Mountains of Bulgaria. Mountains in Bulgaria: names and photos Where are the mountains in Bulgaria

* Q0 H. F2 f% f. k The Bulgarian mountains are the third highest in Europe - after the Alps and the Pyrenees.+ _3 Z5 T(^7 y& q, )! X
The mountain system consists of the Balkan Range (in the east-west direction, in the middle of Bulgaria) and the Rodopi-Rila-Pirin mountain ranges (southwestern part of Bulgaria), connected in the western part by the Vitosha mountain range.
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) P# x6 G )5 P9 \(m$ w; a Highest point - 2925 m, forest boundary (coniferous and mixed) - on average 1500-1800 m, above the forest zone - mountain forest-tundra, alpine vegetation. No glaciers, snowy cover - from October to May, some snowfields remain in August.
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/ `/ P2, V. J The most famous in Bulgaria in terms of length is Balkan ridge, which is also called Stara Planina.
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6 b5 m5 Q4 p" ?$ a Its length is more than 500 kilometers. Stara Planina divides Bulgaria into two parts - northern and southern, which differ significantly in climatic conditions. This mountain range stretches from the border with Serbia to the Black Sea itself, where it ends Cape Emine. In the western part (at the top of Shipka), the Balkan Mountains rise 1500 meters, and the highest point (top Botva) has a height of 2376 meters above sea level. The southern slope of the Balkan ridge is steep, and the northern slope, descending to the Danube, is gentle. Stara Planina is famous for its deep tunnels and caves in the area of ​​the Iskar River.Using the local heights and rugged terrain, impregnable fortresses were built here.Many balneological centers have been built in the Balkan Mountains, such as Berkovitsa, Troyan, Teteven, etc.Bulgaria.
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/ v2 b% i e$ v) d* ?3 j: C Sredna Gora- the central mountain range located parallel to Stara Planina. 8 x# M$ B" O B())(q(`$ S z3 W" ~

. E% N2 N4 ^0 ((m3 ]5 g! t- A7 \ Its highest peak is Bogdan (1604 m). Its slopes descend evenly to the Thracian Plain. Between Sredna Gora and the Balkans, the Tundzha River valley stretches from west to east. This is the famous Valley of Roses, the main center of which is the city of Kazanlak.9 G s% p4 a U$ v )

6 _0 r5 K. ]# q5 R4 (* i: x(F/ S The mountains belong to the same tectonic age Strandzha And Vitosha. ^$ @9 P* I0 k; e4 ~
Vitosha rises from the southwestern side of Sofia and is a natural continuation of Sredna Gora above the Pancherevskaya ridge. & @4 z& L/ S* ?" `, a
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The rivers Iskar and Struma originate from here. The highest point of Vitosha is Black Top (2290 m). Vitosha has been turned into a national park and is a wonderful place for tourism and recreation. With its diverse flora, it attracts nature lovers all year round. Vitosha is called the “lungs” of Sofia. J([- K, w" v; )
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Strandzha extends southeast from the Tundzha River valley almost to Istanbul.
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. L7n; V6 o9 x; ~2 r Most of it is in Turkey. The Strandzha massif is considered ancient tectonic (formed in ancient times). The peaks of Strandzha are not very high and rounded. On the territory of the Strandzha Mountains there is the largest (116,136 hectares) national park in Bulgaria with the same name.
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Rhodope Mountains (Rhodopi)- the widest mountain range in Bulgaria.
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Its peak Musala (2925 m) rises majestically, being the highest point on the Balkan Peninsula. With its steep slopes covered with snow all year round, its magnificent nature and climate, the interest that the Rila Monastery, hidden in its depths, arouses, Rila enchants and attracts its many lovers and tourists. The mountains are composed of ancient crystalline and metamorphic rocks; up to an altitude of 2000 m above sea level, the mountain slopes are covered with mixed forests (beech, oak, coniferous), above - alpine meadows with small glacial lakes (Seven Rila Lakes, Maritsky Lakes, Chernopolyansky Lakes).
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To the south is Pirin- a mountain of winds and storms.
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This name is often associated with the name of the thunder god Perun. Pirin is one of the highest mountain ranges in Bulgaria, it includes 45 peaks with a height of 2600 m and above. The highest peak is Vihren (2915 m). Of all the Bulgarian mountains, Pirin has best preserved its wild, virgin nature. The slopes of Pirin are covered with pine and spruce trees. Edelweiss blooms here. To the west of the Struma River are the peaks Belasitsa, Osogoju, and Ogritden. Pirin is popular among climbers; there are both difficult routes for professionals and routes that a beginner can climb. There are also opportunities for skiing (for example, the Bansko resort). Mineral springs are also popular among visitors (for example, the Sandanski resort).

