Alpine Lake Titicaca. Secrets of Lake Titicaca. Clubs and nightlife

IN South America There is a large, deep body of water on the border between Peru and Bolivia. It's called Lake Titicaca. It is located in the Andes - a huge mountain range. The mountains stretch from north to south along the western part of the continent, and reach a length of 9 thousand km. The width ranges from 500 to 700 km. The lake itself lies approximately in the middle of an endless series of proud ridges at an altitude of 3812 meters above sea level. The area adjacent to the reservoir is called the Altiplano plateau. These are salt marshes, as well as smaller lakes. They are the remains of a huge reservoir that splashed in these places 2 million years ago.

Lake Titicaca

Actually, Titicaca consists of two bodies of water, connected by the narrow Strait of Tiquina. Larger body of water or upper lake called Lago Chicuito. And the smaller body of water is called Lago Pegueno. The strait between them is bottleneck has a width of 850 meters. The upper reservoir is much deeper than the lower one. His average depth equals 135 meters, and the maximum is 284 meters. The lower small reservoir has an average depth of 9 meters and a maximum of 40 meters. Thus, the average depth of the entire lake is 107 meters, and the maximum value is 281 meters.

The maximum length of the lake is 190 km. The maximum width is 80 km. There are huge reserves in the reservoir fresh water. Their volume is 893 cubic meters. km. This is the first place among all alpine lakes on the planet. The area of ​​the water surface is 8.4 thousand square meters. km. It is the second largest lake in South America by area. The first place is occupied by Maracaibo in the north of the continent. But it would be more correct to call it not a lake, but a bay, since it is connected through a strait with the waters of the Atlantic.

Lake Titicaca on the map

Length coastline is 1125 km. It is quite heavily indented by bays and bays. There are 41 islands in the reservoir. Most of them are densely populated by people. Flows into lake 5 big rivers, 20 small and hundreds of streams. They flow from mountain peaks, on which ice caps lie.

A river flows from the southern part of the lake Desaguadero. This is the only one water flow leaving a body of water. The length of the river is 436 km. It flows into Lake Poopo, located in Bolivia, south of the city Oruro. The city is big. Its population is 210 thousand people.

Lake Titicaca cannot boast of large settlements located on its banks. The most significant of them is the Peruvian city Puno. Its population is 120 thousand people. The city is ancient. It was founded by the Spaniards in the second half of the 17th century. The exoticism of this settlement attracts many tourists.

The Uru Indians live near Puno. They preserved the ancient traditions of their ancestors. Some of these Indians live on floating islands built from reeds. They float on the surface of the lake and are like villages on the water. But these days, only a few hundred urus prefer floating life. Most of them prefer to live on the earth's surface.

Representative of the Uru tribe living on the water

Since 2000, a large Mountain Lake experiences constant drop in water level. For example, in 2009 the level decreased by 81 cm. Experts explain this by the shortening of the rainy season and the decrease in the ice caps from which the streams and rivers that feed the reservoir flow. Increasing water pollution is also a cause for concern. In the lake basin, the population of cities is growing, and wastewater treatment plants are being built very slowly. In some places there are none at all. So the prospects for the future are not very optimistic.

Concerning shipping, then Lake Titicaca has never been deprived of the attention of shipping companies. Since the second half of the 19th century, large ships have carried out cargo and passenger voyages across the reservoir. True, at first there were difficulties with assembling the floating equipment. They were built in Great Britain, then dismantled into parts, transported across the ocean, and then transported by mules to Puno. Here the ships were assembled and launched. When was it built railway, then transportation became much easier. Nowadays, many old ships serve as hotels for tourists and restaurants on the water, which further contributes to the exoticism of these places.

We must not forget that the large mountain lake had rich history long before Europeans appeared on its shores. Let us remember such civilizations as Chavin and Paracas. They existed on the lands adjacent to the reservoir 3 thousand years ago. In the 14th century, the Incas settled securely in the lake basin. All these lands became part of their huge empire. And only in 1532 the first Europeans appeared, led by Francisco Pizarro.

Island on Titicaca

It is quite natural that the waters of the lake and the adjacent land are of great interest to archaeologists. There is a legend that there is an ancient city at the bottom of a deep reservoir. No traces of him have been found, there are only legends. But there are other finds that indirectly confirm the ancient legend.

