Events. Vitaly Suchkov: We don’t want to be C students  Addresses and telephone numbers

September 8, 2018 Moscow widely celebrated its 871st birthday. On this bright and sunny day, for Muscovites and guests of the capital, the organizers prepared many festive venues for meetings and recreation, where each visitor involuntarily became a participant in the action and was able to choose an activity to suit their liking and interests.

Moscow City Day annually coincides with the Moscow Interregional Festival “My Dear Compatriots,” which is organized by the Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of the Moscow Government.

This year the 18th Moscow Interregional Festival was successfully held. According to the old and good tradition, the festival took place at the Tsarsky Courtyard of the cultural and entertainment complex “Kremlin in Izmailovo”. The festival participants were representatives of regional communities living in Moscow, who are envoys of all peoples and nationalities of Russia.

Vitaly Ivanovich Suchkov, head of the Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of the Moscow Government, addressed the festival participants with a welcoming speech. With great enthusiasm, regional communities received the welcoming address of Moscow Mayor Sergei Semyonovich Sobyanin. A surprise for the festival participants was Vitaly Ivanovich Suchkov’s solo performance of the famous song by E. Kolmanovsky to the poems of K. Vanshenkin “I love you life!” A storm of applause!

A rich and interesting concert program was prepared for the participants and guests of the Festival. It was opened by the Guberniya group under the leadership of Alexei Petrukhin. Artists from Kostoroma, Vologda, Donbass and others took to the stage. All concert numbers went to “Hurray!”

In the XVIII Moscow Interregional Festival “My Dear Countrymen”, the delegation of the RPO “Pomeranian Community in Moscow” led by the Chairman of the Board Vladimir Enyagin took an active part. From the stage of the festival, our community congratulated the festival participants from the regional communities of the city of Moscow on the holiday.

Within the framework of the festival, working meetings were held aimed at fulfilling common tasks facing regional communities.

This Festival has already gone down in history, but in our hearts it will remain one of the brightest moments of Moscow life and communication with fellow countrymen and guests of the capital, to whom Moscow and their small Motherland are so dear!

The Festival ended with festive fireworks. We say: “Thank you, and goodbye, Festival! See you next year!”

Sergey Aleshintsev, member of the Board of the Pomeranian Community.

Invited to participate in the press conference:

  • Smirnova Svetlana Konstantinovna– Chairman of the Council of the Assembly of Peoples of Russia;
  • Abdulatipov Ramazan Gadzhimuradovich– Honorary Chairman of the Council of the Assembly of Peoples of Russia, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation on humanitarian and economic cooperation with the Caspian countries, ex-head of the Republic of Dagestan;

    Vagina Tatyana Valerievna Head of the Department for National Policy of the Internal Policy Directorate of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation;

  • Gilmutdinov Ildar Irekovich– Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Nationalities;
  • Ipatov Mikhail Viktorovich– Deputy Head of the Federal Agency for Nationalities of the Russian Federation;
  • Shelikhov Vladimir Vasilievich– Deputy Head of the Federal Communications Agency;
  • Suchkov Vitaly Ivanovich– Head of the Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of the City of Moscow;
  • Schmidt William Vladimirovich– Professor of the Department of State-Religious Relations, IGSU RANEPA.

On July 8, the Assembly of Peoples of Russia turned 20 years old. Over the years of active activity, it has proven its significance and relevance, and has become an integral part of our multinational society - the Assembly of Peoples has become a key subject of civil society in the field of national politics.

Russia arose and developed as a multinational state, where respect for other peoples, friendliness and the desire to live in peace and harmony with neighbors, communicating with them on equal terms, are the norm of life. We can rightfully say that the words “We, a multinational people,” with which the Constitution of the Russian Federation, a multinational people begins, were written by History itself.

The historical genotype of the Russian nation turned out to be so resilient that during the period of change in the social system in the early 90s. did not allow us to break the bonds of brotherhood of the peoples inhabiting the vast expanses of our country. To strengthen interethnic relations, the spiritual and moral forces of society were needed, ready to take on a consolidating role. In many ways, the Assembly of Peoples of Russia became such a social force. Its founders formulated the main goal of the Assembly - to promote the national development of the peoples of Russia, the establishment of interethnic harmony in society, since its foundation is based on centuries of historical closeness and blood kinship, common trials and great victories.

