24, 2008, under the control of test pilot L. Chikunov and N. Pushenko, the airliner took off for more than 2 hours. The height to which the model rose reached 6 km.

The results of TsAGI inspections were received in 2010, as a result of which ZAO received a license to produce this modification. On April 19, the first prototype was donated to the Armenian air carrier Armavia, which successfully operates it for its needs.


The SaM146 turbofan power unit from the Russian-French company Power Jet, installed on both sides of the body, ensures flawless operation of the model. The layout of the Sukhoi Superjet aircraft is no different from standard classical aerodynamic standards, representing an ordinary short-haul passenger aircraft.

The swept-back shape of the wings, equipped with single-slot flaps, the nose fairing, many mechanisms and parts - all this is made of composite materials.

The aircraft is controlled using a sidestick installed instead of a steering wheel, which is used for the first time in domestic developments.

Mechanical shock absorbers are not installed for landing safety, since instead the designers used automatic protection against contact with the tail part of the landing strip.

Interior layout

The manufacturer comments on the cabin layout with the following words: “The seats in our Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft are designed in such a way that the greatest comfort and safety, created by unprecedented characteristics, are put at the forefront. Thus, a passenger who arrived on a large airliner for long-haul flights and transferred to a small regional one will hardly feel the difference.

The design of the economy class cabin in size comparison is identical to Boeing or Airbus. The distance in the legs allows even tall people to sit quietly and straighten their legs, and the shelf for storing luggage with a capacity of 50 liters breaks all records.

This has the added benefit of not having to check your bag or suitcase as luggage and then wait to receive it upon arrival.”

The arrangement of seats on the Sukhoi Superjet aircraft is designed in such a way that there are 2 categories: economy and business class.

The inexpensive cabin has 75 seats versus 12 in the more expensive class.

Separately, the arrangement of the seats should be mentioned; they are placed in such a way that on one side along the board there are 3 in one row, and across the aisle on the second side - 2. Toilets are located in the front and rear.

Location of the best places

Total cabin capacity may vary significantly depending on seat selection. The most comfortable ones in economy class are in row 6. There is more legroom here as there are no seats in the front.

The rest are considered relatively convenient, differing in many ways from their “classmates” used in regional aviation. The distance between adjacent seats is 81 cm.

The opposite situation concerns the last row; the partition installed at the back does not allow you to fully recline the backrest and sit with maximum comfort.

In addition, the structure of the aircraft cabin has some features that apply to almost all places in any public transport. Therefore, it is advisable to take them into account when choosing a place:

  1. The seats located near the window are distinguished by the fact that you can admire the views throughout the entire flight (subject to a daytime flight and clear weather). However, getting out of it is inconvenient; you will have to disturb the neighboring passenger;
  2. Aisle seats have completely opposite characteristics. It’s easy to go to the toilet using them; you don’t need to ask anyone to let you in. But, quite often, passing flight attendants delivering food and water on carts, as well as passengers and a neighbor who needs to get out, can be disturbing.

General technical specifications

One of the main differences that the Sukhoi Superjet-100 has is its production using modern technologies and innovative projects.

Thanks to this, some specifications radically different from analogues produced earlier.
You can familiarize yourself with them using the table below:

CharacteristicSize/ Description
Length, m29,95
Height, m10,29
Wingspan, m27,85
Fuselage diameter, m3,25
Maximum take-off weight, kg45 890
Maximum landing weight, kg40 000
Empty aircraft weight, kg24 240
Optimal speed, km/h820
Maximum speed, km/h870
Flight altitude, m12 100
Flight range, km3 050
Number of passengers, people98
Run length, m1 620
Number of crew, people2+2

Thanks to its features, the Sotka can be used on all types of runways.

In addition, the model’s avionics allows it to perform these actions even in difficult weather conditions.

In addition, the price of tickets for a small aircraft is low, which makes it more popular for use in regional transportation.

