Atlantis. Atlantic Western civilization By what criteria can Atlantis be considered a civilization?

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Guardians of the cultural heritage of lost civilizations will open a secret repository in Egypt and show the existence of highly advanced science and technology in the distant past. On their television screens, earthlings will see the stunning successes of a civilization that existed many millennia before us. The conclusion from this discovery will be: “You can bring the same destruction as these ancient peoples.” The inscription on the pyramids reads: “People will die from ignorance of the true world or from the inability to use the forces of nature.”

“Unfortunately, the present time completely corresponds to the last time of Atlantis,” says the book “Hierarchy” from the “Living Ethics” series, “the same false prophets, the same false savior, the same wars, the same betrayals and spiritual savagery. We are proud of the crumbs of civilization, just as the Atlanteans knew how to fly over the planet in order to quickly deceive each other, temples were also desecrated, and science became the subject of speculation and discord. The same thing happened in construction, as if they did not dare to build firmly. They also rebelled against the Hierarchy (Light) and were suffocated by their own egoism. They also upset the balance of underground forces and through mutual efforts created a catastrophe.”

How did humanity get to this point?

Our ancestors - the Aryans - received their knowledge from the Atlanteans. E.I. Roerich wrote in letters to her students: “Arya-varta means “country of the Aryans.” This is the ancient name of northern India, where the first immigrants from Central Asia came and settled after the destruction of Atlantis.”

E.P. Blavatsky writes that “the civilization of the Atlanteans was much higher than the civilization of the Egyptians.” And their “degenerate descendants” - the people of Plato’s Atlantis - “built the first pyramids in this country even before the arrival of the “Eastern Ethiopians,” as Herodotus calls the Egyptians.”

Atlantologists often mention the Great Atlantean Crystal. What kind of Crystal is this? Edgar Cayce reports that the Atlanteans discovered the secret of concentrating solar energy using a crystal with magnetic properties. The large stone was a cylindrical crystal with many facets. Its top captured solar energy and concentrated it in the middle of the cylinder. In 1933, several small stones of a similar shape were found in Yucatan (Central America), but people did not understand their purpose.

The Great Atlantean Power Crystal still rests at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean in the Bermuda Triangle area, which is why so many ships and planes disappear there. The giant crystal - the highest achievement of Atlantean civilization - was created when the Atlanteans were able to harness solar energy with the help of small crystals. Cosmic Teachers helped them find a powerful quartz vein, which, by its size, could reflect all the rays of the Sun and Moon. The Atlanteans were able to extract this block of quartz from the Earth, then process the edges with such precision and subtlety that they reflected every ray that fell on it. The crystal was used both day and night.

After the first catastrophe (800,000 years ago), which rebuilt the planet's continents, the Atlanteans began to use the giant crystal for aggressive purposes. Their pride reached the point that they decided to conquer Asia, located on the opposite side of the globe. When the rays of the crystal were directed through the center of the Earth, an explosion of incredible power occurred and the continent of Atlantis sank.

The current civilization (the Fifth Root Race) is also parasitic and also spends the vital forces of the planet, only not for subtle material purposes, but for purely physical ones. This is a civilization of pragmatists who recognize only gross material values. The current society is a consumer society. Life is becoming more and more unnatural, soulless and mechanical. The black magic of rhythm, sound, lighting effects, and video images works. Sophistications in video technology can reproduce a complete simulation of everything. The world becomes ghostly, illusory. People stop experiencing real feelings. But among the gray mass of thoughtless inhabitants there were always other people who created immortal masterpieces of art, climbed mountain peaks, went to the stake for the sake of Truth. There were and there are! This is a different, real humanity of the Future!

“All bright, unprejudiced consciousnesses will be saved and taken, as in the days of Atlantis, to safe places. Of course, every reorganization of the world brings with it great opportunities, therefore, although time is threatening, it is still beautiful and constructive. We just need to do our best to help lay the foundations for the future bright construction, which is already so close - closer than many believe, seeing destruction and decay all around,” writes E.I. Roerich.

In 1938 E.I. Roerich, quoting the Cosmic Teachers, wrote:

“The present century is reminiscent of a certain time of Atlantis. Then they failed to find balance, but if now they know about the same discrepancy, then some of the most living peoples can find the necessary correspondence. It will not be where the pendulum is dead, but where it swings extremely. They understand the importance of the common good. This formula has not yet been pronounced, but it is already maturing in the depths of consciousness. Service, first of all, is not rituals, but service to humanity. For many centuries words about cooperation have been spoken. Ideas often outpaced material possibilities, but now people have found many useful devices, and the time comes when we need to remember the common good.”

Only together, helping each other, can we rise up to a new stage of development. We are all descendants of the Atlanteans, both physically and spiritually. Our genetic ancestors were Atlanteans, our spiritual monads were once embodied in them. And the memory of Atlantis is needed so that its history is not repeated. If we do not protect the Earth, then chaos and savagery will reign for hundreds of thousands of years as a result of cataclysms. And the people of the Sixth Race - beautiful, tall, strong, sensitive, possessing abilities inaccessible to us - where will they have to incarnate? And is it really possible that the smile of Gioconda and Bach’s toccatas, Pushkin’s poems and Tchaikovsky’s symphonies, the landscapes of Roerich and Kuindzhi, the masterpieces of Indian architecture will be irretrievably lost to the world? Will we be able to prevent this?

It seems that we will be able to, but now only with the help of the Light Forces of the Solar System. There is every reason to believe that a revival of spirituality is taking place. This is, first of all, a manifestation of mass interest in High knowledge, forbidden for many years, an appeal to religions, a search for a spiritual path and perfection.

Pyramids and great dedications of the ancients.

Secrets of the pyramids

The colossal triangular structures of the Giza Pyramid seem to fall from the sky, like the rays of the sun. The pyramid was the main Temple of the Invisible and Supreme Deity. It is not an observatory or a tomb, but the first structure that serves as the repository of all the secret truths that are the basis of all arts and sciences.

Raymond Bernard, initiated into the secret teachings of the Rosicrucians, writes in the book “The Invisible Empire”: “In the Main Pyramid of Atlantis, the College of Sages, the guardians of secret knowledge, met. Much later, only one pyramid reproduced the Supreme Pyramid of the Atlanteans, and then on a different scale - this is the Pyramid of Cheops.”

