Shopping abroad! routes and tips for perfect shopping in Europe! Best shopping: which European cities are made for shopping? Profitable shopping

Sights, historical places, cozy beaches... It doesn’t matter at all why you are going to Italy. Girls are girls for that: they always have time for shopping. And if the young ladies happened to come to this country during the sales season or, as the Italians themselves say, “Sconti”... Men, save your wallets and cards while there is something to save. Otherwise, at the airport you’ll be trying to persuade the cashier to exchange “this beautiful emerald dress from the new collection” for two tickets to Moscow or even just somewhere in Russia.

Actually, that's all men need to know about sales. Now ladies. We have a million important issues to discuss with you. Where and when are the biggest discounts? What to buy in which city? Take a taxi, rent a car or ride like a young doe on your own two feet? Should I hire a translator? Book shopping tours or choose stores yourself? Should you fight with Italian women for the thing you like or will they definitely take it in quantity? Then maybe you should go with your friends? Or should I persuade my husband to jealously guard the selected shoes?

Italy&Russia: whose sales are more interesting?

It’s not hard to guess that sales in Italy are a hundred times larger and more profitable. Why?

Everything is very clear, because here:

  • Cheaper.

You can save a measly 15% on clothes even within the Garden Ring. But buying a stylish item at a 50-80% discount is only possible in Europe. Some, of course, manage to purchase an “exclusive from Versace” in Vykhino, but you and I are smart girls, we understand everything, right?

  • Better quality.

It is logical to assume that you cannot buy clothes from the latest collections at summer sales. Prices are reduced during the SALE period for a reason: items from previous seasons and models that turned out to be unpopular are sold off. But the quality of products at Italian sales is not satisfactory. There are no models from the latest shows here, but all the sundress cardigans are brand new, made of good materials. These are not “second-hand brands” from the harsh realities of Russia, but real Prada, Miu Miu, Gucci and Jimmy Choo.

  • And the service is better.

Not a single store here will allow consultants to make sarcastic remarks about a potential buyer. Although if they take a risk, we will remain blissfully unaware, because... Few inhabitants of the post-Soviet space understand Italian at the proper level. Non è vero?

What? Sales! Where? In Italy! When?

The best shopping in Italy happens twice a year:

in winter

And in the summer

And summer ones begin on the first Saturday of August and last until August 30-September 30 (dates may vary slightly for each city).

These dates are important for those who want to stock up on products from luxury brands. If the main goal is simply to replenish your wardrobe with inexpensive and high-quality things, then you can go shopping at any time. Italian outlets, patches and stocks provide discounts all year round. But keep in mind even outlets add another 30-40% to their regular discounts during seasonal sales.

Which city should you choose for shopping?

During sales, discounts will be everywhere, so first you can explore the stores in the city where you are spending your holiday.

Is inexpensive clothing from Italy your main goal? Then remember the rule: “The fewer tourists, the lower the price”. Based on this, choose a city. Available options: , Turin. People traditionally go to Marche for shoes, and to Bologna for furs. If brands are definitely not the main thing for you, then you can look at markets and all sorts of small shops. The prices there are lower, the clothes are “noname”, but there are interesting models, and the quality is quite acceptable.

In Rome, prices will be 2-4 times higher, but the brands there are more famous.

In Italy you can shop profitably in any city. Especially if you do it during sales and wisely.

Albina (39 years old, Voronezh):

“I heard a lot of reviews from a colleague who regularly travels to Italy for shopping, and decided to try it myself. Well, on my own, with a friend, of course.

Let's go to San Marino. It was a shock: a leather bag can be bought for 20 EUR, and a jacket for 100 EUR!!! This is if not branded. Branded items are more expensive, but our prices cannot be compared! I bought everything for myself, for my family and for gifts. I bought Baldinini shoes for my husband for 140 EUR, and a bag for myself for about the same. I bought clothes for my daughter: from 15 EUR. When my husband saw me off, he mentally said goodbye to the family budget, and when he found out how much I spent on 3 bags of shopping, he said that next time he would go with me - he wanted a good sheepskin coat.”

What to buy at Italian sales?

Prices are reduced on everything: leather goods, shoes, bags, jewelry, accessories, outerwear, sportswear, children's clothing. Therefore, make a list of the things you need something like this:

  • basic T-shirt, under a jacket (black or beige);
  • autumn boots, under a dress, with heels (black or brown);
  • dress for my daughter's party (necessarily pink!), etc.

But planning expenses down to the penny is pointless. What if, in an unremarkable outlet, at the seventh hour of excavation, the dress of your dreams jumps out at you? Naturally, it’s impossible not to buy it, so leave some “free” money in your wallet.

Arkady (45 years old, St. Petersburg):

“In the summer, my wife and I went to Rome, completed a cultural program, and on the last day my wife took me shopping. She liked some pink blouse and retired with it in the fitting room. He looks out and says everything is fine: the fabric is natural, the model fits, just a smaller size. I obediently translate. The consultant looked at the blouse for a long time, then said: “Yes, I’ll bring it now,” and went somewhere to the utility room.

We waited for her for about 40 minutes. I was already starting to get furious: it was the last day in Italy, and we, damn it, were sitting in the store and waiting for God knows what. But my wife is almost in tears: she likes the blouse, it’s cheap, and no one will have one like it. In general, women know how to induce panic.

As a result, when the saleswoman returned, my wife happily grabbed her jacket and didn’t even try it on, I paid, and we left. Only at home, in St. Petersburg, they discovered that the model “one size smaller” fits the same as the previous one. We took a closer look and found out that the size tag had simply been altered. The problem, of course, was solved: the wife took the blouse to the tailor and they adjusted the outfit to her figure. But our trust in Italian stores somehow diminished after that.”

5 rules of shock shopping!

