Apartment rental translation into English. Dialogue "Renting an Apartment"

Hello, dear travelers!

Earlier in one of the articles I wrote about what you need to say when you, but what about those who prefer to rent an apartment. In this article I will write a dialogue on the topic for this group of people apartment rent, which may arise between the landlord and the tourist when inspecting the apartment. So, you meet the owner of the apartment at the entrance to the building.

Dialogue on English language

Owner of the apartment: Good morning! Are you ready to see the apartment?

Tourist: Yes. Let's go inside.

Owner of the apartment: We’ll start with the kitchen and dining room.

Tourist: Oh good, refrigerator and stove. Is there a dishwasher too?

Owner of the apartment: It’s right over there, next to this sink. There’s also a garbage disposal and a trash compactor.

Tourist: Perfect! I’d like to take a look at the bedrooms and bathroom.

Translating to Russian language

Apartment owner: Good morning! Are you ready to see the apartments?

Tourist: Yes. Let's go inside.

Apartment owner: Let's start with the kitchen and dining room.

Tourist: ABOUT! How nice is it that there is a refrigerator and a stove? Is there a dishwasher too?

Apartment owner: Over there, next to the sink. There is also a waste disposal facility and a trash compactor.

Tourist: Fabulous! Can we take a look at the bedrooms and bathroom now?

You walk through the living room, which contains a sofa, several armchairs, one small table, and a TV. There is a wall-to-wall carpeting throughout.

You walk through the living room, where there is a sofa, a few armchairs, one small table and a TV. The floor is carpeted.

Dialogue in English

Owner of the apartment: Here are the bedrooms. They are connected by the bathroom. Which bedroom will you use?

Tourist: I like the one facing the swimming pool. I'll use the other for my study. Can I get a desk and a chair for the study?

Owner of the apartment: I will see if there are any in storage.

Translating to Russian language

Apartment owner: Here are the bedrooms. Next to them is a bathroom. Which room do you prefer?

Tourist: I like the bedroom overlooking the pool and will use the other as an office. Is it possible to request a table and chair for this room?

Apartment owner: I'll see if there's anything left in stock.

You realize that although your apartment is furnished throughout, you have no food in your kitchen.

You realize that although there is a lot of furniture in the apartment, there is absolutely no food in the kitchen.

Dialogue in English

Tourist: I don't have a car. Is there a grocery store somewhere near here?

Owner of the apartment: You are lucky. There's a supermarket down the street. It's about a ten-minute walk. Let's go back to my office and talk about your lease.

Translating to Russian language

Tourist: I dont have a car. Is there a grocery store anywhere nearby?

Apartment owner: What a score. There is a supermarket at the end of the street. It's a ten minute walk to get there. Let's go back to my office and talk about the terms of the lease.

This is the kind of conversation that can take place between a tourist and an apartment owner regarding the issue of renting an apartment.

It's a very nice flat. Thank you for showing me it. Can I ask you some questions, please? Is the electricity included in the rent?

No, electricity is separate. It is not usually very expensive. You will receive a bill once every three months, I think.

What about the water bills?

That is included - I pay the water costs.

Ok. In my last flat, the landlord provided linen for the beds. Do you as well?

Provide linen? No, of course I don’t. Surely you have your own linen? This is a rented flat, not a hotel.

I see. I don’t have any of my own furniture. Will you provide the furniture?

Yes, what you see here is what you will have. There’s a good bed in the bedroom, and the kitchen is well-equipped. I will also let you have the television. It is not a very good television - it is a little old. But it works.

I will probably take the bus to university from here. Is there a bus stop close to the house?

Yes, just down on the corner. It goes straight to the university in about ten minutes. You should take the number 20 bus or the number 16.

I am enrolled on a very difficult course. I will have to work very hard this year. Is there a library nearby?

All the students spend too much time in the library. Yes, there is a library. I have never been there, but I think it is at the end of this street. But you have a nice desk here. When I was a student, I spent very little time in the library. I went to lots of parties instead.

Are there any clubs or discos here?

