What are Mogilev regional centers famous for? Mogilev. From the history of the city

Belarus is one of the countries with great tourism potential. Most people come here for excursions, because over the long and turbulent history of the city, a lot of attractions have accumulated here. These include estates, fortresses, monasteries, and wartime monuments.

Your route around Belarus should include a visit to Mogilev - a clean and well-groomed city with a lot to see.

About Mogilev

There is little evidence left in history about the date of the city's founding. Perhaps it was founded in 1267 - simultaneously with the foundation of the Mogilev Castle. In subsequent centuries, Mogilev was part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Russian Empire.

Battles have always been fought over the city's belonging to one state or another, and this can be explained by its advantageous location. Trade routes from east to west and from north to south pass through Mogilev; it flourished as an important transport hub.

Mogilev did not remain aloof from military events, since it was located on the western borders of the Russian Empire, and then the USSR. In 1812, Russian soldiers fought the French here, and during the Great Patriotic War fierce battles took place near Mogilev. The most famous of them is on the Buynichi field, during the defense of Mogilev in 1941.

Modern Mogilev is the center of the Mogilev region and the 3rd city in Belarus in terms of population. This is a clean city that attracts tourists with its historical buildings and developed infrastructure for a comfortable stay.

Sights of Mogilev

In the center of Mogilev there is Glory Square, which offers beautiful views of the Dnieper River. It arose back in the 16th century and today is the historical heart of Mogilev.

However, the modern appearance of the square was formed in the 80s of the last century. Among the main attractions on Glory Square is the town hall, the construction of which began in the 16th century. At that time, it not only attracted the attention of high-ranking guests - it was the tallest building in Mogilev. Famous personalities, including Catherine II, liked to view the city from the observation deck of the town hall.

During its history, the building burned down more than once, and the first version of the town hall was completely wooden. Only by 2008 was it completely restored. The distinctive feature of the town hall is the tower clock.

Glory Square and Mogilev Town Hall.

Inside the Mogilev Town Hall there is a Museum of Urban History. The exhibition occupies two floors and presents objects dating from the 10th-20th centuries. All of them are connected with the long history of Mogilev. Among the rarities are axes, Slavic amulets, national jewelry, old books and manuscripts, church utensils, ancient icons, traditional clothing, and wartime items. And documents, engravings, drawings and photographs will help you find out what Mogilev looked like in different eras. Along with the permanent exhibition, the Museum of Urban History often hosts temporary exhibitions of Belarusian and foreign artists.

Mogilev Town Hall.

The Mogilev Museum of Local Lore attracts with an equally interesting exhibition. He has been collecting his collection since the 19th century, and today the funds contain 300,000 exhibits. Visitors can see household items, paintings, religious objects, coins, jewelry - almost all things were found during excavations. The museum opened a branch dedicated to ethnography.

Mogilev Museum of Local Lore.

Leninskaya Street, which is pedestrian, starts from Glory Square. It in itself can be considered a historical object: the first information about the street is in sources of the 16th century. Most of the attractions of Mogilev are concentrated in the area of ​​Leninskaya Street.

Bishop's Palace.

Leninskaya Street has preserved ancient buildings, including merchant houses. One of them belonged to the merchant Antashkevich. This is a rare example of civil architecture from the 17th century that has come down to us almost unchanged.

On Leninskaya Street there is also a bishop's palace - a unique monument of the 18th century, intended for Archbishop George of Konissky. Its architecture combines features of early classicism and baroque. Near the palace there were cells that formed the bishop's courtyard. The palace building itself is well preserved, as is its fence. There is a memorial plaque on it.

There are also extraordinary monuments on Leninskaya Street that add variety to city architecture. For example, a monument to an astrologer. This bronze sculptural composition is located on the Square of Stars and is often positioned as the main attraction of Mogilev.

An astrologer sits on a high chair, pointing his finger at the sky, with a telescope installed next to him. There are 12 bronze chairs around - according to the number of zodiac signs. At night the built-in spotlight turns on. According to the authors’ idea, it shines with such intensity that this point on the map of Mogilev could be seen even from space. The Square of Stars attracts not only the monument to the astrologer - street concerts and entertainment events are regularly held here.