Musala (Stalin Peak from 1949 to 1962) is the highest mountain peak in Bulgaria, the Balkan Peninsula and all of Eastern Europe. Height - 2925 meters. It is composed of Paleozoic granites, cut by granite-porphyry veins. Alpine glacial relief. This is how we can dryly describe the place where our Bulgarian friend took us today :)

The peak of Musala is located in the Rila Mountains, within the Rila National Park, near the famous ski resort of Borovets and approximately 80 km from the capital of Bulgaria, Sofia. We used the services of the Borovets ski lift to greatly reduce the ascent time. By the way, pay attention to how little snow there is at the top; skiing is not particularly popular.

Already leaving Sofia in the morning, it was clear that the day would be cloudy and if the sun was still visible on the plain, then the sight of the mountains covered with a dense cap of clouds severely crushed all hopes. However, we are not cut out to take it like that, turn around and retreat with our tails between our legs (figuratively:) We stupidly trudged forward, deciding that if we didn’t make it before dark, we’d go back and spend the night in a house halfway (there’s firewood and matches , we won’t even lose some products). We carefully pushed away the thoughts that a blizzard could start, and we didn’t even have a flashlight :) What added piquancy was the fact that we didn’t know that there was a weather station at the top and according to the plans we were supposed to spend the night there (read the plan carefully trips! :)

Having gained a decent amount of height, the sky began to acquire a bluish tint and then it was finally decided to cut to the top (we shouldn’t have tried! :) The premonition did not deceive us and behind the nearest stone the SKY finally opened up for us! It was like a charge of salt in the ass and we rushed up in fifth gear.

Such bullshit could no longer sway us, we knew: the sun was up! The climb became steeper, but the cable helped out. In the summer, the rope is, of course, overkill, but in the winter there is such ice that the boots can’t hold up, and, of course, we didn’t have crampons.

But this is definitely the top :)

Well, how can this be: we walked all day in a thick gray mass, seeing only each other, and at the top like this?

Imagine our surprise when we saw housing here! And what was Dobril’s surprise when he found out that we didn’t know about it! :) In addition to the caretaker, in the weather service house there were six more of his friends. We, as honored foreign guests, were given a separate room :) Most of us were housed in a room with two-tier bunks. Yes, by the way, there is a computer, internet and wi-fi at the station, and geraniums and a cactus grow on the windowsill :)

It’s an interesting feeling when you stand on the highest peak! It seems like there are the same mountains around, also quite big, but you look ahead and realize that you are the center of the world! Why are you looking at the world from top to bottom? This is probably how plans to take over the world and world domination are born! :)

A fashionable fur jacket rules, but a Columbia down jacket doesn't rule! An icy wind of 15 m/s and a frost of -15 degrees (meteorologists don’t lie:) did not interfere with filming at all. The clouds rushed under our feet like crazy!

According to some researchers, the name of the peak comes from the Turkish "Mus Allah", or "place of prayer", "prayer peak", "close to Allah" and was given during the rule of the Ottoman Empire.

Average annual temperatures: −2.9°С, avg. February temperature - −12.0°С, avg. August - 5.4°C, absolute minimum temperature. −31.2°С, absolute maximum temperature. 18.7°C, the coldest place in Bulgaria. On average, 254 days a year Musala is covered with snow. North-westerly winds predominate.

What else to add here, see for yourself...

For the first time in my life, like this, sitting over an abyss on a pebble, I took pictures :)

After the day's photoshoot there was a short break for strong drinks. We took with us a liter of rakia and 600 ml of medical alcohol (in Bulgaria it is sold in pharmacies without a prescription, but where the hell can you buy it? We showed our Slavic brothers the Russian way of stilling alcohol, which caused quite a stir. It turns out they simply pour alcohol into water or vice versa, shake and, if possible, add glycerin for softness. Our method, although more labor-intensive, gives the best result without any chemicals. This was proven experimentally :) The sunset was beginning and we had to leave the friendly team for a while for an evening photoset.

If there were light clouds, the sunset would have been even steeper, but this one was not bad either...

Naturally, we successfully forgot the tripod in the car, so we had to remove it by hand or leaning against the stones.

A little pretentious, but these are the last rays of sunshine that day...

These are the best, in our opinion, shots. Amazing color and light! This is the first time we see this in a photo. Yes, the sun has already set below the horizon!