Modifications of the Super Jet-100 family

As of November 2017, 151 Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft have been produced. However, this applies not only to one model, but to the entire series, developed on a single basis.

Total for this moment There are 7 different variations known for different purposes:

  1. The Sukhoi Superjet-100 V aircraft is the standard version from which the history of the model began;
  2. Model 100 B-VIP is an administrative and business option developed on the basis of the main model. At this time, 2 aircraft are operated in the Rossiya SLO and 1 in the RusJet airline;
  3. 100 LR (Long Range) – has an increased flight range, reaching 4,500 km;
  4. 100 LR-VIP – administrative and business option with an increased flight distance. 5 units of equipment were produced (2 Ministry of Emergency Situations, 2 Royal Court of Thailand, 1 Kazakh branch of a Swiss company);
  5. 100 SV - the model is under development, the manufacturer undertakes to present a prototype with a larger fuselage and greater passenger capacity in 2018;
  6. Sukhoi Business Jet, or SBJ, is intended for flights of important people. Features increased comfort. The interior trim is made to order. Today, the only owner of such a model is the Kazakh Ministry of Emergency Situations;
  7. Sportjet by Sukhoi is a modification designed to transport athletes; it is planned to begin serial production by the start of the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

Of the total number of Superjet aircraft produced, only 117 units were delivered to customers, the rest are in the manufacturer’s hangar or are undergoing static tests in Zhukovsky.

Advantages of the aircraft

As mentioned earlier, the Sukhoi Superjet-100 is produced using modern technologies, which allows us to talk about its high quality, reliability and safety.

The main structures are designed in such a way that this model is the only one certified to the global standard. In addition, during the development of the aircraft, not only technical requirements were taken into account, but also the wishes and recommendations of future customers.

This made it possible to bring Pavel Sukhoi’s designs as close as possible to the ideal option.

Benefits are divided into those received from passengers and operational ones, those that affect pilots and owners involved in maintenance. If we consider the positive characteristics of the aircraft from travelers, we can note the following:

  1. Convenient aircraft diagram;
  2. A salon characterized by width and spaciousness;
  3. Comfortably installed soft passenger seats;
  4. Modern production and use of modern finishing materials in the production.

However, despite numerous positive reviews, the opinion is often heard that the model requires significant improvements. Perhaps this is the reason that the model spends most of its time on the ground, and during flights the cabin is filled no more than half.

Disadvantages of the aircraft

A serious blow to the brand's image was the tragedy that occurred during a test flight over Indonesia.

The accident killed 45 people, some of whom could have become potential customers. Although, as a result of the examination, the cause of the collision with the mountain was not the technical condition of the aircraft, but the erroneous actions of the crew, many people’s opinion about the Superjet-100 changed, and the manufacturing company lost a large number of orders.

Most of The list of manufactured aircraft models “100” and “95” have notes regarding frequent problems that arise with enviable regularity. This may be explained by the fact that the Superjet is a new development, which, like all new products, has technical errors that only appear during long-term operation.

Another option is Russian assembly. This fact for some customers it is enough to refuse a purchase.

If we look at the statistics, the flight time of models does not exceed 3 – 4 hours a day. The only positive coefficient is shown by Yakutia Airlines with a time above average - 6.5 hours.

The reason for the low popularity is the high cost of spare parts, the production of which is not profitable for the manufacturer due to the small number of aircraft.

Many passengers notice the design feature of the Superjet - the low location of the windows. In order to look at them, an adult has to hunch over or slide down, which is not entirely comfortable. In addition, a number of unpleasant surprises of the model were noted:

  1. Strong floor vibration;
  2. Poor sound insulation;
  3. Lack of individual ventilation;
  4. Poor layout emergency exits, of which there are very few.

Despite the different dynamics of the advantages and disadvantages of the model, it is a national pride, since it is the only aircraft designed after the collapse of the Soviet Union, while meeting all international requirements. Moreover, despite the description of the Superjet-100 as a model that has a number of shortcomings and constantly requires the intervention of technicians, it does not have cases that radically characterize the danger of the model.