So at a depth of 35 meters at eastern shore An ancient stone pavement was discovered. A fortress wall was also found, the length of which is more than 900 meters. A stone sculpture was discovered. It represents a human head carved from stone. Similar sculptures were found in the ruins ancient city Tiwanaku. It is only about 20 km from the lake. The age of all archaeological finds does not exceed 1500 years.

In a word, Lake Titicaca keeps many historical secrets. It has always been the center of various cultures and civilizations. There have been quite a few of them over the past few thousand years. All of them were located along the banks of the reservoir, taking into account the favorable climate and the presence of a large amount of water.

By the way, about climate. Nowadays it has all the characteristics of an Alpine. It is a dry winter with cold nights and mornings. The afternoon is usually warm. The average annual precipitation is 610 mm. The average annual high temperature is 17 degrees Celsius. The minimum low temperature in the winter months (June, July) is minus 7 degrees Celsius. The difference between night and day temperatures is 12-13 degrees. So you can live on the shores of the lake. Which is what they prove local residents, whose numbers are steadily increasing every year.

Yuri Syromyatnikov

Location: Peru, Bolivia
Square: 8,372 km²
Greatest depth: 281 m
Coordinates: 15°47"12.1"S 69°26"30.6"W

The Andean Lake Titicaca fascinates archaeologists, historians and tourists, and every year tens of thousands of travelers from different countries peace. Some strive to see the ruins of the ancient capital of the Andean Empire, Tiwanaku, or as scientists call it the “City of the Dead.” Others want to enjoy the beauty of nature and get acquainted with the unique culture of Indian tribes.

Why Titicaca?

The name of the South American lake was invented by the Spaniards who colonized the continent and for this they used the language of the Quechua Indian people. The descendants of the Incas used the word “kaka” to designate a rock, and “titi” meant a puma. It is noteworthy that the brave and warlike Quechua considered the beautiful wild cat to be their totem animal.

Before the arrival of Europeans, south of Lake Titicaca was the territory of one of the first empires of South America - Tiwanaku. Its inhabitants spoke the Pukina language and called the mountain reservoir “Pukina Lake.” The Aymara Indians called it “Mamakota”, and today the locals call the majestic lake “Chukivitu”.

How did the lake appear in the mountains?

Scientists have always been interested in the history of the origin of the lake, which lies at an altitude of 3812 m above sea level. Where could such a huge reservoir of fresh water come from in the mountains? Geological studies made it possible to establish that approximately 100 million years ago the lake was located 3.7 km lower. It was a large sea lagoon and connected to the world's oceans. Together with mountain ranges The Andes Bay gradually rose to a higher altitude and became freshwater.

Nowadays, on the rocks surrounding the lake shores, you can see traces of the sea surf and fossil remains of the inhabitants ancient sea. The bottom of the reservoir is inhabited by invertebrate marine fish, crustaceans and some species of sharks. Although the lake is considered freshwater, all types of salts characteristic of Pacific Ocean, and the level of mineralization is quite high and amounts to 1%.

Geographical features

Titicaca is located on the Altiplana mountain plateau and is the highest navigable lake on the planet. Moreover, regular shipping has existed here for more than 100 years. The Andean reservoir also leads as the largest freshwater lake in South America. Titicaca stores 893 cubic meters. km of clean water. Interestingly, the water in the central part of the huge reservoir has a constant temperature of +10...+12°C and therefore never freezes. But near the shores, night frosts often bind the surface of the reservoir with a layer of thin ice.

The lake is 176 km long, 66 km wide, and its maximum depth reaches 281 m. Water transparency is limited by aquatic vegetation and silt and ranges from 4.5 to 10.5 m.

About three hundred rivers flow into Titicaca, and total area The catchment area covers over 58 thousand square meters. km. Like Baikal, only one river flows from this lake - the Desaguadero. In the upper reaches it is navigable, but then the freshwater stream passes through saline soils, becomes shallow, and the water in it becomes salty. It is curious that Desaguadero removes only 5% of its volume from the lake. The rest of the water evaporates from strong solar radiation and mountain winds.

The underwater secrets of Lake Titicaca

Since the 16th century, when Europeans began colonizing South America, much scientific research has been carried out on the lake and its underwater world. According to surviving Indian legends, the ancient Incan city of Wanaku rests at the bottom of an Andean reservoir. They tried to disarm him several times. In the 1960s, the famous explorer Jacques Yves Cousteau looked for traces of the mysterious city, but the lake did not want to part with its secret.

