Pedestrian route 48 along Ai Petri. Mount Ai-Petri, Crimea, cable car. Exit from Ai-Petri

If you ask Russians what they associate Crimea with, many will first answer - Ai-Petri. I myself adore this mountain and in many ways associate Crimea with it and its plateau. This attraction has become the permanent cover of all tours to Crimea and rightfully tops many must visit lists. The teeth of Ai-Petri attract the eye with their rare beauty and irresistibly beckon to them. I myself can stare at the mountain, since it can be seen from almost anywhere in Yalta.

The first time I visited the mountain was in the snowy winter and I immediately fell in love with it, because it is simply impossible to treat it differently!

If you look straight at the mountains when you drive along the South Coast Highway from Yalta towards Sevastopol, or look back when you lie on the beaches of Yalta, you will see three towering cliffs in the shape of teeth. This is the top of the famous Ai-Petri.

Ai-Petri is so popular that tourists consider it the highest point of Crimea. But this is a mistaken opinion. The highest point is Mount Roman-Kosh (1547 m). The height of Ai-Petri is 1234 m. Even this figure is very symbolic and only adds to the attractions more rating.


As is typical for places with high tourist traffic, there are a lot of romantic legends about it. But, as always, there is one true and rational explanation: Ai-Petri translated from Greek means “Saint Peter”: on the mountain there was a monastery of the Holy, built by the ancient Greeks. Remains of its ruins remain to this day.

Romantic legends came up with a young man named Petya, who threw himself from the Ai-Petrinsky cliffs because his parents did not approve of his choice of bride, who in turn exclaimed “Ay, Peter!”, seeing how her beloved crashed on the rocks.

They also talk about another Peter, who managed to conquer the strong wind that invariably raged on Ai-Petri, holding his shirt in the wind and flying on it, thereby inventing seaworthy sails that made life much easier for Greek sailors, for which he was canonized by them.


Ai-Petri is considered the windiest place in Crimea. Both in winter and summer there are long and powerful winds. Well, as you know, in the mountains the weather can be very changeable, it can suddenly rain or snow, and then there is not a cloud in the sky and the sun is hot. Therefore, you need to be prepared for changeable weather and have a warm sweater with spare socks, and sunglasses with a cap. Well, and a windbreaker, of course.

In winter, Ai-Petri breaks records for precipitation: a lot of snow falls there and there are strong snowstorms. For a winter visit to Ai-Petri, you should especially warm yourself up, take several pairs of gloves and a mask or balaclava for your face. And of course, sunglasses. IN sunny days snow in the mountains is very blinding.

How to get there

On the cable car

The Miskhor-Ai-Petri cable car is more of an attraction than vehicle. A journey in the air of about 3 kilometers with breathtaking views often attracts tourists more than the final destination itself - Ai-Petri.

The road consists of two parts: the first span is 1310 meters to the middle station " Pinery", the second - to the station on Ai-Petri - 1670 m (which is considered one of the longest unsupported spans in Europe). Travel time - 15 minutes. The cable car operates all year round. On the last section of the route, the slope of the cables reaches 46 degrees, so that less If your ears are blocked, grab some lollipops. I can’t recommend anything against heart stopping at an altitude of more than 1000 m :)

You can get to the lower station in Miskhor by minibus No. 102 from the upper platform of the Yalta bus station, or by minibus No. 132 departing from the clothing market (I don’t recommend it: it goes around the city and collects all the traffic jams and traffic lights, unlike 102, which immediately enters the highway).

The cost of travel on the cable car is about 300 rubles one way.

Before leaving, I recommend going to their website and looking at the operating schedule (and at the same time checking the cost) - it happens that the cable car does not work due to weather conditions.

By car

It is best to travel by car to Ai-Petri only in dry, snowless seasons. When the snow falls, there is nothing to do there without chains on the wheels. And if there are avalanches, then even with chains you won’t be able to travel very well along the steep mountain serpentine. Therefore, in winter, when the weather is bad, traffic police vehicles stand on duty on the highway to Ai-Petri and turn away everyone who wants to breathe the mountain air. But they are trying to clean and maintain the road to Ai-Petri, so there are chances to get through, especially for skiers who are passionate about skiing.

From Yalta you need to drive along the South Coast Highway towards Sevastopol, until the turn to Bakhchisarai. You can’t miss it - there is a sign for Ai-Petri, which notifies you whether the road is open today. This road to Bakhchisarai is through the Ai-Petri plateau. You need to drive along it, carefully taking turns. Drivers claim that they refuel for 600-700 rubles for one descent and ascent.

Lesnaya scenic road and mountain serpentine - an unforgettable pleasure and good relaxation.