During the entire short period of use with the aircraft, there was not a single serious breakdown that resulted in the death of people. The incident that occurred in Indonesia is not taken into account as it occurred for a different reason.


In Russia, as usual, they want the best, but it turns out as always...
This eternal problem has even affected the name of the aircraft and some people cannot understand - are RRJ and SSJ the same thing or are they completely different aircraft?
Evgeniy Kovalenko gave an answer to this question.

blackpost - ....It’s very strange that you equate RRJ95 and SSJ-100. Apparently you are not familiar with the history of the project?

Kovalenko's answer

Yes, I forgot that for you these are two different projects. I'll have to explain.

From the very beginning, the project had the working name RRJ (Russian Regional Jet). This was the name of a family of three aircraft: RRJ-60, RRJ-75 and RRJ-95, differing in fuselage length, capacity, take-off weight (and, accordingly, other weights), as well as different settings of the same engine.

All working documentation, including 3D models, was released under the same name. It was put into production under the same name, and even earlier, under the same name, an application was submitted to AR IAC for certification.

Somewhere in the year 2006 (I may be wrong about the exact date), the State Aircraft System announced a competition for the commercial name of the aircraft. Not a single proposal was accepted (obviously, we did not have enough imagination for this), after which a third-party organization was involved in this process, which proposed the abbreviation SSJ100 (Sukhoi Superjet 100) (accordingly, the modifications should have been designated as SSJ100-95, SSJ100- 75, etc.). Personally, I, and many of my colleagues, found this too stilted and even provocative. But others made the decision...

This is how the name SSJ appeared, although I repeat, working documentation continued to be issued as RRJ.
Over time, in various organizational documents they began to write SSJ, and put RRJ in brackets. This then moved on to various technical documents. Documents with one or another name began to appear in AR MAK. So we had to issue an order and notify AR MAK, factories and suppliers that these two combinations are synonymous. Otherwise, all working documentation would have to be reissued.


And Wikipedia itself says that

Sukhoi Superjet 100 (abbr. SSJ 100, certification name of the RRJ - Russian Regional Jet family of aircraft)…

Moreover, the certificates actually indicate the type of aircraft RRJ-95. As in the RLE - and the RRJ-95B is specifically indicated there.

On the above-mentioned Wikipedia there is the following “crossed” version of the designation - Superjet 100/95B.

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Work on the creation of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft began in March 2003. It went on its first test flight in May 2008. Factory tests ended after 4 months, in October, after which the next stage began, necessary for certification of the airliner. The plane took off for the first time with passengers on April 21, 2011. The short-haul Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft became the first in the family. Its Superjet modification (LR - Long Range) is distinguished by an increased take-off weight and a longer flight range of 4,578 kilometers. The aircraft of this modification first took to the air in 2013.

Another modification of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 SV features an elongated fuselage. This will allow the liner to transport large quantity passengers. Work on the creation of this model began in 2015, its completion is scheduled for 2018.

By the end of 2017, the number of manufactured aircraft reached 110, with more than 90 Superjets sold to airlines. These aircraft are operated in Russia, Mexico, Ireland, Armenia, Laos, Indonesia, and Thailand.

Russian airlines use the Sukhoi Superjet poorly. For a number of reasons, it takes at least 2 months to wait for spare parts. At the same time, for foreign-made aircraft, spare parts are provided within 24 hours. Because of this, a significant part of the aircraft is idle.

In 2015, the total flight time of these 25 aircraft at Aeroflot was about 9,000 hours. The Gazprom Avia airline, which has 10 superjets, has 1,400 hours. That is, on average, each plane was in the air for a maximum of 25 minutes per day. For comparison, an indicator characterizing the performance of the Boeing 737 is given. On average, everyone flies up to 15 hours a day.