That's what I like to hear! There are lots of good clubs. About five minutes’ walk from here is the best club in town. The DJ comes from London. But it has all changed since I was a student. The music is very different, and I don’t like it very much.

Can I bring guests back?

Of course. You can even have parties if you like. But be careful - I don’t want you to damage the house. And if you are too noisy, the neighbors will complain to me.

I am thinking of buying a cat. Would you mind if I kept a cat here?

Oh, I don’t like cats! They are very smelly creatures. No, please don’t buy a cat. If you must have a pet, then buy a dog. They are much nicer animals.

How do you want me to pay?

Monthly. The rent is two hundred pounds a month.

Do you require a deposit?

The deposit is one month’s rent. If the flat is in good condition when you leave, I will return deposit.

And what is the minimum lease period?

    This is very good flat. Thanks for showing it to me. Can I ask you a few questions please? Electricity is included rent?

    No, electricity is paid separately. Usually it is not very expensive. I think they will send you receipts every three months.

    What about water bills?

    It's included - I pay for the water.

    Fine. In my last apartment, the owner provided bed linen. Do you also provide?

    Do I provide linen? No, of course I don't do that. Surely you have your own bed linen. This is a rental apartment, not a hotel.

    It's clear. I don't have any furniture of my own. Do you provide furniture?

    Yes, everything you see here is what you will have. The bedroom has a good bed, the kitchen is well equipped. I will also provide you with a TV. It's not a very good TV, it's a bit old. But it works.

    Perhaps I will travel from here to the university by bus. Is there a bus stop near the house?

    Yes, just around the corner. From there you can drive directly to the university in just 10 minutes. You should take the twentieth or sixteenth bus.

    I entered a very difficult course. I will have to work very hard this year. Is there a library nearby?

    All students spend too much time in the library. Yes, there is a library here. I've never been there, but I think it's at the end of this street. Although, you have an excellent desk here too. When I was a student, I spent very little time in the library. Instead, I went to numerous parties.

    Are there any clubs or discos here?

    This is what I wanted to hear! There are many good clubs here. About a five minute walk from here is best club in the city. The DJ is coming from London. But everything has changed since I was a student. The music is very different and I don't really like it.

    Can I bring guests?

    Certainly. You can even host parties if you want. But be careful, I don't want you to damage the house. And if you make too much noise, the neighbors will complain to me.

    I'm thinking about buying a cat. Would you mind if I keep the cat here?

    Oh, I don't like cats! They are very odorous animals. No, please don't buy a cat. If you really need to have a pet, then buy a dog. They are nicer animals.

    How do you want me to pay?

    Monthly. The fee is two hundred pounds a month.

    Do you need a deposit?

    The deposit is equal to one month's rent. If the apartment is in good condition when you move out, I will return your deposit.

    What is the minimum rental period?

    – Oh Gosh! I didn’t even know that hunting for an apartment could be so tough!

    – Are you going to rent an apartment?

    – Yes. As soon as possible. I have to find a new place as my lease expires next week. First I checked all the classified websites regarding a property but I couldn’t find anything in my price range. I can’t afford an expensive property now. Then I found real estate listings in newspapers, but the apartments I saw were just awful to my mind. They are old, run-down and not well-maintained.

    – I understand. And what's your price range? Do you have any special location in mind?

    – Well, I expect to pay something around $1000 a month. Anything under this price will do. As for the location – I need a place near my office. So I could save a good amount on commuting.

    – But the district where you work is a plush one. And the property is quite expensive here. How will you manage the rent alone? Don’t you want to look for a roommate to divide the cost of renting?

    – That’s also a good option. I have to think about it.

    – I guess I have a couple of options for you. A friend of mine is subletting his studio apartment for 6 months while he travels in America. He's got a beautiful apartment. It’s fully furnished and has a large balcony overlooking the park.

    – That sounds great. It’s a pity that the apartment will be available only for several months. I’m planning to move in for 2 years at least.

    – OK. I get the point. There is another vacant place near your office. It’s rather spacious with an upscale neighborhood.

    – Has it got all the utilities?