In 2000, divers from Italy came to Titicaca. The discoveries they made amazed the scientific world! At a depth of 30 m, scientists found a long terrace similar to an ancient pavement, and for 1 km under water there was a stone wall. However, the most surprising discovery was a stone statue in the form of a human head. The same sculptures were previously discovered in the ruins of the Indian city of Tiwanaku, which is located 15 km south of Lake Titicaca. The analysis showed that the underwater finds are 1.5 thousand years old.

In 2013, Bolivian and Belgian archaeologists continued underwater research. More than two thousand unique artifacts were recovered from the bottom of the lake, which belong to ancient empire Tiwanaku and more later periods history of South America. Researchers found here objects made of gold and silver, as well as stylized animal figurines.

Indian culture

The interest in the Andean reservoir is so great that it is rightfully considered one of the most popular lakes in the world. From time immemorial, Quechua and Aymara Indians have lived on its banks. On Titicaca is the Peruvian city of Puno, which appeared in the mid-17th century. Considered by many to be the cultural capital of the country, most Peru tours are routed through Puno. It was in these places that fiery dances and songs were born that became widely known throughout South America.

The main attractions of Puno are the picturesque Cathedral and the Carlos Dreyer Museum, where you can see many artifacts telling about the pre-Columbian history of the continent. The museum was named after a German artist and antiquities collector who lived on the banks of Titicaca for about 30 years. The halls of the museum display ancient mummies, Inca ceramics and sculptures, gold items, household items of Spanish colonialists and paintings.

Floating reed island Uros

On the hill of Wahsapata, above the city, there is a monument in honor of the first Incas - the legendary Manco Capac. This place attracts many tourists, as from the hill there is a beautiful view of the old part of Puno and the expanses of Lake Titicaca. Puno is also an important economic center of the country. Several shipyards have been built in this city, and there is active trade with Bolivia along the lake.

Not far from the city there is another attraction associated with the Indians. These are the floating islands "Uros". The culture of building drifting islands from reeds originated before the colonization of South America and has survived to this day.

Modern tourists can not only see houses on the reed islands, but also spend the night in them to get a closer look at the life of the Uros Indians. Here, travelers are taken on reed boats, given a taste of delicious dishes made from the core of the reed, and offered beautiful souvenirs.

One of the Uros Islands

Many tourists go to the Islands of the Moon and the Sun, where the ruins of Indian temples are preserved. On the islands, the Inca priests performed their sacred rites, and tribal leaders were buried. It should be borne in mind that both islands belong to Bolivia, so to visit them you need to cross the border of this country.

Natural attractions

Titicaca attracts tourists with the beauty of its high mountain nature. At a distance from the lake shores, the snow-capped peaks of the Andes rise. On the northwestern coast lies the territory national reserve"Titicaca". The natural reserve, covering 36,180 hectares, was created to protect the unique biodiversity of the mountain reservoir and colonies of nesting and migratory birds.

Reed boat of the Uros Indians

The reed-covered shores of Titicaca have been designated as wetlands since 1997. international importance and are protected as a habitat rare species waterfowl - ducks, geese, seagulls and flamingos. The waters of the lake are inhabited by salmon trout, reaching a length of one meter.

Titicaca is a high-altitude lake located at an altitude of 3812 meters in the Andes on the border of two South American countries - Bolivia and Peru. It is the highest navigable lake in the world, the second largest in South America, and is also the custodian of the largest reserve of fresh water on the continent. According to legends, there are countless treasures hidden at the bottom of the lake. ancient civilization, which once lived in this territory. The reservoir is surrounded by many myths and mysteries and has been very popular among researchers and seekers of adventures and precious treasures for many hundreds of years.

The lake received its name - Titicaca - from the Spaniards. It consists of two words: “titi” (puma) and “kaka” (rock), which translated from the Quechua Indian language means “mountain puma”. The Aymara and Quechua peoples called the reservoir "Mamacota". Even earlier, before the appearance of these peoples on these lands, the reservoir was called “Lake Pukina”, i.e. located on the territory of the country of the Pukina people, which has now ceased to exist.