At the first stage of activity, it was important to develop a document that would clearly outline the strategy and tactics of the activity. And already at the II Congress of the Assembly in 2000, the “Charter on the Civil Rights of the Peoples of the Russian Federation” was adopted, based on the principles of social equality, taking into account the national and religious characteristics of each region. The Charter proclaimed the priority of fundamental civil rights and human freedoms, adherence to which would allow all peoples of Russia, regardless of their numbers, as well as citizens of all nationalities and religions, to exist with dignity and interact safely as part of a single multinational state.

The Assembly of Peoples of Russia essentially proposed to the multinational Russian society and state a civil doctrine of the distinctive and equal development and cooperation of the peoples and citizens of all nationalities of Russia, their mutual responsibility for the fate of each people, culture and language, responsibility for the democratic prospects of the single community of the multinational people of the Russian Federation.

In today's life in modern Russia, it is necessary to increase the activity and efficiency of civil society institutions. It is in this spirit that the Assembly of Peoples of Russia works. Over these 20 years, many changes have occurred both in the life of the organization itself and in society as a whole. Just look at the chronology of the activities of the Assembly, as well as its regional branches - here is the protection of citizens from discrimination based on nationality in any of its manifestations; assistance in solving socio-economic problems; promoting the development of cultures and languages ​​of the peoples of Russia, preserving historical heritage; and of course - a significant expansion of the structure of the Assembly, assistance in the organization and work of its regional branches.

The Assembly of Peoples of Russia is a living organism that is sensitive to social and public changes taking place in the country. Russia is a multinational power. It is home to 193 ethnic groups who speak more than 270 languages ​​and dialects. Over the past 20 years, as already noted, there has been a significant expansion of the structure of the Assembly and the geography of its activities - regional branches of the Assembly operate in 78 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The Assembly constantly involves its regional branches in the orbit of ongoing projects at the federal level, providing assistance in their work. Thus, the federal and regional Resource Centers of the Assembly in the field of national relations began to operate - there are already 25 of them. They are faced with the task of studying and promoting successful practices of non-profit organizations operating in the field of national relations; They produce methodological and video materials to help regional organizations. The Assembly must be aware of regional events, therefore Resource Centers also participate in monitoring the ethnopolitical situation in the regions of Russia. They also inform the public about the events taking place there, and develop (including in agreement with the relevant authorities and representatives of national and cultural associations) work plans. The Assembly's resource centers interact with the media on all of the above issues.

The list of collective members and partners from among regional governments, regional and local national-cultural associations, public organizations one way or another working in this area of ​​social life, experts, and individual citizens who share the ideas of the Assembly is constantly growing.

The Assembly works in close tandem with all federal national-cultural autonomies; Representatives of the Assembly operate in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and European countries. Particularly close cooperation has been established with the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, the Assembly of the People of Kyrgyzstan, the Serbian patriotic organizations “Our Serbia” and “Serbian Code”, with which cooperation agreements have been signed, there are regular exchanges of working visits, and joint events are held.

As is known, it was the Assembly of Peoples of Russia, which, at its VI Congress, took a course towards Eurasian integration and initiated the creation of the Assembly of Eurasian Peoples. On May 27–29, 2017, two events took place simultaneously - the VII Congress of the Assembly of Peoples of Russia and the I Congress of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly. The Assembly of Peoples of Russia reaffirmed its commitment to the fact that it will continue to develop interaction with all national and interethnic public associations, as well as with compatriots abroad who share the ideology of a culture of peace and advocate the solidarity of peoples, the renunciation of hostility, violence and conflicts.

The First Congress of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly discussed the development of integration, humanitarian cooperation, intercultural dialogue, public diplomacy and other important components of the national policy of civil society institutions of all countries of the Eurasian space. Representatives of 66 countries of the continent took part in the work of the Congress. The Forum's decisions were aimed at strengthening friendship and mutual understanding between peoples.

The Assembly of Peoples of Russia is faithful to the initially chosen course - the organization has been working all these years for the benefit of each individual, regardless of his nationality, and of society and the state as a whole. The main directions of activity of the Assembly and its regional branches have been and remain the protection of citizens from discrimination based on nationality in any of its manifestations, assistance in solving socio-economic problems, promoting the development of cultures and languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation, and the preservation of historical heritage.