  • Those who spend less on hotels spend more on clothes! If you are going to constantly shuttle between boutiques, cafes and the nearest beach, then why do you need five meals a day in a hotel, a room with air conditioning, three sofas and a sea view?

  • You can, of course, take a taxi or rent a car, but this is not as profitable as it might seem. Firstly, additional costs, secondly, constant traffic jams and detours, and in the case of renting, also worry about someone else’s transport. You can go shopping on foot, the buses have not yet been canceled either.

  • Do you want to dress up in a minimal amount of time, without queuing, hustle and bustle? You probably want to go to the darkest places right away, right? Then find yourself a personal shopper or stylist in Italy in advance. His services, of course, are not free, but shopping will be fast and 100% successful.

  • Keep your receipts and apply for Tax Free (this is a refund on a card or in cash of 22% of the purchase price). You can apply for the service in stores marked “Global Blue Tax Free Shopping”. The minimum amount for a Tax Free order is 155 EUR (purchases made in one store during the day can be summed up).
  • If you are going to a sale to buy shoes or clothing from a specific company, first make sure that it is participating in this action. For example, the popular Louis Vuitton stubbornly ignores all these seasonal discount events. Discounts on fur products also happen infrequently.

Eva (27 years old, Moscow):

“In January 2019, right after the holidays, my husband took me to Italy for sales. More precisely, he was traveling to Milan on some work business, and he called me, knowing that I love shopping. Milan is always trendy models from the latest collections, all brands, the most famous designers and an amazing selection. I don’t remember how much I spent there, the first 5000 EUR was gone literally in one day: a new fur coat and a dress from Dior were worth it. Here in Moscow there are no such models yet, so I’m very pleased, my girlfriends still don’t believe that I managed to buy two such successful things in one day. But I explain to them: “This is Milan, it’s always like that there.”

Julia (41 years old, Krasnodar):

“I really, really wanted to go to Milan, but after reading the reviews, I was afraid to go there for shopping. Everyone said that the prices were crazy, there was no benefit, only new expensive models and all that. But I still really, really wanted to go there. My husband decided: in the winter he bought tickets and said, “Let’s go, at least we’ll see the city.” The city turned out to be amazing, but that’s not about that now. It turns out that you can also skimp there normally if you want. We went to the outlets. Yes, it’s not easy to choose the sizes, yes, there are a lot of people, yes, in order to have all the sizes, you have to guess and come to the delivery. But real (!) branded (!) items at prices starting from 20 EUR! They immediately bought my husband a cool leather jacket from (for a second!) Roberto Cavalli for 100 EUR, I bought jeans from Calvin Klein for 25 EUR and a crazy coat from Armani for 150 EUR! They brought my daughter a huge soft toy of Mickey Mouse (my daughter is 20 years old, but it was her childhood dream), bought for 25EUR! In general, now I tell everyone about Milan, but no one believes me when I talk about prices there.”

Now you can make up your own “”, ignoring the paid “advice” of the tour operator. And you won’t have to travel around the country in a panic in search of that perfect dress and ankle boots to go with it, because you already know where to look for unique outfits.

So ladies, go for it! Make a shopping list and go! The right sizes for you, huge discounts, successful shades of gray. And woe to those Italians who dare to stand in your way! We put out fires in our spare time, stop the horses, can’t we really fight for the blouse we like?

Tina Krainichenko

Many women prefer shopping tourism as the best option to relax, have fun, and enjoy shopping. What could be more pleasant than wandering along hitherto unknown streets, sightseeing, but, most importantly, not missing a single large store, of which there are so many in the cities of developed countries.

1. Italy

Italy has long been considered a trendsetter in world fashion and the birthplace of many brands, especially in clothing. And the first city in Italy in this regard is Milan - the world capital of fashion. There are many shops, boutiques, and small shops here. In Milan you can buy an exclusive item for a very reasonable price.
It is better to go shopping to Italy in January-February and July-August, since seasonal discounts apply there at this time. Since clothing prices fall sharply at this time, branded items that have become much cheaper do not stay on the shelves for a long time and sell out very quickly. It is worth going to Milan for shoes, clothes and stylish accessories, which Italian designers are especially strong in.

2. France

This country is not inferior to Italy in terms of shopping. Of course, the richest catch awaits shoppers in Paris; collections of world-famous designers are exhibited here. At the same time, buying an exclusive product in Paris will cost much less than in Russian stores. Paris is famous for its entire shopping streets and districts where cosmetics, fashionable clothes, accessories, and designer souvenirs are sold.
Discounts and sales in France occur in January and July-August; during this time you can buy wonderful things here that cost 50-70% cheaper than usual.

3. USA

It makes sense to fly to the New World for household appliances and electronics. Apple's endless new products are sold much cheaper in the US than on the “overheated” Russian market. You can buy the most modern equipment here without unreasonable overpayment; this includes computers, laptops and other devices from the coolest manufacturers. In addition, there is much less chance of running into a bad or low-quality product. You can buy branded clothing at good discounts in America.
New York is the best American city for shopping because it has an incredible number of shopping malls and boutiques.

Many of our compatriots have one persistent stereotype regarding the amount of strong drinks consumed by Russians. No one should be surprised...

4. China

In recent years, shopping lovers have begun to visit the Celestial Empire more and more often. Prices for electronics, clothing and even many food products here are significantly lower than here, which is why residents of the eastern Russian regions often come to China. Retail outlets where you can find the best products and popular brands are usually located in the centers of large Chinese cities. The best shops, shopping centers and markets are located in Hong Kong and Shanghai. In the summer, when there are sales in China, discounts on electronics, clothing and other goods can reach 70%.