The best and worst seats in the airliner cabin

The layout of the Superjet cabin is made according to a scheme in which there are 12 seats for business class and 75 for economy class. That is, the total number of passengers is 87. Of course, more amenities are available where business class seats are located. Here the chairs themselves are somewhat more comfortable. They are both wider and softer. The downside is that the existing partition separating passengers here from economy class is too thin. She doesn't provide high level soundproofing.

The best seats in both classes are those in the front rows. In business class it is the 1st row, in economy class it is the 6th row. The advantage here is that there are no seats in front, which means that passengers do not recline their backs, causing some inconvenience to those sitting behind.

Another plus is that there is more legroom, which is quite comfortable on a long flight. In addition, passengers in these rows are the first to receive food and refreshments. In addition, being away from the middle of the cabin, where there is almost always noise due to communication between passengers, is also an additional convenience.

The best seats include those in other rows, indicated in the diagram A and F. These seats are located near the windows. U of this aircraft they are quite large, conveniently located, provide good review.

Since all seats in business class are always better than in economy class, there is no need to dwell on them too much. We can only add that in addition to the convenience due to the increased softness of the seats and their greater width, there is such a plus as the distance between the rows. It is one and a half times more than in economy class.

Passengers behind the partition separating business class from the majority of the cabin are in somewhat cramped conditions. Although the distance between the rows complies with the standards, tall passengers still find it uncomfortable here.

A serious disadvantage is present in places C and D of the 19th row. There is a lot of traffic here for those going to the toilet. In addition, flight attendants are constantly working in the aisle. This also creates inconvenience for the passengers here.

The seats located in the 20th row are considered the most uncomfortable. The kitchen and toilet are located a short distance away. Passenger traffic here is the most intense. Place D, located next to the entrance to the kitchen area, is mostly inconvenient. The difficulty here is that almost every time the trolley with which flight attendants walk through the cabin, serving passengers, hits either a seat or a passenger. But this is still quite unpleasant.

Pros and cons of the aircraft

The advantages of the aircraft include the latest design solutions and new technologies. Suffice it to mention that the developers took into account the requirements of the FAA organizations (Federal Administration civil aviation USA) and EASA (European Agency aviation security). In addition, during the work, the requirements and wishes of those involved in the operation of aircraft and who are potential customers of the Superjet were taken into account.

The advantage of the new airliner is that it can land and take off on runways A, B, C. This becomes possible both due to the features of its design and due to the fact that it uses a modern avionics system. Due to this system, the aircraft can be landed in difficult weather conditions.

Currently, the Superjet does not have any shortcomings that could have arisen during its design. Of course, at the first stage they were there. However, everything that could negatively affect the aircraft was revealed during its testing. What could not be detected immediately was eliminated within two years (2011 – 2013), that is, in the first years of operation.

But still, some shortcomings remain. They relate to living conditions. These include insufficient aisle width and slightly increased noise in the cabin, which creates discomfort for some passengers. Business class passengers have the inconvenience of poor sound insulation from the rest of the cabin due to the thin partition.

The mentioned shortcomings are more than compensated for. The liner has an unprecedented security system. It uses algorithmic protection to prevent touching the GDP. It is more efficient than mechanical shock absorbers.


Length: 29.94 m.
Height: 10.28 m.
Wingspan: 27.80 m.
Wing area: 77 m2.
Fuselage width: 3.24 m.
Cruising speed: 830 km/h.
Maximum speed: 860 km/h.
Flight range: 3048 km.
Number passenger seats: 87.
Crew: 2 hours


To summarize, it can be noted that even with its existing shortcomings, the Sukhoi Superjet is a good aircraft. It can transport passengers both short and long distances. Although its cabin dimensions are inferior to those of the Airbus A-380, its spaciousness corresponds to this class of airliner.

The existing security system and modern avionics ensure high reliability. At the same time, the cost of the aircraft, compared to analogues, is significantly lower. We can say that this airliner is the next step on the way to a new generation of aircraft. And his indicators allow him to be recognized as the best among representatives of this class.