    – Well, the building itself was recently renovated and it’s well-maintained. All the apartments have an intercom and the doors are highly secure. The apartment definitely has electricity, gas, water and heating. I’m not sure about a washing machine or a dish-washer. We have to ask the landlord about the details.

    – If it’s not over my budget I am ready to see it today.

    – As far as I know to move in you will need to pay the first and the last month’s rent plus a security deposit that you will get it back at the end of your lease if the apartment is in good condition.


    Flat rent

    - Oh my God! I didn't even know apartment hunting could be so hard!

    – Are you going to rent an apartment?

    - Yes. As soon as possible. I need to find a new place as my lease expires next week. I first checked all the real estate listing sites but couldn't find anything within my price range. I can't afford expensive housing now. Then I found a property listing in the newspapers, but the apartments I looked at were just terrible in my opinion. They are old, dilapidated and unkempt.

    - I understand. What is your price range? Are you looking for a special location?

    – Well, I hope to pay about $1000 a month. Anything less than this price will do. As for the location, I need a place near the office. This way I can save a good amount on travel.

    – But the area where you work is prestigious. And housing here is quite expensive. How will you pay the rent on your own? Would you like to find a roommate to split the cost of rent?

    - It is too a good option. I need to think about this.

    “I think I have a couple options for you.” My friend is renting out his studio apartment for 6 months while he travels around America. He has a beautiful apartment. Fully furnished, it has a large balcony overlooking the park.

    - Sounds great. It's a pity that the apartment will only be available for a few months. I plan to move in for at least 2 years.

    – OK. I understand. There is still a free place next to your office. It is quite spacious, with wealthy surroundings in the neighborhood.

    – Are there all the amenities there?

    – Well, the building itself was recently restored, it is very well maintained. All apartments have a two-way communication system and high-strength doors. The apartment definitely has electricity, gas, water and heating. I'm not sure about the washing machine or dishwasher. You will need to check with the owner for details.

    – If it doesn’t exceed my budget, then I’m ready to watch it today.

    – As far as I know, in order to move into it, you need to pay the first and last month of rent plus a security deposit, which you will receive back at the end of the lease if the apartment remains in good condition.

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    Topic: How to Rent a Flat in London

    Topic: How to rent an apartment in London

    London is one of the most expensive cities for living. Prices for realty have always been too high. It is about not only purchase, but about rent as well.

    London is one of the most expensive cities to live in. Real estate prices have always been very high. This applies not only to purchases, but also to rentals.

    For a company of a few men a flat is cheaper than to pay for several hotel rooms. However, essential money is possible if they choose a small flat on the outskirts. But then they can find themselves to be in the neighborhood of vagabonds, criminal world and other antisocial personalities. Accommodation in more trouble-free district will come 2-3 times more expensive.

    For a company of several people, renting an apartment will be cheaper than paying for several hotel rooms. However, you can save significant money only if you choose a small apartment on the outskirts. But then tramps, criminals and other antisocial individuals will be in their neighborhood. Housing in more prosperous areas will cost 2-3 times more.

    One has to pay an amount equal to a rental charge and a deposit that is to be returned if the flat is kept in its entirety and good condition.

    Before moving into an apartment, you need to pay an amount equal to the rent and a deposit, which will be returned if the apartment remains safe and sound.

    Only with a real estate agency. Capital residents prefer to lease housing out with no middlemen only for their fellow citizens. The flats which owners are ready to lease them out for tourists on a direct basis are in great demand.In two hours after an announcement appears in the newspapers the flat has been rented.

    Foreigners can rent housing in London only through a real estate agency. Without intermediaries, residents of the capital prefer to rent out housing only to their fellow citizens. Apartments whose owners are willing to rent them out to tourists directly are in great demand. A couple of hours after the rental advertisement appears in the newspaper, the apartment is already rented.

    A lot of offers for rental property are published on the Internet. In order to choose a dwelling, one should know a local flat classification. In fact, what they call one-bedroom flat in London is a full two-room flat. The fact is that citizens of London estimate their flats not by meters or rooms, but by the number of bedrooms. That is why if it is said about a two-bedroom flat in an announcement, it means there are two bedrooms and one more room, probably, a living room.