Congresses, forums, round tables, All-Russian festivals of cultures, national sports, patriotic marathons, and numerous other projects in the field of national relations - all of them, undoubtedly, contribute to the establishment of harmony, peace and good neighborliness in the multi-ethnic, multi-religious sector of our society.

Preparations for the anniversary - the 20th anniversary of the Assembly - made it possible to give an objective assessment of its activities and at the same time demonstrate to the world the diversity of Russian civil society: all the activities of the organization are aimed at strengthening the principles of democracy, freedom, friendliness, solidarity, cooperation, pluralism, cultural diversity, dialogue and mutual understanding between the peoples making up the Russian Federation.

On the eve of the anniversary, a number of events were held in different regions of the country under the sign of the 20th anniversary of the Assembly:

  • from May 24 to 28, 2018, the Third All-Russian and Third Eurasian Literary Festivals of Writers and Readers “LiFFT” were held in Sochi;
  • On June 10, the VI Spartakiad of national-cultural associations and communities of the city was held in Moscow;
  • On June 19, the first pavilion of the North Caucasus Center opened in Krasnaya Polyana in Sochi, and its Soccer Ball Museum was the result of the joint work of the Assembly of Peoples of Russia and the Sochi Gallery of Modern Art;
  • On June 22–23, 2018, the traditional annual All-Russian festival of national sports and culture “Harmony of Life” was held in Ivanovo.

And this list can be continued with messages from many regions of the country...

The main event of the year is the CONGRESS OF THE PEOPLES OF RUSSIA, which will take place on July 18–20, 2018 in Moscow. Participants in the anniversary event will be leaders and activists of national-cultural public associations from all subjects of the Russian Federation, representatives of federal national-cultural autonomies, interregional and all-Russian public organizations, public chambers of all levels, regional and federal authorities, the scientific and expert community, and the media. .

The Congress program includes gala events, exhibitions, multimedia presentations, master classes and workshops, debates and round tables. Thematic platforms will be held on current issues of public life both in Russia and on the Eurasian continent, relating to issues of public diplomacy, education, cultural processes, sports, tourism, etc. Youth leaders and activists will gather at the traditional annual forum of the All-Russian public movement “Youth Assembly of Peoples” Russia “WE ARE RUSSIANS”.

Representatives from more than 30 countries will also be guests of the anniversary Congress. Within the framework of the Congress, a meeting of the General Council of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly will take place.

The Assembly of Peoples of Russia will continue the events of the anniversary year aimed at strengthening the Russian nation even after the end of the Congress. There are proposals for the Assembly to replicate our country’s unique experience in preserving and strengthening the unity of hundreds of peoples; one of the latest ideas is to publish an Encyclopedia of Ethnocultural Traditions of the Subjects of the Russian Federation.

In November 2018, as part of the anniversary events, the final of the IV All-Russian Competition for leaders of non-profit organizations and public associations implementing projects in the field of state national policy of the Russian Federation will be held. Events under the sign of the 20th anniversary of the Assembly will be held in all regions of the country - until the end of 2018 and during 2019, it is planned to hold conferences, round tables and other forms of work in 20 regions of Russia.

The holding of events dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the country's largest interethnic public organization, the Assembly of the Peoples of Russia, is intended to demonstrate the strengthened unity of the Russian people - a civil political nation: the initiative and energy of civil society, the increased patriotism and sense of national pride of Russian citizens and their openness to positive cooperation with citizens of all countries of the world.

On October 23, 2017, in Hall No. 4 of the Moscow State Budgetary Institution “Moscow House of Nationalities,” a round table was held with the participation of a delegation of experts from the Advisory Committee of the Council of Europe and representatives of federal executive authorities, organized by the Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of the city of Moscow. The event was attended by representatives of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, federal executive authorities, and national public organizations.

Deputy Head of the Federal Agency for Nationalities Affairs Andrey Vladimirovich Mezhenko addressed the participants of the round table with an opening speech. They introduced the participants of the round table from the Russian Federation, and also determined the rules of the event. Andrey Vladimirovich in his speech drew attention to the fact that the ethnocultural diversity of the Russian Federation is due to the fact that every people historically living on the territory of our country participated in the formation of Russian statehood. Russia has emerged as a multinational state, the system-forming core of which is the Russian people.