According to geologists, Lake Titicaca was part of an ancient sea nearly a hundred million years ago, confirmed by the presence of marine fish, crustaceans and even sharks, as well as the presence of preserved traces of the sea surf on the slopes of the mountains and fossilized remains of marine animals on the shores of the lake. Scientists say that the Andes are fairly young mountains that are in the process of growing, and they are growing unevenly - in the northern part more actively than in the southern. Previously, Titicaca lay 3,750 meters lower than it is today, and was a bay, which, due to one of the natural disasters, turned into a lake that rose along with the mountains.

Lake Titicaca consists of two sub-basins connected by the Tiquina Strait. The area of ​​the vast reservoir, located in the north of the Antiplano mountain plateau, is 8300 km². The average depth of the lake is 140-180 m, and the maximum reaches 281 m. The water temperature always remains between 10-12 C, but at night the water freezes near the shores. The salinity of the reservoir is 1%, which makes it a freshwater lake.

In total, about 300 rivers flow into Lake Titicaca, which come from the glaciers surrounding Antiplano. The five main rivers feeding the lake are: Coata, Sucez, Ramis, Ilawe and Huancane. Only one river flows from the lake - the Desaguadero, which then heads south through Bolivia to the closed lake Poopo. This water runoff represents only about 5% of the total water balance - the rest of the water lost is subject to evaporation due to intense sunlight at altitude and strong winds.

On the shores of Lake Titicaca there are settlements of the Aymara and Quechua peoples, and the floating reed islands of the Uros, the number of which reaches 40, are inhabited by the Uru Indians.

The original goal pursued by the creators of floating pieces of land was the ability to quickly move when a threat to their population arose. Many of them even have fire towers built from reeds.

There are several other islands in the lake: Amantani, Taquile, Isla del Sol (Island of the Sun) and Suriki.

The low and level shores of Lake Titicaca, characterized by a temperate climate, are often bordered by thickets of reeds (totora). Such vegetation is most characteristic of Andean lakes. Occasionally they form impenetrable thickets, which can be seen in the north of the lake.

Uru Indians spending time on the reed islands most time, they not only build houses from it, but also build boats, make sails and clothes. Representatives of these tribes feed on fish, animals and birds inhabiting the islands.

In recent decades, there has been a tendency towards the rapid disappearance of the Uru people, who are slowly mixing with the Aymara and Quechua Indians. As for flora and fauna, Titicaca is quite rich in plankton, fish and other living creatures. The fish population is represented mainly by carp and crucian carp. The lake is also home to fish brought from reservoirs. North America trout, quite successfully acclimatized in these parts. But artificially stocked predatory salmon have caused serious damage to local species. Coastal thickets serve as a home for birds, mainly waterfowl, for example, Chocas marsh ducks. The world of flora, in addition to reeds, is represented by polyfolia, water plague and other water-loving vegetation.

The first images of Lake Titicaca in Europe were demonstrated in 1553 by the Spanish chronicler Cieza de Leon.

Local legends say that at the bottom of the famous South American reservoir lies the lost city of Wanaka, which contains the Incan gold that they dumped into the lake during the advance of the Spanish conquistadors. There have been attempts to find these untold riches more than once. The first serious project dedicated to exploring the depths of the lake was headed by the famous Jacques Cousteau, who dived there in a submarine in 1968. He managed to find only ancient pottery.

In 1980, the Bolivian scientist and writer Huto Boero Roch reported that the remains of ancient settlements had been discovered at the bottom of the lake, namely in its northeastern part. He stated that he had found a temple built from giant stone blocks, and leading to unknown places, stone stairs and roads, the bases of which were buried in thickets of algae.

Already in 1988, the American magazine National Geographic organized an expedition to mysterious lake, but their attempts also turned out to be practically ineffective.

At the end of the summer of 2000, Italian archaeologists and divers found at a depth of 30 meters a huge stone terrace, which, in their opinion, is an ancient pavement, long wall(about 1 km) and a stone sculpture in the form of a human head, similar to the sculptures of the city of Tiwanaku, located 19 km from Titicaca. The approximate age of the antiquities found is 1500 years.

