The name of the statue of ancient Greece. Sometimes I think

Considering that sculpture is the oldest form of art, its connection with the cult of antiquity is inextricable. Perhaps the vast majority of surviving plastic images of the Stone Age are in one way or another connected with the cult and can be called “sculptures of the gods.” Later, when totemism replaced animism, sculptural images of gods became clearer and more pronounced.

The Romans relied much less on the principles of morality and intellect than the Greeks, and sought more pleasure in their Everyday life. Many of the antique appearance statues actually come from the Renaissance, and you will say that during the Renaissance, many artists and sculptors returned to ancient art, imitating the style of that period. Penis size did not escape, especially since most of the school's paintings and sculptures evoked scenes and religious characters. Therefore, it is important that attention not be focused on the character's genitals.

Sculptural images of pagan gods are most often made in stone or carved from wood. Unfortunately, there is not much evidence of pagan culture left on the territory of Russia. Most often, in the museums of our country there are only individual specimens that are not very well preserved. Among them, the so-called Great Shigir Idol, made in the 8th millennium BC, is especially valuable. The date is impressive because the sculpture is older than the figures of the Egyptian gods, as well as sculptures from Mesopotamia.

Sculpture is undoubtedly the most common piece that we know, but especially for us, the complete work of art Greek world. The reasons, besides the special predilection of Greek society for sculpture, lie in the greater resistance and durability of the materials used, almost exclusively marble and bronze. However, the Greek production of sculpture to which we arrive, if we exclude the works which we know only through the medium of certainly faithful copies of the Roman age, is very different from the original conditions, both artistic and social: greek statues primarily bringing back the scattered Cretan fashion, they were polychrome.

Sculptures of Egyptian gods are known to everyone from pictures in school textbooks. The most monumental of them were once located in the temples of Luxor and Karnak, in the rock temples of the Nile Valley. full of all kinds of figurines and small sculptures of Anubis, Set, Horus, Isis, Osiris, etc. According to Egyptian tradition, all sculptures are depicted either sitting or taking a step forward (step into eternity). Ideally symmetrical faces, body proportions are strictly defined by the canon. Huge eyes (the Egyptians believed that one of the human souls lives in the eyes) makes Egyptian sculptures expressive and spiritual.

Perhaps it was ancient culture that gave world culture the most highly artistic sacred sculptures. It is worth mentioning two masterpieces of the great Phidias - the sculptures of Athena Parthenos and Olympian Zeus. The second figure was preserved only in marble copies, which give an idea only of the appearance of the sculpture, devoid of its former grandeur and realism. The original statues of Athena and Zeus were made in the complex chrysoelephantine technique (a wooden base covered with thin gold plates (hair, clothing and weapons) and thin ivory plates (naked body parts)). The use of ivory made the sculpture unusually realistic, conveying the texture of white, translucent skin in warm shades, and the golden luster imparted majesty and a sense of the boundless power of the gods.

Sculptures of ancient gods decorate. you can see sculptures of Venus and Nike. Both sculptures were created in the second century BC. Different authors, different interpretations of images, different approaches. But the overall harmony, plasticity and skill make these sculptures masterpieces of ancient sculpture.

The marble was painted while the metals alternated between bronze and other metals such as gold and copper to play on color contrasts. Secondly, the statues were not born to be placed where we see them, so their implementation is distorted. The main features of this huge production are undoubtedly the conquest of space, the complete mastery of the artists, which led them to a thorough study of the movements of the body, shaking the unnatural staticity that characterized the work of the austere period.

The classical term is synonymous with the highest and inimitable degree of perfection, the highest and most inexpressible expressiveness of human talent and artistic ability, coined to clearly differentiate this production from the first, defined as crude and the next, definitely decadent.

Interesting figure of resting Hermes ( National Museum Naples). Free, relaxed posture, peace and detachment on the face. There is nothing “divine” in the figure; only the winged sandals indicate that this is the god of trade, the patron of swindlers.

Another feature that will be the culmination of this period is the canonization and mathematical-anatomical determination of the proportions of bodies, which were analytically analyzed and proclaimed by the rigid principles of the sculptor Polycleto. From the classical period we know several names of artists. The main ones are: Polycleto, Phidias, Lysippo and Prassitelus. Doryforo, symbol of Greek classical sculpture.

Policeto was, together with Fidia, perhaps the most famous sculptor classical period and ancient greek sculpture in general, for him, he must have the above-mentioned anatomical canonization, which will be found in all the following production, remaining valid for thousands of years, while Canova and neoclassicism The canonization was very simple but functional.

The Archaeological Museum in Athens is rightfully proud of the unique bronze sculpture of Poseidon, perfectly preserved in the sea, near Cape Artemison. This image, created in the Hellenistic era, is characterized by energy, internal tension and dynamics. A certain emotionality inherent in all Hellenistic sculptures makes the monument interesting for detailed study.

In terms of aesthetics and content, the sculptures of the Ancient gods actually repeat the works of Greek masters. The only merit of the Romans in sculpture is the realism of the images. Since most of the emperors were deified, in many sculptures of Mars, Jupiter and Neptune one can recognize some of the august rulers of the great empire.