By minibus

For those who are lazy and don’t want to bother with maps and other logistics, there is a very simple option. During the high tourist season, special minivan taxi drivers work on the lower platform of the Yalta bus station, yelling at the entire bus station “Ai-Petri, we are going to Ai-Petri.” It is impossible not to notice them even with all the desire. You jump in with them, pay 300 rubles per person, and go on your way calmly, admiring the scenery and not worrying about missing your stop. About an hour of hard driving, and you're on a plateau. I took a walk, fulfilled all my mountain dreams there, and back in the same minivan. Your task is only to get to the Yalta bus station. Simple and tasteful. But in winter you won’t find such taxi drivers.

On foot

Trekking lovers will also not be left without attention. There are a bunch of hiking trails of varying difficulty and length leading to Ai-Petri from Yalta, Bakhchisarai and other surrounding villages. Descriptions and tracks for navigators can be found on user electronic map file hosting sites. I will tell you about the two most famous ones, which I walked myself.

  • Miskhor (Korean) trail

From the Yalta bus station you need to take minibus No. 142 or No. 115 to the stop at the turn to Koreiz and Gaspra.

When you get off the minibus and stand with your back to Yalta, you will see a dirt forest road on your right. This is the beginning of the Miskhor trail. In some places it is marked and generally clearly visible, so you won’t get lost. The length of the trail is 11 kilometers. There will be two springs on the way, marked by awnings and benches nearby; you can’t miss them. The trail will pass through the top of Malyi Ai-Petri, from where a magnificent view of the forest and sea opens. There is a small steep section on the approach to the plateau, and if you have the opportunity, bring trekking poles - they will make the climb easier. Having reached the plateau, you will find yourself on a large observation deck, from where, of course, a beautiful view of the Crimean beauties opens up, as a reward for overcoming the hardships of climbing. And behind the site, the Ai-Petrinsky town immediately begins.

  • Taraktash trail

The Taraktash trail is a uniquely beautiful place due to the massive weathered rock remains of bizarre shapes. The trail starts from the Usan-Su waterfall. You can read how to get there.

The Taraktash trail begins from the waterfall, going straight to the Ai-Petrinskaya yayla.

The trail is marked. Red marks were made on the trees. The color of the trail on the diagram corresponds to the color of the marking. The main thing on the trail is not to miss the turn to the plateau. Part of the route (about 2 km) coincides with the Shtangeevskaya trail, and only at one remarkable bench on the observation deck, fenced with an old metal fence, do they diverge - Shtangeevskaya goes further straight along the edge of the rocks, and Taraktashskaya goes up to the left. There is no other bench there, it is impossible to miss it. You just need to turn 90 degrees to the left from the bench itself and stomp up.

The length of the trail itself to the plateau from the fork is only 3.5 kilometers, since it begins at a decent altitude. But to get to the cable car station, you will need to walk a little further along the plateau, following the sign located right at the exit of the path to the plateau.

This trail is much more popular than Miskhorskaya, because it itself is very picturesque and captures two more attractions: the Uchan-Su waterfall and a piece of the famous Shtangeevskaya trail. If you suddenly get lost or lose your markings, you can always ask oncoming tourists, of whom there are always many in the warm season. But there is only one path, well-trodden and there are no misleading clear forks, so the chances of getting lost are minimal. But in winter you should be careful - the snow covers the paths and can be very deep, which complicates and slows down movement. In this mode, fatigue sets in very quickly, and the path itself cannot be distinguished. It is impossible to distinguish roads on the plateau - in winter it turns into a snowy endless desert, and it is very easy to get lost, especially in a snowstorm and fog, which is not uncommon on Ai-Petri in winter.

Therefore the option hiking It’s safest and most enjoyable in the warm, snowless season. In winter it is better to use the cable car or car. Well, or the services of a local experienced guide, if the desire for adventure is irresistible.

Things to do

  • First of all, go for a walk! Walk along the Ai-Petrinskaya yayla, enjoying the wonderful view of the sea and Greater Yalta, or the view of the endless plateau (it is really huge, several kilometers long and wide), admire the strange flowers, Crimean pines with long needles and get a thrill from walking along the richest nature of Crimea.

  • Be sure to walk along the hanging bridges to one of the battlements. The bridges sway and squeak in the wind, and there are 1200 meters under your feet. It's scary, but the views from the cog are worth it. You stand on a small platform, and you are surrounded on all sides by open, vast space. Indescribable sensations, it is better to enjoy it yourself. Well-trodden paths lead to the footbridge from the cable car station and there are signs so you don’t get lost. Just follow the main flow of citizens - all new arrivals invariably follow there.

  • Visit the caves. There are three on Ai-Petri karst caves, open to tourists: Trekhglazka, Yalta and Geofizicheskaya. The sign towards the caves is also located near the cable car station. Finding caves on your own is not so difficult, and in the summer you will be repeatedly offered excursion and guide services right at the cable car - local guides They will take you anywhere on the plateau, not just to the caves, and accompany your journey with a wide variety of stories, historical and geographical information.