5. United Arab Emirates

There is little that can compare to the pleasure of shopping in the UAE. This state is a famous free trade zone, there are almost no import duties, so goods from all over the world cost very little in local shopping centers. Dubai is the most conducive place for shopping, where all the main stores are located on the main streets of the city. You can go shopping in the Emirates on any day except Friday - Muslims have this day off, so most shopping centers are closed. In the emirate of Dubai you can find almost anything: shoes and clothing from the most famous brands, modern household appliances, exquisite jewelry and magnificent gold jewelry.

6. Türkiye

Türkiye has long become synonymous with good shopping for Russians. Russian tourists come here not only to relax in the sea and bask in the sun, but also to explore the local shops. In Istanbul alone there are many shopping centers and markets, the variety of goods in which and the quality are not much inferior to European ones. It is advisable to go to Turkey for casual clothing and leather goods, because the country has many enterprises producing just such goods. Particularly interesting are the Turkish bazaars, where any product is sold at very attractive prices. As is usually customary in eastern countries, you should bargain here; with sufficient skill in this matter, the initial price can be reduced by 1.5-2 times.

Water occupies 71% of our planet, the rest of the space is land inhabited by people. While some states resemble...

7. UK

The capital of the United Kingdom, London, is simply a paradise for shopping lovers. Here you can find the most exclusive and unusual clothes from both renowned brands with established names and daring young designers. Oxford Street, one of the longest shopping streets in the world, has become a very lively place for shopping. There are a huge number of boutiques, shopping centers and department stores here, selling not only the latest fashionable clothing items, but also magnificent glass and porcelain items, and rare books.
In Britain, sales times are usually associated with Christmas (December) and the following month (January).

8. Thailand

Nowadays, the capital of Thailand, Bangkok, is one of the TOP cities in the world best suited for shopping. From here, lucky shoppers can take away a lot: silk and cotton clothing, sportswear, handmade souvenirs, silverware, bags, shoes, ceramics, jewelry and precious stones. The advantage of shopping in Bangkok is the proximity of most of the most important shopping outlets to hotels for foreigners. A unique shopping experience here can be found in the local markets, where any buyer will find anything they want, and very inexpensively.
We can recommend shopping lovers to go to Chatuchak - the largest Sunday market in Southeast Asia. It is so large that those who like to shop or just want to look at exotic things cannot get around it in two days.

What woman doesn’t dream of plunging into the magical world of big shopping, and not just receiving purchases from Europe by mail. On the eve of March 8th, we congratulate the readers of our blog on the holiday and present European cities that most women in the world consider a shopping paradise. The beginning of spring is a traditional shopping time. Choose the route you like and purchase elite, branded goods at the best prices.

Shopping in London

London is clearly the leader among European capitals in the Globe Shopper City Index. Globally, it is second only to New York and Tokyo. Without exaggeration, you can live in many of its shopping centers. They were created on the principle of a “shopping city”. There are special hotels here for wealthy ladies who come here from all over the world to buy clothes from Europe.

The infrastructure of large London shopping centers is designed in such a way that you will not have the desire to go outside of it. Moreover, you didn’t come to London for tourist purposes!

What to visit?

The center of London's fashionable life is Oxford Street, the huge Liberty and Selfridges shopping centers. The respectable Chic Outlet Shopping Village is a whole city where you can spend a whole week visiting hundreds of boutiques, distracted only by taking selfies and visiting restaurants.

Shopping in Paris

The world-famous boutique city ranks 5th in the Globe Shopper City Index. Both men's and women's shopping here is elevated to the rank of art, and fashion weeks are elevated to the rank of state-level events. Shops are mainly open from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. On Sunday almost everything is closed.

What to visit?

Large shopping centers Le Bon Marché, Merci, Emporio Armani, department store Galerie Lafayette. Faubourg Saint-Honore street, Place de la Madeleine - boutiques of luxury brands are located here. At the La Vallee Village outlet, buy last season's items with discounts of up to 50%. If you are interested in inexpensive and authentic antiques and tableware, head to the world famous Centuan Flea Market.

Shopping in Vienna

Vienna ranks second in the Global Ranking of attractive prices for clothing and accessories. We can say that the capital of Austria has the most profitable shopping in Europe. All elite European brands are represented here, and the cost of products is slightly lower than in London or Parisian stores. Many shops close relatively early - as early as 17:00, but most are open until 18:30.

What to visit?

One of the largest shoe stores in Europe Humanic. Respectable shops on Kärntnerstrasse, Graben and Rotturmgasse. Huge department stores Gerngross, Steffl. A real treasure trove of antiques is the Nastmarkt market.

Shopping in Madrid and Barcelona

The British magazine The Economist ranked the Spanish capital second in Europe in terms of attractiveness for shopping lovers. And third - Barcelona. Moreover, Madrid is ahead of it in terms of the number and variety of stores. They know a lot about stylish things here. It’s not for nothing that Hollywood stars Pierce Brosnan, Jennifer Lopez, and Penelope Cruz come here on shopping tours.

What to visit?

In Barcelona, ​​we recommend paying attention to the stores of local brands Custo, Zara, Mango, Pull and Bear, Stradivarius, Massimo Dutti, Desigual, Bershka. Their clothes are 10-20% cheaper. In Madrid there are the districts of Salamanca, Argüelles, Fuencarral, Gran Via, the antique Preciados la Sal and Rastro.

Shopping in Milan

The Italian fashion center cannot be ignored. The Italians have created the ideal atmosphere for buyers. It is here that you will understand how shopping in Italy differs from shopping in Moscow. Especially considering that prices here are several times lower than in the Russian capital. Moreover, you will find stores with both ready-to-wear collections and affordable goods at affordable prices.

What to visit?

Be sure to visit the famous "fashion square" Quadrilatero della Moda, a pedestrian area in the center of Milan where only the best designer items are displayed in the windows.

Don't miss the impressive Gallery of Victor Emmanuel II. The quarter of Montenapole, Spiga, Manzoni and Sant'Andrea streets is the real heart of fashion shopping. And by visiting Italian outlets, you can purchase luxury products at a discount of up to 60%. Pay attention, for example, to Il Salvagente, Serravalle Designer Outlet.

