Coniferous trees of the Sochi arboretum. Arboretum in Sochi - Arboretum Park: history, plants, attractions, how to get there, ticket prices, opening hours of the arboretum in Sochi. Walk through the Arboretum and photographs

Yes, yes, not just a huge bouquet of flowers and not even a million scarlet roses, but an entire luxurious Arboretum park in Sochi, decorated with rare plants and sculptural compositions, a wonderful villa, and of course not only that, a man in love Sergei Nikolaevich laid at the feet of his beloved .

By the way, he managed to take her with him straight from the dance ball. And this despite the fact that the young girl was constantly under the strict supervision of her father. But let me tell you everything from the very beginning.

The emergence of this botanical garden, which delights the eye and smell, is closely connected with the name of an outstanding person of his time, S.N. Khudekov, who became the founder of the arboretum in Sochi.

His biography is truly filled with various events. He studied and quite successfully graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of Moscow. After this, he served in the army, where he received the rank of major.

But creativity always occupied a huge place in his life. During his very versatile activities, Sergei Nikolaevich wrote 4 volumes of “History of Dance”, created plays and novels. Even while serving in the army, the young man published his works, but signed them with the pseudonym “Sting.”

The collection of his works includes several librettos for ballets, including the famous “La Bayadère.” This ballet, adapted by Khudekov, is still popular on many theater stages around the world.

In 1889, Sergei Nikolaevich, a playwright and writer, became the publisher of the then not very popular Petersburg Newspaper. His activities were such that the publication's circulation increased 5 times compared to the original.

Among other things, Khudekov was passionate about gardening. In the 80s of the 19th century, he acquired an estate in the village of Erpino near Ryazan and founded a luxurious garden-arboretum on this estate.

The word arboretum in translation means a collection of trees, and by definition it is an area intended for planting trees and shrubs. In addition, it can have, in addition to aesthetic, also a scientific, research orientation.

Remembering all this, it will become clear that a few years later that park took part in the All-Russian exhibition. For the beauty of the animals and exotic plants raised on the estate, one might even say that the scientist Khudekov received 4 gold and 1 bronze medal!

Now restoration work is being carried out at this place, but there is already a museum of a very extraordinary person for his time: Sergei Nikolaevich Khudekov.

Sergei Nikolaevich’s interests were not limited to breeding and developing new exclusive plant varieties. He was also involved in collecting. The art gallery that belonged to him was recognized as one of the best in Russia. Paintings painted by Shustov, Roerich, Aivazovsky and many others were kept here. And the collection of exhibits on the topic “History of Ballet” took second place in size after the Bakhrushin Theater Museum in Moscow.

In 1889, Khudekov created another charming masterpiece, which became a true decoration of Sochi and is not inferior in its beauty and originality to many other beautiful gardens and squares.

Having bought 50 acres of land on the slope of Sochi’s Bald Mountain, which was then called “Vereshchaginskaya”, he built a luxurious villa here.

In honor of his wife, the loving husband romantically named her “Nadezhda.”

How the plans of geniuses become reality

This is where the history of the arboretum in Sochi begins. It was planned to develop a wonderful park on 15 hectares of land; the rest was occupied by an orchard where flowers, plums and peaches grew.

Khudekov was a great connoisseur and lover of exotic things, so plants for the Sochi arboretum were purchased and brought from all over the world: from Germany, the Crimea, the Caucasus. It is reliably known that many types of vegetation were brought from Gagra from the nursery of the prince who was there.

The flora of the park was very diverse, and the collection was constantly being replenished. The layout of the garden and park was carried out with the help of Langau's friend and gardener, as well as the owner's nephew.

Sergei Nikolaevich spared no expense in decorating the house and the surrounding lands, and by 1917 there were already more than 550 species of various trees and shrubs in the park. Rare plants alternated with stunning vases and elegant sculptures made in France and St. Petersburg.

In 1922, the park was nationalized, that is, it began to belong to the public. Time passed, the city expanded, and in 1934, here, right on the territory of the Arboretum, it was decided to build an avenue named after Stalin. Now it is called Kurortny. This street divided the park into two parts, which became known as the Upper and Lower Parks.

During the war, the garden became part of a research institute, and a few years later it was replenished with new graceful sculptures, fountains and rare species plants.

And in 1977, the Upper and Lower parts of the park, respectively, Kurortny Avenue and the top of Bald Mountain in the city of Sochi were connected by a line cable car.

Its length is 897 meters, and the upper tower rises at an altitude of 172 meters above sea level.

This event made visiting the park more comfortable for guests. After all, the arboretum itself is located in a mountainous area, and getting to its upper part is a little difficult!

And so, having climbed using the funicular in 4 minutes to the Upper Station, guests get to observation deck, from where they can admire the surrounding spaces: Sochi port,

panorama of the entire city and, of course, the park,

Beauty! Especially if you are lucky and the weather is clear.

Maybe someone will find it useful to know that the observation deck can accommodate 80 people at a time. This allows you to hold various family or corporate events there, at a bird's eye view.

What is the Sochi Arboretum famous for?

Green Abundance

After admiring the fantastic charm around you, you can slowly go down (on foot) through the park and calmly enjoy all the wonders of the Arboretum.

Currently, all this splendor occupies 49 hectares. In this territory, more than 1,500 species of trees and shrubs of different shapes and varieties grow and delight park visitors!