Taxi cost calculation to the airport

Sukhoi Superjet 100 is a new line of aircraft produced by Sukhoi Civil Aircraft with the participation of foreign organizations. This is the first Russian aircraft to receive an international EASA certificate. The airliner has been tested for noise levels and can now be used by leading European and world airlines.

Aeroflot's aircraft fleet includes 18 Sukhoi Superjet 100 models. No other company has such a number of aircraft of this model. The planes are completely new. The oldest aircraft (RA-89014) made its first commercial flight in May 2013. The youngest was in June 2015. It is possible that Aeroflot will continue to purchase Superjets in the future, since the aircraft is reliable, high-quality and practical. Ideal for short-haul flights within the country.

Currently, the company uses the only layout of the Superjet cabin (at least, as indicated on the Aeroflot website). It includes 12 business class seats and 75 economy class seats. Thus, the aircraft can carry up to 87 passengers.

Let's take a closer look at the layout and identify the best (and worst) seats on the plane. Business Class
1-3 row. Business class in the Superjet, frankly speaking, is very simple. It is separated from the economy by an ordinary thin screen, so you can hear everything that is happening behind.

Nevertheless, these are the most comfortable seats in the aircraft cabin. The distance between the rows is 1.5 times greater than in economy class. There is somewhere to stretch your legs and relax. The seats are wider and softer. There are 12 such places in total.

If you are planning to fly in this class, we recommend booking seats in the first row. Firstly, no one will lean back on you here. Secondly, there is additional legroom. Finally, thirdly, it is quite far from the noisy economy class, so it is more calm here.
Economy class

Row 6. First row of economy class on a Superjet. These are the most best places in the economy cabin. There's plenty of legroom and no seats recline (there's no row in the front). The toilets and kitchen area are located in the other wing of the plane, so it is more peaceful here. However, “calmness” is a very relative concept, since passengers with children like to sit in the front rows.

In the screenshot below you can see the distance between the rows of seats. As you can see, it is quite small, so it will be a bit cramped for tall people.

The passage is quite narrow, so it is better not to sit in the extreme places closer to the toilet - they will push you with your elbows. If you carefully look at the 3-D panorama of the cabin on the Aeroflot website (link), you will notice that not all seats have a good view through the windows. In some rows you will have to bend over to see the sky and the flight process.

Row 20. The most uncomfortable seats in the Superjet 100. Toilets and kitchen are a few meters away, this is where the most traffic on the plane is. Particularly worth highlighting is chair “D” (marked in red on the graph) - it is located right at the entrance to the kitchen area. Almost any moving cart or tray will hit you if you involuntarily lean against the edge of your chair. The flight here will be particularly stressful.
That's all. If you suddenly notice other details in this Aeroflot aircraft (both good and bad), please indicate this in the comments to the review.

Sukhoi Superjet 100 (Russian: Sukhoi Superjet 100, abbr. SSJ 100) is a modern Russian short-haul passenger aircraft developed by the company " Civil aircraft Sukhoi" with the participation of a number of foreign companies.

The aircraft was built according to a normal layout - a twin-engine turbofan low-wing aircraft with a swept wing and single-tail tail. The supercritical wing design uses single-slot flaps. Part of the wing mechanization, as well as the nose fairing and the wing root fairing are made of composite materials.

The impeccable cockpit features intuitive control systems developed in collaboration with the pilots. The SSJ100 is the first 100-seat aircraft to feature a full fly-by-wire (FBW) system. It has been specifically designed to optimize control, reduce crew workload, and ensure maximum fuel efficiency.

The Superjet 100 uses algorithmic runway tail protection, eliminating the need for mechanical shock absorbers.

The SSJ-100's cabin is tall, spacious and has a fairly wide passage between the seats. The luggage racks have a record volume in their class (50 liters). The passenger seats are arranged in a 2+3 configuration, and there is enough distance between them to freely stretch out the legs of even a very tall passenger. The Sukhoi Superjet 100 can carry 98 passengers and transport them over a distance of up to 3,000 km.