The beginning of 2001 was marked by confirmation of the existence of an ancient city at the bottom of the famous lake. Italian researcher Lorenzo Epis reported that the dimensions of the ancient sacred temple he found at the bottom of the reservoir are 200 by 40 meters. The lake did not reveal its secrets for a long time, and researchers, without giving up, again and again began to study its depths. And finally, at the beginning of October of this year, their efforts were rewarded: through the joint efforts of Belgian and Bolivian archaeologists, at the bottom of Lake Titicaca, on the Bolivian side, they discovered great amount ancient finds. Their number amounted to about 2,000 unique artifacts, including dishes and ceramic figurines, vessels with the head of a puma, silver and gold items dating back to various eras, including the era of the Inca Empire.

The co-founder of the project, Christophe Delare, says that they found archaeological finds civilization of Tiwanaku, Incas, and on the surface - material from the 18th-20th centuries. The project is designed for three years. During this time, scientists promise to study, evaluate and protect the heritage of past generations.

Particular attention should be paid to the burial towers of Silustani, which contain the burial places of local leaders of the Inca Empire, the island of Taquile (“island of knitting men”) with a textile museum, the high mountain village of Chuquito, famous ancient church Santo Domingo, as well as the island of Amantani, where you can see the temples of Pachatata and Pachamama, located at an altitude of about 4200 meters.

Just 20 km from the folklore capital of Peru and also large city In this region, the city of Puno, is the ancient port city of Tiahuanaco, rising 30 meters above the lake. Here you can see the Kalasasaya stone, the Akapana pyramid and the Gate of the Sun, built from huge stone blocks.

Climbing to the top of Taquile Island, you can see stunning views of the lake and surrounding area.

When I had the opportunity to visit Peru, where my goal was to get acquainted with the monuments of pre-Columbian civilizations, I did not fail to get to know such an amazing and mysterious place, How Lake Titicaca. Of course, in order to even superficially get acquainted with all the sights of this natural wonder, you need much more time than the few days that I had at my disposal. But I am grateful to fate that I had the opportunity in such short term enjoy this unique phenomenon.

I managed to meet these amazing places, like the floating islands on Lake Titicaca, the island of male knitters Taquile, and also learn many interesting facts about the nature of the lake and the culture of ancient civilizations, whose history is directly related to these lands.

Where is Lake Titicaca located and why is it unique?

Lake Titicaca is located in the Cordillera mountain range, in the South, between two states - Peru and Bolivia, at an altitude of more than 3800 m above sea level. The special features of Lake Titicaca are that it consists of two parts: the western smaller and the eastern larger. Both parts are connected by a strait about 800 m wide. The length of the reservoir is about 160 km, the width is about 80 km. The maximum depth of Lake Titicaca is 381 m, the average is 140 m, and the bottom slope noticeably decreases towards the eastern, Bolivian coast.

Regarding the fact Why was Lake Titicaca called that?, there are many versions. According to the most common one, this is a composite name of two words from the local Quechua tribes “titi” + “caca”, which are translated, respectively, as “puma” and “rock”, which can be interpreted as a mountain puma or a stone puma. This beautiful version is confirmed by the appearance of the lake on the map - it really resembles this representative of the felines.

The main mystery of the lake is its origin. It is believed that it was once part of the ocean or a sea bay. Then, as a result of some cataclysm, it turned out to be isolated, and then, together with the surrounding plateau, raised to such a height. This is evidenced by the traces of the surf left on the coastal rocks, the remains of marine fossils that are periodically found on its bottom and shores.

Besides, fauna of Lake Titicaca contains a large amount sea ​​creatures. However, the salinity of the water is one ppm, which allows the lake to be considered a fresh body of water. The water temperature is constant throughout the year and stays between 10-14°. In addition, in deep layers it is 11°, while in most lakes in the world with such depths it is about 4°. Lake Titicaca is fed by more than 20 relatively large rivers and many small rivulets; only one flows out of it, which accounts for 5 to 10% of the lake’s water balance. The rest of the water loss is due to evaporation.

Lake Titicaca is also considered the highest navigable body of water in the world.