Attractions in the immediate vicinity of Mogilev

Interesting places in Mogilev are located not only within the city. On the outskirts you can visit three interesting sights at once.

The first is Buinichi field. This memorial complex is dedicated to the events of the war years that developed during the defense of Mogilev from the German invaders.

Near the Buynichi field there is the ethnographic village “Korchma”. It recreates Belarusian life of the 19th century and introduces traditional crafts.

The Mogilev Zoo is located nearby. To get to know its inhabitants, you can take a walk or ride on a special train - it follows the enclosures with animals.

Mogilev is a city where all the main attractions are conveniently concentrated in the center. There are many interesting objects to visit, but 1-2 days will be enough to explore. You can also stay in the center, especially since the most interesting hotels are located here. The most attractive of them is the Gubernskaya Hotel. The hotel is located on Leninskaya Street and its architecture fits perfectly into the historical appearance of Mogilev. And for those who want to enjoy Belarusian cuisine and feel the hospitality of the local population, there are traditional restaurants and cafes in the city.

There is a certain magic in talking about Mogilev: with each story he makes you fall in love again and again. For all its modesty today, the city could become the capital. Over the years, Mogilev has become overgrown with stories and urban legends, fortunately, there is plenty of soil for them. From a balcony in the city center, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin watered the street with champagne, Fyodor Chaliapin performed on the stage of the oldest theater in Belarus and the great Vera Komissarzhevskaya played, and here Nicholas II watched military chronicles.

Although life in modern Mogilev lags behind life in the metropolis, it also rushes forward, mercilessly erasing outdated locations and breathing life into new ones. Exhibitions in underground passages, under bridges and in garages, mechanical troubadour Mogislav in the snow-white town hall and a festival of soap bubbles and potato pancakes: all this is possible here in Mogilev. How will you see this city? Head to the city on the Dnieper to leisurely stroll along the old preserved streets, sip coffee, ride catamarans along Dubrovenka and bike through the dense coniferous groves of Pechersky Park. This city is ideal for a weekend tour, and if you’re on a business trip, you definitely won’t get bored on a weekday.

Guide contents:

There is a convenient train connection with each of the regional centers (€ 5-10). It's not fast, but it's often convenient. And the fastest way to get from Minsk is by car or minibus. It will take a little over 2 hours. There are many minibuses, but by the weekend they are all booked, so you need to contact the operators in advance.

Boarding takes place not only from the bus station, but throughout Minsk (depending on the service). It varies on different days, but minibuses depart from Minsk every half hour or hour from 7.00 to 22.30. The treasured numbers are easy to Google. There is even a special ordering application for two platforms. The ticket costs BYN 10.

City transport includes trolleybuses, buses and minibuses. The most convenient way is to use the Yandex Transport application, which will tell you the required route of the first two types of transport and find the nearest stop. You can always buy a ticket from the conductor or driver inside the public transport cabin.

In a good summer, you can see quite a lot of bicycle rental points in Mogilev. You can take it for hours or days. Getting around the city is not always convenient on bicycles, but there are certain conditions for this. You can also find working bike rentals.

On weekends you can take a boat ride along the Dnieper. It departs from the city pier next to the monument to internationalist soldiers from 12.00 to 20.00.

If options with couchsurfing are not at all for you, then Airbnb and Booking have a large number of accommodations at a variety of prices. Moreover, if you call the owners directly, your stay will be significantly cheaper. Of course, there is always a cheap option for accommodation in waiting rooms at a train station. It's clean, safe and boring.

Everything is fine with hotels in Mogilev. From a boutique hotel on a pedestrian street to budget apartments far from the center.

Hotel "Mogilev" (Mira Ave., 6) . Large selection of rooms, the cheapest and simplest costs € 12 per night. Decent breakfasts and a cafe open all day. Paid parking for cars or a convenient departure point to Minsk is at your service.

Hotel "Gubernskaya" (Leninskaya St., 56) . Advantageous proximity to a park with fountains, drinking establishments and direct access to a pedestrian street. Nearby is a futuristic business center and stadium.

"Lyra" (Leninskaya St., 45) Calls itself a boutique hotel, hence the prices. A small hotel right on the pedestrian main street, close to several pleasant cafes, shops, a cinema and the Square of Stars.