One of the largest is a collection of pine trees. It has 76 species - 1890 trees! Imagine, 76 species of this seemingly familiar pine to us all!

And another 80 types of oaks, 24 types of palms...

And this, of course, is not all! Simply amazing!

There are separate areas here, each with its own name, where the flora of various places on our planet are presented: the nearby Caucasus, distant Australia, China, the Mediterranean, Japan, America.

Along the way you will see a Japanese garden with a majestic sequoia, a flowerbed with agave growing there, a palm alley, a eucalyptus grove and many other plants.

Not only do they bloom beautifully and smell amazing, many plants have very tempting fruits that you really want to put in your mouth! Just how do you know: are these pretty Nepali Mahonia berries edible or not? 🙄

Flower beds look very unusual

and entire compositions made from fresh flowers.

We were pleased with the funny figures made from clay pots. A great idea for those who want to make their dacha more elegant and positive.

Man-made buildings

In 2012, a model of a dolmen was opened in the Upper Park of the arboretum, not far from the suspension bridge over the stream.

The idea of ​​creating a corner of history here belongs to the park management. And to make it look most natural in this place, it is planned to plant ferns around it.

Nearby there is a grotto with an icon of the Mother of God. A stream flows from here and flows into a small river.

What should be nearby if there is water? Right! Suspension bridge. It looks very airy, but upon entering you will need to go through a powerful stone gate.

Of course, this structure cannot even approximately compare with the longest pedestrian bridge, which is also located in the suburbs of Sochi: in. But even on such a swinging mini-bridge, the kids find it very interesting and fun.

Gazebos made in Greek and Moorish styles look very nice.

The entrance inside is guarded by majestic lions.

In spring and summer, the gazebo is (literally) filled with flowers.

And from afar, surrounded by the greenery of a wide variety of trees, it looks simply amazing!

Also, the fountains of the arboretum will certainly attract your attention: the snow-white “Fairy Tale” fountain and the hugging “Cupids”.

True, “The Fairy Tale” appeared here already in Soviet times, but this is not very important. But very beautiful!

And Nizhny Park has its own attractions. Near the pond there is a small sculpture “Boy Sitting on a Stone”

an elegant gazebo with a figure of Neptune nearby,

stream with a charming waterfall.

And, of course, waterfowl live here: ducks, swans and even pelicans.

And another lyrical composition with a powerful couple in love. Apparently, it symbolizes enormous and strong love. 🙂

In Nizhny Park there is a little noise from cars passing along the nearby highway. But if you go a little deeper inside, you can have a wonderful time in silence, walking through the green living arches

or through an unusual bamboo grove.

Who lives in a cage

In addition to diverse vegetation, the Sochi Arboretum is also home to representatives of the bird kingdom. Their screams can be heard long before you directly approach the enclosure.

Parrots live in a special enclosed room. You can’t go inside, you can only look at the colorful representatives through the windows. It seemed completely uninteresting to me.

But the larger birds were able to fully compensate for the slight decline in mood. Ostriches actively begged visitors for at least some delicacies. True, they themselves looked quite shabby.

And nearby, peacocks lived their lives. They were having some kind of man-to-man showdown, and to the delight of the visitors they were quarreling very loudly, spreading their gorgeous tails.

It also turned out that peacocks can fly! At least they can easily fly over the fence. And then you can walk freely around the park. Having met such a peacock outside the enclosure, it is impossible not to linger to photograph the handsome man from all sides.

It turns out that the photo from behind looks quite nice. Well, certainly no worse than in front. 🙂

Slowly I go down even lower, go outside the Upper Park, walk through the underground passage and... here the continuation of the fairy tale awaits us - Nizhny Park.

In a large aquarium, stingrays, moray eels and even piranhas swim freely here. And different birds simply walk along the paths of the park along with its visitors.

Hope left for posterity

But the central place here, of course, belongs to the Nadezhda villa, immersed in the bright greenery of the surrounding vegetation.

A beautiful two-story mansion with an observation deck at the top.

There is no special luxury in its appearance, but the house looks very cozy. Once upon a time, two loving people - husband Sergei and wife Nadezhda felt happy in it.

The interior of the rooms was decorated with exquisite furniture and tiled stoves. The extensive library occupied a large space. Hospitable hosts hosted many famous people those years. For example, Chekhov, Khludov, Chaliapin and other singers, writers and artists came here.

Before Olympic Games In 2014, restoration work took place in the park: comfortable paths were laid, elegant benches appeared, and a colossal amount of repairs were carried out.

Including, the original appearance of the villa has been recreated. So far, only five rooms in the house of the Khudekov couple are available for inspection. These include a dining room, a music room and a study for the head of the family.

Here are 108 volumes from his library, also significant in his work, “The History of Dance,” on the table there is an ink set that is so necessary for the writer, and next to it is a photograph of his wife.

The Ballet Museum is open in one of the halls of the estate. There are letters, photographs of famous ballet divas, pointe shoes and costumes that were made at least a hundred years ago. Interesting and educational! According to employees, the collection will continue to expand.

Near the house there are several sculptures, the “Cupids” fountain, park flower vases, a butterfly pavilion, the “Sink” pool,

sculpture "Ballerina"

a gazebo with eagles and many other beautiful creations by masters of landscape art.

Everything is very beautiful and romantic!

When you buy an entrance ticket to the park, also purchase a diagram map with a description of the Sochi Arboretum. With it you will be able to better orient yourself - where to go, where to turn, what to see.