In the caves it is interesting to look at stalactites, stalagmites, bats and other bizarre underground world, and in the summer it is nice to be in the coolness of the cave after the sultry heat. Entrance to the caves is paid, the price is 300 rubles. The descents into the caves are equipped with stairs.

  • Take a walk around the tent market town. The market is sometimes called the Tatar market, because mainly Tatars sell their authentic delicacies and products there. But in addition to rare souvenirs that you can’t buy at coastal markets, here you can buy tours of the plateau on horseback and ATVs, hang gliding, rock climbing and many other extreme mountain activities. This is definitely worth a try when you find yourself on the most famous peak of Crimea.

Ai-Petri in winter

In winter, Ai-Petri is even more fabulous. White fluffy snowdrifts, frosty pine needles, whirling snow sparkling in the sun, snow-covered Mountain peaks. And most importantly, a combination that is surprising to the northern eye: snow and sea. In good visibility (when there is no fog, high clouds or thick snowstorm) from Ai-Petri you can see Greater Yalta and the sea. And this is an almost unreal combination - white, white snow and the azure sea below. If you find yourself in Yalta in winter, then Ai-Petri is definitely worth a visit - it’s rare that you can enjoy such unreal views just an hour’s drive away.

Ski resort

The statement that Crimea has everything is absolutely true. There's even a ski slope there. One of a kind and exactly on Ai-Petri. You can get to it by car along the already described mountain road Yalta-Bakhchisarai (it is regularly cleaned in winter) or by snowmobile taxi from the cable car station. The slopes there are very interesting and long, but rope tows require considerable skill in using them. These are not the comfortable cubicles or tablets we are used to. This is a looped cable, moving at a low, but still speed, to which you yourself need to attach the metal hook of your yoke - a small wooden seat on a rope, which, in fact, is your lift. Due to inexperience, jackets and gloves are torn on the cable, and there have even been injuries. Therefore, if you have not used this antediluvian Soviet system before, then you should take a young fighter course from instructors for your own safety. In addition, at the ski resort you can rent bagels, snowmobiles and ATVs, and try ski joring (attach a rope to a jeep and ride behind it on a plateau on skis or a snowboard). It’s very nice that there is a lifeguard station on the plateau. They are very experienced and responsible guys (I say this with authority, since they are my friends), and under their supervision you can safely indulge in winter fun.

More detailed information You can see about the slopes, prices and other features of the ski on their website.


Hunger is not something to be afraid of on Ai-Petri. Near the cable car on the plateau there is a whole city - many cafes, trading stalls, hotels and other entertainment services. Here you can satisfy a wide variety of gastronomic interests and find everything: from boiled corn and pasties to oysters and salmon cream soup. But, of course, cafes of Crimean Tatar cuisine prevail - pilaf, lagman and dolma for every taste.

Personally, my favorite is the Ai-Petri cafe (it’s not surprising that it’s called that). It is clearly not the only one on the plateau with this name. It is located right on a cliff, and from the panoramic windows you can see the battlements, the cable car cars, the sea and the forest far below all the way to the floor. It's breathtaking. It is located here: if you leave the cable car station and stand with your back to it, then you need to go left, walk to observation deck, stand facing the sea, admire the scenery, and on the right, right on the cliff, there will be a glass cafe, to which a black iron staircase leads. This is it. Both the service and the dishes themselves are at the same level. And the prices are more than affordable for Yalta and for the altitude of 1234 m above sea level. A good lunch of 2 courses and a cheburek to boot will cost 600 rubles. There you can also order a hookah and taste Crimean homemade wine, sitting in wide wicker chairs, surrounded by soft cushions. And all this with a beautiful view of the beauty of Crimea!


If one day is not enough to do everything you wanted to do, then you can stay on the mountain for the night, or even more than one. Many hotels and hostels right on the plateau offer accommodation with different conditions and at different prices. Even renting tents and sleeping bags to sleep in the fresh air and admire the scattering of stars at night. I would advise you to just take a walk around this mountain village, ask around and see what exactly they can offer you and choose to suit your taste. It's definitely worth staying there for a few days. You can live in houses near the cable car, in a shelter at a weather station, at the Kichkine camp site next to ski resort, in the village of Okhotnichye, which is located on the Yalta-Bakhchisarai highway, above the cable car. Housing prices on the mountain are quite high. The cost of hotel rooms can be found out, and for private apartments -. Knowing that Ai-Petri is very popular with tourists, Crimeans do not hesitate to raise prices there. You can live in houses of varying comfort, ranging from trailers to nice forest huts with a stylized design. Therefore, prices vary from 500 rubles per night to 5000. However, both of them do not have sewerage and there are problems with water. You won't find a soul there anywhere.