    Many rental housing offers are published on the Internet. To choose housing, you need to know the local classification of apartments. After all, what in London is called a one-bedroom flat is a full-fledged two-room apartment by our standards. The fact is that Londoners measure their apartments not by meters or rooms, but by bedrooms. Therefore, if the ad states two-bedroomflat, this means that the apartment has two bedrooms and one more room, most likely a living room.

    A small one-room flat is defined as a studio. This flat often looks like a room with a refrigerator, a stove and a sofa. This is a low-income housing, of course, if it is not located in an upscale district of the capital.

    A small one-room apartment is indicated as a studio. Often this apartment looks like a room with a refrigerator, stove and sofa. This is budget-class housing, unless, of course, it is located in a prestigious area of ​​the capital.

    Renting an apartment

    Oh Gosh! I didn’t even know that hunting for an apartment could be so tough!

    Are you going to rent an apartment?

    Yes. As soon as possible. I have to find a new place as my lease expires next week. First I checked all the classified websites regarding a property but I couldn’t find anything in my price range. I can’t afford an expensive property now. Then I found real estate listings in newspapers, but the apartments I saw were just awful to my mind. They are old, run-down and not well-maintained.

    I understand. And what’s your price range? Do you have any special location in mind?

    Well, I expect to pay something around $1000 a month. Anything under this price will do. As for the location – I need a place near my office. So I could save a good amount on commuting.

    But the district where you work is a plush one. And the property is quite expensive here. How will you manage the rent alone? Don’t you want to look for a roommate to divide the cost of renting?

    That's also a good option. I have to think about it.

    I guess I have a couple of options for you. A friend of mine is subletting his studio apartment for 6 months while he travels in America. He's got a beautiful apartment. It’s fully furnished and has a large balcony overlooking the park.

    That sounds great. It’s a pity that the apartment will be available only for several months. I’m planning to move in for 2 years at least.

    OK. I get the point. There is another vacant place near your office. It’s rather spacious with an upscale neighborhood.

    Has it got all the utilities?

    Well, the building itself was recently renovated and it’s well-maintained. All the apartments have an intercom and the doors are highly secure. The apartment definitely has electricity, gas, water and heating. I’m not sure about a washing machine or a dish-washer. We have to ask the landlord about the details.

    If it’s not over my budget I am ready to see it today.

    As far as I know to move in you will need to pay the first and the last month’s rent plus a security deposit that you will get it back at the end of your lease if the apartment is in good condition.

    Flat rent

    Oh my God! I didn't even know apartment hunting could be so hard!

    Are you going to rent an apartment?

    Yes. As soon as possible. I need to find a new place as my lease expires next week. I first checked all the real estate listing sites but couldn't find anything within my price range. I can't afford expensive housing now. Then I found a property listing in the newspapers, but the apartments I looked at were just terrible in my opinion. They are old, dilapidated and unkempt.

    I understand. What is your price range? Are you looking for a special location?

    Well, I'm hoping to pay about $1000 a month. Anything less than this price will do. As for the location - I need a place near the office. This way I can save a good amount on travel.

    But the area where you work is prestigious. And housing here is quite expensive. How will you pay the rent on your own? Would you like to find a roommate to split the cost of rent?

    This is also a good option. I need to think about this.

    I think I have a couple options for you. My friend is renting out his studio apartment for 6 months while he travels around America. He has a beautiful apartment. Fully furnished, it has a large balcony overlooking the park.

    Sounds great. It's a pity that the apartment will only be available for a few months. I plan to move in for at least 2 years.

    OK. I understand. There is still a free place next to your office. It is quite spacious, with wealthy surroundings in the neighborhood.

    Are there all the amenities?

    Well, the building itself was recently restored and is very well maintained. All apartments have a two-way communication system and high-strength doors. The apartment definitely has electricity, gas, water and heating. I'm not sure about the washing machine or dishwasher. You will need to check with the owner for details.

    If it doesn't exceed my budget, then I'm ready to watch it today.