Main attractions

If you manage to visit the Peruvian part of Lake Titicaca, first of all try to get acquainted with the following attractions:

  • Taquile Island. The ancient textile craft is practiced on the island. Known as the island of male knitters. The fact is that local women are engaged only in preparatory and weaving work. All knitting is entrusted to men, starting from the age of eight. Uniqueness and high level Their mastery led to local art being declared an Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO. The life and lifestyle of the local residents also deserves attention. It is a cross between the primitive communal system and democracy. Management is carried out by collective meetings, there are no household amenities such as electricity, medicine. The island's inhabitants subsist mainly on subsistence farming, receiving only some products from the mainland that cannot be grown in local conditions.
  • . The Uros people settled in these places even before the Incas, and at the time of their arrival lived on the coast. The invasion of more powerful tribes forced the Uros people to move to man-made islands made from the totora reed growing here. This allowed them to leave their place at any time and move to a safe distance. Since then, reed has become for them not only a place of residence, but also the main building material (dwellings and boats are made from it), as well as a food product (dishes and drinks are prepared from it) and even medicine.

Floating reed islands of Uros

By the way, the island itself, although it gives the impression of being fragile, is actually up to 13 meters thick. A constant aggressive environment requires periodic renewal of the “soil”. During the rainy season, this procedure is performed up to once a month. At the moment, there are just over forty such islands, home to several hundred inhabitants.

  • Chulpa Silustani. Funerary towers located near Lake Titicaca, which are associated with the culture of the mysterious Aymara people living in these places. Grandiose buildings, reaching a height of 12 meters, built from stone blocks. The Aymara placed the mummified bodies of their leaders in them. It is unknown what technologies were used to build such towers. The very origin of the Aymara people remains mysterious. It is only known that before the reign of the Incas, they managed to create a powerful civilization, and the territory of their possessions included modern Peru, Bolivia, as well as parts of Argentina and Chile.
  • Portal to the city of the gods. A giant rock with something carved into it that resembles a huge gate, as well as a keyhole. According to one legend, this is a place where contact with the souls of the dead is possible; according to another, a local priest led his people away through this gate during the arrival of the Spanish conquerors. Whether this is the border of the worlds or the door to the underworld is unknown. In any case, the place is majestic and mysterious. The locals avoid it in every possible way, citing the incomprehensible things that constantly happen here.

Portal to the city of the gods

How to get there

To visit the attractions located in the Peruvian part of the lake, you need to get to the city of Puno. This can be done in the following way:

  • by bus from Lima, it will take 25 hours and cost 30-45 dollars;
  • by train from Lima, it will take 9 hours and cost 30 dollars.

Titicaca. The most mysterious, deep-water lake in South America - video

Titicaca is an incredibly beautiful lake, known to people for many millennia. There are numerous legends and myths about it, but it still keeps secrets that modern scientists cannot unravel. This is the most mysterious, deep-water lake in South America. Enjoy watching!

  • Since there are many legends associated with a supposedly mysterious city hidden under water, many attempts have been made to explore the bottom of the lake. One of The first explorers were the famous Jacques-Yves Cousteau, who with his team conducted an expedition to the lake back in 1968. A submarine was used for the survey, but all artifacts recovered were limited to a few samples of pottery.
  • In 1988, the famous publication became interested in the topic of exploring the island. National Geographic, but the work they carried out also did not bring much results.
  • In 2000 it was held expedition of Italian archaeologists. They examined the lake with diving equipment and discovered at a depth of thirty meters the remains of a stone wall about one kilometer long, a terrace identified as part of a stone road, and a stone sculpture in the form of a human head.
  • In 2013 there were held research by an international group of archaeologists, and they managed to discover more than two thousand items of historical value. Among them, in particular, 31 fragments of gold items were discovered in close proximity from the island of Isla del Sol, which has sacred significance for the locals.
In South America there is another amazing miracle of nature -. Iguazu is a national natural park located on the border of two countries - Argentina and Argentina.

Amazing Lake Titicaca, hidden in the Andes, is home to many people. Many cities and villages are located along its banks. Some live on islands in the middle of the lake. And some people build islands themselves so that they never leave the lake. In legends, the Incas, Aymara and other peoples call this territory the home of their ancestors.

is the highest navigable lake in the world. Its height above sea level is more than 3800 meters, and its average depth is about 150 meters. It is located in South America and is located on the border of two states - Peru and Bolivia, on the Altiplano plateau. The water in the lake is green and quite cold; it often freezes near the shores, and its average temperature is 11 degrees. The salinity of the water is about 1%, so it is considered fresh. Titicaca received its name from the Quechua Indians who live around its shores, as well as on the floating Uros islands made from totora reeds in the lake itself. “Titi” is translated from the Quechua language as “puma”, this is the totem animal of the local Indians, and “caca” means “rock”. According to another version, the name of the lake was given by the Spaniards, and among the Aymara and Quechua Indians it was called “Mamacota”.