When in Crimea, you should definitely visit Ai-Petri. This mountain is unique and beautiful. Incredible beauty nature, the grandeur of the rocks, the mystery of the caves, the mountain air and a great many other goodies on it evoke only positive emotions and good thoughts. Make sure you climb this mountain and I bet you will fall madly in love with it just like I did.

Greetings! Not all drivers decide to climb the Ai-Petri plateau by car; there are also those for whom the trip becomes entertainment. Undoubtedly, the route is memorable and picturesque - the higher you climb, the more you admire the panorama of the southern coast of Crimea.

Dear readers! The article was written a long time ago, but is still in demand, so I constantly update it and include relevant information. Updated 08/15/2019

There are four ways to climb Ai-Petri: on foot, in your own car, by cable car or with private carriers. Each option has its pros and cons, but you should definitely use at least one. There are diagrams for walking routes on the Internet.

From August 16, 2019, MUP "Yaltagortrans" will provide transportation from Miskhor and the Yalta bus station to the Ai-Petri plateau using a licensed taxi. The price of a one-way trip is 450 rubles. per person.

“Taxis will be dispatched as they are loaded from the points of sale of subscriptions. In the area of ​​the Ai-Petri plateau, dispatch and boarding of passengers will be carried out. In the future, the directions and types of transportation by licensed taxis will expand.”

Due to the lack of snow in Crimean resorts at the beginning of January 2019, the Ai-Petri plateau became the most popular place for active rest. Hundreds of tourists posted their pictures on social networks from the snow-covered mountain: some on sleds, some on skis, and some in a kilometer-long traffic jam.

On January 2, 2019, on the Ai-Petri plateau, traffic was paralyzed; there were weirdos who climbed up on summer tires (they had to be pulled out).

photo from the VK group “Weather on Ai-Petri”.

Dear people, before traveling in winter, check the weather conditions online! If you don't care about yourself, think about your children! Rescue services cannot reach some areas.

Count on capabilities of your car: 4x4, spikes or chains, full tank.

Current weather information on Ai-Petri: or in the specified group on VK.

On January 4, 2019, 6 avalanches occurred, the transport could not get out on its own, they called in heavy equipment and augers to break through to the stuck people. Avalanches covered many vehicles.

Previously, there was an unspoken rule for visiting Ai-Petri: ascent to the plateau along a narrow serpentine road before 12 noon, descent - after 12 noon. Now motorists ignore this rule and create problems for themselves, others and rescue services.

Our trip to Ai-Petri took place in mid-March; we were lucky with the road - we encountered snow jams only on the northern descent.

The mountain serpentine leading to the plateau is the longest and most winding in Crimea. Depending on weather conditions, some sections or the entire road may be closed, as warned by a sign at the beginning of the path or by guards. There are landslides, landslides and avalanches here.

Road T 0117 leads to the Ai-Petri plateau, and then along the northern slope, through the Grand Canyon of Crimea, to the Bakhchisarai region. The second name is the old Yalta highway. There are springs along the route, interesting rocks and the most famous waterfalls of Crimea: (on the southern slope) and Silver Streams (on the northern slope).

We can say with all confidence that the road to Ai-Petri is one of the most dangerous roads Crimea, so tired drivers and beginners have nothing to do there!

We headed to the top of Ai-Petri after walking along Yalta embankment after noon. A cold wind was blowing from the sea and I was afraid that we would freeze completely at the top, but it turned out the opposite.

For those who don’t know what the serpentine road on Ai-Petri looks like, here is a map of our route.

Halfway through the route we stopped to take a few photos; we didn’t have such an opportunity any further due to the nature of the route. There are “pockets”, but it’s better not to occupy them, you never know who will fall on your head...

Photos from the VKontakte group “Weather on Ai-Petri” were taken on December 2, 2018. From Bakhchisarai the road to Ai-Petri is much worse, there are many potholes.

Information has appeared on the Internet that in the winter of 2019 the road to Ai-Petri will not be closed.

This year, Krymavtodor specialists decided to change the rule. Weather stations will be installed on the approaches to the mountain, which will forecast the weather and the condition of the road surface. This will allow road workers to react in time, process the road and bring it into working condition.

In March, there were whole glades of snowdrops in the forest, but the phrase “oh, what flowers, let’s stop” was clearly not appropriate.

In some areas there was no fencing at all. To my question: “Why are there no bump stops?” my friend replied: “If we fly down, they won’t help us.” Thank you, I reassured you...

All we had to do was wait until we climbed Ai-Petri. In my mind I imagined what the plateau looked like, because the last time I was there was years….twenty years ago. Having driven up the mountain, we left the cars in a free area next to the administration of the meteorological station.

Then the fun began. If you go right, you will get to the observation deck. Usually, this is the name for a place that is fenced and allows you to see the immediate surroundings in full scale.

From the so-called observation deck a clear expanse opened up - a turquoise sky with glimpses of azure sank into the sea surface of the Black Sea. Evergreen bushes and trees framed Alupka and Koreiz with their thickets.