At the entrance there are stands with a map of the park, but you can’t take it with you. You can, of course, take a photo, but you will definitely need a camera or phone for other purposes: without a huge number of wonderful and beautiful photos can't escape from here! 😆

Start your tour of the Arboretum with its highest point. Still, going down is better than going uphill.

But on the other hand, if you walk up one side of the park and then down the other, you will be able to see more interesting sights. So if you have a lot of time and physical strength, then you can safely go for a walk.

The territory of the Arboretum in Sochi is huge. So if you decide to see all its corners, then such an excursion can take a long time. So if you don't want to walk a lot or have any other problems, take an electric car. This will help you not get so tired and later remember visiting the park only with positive emotions.

Before your trip, you can download the Arboretum Guide application to your phone, and then, with the help of this audio guide, you can walk through the park without a guide, knowing exactly the names of all the plants you encounter.

There's more good news. There are days throughout the year when all guests of the Arboretum can enter its territory completely free of charge. Such events take place in the botanical garden regularly. So stay tuned and save your money!

Well and one more interesting fact Finally. One of the episodes of the film “The Suicide Club or The Adventures of the Titled Person” was filmed in the park. Main role The famous Oleg Dal played in the film.

Opening hours and prices


Sochi Park Arboretum begins its work at 9 o'clock and ends at 19 o'clock in summer and at 18 o'clock in winter. The ticket office opens at 8 a.m.

Ticket price to enter the Arboretum: adult - 250, children's ticket to the Arboretum costs 120 rubles.

I would like to warn you that visiting the Aquarium, butterfly exhibitions, as well as visiting several other museums are not included in this amount. You will have to pay for this on the spot, but more on that below.

Purchased tickets are valid throughout the day. You can walk along them throughout both the Lower and Upper parks. You can also take the cable car to the top (you will need to pay for its use separately), and there, with these tickets, you will also be able to enter the territory of the arboretum.

That's exactly what I did. At the same time, here at the entrance I was met by a very important and sleepy guard. 🙂

You can also book a tour right at the entrance to the park. You just need to take into account that you will have to wait until the group gathers: at least 5-6 people. In this case, they will show you all the most interesting places in the arboretum, and also tell you a lot of interesting things about both man-made objects and the vegetation that exists here.

A trip in an electric car when fully loaded will cost 150 rubles per person. If there are still empty seats in the car, then you will have to pay 1050 rubles for the walk (from the whole company). So see for yourself, maybe you should wait a little for more people to come. Such trips usually take place every 40 minutes.

Cable car

The cable car is open all year round. Opening hours: daily from 9 to 19 hours. On Mondays from 11, but also until 19.

The cost of going up to the Sochi Arboretum in a cable car one way for an adult will be 250 rubles. For a child from 7 to 14 years old, the price of a ticket for the Sochi cable car is 130. Children under 7 years old can ride for free. In principle, everything here is free for children under 7 years old.

You can also buy tickets to the arboretum at this ticket office, at the lower station of the funicular. If, suddenly, you decide to get to the arboretum while at the top station, it will be impossible to do so! Tickets can only be purchased below.

You can simply ride the cable car: up and down (don't forget to buy 2 tickets then!). On the upper observation deck you can admire the panorama of Sochi and the arboretum. In this case, the return fare must be paid in advance.

The ski lift cars in Sochi depart every 15 minutes. But this is if there are few people. During the season and on weekends this happens more often: as soon as there are 20 people, the cable car starts up.

Please also note that civilization has not reached this object, so payment at the cash desk is only possible in cash. Cards are not accepted here.

The funicular station is located 200 meters from the entrance to the Arboretum (towards the Circus). It now finds itself camouflaged among modern high-rise buildings.

But it can be easily detected by the cables that hang above Kurortny Prospekt. It was along this landmark that I found the cable car station. 😀

Exhibitions on site

The vast territory of the arboretum houses several exhibitions and museums. You can enter some of them for free (their inspection is included in the price entrance ticket), and for some you will have to pay.

Recently, a Flower Pavilion has been opened near the main entrance to the park. Its working hours are every day from 10 to 18.

Opening of the exhibition in the Arboretum's Greenhouse hall every day. Its opening hours are from 10 to 12 and from 13 to 17 hours. Day off is Friday. Free admission.

Villa “Nadezhda” is open in the summer from 10.30 to 19. From September to May its opening hours are from 10.30 to 18. The sanitary day here is the last Sunday of the month.

A visit to the museum will cost you 200 rubles, for a child you will need to pay 100 rubles. This price includes inspection of all rooms open to visitors.

But it would be more interesting, of course, to go inside on a guided tour. They come here quite often. So you can wait a little and join the group to listen to the guide’s story.

Entrance to the house-museum of S.N. Khudekova is located on the back side of the Nadezhda villa.

How to get to the Arboretum, a green corner of Sochi

The park is located at the address: Sochi, Kurortny Prospekt, 74 (Svetlana district). Its cable car is located almost in the city center, at the Circus stop. And before this stop there are many buses and minibuses departing from the railway and bus stations, and from other stops in the city. So finding an Arboretum in Sochi will not be difficult.

You can get from Adler and Khosta to the Sochi Arboretum by minibus or bus No. 105, 124, 125. It is better to choose routes with the letter “C”. This means that they are fast, that is, they stop less on their way.

You need to go to the stop “Circus” or the second name is “Arboretum Park”. The cost of travel on the bus Adler (railway station) - Arboretum is 50 rubles.

