Fair on Red Square June. Opening ceremony of the book festival “Red Square. We want to see your unique experience

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From 3 to 6 June 2017 will be held in Moscow book festival "Red Square", dedicated to Pushkin’s birthday and Russian Language Day.

More than 400 publishing houses from all over Russia will present fiction, children's, educational and popular science literature. Interactive presentations, performances, lectures, master classes, meetings with favorite writers, quizzes and competitions will be organized for readers.

The participants of the festival will be teachers and students of the State Institute of Russian Language named after. A.S. Pushkin.

14:00 Final of the Moscow stage of the Russian Reading Aloud Championship among high school students “Page 17”

8 schoolchildren will read passages pre-selected by the organizers aloud without preparation. The winner will become the Moscow champion in reading aloud and will take part in the all-Russian final, where he will compete with children from 7 cities for the main prize - 300 thousand rubles.

Moscow finalists will be judged on Red Square Katerina Shpitsa, theater and film actress, TV presenter, Konstantin Milchin, journalist, editor of the portal about literature "Gorky", Ekaterina Rubleva, head of the department of modern methods of teaching the Russian language at the State Institute of Russian Language named after A.S. Pushkin.

15.30-16.20 Presentation of the project “Reading Onegin”

The video book “Eugene Onegin” is a four-hour marathon in which more than 200 readers from Russia and 24 countries took part. The famous novel in verse was read by astronauts, musicians, ministers, actors and the most ordinary fans of A.S. Pushkin. The video book will be presented at the festival by the Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation Tatiana Golikova, Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Moscow Department of Culture Alexander Kibovsky, director of the State Museum. A.S. Pushkin Evgeny Bogatyrev. ​

Two students of the Pushkin Institute will take part in the readings: Zhang Luyao from China, Gavrich Lukashin from Serbia.

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Opening ceremony of the book festival "Red Square"

When: June 3 12:00-13:30

At the concert in honor of the opening of the festival State Symphony Orchestra "New Russia" under the direction of People's Artist of the Russian Federation Yuri Bashmet will present a program of the most recognizable and spectacular symphonic works by Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev, Mussorgsky and Berlioz. The famous "Dawn on the Moscow River" from "Khovanshchiny" and two very different musical versions "Romeo and Juliet"- Tchaikovsky and Prokofiev. Maestro Bashmet himself will appear on stage not only as a conductor, but also as a soloist - he will perform the viola part in the finale of Berlioz’s famous “Byronic” symphony "Harold in Italy". Also on the concert program is the famous Waltz-Scherzo for violin and orchestra by Pyotr Tchaikovsky, performed by soloist violinist Nikolai Sachenko. The concert will be hosted by famous music critic Artem Vagraftik.

Creative meetings on the main stage

On main stage The festival will feature not only musical and literary compositions, but also leading writers, directors and other cultural figures.

June 3 at 15:00 there will be an open interview with the laureate "Big Book" for novels "Laurel" And writer Evgeny Vodolazkin. June 4 at 13:30 author "Night Watch" science fiction writer Sergei Lukyanenko will answer the provocative question “Why don’t writers write books.”

And then June 4 at 14:30 director Sergei Solovyov will present new books from the series "Those with whom I...". These are stories-memories about Alexander Abdulov, Alexei Batalov, Mikhail Ulyanov, Oleg Yankovsky, Tatyana Drubich, Alexander Zbruev and other outstanding actors.

June 4 at 15:30 writer and historian Edward Radzinsky in an open lecture "A Look at History" will talk about turning points in Russian history and present his new book in the genre of “new prose or dialogues.” These are five stories-plays in which important historical events are shown through the eyes of a woman.

Anatoly Bely

Vyacheslav Prokofiev/TASS

June 4 at 19:30 Honored Artist of Russia Anatoly Bely will present his educational project "Cinepoetry". Together with Igor Khripunov, Alisa Grebenshchikova and Sergei Belogolovtsev, he will read poems by Silver Age poets, alternating live readings with poetic mini-films.

Presentations of the main book releases of the season

In the pavilion "Fiction" The best Russian writers will perform all four days. They will present new books, answer questions, and participate in discussions with leading critics.