When the rakia and vodka were already finished, two more liters of homemade rakia (grape moonshine) suddenly appeared on the table and our Bulgarian friend, Dobril, suggested we go take a photo of the night set “because now is the time” :) Attempts to remove the stars from our hands were not crowned with much success , although it should be noted that among shooters it is not for nothing that vodka is considered a doping. The rest of the photos were still taken “from a rock”:

And here is our friendly team (not in full force, though). I saw another bottle of vodka appeared: I don’t remember that anymore...

The caretaker stamps our passports with the seal of the Musala station :)

Well, all good things come to an end quickly. By morning, the starry sky gave way to... uh, how should I say, cloudy weather, but the night's charge of vivacity and fun easily overcame the morning depression. In short, the whole crowd, except for the caretaker, rushed down...

We met heroic people (father and son, 7-8 years old)! The time was about 10 in the morning, and they were already at the top, and the main thing is that there was no chance of seeing anything!

As you know, going down is always faster. This is especially true when there is ice all around. We descended, in general, very quickly.

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Musala (Stalin Peak from 1949 to 1962) is the highest mountain peak in Bulgaria, the Balkan Peninsula and all of Eastern Europe. Height - 2925 meters. It is composed of Paleozoic granites cut by granite-porphyry veins. Alpine glacial relief. This is how we can dryly describe the place where our Bulgarian friend took us today. :)

Mountain peak Musala in Bulgaria //

The peak of Musala is located in the Rila Mountains, within the Rila National Park, near the famous ski resort of Borovets and approximately 80 km from the capital of Bulgaria, Sofia. We used the services of the Borovets ski lift to greatly reduce the ascent time. By the way, pay attention to how little snow there is at the top; skiing is not particularly popular.


Already leaving Sofia in the morning, it was clear that the day would be cloudy and if the sun was still visible on the plain, then the sight of the mountains covered with a dense cap of clouds severely crushed all hopes. However, we are not cut out to just take it, turn around and retreat with our tails between our legs (figuratively). We stupidly trudged forward, deciding that if we didn’t make it before dark, we’d go back and spend the night in a house halfway (there was firewood, matches, some food, and in short, we wouldn’t waste it). We carefully pushed away the thoughts that a snowstorm could start, and we didn’t even have a flashlight. :) What added piquancy was the fact that we didn’t know that there was a weather station at the top and according to plans we were supposed to spend the night (read the trip plan carefully!).


Having gained a fair amount of height, the sky began to acquire a bluish tint, and then it was finally decided to cut to the top (in vain did they try!). :) The premonition did not deceive us, and behind the nearest stone the SKY finally opened for us! It was like a charge of salt in the ass and we rushed up in fifth gear.


Such bullshit could no longer sway us, we knew: the sun was up! The climb became steeper, but the cable helped out. In the summer, the rope is, of course, overkill, but in the winter there is such ice that the boots can’t hold up, and, of course, we didn’t have crampons.


It's almost the top!


But this is definitely the top. :)


Well, how can this be: we walked all day in a thick gray mass, seeing only each other, and at the top like this?


Imagine our surprise when we saw housing here! And what was Dobril’s surprise when he found out that we didn’t know about it! :) In addition to the caretaker, in the weather service house there were six more of his friends. We, as honored foreign guests, were given a separate room. :) Most of them were housed in a room with two-tier bunks.


It’s an interesting feeling when you stand on the highest peak! It seems like there are the same mountains around, also quite big, but you look ahead and realize that you are the center of the world! Why are you looking at the world from top to bottom? This is probably how plans to take over the world and world domination are born! :)


A fashionable fur jacket rules, but the Columbia down jacket doesn't! An icy wind of 15 m/s and a frost of -15 degrees (meteorologists don’t lie) did not interfere with filming at all. The clouds rushed under our feet like crazy!


According to some researchers, the name of the peak comes from the Turkish "Mus Allah", or "place of prayer", "prayer peak", "close to Allah", and was given during the rule of the Ottoman Empire.


Average annual temperatures: -2.9°C, average February temperature -12°C, August +5.4°C, absolute minimum temperature -31.2°C, absolute maximum temperature +18.7°C, coldest place In Bulgaria. On average, 254 days a year Musala is covered with snow. North-westerly winds predominate.



What else to add here, see for yourself...


For the first time in my life, like this, sitting over the abyss on a pebble, I took pictures. :)


After the day's photoshoot there was a short break for strong drinks. We took with us a liter of brandy and 600 ml of medical alcohol (in Bulgaria it is sold in pharmacies without a prescription, but where the hell can you buy it). We showed our Slavic brothers the Russian way of stilling alcohol, which caused quite a stir. It turns out that they simply pour alcohol into water or, conversely, shake it and, if possible, add glycerin for softness. Our method, although more labor-intensive, gives better results without any chemicals. This has been proven experimentally. :) The sunset was beginning and we had to leave the friendly team for a while for an evening photo shoot.