The Atlanteans knew the nature and power of some cosmic forces, especially earthly tellurgical currents. The harmonious control of these forces allowed them to prevent geological disasters. The pyramids fulfilled this role, especially the Main Pyramid. And through her the whole Earth became an effective receiver of cosmic forces.

In Edgar Cayce's predictions regarding Atlantis we read:

“It is in the pyramids of Egypt that the history of Atlantis is found. Copies of all documents of Atlantis about its history and civilization were transferred to Egypt by the Atlanteans and hidden in the Hall of Chronicles - in a small pyramid located between the right paw of the Sphinx and the Nile River. It is located underground. The storage facility contains the bodies of immigrants from Atlantis. When this Hall is discovered, tables and books will be found there, left for posterity by the Atlanteans. Decorations of the altars of their temples, seals, surgical instruments, medicines, fabrics, musical instruments and much more will also be found there.”

The information is also found in the cornerstone of the base of the Sphinx's left front paw and covers the entire history of mankind up to 1998 AD. Cayce called the Cheops pyramid the “Pyramid of Understanding.” It, according to him, was created using levitation, i.e. universal laws that allow iron to float in the air. In this pyramid is the Hall of Initiation, and the purpose of the pyramid is much higher than as a “burial place.” Inside the pyramid there are mathematical and astronomical calculations of when the Earth will complete its cycle, since a reversal of the poles is possible. The appearance of the Messiah will bring about changes on Earth. There are indications in the pyramid about what these changes will be. They are all encrypted.

Something has not yet been heard about the discovery of the Hall of Chronicles under the pyramids in Egypt...

On the Yucatan Peninsula in South America, another prophecy predicted, a temple of the goddess Ishtar would be discovered, where chronicles, tables, and books of the Atlanteans were also kept. And nothing has yet been heard about this predicted discovery, which is obviously absolutely sensational. Or is it simply not done yet? Or is there more to come?

But here are predictions about other archaeological finds, where the well-known theme of the Great Power Crystal is played out. Records of how to create such a Crystal are found in three places: first, in sunken temples under the sediment near what is now known as Bimini, off the coast of Florida; secondly, in the Hall of Chronicles in Egypt; thirdly, the records were delivered by the Atlanteans to Yucatan. In the future, they will be discovered in Yucatan and transported to the State Museum in Pennsylvania, USA. Some of them will end up in Washington and Chicago.

And one more thing: the Atlanteans possessed forces that, combined with the forces of electricity and expanding gases, could cause explosions of colossal power... Records of systems producing such energy will be found near Bimini. Well, sunken temples and walls in these places have already been found.

Sphinx of Egypt

Another object of the Giza Plateau is no less interesting. This is the Sphinx of Egypt, known from photographs all over the world, and everyone can easily recognize this mutilated image. The only thing the world doesn’t know is why and when the Sphinx was carved from a giant block of dense limestone, and who turned the lonely rock into a statue of such gigantic proportions?

King Thutmose of Egypt freed the Sphinx from the oppressive sand. But little remains of the former beauty of the Sphinx. Time was kind to the Sphinx, but the evil hands of men turned out to be more merciless. This once beautiful face has been disfigured beyond recognition. The nose was recaptured by the fanatical Muslims who conquered Egypt in the 7th century, so that the followers of the Prophet Mohammed would not fall into idolatry. The beard, a symbol of divine power, was recaptured by Napoleon's soldiers who conquered Egypt in 1798. They chose the face of the Sphinx as a target for firing from cannons. Now the Sphinx's beard is in the British Museum. The absence of a beard has upset the balance of this entire structure, carved from a single rock, and partly from separate stones, and it is collapsing.

There are still holes on the Sphinx's body in the shoulder area, like scars. It was Colonel Howard Wise who pierced it with long iron drills with chisels at the ends in order to check whether it really consisted of solid rock or whether there was emptiness inside the Sphinx. He went 9 meters into the body and was disappointed to find no emptiness there. But at that time, three quarters of this sculpture was still buried under huge masses of sand.

And when the monuments of antiquity were not guarded as strictly as they are now, pieces of the mouth of the Sphinx and the remains of the nose “as a souvenir” were carried around the world by his admirers. As a result, his kind and “blessed” smile turned into half-sad, half-spectacular.

Some of the travelers could not resist the temptation to immortalize themselves by carving their insignificant names on the body of the Sphinx. The paint that covered the Sphinx was destroyed by the elements. But his greatness remained.

The ureus, which rises above the head of the Sphinx, is not only a sign of royal power, but, above all, a symbol of the power that is given to a person over himself. The supposed ureus on the head of the Sphinx was considered to be the finger of a huge sundial. It was also believed that He, along with the Pyramid, was used to determine time, seasons and precession.

For almost 200,000 years it has stood in the same place, and its unblinking eyes with different feelings look at the myriads of people passing by. Dressed in different personalities, the same spirits pass by, some accelerating their path forward, and some reversing it...

To many, the Sphinx seems to be a gloomy symbol of Truth, which man can never find. For some, he is a “silent idol.” But “those with ears” heard him well at all times.

The Sphinx is the main statue of this Earth. It was dedicated to the Sun, because physical light is the shadow of God and the substance of this rough material world closest to God. His eyes look exactly at the very point on the eastern horizon from where God Ra, the Sun God, begins his daily march.

“Know yourself, and you will know the whole world,” says the ancient wisdom inscribed above the Temple of Initiation. The Sphinx of Egypt can help in this knowledge. Listen, O man, to his whisper, and you will hear: “You exist. You are eternal. You are immortal. You are free. Nothing can destroy you. You are the true cause and witness of changes and all transformations of consciousness. Know yourself, O man!

The famous American occultist philosopher Manly Hall writes:

“There was the following theory: “The Sphinx of Giza served as the entrance to the sacred underground chamber in which initiations into secret teachings took place. The entrance, now blocked with sand and debris, can still be found between the front paws of the lying colossus. In the past, the entrance was closed with bronze gates, the secret springs of which were known only to magicians. The reverence of the people and religious fear guarded the gates better than armed guards could have done. In the belly of the Sphinx, galleries were laid leading to the underground part of the Great Pyramid. These galleries were so intricately intertwined that anyone who tried to enter the Pyramid without an accompanying person inevitably returned to the starting point after long wanderings.”

