Topic in French “La France” (France). Essay: Paris is the capital of France Topics in French, history of France

France is an incredibly beautiful country, every city, every corner is connected with its historical past. We have already told you about the sights of the capital of France, the city of Paris. Today we want to talk in general about the beautiful places of this beautiful country.

If you are ready to commit with us virtual trip, then welcome to France!

Bienvenu en France!

So, we are in France. In order to be able to visit all of it Beautiful places, let's get acquainted with its attractions in French.

  • Versailles– the famous palace of the kings, built by order of the Sun King Louis XIV, Versailles is amazing. Located in the suburbs of Paris, this palace combines several styles of architecture: classical, baroque, rococo. Before him, the residence of kings was the Louvre, but Louis XIV did not like the Louvre; it seemed gloomy and inhospitable to him. Having become king, he ordered the construction of a new, bright and majestic palace for himself, which would reflect the royal power.
Versailles - residence of kings
  • LaCathédraledeReims – Reims Cathedral- This is the legendary temple in which French kings were crowned. The sacred oil, with which the clergy crowned kings, appeared under Clovis, and according to legend, it never ended.
  • LeFontainebleausmall town Fontainebleau 60 kilometers from Paris is famous for its magnificent palace Renaissance. This palace was the residence of many rulers of France. The city is definitely worth a visit for those who are interested in the history of France: everything here reminds of the French kings.
  • LeDisneylanddeParis – Disneyland Paris based on the animated stories of Walt Disney. Here you will meet your favorite cartoon characters and take part in the most interesting attractions. A wonderful vacation for both children and parents!
  • LeChâ teaud'Yf– famous Chateau d'If invites us to the pages of Alexandre Dumas’s novel “The Count of Monte Cristo”. Initially, the Château d'If was built under King Francis I in the 16th century as a fortress to defend against enemies from the sea. Gradually, this fortress began to serve as a prison. Now it is a historical exhibit, and crowds of tourists come to the castle every year to feel like they are in the shoes of their favorite book hero.
  • LeCô ted'Azur– sunny and warm Cote d'Azur It just beckons you! This is a great place to relax for those who want to have an unforgettable time on the seashore. Luxurious hotels, impeccable service, sun, sea, sand - all this awaits you on the Cote d'Azur!
  • LacimetièreSainte-GenevievedesBois– this cemetery is considered “Russian” and is predominantly Orthodox. This complex includes Orthodox Church Assumption Holy Mother of God. Many Russian philosophers, artists, writers, poets and other artists who died in France are buried here. You can find the graves of many participants in the White movement during civil war in Russia. The cemetery was founded by the Russian Elderly Home in 1927.
  • LePalaisdesPapesenAvignonPapal Palace in Avignon very beautiful and majestic. It is associated with an important event in the history of France. There was such a king at the end of the 13th – beginning of the 14th centuries, Philip IV the Handsome. Really beautiful. But also wise. He managed to arrange captivity for the Pope in his France, in the city of Avignon. Popes were elected under the strict control of the king. This was very beneficial, both for the king himself and for the political interests of France. The Avignon captivity of the Popes lasted 70 years!

Friends, French sights are a topic that can be discussed endlessly! After all, there are so many more museums, attractions, and architectural complexes in France! In every city there are cathedrals, which are architectural ensemble some era!

Medieval castles are living witnesses of history

Friends, we all remember the famous Cardinal Richelieu from Dumas’s novel “The Three Musketeers”. In fact, he was a very good and wise minister of King Louis XIII. Fearing the influence of the nobility, many castles were unfortunately destroyed on his orders in order to pacify the nobles and bring them to obedience to the king. Fortunately, not all castles were destroyed. The most beautiful works of architectural art have been preserved and have come to us in their full splendor.

The most famous castles in France are those on the Loire River, they are distinguished by their beauty and style:

  • LeChâ teaudeChambord – Chambord Castle built by order of the lover of everything beautiful and the renovator of the Renaissance in France, the patron of science and art, King Francis I in the 16th century. The castle has survived to this day and attracts many tourists.
  • LeChateaudeChenonceaux – Chenonceaux Castle built in the 16th century specifically for the favorite of King Henry II - Diane de Poitiers. The king wanted to give his beloved something as beautiful as herself. He succeeded!
  • Château de Plessis-lès-Tours – Plessis-les-Tours was once the residence of King Louis XI, who did not really trust Paris. The castle looks more like a military fortress than a king's palace.
  • Chateau de Chinon- in the castle Chinon The Dauphin of France, the future King Charles VII, took refuge during the Hundred Years' War. The castle is famous for its thick and reliable walls, which was very useful in military conditions.