SSJ 100 received international EASA certificate. This means that the aircraft can be used by all European and global airlines that have adopted EASA principles as a standard. In the spring of 2011, the first production aircraft SSJ100 was put into operation.

Airlines operating the aircraft: CityJet, Interjet, Lao Central Airlines, Aeroflot, Azimut, Gazpromavia, IrAero, RusJet, Center-South, Yakutia, " Yamal."

Location and numbering of seats in the cabin, layout of seats on the Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft. The best and less comfortable seats on the plane

0 -95VAeroflot airlines

Aeroflot is the main operator of this airliner. Its fleet operates more than 30 SSJ 100 aircraft.

Business class - first 3 rows:
  • First row business class slightly less legroom than other rows. This is due to the presence of a septum. Since the partition is very thin, you can hear everything that happens behind. Therefore, these places are slightly worse than other places in the same class.

    However, business class seats are the most comfortable seats in the aircraft cabin. The distance between the rows is 1.5 times greater than in economy class. There is somewhere to stretch your legs and relax. The seats are wider and softer. There are 12 such places in total.

Economy class - from rows 6 to 20:
  • First economy class seats (6th row)- the most comfortable seats in this class. There is a lot of free space in front of the seats.
  • 20 row inAA configuration- immediately behind the last row there is a toilet and utility room. The seats in this row do not recline or have a significant limitation in this regard. Also, there is always someone walking near the toilets, and sometimes there is even a queue. Very uncomfortable places.

    20 row in configurationA.F.-a little better. The toilet is located at some distance from the seats and they are no different from ordinary standard seats. Although they won’t stop walking near you.

Cabin layout, the best and least comfortable seats on the Sukhoi Superjet 10 0 Azimuth Airlines

Azimuth Airlines uses two layouts for aircraft layout, each a mono-cabin.

Scheme No. 1 20 rows (2X3) with a capacity of 100 passengers.

Scheme No. 2

21 rows with a capacity of 103 passengers. On the plane, the 1st row - 3 seats (only D, E, F), the remaining rows - according to the pattern 2–3.

Seats with the letters A and F are located at the windows, C and D - at the aisle.

First three rows of seats available at the Comfort tariff. These seats are separated by a partition from the main cabin, and there is increased legroom.
These seats have special placement with the creation of their own cozy space and a feeling of spaciousness for the passenger: two-seat block - 1 seat is provided to the passenger, the adjacent seat remains free, three-seat block - 2 seats are provided to passengers, 1 seat in the middle of the block remains free. Hot meals on these rows are provided for flights of more than 4 hours, and light snacks for flights of less than 4 hours. Refreshments and tea/coffee are available throughout the flight.

The best seats are in the 1st row. Next in terms of convenience are the porthole seats. Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft have a fairly narrow aisle, so queues for the toilet and the movement of stewards with a trolley can create slight inconvenience for passengers who have seats with the letters C and D. The seats in the last row do not recline.

Emergency exits are located at the rear and rear of the aircraft. Toilets are also located on both sides of the aircraft.

Photo of the aircraft interiorSukhoi Superjet 100 of Azimuth Airlines

Flight performance

Maximum speed: 950 km/h
Cruising speed: 830 km/h
Flight range: 3050-4578 km
Aircraft capacity: economy class - 95-98 passengers

  • The uniqueness of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 family of aircraft lies in the fact that the latest technologies are used not only in the aircraft itself, but also at all stages of its creation - from design to assembly, which, in turn, guarantees the creation of a modern aircraft that meets the requirements of the global market.
  • Sukhoi Superjet 100-95B is the first Russian passenger aircraft to be tested for compliance with European noise requirements.
  • The designers preferred the side stick to control the aircraft over the traditional steering wheel, as a result of which the Superjet 100 became the first Russian serial civil passenger aircraft with a sidestick.