The bronze door described above has never been found, and there is no evidence that it ever existed. The past centuries have left noticeable marks on the colossus, and therefore it is quite possible that the existing entrance is now hopelessly closed.

The Sphinx is the symbol of the great cycle of our current Manvantara. In the Sphinx, of course, it is not difficult to recognize the sign of the Zodiac - Leo, and in the human face - the symbol of the Hierarchy and the spirits at the head of others. Pyramids are a symbol of the six Logoi. Measurements of pyramid passages can even give dates for many important events of our time.

Chapter III. Atlantic civilization. - Initiated kings. - Toltec Empire

According to esoteric history, the Atlantean civilization, going back to its origins, spans about a million years. This first human society we consider, so remote and different from ours, represents the fabulous humanity before the flood, of which all mythologies speak. Four floods, as we have already said, four huge cataclysms, separated by millennia, gnawed at the old continent, the remains of which disappeared along with the island of Poseidonis, leaving only modern America, initially attached to its mass and which increased on the Pacific side as Atlantis, undermined by underground fire from below, sank and finally took its place at the bottom of the ocean. During these millennia, several ice ages, caused by wobbles of the earth's axis, drove people from the north to the equator and from the center to all points of both hemispheres of the Earth. There were also migrations, wars and conquests. Each geological explosion was preceded by periods of prosperity and decline, when similar causes gave rise to similar actions. Seven subraces or varieties of the great mother Atlantean race successfully formed and dominated one after another over the other races, mixing with them. Among them were the prototypes of all the modern races inhabiting the globe: red, yellow and white - the basis of a new great mother race, the Semitic-Aryan race, which jealously separated itself from others to begin a new cycle in the development of mankind. There also existed, although subordinate, a black race, still in the ape stage, from which the Negroes and Malays descended.

The disordered history of these peoples, recorded by the adepts, contains only the main trends and main events. She first notes with the pen of Plato the phenomenon of the dominance of spontaneous theocracy and supreme government, which shows this mixture of races, not through brute force, but through natural and skillful magic. The federation of initiated kings ruled bloodlessly for centuries, and the hierarchy of divine powers was to some extent reflected on the human masses, impulsive but submissive, in whom the sense of self had not yet given rise to pride. As soon as it broke through, the black magic rose up against the white, like its fatal shadow, like its blood enemy, writhing folds and poisonous breath, which did not disdain to intimidate people in search of power. The two parties then shared a natural power over things, which man today has lost. From there all the monstrous wars that ended with the triumph of black magic and the disappearance of Atlantis. Let's give these vicissitudes a summary overview.

The first subrace of the Atlanteans was called rmoagalls. She emerged from the spurs of Lemuria and settled in the south of Atlantis, in a warm and foggy area inhabited by huge antediluvian animals that lived in vast swamps and dark forests. Prehistoric remains have been found in coal mines. They were a race gigantic and warlike, with brown skin like an acaju tree, acting collectively. Its name comes from the battle cry, by which members of the tribe recognized each other or frightened their enemies. It seemed to their leaders that they were acting on behalf of external forces that invaded them with waves of power and inspired them to conquer new territories. But their mission ended, the makeshift leaders returned to the earth, and all was forgotten. Only a vague memory remained, something elusive, the Rmoagalls were quickly defeated, subjugated by other branches of the Atlantean race.

Tlavatli, the same color as their rivals, an active, dexterous and cunning race, preferred the harsh mountains to the rich plains. They settled there as if in a fortress. This people developed memory, ambition, the rights of leaders and the foundations of the cult of ancestors. Despite these innovations, the Tlavatli played only a minor role in Atlantean civilization, although thanks to their cohesion and resilience they lasted the longest on the old continent, the last remnant of which, the island of Poseidonis, was inhabited by their descendants. Scott Elliott saw the Tlavatls as the ancestors of the Dravidians who still live in southern India.

The carriers of Atlantic civilization at the apogee of its development were Toltecs, whose name was revived among the Mexican tribes. They were a copper-skinned people, tall in stature, with features of strength and neatness. With the valor of the Rmoagalls, with the dexterity of the Tlavatli, the Toltecs combined a more faithful memory and a deep need to honor the leaders. The old sage, the deft guide, the fearless warrior were revered. The knowledge passed from father to son carried the foundations of patriarchal life and took root among the people. Sacred royal power was also established. It was formed on the basis of wisdom given by higher beings, the spiritual heirs of the primeval Manu, to persons endowed with insight and divinity. It can also be said that the priest-kings gave birth to the initiated kings. Greatness has been their strength for many centuries. It came to them from their mutual understanding and instinctive vast hierarchical connection. This power was unshakable for a long time. Enclosed in its mystery, it was surrounded by the religious grandeur and imposing splendor born of this era of simple feelings and strong sensations.

In the depths of the gulf formed by Atlantis, somewhere fifteen degrees above the equator, the Toltec kings founded the capital of the mainland. The Tsar-city, which is at the same time a fortress, a temple and a seaport. Nature and art competed, trying to create something extraordinary. The city arose above a fertile plain, on a wooded hill, the only hill remaining from the huge chain of mountains that surrounded the imposing circus. The city was crowned by a temple with square massive pilasters. Its walls and roof were covered with a metal called Plato orichalcum, a kind of bronze, shiny like silver or gold, the favorite precious metals of the Atlanteans. The radiance of this temple could be seen from afar. This is where the name of the city with the golden gates came from. But the greatest miracle of the Atlantic metropolis was, as described by the author of the Timaeus, the water supply system. Behind the temple, a large spring of clean water gushed out of the ground, cascading down in a stream in the mountain forest. The spring flowed from the reservoirs through an underground channel, carrying a mass of water from the mountain lake. The water fell in waterfalls and cascades, forming three circles of canals around the city, which served both as a means of quenching thirst and as protection. A little further, these canals flowed into a system of lagoons and into the sea, from where the waves brought products from distant countries. The city was located between the canals, two steps from the temple. According to Plato, behind the high architectural ramparts that guarded the canals, stadiums, hippodromes, gymnasiums and even a special guest courtyard for foreign visitors rose.