"Metropol" (Komsomolskaya st., 6) - a decent and expensive hotel in the heart of the city. Nearby is the Drama Theatre, St. Stanislaus Church, and a pedestrian street. The hotel has a spa complex.

"Tourist" (Pushkinsky Ave., 6) . Nearby is the Dnieper embankment, the ice palace and one of the city's main concert venues. Therefore, the hotel is quite suitable for spending the night after a concert, which is usually cheaper in Mogilev than in Minsk and other regions.

"Kim" (Lazarenko St., 27) - a small, neat hotel within walking distance from the city center. This option is interesting because in addition to regular rooms, there is the possibility of accommodation in a hostel, in a dormitory room. The price of a bed is about € 10.

Hotel "Khimvolokno" (Schmidt Ave., 20) - perhaps not the most glamorous and convenient option in terms of communication, but definitely exotic. Imagine, in a typical urban area, one of the Khrushchev buildings turns out to be quite a hotel. Where the reception is located in the first entrance, and your room may be, say, in the fourth. But it’s quite affordable here; many rooms have a kitchen and everything you need for a long stay.

The most obvious cultural program takes place between three squares: Lenin, Stars and Glory. You might think that the stars aligned and the Soviet past still haunts Mogilev, but this is not so. The city, like a patchwork quilt, still contains references to different periods of history, not only Belarusian, but also world history.

For example, House of Soviets on Lenin Square. Minsk residents like to say that this building is very similar to the Minsk Government House, but this is not entirely true. Despite the fact that the building of the Mogilev Regional Executive Committee - and it is this government body that is now located here - has enough similarities with its older brother, there are enough differences in details. Construction of the building began in 1938 following the Soviet government's plans to move the capital from Minsk to Mogilev. And if it were not for the war, it is unknown how the fate of the city would have developed further. The plans were not destined to come true and now the city has a real metropolitan building, which was the dominant feature in the post-war reconstruction, and now, in addition to the practical functions of the government, is an architectural monument.

Mogilevskaya pedestrianized street- a place where you will definitely end up and, perhaps, cross it more than once, because it unites the three main Mogilev squares. The street in its current form began to take shape 17 years ago and for Mogilev residents it is not just a tourist attribute, but a city artery - in the morning you can see workers and schoolchildren with students rushing to work and study, and in the evenings life is bustling here. It also attracts street musicians - the closer to the weekend, the more music you will hear.

If you love museums, then everything is done very conveniently: Museum of Mogilev History (Leninskaya St., 1A) ,Local history (Slavy square, 1) And Museum of Ethnography(Pervomaiskaya st., 8) are located in the perimeter of an imaginary triangle at a distance of 200 meters from each other. The best place to start is the Museum of Urban History, which is located in the town hall. You won't miss this object when you come to Glory Square.

In the town hall you will not only learn about interesting facts about the history of Mogilev, but you will also be able to go up to the observation deck and see the unique mechanism of the trumpeter who performs the Mogilev fanfare. You can find the schedule there.

If you get hungry, you won’t have to look for a long time for a quick snack in Mogilev. In the center there are stalls with croissants, hot dogs and other fast food. Recently, the “fast food district” has acquired very clear outlines. The constantly changing appearance of the section of the street adjacent to the Belarusian-Russian University will delight you with points of simple and inexpensive food. Here, on Lenin Boulevard, go to the cafe "Golden Key" (Lenina Boulevard, 3) with delicious pancakes and cafe "Fiesta"(Lenin Boulevard, 6) , where you can find everything from hash browns to wok noodles. There is also a point where you will be offered a huge baked potato with various toppings - cafe " Pan-Bulban » (Lenin Boulevard, 1) .

For coffee, be sure to go to the laconic specialty coffee shop Mir23 (Mironova st., 23) . Coffee lovers say the best coffee in the city is brewed here. But let’s honestly add that this may be too narrow a view of the world: we haven’t tasted such delicious coffee anywhere else! The main hit of the coffee shop is the signature drink “Salty Honey”. The menu is updated twice a year: for the warm and cold seasons. For coffee, you can choose from sandwiches and several always fresh desserts.