In addition to the popular fashion capitals of Europe, it is worth visiting lesser-known cities, where the level of service and quality of goods are no worse, and prices are lower. In the Top 10 cities for shopping in Europe, The Economist also names Berlin, Lisbon, and Amsterdam. It is noteworthy that Belgrade shopping centers have a high level of accessibility. And shopping in Prague and Budapest is considered the most economical.

Be sure to check out:

  • in Berlin (Germany) – department stores KaDeWe, Galerie Lafayette, Alexa shopping center offer a huge selection of clothes and accessories at relatively low prices
  • in Lisbon (Portugal) - traditional shopping places in the areas of Chiado, Baixa, El Corte Inglés shopping center, Centro Vasco da Gama, Centro Colombo shopping mall
  • in Amsterdam - the “9 streets” area, Kalverstraat, large malls Magna Plaza and Kalvertoren, department stores Maison de Bonneterie, V&D, Bijenkorf
  • in Stockholm (Sweden) – Globen, Stadium shopping centers, Indiska stores, discounting up to 70% on winter clothes and up to 20% on branded items
  • in Helsinki (Finland) – department stores Socos, Stockmann, Kamppi with discounts of up to 50% on winter clothes, home decoration, antiques, as well as shops in the Punavuori area, known as the Design Quarter
  • in Prague - shops on Paris Street, Republic Square, more affordable shops on Prikop Street
  • in Budapest - Arena Plaza shopping center, Campona, Premier Outlets Center, Westend City Center, shopping area on Váci Street, shops of Herend and Pecs porcelain factories

Of course, it is inconvenient to fly to Europe from Russia for shopping. You won’t apply for a visa to France or the UK just to have a shopping day! This is an extremely long process. Alas, many women have to be content with buying goods from Europe only by mail or visiting Moscow boutiques, where prices are several times higher.

It is much easier and more convenient to make purchases with official status in Europe. By obtaining a residence permit or citizenship of one of the European countries, as a bonus to the main benefits, you get the opportunity to travel to the best shopping centers at least every weekend.

Check out the citizenship programs on our website, leave our specialists an application online and take advantage of the best offers from elite European brands. Subscribe to our blog updates and learn more about the benefits of official status in Europe.

It bears the name of the capital of the Russian Federation not only formally. In fact, it is the main participant in all the main directions of the country’s life, be it the financial side, or transport, or the sphere of culture and tourism. It is no coincidence that it is the most populous city, and, if you look at the scale of the globe, Moscow is among the ten most populous cities.

Therefore, there is a fear that, upon arriving in Moscow, you will drown in this human sea, you will not be able to get anywhere, and shopping trips will become a generally dubious event.

However, one should not look at the problem so pessimistically. Firstly, it’s okay, there are bigger cities, and there are also a lot of people in them, especially in the center. And this does not cancel shopping there, and quite successful one at that.

As for Moscow, despite the fact that the city has a high degree of development, the area of ​​forests and parks makes up almost 1/3 of the city’s territory. You can take a walk in Izmailovsky or Timiryazevsky parks, look into the Zamoskvoretsky and Kuzminsky forest parks, go to the Kolomenskoye and Tsaritsyno museum-reserves, or relax in numerous city squares and recreational areas. This is all within the city, and in the forest parks there are even hares, squirrels and other small animal populations. So there is life in Moscow.

As for shops, there are more than 20 thousand of them. Many are really concentrated in the center, there are whole streets of fashionable and expensive shops, as is observed in other large cities. Moscow, let's not forget, is one of the centers of Russian fashion, and probably the most influential. Therefore, there are plenty of fashion designer salons here.

Despite the fact that Moscow is regularly recognized as one of the most expensive cities, shopping here can be done successfully if you know the places. As always, however. The high cost of Moscow is reflected mainly in the prices of real estate and fashionable entertainment. If you came not to buy an apartment, but, for example, clothes, then this will have little impact on you. And if you have a place to stay, then that’s great, because hotels are also part of expensive Moscow. Prices in cafes and restaurants are unreasonably high, everything is aimed at wealthy foreigners. And Moscow has enough citizens who don’t count money.

“Inexpensive shopping” or profitable purchases in Moscow - a reality

But along with very rich people, ordinary Muscovites also live in the capital, who find shops where they can inexpensively buy food products, as well as everything necessary for life. Such stores are scattered throughout Moscow, and there are some in the very center. As strange as it may seem, in branded stores you can often buy a quality item inexpensively. This happens on days of sales or promotions, and in this case discount can really achieve 50-70 percent. This happens because self-respecting stores have a certain pricing policy, while in markets and private shops price voluntarism prevails.

And, of course, the most important question is where to go? Where in a huge city that is constantly changing, determine the routes of movement so that your shopping trip turns out to be effective.

Large Moscow shopping centers and suburban malls

Shopping and entertainment center "European"

It’s also worth getting acquainted with the Evropeisky shopping and entertainment center, which is located next to the Kyiv metro station. There is a large selection of products from fashionable European brands, presented in boutiques of the same name, such as the unique Calvin Klein, BSBJ, Bershka, Next, Motivi, SoFrench (formerly Sultanna Frantsuzova), shoe brands Nine West, Fabi, Aldo, Dune, Baldinini, linen La Senza, Etam, Intimissimi, TopShop and Pinko, multi-brand Matisse and IT+, Monsoon, Nomination, JNBY, Sela, Sunnie Li, cK Jeans, Escada Sport, Oasis, Marella and a large number of multi-brand and single-brand boutiques.