If there were light clouds, the sunset would have been even steeper, but this one was not bad either...



Naturally, we successfully forgot the tripod in the car, so we had to remove it by hand or leaning against the stones. A little pretentious, but these are the last rays of sunshine that day...



These are the best, in our opinion, shots. Amazing color and light! This is the first time we see this in a photo. Yes, the sun has already set below the horizon.



When the rakia and vodka were already finished, another two liters of homemade rakia (grape moonshine) suddenly appeared on the table, and our Bulgarian friend, Dobril, suggested we go take pictures of the night sky, “because now is the time” :) Attempts to remove the stars from our hands were unsuccessful It was a particular success, although it should be noted that it is not for nothing that shooters consider vodka a doping agent. The rest of the photos were still taken “from a rock”:



And here is our friendly team (not in full force, though). I saw another bottle of vodka appeared: I don’t remember that anymore...


The warden stamps our passports with the seal of the Musala station. :)


Well, all good things come to an end quickly. By morning, the starry sky gave way to... uh, how should I say, cloudy weather, but the night's charge of vivacity and fun easily overcame the morning depression. In short, the whole crowd, except for the caretaker, rushed down...

Many people associate Bulgaria with the sea, sun and golden sand. And I have with the mountains. Bulgaria has stunningly beautiful mountains. Smooth, colorful, wooded, foggy, with valleys, with lawns, with and without houses. Traveling through the Bulgarian mountains is a real pleasure. Here, for example, are the Stara Planina mountains. Somewhere here a Soviet flightless saucer was lost.

Just look at this soft, warm, lamp-like country, Bulgaria. How different she is.

Wonderful color palette. By the way, you can click and view the details.

Green dictatorship.

And these are other mountains - the Rhodope Mountains. What is your first association when you hear the word “Rhodopi”?

I had a saying: “Smoke, girls. Rodopi, so that there are no acne on...”. Did you smoke these?

Now, when I hear the word “Rhodope”, I remember not cigarettes, but the green slopes of ancient mountains. Alpine meadows, red roofs of houses, cows grazing near them.

Click and view the rainbow in detail. This is a real rainbow, don't be afraid.

Vlad vladsokolovsky , reminds me of anything?

Even in bad weather the Rhodope Mountains are beautiful.

And mysterious. Why lie there - all of Bulgaria is imbued with some kind of mysticism and mystery. Sacred land.

This is one of the many villages in the Rhodope Mountains, near the town of Kardzhali.

And this is a deserted crossroads near Borovitsa.

One of the most visited places in this district is the meander of the Arda River (Kardzhali Reservoir). As he says valeryromanov , there is no such thing as bad weather, so I won’t say a word that we weren’t particularly lucky with the sunset. In my opinion, this place is beautiful in any light and weather. This place reminded me very much in Germany - Saarschleife, which I photographed 3 years ago. That place, like this one, made a very strong impression on me.

The Rhodope bull is quite peaceful and does not suggest looking for “seeds in your pockets.”

Yellow raincoat... Deja vu. I've already seen him somewhere during this trip... I can't remember...

Oh yes, it was in Romania.

There are many settlements of Bulgarians of Turkish origin in the Rhodope Mountains. That's why many settlements have the second one. Turkish, name. We stopped for the night in Borovitsa, which is also called Camdere. The largest house in the center of the village for 370 people is the mayor's office. In the same building there is a cafe and the only store.

This is the center of life, villagers gather here - drink beer, coffee, smoke, socialize.

Guests are rare here, so they are always welcome.

Villagers often borrow food, which is sometimes not even recorded - they themselves remember how much and what they took. On the shelves there is a standard set of Selmag. They have their own brandy - even though they are Turks, they have been living in the Balkans for too long. But they couldn’t find any wine - they don’t make it. You can order some dishes on the grill in advance and they will cook them - you won’t leave you hungry.

This is the owner of the store. When he found out that we were from Russia, he smiled broadly: “Oh, brothers!”

For guests in the village there is a whole huge villa on two floors. Despite the fact that most of the time it is empty (perhaps out of season), it is maintained at a decent level. There is amazingly fast internet and hot water.

The walls are decorated with numerous paintings painted by the owner's son. Now he permanently lives somewhere in the center of Europe, is recognized, and his work is in demand.

The best time to travel to the Rhodope Mountains is autumn. Just Google the pictures and you will understand everything yourself. You definitely won’t remain indifferent. I really want to be here again, see it during the day, swim in the rivers, light a fire in the forest, while away a long evening with the villagers in a cafe.

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