Here, next to the stadium, in the spring of 2017, a place was opened where they prepare fast food, which is popular throughout Europe. "Shaurma King" (Mironov St., 4) open from 11.00 to 23.00, which is quite suitable for sudden hunger.

Cafe "Buffet" (5 Komsomolskaya St., Ordzhonikidze Square) . For breakfast or a snack, choose hearty sandwiches, cheesecakes or pancakes, but for lunch or dinner, in addition to burgers and pizza, you will be offered pasta, dumplings, dumplings, capilletti... In general, to try everything, you need to visit here more than once.

Cafes are scattered throughout the city "Burger Pizza". In the unified menu you will find pizza, burgers, various salads and hot dishes. By the way, the guys are constantly “pumping up” their burgers and they are getting better and better. Perfect for a family lunch or dinner. You can have a snack here for €5-10.

IN cafe Van Gogh (Leninskaya st., 36) unhurried rhythm and interesting-tasting dishes with pleasant presentation. On weekdays, take advantage of the lunch menu or the discount that applies to the main menu from 15.00 to 18.00. The interior looks like it came from a doll's house, with paintings by Van Gogh, and old films are shown on TV. There are no ears on the menu, we checked.

Another place you'll enjoy is restaurant "101" (Fire Lane, 4) . It is located on the site of an earlier fire station and is filled with firefighter paraphernalia. The staff is well-trained and in uniform, and there's a fire truck built into the bar that you can take photos with. Beer will be poured from a makeshift fire extinguisher.

You can have lunch, or better yet, a leisurely and languid dinner in the restaurant Bellagio(Leninskaya st., 21) . Visiting artists like to come here and respectable Mogilev residents like to have dates. But the place is quite democratic. It's delicious and elegant here.

One of the oldest, but not old pizzerias in the city - "Parmesan" (Pervomaiskaya st., 34/1) . Here you will find not only pizza, but it will taste the best. The place is not cheap, but atmospheric. Until recently, Parmesan was considered the best service in the city (no, it hasn’t gotten worse, there are just many alternatives). A favorite meeting place for expats in Mogilev. They won’t be surprised by foreign languages ​​here and will offer a menu translated into English.

You can drink beer at

If you are planning to visit the city Mogilev, this text will help you choose attractions that are interesting to you, get acquainted with their photos and descriptions.

Mogilev, although a relatively small city, has collected many facets of beauty and history. It is these edges that will be discussed further.

Architecture of Mogilev

Church of the Three Saints, located on the street. Pervomaiskaya, is the main Orthodox church of the city.

The cathedral is named after three saints - Basil the Great, John Chrysostom And Gregory the Theologian. This is an elegant building, built in the shape of a cross, decorated with seven beautiful domes.

A special property of the temple is the list of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Mogilev-Bratskaya”. There are other revered shrines here.

Holy Cross Cathedral, which is also one of the main attractions of the city, is a single complex that unites the cathedral itself and the St. Boris and Gleb Church.

The history of these buildings goes back to the distant past - to the 17th century. The temple was destroyed many times, rebuilt, renamed and closed.

WITH 1946 The church has been in operation for years and continues to delight visitors not only with its unique atmosphere, but also with the beauty of its architecture.

Cathedral Church of St. Stanislaus- another important religious building in Mogilev. The church has a rich history, shrouded in secrets. They say that it previously belonged to the famous Carmelite order. Built back in XVII century, for 100 years it stood in a wooden “vestment”. There is a legend that over time, the Polish king issued a decree that the city residents undertake to dismantle all stone buildings and, using this stone, build a church.

The temple received its beautiful stone appearance in 1752 year. To this day, it pleases the eye not only with its baroque architecture, but also with its pictorial cycles on gospel subjects.

You will find the cathedral at st. Komsomolskaya, 4.

  • Headquarters building(Sovetskaya Sq.);
  • Palace of George Konissky(Leninskaya St.);
  • Nicholas Church complex(Surty st., 19);
  • City Hall(Leninskaya St., 1a);
  • Square of Stars(Leninskaya St.);
  • Soviet square(lane Pervomaiskaya and Chelyuskintsev streets);
  • Mogilev Castle(Chelyuskintsev St.);
  • Mogilev Regional Drama Theater(Pervomaiskaya St.).