The striking entrance to the Arboretum is impossible to miss. 🙂

Routes from Lazarevskoye: first take bus number 155 to Sochi. At the Sanatornaya stop you will need to change to bus No. 18.

Second option. Take the train to Sochi station, then from the nearest stop take one of the many buses/or minibuses to the Circus stop. And there is what we are looking for - the Arboretum.

About parking near the arboretum. Previously, there was a parking lot very close by, on Jan Fabricius Street, 26. You could leave your car there during the excursion. But in our life everything changes so quickly that I cannot say with confidence that it exists there and now.

Several taxi cars are located to the right of the main entrance (if you stand facing it). But I'm not sure that you can leave your car there for a long time.

Entrance coordinates to the Arboretum: 43.56832, 39.74193.

Sometimes in reviews, discussions, comments, people ask: “Where is it more interesting? Which is better: or the Arboretum? But in the Adler district of Sochi there is a beautiful park called. For those interested, it is open from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

And I suggest not relying on other people’s opinions and compare it yourself, having been there, and there, and there too. What do you think? 😀

To get the most out of the city and its surroundings, I recommend booking an apartment, room or hotel for one or more nights. Daily housing can easily be rented in Sochi or Adler on the service, or through booking a hotel.

You can see the location of the park on the map (click “+” to zoom in or “-” to zoom out).

My walk through the garden with exotic plants took place on May 24, 2017. Other attractions Krasnodar region(in particular, the cities, and), where I was able to visit, are on this map.

I would be glad if you visit protected Sochi places and share your impressions in the comments below under this article!

The Arboretum is one of the main attractions of Sochi and its business card. It is home to about 2,000 exotic and rare plants, brought from different parts of the world, a unique collection of subtropical flora and fauna has been collected. In addition to diverse vegetation, rare animals and birds can be seen on the territory of the arboretum.

The first time I came to this arboretum was 10 years ago, but then it seemed too crowded and somehow faded and faded. It is not surprising, it was the peak season of August, the heat was terrible. And he made a completely different impression in October, my last.

Unfortunately, I did not calculate the time and arrived a couple of hours before dark. Still, if you want to go around as much as possible, or take a quiet walk, then it makes sense to budget 3 hours, after all, the arboretum is large. So I ran straight from the ticket office to the cable car (the ticket office is at the entrance to the park, and the cable car stop is a 5-minute walk away), trying to catch the last departure of the cable car.

By the way, the option of visiting the arboretum, starting with the cable car, is very convenient, since the park is located on the slope of a mountain. You go up the cable car, admire the views of Sochi from the observation deck, and then walk down through the arboretum to the starting point. In general, I recommend doing just that.

The cable car does not take you to the observation deck itself, but several floors below. Considering that there are no signs, and almost everyone, having left the trailer, rushed straight down, it seems that not everyone knows that you can go up a couple of floors, from where you will have views of Sochi and, in fact, the arboretum itself.

Impressions from the arboretum in Sochi

As you already understand, I liked it. In general, I love such corners of nature in cities - public gardens, forest parks, arboretums. Especially when it’s not just a park, but one that’s landscaped, with stairs, strange plants, fountains, and so on. Of course, sometimes you want to go for a walk in the forest to be away from civilization, but the Sochi Arboretum represents a certain balance; you forget about the city here, especially if you wander into the far part of the park.

I would especially like to mention the “Japanese Garden”. The metasequoias with their orange needles on the lush green grass amazed me, very beautiful. It happens that I see some small corners of nature, albeit man-made, that I would like to implement in my own home. They look so organic... I want to stop here, relax, sit and think about life, or just relax. If you are prone to such sentiments, then budget more time for your visit, otherwise you will have to run around, like me.

Ticket price to the arboretum: 250 rubles per adult, 120 rubles per child 7-12 years old, under 7 years old free.
Cost of the cable car one way: 200 rubles per adult, 100 rubles per child 7-12 years old, under 7 years old free.
Cable car one way + arboretum: 450 rubles per adult and 220 per child 7-12 years old, under 7 years old free.
Excursion to the arboretum: 100 rubles per person.
Monthly subscription: 2500 rub.
The arboretum ticket is valid for both parts of the park.

Arboretum opening hours: from 8 to 21 in summer, from 9 to 17 in winter. They vary depending on the time of year, open all year round without breaks or weekends.
The cable car operates from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

How to get there

By car you need to get to the intersection of Jan Fabricius Street and Kurortny Prospekt; it’s more convenient if you’re coming from the Adler side. You can leave your car in the parking lot before reaching Jan Fabricius. Go to Fabricius and there you can choose for yourself where to enter: the upper or lower garden.

There are three types of public transport here. Buses to the “Circus” stop: 1a, 1b, 2, 3, 22,23, 50, 86, 88, 103, 105, 105c, 120, 121, 125p, 125c. Minibuses to the same stop: 19, 37, 38, 41, 43, 45, 48, 83, 87, 94, 95, 98 and 113. There are also two landing points for the funicular “Arboretum Bottom” and “Dendrarium Top” for a panoramic flying over the Arboretum.

Arboretum map (clickable)


A little about the founder of this botanical garden, Arboretum, from whose bust excursions usually begin.