The trade zone itself includes at least 250 shoe and clothing stores, 50 sports and children's goods stores, 70 jewelry and accessories, 30 electronics and household appliances, 30 perfumes and cosmetics. Is there some more "Gallery Pret-a-Porter", which has more than 30 boutiques with famous brands. They are open until 10 pm every day, and on Fridays and Saturdays until 11 pm, which is a rare occurrence for Moscow stores. And the entertainment area generally has no days off.

There is also a workshop in the shopping center "Build-a-Bear Workshop", where the customer can prepare a teddy bear for someone as a gift according to his own patterns, and this bear can say some greeting phrase in the customer’s voice, for example, “Happy birthday, I wish you happiness,” or something more original.

The European shopping center leases retail space to more than five hundred tenants, and among them there are some very interesting ones. For example, the Expedition store, which offers customers goods for travel and adventure.

For relaxation and all types of recreation, there are many entertainment and other facilities, such as the luxurious Royal Rixos SPA with a swimming pool, beauty salons, a supermarket, cafes and restaurants.

Review of other Moscow shopping centers in different areas of the city

If center of Moscow frightened by crowds and crowds of people, then you can take a voyage to large shopping establishments dispersed throughout the city, as well as outside the city. There are two types of such shopping centers. Some are located in a huge building, others have the appearance of a small village, with their own houses, streets, avenues and alleys. But the essence is the same: a shopping center, regardless of whether it has an urban or rural appearance, contains a mass of shops and boutiques, and, in addition to them, catering establishments such as restaurants, cafes, etc. snack bars, a variety of beauty salons and hairdressers, fitness centers and cinemas, numerous attractions and entertainment centers.

The modern buyer wants not only to hang out at the counters, but also to relax at the cinema, sit in a restaurant, go to a bowling center or a spa salon. And all this without leaving the shopping center. Many people come here on weekends; now it has become fashionable to spend their leisure time in malls. You can take your children with you, because they also need to be dressed. And if you get tired of shopping, there will certainly be playgrounds or entertainment centers just for children on the territory of the shopping center.

Moscow has all this, and each such shopping center has its own flavor. For example, the Akter Gallery shopping and business center is famous for the design of its three floors of shops, which are architecturally unified and have an exquisite interior. This shopping center is located in the very center, at the intersection of Strastnoy Boulevard and Tverskaya, and there are three stations nearby metro: Pushkinskaya, Tverskaya and Chekhovskaya.

A at Lubyanka available shopping center "Nautisus", and in it is the Vermont store, which offers customers stabilized flowers and plants. This is a fashionable novelty, which is now in the process of being actively introduced into life. What are stabilized flowers? Or: “glyzerinized”, “naturalized” - “naturalized”, or “immortalized” - immortalized?

These are natural, living plants that have been subjected to a long process of “glycerinization.” This technology is innovative and allows you to preserve plants in their natural form for up to 10 years. Flowers, however, retain their appearance only up to 3 years. But, anyway, imagine that you have - not necessarily on the window, but somewhere on a coffee table or on a shelf a flower that does not need to be fed or even watered for three years. And it looks quite alive and natural - if you shake off the dust from the leaves and flowers in time.

Further, "Smolensky Passage", located on Smolenskaya Square, quite European level. Here the idea of ​​“intellectual luxury” is taken as the basis for the design. It is consistently implemented in all departments and boutiques of the shopping center, be it exquisite jewelry, or stylish clothes and shoes, or prestigious accessories, or exclusive cosmetics and perfumes. Jewelry is concentrated in the Mercury and Da Vinci stores, and other goods from famous brands also have their own boutiques.

"Novinsky Passage"- the largest shopping and office complex in the capital, designed with a hint of the Old Russian style of architecture. It is located on the Garden Ring, within walking distance from metro stations "Krasnopresnenskaya" and "Barrikadnaya". Here are shopping areas with a special status, luxurious interiors, which are naturally integrated with modern engineering equipment. Including wireless Internet in public areas. Here you can visit expensive restaurants, which seem to represent all the cuisines of the world.

Shopping center "Crocus City Mall" located outside the city, at the intersection Volokolamsk highway with MKAD. You can go there by metro and get off at Myakinino station. This is the first station of the Moscow Metro, which, firstly, was built with funds from a private investor, and, secondly, moved to the Moscow region, leaving the city limits. It is convenient to get to the shopping center by road, moving along Rublevskoye, Volokolamskoye, Leningradskoye and Novorizhskoye highways.

Territory of Crocus City Mall unites retail space, business sites and entertainment venues. So, on its territory there are, in addition to retail outlets, the Crocus City Hall Concert Hall, the Crocus Expo Exhibition Center, a yacht club with a restaurant, a hotel, the Vegas shopping and entertainment complex, and a parking lot. As for the brands presented to customers, these are Plein Sud, Lanvin, Versace, Vicini, Celine, Emilio Pucci, Trussardi and others.

All over Moscow, and throughout Russia, she scattered her MEGA retail outlets- a network of family shopping centers from IKEA, which has its own management company in Russia. MEGA shopping centers collectively occupy huge areas where many European brands of goods are presented. Boutiques located on the MEGA territory include multi-brand stores Weekend, Bhs, Marks&Spencer, MoDaMo, S.Oliver and others. In addition to European brands, Russian brands began to appear in MEGA - Xenia, Lo, BeFree and others. Since the IKEA company also owns OBI and Auchan stores, they are also present in the shopping centers, which provides additional convenience for tourists and shoppers.

Now, thanks to the development of the idea of ​​shopping centers, fashionable life is blossoming not only in the center of Moscow, but also in the most seemingly unexpected places of the metropolis.

Shopping center "AREAL" is a modern supermarket, has on its territory a Children's store, a Food Court and a Concept Club store, as well as the necessary services. This is the South-Western district of Moscow, not far from the Belyaevo metro station.

At the Sokol metro station There is shopping center "Metromarket", in which the Russian brand “Viavai” is widely represented.