Museums of Mogilev

Mogilev Museum of Local Lore– one of the most popular in the city. It was here, in addition to ancient icons, books and precious jewelry, that the silver mace of King Sigismund III and the national relic of Belarus - the cross of Euphrosyne of Polotsk - were once kept. During World War II, most of the exhibits, unfortunately, burned down along with the museum building.

Now the museum's exhibition includes more than 300 thousand objects showing the nature and history of the region.

The museum is located at Sovetskaya Square, 1.

In the famous city Mogilev Town Hall located city ​​history museum. The museum's exhibition includes more than 8 thousand valuable objects, including weapons and labor items from the Stone Age, Slavic amulets, amulets, jewelry and moonlights.

It also houses a large collection of rare early printed books and scrolls. There is a permanent exhibition dedicated to the history of Christianity, which displays crosses, icons and church utensils.

The museum also has a section on the Great Patriotic War, an art section and an exhibition dedicated to traditional Belarusian clothing.

Deservedly popular among tourists ethnographic museum “Belarusian village of the 19th century”, located in the village. Buynichi near Mogilev.

The museum features a pottery, a bakery, a weaver's, carpenter's and blacksmith's workshop, as well as a weaving house made of straw and wicker. Here you can get acquainted with the traditional way of life and crafts of the 19th century. and purchase works by local artists.

You will also see a windmill, beautiful stone compositions and fountains. There is a children's playground on the museum grounds.

  • Maslennikov Art Museum;
  • Mogilev Museum of Ethnography;
  • Fire Service History Museum;
  • Byalynitsky-Birulya Museum.

City monuments

The most famous sculpture of Mogilev is composition "Stargazer", located on the street. Leninskaya square Stars The sculpture is beautiful and unusual. It is an image of an astrologer sitting on a chair and pointing his finger at the sky. Nearby there is a telescope in which a spotlight lights up at night.

The astrologer's chair is surrounded by 12 chairs that symbolize the signs of the zodiac.

There is a legend that if you sit in the chair of your zodiac sign and make a cherished wish, it will definitely come true.

In the vicinity of Mogilev in the village. Buinichi there is another famous monument - memorial Buinichi field. The monument is dedicated to the soldiers who, back in 1941, defended Mogilev from the conquerors for 20 days here.

The memorial covers an area of ​​20 hectares. In its center there is a chapel 27 meters high, connected by an alley to the main entrance arch. Also on the territory of the memorial there is an exhibition of military equipment from the Great Patriotic War.

You can also see the following monuments and sculptures:

  • "Tomb of the Lion";
  • Stationmaster;
  • Memorial Chapel in the village of Lesnaya;
  • Memorial complex in the village of Sychkovo.

Parks of Mogilev

One of the best places for walking in Mogilev is Pechersky Forest Park on the street Surganova. Here you can not only walk along landscaped forest paths, but also relax by the picturesque lake, sunbathe, swim and go boating.

Here are some more cozy places in Mogilev:

  • Moscow courtyard;
  • Tula courtyard;
  • Embankment of the river Dubrovenka;
  • Polykovichi krynitsa;
  • Palace and park complex (village Zhilici).

What you can see in Mogilev in one day

  1. We suggest starting the tour with City Hall of Mogilev, located on Glory Square (aka Sovetskaya).
  2. If you wish, you can visit city ​​history museum, located in the Town Hall building.
  3. Then you can walk along the street. Lenin. Here you can see curious Tula and Moscow courtyards and famous Stars Square with a sculpture of the Astrologer in the center.
  4. Also on the street. You will find Lenin Palace of G. Konissky.
  5. Nearby is the beautiful building of the Drama Theater and Church of St. Stanislava.
  6. Further along the street. Pervomaiskaya you can go to Church of the Three Saints.
  7. We also suggest visiting St. Nicholas Monastery And Cathedral of St. Nicholas.
  8. If you have time and energy left, you can go to village Buinichi, where you will also find many attractions.
  9. In the evening you can relax by walking and enjoying the silence in Pechersky Forest Park. And when it gets dark, we suggest returning to the Square of Stars and seeing how a pillar of light rushes into the sky from a stargazer’s telescope.