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The nobleman Khudekov was a famous statesman, publisher of the Petersburg Newspaper, a man of diverse talents and interests: a poet, an expert in Russian ballet, a good painter... and as a hobby, he became interested in collecting exotic plant plants. To do this, he bought 52 tithes at a price of 3 rubles. for a tithe, which was not cheap. At that time, one cow cost that much. In a word, Khudekov gave up a whole herd for the plot.

The subtropical park was conceived by him as a park of love and dedicated to his wife, adored all his life, Nadezhda. The collection of exotic trees in Khudekovsky Park included 220 species. The year of creation of the park is considered to be 1892. It was built according to the type of French-Italian terraced parks of the late XIX century and was constantly replenished with new plants.

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All sculptures in the Arboretum are cast according to Khudekov’s sketches.

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In 1922, the park was nationalized (taken away). That's what it's called now. In fact, Khudekov, who at that time was well over 80 years old, was forced to write a waiver of the property (such as a deed of gift) so that the heirs would not be able to protest the “gift” in the future. But the heirs, when they come to Moscow, are allowed into the Arboretum for free.

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The idea of ​​organizing the park was retained. Its territory was expanded, forming the Upper (on the mountain) and Lower parks. Now, on summer days, more than 10 thousand excursionists walk along the shady alleys of the park, admiring the beauty of the park, learning a lot about flora Earth.

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The Sochi Arboretum is a unique museum that contains representatives of the flora not only of the Caucasus, but also of many countries around the world. The park's area of ​​more than 49 hectares is home to about 1,600 species and forms of plants of the world flora.

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Let's take a walk along its well-groomed paths. We begin the journey from a Moorish-style gazebo guarded by bronze lions.

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Leo is a symbol of power, greatness, intelligence, nobility, pride, courage and many other virtues. There is a parable about the pride and nobility of a lion. “One day a jackal came to the lion’s cave and said:
- I challenge you to a fight!
However, the lion did not pay any attention to him. Then the jackal began to threaten:
- If you don’t fight me, I’ll tell the whole forest that you were afraid, afraid to come out to fight me!
The lion looked at him and, yawning, replied:
“It’s better to be condemned for cowardice than to be despised for fighting a jackal...”

“guard of the Moorish Pavilion” on Yandex.Photos

Don't be surprised, but the lion is also the embodiment of voluptuousness. It was not for nothing that Khudekov, who knew mythology well, placed such guards in front of the Moorish gazebo.

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According to his plan, it was a gazebo of Love. There are good acoustics there, and Khudekov, confessing his love to his wife, read his own poems and the fashionable poets of that time here.

“Gazebo in the “Moorish” style” on Yandex.Photos

All this happened with burning candles on fragrant southern nights. After all, the gazebo was surrounded flowering plants, such as wisteria and Indian lilac, the sweet smells of which created a romantic atmosphere and excited the senses.

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The high snow-white column houses the Greek goddess Aphrodite, as we know, the goddess of love and beauty. This place is unthinkable without her; it is dedicated to an all-consuming feeling.

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It is not by chance that she was elevated so high: Khudekov filled his park with symbols and, presumably, the highly placed Aphrodite informed the world that for him there is nothing higher than love for his wife Nadenka.

"Moorish gazebo" on Yandex.Photos

Perhaps, no one will be indifferent to the graceful, airy “Moorish Gazebo”, surrounded by lush greenery. For some time now, it has become a custom in the Arboretum to make wishes associated, naturally, only with love, while passing under the arches of the “Gazebo of Love.”

“under the arches of the Moorish Pavilion” on Yandex.Photos

We will not break this tradition, and we will also walk thoughtfully (about love desire) along the floor lined with beautiful tiles.

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And at the exit we will listen to a beautiful parable about Love. “Wealth, Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge and Love lived on one island. One day they announced to everyone that the island would soon be flooded, and they should be ready to leave it on ships. Everyone began to pack, and only Lyubov said goodbye to the island before last second. When the island was about to go under water, Love ran to the pier and asked to board the magnificent ship to Wealth.

Wealth, can you take me away?
- No, because there is a lot of money and gold on my ship. I don't have room for you.
Love then decided to ask to go on the ship to Pride.
- Pride, take me with you, I beg you!
- I can’t help you with anything, Love. You are all wet, dirty and can damage and stain my ship.
Love asked to Sadness:
- Sadness, let me go with you.
- Oooh... Love, I'm so sad that I need solitude!

Happiness was already sailing away from the island. It was so happy that it did not even hear Love calling it. Suddenly someone's voice says:
- Come, Love, I’m taking you with me.
It was the Old Man. Love felt so grateful and full of joy that she even forgot to ask his name. When they arrived on earth, the Old Man left. Love decided to ask Knowledge:
- Who helped me?
- It was Time.
- Time? - asked Love, - but why did Time help me?
Knowledge smiled and wisely replied:
“Precisely because only Time can understand how important Love is in Life.”

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The arboretum (from the Greek “dendron” - tree, “aries” - collection) is divided into sectors, in each of which plants are planted, similar in origin, in families: conifers, palm trees, olive trees (lilac, jasmine), legumes (wisteria) , boxwood, cypress (cypress, sequoiadendron, metasequoia, sequoia).

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The main wealth of the Arboretum is its collection of rare exotic plants. For example, Mammoth tree (sequoiadendron, giant sequoia) from California. It fully justifies its name, truly achieving gigantic size and longevity. These giants reach a height of 80-100 m, with a trunk up to 10 m in diameter, and are distinguished by amazing longevity. The question of the maximum age of the Mammoth tree still remains unresolved: they call it 3 and 4 thousand years. Because of their durable, rot-resistant wood, mammoth trees in their homeland have been rapaciously exterminated since the time of the first explorers and gold seekers. The remaining trees to date, and there are only about 500 of them, have been declared protected.