basic information

NameLake Titicaca,
Spanish Titicaca,
Quechua, Aymara Titiqaqa
Where isIn South America, on the border of Peru and Bolivia in the Andes, on the high plateau of the Altiplano
GPS coordinates15° 50′ 11″ S, 69° 20′ 19″ W
-15.836389°, -69.338611°
What isThe world's highest navigable lake, the second largest lake in South America
Height above sea level3812 - 3821 m (depending on the season)
Flowing riverDesaguadero
Maximum depth281 m
Length230 km
Width97 km
Coastline1125 km
Water typeFresh, salinity about 1 ppm
PeculiarityThe lake has floating Uros islands made of totora reeds, where Quechua and Aymara Indians live.

The main questions that interest everyone about this lake are how it got so high and why it is inhabited sea ​​fish? According to a number of studies, it turns out that many millions of years ago the plateau on which the lake is located was part sea ​​bay, as evidenced by traces of the surf on the mountain slopes, as well as fossils of large marine inhabitants on the shores of the lake. But as a result of tectonic activity when the plates of the earth’s crust collided, the Altiplano plateau rose to a height of about 4 kilometers.

In the lake itself, at a depth of about 30 meters, researchers discovered stone terraces, sculptures and a 1 kilometer long pavement, indicating that the lake was previously shallower. From local legends it follows that the city of Wanaku was once located there, but it was flooded.

Read also:

Lake Titicaca in Peru is overgrown with totora reeds, from which local residents build floating islands, their houses and boats

Lake Titicaca on the map

How to get from Cusco to Puno

So, to see it for yourself amazing lake Titicaca, we arrived by bus to the Peruvian city of Puno, inhabited mainly by indigenous Indians. Many buses from different companies go here. We arrived at the Cusco bus terminal early in the morning, bought tickets from Tour Peru for 30 soles each and went to Puno at 8.00. The next flight from Transzela departs at 8.30. We spent about 7 hours on the road. There was one stop for 15 minutes with the opportunity to buy all kinds of local sweets, chips, juices or coffee. There was also a very clean toilet there.

Hotels in Puno and Lake Titicaca

Everyone who comes to the city of Puno has one goal - to see the unique Lake Titicaca. The choice with accommodation is the following: find a very good one or inexpensive hotel in Puno or settle right on the lake - on the reed island!

Best hotels in Puno

  • Libertador Lago Titicaca Puno- grade 9.1 . Best hotel 5* in Puno, located on the island of Esteves. Puno is only 5 minutes by car. Everyone sailing from the port of Puno on an excursion around the lake must pass by the majestic hotel. Beautiful rooms overlooking the lake and an excellent restaurant serving international and local dishes. The hotel has a fitness room and sauna. There is a park around the hotel, and guests are happy to see wild animals there. Book >>
  • Mirador del Titikaka- grade 9.1 . The hotel is located on a hill and the rooms have views of Lake Titicaca. Guests note the warm, ethnic-style rooms and incredibly helpful staff. The hotel has a good restaurant and breakfast is included in the room rate. There is an Inca Trail on site, so you can walk Book >>

Cheap hotels in Puno

  • Hostal Helena Inn- grade 9.1. The hotel is located in the city center. The rooms are small, but cozy and clean. Some rooms have views of Lake Titicaca. A delicious breakfast is included in the price. Guests note the friendly staff and their willingness to help. Book >>
  • Cozy Hostel- grade 8.3 . The hostel with private and shared rooms is located in the city center. The rooms are decorated in ethnic style. The price includes breakfast. There is a shared kitchen. Book >>

Best hotel on Lake Titicaca in the Uros Islands

  • Uros Titicaca Lodge- grade 9.7 . The best family hotel on the Uros Islands. The rooms have a private terrace overlooking the lake and a private bathroom. While on Uros Island you can get involved with local families, go on reed boat rides and fish, and learn about the culture of the people of Lake Titicaca. This unique experience, which will be remembered for a long time. Guests note that family members are very caring and help their guests with everything. The price includes meals. The hosts provide transfers from Puno. Book >>