Silence and tranquility... To the right, in the distance, the teeth of Ai-Petri are clearly visible, it is there that the upper station of the cable car is located, the most high point 1234 m and Trekhglazka cave.

If you go straight, you'll end up in a showdown.
Here it is architectural structure left after someone's sharing. Until 2011, there was a ski club on this site. Apparently, now these ruins will serve as an edification to descendants.

What happened next was completely sad. Rows of cafes and trade stalls with strange souvenirs that have nothing in common with the products of Crimean craftsmen. Special flavor national cuisine I didn’t notice either, so I didn’t go anywhere for lunch; I can’t evaluate the dishes offered. In August 2019, nothing has changed.

There is neglect and chaos all around. Private houses, barns, cafes, shalmans, construction sites. After just 15 minutes you forget what kind of devil you came up here for.

The “highlanders” do not want to improve the territory because of unresolved land issues. Environmentalists are sounding the alarm and calling for an end to economic activity on the territory of Ai-Petri, limit the capacity for the development of eco-tourism. But we realized it too late: many entrepreneurs have been working here for decades. The circle has closed and now all hope lies in the new government, which will make a rational decision so that “the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe”...
There is another “architectural landmark” on the edge of the cliff. It was built on a grand scale so that the mountains, sea and sun were visible from all the windows.

The faded sign says: Jolly Roger Cafe with the best recipes of oriental cuisine.

There is another viewpoint nearby.

Here you can turn to the sea and escape from reality, but only in one direction, because on other sides all the beauty of the plateau is obscured by construction and private houses.

Due to the peculiarity of the relief, Ai-Petri is called yayla - summer pasture. Since ancient times, settlements have been built on the plateau, but the biggest “contribution” was made by homo sapiens.

Back in 2014, the media reported that the Ai-Petri plateau had been put in order, all construction waste had been removed and there were no illegal buildings. Was it even more interesting...
Perhaps the only object that is in its place is the monument to the Crimean partisans of the Great Patriotic War who died in battle in December 1941.

The road to Ai-Petri was important during the Second World War. It was along this route that the Nazis transferred troops and equipment towards Sevastopol. The partisans managed to blow up a section of the road and prevent the enemy’s plans from being realized, but they all died in an unequal battle.
At the cost of incredible efforts, the soldiers were able to protect their land; their memory should be passed on from generation to generation, and not disappear under scaffolding...

Returning to the parking lot, we set off by car across the entire plain of the plateau.

The further north you went, the more snow there became. In the lowlands, where the snow had not yet melted, snowboarders were riding on the slopes. The first snow falls on Ai-Petri in October, and a stable layer remains from mid-December until March-April.

And we had a long descent ahead along the mountain serpentine towards the Bakhchisary district. At the beginning of the road there was a track of snow and ice.

Previously, when bad weather conditions For private cars, the road to Ai-Petri was blocked from both Yalta and Bakhchisarai. The traffic police was on duty everywhere. You can climb Ai-Petri by cable car or by transport that provides transportation.

The transfer organizers do not hide the fact that the route is actually closed. At the same time, it was not possible to find out exactly how carriers “make their way” through traffic police posts: “We have different moves. No matter how, we will get there."

Approximately 35 km from the top of Ai-Petri, there is a parking lot and hiking trail in the Grand Canyon of Crimea. I have already talked about this route in my report.
Of course, in March it is not as interesting as in October.

What is happening on Ai-Petri in August 2019. Paid parking and a long queue for the cable car.

There is competition between the “highlanders” and the owners of the cable car for their client. Time will tell how events will develop. The article is updated all the time.
Thank you for attention!

I remembered how once that same Petya - “Black Diver”, took part of his regular group (that year they seemed to be “Weathered Goths”), to Ai-Petri on foot. The guys then nicknamed him “Susanin” because of his wanderings in the forest near Ai-Petri. At the very least, the guys seem to have ended up on Ai-Petri, but Petya still remembers this hike-)) I remembered this story and so I decided to take a walk myself, especially since I’ve been to these places more than once, although it’s been a long time...

Now all my routes run mainly through eastern Crimea.
And the route walk to Ai-Petri, really interesting and educational.
Along the way walking route you can see what you usually miss, don’t notice, you rush past if you go up the Ai-Petrinsky serpentine by car or fly over these beauties on cable car Miskhor - Ai-Petri.
A non-pedestrian route is akin to vacationing in Crimea in a hotel - you feel like you’re in an aquarium - you see everything, but you feel nothing - there is no energy of the Crimea, no tactile perception, no taste... in general, everything is emasculated and castrated... Another thing – rest is akin to our club – closer to wildlife, on hikes and in tents...
There you really feel the taste of real life on your lips...