During the first heyday of Atlantis, the city with the golden gates was the point of attraction for its peoples, and the temple was a symbol of holiness and the center of religious leadership. It was in this temple that the annual meetings of the kings of the federation took place. The ruler of the metropolis convened them to resolve differences between the peoples of Atlantis, discuss common interests and resolve issues of peace and war with common enemies. War between the kings of the federation was strictly prohibited, and everyone had to unite against the one who violated the solar peace. These meetings were accompanied by magnificent religious ceremonies. In the temple stood a bronze stele on which were engraved in the sacred language the injunctions of Manu, the founder of the race, and the laws drawn up by his followers over the centuries. This stele was crowned with a golden disk depicting the sun - a symbol of the highest divinity. Although in those days the sun rarely broke through the clouds, he was revered as the king of the stars. Calling themselves children of the sun, the kings of the federation said that their wisdom and power descended from the sphere of this star. The meetings were preceded by all sorts of ceremonial cleansings. The kings, sanctified by prayer, drank from a golden goblet of water saturated with the scent of the rarest flowers. This water was called drink of the Gods and symbolized universal inspiration. Before making a decision or formulating a law, they spent the night in the sanctuary. In the morning, everyone told their dream. Then the king of the main city compared them and tried to identify a guiding thread. And only when they came to general agreement, the new law was promulgated.

Thus, at the apogee of the Atlantean race, intuitive and pure wisdom among these primitive peoples spread from top to bottom. It poured out like a mountain stream, a clear waterfall, and fell from canal to canal into the fertile plain. When one of the kings shared the golden goblet of inspiration with his fellows, they had the feeling that they were drinking a divine drink that enlivened their entire being. When a sailor approaching the shore saw in the distance the gleam of the metal roof of a solar palace, he believed that he was seeing a region of the invisible sun that was emerging from the temple that crowned the city of the golden gates.

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Atlantis was first described by the Greek philosopher Plato - 2000 years ago he argued that this prosperous, powerful civilization perished as a result of the aggression of the Athenians and the wrath of the gods, who drowned the island in the depths of the ocean. One could consider this country a writer’s invention, however, Atlantis is also mentioned by Herodotus, Strabo and Diodorus Siculus - philosophers who would hardly spread knowingly false rumors. During the Renaissance, the myth of Atlantis captured many minds: entire caravans of ships were sent in search of the mysterious country, some of which simply did not return. Naturally, this only generated a new wave of interest.

In the middle of the last century, researchers decided to develop a new doctrine - Atlantalogy. Quite serious developments were carried out for a couple of decades, but then the scientific community again awarded Atlantis the status of a myth. Is it really?

Italian writer and expert on ancient civilizations Sergio Frau announced his discovery. He claims to have found the remains of a city hidden underwater. The research was carried out in the southern part of Italy, off the coast of the island of Sardinia.

What happened to the Atlanteans

Naturally, such a statement caused a wave of skeptical comments from serious researchers of ancient history. However, after much discussion, scientists came to the conclusion that Atlantis could indeed be destroyed by a huge tidal wave. The tsunami was caused by the fall of a meteorite in the second millennium BC.


Sergio Frau and his team have already provided several antique objects allegedly recovered from the bottom of the drowned state. Frau claims that the southern tip of Sardinia looks like a city that was drowned long ago. This is indirectly confirmed by past finds of researchers: back in the middle of the 20th century, metal tools, ceramics and oil lamps were discovered in the same area - objects that were not yet in use by local tribes.

Past speculation

On the other hand, all previous explorations of Atlantis were carried out in a slightly different place. Experts believed that if a state existed, it was located somewhere between Morocco and Spain, in the middle of the Strait of Gibraltar.

Plato and his state

Many scholars believed that Plato described this fictional civilization as some kind of illustration of his political theories. The philosopher described the city as a large conglomeration of highly developed tribes, highly respected by their neighbors due to their huge fleet. According to Plato, the kings of Atlantis were descendants of Poseidon himself and managed to conquer most of Western Europe and Africa before the disaster occurred.

Dark Ages of Sardinia

Bad times fell on the island of Sardinia around 1175. This fact attracted Frau, who was well aware that before the Dark Ages, the people of Sardinia were a very progressive tribe and used iron tools. Consequently, some kind of catastrophe occurred that threw Sardinia almost into a primitive society - and Frau believes that this was the flooding of Atlantis.

Mysterious towers

The towers on top of the mountains of Sardinia are connected by complex underground tunnels, which were equipped with food storage systems. Scientists have never been able to understand why this system was built. The only reasonable explanation was also proposed by the ancient philosopher Plutarch, who argued that the islanders watched from high towers as their country was drowning. Thus, these structures may be the same towers, pre-equipped in anticipation of a disaster.

Fact or Fiction

By and large, all the artifacts found and the research conducted do not prove the existence of Atlantis. Sergio Frau could well have found the remains of another small settlement, abandoned even before plunging into the depths of the sea. However, there is still a good chance that scientists have eventually found the remains of the legendary civilization.

One should not assume that only seas and lakes disappear and appear. Islands appear and disappear in the same way. The best example of this is history of Atlantis, an island that was larger than Libya and Asia combined. History of the island of Atlantis.

Atlantis Island

Of course, in the time of Plato, (more details:) the size of both Libya and Asia was represented differently, but still Atlantis Island was not small. The ancient Greek scientist Plato was the first to talk about Atlantis. The hypothesis about Atlantis begins with Plato’s dialogues “Timaeus” and “Critias”. In them, the great ancient Greek scientist talks about a once-existing large island in the Atlantic Ocean, which was swallowed up by the abyss of water. But what is Plato setting out? An ancient legend or his own fiction about a mythical island? Or maybe he reports the real facts of the existence of an ancient civilization, information about which came to him by chance? So what is this story of Plato - legend, hypothesis, reality? Since the first half of the 4th century BC, attempts have been made to answer this question. But there is still no definitive answer.