In Cheryomushki, near the station metro station "Kaluzhskaya", You will find shopping center "Kaluzhsky". Wandering around its territory, you will certainly be tempted, for example, by interesting goods from “Stendera” and soap products.

The same things can be seen in Red Cube stores, which specialize in gift products. All of them are located somewhere near a metro station.

There are many more shopping centers worth visiting:

— located near the Shchukinskaya metro station shopping center "Pike", and in it there is a clothing store “Morgan”;

— on Michurinsky Prospekt there is shopping center "Festival", in which people go to dress and put on shoes;

- V shopping center "Panorama", to New Cheryomushki, they go for clothes and jewelry “Marquis”;

- in a shopping complex "Friendship" on the Novoslobodskaya metro station it is interesting to visit New Optics;

shopping center "Alain Manoukian" attracts buyers with the opportunity to purchase luxury lingerie from Estelle Adoni.

Shopping trip through the center of Moscow

Now, after we have become acquainted with the peripheral Moscow shopping centers, it is no longer so scary to dive into the very thick of the shopping establishments that have occupied the center of the Russian capital. These are shops located in the area of ​​Petrovka, Tverskaya, Red Square, as well as Stoleshnikov Lane. Here, of course, the elite are found, both on the shelves and among the public.

They begin their shopping journey in the center of Moscow, as in the old days, from GUM. This is far from the same GUM that our grandmothers still remember from the times of the Soviet Union; it now represents goods from fashion brands such as Louis Vuitton, Paul Smith, Stefanel, Pinko, Jil Sander and Zara. Also, Max&Co, Hugo Boss, Max Mara and Burberry appeared there before any other stores. Today GUM provided its floors to the modern cosmetics store “Articoli”, as well as many shoe stores, including such famous ones as “Parade”, “Salamander” and “No One”.

There is another store that served as an indicator of Moscow - this TSUM. You can get to it if you walk in the direction of the Kremlin. Here, on the corner of Petrovka and Teatralnaya Square, there are 6 floors of this historical building. Today they are provided for products of trendsetter brands. There are also individuals - trendsetters, that is, citizens who with all their nature feel the direction of fashion, and dress in accordance with these feelings. This is a very valuable social product for fashion drivers, because trendsetters encourage the surrounding clumsy public to turn to the fashion trend.

And the collections of trendsetter brands perform the same role - they predict tomorrow’s fashion and motivate the general public to dress in this vein today.

In addition to collections of pretentious clothing, on the floors of TSUM you will find a lot of other products, such as shoes, youth and sportswear, bags, accessories and more.

Underground shopping complex "Okhotny Ryad", three levels containing more than 100 stores. The most prestigious brands are densely present here, such as Naf Naf, Stradivarius, Tommy Hilfiger, Festival, TopShop, ZARA, Accessorize, Lacoste, In City, Guess, Mascotte, New Yorker, Oasis, Sinequanone, Pull & Bear; sports - Puma, Reebok, Adidas and Nike. In addition, at all levels of the complex there are fast food establishments, various cafes and pastry shops.

It is convenient to enter the Okhotny Ryad shopping complex directly from the metro train, without going up to the surface. This can be done from the Okhotny Ryad metro station, and many Muscovites take advantage of this convenience.

Stoleshnikov Lane, which is a section of the pedestrian zone, is a rare phenomenon for Moscow. It is a street of pure luxury, because boutiques of the most prestigious brands such as Furla, Dior, Van Cleef and Arpels, Louis Vuitton, Burberry, Cartier, Piaget, Salvatore Ferragamo, Vacheron Constantin, Emanuel Ungaro, Chanel, Patrizia Pepe are constantly crowded here. , Hermes, Escada, Chaumet, as well as multi-brand boutiques Aizel and Crocus.

Further - Petrovka. Here, first of all, - Petrovsky Passage. Within its walls there is the “Antonio Marras” store with clothes for modern aristocrats, with collections from Jean Paul Gaultier, Kenzo, Bally, Max&Co, Etro, Alberta Ferretti, with stylish jewelry from Frey Wille and Pomellato.

In the building opposite there is a children's clothing store “I Pinco Pallino”; further along Petrovka there is the Litz store with many fashion brands; shoe stores "Rendez-vous", "Luciano Padovan" and "Sergio Rossi"; jeans in the famous Diesel store; knitwear from Laurel, Anna Rita N and Brunello Cucinelli; store for curvy women, Italian “Elena Miro”; designer store "Marmalade"; Wolford, Marc Jacobs and Celine boutiques.

One of the most fashionable stores in Moscow, Podium Concept Store, is located on the site of the former Fashion House, on Kuznetsky Most. Here the floors are occupied by designer clothes, stylish jewelry and accessories, and decorative items. Many products came from the hands of famous design masters.

Tretyakovsky proezd inhabit fine fashion stores from Dolce&Gabbana, YSL, Roberto Cavalli, Chloe, Tiffany&Co, Tod’s, Gucci, Prada.

Shopping on Tverskaya

Here, of course, you can get tired walking from store to store. First of all, the Cosmos Gold jewelry store, then the Fabi, Parade, Zara, and Castro boutiques. You need to go to the Podium store, which has many fashion brands on its shelves, such as D&G, Just Cavalli. You can buy jeans from Miss Sixty, or from Replay, or from Diesel. And then there is the large “Wild Orchid” store, offering underwear for men and women, including for lovers of Hugo Boss men’s classics, and for women – a wide selection of chic underwear.

Metro “Pushkinskaya”, Tverskaya street – the famous Eliseevsky store, “Gastronom No. 1”, about which legends were made at one time. Even today, despite the reconstruction, it has remained unshakably traditional, the same as it was under its owner. Now the Scarlet Sails retail chain is in charge here, and it has managed to successfully correlate the counter-based form of work with modern norms and ideas.