Andrei Vladimirovich also noted that for Russia the national issue is of a fundamental nature. Understanding the importance of these processes predetermines state policy in the field of preserving and developing the languages ​​of the peoples of Russia, their identity, studying the culture of various ethnic communities and harmonizing interethnic relations. This is reflected in the Strategy of the State National Policy of the Russian Federation for the period until 2025. More than 20 years ago, the Russian Federation ratified the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, which is now part of the Russian legal system.

Head of the Department of the Department for Humanitarian Cooperation and Human Rights of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Stepan Yuryevich Kuzmenkov noted that the Government of the Russian Federation attaches great importance to cooperation with the Council of Europe, a leading European organization making a significant contribution to the development of the democratic foundations of government and the protection of human rights and the rule of law. Stepan Yurievich also noted that Russia pays special attention to the implementation and the most effective ways of fulfilling its obligations under the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities.

The head of the Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of the City of Moscow, Vitaly Ivanovich Suchkov, greeted the audience on behalf of the Moscow Government. Vitaly Ivanovich noted that for the Moscow region the priority task is to create conditions for the adaptation and integration of representatives of national minorities and their further development as residents of Moscow. This is noted in the State National Policy Strategy of the Russian Federation for the period until 2025 and the National Policy Strategy of the city of Moscow for the period until 2025. Vitaly Ivanovich drew attention to the fact that more than 160 nationalities live in Moscow, for which the same conditions have been created in all areas of activity, including in the economic sphere. To create a favorable atmosphere in the Moscow metropolis, the Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations is actively working with embassies, diasporas, national public organizations, and national-cultural autonomies.

Vitaly Ivanovich also spoke about the projects implemented by the Department. The published brochure “On the rules of behavior of migrants in the city of Moscow” includes step-by-step instructions on what a migrant must do in order to work legally, what documents are required, as well as basic information about the history and culture of Moscow. This brochure will also be translated into other languages. The ongoing project for children, “The ABC of Nationalities,” tells in an accessible form about the nationalities living in the city of Moscow.

Representatives of the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, as well as the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation spoke at the round table. Experts from the Advisory Committee of the Council of Europe asked questions of interest to representatives of federal executive authorities. Particular attention was paid to respecting the rights of national minorities, the development and preservation of the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation, their teaching, and issues of ethnic journalism and broadcasting in national languages ​​were also considered.

Vitaly Suchkov headed the department of national policy, interregional relations and tourism, the Agency reports. Moscow ". Sergei Sobyanin stated this at a meeting of the Presidium of the Moscow Government.

His predecessor in this post, Vladimir Chernikov, was appointed head of the department of regional security and anti-corruption. In this post he replaced Alexey Mayorov.

The structure and tasks of the Moscow Department of National Policy, Interregional Relations and Tourism will remain the same, the department’s press service reported.

Vitaly Suchkov served in the armed forces of the USSR and the Russian Federation from 1977 to 1999. Military rank - colonel.

From 1999 to 2012, he worked in commercial structures as director of the HR department.

From 2012 to 2015, he headed the civil service and personnel department of the Moscow Department of Media and Advertising.

In April 2015, he was appointed first deputy head of the department of national policy, interregional relations and tourism in Moscow.

/ Tuesday, October 4, 2016 /

Topics: Sobyanin

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin dismissed the head of the Department of Regional Security and Anti-Corruption, Alexei Mayorov. “We are parting with Aleksei Valentinovich Mayorov, who went on “free bread” and leaves the public service,” the mayor announced at a meeting of the presidium of the capital’s government and presented the official with a letter of gratitude.
The department will be headed by Vladimir Chernikov, who previously served as head of the Department of National Policy, Interregional Relations and Tourism, the agency reports. Moscow ". Chernikov’s successor, in turn, will be his first deputy, Vitaly Suchkov. The Department of Regional Security, among other things, is considering applications to hold mass rallies in the city. Mayorov has headed the department since January 24, 2012.

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"A number of personnel changes. We are parting with Alexey Valentinovich Mayorov, who left for "free bread" ", is leaving public service. I would like to thank you for your work"- said the mayor of the capital.

He clarified that this position will be taken by Vladimir Chernikov, who previously served as head of the department of national policy, interregional relations and tourism.

The head of the Moscow Department of Regional Security and Anti-Corruption, Alexei Mayorov, left his post, the mayor of the capital Sergei Sobyanin said at a meeting of the presidium of the city government on Tuesday.