Meet relict plants, such as yew berry and metasequoia. Until recently, it was believed that metasequoia became extinct about 60 million years ago. However, in the 1940s, only a few such trees were discovered in China. Seeds were collected from these prehistoric representatives, and now this relic exists in several botanical gardens around the world.

Sequoia is a red tree. One cubic meter of wood costs $3,000. Individual specimens of sequoia reach a height of more than 110 m - these are some of the most tall trees on the ground. Maximum age- more than three and a half thousand years.

Cypress is named after its place of growth - the island of Cyprus. Grows up to 120 m tall. The gloomy dark green foliage of the cypress has already served as an emblem of sadness since ancient times, so this tree is often planted in cemeteries in southern climates.

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The ancient Roman poet Ovid, in his work “Metamorphoses,” conveys the legend of Cypress, a young man who asked the gods to turn him into a tree in order to forever be sad about his favorite deer, which he accidentally shot while hunting. Cypress has a beautiful wood grain. It is used to make items for church and ritual purposes (crosses, icons, rosaries).
“And a subtle, sweet smell comes from the tomb
A decayed cypress cross."

Pyramid cypress - artificially bred. Usually this was done by monks. Out of 10-15 cypress seedlings, only one pyramidal one was obtained. Cypress grows very quickly, giving an annual growth of up to 0.5 meters. Drought resistant. Can live up to 2000 years.

We move from super-long-lived trees to the palm sector. About 20 of their species are collected in the Arboretum. Palm trees live from 300 to 800 years.

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The most beautiful are Jubaea Chilean (elephant palm) with a trunk more than 0.5 meters in diameter. The second name ivory was given to it for its thick trunk, similar to an elephant’s leg. From an elephant palm tree you can pump 100 liters of sap from one tree in the spring.

The capitate palm (butia) has a swollen ball-shaped trunk (head) at the root. It has edible sweet and sour fruits that resemble pineapple in flavor.

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There are tall palms - Washingtonia (up to 20 meters), Erythea with bluish leaves. The Canary date, European fan palm, and other exotics also grow here.

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The arboretum has a rich collection of coniferous species: out of 140 species found on the ground, the park contains 80 pine species.

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There are pines with weeping needles, that is, the needles do not look up, but down.

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In the “coniferous” part of the Arboretum there are many squirrels who are accustomed to sightseers and do not pay any attention to them.

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The park has thickets of eucalyptus, bamboo, and magnolia trees. We were stuck in the bamboo thickets for a long time.

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This is very interesting plant, cereal, perennial herb. It grows for only one month a year, growth can reach up to 60 cm per day, and then in this form it stands for up to 70 years. This ability has been used in ancient China for the death penalty: the condemned person was placed on the sown bamboo, and the plant grew through the flesh of the body. Young bamboo shoots are eaten as a vegetable. The trunk of this extraordinary grass is very strong.

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In China, umbrellas, dishes, hats, and mats are made from bamboo. In the arboretum itself they have adapted to making trade tents and original fences from bamboo. You really want to climb several meters up these trunks, imagining yourself for a moment as Mowgli or, at worst, a panda.

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The most fragrant part of the park is where magnolias, Indian lilacs, and jasmine are collected. There are so many beautiful legends about these flowers. For example, the Indian legend about jasmine. The smell of these flowers envelops everything around like a white cloud!

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The butterflies themselves, like the petals of these flowers, circle above it and it seems that the bush is alive and breathing, and spinning in the summer carnival. And at night its aroma flies into the night to the stars! The world is enchanted and immersed in the fabulous aromas of dreams...

It is believed that one of the Raja's daughters fell passionately in love with the Sun God. Watching him make the daily heavenly journey from east to west in his fiery chariot, she was captivated by his brilliance and beauty. Her feelings did not go unnoticed by the shining god and briefly attracted his attention. However, what do the gods care about human feelings? Fed up with his mortal beloved, the Sun God left the unfortunate princess. The girl fell into despair and committed suicide. According to Indian custom, she was cremated and the ashes were scattered to the wind. And where the particles of the ashes of the princess who died of love fell, jasmine trees grew, and the wind carried it throughout the country. But the princess, rejected by the Sun, who became a tree, can open her fragrant flowers only at night, when the mighty god is busy with other matters and does not appear above the earth. Flowers fall off before dawn, so as not to be burned by its merciless rays... And so jasmine, the tree of sadness, blooms, pleasing only the goddess Night, who graciously accepts the fragrant gift of someone else's love.
ABOUT! Moonlight of love, jasmine flower!
You only feel sad when it gets dark,
You nourish the Night with a wondrous aroma,
Hiding delicate flowers from the sun.

Indian lilac bushes are also good. These are low trees with a fluffy crown. The trunks are not thick, smooth.

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It smells so divine here during flowering! The leaves are small, several times smaller than those of the ordinary lilac we are used to. It’s like it’s sprinkled with green pennies. There are many legends about lilac, like other flowers. For example, the Scandinavian saga tells how the sun, accompanied by a spring rainbow, walked over the earth, and its rays, mixing with the iridescence of the rainbow, fell to the ground, turning into flowers - yellow, orange, red, blue, white. When the sun reached the North, the rainbow had only two colors left - purple and white. The lilac color, mixed with the sun's rays, fell on small bushes, and they were covered with lilac flowers. And the white color scattered over the ground gave rise to white star lilac.