Evgeny Vodolazkin, Elena Chizhova, Alexey Varlamov and others will present collections at the “meeting of two capitals” "Moscow: meeting place" And (June 3, 17:45-18:30). And the legendary journalist, writer and photographer Yuri Rost will present a two-volume book "Ragtime"— stories and portrait sketches that depict an entire era, from the 60s of the last century to the present day (June 3, 18:30-19:15).

press service of Elena Shubina Publishing House

At the event "Book binge "Page 17"" in the lecture hall of the site "Fiction" will read and discuss the novel "The Secret Year" Mikhail Gigolashvili, finalist "Big Book" this season (June 3, 20:45-21:30). Critic Mitya Samoilov and publisher Elena Shubina will talk about one of the most mysterious periods of Russian history, when Ivan the Terrible left the throne and secluded himself for a year in Alexandrova Sloboda. "The Secret Year"- psychodrama with elements of phantasmagoria. However, it is a detailed description of two weeks in the life of Ivan IV that allows us to understand the nature of power outside a specific historical era and answer the question: why the figure of the formidable king is again relevant in the 21st century.

press service of the publishing house AST

Writer German Sadulayev will present an intellectual pulp fiction full of sarcasm about the 2010s "Ivan Auslander"(June 4, 13:15-14:00), and Roman Senchin will read excerpts from the new collection "Disruption", which included the famous novel "Yeltyshevs" and stories "Daughter", "Gavrilov" and others (June 6, 15:00-15:45). Detective fans will be able to meet the master of action-packed psychological novels Tatyana Ustinova (June 3, 19:15-20:00) and attend an open interview "Were the 90s" with popular detective author Alexandra Marinina (June 4, 14:00-14:45).

Total in the site program "Fiction" about 200 meetings and discussions.

Evening in memory of Yevgeny Yevtushenko

Where: main stage at St. Basil's Cathedral
When: June 3, 19:30-20:45

Just a year ago, Yevgeny Yevtushenko read excerpts from an autobiographical novel on this stage "Bering Tunnel", recalled the post-war years, his poet friends, answered questions and signed books for everyone until late in the evening, but the line did not disperse and did not disperse. This year, in memory of the poet, his poems will be performed by artists Ivan Agapov, Vladimir Skvortsov, Alexei Sheinin, Daria Mikhailova, Daria Belousova, poet Vladimir Vishnevsky and others. The culmination of the readings will be a rock opera "Vanka-Vstanka" composer Vladimir Mulyavin based on a poem by Yevtushenko "The Tale of a Russian Toy". It will be performed by rock musicians, laureates of international competitions Pyotr Elfimov and Evgeny Egorov (group "Epidemic") and vocalist from Yekaterinburg Kirill Nechaev. Writer, poet and historian Igor Volgin will take part in the program. The evening is hosted by poet Vladimir Vishnevsky.

Evgeniy Yevtushenko

Roman Khramovnik/TASS

Presentations of iconic non-fiction novelties

On the site "Non-fiction" prose writers, poets, scientists and cultural figures will present new books and organize a series of lectures, discussions and master classes.

It is here that the widow of the first president of Russia Naina Yeltsin will present her book of memoirs "Personal life", written after much doubt and persuasion from loved ones (June 5, 18:00-19:00). In her memoirs, she recalls the history of her family from the 1930s to the present day and tells the story of her relationship with Boris Yeltsin, with whom she lived for more than fifty years.

Naina Yeltsina

Lyubov Kabalinova/yeltsin.ru

The fate of Naina Yeltsina was such that her personal life became part of the history of a large country at the turn of the era. The president's wife saw many historical events from a very close distance - the first national presidential elections in Russia, the August 1991 putsch, the collapse of the USSR, the political crisis of 1993, the default of 1998...

Writer and journalist, literary prize winner "Big Book" Pavel Basinsky, author of several books about Leo Tolstoy, will summarize his many years of searching for the “true Tolstoy” and present the book "Leo Tolstoy is a free man"(5 June, 13:15-14:00). Poet Andrei Rumyantsev will talk about another Russian classic from the 20th century - Valentin Rasputin, who would have turned 80 this year. Rumyantsev, who knew Valentin Rasputin from the time they studied at Irkutsk University and having been friends with the writer all his life, tried to write his biography (June 6, 11:00-11:45).

Dmitry Bykov will present the book “Mayakovsky. Tragedy-buffe in six acts"(June 5, 15:45-16:30), and critic and writer Lev Danilkin - biography (June 3, 19:30-20:15). Translators, leaders of the literary translation workshop in Moscow State University Alexandra Borisenko and Viktor Sonkin will give an open lecture "Translation as an adventure and a detective story"(4 June, 15:00-15:45). And the intellectuals and experts of the club "What? Where? When?" Anatoly Wasserman and Nurali Latypov will organize a super blitz for everyone "Through the pages of your favorite books"(June 3, 21:00-22:00).

press service of the publishing house "Young Guard"

“About Dima and Others” - presentation of a book and cartoon about a boy with disabilities

“About Dima and others” was invented by an ordinary mother Natalya Remish, who was trying to find answers to her child’s difficult questions about the differences between children. The book's five poems address issues important to conscious parenting. Attitudes towards people with special needs, towards representatives of other nationalities, attitudes towards old age, material values ​​and friendship. Famous psychologists and child education specialists took part in the creation of the book. Each poem is accompanied by expert commentary. The book will be presented by TV presenter and actress Olga Shelest and daughter of rapper Basta Masha Vakulenko, who voiced the characters in the cartoon. Actress Evelina Bledans and TV presenter Irina Muromtseva will talk about their personal experiences and read poems from the book.