Legends about Atlantis

Legends about Atlantis have inspired writers and poets more than once.
  • Remember Julierne's Captain Nemo, who, with his arms crossed on his chest, looks at the beautiful city, illuminated by an underwater volcanic eruption. In front of him is the dead Atlantis...
  • From the golden top of the giant pyramid, spacecraft resembling huge eggs take off to carry the last Atlanteans away from the raging elements to distant Mars. And the waves of the ocean are already licking its foot, and the tremors of the raging earthquake are absorbing the legendary “City of a Hundred Golden Gates”. You probably remember this picture, it was painted in “Aelita” by Alexey Tolstoy.
  • And here’s another thing: Aksa Guam, a priest who rebelled against the all-powerful priests in the pages of Alexander Belyaev’s story “The Last Man from Atlantis,” steps onto the rocky shore of Europe.
And this list could be continued almost endlessly, a list of wonderful inventions generated by an ancient legend.

Atlantis in scientific literature

There is about Atlantis literature and other kinds. No less fantastic in content, but still claiming the right to be called scientific literature. One of these books was quite self-confidently called “The History of Atlantis.” And the author of another was Schliemann, the grandson of the man who discovered the stones of the legendary Troy from under the layers of many centuries. Shamelessly speculating on the name of his famous grandfather, he titled the book very pretentiously: “How I Found the Lost Atlantis.” Both of these books are from the stream of so-called “occult literature”, which shrouded the problem of Atlantis in such a thick mystical fog that for some scientists it obscures even today scientific significance of this problem. At the same time real science is interested in the problem of Atlantis, since there are countless questions associated with it that are awaiting solutions:
  • Here, it would seem, is a science very far from the problem of Atlantis - botany. Where is the birthplace of the banana, a plant cultivated so long ago that it can now only be propagated by cuttings? How did bananas become one of the cultivated plants in America and Africa?
  • Where is the homeland of maize - a plant that is now one of the famous “three” main breads of mankind along with wheat and rice? Modern corn is completely incapable of reproducing by self-sowing, and no plants have been found that could be considered its ancestors. Meanwhile, corn has long been known not only in America, but also in Africa. So where did this plant come from in the cultivated cereals of two continents?
  • Here is comparative linguistics. How did the roots of Greek words get into the Mayan language - one of the Indian peoples who inhabited Central America?
  • How did the word “atlas” get from America to Europe? From North Africa this word became the name of the Atlantic Ocean. Meanwhile, it has nothing in common with European languages, but in the Pagua language, which has long lived in Mexico, words with the same root mean “water”, “sea”, “death”.
  • Why do the myths of the American continent preserve stories about the death of a land located overseas in the east, and in the legends of European peoples about a drowned land overseas in the west?
  • History of culture. Why were ancient sculptures of lions and other animals that do not live in America found in Peru, and in Europe no less ancient images of saber-toothed tigers that became extinct here about 300 thousand years ago?
  • Why was the custom of making mummies common not only in Egypt, but also among the Mayans in Central America?
  • Ethnography. Why do Cro-Magnons, the ancient ancestors of Europeans, and some Indian tribes have close anthropological similarities?
  • Zoology. Why do eels from the rivers of Western Europe go to spawn in the Sargasso Sea, whose algae are related to the Mediterranean?
  • Wild horses were known in Europe in the Paleolithic era; they were used as a hunting object by cavemen. Then their traces disappear, and in the Bronze Age a domestic horse appears. Who carried out this domestication?
It seems that these and many other questions do not give the right to unconditionally deny the existence of Atlantis, although they do not give the right to assert that Atlantis existed. Therefore, again and again, researchers turn to the primary source of information about the sunken continent, to two dialogues of Plato.