Moscow courtyard

What to see in Mogilev in 2 days

If you decide to get to know this wonderful city on the weekend, we offer a list-route of places where you can go in Mogilev and the surrounding area on the weekend.

  1. If you got to Mogilev by train, we suggest starting to explore the city from old railway station. You can also see a sculpture of a stationmaster here.
  2. We take the trolleybus and get to Church of the Three Saints.
  3. After visiting the church we go to the square. Lenin, where you will see the same name monument And House of Soviets.
  4. Next we go along the street. May Day and we immediately find Church of St. Stanislava.
  5. We move further and see the Drama Theater. Near him - honey statue "Lady with a dog".
  6. Let's go to the street. Lenin. Walking along this street, you will come out onto the square. Stars with the famous monument "Stargazer".
  7. A little further - Moscow courtyard And Palace of G. Konissky.
  8. We go out to Sovetskaya Square, in the center of which there is a memorial to WWII soldiers. Here - famous city hall, inside which there is a historical museum.
  9. Not far from the square are ruins of Mogilev castle.
  10. From the square you can go to river embankment Dubrovenka, a walk you can enjoy for the rest of the day.

Palace of G. Konissky

  1. We propose to devote the main part of this day to a trip to Buinichi village. You can get here by minibus coming from the square. Soviet. or by local train.
  2. First of all, we recommend visiting the famous Memorial "Buinichi Field".
  3. Across the street from the memorial is located city ​​zoo. Here, if you wish, you can order the service "Belarusian Safari".
  4. Also located nearby complex "Belarusian village of the 19th century".
  5. Then you can return to Mogilev, visit one of art museums of the city and take a walk around Pechersky Forest Park.
  6. Or you can go to Polykovichi Krinitsa and collect healing water as a souvenir.

The Triumphal Arch, or, as it is also called, the Arch of Glory, was built at the end of the 18th century in honor of the arrival of Empress Catherine II in Mogilev. Here she met with the Austrian Emperor Joseph II.

The arch is a rectangular structure with two projections, which is completed by a wide cornice and a broken triangular pediment, balanced at the ends by two columns. In the center of the facade there is a large niche.

With the establishment of Soviet power, they wanted to demolish the triumphal arch. However, then they changed their minds and decided to install a memorial plaque on it, as well as bas-reliefs with images of V.I. Lenin and the coat of arms of the USSR. All this resulted in architectural absurdity - the juxtaposition of the imperial style with communist slogans.

Memorial Complex

Bloody battles took place on Mogilev land more than once. Thus, the famous Buinichesky field near Mogilev was the site of a battle in 1595 between rebel peasants and Cossacks led by Nalivaiko against the 18,000-strong cavalry army of the magnates of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

In 1812, a bloody battle with French troops took place here.

And in July 1941, Soviet soldiers, police officers, cadets of the NKVD school and 12 thousand Mogilev militia held the heroic defense of the city for 23 days.

On May 9, 1995, a memorial complex was opened on Buynichesky Field, which preserves the memory of the heroes of World War II.

In the center of the memorial there is a 27-meter chapel, a symbol of the greatness of the military spirit of the Slavs and military equipment from the Great Patriotic War.

What sights of Mogilev did you like? Next to the photo there are icons, by clicking on which you can rate a particular place.

Mogilev Airport

Mogilev Airport is located 17 kilometers northwest of the city of Mogilev; it was put into operation in 1971. The airport was given international status and, at the same time, class IV in 1998; its area at that time was 165.2 hectares. The length of its runway is 2567 meters and the width is 42 meters. Based on its characteristics, the airport accepts aircraft weighing less than 196 tons.

In the airport building, passengers are provided with various services for a fee, for example, the provision of a VIP lounge for officials and delegations and hot meals, as well as office services. Mogilev Airport also has border, customs and sanitary-quarantine control.

The Mogilev Zoo is home to rare species of animals, including those listed in the Red Book. These are bison, badger, deer, wolf and others.

The bison is the largest representative of the fauna. In the 18th century, as a result of deforestation, the number of this species sharply decreased. It was found only in Belovezhskaya Pushcha. In 1921, the last bison was killed. And only in 1946 work began on its restoration. Currently, the number of the species is more than 500 individuals.