— shoe “Baldinini”, “Rendez-vous”, “Vicini”;

— jewelry “Neogold” and “Louvre Consul”;

— Grishko store, popular among professionals and lovers of dance art;

— fashion clothing stores “Adilisk”, “Sasch”, “TJ Collection”, “Glenfield”.

The Moscow bookstore is open until one in the morning so that lovers of reading, having completed all their work, can freely indulge in their favorite pastime - rummaging through books.

And again the stores are “Pas-a-Pas”, “Climona”, “Mexx”, “JLo”, “Caractere”, “Timberland”, “Benetton”, and on the opposite side - mono-brand boutiques from Sonia Rykiel, Escada, Tru Trussardi, as well as the center of the fashion brands “Fashion Point” and “James”.

Shopping on Malaya Bronnaya

Here, a little away from the bustle of the central streets, you can take a break and look around. But you can’t escape the shops; they are everywhere. Here is the “Lost and Found” store, you can come here to buy gifts - you won’t be able to leave empty-handed.

“Window to Paris”, “Details”, “Brussels Things”, where you can admire French dishes, various ethnic trinkets, as well as interesting vintage items for various purposes.

The Beryozka store, with a large selection of shoes of various brands, is a place that Muscovites like to visit.

Lovers of fashionable and stylish shoes visit Christian Louboutin and Manolo Blahnik boutiques.

There is also an interesting store “Chic. Shine. Krasota.”, offering its customers chic and brilliance, and at the same time beauty created by Russian designers.

Nikitsky Boulevard, Bolshaya Nikitskaya - shops and boutiques

Here, the Traffic and UK-Style stores offer their concept of fashion perception, and the Bookberry bookstore is located nearby.

Here is the Garderobe boutique. From the name it is clear that the store has a claim to its own style and its own word in the field of fashionable clothing. Indeed, there is clothing for yoga classes, for example. As a last resort, it can simply be used as a home one. Buyers are offered dresses from David Szetto and Martin Grand, jeans from Gray Aunt and JBrand. The prices here are not that low, but you can still buy some trendy items.

Shopping on Savvinskaya embankment

Discount stores of large fashion stores are collected here. These are “Cashmere and Silk”, “Discount Center”, “Sweet Remains”, “Braude”. Here you can successfully purchase jeans, classics, knitwear and basic items from well-known manufacturers. The shops are compactly located, it’s convenient to walk through them, and the prices are conducive to shopping.

Shopping on Arbat

On Novy Arbat there are 8 floors of the Lotte Plaza shopping complex with a 5* hotel and a business center.

The Articoli Spring store specializes in cosmetics and perfumes and sells products from well-known manufacturers. In addition, here you can buy accessories from Moschino, Etro, Braciallini, Chloe, Kenzo and Vivienne Westwood, those that belong to the class of must-have things.

After passing Smolensky Passage and Novinsky Passage, do not pass by the shoe store “Rendez-vous”, then you will come across another store from the “Podium” series of boutiques. Next to it is a store for children, which aims to instill a sense of fashion in young souls. It’s called “Tender Age”.

In the LeForm store you can buy a lot of things, such as belts, bags, clothes, shoes, home accessories, and interesting jewelry. There is little suitable for lovers of the classics, since the clothes offered are prone to pretentiousness and excessive originality. These are brands such as Comme des Garcons, Yohji Yamamoto, A.F. Vandervorst, Biryukov, Nina Donis, Junya Watanabe, Dries Van Noten, Stone Island, Martin Margiela. Further, after the “House of Books”, Old Arbat will begin, with its stores “Belpostel Union” - furniture and bed linen, “Accessorize”, “Bhs”, “Energie” and “Mexx”.

Moscow center - shops, salons and shopping houses

— Globus Gourmet grocery store, where you can find various delicacies;

— shopping complex "Gimen" with many boutiques and a beauty salon "Nail Room";

— “Second Fur Salon” with status fur items from such well-known manufacturers as Gas, Wrangler, Jeans Symphony denim Levi’s, Big Star, Mustang and Lee, as well as less prestigious and expensive, but popular E2O;

— shoe salon “Carlo Pazolini”;

— “TrevisJordan”, selling clothing from European manufacturers;

— “Escada”, chic and luxury;

— “Consul”, two stores that display watches and jewelry;

— Parade store with shoes, hats and a collection of bags; We issue insurance for,

— “Villeroy&Boch”, which will offer you elite tableware;

— “House of Furniture”;

— “House of Porcelain”;

- department store "Moscow".

There are also a lot of shopping establishments in Moscow, which are not physically possible to mention. It’s worth at least naming a few, for example, “The Snow Queen”; grocery house “Hediard”, located on Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya; Masha Tsigal's boutique on Pokrovka; "Interoptika" from Nakhimovsky Prospekt; “Fashion Continent” on Miklouho-Maclay Street; clothing and footwear boutique “Rich&Rich” on Academician Pilyugin Street; “Firmato&Scontato” on Lesnaya Street; "Adress", a clothing store on Kamergersky Lane; “Amaze” with electronic equipment, mobile phones and games, on Sadovaya-Karetnaya; “Rose of Azora” with vintage items and interesting little things, on Nikitsky Boulevard, and many, many others.

And in the center of Moscow there is such a Big Stone Bridge. After wandering around the Moscow shops, completely tired, choose this bridge as the last point of the excursion. Look to the right - the Kremlin, which is depicted from this exact angle on all kinds of postcards and paintings, with the Borovitskaya Tower. Look to the left - the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, strict and majestic. And below is the Moscow River. And the lights are already starting to come on, and the city is entering its evening life, when the daytime bustle and worries lose their meaning and become smaller. It’s okay, everything will calm down overnight, everyone will rest, gather their strength - and again begin to continue what they started. And you will go further to explore Moscow stores, and this will again be interesting and informative.