The history of Atlantis in Bryusov's poem

One of the first in modern times to make an attempt to explore the history of Atlantis was the remarkable Russian poet. The history of Atlantis was described in his works by the Russian poet Valery Bryusov. He was an amazing person, a poet, writer, mathematician, a great expert on ancient history, and an expert in research in various fields of the natural sciences. The problem of Atlantis interested him literally from childhood. In his youth he worked on poem "Atlantis". During the years of creative maturity, he wrote a series of poems devoted to the same problem. He published a large scientific work, “Teachers of Teachers.” The poet-scientist called the ancient inhabitants of Atlantis teachers of teachers, in which
all knowledge has arisen
and in which
everything that was possible was achieved by the first children of the Earth.
(lines from Bryusov’s “Atlantic” cycle of poems are in quotation marks). He made an attempt to trace their influence on the most ancient peoples of the world, and primarily on the Cretan-Mycenaean culture. Having analyzed the stages of development of ancient cultures, including Egyptian and Aegean, Bryusov comes to the conclusion that their initial stages are strange and incomprehensible. Egyptian culture begins mysteriously: the oldest pyramids are also the tallest. The origins of their arts are unclear, they suddenly appear before the astonished world, like Pallas Athena, who emerged in dress and armor from the head of Zeus. Bryusov sees something similar in the Cretan-Mycenaean culture. The legendary labyrinth appears as if suddenly. Before him, only the remains of people who had not yet emerged from the Stone Age could be discovered on the island. Shouldn't this leap be explained by someone's influence that spread to the culture of peoples living on different continents? Doesn’t all this testify to the existence in ancient times of a people who became a universal mentor,
teacher of teachers?
It was after these considerations that the poet-scientist moved on to that culture that could lay claim to the honor of being called
teachers teachers.
Tradition told him the right name - Atlantis. And in search of an answer, Bryusov turns to Plato’s “Dialogues”. Based on contemporary data about Atlantis, analyzing Plato’s messages, Bryusov comes to the conclusion (lines from the work “Teachers of Teachers”):
If we assume that Plato’s description is a fiction, it will be necessary to recognize Plato as a superhuman genius, who was able to predict the development of science for thousands of years to come, to foresee that one day learned historians will discover the world of Aegean and establish its relations with Egypt, that Columbus will discover America, and archaeologists will restore the civilization of the ancient Mayans, etc. Needless to say, with all our respect for the genius of the great Greek philosopher, such insight seems impossible to us and that we consider another explanation simpler and more plausible: Plato had materials (Egyptian) at his disposal, dating back to ancient times.
The method adopted by Valery Bryusov is simple and logical: he read Plato’s dialogues and compared them with the objective level of knowledge of the ancient philosopher as a man of his time. Based on this, the poet comes to the conclusion that Plato could only obtain most of the information contained in the Dialogues from people who knew about the existence of Atlantis. Well, for example,
Plato, like all Greeks, knew nothing about the Aegean kingdoms, which preceded the Hellenic ones on the soil of Greece. Therefore, Plato could not have any reason to invent a strong state in Attica many centuries before the beginning of Greek history.
Plato writes that Atlantis was located on the islands beyond the Pillars of Hercules (i.e., beyond the Strait of Gibraltar) and from it it was possible, sailing further west, to get to another “opposite” continent. But the ancient Greeks knew nothing about America! Doesn't this indicate that this data also reached Plato from some competent source? Having established in this way that on the very first pages of his dialogues Plato makes two brilliant discoveries in different fields of science - in history and geography, Bryusov is convinced that even in seemingly insignificant details Plato turns out to be surprisingly close to the truth. This applies, say, to the unknown metal orichalcum. After there was no place for it in the periodic table, its very existence became doubtful. Bryusov believed, however, that this unknown metal could be aluminum. True, to obtain it, electric current is used, which the Atlanteans did not know about. Or maybe they knew another method for producing aluminum? To this we can add a historical fact reported by the ancient historian Pliny: in the first years of our era, an unknown craftsman brought to the Roman Emperor Tiberius a metal bowl that shone like silver, but was extremely light. The master said that he got this metal from clay soil. Tiberius, fearing that the new metal would devalue his gold and silver reserves, ordered the master's head to be cut off. It is quite possible that we are also talking about aluminum. Ancient historian Pliny. Scientists believe that orichalcum could be a natural alloy of copper and zinc, or modern brass. Occasionally there are ores containing both of these metals. This alloy also corresponds to the color of orichalcum - “red, the color of fire.” In Plato's Dialogues we learn about the flora and fauna of Atlantis. They are described surprisingly realistically. Apparently, elephants and horses can be considered the most fantastic in the fauna of Atlantis. According to Plato, the Atlanteans had horses and elephants in their colonies in Africa and America. But this does not at all contradict the truth: both horses and elephants in America became extinct relatively recently. In “Teachers of Teachers” Bryusov, getting acquainted with the description of the capital of Atlantis - the City of the Golden Gate, believes that he too
also does not go beyond the scope of the possible... The statue of Poseidon described by Plato was enormous, but it is also close in size to the statue of Olympian Zeus, sculpted by Phidias... And in general, in the entire description there is not a single feature that would expose a deliberate fiction. ..
- writes Bryusov. Does Plato's description of Atlantis correspond to new scientific data? After Bryusov, scientists returned to this issue more than once and found new surprising coincidences. Well, for example, the two springs that feed Plato’s Atlantis - hot and cold water - could really be on an island associated with active volcanic activity. Scientists also found a tree that was mysterious, perhaps even to Plato himself,
which provides drink, food, and ointment.
It could be a coconut palm, which actually provides “drink” - coconut milk, and “food” - nut pulp, and “ointment” - semi-liquid coconut oil. Even Plato’s remark that the walls and towers of the Golden Gate City were made of stone of three colors: white, black, red - found interesting confirmation: it was from such stones that the cities in the Azores were built; they are sometimes considered the mountain peaks of the sunken Atlantis. Research conducted in recent years has confirmed Plato's date for the tragic catastrophe, when the remains of a giant transatlantic island that once connected two great continents sank to the bottom of the ocean. What does not confirm such an ancient date? Changing currents? Ocean currents to one degree or another determine the climate of the continents. Perhaps their appearance and disappearance is the rocket at whose signal the glaciers begin to move? Melting, glaciers expose the earth's surface, leaving giant blocks of boulders, as if abandoned in a panicked retreat. Well, why do sea currents appear and disappear? Atlantologist E. F. Hagemeister suggested that the end of the last ice age was caused by the breakthrough of the warm Gulf Stream into the cold Arctic Ocean. And what happened, she believes, is because
Atlantis sank to the bottom of the ocean and opened the way for the Gulf Stream.

The academician completely agreed with this assumption V. A. Obruchev. He wrote:
The sinking of Atlantis again cleared the way for the Gulf Stream, and in the north its warm waters gradually stopped glaciation around the North Pole.
The remains of living creatures found in sediments on the ocean floor can tell a lot. Here, for example, is what foraminifera testify to. The coils of the spirals of foraminiferal shells are twisted to the left in heat-loving forms, and to the right in cold-loving forms. By studying soil cores taken in the North Atlantic, scientists came to the conclusion that about 10-13 thousand years ago, the waters of the North Atlantic warmed sharply. This is also associated with the breakthrough of the warm waters of the Gulf Stream. But when did this happen? Russian hydrogeologist , examining soil samples from the bottom of the polar seas, found that the hot Gulf Stream first penetrated into the northern seas about 12 thousand years ago. This was shown by radioisotope analysis. Russian hydrogeologist M. M. Ermolaev - carried out radioisotope analysis of soil from the bottom of the polar seas. American scientists obtained similar results. They examined volcanic ash, which is found in sediments at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. And it turned out that he appeared here about 12 thousand years ago. This once again confirmed the legendary date of the death of Atlantis: the island sank to the bottom of the ocean under the thunderous salute of volcanic eruptions. Most of Bryusov's work is devoted to connections between the most ancient civilizations of our planet. The poet-scientist pays special attention to the Cretan-Mycenaean culture. His book was published when the excavations in Crete were not yet completed. This gave her additional interest, which the author could not help but take into account. Well, does science today confirm the existence of such connections?