I went outside, the weather was excellent - sunny and warm.
I took a breath of fresh spring air, looked at Ai-Petri peak.. At its foot, in Koreiz it was +15.
It is better to start the ascent at Koreiz trail, in my opinion, the most interesting and short.

The most direct route starts from the minibus stop above Koreiz- under the name Three Poplars, and not, as many believe, from the sign at the Miskhor fork indicating the mileage and direction to Sevastopol and Yalta “Sevastopol 72 Yalta-9”.
The climb is not difficult, a real romantic walk through a majestic pine forest, with centuries-old pines, along wide forest roads.
It is necessary to keep the direction north, on an oblique, about 40 degrees, eastern slope Ai-Petrinskaya ridge.
There is a triangular rock there called "Small Ai-Petri" or Raven rock.
It is from this place that the direct and steepest climb to top of Ai-Petri.
There are many forest roads near Ai-Petri, a whole network.
But, even if the roads wind through the forest, if you stick to the lower end of the rocky slope - which is hidden in the tops of the Crimean pine - you will still come to the right place.
It should be noted that even in ancient times, people used this most convenient, well-trodden, less steep than others, path to climb the Ai-Petrin plateau.
They went to the market to exchange their goods for their needs.
This road was used by both residents of the central mountainous regions and residents of the steppe.
Even recently, when transport connection in Crimea was weak, the inhabitants Alupki, Koreiza, Gaspra went to the villages central Crimea, such as Sokolinoe, for various matters and needs.
No matter how you walk along this path to the foot of Ai-Petri, along the way you will definitely come across at least one spring, of which there are several, and you will have the opportunity to quench your thirst.
There are also several small lakes and fire ponds in the forest.
The higher you rise, the more majestic and colorful the panoramas of these places will open to you.
Already since Raven rocks your eyes will be surprised by the stunning view of the surrounding area - forest, mountains, sea... below lies Gaspra, Yalta, on the horizon Mount Bear and Gurzuf, and the nearby slopes are overgrown Magobi forest.

But that's not all... The main thing is yet to come! A picturesque, majestic and steep slope of the main Ai-Petri ridge awaits us, attracting the eye, striking and alluring with its seeming inaccessibility.

Our way there is along a well-trodden road.
In the forest, along our path, everything is replete with a variety of spring flowers. The dogwood blossomed.

The abundance of wild primroses is amazing, at this time of year, in mid-March - this is a rarity, usually towards the end of April to the beginning of May, but this year they are reaching for the sun much earlier.
Real forest primroses.

There are many other plants from the family of primroses, but no less beautiful than expensive orchids in supermarkets - of which Scilla bifolia.

Closer to the top it gets cooler, there is snow in the shaded places and even the steep climb doesn’t warm you up at all... It’s cold in winter, steam comes out of your mouth, your fingers get numb.
I pull on my hat, put on my gloves and get active up there!
But as soon as you find yourself in a sunny clearing, it becomes incredibly hot and you want to take off all your insulation quickly -)) In such clearings there is no snow and the delicate inflorescences of the bird's eye peck through the soil.

While admiring this spring variety of colors, you don’t notice how the peak itself is already there. Now it’s quiet here... no one... only the barking of dogs guarding the countless cafes and hotels huddled near top cable car station. Yes, there are several cable car workers who carry out maintenance work.

Now they were busy checking the cables, unwinding huge spools of thick iron threads-ropes that support the well-known trailers.
Under the canopy, several paramilitary guards huddle in the wind and chat.
Having noticed me, they cast a prickly glance at me with suspicious curiosity.
Such views make you feel uncomfortable, and in general, I don’t like civilization on top of Ai-Petri, about 15 years ago this was not allowed in the reserve...
Let's quickly leave here, further to the west... to where only the wind blows, and I...

My path follows Ai-Petri teeth, where once in the Middle Ages there was christian temple, past the top, from where a mesmerizing view opens view of the southern coast of Crimea..

And if you turn your face to the north, then an endless hilly landscape opens before your eyes. karst field of the Aypetrinsky plateau.
Moving along the edge of the plateau further to the west, now descending, now ascending, you overcome karst faults and sinkholes, gaping with dark, moss-covered unknown voids, which keep in their depths winding dungeons and caves that beckon with their unknowns.

In these karst sinkholes, in the shade, where the snow has just melted, like a dense carpet snowdrops are blooming.
I have never seen such large bushes and such a dense formation as now in the forest near Ai-Petri.

A little higher up the slope, away from the shaded gorges, closer to the light and warmth, on the edge of the karst sinkholes, where there is more sun, it is already blooming in full swing Crimean saffron.
His brother crocus– blooms in October...

Behind Mount Westorn, there is the first descent, counting from Ai-Petrinsky teeth, to the side Alupki, which is called Kuchuk Bogaz or Small Pass– the trail is little traveled, very steep, difficult to climb and not easy to descend.
But our path lies further, to the antenna visible on the horizon - this is a military unit, a radar station and antenna fields.
Before the station there is another descent to the foot Kopek–Bogaz, just as complex as the previous one, partially passing through active loose soil.