Excursion to Lake Titicaca from Puno to Lake Titicaca

Having arrived in Puno and checked into a hotel, we immediately went to the local port to see what options we had to see the lake. Having studied the proposals, we decided that it would be enough for us to get acquainted with the lake and local culture. day excursion along the lake with stops on two islands: the floating Uros and the usual Taquila. There was an offer to spend the night on a distant island, but we decided to spend the whole day on the lake without spending the night on the islands and return to Puno in the evening. There shouldn’t be any problems with tickets; you can easily buy them at the pier right before departure at a time convenient for you. Having dealt with all this, we went to bed with peace of mind. And in the morning we ran to the port twenty minutes before the departure of the first boat and bought tickets for a tour of the islands of Uros (Las islas Uros) and Taquile. Departure is at 7.45 and the tour costs 25 soles per person. However, along the way we still had to pay 5 soles to pay for the pass to the Uros Islands. The tour lasts 9 hours and the boat arrives in Puno at approximately 17.00.

Puno Map

Puno City Map

Map of attractions around Lake Titicaca

Floating Uros Islands on Lake Titicaca in Peru

As usual, newly arrived tourists are met by the president of the floating island and talk for about five minutes about how they build such islands and lead them to them household. He speaks Spanish, and some things were clear to us, but others, naturally, were not. In any case, he accompanied his story with an example of natural visual aids: totora reeds, small houses, toy boats and human figures. Just like a teacher at school. Then the president, of course, offers to take a ride in their Mercedes, a beautiful reed boat, and then the grandmothers come running in, wanting to sell their products. But tourists mostly brush it off and try to look at the amazing floating island, for which they actually came here, and which the locals created with their own hands.

Video excursion to the Uros Islands on Lake Titicaca

These islands are built using ancient primitive technologies from totora, a local reed-reed plant that grows on the lake. The ancestors of the current islanders once did not share something with the Incas and fled to Titicaca, their historical homeland, where they hid in the green waters of the lake. Since then, all they have been doing is building islands, then placing meager dwellings right on top of the floating island, and living, preserving ancient traditions. Their legends tell that these people were the very first on Earth, that they appeared precisely at Lake Titicaca, and from here they dispersed throughout the surrounding area. The legends of the neighbors confirm this, calling the islanders “the first people.”

Be that as it may, now the fugitives carefully preserve their culture and do not want to return to the mainland. And what should they do there? They only know how to build islands and weave beautiful rugs. Young people, they say, are still trying to fit into the life of the rest of the country and are getting an education. And their parents in the 20th century found another niche: Puno, as the folklore capital of Peru, is now famous for its floating reed islands and their ancient inhabitants. And that’s all tourists need!

Taquile Island on Titicaca

The next point on the program was the rocky island of Taquile. To do this, we left the bay and found ourselves in the open space of a huge lake. That’s when you realize what a miracle it is! Green waters splash nearby, the sky seems endless, and you feel as if you are sailing on the sea. It is not surprising that many peoples consider this place their ancestral home, and around Titicaca there are the most ancient and incomprehensible cities.

People also lived on the island of Taquile a long time ago. Incan and pre-Incan ruins have been found here. All of them, however, are in rather poor condition. Almost nothing remains to this day. Nevertheless, it is interesting to walk around the island.

We, of course, knew that the Incas and other peoples loved to build on the tops of hills, so we went there to look for ruins. Oh, and it’s not an easy job to go up the steps three days after finishing and at an altitude of 3800 meters above sea level! Moreover, we had to hurry, since we were allotted only two and a half hours to explore the island (and we had to arrive at the port at 14.20), otherwise we would have to spend the night here, but we did not want that.

We managed to climb only one part of Taquile Island. Surprisingly, once again the rural hinterland of Peru reminds me of Ireland and Wales. Something in common in the landscapes and buildings seems to hint at subtle connections between such distant civilizations. But I sat on the top of the hill, looked at the surface of the water and remembered Thor Heyerdahl, who sailed across the ocean on the Kon-Tiki boat. And this boat was the same as those made by the inhabitants of the Uros Islands, the most ancient people near Lake Titicaca.

Storm on Lake Titicaca near Puno

On the way back to Puno we were hit by a strong storm that turned into hail, a rare event in Peru. But despite the fact that we ran to the hotel completely wet, it was a truly eventful day. Lake Titicaca, being the main energy center of the region, seemed magical and amazing to us. And it is no coincidence that so many incredible and inexplicable places are concentrated around it, like or