The most ancient civilizations of our planet

Exactly the question our most ancient civilizations The book of A. A. Gorbovsky “Riddles of Ancient History” is dedicated to the planet. Some of Gorbovsky’s conclusions can be questioned, but the facts he provides are usually accurate. And they most often concern the most ancient ideas about structure. Well, for example:
  1. The idea of ​​a plurality of inhabited worlds, for which Giordano Bruno was burned. It turns out that it was stated as an immutable truth by Egyptian texts and the sacred books of ancient India and Tibet. Gorbovsky quotes the ancient Sanskrit book “Vishnu Purana”:
    Our Earth is only one of thousands of millions of similar inhabited worlds located in the Universe.
    He further refers to the words of archaeologist J. A. Masson:
    The idea that creatures similar to humans live on distant stars also existed in ancient times in Peru.
  2. Another example - The ancient Egyptians knew about it.
    “The earth was in front of me like a round ball”
    - this quote is from the Leiden Demotic Papyrus. The Aztecs depicted the planets as small circles or balls that the gods played with.
  3. In the Middle East, Ancient Egypt and India, the year was divided into 12 months. But why did the same division exist in South America? Why was the ancient Mayan year, which had 360 days, used in Ancient Egypt, Babylon and India?
  4. The ancient Greeks, Indians, Celts, Mayans divided the history of mankind into four periods, and each of them was considered to be painted with a special paint. It is surprising that they all considered the last, fourth, period to be painted black.
  5. Another example. The biblical myth about the construction of the Tower of Babel and the subsequent confusion of languages ​​is well known. It is not surprising that the Babylonians have a similar story: the creators of the Bible simply stole it. But where did this legend come from in Ancient Mexico? But they talk about it in these words:
They built a high tower... But their languages ​​suddenly mixed up, they could no longer understand each other and went to live in different parts of the Earth.
And again, and again... You can often read that legends about the “universal flood” are common only among coastal peoples and that these are memories of previous floods. In fact, there is no such ancient people that would not have this legend. Everyone knows the story of the Bible. Many people know that it is borrowed from the ancient Sumerian epic of Gilgamesh. But the English ethnologist reports that of the 130 Indian tribes of North, Central and South America, there is not a single one that does not have a myth about the great catastrophe. English ethnologist J. Fraser. In the fifty post-Bryusov years, this list has lengthened almost to infinity. It would be fair to consider that Valery Bryusov’s work “Teachers of Teachers” summed up the first period of studying the problem of Atlantis, turning the legend set out in Plato’s dialogues into a scientific document. The author himself assessed the outcome of his work approximately in this way: “From now on, the “problem of Atlantis” leaves the realm of fortune-telling, becomes a definite historical hypothesis and should share the usual fate of scientific hypotheses, depending on whether newly discovered facts will refute or confirm it.” And yet, it would not be entirely fair if we, having paid tribute to the merits of Bryusov’s work, remain silent about its fatal flaw: carried away by the enchanting legend, he recklessly considered the culture of the Atlanteans to be extremely high.
Over the course of thousands of years, their power increased and their culture developed, reaching a height that, perhaps, none of the earthly peoples reached after that.
This assessment was obviously facilitated by the influence of books by occultists, who believed that the Atlanteans knew aeronautics, rocketry, etc. Scientists, in particular N. F. Zhirov, carefully analyzed the question of how high culture Plato describes. What metals does Plato talk about? About gold, silver, lead, iron, about the mysterious orichalcum? But gold and silver are found in native form, and their abundance in the Atlantean capital does not indicate that these metals were widely used in the life of the city. Iron, which is mentioned only once by Plato, was probably meteoric. After all, in the “Dialogues” there is no mention of iron or bronze weapons or tools. Metals were used only for cladding giant stone walls or for decorating temples. All this cannot be considered evidence of the onset of the Copper or, especially, the Bronze Age. Both weapons and tools, say, for cultivating the land, and household products were made only from stone and bone, which is quite consistent with the Stone Age. Plato also does not mention lime, cement, and gypsum as binding building materials. Metals, primarily copper, were apparently used to hold the wall blocks together. This also corresponds to the first period of transition from the Stone to the Bronze Age. There is nothing contradictory in Plato’s story about the gigantic size of the temples. It is at this stage of development that many peoples of the world gravitate towards gigantism in architecture. A number of authors associate megalithic buildings scattered along almost all sea coasts of the globe with the Atlantean culture. There are especially many of them in Western Europe. Megaliths are structures made of unhewn or semi-hewn giant blocks of stone, laid in rows or circles. They were built so long ago that even legends about it are silent. But they are known in Europe, South America, Palestine, Ethiopia, India, Japan, and Madagascar. There is only one doubt - these structures must have been built by Stone Age people.
Megaliths are structures made from unhewn or semi-hewn giant blocks of stone - scientists associate them with the Atlantean culture. The high culture of agriculture does not at all contradict the general assessment of the level of development of the people of Atlantis given by N.F. Zhirov. By the way, agriculture apparently arose 30-20 thousand years ago, which coincides with the date of the heyday and death of Atlantis. The Russian scientist Doctor of Chemical Sciences N.F. Zhirov can rightfully be considered a major atlantologist. He has written articles in newspapers and magazines, on radio and television, and published several books. The last of them, Atlantis, was published in 1964, several years before his death. According to N.F. Zhirov, the question of the existence of Atlantis should be resolved by science. In particular, oceanology has the final say here. It is she who must answer whether there could have been, and whether there was, several thousand years ago in the Atlantic Ocean, opposite Gibraltar, a fairly large island. Yes, N.F. Zhirov answers these questions. Atlantis could have existed. Data from modern science indicate that in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean there is an underwater North Atlantic Ridge, which could have existed subaerially (above the surface of the water) at times close to those indicated by Plato in his legend. It is possible that some of these land areas existed until historical times. So, maybe it makes sense to look for traces of Atlantis on these islands? The islands of the Atlantic Ocean have long attracted the attention of atlantologists. Unfortunately, there was nothing like a large complex expedition that would conduct thorough archaeological excavations, record everyday rituals and legends, study the flora and fauna in detail, etc., on these islands. Although, according to many assumptions, this is where one should look for the clue to Atlantis. Some of the Azores islands are associated with interesting legends.
  • Thus, an equestrian statue was allegedly found on the island of Corvo. The man depicted on it extended his hand to the west. This fact is reported, in particular, by the German scientist R. Hennig.
  • On other islands, gravestones were found with inscriptions in an unknown language.
  • On one of the Cape Verde islands, a dolmen and rock inscriptions in the Berber language were found.
  • Some experts consider the population of the Canary Islands to be direct descendants of the Atlanteans. After a brutal war carried out by the Spaniards against the population of the islands, who did not know either metal or, let alone, firearms, the twenty thousand population of the islands was destroyed. By 1600, not a single purebred Aborigine remained alive. Paleanthropological studies have shown that the Aborigines belonged to various ethnic groups. These conclusions were made by the French scientist R. Verno, after excavating the corresponding burials. The Guanches, as the inhabitants of these islands are called, spoke in languages ​​of Berber origin. Two types of rock inscriptions have also been discovered. It is believed that one of these types is related to the hieroglyphs of Crete. But not a single inscription has yet been deciphered or read. During one of the first visits to the islands by the Portuguese, a statue of a man holding a ball in his hand was discovered here. She was taken to Lisbon, but her whereabouts are now unknown.
The bottom of the ocean also hides quite a few interesting things.
  • A Swedish oceanographic expedition on the ship "Albatross" discovered freshwater diatoms in one of the soil columns raised from the bottom west of Africa. Maybe they were washed out into the ocean by the waters of the Congo or Niger Rivers? But in this case, freshwater species would be mixed with marine species. It is more logical to assume that the soil column was taken from where a freshwater lake was once located.
Unfortunately, so far scientists have not been able to recover either a statue of Poseidon or even a fragment of his trident from the site of the destruction of Atlantis. But still there were finds...
  • In the mid-50s, a sea dredge lifted about a ton of very strange formations from the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean south of the Azores Islands. These were limestone discs with a depression on one side, giving them the appearance of plates. On average, the diameter of these disks reached 15 centimeters, and the thickness was 4 centimeters. Their outer side was relatively smooth, but the inside of the depressions was rough. The strange shape of these formations indicates their artificial origin. It was also possible to establish the age of these “sea biscuits”. It turned out to be equal to 12 thousand years, which corresponds to the date of the death of Atlantis. It was possible to establish something else: the “biscuits” were made under atmospheric conditions. By whom? For what? How did they get to the top of the underwater mountain?
N.F. Zhirov in his book mentions the custom that existed among some Caucasian peoples of sacrificing food to spirits on the tops of mountains. Perhaps the “sea biscuits” found were plates for similar sacrifices performed by the inhabitants of Atlantis? These are the few evidences of the existence of Atlantis. There were incomparably more of them that could have been cited. Well, in general, what can we say about the problem of Atlantis from the level of modern knowledge?
  • First of all, the mountain range located in the center of the Atlantic Ocean is the center of numerous earthquakes. This indicates high seismic activity in this area.
  • There are a number of areas in the Atlantic Ocean that were dry land relatively recently, and
    for all these places,
    - notes N.F. Zhirov, -
    we do not exclude the possibility of the existence of islands even in historical times; some of them may have been inhabited.
  • The scientist compares information about the islands that existed in historical times, available on modern maps. Surprisingly, they are identical. However
    there is every reason to assume the possibility of subsidence of individual islands and banks of the North Atlantic in our historical time, which had the character of a cataclysm.
    This explains the impossibility of such identification in a number of cases.
  • However, there is a lot of evidence of the existence of Atlantis exactly where it should be expected, according to Plato. Thus, relatively recently a piece of coral was lifted aboard the ship “Mikhail Lomonosov” from one of the peaks of the North Atlantic Ridge. As you know, corals live only at relatively shallow depths. And since the coral was raised with a piece of bedrock from a depth of two and a half kilometers, it remains to be assumed that recently this is where the mountain range sank into the depths of the ocean by at least two kilometers.
  • And although many scientists categorically deny the possibility of the existence in historical times of large areas of land in the Atlantic Ocean, there are experts who equally confidently assert: yes, Atlantis could have existed and disappeared precisely in the time period that Plato spoke about, i.e. about 12 thousand years ago. In any case, it was at this time that serious changes took place in the Atlantic Ocean, accompanied by fractures of the earth's crust, volcanic eruptions, changes in ocean currents, perhaps, warming of the entire northern hemisphere, which caused the end of the Ice Age.
More than half a century has passed since Bryusov wrote his work “Teachers of Teachers.” To our greatest regret, to this day the general attitude of scientists towards this issue has not essentially changed. Most people still regard Plato's story as an unfounded fabrication. Evidence of this is that “the narratives of ancient writers, as we know, are full of such fabulous tales.” There has been no new evidence of this over the past years. And the quote given here dates back to the very beginning of our century. One often gets the impression that the “opponents of Atlantis” did not read Bryusov’s works. However, this is also possible. Bryusov's work was published only once, in 1917, in a magazine that was published in a negligible circulation. Time did not help his fame either: the world was then shaken by a world war. Russia was on the eve of revolution. The most pressing problems of modern life were incomparably more important than the history of the continent that drowned thousands of years ago. And very soon the article “Teachers of Teachers” became a bibliographic rarity. And she did not have the opportunity to convince readers that a particular “fabulous tale” contains too much information that Plato could not have had, and this requires a more lenient attitude towards him. It remained the property of only specialist atlantologists who, in their own ways, came to the same conclusion.