Poetry slam: presentation of the “Anthology of Poetry and Literatures of the Peoples of Russia”

Poetry slam “Anthology of poetry and literature of the peoples of Russia”- a unique opportunity to hear what our country sounds like. Poets from more than 20 regions of Russia will vividly and artistically read their own works, presenting their national language. Moreover, each presentation will be preceded by a brief information about the language and region. Total in "Anthology of poetry and literature of the peoples of Russia" included 700 works by 229 poets, written in 57 national languages, and their translations into Russian. The preface to the unusual publication was written by Russian President Vladimir Putin. In the lecture hall of the tent "Regions of Russia" the book will be presented by a poet and translator, prize winner "Poet" 2017 Maxim Amelin and literary critic Nikolai Alexandrov.

publishing house press service

“I want and I will” - presentation of the book by psychologist Mikhail Labkovsky

A popular practicing psychologist with 35 years of experience, who has captivated audiences with a tough, unsentimental approach to psychology, does not ask the question: to be happy or not to be. He immediately declares: I want and I will! And he teaches others the same. At the book presentation Labkovsky will tell you how to improve your relationship with yourself, sort out your relationship with your loved one and raise happy children. You can ask Mikhail Labkovsky any questions and get an express consultation.

press service of the publishing house "Alpina Publisher"

Total dictation

Where: main stage at St. Basil's Cathedral
When: June 5, 16:30-17:30

Anyone who wants to test their literacy will be able to write "Total dictation" under the dictation of the writer and historian Leonid Yuzefovich, who authored the text this year. Project "Total dictation"— an annual educational event, voluntary free dictation in Russian for everyone. Since 2006, it has been held in April in dozens of cities in Russia and the world simultaneously. And only this time at the festival there will be a “re-examination” for everyone who missed it.

Every year, a famous writer writes a dictation text specifically for the event. In 2017, it was invented by Leonid Yuzefovich. Actually, he will dictate his essay from the stage, and the experts are the editor-in-chief of the portal Gramota.ru Vladimir Pakhomov and project manager "Total dictation" Olga Rebkovets will work on the mistakes. In addition, they will tell you why hundreds of thousands of people voluntarily take dictation every year, and will remind viewers of one of the most problematic rules of Russian spelling.

Leonid Yuzefovich

Rostislav Netisov/TASS

Lyceum Award Ceremony

Where: main stage at St. Basil's Cathedral
When: June 6, 16:30-17:30

A literary prize was established in 2017 "Lyceum" for young writers and poets writing in Russian. The list of its finalists, which was announced on May 16, includes 20 best authors - 10 poets and 10 prose writers. At the awards ceremony, the jury will name six winners - three in each category, "Poetry" And "Prose". The ceremony will be accompanied by an original musical program from a chamber ensemble. Questa Musica.

Poetry evening “Our Pushkin”

Where: main stage at St. Basil's Cathedral
When: June 6, 18:30-19-30

For 17 years now Moscow Art Theater named after A.P. Chekhov hold literary evenings "Reading Circle". The author of the idea and the permanent director of such evenings is Honored Artist of Russia Marina Brusnikina. Two years ago at the festival "Books of Russia" On Red Square, a chamber Moscow Art Theater evening was held for the first time in an open area for an audience of thousands. And this has become a new tradition.

In 2017, on June 6, on the birthday of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, especially for the book festival "Red Square" team "Reading Circle" will present a special poetry evening "Our Pushkin". Leading artists will read the poet's poems from the stage Moscow Art Theater named after A.P. Chekhov— Irina Miroshnichenko and Avangard Leontiev, Dmitry Nazarov and Igor Zolotovitsky, Evgenia Dobrovolskaya and Anatoly Bely, Igor Vernik and Alexander Semchev.

Closing of the festival. Concert "Pushkin Gala"

Festival "Red Square" will end with a concert of soloists "Helikon Opera" And children's musical theater named after Natalia Sats based on the literary works of Pushkin. The most famous arias and duets of Russian composers based on famous Pushkin stories will be performed: "Ruslan and Ludmila" Glinka, "Aleko" Rachmaninov, "Boris Godunov" Mussorgsky. A striking part of the program will be numbers from the most performed works of the world operatic repertoire - "Eugene Onegin" And " Queen of Spades" Tchaikovsky. A Theater named after Natalia Sats will present opera-ballet "The Golden Cockerel" Rimsky-Korsakov, first shown to the world a century ago at "Russian seasons" Sergei Diaghilev in Paris. Director of the evening - artistic director "Helikon Opera", People's Artist of Russia Dmitry Bertman.