Behind the military unit, downgrade again south coast cliffs.
You can go out onto a rocky, forested, rocky outcrop, the beginning of a fairly convenient trail Alupka Bogaz or Shaankai trail.
It goes down and at the foot of the ridge passes a clearly visible ledge, similar to a springboard, called Shaan-Kaya.
On the plateau itself, in its clearings, which are inclined to the south and closed from the north by karst ridges, whole families grow sleep-grass with a bright purple color, which with its fluffy cover resembles shaggy playful kittens. The scientific name of this incomparability is Crimean shot.

It's endemic sleep-grass its popular name.
This plant was especially often used by shamans for their own purposes.
Next to the lumbago, another handsome man, already bright yellow, is basking in the sun - Adonis or Crimean Adonis.

Both plants can be found only in the highlands, where the air is clean and the environment is suitable-)).
You can see it ahead At-Bash(Horse's Head), but to get to it, you need to cross the rocky and inconvenient Lysyaya peak.
When climbing At-Bash, a stunning view of everything opens up Ai-Petri plateau, right up to the beginning of the descent to the inner ridge, on the mountain Bedene-Kyr, which means Quail.
Like giant dinosaur eggs or unprecedented alien dwellings, the giant balls of the military space tracking unit appear white in the distance.

Our path now lies down, still in the same western direction, to the tract Besh-Tekne(translated as five troughs). This is a planned tourist site, where there is a lake and several springs.
There is a lot of water, greenery too, the area is cut by a network of dirt roads, which converge here from the entire plateau into one bunch, so that across At-Bash pass agree on the so-called Jewish trail (road).
It got its name from a Jewish entrepreneur, a timber merchant, who paved this road before the revolution. Its length is more than 5 km. Along it you can go down to the Sevastopol road above Alupka.
This road cannot be called picturesque, since several years ago a large fire raged here, several tens of thousands of hectares of forest burned out. And now this is a rather sad and unpresentable sight.
So it's better to go down through Alupka-Bogaz pass. Well, the route has been completed. Ai-Petri conquered and having made a safe descent, I found myself on south coast.

The length of the route is approximately 18 km, taking into account the descent and ascent from the Sevastopol highway. Basically, this route passes at an altitude of 350 to 1300 meters above sea level. Anyone interested in this route is always ready to help to visit there.

Closer to us, the Iograph spur departs from the Main Mountain Range. Its continuation within the boundaries of Yalta is Darsan Hill, the watershed of the Vodopadnaya (Uchan-Su) and Bystraya (Derekoyki) river valleys. While walking around Yalta, you crossed these rivers more than once.

Right under our feet is the cone-shaped Mount Mogabi, along which we drove while climbing Ai-Petri. Its peak is almost 400 m below the Shishko rock. For some reason, many people think that Mogabi is dormant volcano; Obviously, this idea is suggested by its regular cone-shaped shape. In reality, it is a remnant of a mountain range, of which there are quite a few South Coast. Mogabi hides from us that part of the coast where Livadia and Oreanda are located. To the west of this mountain there is a view of Miskhor resort area. Cape Ai-Todor with the Swallow's Nest is visible from behind the Mogabi slope.

At your feet below Ai-Petri lies Alupka, and if you look closely you can even see the Vorontsov Palace and Park. And even further east lies our favorite resort, Simeiz, headed by Mount Koshka and the Diva Rock.

Turning to the north, you will see in the distance the Bedene-Kyr mountain with white domes - this is a military base. Well, below you you can see the upper station of the Ai-Petri cable car, an oriental bazaar, and countless cafes with oriental cuisine...

But we are more interested in the panorama of the sunny southern coast, which attracts attention for a long time... But then a small cloud covered the sun for a minute, and everything immediately changed: otherwise shadows from the mountains lay, the sea became green, the bright colors dimmed. The panorama is the same, but you see it completely different...

From Ai-Petri you can watch a magnificent picture of the sunrise. But usually an excursion to Ai-Petri is designed for one day, and you can only see the sunset on Ai-Petri... And to completely complete the picture of Crimean mountains also visit the Grand Canyon of Crimea, better in the excursion program New Crimean Switzerland - this is exclusive.

About the Ai-Petri teeth and the red flag

In the summer of 1950, Nikolai Pavlovich Antsiferov, a researcher at the Moscow Literary Museum, came to the Yalta Museum of Local Lore. He said that in 1907, as a young man, together with his friend, he climbed to the battlements of Ai-Petri and on one of these battlements he saw the remains of the inscription “Down with Tsarism,” riddled with bullet holes. The young people took pictures of her. After 43 years, Nikolai Pavlovich found an interesting photograph and was now donating it to the museum.