Chanonceau Castle

It is worth mentioning Le ChateaudeRambouilletRambouillet castle, which is located in the city of Rambouillet. This is the summer residence of French presidents, as well as a meeting place for many world politicians. The area of ​​Rambouillet is very picturesque. Many French kings loved to hunt here; they often visited here. Many world issues were discussed here, for example, the status of Kosovo.

Friends, if you have such an opportunity, be sure to go to France and see it all with your own eyes!

Paris est la capitale de la France. C'est sa capitale politique, administrative et économique. Paris est une des plus grandes villes du monde. Il compte près de 15 millions d'habitants avec les villes et les bourgs qui constituent la Région Parisienne. Coeur et cerveau de la France, ville de plaisir et ville de gros travail et de trésors artistiques inépuisables, ville-musée, center politique du pays. Il est situé sur les deux rives de la Seine qui sont reliées entre elles par 34 ponts.

Sur la rive gauche de la Seine se trouve le fameux Quartier Latin avec son artère centrale - le boulevard Saint-Michel, le “Boul’Mich” comme l’appellent les étudiants. Au center se trouve la Sorbonne - l’Université de la France. Au sud du Quartier Latin s’étend la Cité univercitaire, center de rapprochement intellectuel et moral entre les jeunes de toutes les nations.

Pas très loin il y a le Panthéon qui abrite les tombeaux de Rousseau, Victor Hugo, Paul Langevin, Voltaire, Emile Zola et d'autres. Sur son fronton on peut lire: “Aux grands hommes, la Patrie reconnaissante.”

Au milieu de la Seine on voit l'île de la Cité, berceau de Paris avec la cathédrale de Notre-Dame - une admirable église gothique, chaque pierre de laquelle rappelle de nombreux souvenirs de l'histoire de la France.

Cette ville possède une grande quantité de musées d'art, mais le plus visité est le Louvre. C'est ici qu'on peut admirer la statue de la Venus de Milo, chef-d'oeuvre de la sculpture grecque, la Victoire de Samothrace, célèbre dans le monde “La Joconde” de Léonard de Vinci, connu par son sourire mystérieux . Pour voir tous les six musées du Louvre il faudrait plus d'une année.

Dans cette ville il y a la place de la Concorde qui est la plus vaste et belle du monde, le soir, toute illuminée elle présente avec ses deux fontaines et son obélisque, un ensemble magnifique. C’est de cette place que commencent les Champs-Elysées, bordée des boutiques les plus luxueuses, de grandes cafés, de cinémas, d’arbres.

Sur l'autre rive on voit la Tour Eiffel, le symbole de Paris, construite en 1889 pour l'Exposition universelle.


Paris is the capital of France. It is the political, administrative and economic center of the state. Paris is one of the most big city ov of the world. It has almost 15 million inhabitants, including the cities and towns that make up the Paris region. It is located on both banks of the Seine, which are connected by approximately 34 bridges.

On the left bank of the Seine is the famous Latin Quarter with its main street - Boulevard Saint-Michel or "Boulmich" as students call it. In the center of the quarter is the Sorbonne, the university of France. In the southern part of the Latin Quarter is the university town, a center of intellectual and moral ties between the youth of all nations.

Nearby is the Pantheon, which contains the burial places of Rousseau, Victor Hugo, Paul Langevin, Voltaire, Emile Zola and others. famous people. On the front of the building you can read: “The Motherland is grateful to great people.”

In the middle of the Seine you can see the Ile de la Cité, the cradle of Paris with Notre Dame Cathedral - a wonderful church in the Gothic style, every stone of which recalls numerous events in the history of France.

There are many art museums in this city. But the most visited is the Louvre. It is here that you can admire the statue of Venus de Milo, a masterpiece of Greek sculpture, the Nike of Samothrace, the world famous Mona Lisa by Leonard da Vinci, known for her mysterious smile. It will take a year to see all six Louvre museums.

In this city there is the Place de la Concorde, which is the largest and most beautiful in the world, and in the evening, when illuminated, it presents a wonderful spectacle, with its two fountains and its obelisk. It is from this square that the Champs Elysees begin, framed by luxury boutiques, large cafes, cinemas, and trees.

On the other side you can see the Eiffel Tower, the symbol of Paris, built in 1889 for the international exhibition.

La situation geografique de la France

La France est située a l’ ouest du l’ Europe. C'est un des plus grands états européens qui a 551600 km de superficie. Le forme de la France ressemble a un hexagone régulier. Au nord les cotes françaises donnent sur la mer du Nord et La Manche. A l’ ouest la France est baignée par l’océan Atlantique et au sud par la Méditerranée. La France est limitrophe avec la Belgique, le Luxembourg, l’Allemagne, la Suisse, l’Italie.

Le France est arrosée par quatre grand fleuve: la Seine, la Loire et la Garonne qui jettent dans l’océan Atlantique et le Rhône qui jette dans la Méditerranée.

Les Alpes et les Pyrénées sont les plus hautes montagnes de pays. Les tourists admirent leur paysages. L' air de montagne est pur et calme.

Le France est un pays maritime. Par ses climates, il unit trois grands types de climate de l’Europe: océanique, mediterranéen, continental.

La situation géographique de la France est avantageuse pour le commerce avec l’ ouest et avec la majorité des pays européens et africains.

La métropole est divisée en 96 départements, à qui on ajoute 4 départements d'outre-mer (la Guadeloupe, la Martinique, la Guyane et la Réunion) et 3 territoires d'outre-mer (la Novelle-Calédonie, la Polynésie Française, les territoires Français australiens et antarctiques et les îles Wallis-et-Futuna.

55% du territoire français sont les terres utiles pour l’ agriculture. 28% de la surface sont occupés par les bois que fait 25% des massifs forestiers de toute la Union Européenne. En même temps, la terre française est pauvre des minéraux – le pétrole et le gaz, le cuivre et le chrome, le nickel, le plomb et la France est obligée d’importer les autres de l’étranger.

Les curiosities de la France

La France est un pays des merveilles. Je rêve tant d'y aller un jour. J'ai entendu et lu beaucoup sur ce beau pays. Je visiterai bien sûr Paris avant tout. C'est comme un immeasurable musée plein d'objets précieux. Je monterai sur la Tour Eiffel et de là je verrai toute la ville avec la célèbre Arc de Triomphe de l'Etoile, l'île de la Cité avec Notre-Dame, le Panthéon, la Sorbonne, l'Opéra. Sur la rive droite de la Seine je verrai le Louvre, un des plus grands palais du monde qui est aujourd’hui le plus important musée de France. Son histoire est très interior et je voudrais en parler plus en détails.

Cet immense palais est mêlé à l’histoire de la France, à la vie de Paris, et depuis qu’il est devenu musée, à l’histoire universelle de l’art. A la fin du XIIe siècle, Philippe Auguste, roi de France décide de fortifier Paris contre les invasions des garnisons anglaises qui se trouvent à 60 km. Ainsi apparaît le Louvre. Au XIVe siècle, Paris a grandi et le roi remplace l’ancienne ligne de fortification par une autre. Le Louvre perd sa fonction militaire et deviant résidence royale.

Charles V en fait sa demeure. Après lui beaucoup de rois y ont vécu. Ce bâtiment a survécu des rois, des révolutions, l’Empire, la Restauration, le Second Empire.

Mais de 1873 le Louvre a été ignoré par les rois parce qu'ils ont choisi Elysée. Après cela de différents locataires s’installaient au Louvre. Une communauté d'artistes campait dans les galeries. Dans la Colonnade, l'espace était divisé en logements. Dans la cour du Louvre des maisons s'élevaient.
Des cabarets, des baraques de foire s’appuyaient à son mur extérieur. En 1750 le monument avait si mauvaise mine qu’il était question de le démolir.
Aujourd'hui le Louvre contient en fait 6 musées. Ici sont représentés tous les grands maîtres de la peinture tels que Poussin, David, Delacroix, Courbet, Corot etc.

La France est aussi un pays de châteaux. Parmi toutes les régions de la France, la vallée de la Loire en est particulièrement riche. On en compte une quarantaine parmi les plus connus, auxquels il faut ajouter une bonne vingtaine de châteaux moins célèbres. Les villes et les châteaux de la Loire évoquent toute l'histoire de la France.

On peut commencer le voyage à Blois, ville qui est dominée par un des plus célèbres châteaux historiques de la France, bâti par Louis XII et François Ier.

A l’intérieur on visite les appartements de Catherine de Médicis et ceux d’Henri III où fut assassiné en 1588, le duc de Guise.
Le plus vaste et le plus beau des châteaux de la Loire est le château des Chambord, merveille de la Renaissance. Le 14 October 1670 on y joua pour la première fois le “Bourgeois gentilhomme” de Molière.

A environ 35 kilomètres de là, se trouve le château de Cheverny dont l’intérêt particulier est la splendide décoration peinte de ses appartements.
A 10 km, c’est Fougères, un château gothique du XVe siècle, avec 13 tours et de beaux remparts.

En suivant le cours de la Loire, on entre en Touraine qu’on appelle le jardin de la France.

Pas loin de Tours, chef-lieu de cette province, il y a le château de Chenonceaux, curieusement construit sur 5 arches de pont.

Un des plus beaux châteaux de la France est celui d’Amboise. Il est devenu célèbre par la conjuration d’Amboise, complot formé en 1560 par le prince de Condé et les huguenots pour soustraire François IIе à la domination des Guises. Le complot échoua. En 1563 Catherine de Médicis et le prince de Condé y signèrent l’Edit d’Amboise qui garantissait aux protestants la liberté du culte.

il faut citer encore le majestueux château de Méhars, situé sur la rive droite de la Loire. Il appartenait à Mme Pompadour. Dans ce château il y avait de beaux jardins en terrasse, étagés au-dessus du fleuve.

Sights of France
France is a country of wonders. I really dream of going there one day. I've heard and read a lot about this beautiful country. First of all, of course, I will visit Paris. This is a huge museum with many valuables. I will climb the Eiffel Tower and from there I will see the whole city with the famous Arc de Triomphe de l'Etoile, the Ile de la Cité with Notre Dame, the Pantheon, the Sorbonne, the Opera. On the right bank of the Seine I will see the Louvre, one of the largest palaces in the world, which is today the most important museum in France.

His story is very interesting and I would like to talk about it in more detail.
This huge palace plays an important role in the history of France, in Parisian life, and, since it became a museum, in the general history of art. At the end of the 12th century, Philip Auguste, King of France, decides to strengthen Paris against the invasion of English garrisons, which were 60 km away. Thus the Louvre comes into being. In the 14th century, Paris became larger and the king replaced the former fortification line with another. The Louvre loses its military function and becomes a royal seat.
Charles V settled in the Louvre. After him, many kings lived there. This building has survived kings, revolutions, the Empire, the Restoration, the Second Empire.

But since 1873, the kings exchanged the Louvre for kings with the Elysee Palaces. After that, only who did not live in the Louvre. A group of artists were camped in the galleries. The Colonnade also housed dwellings. Houses rose in the courtyard of the Louvre. The taverns and barracks of the fair were located along the outer wall. In 1750 the monument looked so bad that they were going to destroy it.

Today there are 6 museums in the Louvre. All the great artists are represented here, such as Poussin, David, Delacroix, Courbet, Corot, etc.

France is also a country of castles. Among all the regions of France, the Loire Valley is especially rich. About forty of the most famous, and another twenty of the less famous. The cities and castles of the Loire reference the entire history of France.

We can start our journey through Blois, a city that houses one of the most famous historical castles in France, built by Louis XII and François I.

Inside we can visit the apartments of Catherine de Medici and Henry III, where the Duke of Guise was killed in 1588.

The most spacious and beautiful of the Loire castles is the Chateau de Chambord, a Renaissance wonder. On October 14, 1670, the play “The Philistine-Nobleman” by Molière was staged there for the first time.

35 kilometers from there is the Château de Cheverny, whose particular interest is the painting that decorates its apartments.
10 km away, this is Fougères, gothic castle 15th century with 13 towers and beautiful fortress walls.
Following the Loire, we enter Touraine, which is called the garden of France.

Not far from Tours, the administrative center of this province, is the Chenonceau castle, surprisingly built on 5 arches of a bridge.
One of the most beautiful castles in France is the Castle of Amboise. He became famous thanks to the Amboise conspiracy, which was brought together in 1560 by the Prince of Condé and the Huguenots to capture Francois II and take away power from the Guises. The plot failed. In 1563, Catherine de Medici and the Prince of Condé signed the Edict of Amboise (decree) at the castle, which guaranteed freedom of religion to Protestants.

And of course we must also mention the majestic castle of Méar, located on the right bank of the Loire. It belonged to Madame Pompadour. This castle had beautiful terraced gardens that rose in tiers over the river.

La France

La France est sise dans la partie occidentale de l’Europe.

Elle ressemble à l’hexagone, alors est souvent appelée –l’Hexagone. Plusieurs îles font partie de la France; la plus grande c'est la Corse. Sa superficie est de 550,000 kilometres carrés. En Corse il y a 57 million d'habitants.

Les pays voisins de la France sont la Belgique, l'Allemagne, la Suisse, le Luxembourg, l'Espagne et l'Italie. Elle est presque toujours séparée de ces six pays par un massif montagneux: le Jura, les Alpes, les Pyrénées; ce sont des frontières naturelles.

La France est aussi entourée par de mers. La mer du Nord et la Manche baignent le nord du pays, l’Océan Atlantique – l’ouest, la mer Méditerranée – le sud.

En France il y a trois grands fleuves: la Seine, la Loire et la Garonne. Il y aussi deux autres grands fleuves qui traversent le pays, Le Rhône et le Rhin; ils naissent en Suisse.

Le climat de la France est assez tempéré. Il ne fait pas très chaud et il ne fait pas très froid. Il fait doux en hiver, pour les températures, c’est entre -1 et 9 degrés au-dessus du zéro; les températures moyennes d'été sont entre 15 et 25 degrés. Chaque région a son climate, vu la situation géographique.

Presque tous les grandes branches d'activité font partie de l'économie française: l'industrie (le 4 ème rang mondial, le 2 ème rang européen), l'agriculture (le 2 ème rang mondial, le 1 er rang européen), le secteur de pêche (le 9 ème rang mondial, pour sa flotte). Pour les exportations, la France occupe le 5 ème rang mondial.

Les grandes villes françaises sont Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Toulouse, Nice, Lille, Grenoble, Bordeaux, etc.


  • occidental [ɔksidɑ̃tal, -o], - occidentale; - occidentaux western
  • ressembler [ʀ(ə)sɑ̃ble] (à qn, à qch) to be similar, to resemble
  • hexagone m [ɛgzagɔn] hexagon
  • île f island
  • faire party be part of
  • superficie f area
  • massif m montagneux mountain range
  • séparé, - séparée divided
  • frontière f naturelle orographic boundary (passing along natural boundaries, taking into account the terrain)
  • habitant, - habitante resident, resident
  • fleuve m river (flowing into the sea)
  • tempéré, - tempérée moderate
  • sector m industry

France is in Western Europe. It is similar in shape to a hexagon, which is why it is often called l’Hexagone. Several islands are part of France; the largest is Corsica. Its area is 550,000 square kilometers. Corsica has 57 million inhabitants.

France's neighboring countries are Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Spain and Italy. It is almost always separated from these six countries by a mountain range: the Jura, the Alps, the Pyrenees, which are natural borders.

France is also surrounded by seas. The North Sea and the English Channel bathe the north of the country, Atlantic Ocean– west, Mediterranean Sea – south.

There are three large French rivers in France: the Seine, the Loire and the Garonne. There are also two others big rivers that cross the country, the Rhone and the Rhine; they are born in Switzerland.

The weather in France is quite moderate. Not very warm and not very cold. Winters are mild, around -1 and 9 degrees above zero; in summer the average temperatures are about 15 and 25 degrees. The climate differs from region to region due to its geographical location.

The French economy includes almost all sectors: industry (4th place in the world, 2nd in Europe), Agriculture(2nd place in the world, 1st in Europe), fishing (9th place in the world, thanks to the fleet). In terms of exports, France ranks 5th in the world.

Among the largest cities in France are Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Toulouse, Nice, Lille, Grenoble, Bordeaux, etc.