The Red Square Book Festival will be held from June 3 to June 6, 2017. 400 publishing houses from all over Russia, from Yakutia to Crimea, will present their books to readers. The program includes meetings with writers and poets, historians and scientists, artists and musicians, as well as discussions and lectures, presentations of new book releases of the season, musical and literary compositions and performances.

The opening ceremony of the festival will take place on June 3 at 12.00. The event will be attended by Deputy Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Sergei Obryvalin.

The festival will delight guests with pleasant innovations. For example, a “National History” platform will be organized for the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution, presentations of publishing programs of the country’s leading museums will be held, and the GodLiterature.rf portal will host an online broadcast of the most interesting events of the festival.

“Visitors can expect meetings with famous prose writers, performances by contemporary poets, theatrical performances and, of course, new books. Publishers from all regions of the country will present about 100 thousand titles of a wide variety of books for readers to choose from. We are already waiting for proposals and are ready to implement any ideas,” - with these words, Vladimir Grigoriev, Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Deputy Head of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications, opened the start of accepting applications for participation in the festival.

This year, special attention at the festival will be paid to events dedicated to the life and work of Russian authors, whose anniversaries are celebrated in 2017 (including Konstantin Paustovsky, Marina Tsvetaeva, Valentin Kataev, Vladimir Makanin, Bella Akhmadulina, Maximilian Voloshin, Varlam Shalamov, Valentin Rasputin, Robert Rozhdestvensky, Evgeny Yevtushenko, Alexander Sukhovo-Kobylin).

Also on the birthday of the greatest national Russian poet A.S. Pushkin, June 6, on the big stage of the festival, the best young writers and poets of our country will be awarded the Lyceum literary prize for the first time. And readers who purchase any book on June 6 on Red Square will receive a festival bookplate with Pushkin’s profile as a gift.

The Red Square Book Festival is organized by the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications with the assistance of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Moscow Government and the Russian Book Union. The chairman of the organizing committee for the Red Square book festival is Advisor to the Russian President for Culture Vladimir Tolstoy. The deputy chairman of the festival organizing committee is the deputy head of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications, Vladimir Grigoriev.

The Red Square Book Festival 2017 is over

The Red Square Book Festival took place from June 3 to 6 in the heart of the capital for the third time. Red Square, the heart of the capital and Russia, became a bookstore for four days and acquired a new humanitarian dimension - literary, musical, theatrical, historical. Recreation areas, lecture halls, pavilions and thematic areas were available to visitors. Famous writers, scientists, poets, and actors performed on the main stage of the festival. In the literary pavilions one could not only get acquainted with the latest book releases, but also purchase them. The doors of GUM were also open to antiquarian book dealers and second-hand book dealers.

The most significant and largest event of the first day, of course, was the presentation of the participants in the “Anthology of Poetry of the Peoples of Russia” - the first collection in recent thirty years, which included works of poets writing in 57 languages ​​of Russia - from Vepsians and Ingrians to Altaians, Nivkhs and Dagestan languages.

On the second day, there was a film screening of the film “Once upon a time,” which is an adaptation of the story by Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Alexander Adabashyan and director Anna Chernakova. Among the guests of the film screening are film playwright, author of the story Alexander Adabashyan, director and actress Anna Chernakova, actors Dmitry Pevtsov, Leonid Bichevin, Anastasia Fursa, Leonid Timtsunik. After immersing themselves in the world of cinema, guests were introduced to the world of music. For fans of the classics there was a concert by pianist and composer Nikola Melnikov.

The concert "Music of the Universe" was organized on June 5, the penultimate day of the festival. The musicians played the theremin, the most original and fascinating musical instrument. Theremin is the only musical instrument that is played by moving the hands in the air, without touching. The concert featured Russian and foreign classical music, jazz compositions, and music from films. A special surprise was the combination of theremin and harp, one of the most ancient musical instruments on the planet.

The Red Square festival brought together more than 400 publishing houses and included about 500 events. The festival ended with the birthday of A.S. Pushkin, June 6. On this day, theatrical performances and performances by young readers appeared before visitors. On the big stage of the festival, the best young writers and poets of our country will be awarded the Lyceum literary prize for the first time. And readers who purchased any book on June 6 on Red Square received a festival bookplate with Pushkin’s profile as a gift.

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