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Poets admired lilacs and expressed this admiration in their own way. One of them, Apukhtin, wrote:
“The lilacs have not yet bloomed,
And their sweet breath excites their chests,
Sometimes I want to fall to my knees,
Tell spring: Don't go away! Stay..."

Many plants growing in the Arboretum have legends or beliefs associated with them. For example, in Japan, the homeland of ginkgo biloba, there is a custom associated with this tree: on their wedding day, the couple picks a leaf from it (it is shaped like a tulip petal), tears it in half, and each spouse keeps their other half for the rest of their lives as a sign of love and loyalty.

Ginkgo forests were widespread on Earth over a hundred million years ago, during the era of flying dinosaurs. They are no longer found in the wild, and owe their existence only to people who preserved ginkgo trees in nature reserves and parks. In China, such trees are considered sacred and are planted exclusively near temples. Legends say that in very ancient times in northern China, ginkgo seeds were accepted as tribute.

Goethe dedicated a poem to him:
This leaf was from the east
Modestly brought into my garden
And for the seeing eye
It reveals the secret meaning.

In the central flowerbed of the Arboretum grows a luxurious Mexican agave, which is already 30 years old. The life span of the plant is coming to an end, so the ladies-in-waiting - young agave plants - are located around the royal person. One of them will eventually take center stage - “The King is dead. Long live the king!" Simply put, “a holy place is never empty.”

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Agave is an interesting plant. Before death it blooms - the flowers are inconspicuous, a “trumpet” peduncle is thrown out, on which there are small light yellow-green flowers. Agaves because of this rare phenomenon, like a flower before dying, they reproduce in another way, otherwise they would have disappeared from the face of the earth long ago. These are seeds, children, shoots from the root, budding. And a plant as regal as a crown has its own legend.

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“The ruler of the ancient Greek city of Thebes had a daughter, Agave (noble, excellent - from Greek). Agave's son Pentheus eventually inherited the throne in Thebes, but his reign was short-lived. The soothsayer predicted Pentheus' death from a god whom he did not recognize and would not honor. One day, Dionysus, the Greek god of viticulture and winemaking, appeared in Thebes. He arrived in his mother’s homeland to teach winemaking, viticulture, and to promote his cult. The inhabitants of Thebes greeted God with jubilation, accompanied by mass festivities and celebrations. Only his aunts refused to recognize his divine origin, and questioned the fact of Zeus’s paternity over Dionysus.

Pentheus also did not recognize kinship with his cousin and ordered Dionysus to be expelled from the city and the gates to be closed behind him and in front of him. When Dionysus miraculously entered Thebes, he was caught and imprisoned. Offended and angry to the core, Dionysus staged a bacchanalian night, during which he disappeared, and the prison castle turned out to be open. He sent the Theban aunts into a state of ecstasy. Intoxicated with madness, they followed the procession to the slopes of Mount Cithaeron to indulge in bacchanalian orgies in the forest. Consumed by curiosity, the indignant Pentheus went to the mountain to see with his own eyes the celebration of the cult of Dionysus. A wild orgy of bacchantes opened before his eyes, in which his mother Agave participated, along with her aunts.

Frenzied with ecstasy, the women mistook him for an animal, pounced and tore him to pieces. Agave put the severed head of her son on a stake, and returned to Thebes with jubilation and delight. And when sobering up came, it turned out that the prophet’s prediction had come true. There was no end to Agave’s grief.” Probably since then, in Mexico, pulque and tequila alcoholic drinks have been made from the agave plant.

In the middle of the main alley is the “Fairy Tale” fountain. He has nothing to do with Khudekov: in the 60-70s. In the 20th century, the park was “enriched” with new sculptures and small architectural forms, and as a result, the “Fairy Tale” appeared, designed by V.F. Bogatyrev (1969).

In the resort city of Sochi, in addition to beautiful beaches and amazing nature, there are many interesting places a must-see for all guests. In this article we will tell you about a unique attraction of the city. (Sochi).

Botanical Museum under open air presents visitors with numerous examples of the flora of the Western Caucasus. Here you can admire the plants of many southern countries.

History of creation

A gardening and architectural park in the city with a rich collection of exotic plants appeared at the end of the 19th century. In 1889, playwright and journalist, editor-publisher of the Petersburg Newspaper S.N. Khudekov acquired 50 acres of land in Sochi on the slope of Lysaya Mountain next to the Vereshchagin dachas.

The site was cleared and a park was laid out on an area of ​​15 hectares. Sergei Khudekov was a lover and connoisseur of subtropical plants. He planted more than 400 species on this land. His close friend, gardener K. A. Langau, helped plan the park.

The arboretum (Sochi) was replenished with new plants that were imported from the Crimea, the Caucasus, and Germany. Some of the seedlings were purchased in Gagra at the Arboretum nursery (Sochi), which was landscaped and transformed. In the workshop of the French-Italian company in Paris, sculptors and vases were made for him.

In 1899, a villa was built, which was named “Nadezhda”, in honor of Khudekov’s wife. At that time it was the best in the region. Peach and plum orchards appeared near the park. By the beginning of 1917, more than 550 varieties of plants grew here.