Tripster. We take out insurance for . We rent a car on . You can also buy train and bus tickets. If necessary (for example, to organize a shopping tour), we buy package tours on.

The days of “Sex and the City” are long gone and Sarah Jessica Parker has ceased to delight with shopping madness and the notorious tulle tutu skirt. Now we treat our wardrobe much more wisely, striving to reach a golden mean in everything, in which the services of a shopping guide also help us.

In Moscow you can find and buy almost everything! It’s a question of price, as well as your awareness and effort!

Of course, all European brands are mostly more expensive here, partly due to the increased euro exchange rate (if these are chain brands, such as Zara, Massimo Dutti, etc., owned by one large concern), partly 1.5-2 times more expensive (if The brand is single, or the holding company that owns it does not pursue a policy of a single price throughout the world).
However, the choice is wide, and budget shopping in Moscow is a very real possibility.

Routes around Moscow from minimum to maximum

I won’t talk about how to walk around Moscow, which streets, and which shops are located where. This is quite sufficient in the available sources. I will describe to you several budget routes within clothing brands so that you can comprehensively and independently solve certain wardrobe problems.

My main recommendation to make your best shopping in Moscow: look at the list of brands, study in which shopping centers these brands are present, and choose the shopping center that will be most convenient for you in terms of location.

Each route includes no more than 4 stores and brands, in order to simultaneously enjoy shopping and solve all your wardrobe problems, as well as maintain inner balance while shopping.

The route is economical

So, let's start with the most economical route. The most budget brands for both clothing and accessories.

  • H&M: known for its very affordable pricing policy for clothes, the maximum presence of artificial materials. Now there are quite decent and creative jewelry in the assortment, as well as shoes (made of artificial leather). Collaborations with famous brands take place from time to time (KENZO, for example, released a joint collection in November).
  • ZARA: higher price level, clothes of higher quality, but also mainly made of artificial materials. A decent selection in the line of accessories and clothing. I do not recommend buying outerwear due to the fairly high price and rapid wear due to the quality of the fabric.
  • MANGO: prices are at the same level as Zara, but the range is weaker. From time to time you come across interesting accessories and outerwear.
  • Econika: shoes made of genuine leather at an affordable price. High-quality materials, often featuring designer models, as well as limited editions and collections created together with famous designers and media personalities.

Economy plus route

  • Uniqlo: a store of natural knitwear in sporty and basic styles.
  • Massimo Dutti: a wonderful selection of natural fiber clothing for both men and women. High variability in colors and styles. Calm European sophisticated style. Here I really like outerwear, as well as knitwear and silk items. Men's suits are also made to order according to measurements.
  • Banana Republic: relaxed office style from smart casual to formal and weekend.
  • Economy: see description above.

Middle route

  • Massimo Dutti: see description above.
  • Mark and Spenser: offers quality tailoring clothing for both standard sizes and for men and women of shapely shapes.
  • Stockman: provides a selection of excellent accessories (hats, scarves, bags, etc.) for completely different budgets, as well as clothes in the middle and above-average price segment.
  • Economy: see description above.

Middle plus route

  • Max&Co: Max Mara brand line (Weekend, Marella, iBlues, PennyBlack, Marina Rinaldi, Persona).
  • Stockman: see description above.
  • Falconeri: very high quality knitted items, as well as outerwear based on knitwear.
  • Rendez Vous: multi-brand shoe store with mid-to-upper prices. Very profitable during sales periods.

Premium route

  • Max Mara: see description above.
  • Falconeri: see description above.
  • Lady&Gentelmen: a multi-brand store of premium clothing from famous quality brands from Italian to German.
  • Rendez Vous: see description above.

Guide to fashion stores and brands

Which stores and brands can you visit depending on your possible shopping budget?
I will tell you briefly about the main shopping centers, as well as their pricing policy (a kind of shopping guide in the city of Moscow).

  • TSUM and GUM are traditionally well-known, and (for a long time now) traditionally stores of luxury brands and corresponding prices.
  • Shopping centers European, Atrium, Metropolis are known for the variety of affordable brands, as well as brands in the above-average segment, both in clothing and accessories.
  • The Okhotny Ryad and Fashion Season shopping centers are located in the very center of Moscow and offer both traditional and chain clothing brands, as well as stores of Russian designers. Price range from low to high.

Of course, there are also single stores located along the central streets of Moscow, which also offer many variations of brands for any budget, but I will not deliberately list them due to the large number and repetition. But in general, if you walk along the street. Tverskaya, on the street. Arbat and along the street. New Arbat, I recommend that you look, at least out of curiosity, into any boutique whose display window you like, and I’m sure you will find many interesting things and determine the best places for shopping in Moscow. If you don’t like the price, turn around and leave - they don’t take money for asking :)

What your shopping experience in Moscow will be like is up to you! But to enjoy your shopping trip, you definitely need to work hard in advance.
What is important to do:

  • Review all your things.
  • Get rid of all things that are not in size.
  • Get rid of all things you haven't worn for more than 1 year.
  • Get rid of all things that have lost their appearance (covered with pills, worn out, faded or lost color, cannot be repaired, dirty, etc.).
  • Look at the remaining things and ask yourself the question: what makes me feel happy (happy), confident, beautiful, satisfied?
  • Leave only those things that evoke positive emotions in you.
  • Put together Happy Sets from the remaining items.
  • Next, you need to evaluate the result and decide in which stylistic direction you will go next.
  • Based on the previous point, make a shopping list of things that you need to buy (replace your favorite ones, but those that are out of order), and also write down those things and models that will support you in the new stylistic direction that you have chosen.

And after that, you can safely go shopping without fear of buying something extra and unnecessary. Of course, a personal stylist will make the process most effective, but a shopping guide in the form of my short guide will also help in your choice! Every invested ruble will work for your style.

And if you still doubt and are not sure, you can use the help of a stylist as in