The territory of the zoo is rich in historical events. During the Northern War, a Swedish camp was located here. In the 18th century - the estate of Pan Pipenberg, which was destroyed after October 1917. Well, during the Great Patriotic War, fierce battles took place at this place. Now there is a college where future forestry specialists study. They take care of nature, create biotechnical structures, and install feeders for animals.

Mogilev Museum of Local Lore

The first addition to the collection occurred in 1928-1929, when many exhibits from the antique fund of the USSR were transferred to the museum’s jurisdiction: items made of precious metals and stones, icons, books, paintings, as well as the silver mace of the Polish king Sigismund III. But the most valuable and unique thing was the national relic of Belarus - the cross of Euphrosyne of Polotsk. It, along with other especially rare valuables, was hidden in an armored safe room.

During the Great Patriotic War, the museum burned down along with the exhibits, and everything that survived in the safe room was lost. As a result, he lost all his funds. After the war, the museums of Leningrad and Moscow allocated some of their exhibits for their restoration.

Now the museum houses more than 300 thousand exhibits, which include finds from local archaeological excavations, coins, religious and everyday objects, and paintings. They make up the museum’s exposition, which is divided into four main sections: “Archaeology and Ancient History”, “Nature of the Region”, “Soviet Period” and “History of Pre-Soviet Times”.

The original purpose of this square, which emerged in the first half of the 16th century, was trade. That is why, instead of buildings, this territory was occupied by merchant shops. Two streets still branch off from the square, forming a radial city planning system.

After the annexation of Mogilev to Russia, they decided to give the square a new look, which was developed by famous Russian architects. Instead of shopping arcades, there are buildings of a medical council, a lower court and an archive.

The modern appearance of the square was formed only at the end of the 20th century, when the memorial complex “Fighters for Soviet Power” became the center of the architectural ensemble. It includes the Eternal Flame, a bronze sculpture of a female figure standing on it symbolizing the image of Victory, and a mass grave of Red Army soldiers who defended the city in 1920 from Polish troops. From the south and west the square is closed by a park.

The square preserves architectural monuments of the 18th - 19th centuries - the buildings of the Mogilev Regional Museum of Local Lore and the former city government, the city hall and the Cathedral of St. Francis Xavier.

Attraction "Safari by Rail"

“Railway Safari” is a unique journey during which you will take a ride on an original train, see rare animals listed in the Red Book, and learn a lot of interesting things about the history of these places.

The train you will be traveling on was designed and built in Italy. Its speed is approximately 10 km/h, and the length of the railway is 2 kilometers. The low speed of the train will allow you to get to know the local inhabitants better. The Belovezhsky bison is the largest representative of the fauna of Belarus. Its weight reaches 820 kilograms, and its body length is 3 meters.

Traveling by rail, you will see an extensive system of canyons that were formed during the Ice Age. During the Great Patriotic War, the canyon was used as an anti-tank ditch. You will pass through such a canyon on a bridge 28 meters high. Once upon a time, fierce battles took place here, as evidenced by the terrible finds discovered during the construction of the railway - shells and ammunition from those years.

Are you interested in knowing how well you know the sights of Mogilev? .

Cathedral Church of St. Stanislaus

The Cathedral Church of St. Stanislaus is shrouded in secrets. Previously, this monument of art and architecture of the 18th century was called the Church of the Assumption of the Mother of God and belonged to the Carmelite Order, known since the 12th century. The Carmelites appeared in Mogilev in the 17th century, and the local monastery became a kind of branch of their Belynichi monastery.

For a whole century, a wooden church stood on the site of the current stone church. There is either a legend or a true story about an incident that resulted in a decree from the Polish king “the residents of the city must dismantle all stone buildings and build a church from this stone...”. The foundation of the building, made of stones of various sizes, speaks in favor of this legend. Construction of the stone church was completed in 1752, and in 1773 it became a cathedral.

From an architectural point of view, the Church of St. Stanislaus is an example of Western European Baroque. True, rebuilt, for example, at the end of the 18th century, the architecture of the church was decorated with a classic 4-column portico. One of the most complete and professionally executed Belarusian painting cycles on the Gospel subject has been preserved here. The frescoes, which have clear artistic value, date back to the second half of the 18th century and were painted by Belarusian artists.

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