Arboretum (Sochi), a photo of which you can see in this article, was nationalized in 1922, and in 1944 became part of a research experimental station. Today it is a research institute of forest ecology and mountain forestry.

In 1977, a new cable car appeared in Sochi. It connected the magnificent park with Resort Avenue. Its length is 908 meters.


The park covers an area of ​​forty-nine hectares. This is a unique monument of landscape art and an experimental demonstration base for the Forestry Research Institute. The territory is divided into three zones: lower, middle and upper.

Kurortny Prospekt (the main transport artery of Sochi) in 1938 separated the lower part of the complex, which became known as the Lower Park. The upper and middle parts were united under the common name Upper Park. Later they were connected by a tunnel, which was laid under the avenue. The exit from it is decorated with a rotunda - an elegant structure with semicircular arches. It is the entrance to the upper part of the park, which occupies a rather steep slope of Bald Mountain.

Upper Park

Built on the model of terraced park complexes Italy. Most This territory is occupied by horizontal ledges. They are covered with amazing specimens of flora different countries peace.

Lower Park

This part of the park occupies a flat area. It is characterized by a clear layout: paths and shady paths branch off from the main alley in different directions. Along them you can see architectural and plant exhibits of the Museum of Woody Nature. There are also ponds favored by swans and ducks. In the center of one of the ponds on an artificial small island there is a snow-white statue of Neptune, which contrasts with the lush greenery of willows, firs and cypresses growing along the banks of the reservoir.

Aquarium and terrarium

This pavilion is very popular among tourists. It is located in a grand architectural structure Lower Park. More than one hundred and fifty cubic meters of water that fill the aquarium made it possible to accommodate 27 species of fish living in the Black Sea, as well as many exotic inhabitants of the Red Sea: various types of shrimp, sea anemones, corals and urchins. The marine aquarium is a fantastic spectacle that leaves unforgettable experience not only in children, but also in adults.

The terrarium is also located in the same building. The rarest representatives of reptiles and amphibians live here: the rattlesnake, the unique lizard - piranha, etc.


Rare plants are represented in the park by more than 1,500 species/varieties of trees and shrubs. In certain areas of the park, crops characteristic of a particular country or region grow. Two thousand pines of 76 varieties and species, several varieties of cypresses, maples, chestnuts, exotic plants of the subtropics and tropics have perfectly adapted here.

It is unlikely that any visitor will pass by the unusually beautiful Jubaea Chilean palm tree, or not admire the bluish leaves of another exotic beauty, the Erythea palm tree, and Butia attracts park guests not only with its luxurious crown, but also with fruits that have the aroma of pineapple.

The variegated leaves of huge lyriodendrons amaze with their unusual colors. European and Himalayan Trachycarpus martius (Metasequoia), along with 23 species of bamboo, several species of climbing Chinese wisteria, which in April are covered with magnificent clusters of lilac flowers, complete the collection of exotic plants.

Giant plane trees make a special impression on tourists. They were planted back in 1913. Today, the thickness of the trunks of some specimens reaches three meters.

The collection of coniferous trees is also very diverse: cedars and pines, spruce and cypress trees, thuja. All these plants are represented by dozens of species. The color of their needles ranges from bluish-gray to bright green.

Arboretum (Sochi), about which almost all visitors leave reviews, has another unique colorful place. In the rose garden you can admire the magnificent flowering of more than 100 varieties of plants of Russian and foreign selection, which form a unique colorful and fragrant carpet of fresh flowers.

Glade of Friendship

If you take a tour of the arboretum, you will definitely be shown the Friendship Glade, which was founded in 1960. Grows here great amount magnolia bushes. According to a long-standing tradition, they are planted by honored visitors of the dendrological garden.

During the flowering period, the meadow is covered with pink, white, lilac and purple hues, from which it is impossible to take your eyes off. Of no less interest is another miracle of the amazing park, created by human hands - the “Tree of Friendship”. This is an original collection of citrus fruits under one crown: lemons, oranges, grapefruits and tangerines. This tree has become a unique result of cooperation between botanists and breeders. The Arboretum in Sochi is an amazing park of wonders and beauty that every guest of the city should see.

Sochi, arboretum: how to get there?

The unique park is located at Kurortny Prospekt, 74. You can enter it through the Central Gate, located near the Upper Park. You can walk from the coast or Lower Park to the gate. However, it should be taken into account that in this case you will have to go uphill.

If this method does not suit you, then you can use the cable car. It has two stations: “Arboretum Top” and “Dendrarium Bottom”. Cable car cars depart from the lower level every 15 minutes. The trip becomes a real attraction: a leisurely climb will allow you to enjoy the picturesque views.

To get to the park from the city center, you will need to get to the Circus stop. Numerous buses and minibuses will bring you here, including from neighboring resort areas. For example, buses No. 105 and 105c stop here, which follow the route Bus Station - Rosa Khutor and back, there are routes that go from railway station, checkpoint "Psou", microdistricts Iskra, Mamaika, from the stop "Cinema Aelita".

Arboretum (Sochi): how to get from Adler?

This question interests many vacationers. Arboretum (Sochi) - Adler - this is bus route No. 125, 125 p. You can use minibus No. 124 s and get to the “Park “Arboretum”” stop. Transport runs very frequently.

From Loo and Lazarevskoye you can take bus number 155 to Sochi. Then at the Sanatornaya stop, change to bus No. 18. There is another option - take the train to Sochi station, then take one of the many regular buses to the Circus stop.