Several years passed until the museum staff managed to find out the origin of this amazing inscription. And it was like this. On the autumn morning of 1905, a scarlet banner fluttered at the top of Ai-Petri, and under it everyone saw the inscription “Down with Tsarism.” This was the time when the first Russian revolution was on the rise. And here, in “blessed Taurida,” so far from the working centers of Russia, next to the Tsar’s summer dacha in Livadia, the ghost of revolution also appeared. The police did not find anyone willing to climb the rock to tear down the banner. Then they decided... to shoot the banner and the seditious words carved on the stone. A machine gun platoon went to Ai-Petri. The flag pole, beveled by the burst, fell, but did not fall into the abyss: the red banner caught on the crevices of the rock. Again and again the lead rain poured down on him and tore him to shreds. They carefully knocked out every centimeter of the inscription on the rock with bullets. But for a long time the fragments of the banner remained red in the crevices of the Ai-Petrin spire, for a long time it was still possible to distinguish the inscription...

Who climbed to the top of the battlement, managed to strengthen the banner in one night and make an inscription, each letter of which was the height of a man?

After a lengthy search, museum workers managed to find one of the participants in this bold demonstration. In 1957, they met him in Moscow: A. A. Teodorovich worked as an employee of the Institute of Medicinal Plants. Here's what he said.

One day, a small group of Swedish tourists appeared on the South Coast and spoke Russian surprisingly well. In Miskhor they found a guide who! led them to the foot of the battlements. Having cut several steps into the rock and attached a hanging cradle, the “Swedes” set up a red banner and made an inscription.

The guide of this dangerous expedition was a mason from Miskhor I.D. Ananyev (died in 1947), and the “Swedes” turned out to be members of the RSDLP(b), who emigrated abroad and came to Russia illegally in 1905...

You can climb to Ai-Petri from Yalta from the Glade of Fairy Tales and from the Uchan-Su waterfall along the following paths and routes:

From the Glade of Fairy Tales

To do this you need to take a minibus to minibuses run both from the bus station, almost all transport that goes towards Sevastopol, and from the city center from “Spartak” minibus number 24.

The Botkin trail begins from the Glade of Fairy Tales, along which you can climb to the rock and from it, along the Stavrikayskaya or large Shtangeevskaya trail, go to the Ai-Petri plateau.

This route is quite difficult and is suitable for people with good physical fitness. Elevation gain is 1000-1050 meters, travel time is 3-5 hours depending on the pace. Along this path you will reach the Ai-Petri plateau, but to the famous Ai-Petri battlements you need to walk about another 7 km, which will take another 1.5-2 hours.

After this, if you feel tired, you can go down by minibus from the eastern bazaar or by cable car. We descended on foot along the Malaya Bogaz trail; a photo report of our trip can be read here.

From the Wuchang-Su waterfall

This route is easier than from Polyana Skazok, since the route begins at an altitude of about 400 meters above sea level.

The ascent time along the Taraktash trail is 2-3 hours, depending on your preparation and the composition of the group, the trail leads to a plateau, and you need to walk another 4.5 km to the cable station. At the top there is a sign with distances to the main tourist destinations.

If you are very tired, you can go down by cable car or minibus, but we went down along the Koreiz trail, the beginning of which is to the right of the cable station, if you stand with your back to the sea. The descent along the trail is not difficult, it is impossible to get lost, the descent time is 1.5 hours at a leisurely pace. The trail leads to a highway from which you can easily get to Yalta by minibus. You can read a photo report of our trip here.

Of course, you can go back along the same route that you took up, but you need to take into account the schedule of the minibus from the waterfall, or you can diversify a little and go down the following paths: along Taraktashskaya to the intersection with Malaya Shtangeevskaya, then along But this will significantly increase your journey, and not everyone will be able to physically overcome such a route, so consider your own physical capabilities.

You can walk along the plateau even further east and go down the Stavrikai trail to Stavri-Kai, and from Stavri-Kai along the Botkinskaya trail to Polyana Skazok.

Combined option

Of course, climbing Ai-Petri on foot takes a lot of energy and not everyone can afford to undertake such an ascent, especially with small children. Therefore, you can climb using a minibus or cable car, but going down and enjoying the beauty of nature and views of the coast is much easier, and the descent from Ai-Petri is within the reach of almost all tourists. In this case, I would advise going down the Koreiz trail, the easiest and fastest descent, and in second place I would put the descent along the Taraktash trail. The descent along the Malaya Bogaz trail is the most extreme; I recommend it to thrill-seekers.

If you know the above trails and have already walked along them, then you can create the most interesting ones yourself. tourist routes, taking into account your physical capabilities.

I hope my article will be useful to you and help you make independent travel. I wish you good luck and take care of nature!!!

You can simply sign up for a hike to Ai-Petri with us: