Is it worth coming to the dacha in winter? What to do in winter at the dacha: games and entertainment Winter fun at the dacha

Many are sure that with the end of gardening work, you can forget about the dacha until spring. But this is real blasphemy, because here, in the fresh air, away from the hustle and bustle and stress, you can have a great time throughout the winter! Country house - perfect place not only for celebrating the New Year and celebrating Christmas Eve, but also for immersing yourself in absolute relaxation every weekend. Here you will not be disturbed by neighbors who decided to throw a crowded noisy party, or the noise of cars, or unexpected guests.

Here you can relax calmly, sitting comfortably near the fireplace in a comfortable chair with a blanket on your lap and a book or a cup of hot coffee (cocoa, mulled wine, etc.) in your hands, and not worry that someone will unexpectedly disturb you. True, in order to avoid such external interference, it is better to first turn off all mobile phones in the house.

Preparing a country house for a winter stay

First of all, take care of a comfortable time at the dacha, for which you need to heat the house well before you arrive. After all, even if you are going to spend the night in it for just one night, after street games in the fresh air, bath procedures, hunting and skiing, you want to return to a warm house where you can warm up, relax with family and friends over a delicious dinner and, in the end, , just have a good night's sleep.

It is best that in addition to a stove or wood-burning fireplace, the house also has an electric convector or fan heater. Their presence is especially important in small country houses, since with the help of such electric heaters you can quickly heat small area. You can also use infrared heaters as electric heating, for example, warm mats, available in two variations - wall-mounted (in the form of panels) and floor-mounted, which can be placed directly under the carpet.

If possible, it is better for you to arrive 2-3 days earlier and start heating the house. Let us tell you one little secret that has been tested by many summer residents many times: before you start heating the building, open the windows (even in the most severe frost) and create a draft for 5-7 minutes. Now you can start heating: believe me, it will take several times less time to heat the house.

Another tricky move is to have electric sheets or electric mattresses at your dacha, with the help of which you will very quickly heat the bed and at the same time dry it.

If you don’t have free time, you can call the DPP board - here they will be happy to help you resolve this issue, and at the time of your arrival the house will be ready to receive its owners and guests.

The period of snowfalls is the best time for leisure at the dacha

The ideal option is to arrive at the dacha immediately after or during a snowfall: it’s as if you are in a fairy tale and can admire all the beauty of freshly fallen snow, glistening and sparkling under the sun’s rays or under the moonlight. True, in this case, leisure time should be combined with active recreation: take a long stick and walk around your property with it, breaking off the snow stuck to the branches.

This is where the working moments end, and it’s time to light a fire in the yard or set up a barbecue, where you can warm your hands after frosty winter walks and cook aromatic shish kebab! To avoid having to fuss with starting a fire for a long time, use pre-prepared dry firewood, and if you don’t have any, you can buy it on the way to the dacha in a supermarket or at a gas station.

Winter fun outdoors

While the fire is burning, have some fun winter games nearby. Dress warmly and start having a snowball fight, building an ice slide or building a snowman. If children came to the dacha with you, then any of these games will be received with delight! Imagine building a snow fortress or hut - this is a wonderful way to warm up and have a great time not only with children, but also in the company of your friends. And what a great photo shoot you can arrange against their backdrop!

And summer residents living in the “Dubrovsky Forest” are triple lucky! After all, they can go to winter fishing or go hunting in the Zabolotskoye hunting area, not far from which the village is located. Why not have an active holiday?!

After returning from the hunt, it's time to take a steam bath, and if you have one on your property, you are lucky! After all, bath procedures are not only pleasant, but more importantly, a reliable folk remedy for preventing colds, strengthening the immune system and cleansing the body. Add diving and rubbing with snow to the procedures in the steam room - and there you have it! perfect way hardening of the body. If such a heroic feat is not yet possible for you, then it will be quite enough to simply douse yourself with cold water right in the bathhouse (but not in the steam room!).

Ensuring your own safety

Because often holiday villages located near forest areas, it is very important to know and remember the rules of behavior in the winter forest. It’s quite easy to get lost there in winter, so when going into the forest for a walk or ski trip, be sure to take with you a fully charged mobile phone with a GPS navigator. Most Muscovites know how to use it, and if you don’t know how, there is a lot of information on this topic on the Internet, study it well before going to the dacha. As a last resort, call your friends who are vacationing with you, or the DPP board - they will definitely find you.

If there is snow, you can use your own footprints to guide you - this way you can return to where you came from.

It is very important to avoid frostbite, so if you feel yourself starting to freeze, do some active exercises that involve both your legs and arms: arm circles, intense running in place, bending forward, backward and sideways, frequent and rapid clenching and unclenching of fists, etc.

Winter has come: it’s snowy on the streets, the thermometer shows sub-zero temperatures, the day has turned into a short period before the next night. Each of us has our own impressions and expectations of the cold season. But there are many ways to make winter a positive one. Vegetarian offers eight entertainment options to suit every taste. Save it in memory - it will come in handy!

1. Your own extreme hike

The cold is a challenge. A way out of your comfort zone, which means an opportunity to make yourself stronger. So no need to be sad at home - pack your backpacks! It's simple: frost has a beneficial effect on the body. Walking with moderate physical activity turns outdoor recreation into a healthy activity.

Open the city map. Determine your hiking route based on your personal preferences. It is advisable to move away from city streets and go into nature. But it’s not far – there’s always a risk of getting lost. Follow the rules of the hike and don’t exhaust yourself – walking over rough terrain should be enjoyable. Or show your imagination and plan your route right along the city streets. Interesting things can be found everywhere!

What to take with you: thermos, food supply, map, compass.

What will you get?: a boost of energy, a great mood, pride in yourself and lots and lots of photographs.

2. Communication with birds

It’s especially difficult for birds in winter, so from childhood we are taught to make feeders and fill them with cereal. Do you want to spend a winter day usefully (help nature), educationally (learn animal world closer) and interesting (communicating with animals and watching them is always exciting), then take some bird treats and go outside!

Feed the birds. See how they willingly gather near the feeder and gain strength. To relieve stress and overexertion, it is useful to simply admire nature.

If there is a body of water nearby (river, lake), then feed the ducks. They readily respond to grains thrown into water.

3. Winter options for summer sports

Skiing, sledding, hockey (if you're lucky with a playground) - all this, of course, is great. And we advise everyone to go through this list. But you can diversify your active recreation even more: football on a snow-covered field, tennis right under the windows of your house, volleyball at a school stadium... All these “non-winter” sports have one feature after the snow falls - falling now doesn’t hurt!

Snow and warm clothing soften falls. Now you can show your free-flying skills by jumping for the ball or defending the goal from a ball flying into the top nine. Everything looks a little more cheerful in winter.

There are no weather restrictions for the sport - it just performs in a new, still unfamiliar form. That's all.

4. Greyhound racing

Dogs can enjoy the snow like children. Many people get them to spend more time outdoors, and they certainly never get boring! You just need to take your dog with you and run out into the snow. All. After a couple of minutes, you will be rushing across the virgin snow after your pet, and then he will follow you. A storm of emotions and fun is guaranteed!

The result: both you and your pet are wet, tired, but happy, warming up at home (with your tongues hanging out to your side).

5. Winter fun for children

Young parents know this firsthand. Are you bored at home? Take your child and go outside! No weather can curb the desire for fun in young children! And this is worth learning.

Turn into children and then you will only enjoy winter. Snow? We quickly grabbed our hats, mittens, sleds and headed to the hill! Cold? A couple of descents and it will already be hot. Forget about everything – just ride!

And so 2-3 times a week, before meals, 60 minutes of skiing, snow battles and catching snowflakes in your mouth. Health and excellent tone are guaranteed! The best psychological relief you can think of.

Say hello to wet clothes, pink faces and the widest smiles!

6. Toughen up!

An endless number of hardening methods are available on the global network - choose to suit your taste. Three months of the cold season are an excellent period for strengthening the body and getting used to new health procedures.

Here are a couple of tips:

Spend at least an hour outdoors every day. In any weather, even in rain or snowstorm. Dress for the weather, but don't overdo it (overheating is very harmful). The body, inhaling cold air, will gradually get used to low temperatures and become stronger.

Set a goal. For example, taking a dip in an ice hole at Epiphany or rubbing yourself with snow twice a week. It stimulates and motivates.

Take care of yourself. The mistake of beginner “walruses” is heroism. There is no need to try to show how brave and daring you are by diving into a snowdrift on the first day. After wiping/bathing, dry yourself with a dry towel, drink warm tea, and warm up.

7. Picnic in nature? Why not!

In the summer everyone goes to nature. Massive trips to the river and overnight stays in picturesque forests are the norm, if not an obligation. But in winter the movement freezes and goes into hibernation. Maybe it's worth taking a risk, huh?

It is worth taking care of a warm tent (they are not that expensive, but they will always protect you from wind and snowfall). A blanket and sleeping bag for insulation will be just in time. And then everything is according to your taste. Only in winter, focus on warm foods and dishes. I am sure that if you make hot chocolate over a fire surrounded by snow-covered trees, you will remain a fan of winter picnics forever.

8. Walk under the starry sky

And finally - a little romance and dreams. The winter sky is clear and bright. Haven't you noticed that stars are especially attractive in frosty weather? No? Then it's worth checking.

Dress warmly. Take a thermos with tea and chocolate with you. Go outside late in the evening or even at night and walk under the lights. Stay at quiet place and stand for 10 minutes watching the sky. There is no need to rush, give yourself time to enjoy the beauty. It sounds too “sweet”, but try it anyway.

One tip: When you look at the stars, don’t throw your head back for too long, otherwise your neck will hurt.

Each of us can expand this list. Add your points and make this winter truly positive!

Dmitry Shevko

A dacha in winter is one of the best places For winter holiday and entertainment. Fresh air, trees covered in snow, a break from the bustle of the city and a winter barbecue - this is not a complete list of all the benefits of a country winter holiday. This is a great opportunity to spend time with family and friends, as well as for health benefits.

Winter holiday at the dacha

Before going to the dacha in winter, it doesn’t hurt to plan your activities in advance and write down everything you need to take with you - this approach to organizing a winter holiday at the dacha will allow you to relax with maximum comfort and make your vacation complete.

Of course, in the vast majority of cases, winter holidays at the dacha are associated with barbecues and barbecues. True, sometimes in winter it can be a little problematic to light a fire, but this issue can be easily resolved if you prepare pre-dried firewood, which will allow the wood to burn much better and it will not hiss. Everyone loves barbecue, it brings people together, so this event, of course, should not be ignored. Moreover, there is no bad weather for barbecue and shish kebab.

A bathhouse will be an equally interesting and useful form of relaxation, because a bathhouse is not just a pleasant procedure, but also an excellent folk remedy for almost any disease. It helps strengthen the immune system and perfectly cleanses the body. You can combine a trip to the bathhouse with swimming in an ice hole (diving into an ice hole immediately after visiting a steam room is an ancient Russian tradition), or you can simply dive into the snow and rub yourself thoroughly with it. A good option would be to simply douse yourself with cold water without leaving the bathhouse.

Active recreation and winter games

Active types of winter recreation include skiing, sledding and skating, winter fishing and hunting. Such a vacation will be an excellent help for the immune system, which winter period almost always weakened.

If you dress warmly, you can have a great time at the dacha even on frosty winter days. You can have fun playing snowballs, build a cute snowman, build a snow castle or a magnificent snow slide. This task is not as troublesome as it might seem at first glance: to create such a slide you only need a watering hose and snow, or rather, a lot of snow. Snow is first thrown onto a pre-selected place, then the snow is watered, and after a while ice slide at the complete disposal of holidaymakers.

Unusual entertainment options

If there are small villages or other settlements, with the help of their residents, you can organize a good horse ride - horse riding is becoming very popular again. You can have just as much fun if you set off spectacular fireworks or shoot at targets.

The program of a summer holiday can also include dancing and music, leisurely meaningful conversations, handicrafts, reading aloud various literary works or watching films together.

Or you can just play some fun games, for example, crocodile. To do this, one person needs to go to the center of the room and start showing some hidden word (it can be a phrase), and do this silently and using only gestures. The task of the rest is to guess what was planned without asking any questions. This game does not require enormous strength, but it can bring a lot of fun.

Celebrating the New Year at the dacha would also be a win-win option. A decorated Christmas tree, fun winter games, snow and silence all around will make the holiday unforgettable.


To avoid various troubles, it is important to take care of your safety. If there is a forest near your dacha, it would be a good idea to take a repeller for dogs and other animals with you, so that in case of possible encounters with predators you do not have to seriously fear for your life.

Partygoers would also benefit from a breathalyzer: firstly, it will allow them to monitor their health, and secondly, it will help them avoid possible troubles and misunderstandings during a possible meeting with traffic police officers.

The nature of the Moscow region enchants with the discreet beauty of hilly fields, birch, aspen and oak groves, pine forests, the smooth surface of winding rivers and rivulets, clean lakes, the aroma of meadow grasses and a variety of flowers. Our life is inseparable from nature, which pleases us at all times of the year.

In the Moscow region, around numerous dacha villages, there are many picturesque places, forests with evergreen spruce and pine, which are so pleasing in winter with their snow caps, many beautiful rivers, ponds and lakes. In winter there is a lot sunny days, the frost is invigorating and you really want to breathe in the fresh frosty air.

If you don't have a summer house, don't despair! You can rent a dacha for the weekend in winter in one of the dacha villages in the Moscow region. You can go to the dacha for a holiday with the whole family, with friends or for a romantic date.

Holidays at the dacha with family.

When going to the dacha with children, be sure to dress warmly and take warm rugs and blankets with you. Take with you a supply of food, a sled, skis and don’t forget to take a camera, which will help you leave long-lasting photographs and memories of a great time spent with loved ones and friends. If you have a dog, then take it with you.

If the dacha is not heated, immediately upon arrival, light the stove and fireplace yourself, which will help you quickly warm up. In winter, you won’t be bored at the dacha - there are a lot of different entertainments. You can have a lot of fun playing snowballs with your children, you can build a snow woman or a snowman, build a snow tower, go skiing and sledding. A dog will especially bring a lot of joy when it frolics in the snow, and children, flushed from the frost, run after it in the sparkling snow.

The dog can also give the children a sled ride, which will give them a lot of fun. If a lot of snow has fallen, you can build a small ice slide by throwing snow together and watering it with water. The next day the slide will be ready. Children will be delighted to ride down the hill on an ice skate or sled.

On a charming winter evening, it’s nice to warm up by the fireplace and look at the crackling logs and the fire, which you can admire endlessly. You can sit at the table, drink aromatic tea from the samovar with your favorite bagels. The kids can watch their favorite show" Good night"Their sleep, after playing in the cold, will be sound and long.

Relaxing at the dacha with friends.

No vacation with friends is complete without a fire, without barbecue or barbecue, which everyone loves so much. Lighting a fire in the cold is very difficult, it is better to think about this in advance and prepare dried firewood. The aroma of barbecue, a blazing fire and juicy barbecue with wine in the cold, in a bathhouse or in a cozy house by the fireplace, covered with a blanket, will remain in the memory for a long time. Friends will also remember the steam room in a bathhouse with a birch broom, rubbing with snow or pouring melt water after a bath - this has been popular in Rus' since ancient times.

In the evening you can listen to music, dance, play cards or dominoes. Lovers active rest They can rent a cottage with an ice skating rink for weekends in the winter. Skating or playing hockey is very good fun for men. Thrill-seekers can shoot at a target and compete with each other in accuracy. The view of splendor - all the trees covered in snow, white fluffy snow, silence all around, creates a wonderful mood and someone might want to write poetry or draw a winter landscape.

Holidays in the country for lovers of winter fishing or hunting.

One of the activities and entertainment is to sit with a fishing rod on the bank of a river or lake near a hole. This great holiday, which calms and allows you to rest your soul. You need to prepare in advance clothes, gear, an ice ax and a portable light chair or fisherman's box with a seat and compartments for fish and gear. Even if you didn’t catch a fish, you can spend the whole evening telling stories to your friends about what big fish I've let you off the hook more than once.

Lovers can go hunting.

If there are foxes or hares in the forest, then you can go into the forest in search of their traces. In the forest you can meet elk, marten, and squirrel, admire them and feed them. If you didn’t manage to shoot game for lunch, this day’s walk through the forest will still bring you a lot of pleasure and impressions. On the second day off, you can go with your whole family or with friends for a walk in the forest on skis, or stop by a neighboring small village. Maybe you will be lucky enough to buy natural products there that are difficult to find in the city.

The farewell fireworks before leaving the dacha will greatly delight the children and will be remembered for its beauty for many years. After a wonderful weekend at the dacha and a boost of energy for the whole week, you will want to go out of town more than once and be sure to buy land plot and build a dacha in one of the environmentally friendly and beautiful dacha villages in our native Moscow region. The Lands of Russia company will be happy to help you make your cherished dream come true.

A summer cottage in winter is one of the best places for winter recreation and entertainment. Fresh air, trees covered in snow, a break from the bustle of the city and a winter barbecue are not a complete list of all the benefits of a country winter holiday. This is a great opportunity to spend time with family and friends, as well as for health benefits.

Winter holiday at the dacha

Before going to the dacha in winter, it doesn’t hurt to plan your activities in advance and write down everything you need to take with you - this approach to organizing a winter holiday at the dacha will allow you to relax with maximum comfort and make your vacation complete.

Of course, in the vast majority of cases, winter holidays at the dacha are associated with barbecues and barbecues. True, sometimes in winter it can be a little problematic to light a fire, but this issue can be easily resolved if you prepare pre-dried firewood, which will allow the wood to burn much better and it will not hiss. Everyone loves barbecue, it brings people together, so this event, of course, should not be ignored. Moreover, there is no bad weather for barbecue and shish kebab.

A bathhouse will be an equally interesting and useful form of relaxation, because a bathhouse is not just a pleasant procedure, but also an excellent folk remedy for almost any disease. It helps strengthen the immune system and perfectly cleanses the body. You can combine a trip to the bathhouse with swimming in an ice hole (diving into an ice hole immediately after visiting a steam room is an ancient Russian tradition), or you can simply dive into the snow and rub yourself thoroughly with it. A good option would be to simply douse yourself with cold water without leaving the bathhouse.

Active recreation and winter games

Active types of winter recreation include skiing, sledding and skating, winter fishing and hunting. Such a vacation will be an excellent help for the immune system, which is almost always weakened in winter.

If you dress warmly, you can have a great time at the dacha even on frosty winter days. You can have fun playing snowballs, build a cute snowman, build a snow castle or a magnificent snow slide. This task is not as troublesome as it might seem at first glance: to create such a slide you only need a watering hose and snow, or rather, a lot of snow. Snow is first thrown onto the pre-selected place, then the snow is watered, and after a while the ice slide is at the complete disposal of vacationers.

Unusual entertainment options

If there are small villages or other settlements nearby, with the help of their residents you can organize a good horseback ride - horse riding is becoming very popular again. You can have just as much fun if you set off spectacular fireworks or shoot at targets.

The program of a summer holiday can also include dancing and music, leisurely meaningful conversations, handicrafts, reading aloud various literary works or watching films together.

Or you can just play some fun games, for example, crocodile. To do this, one person needs to go to the center of the room and start showing some hidden word (it can be a phrase), and do this silently and using only gestures. The task of the rest is to guess what was wished for without asking any questions. This game does not require enormous strength, but it can bring a lot of fun.

Celebrating the New Year at the dacha would also be a win-win option. A decorated Christmas tree, fun winter games, snow and silence all around will make the holiday unforgettable.


To avoid various troubles, it is important to take care of your safety. If there is a forest near your dacha, it would be a good idea to take a repeller for dogs and other animals with you, so that in case of possible encounters with predators you do not have to seriously fear for your life.

Partygoers would also benefit from a breathalyzer: firstly, it will allow them to monitor their health, and secondly, it will help them avoid possible troubles and misunderstandings during a possible meeting with traffic police officers.