But we must not forget something else. The world has entered an era of scientific and technological revolution, capturing ever new areas of knowledge. The ocean also succumbed to this uncontrollable pressure of science. Researchers have already reached its maximum depths in bathyscaphes. And without descending into the abyss of the ocean, scientists can already study its bottom in order to find the ruins of giant temples, the remains of city walls and surrounding canals. There is almost no doubt that such search for Atlantis will be undertaken in the near future.
Search for Atlantis. What machines, devices, devices will they work with? Of course, clumsy, clumsy bathyscaphes are not very suitable for working on the ocean floor. But perhaps bathyscaphes will not be needed for this. Perhaps the search for Atlantis will be carried out by atlantologists and scuba divers. Atlantologists-scuba divers?! At a depth of more than 3 thousand meters?! Are such depths accessible to scuba divers? Or will they be available? It's difficult to answer this question. After all, scuba diving as a means of underwater work appeared quite recently, in 1943, J. I. Cousteau initially believed that this invention of his would help a person master a maximum of two to three tens of meters of water. But... Here are the record dives for the post-war 30 years. It must be said that in our time, today's record becomes a publicly available value tomorrow. This can be confirmed, say, by the increase in speeds of cars and airplanes. Probably everyone remembers the story of airplanes breaking sound speed. How long ago was it?! And today, supersonic passenger aircraft have become an everyday reality in many countries around the world. The same thing happens with the diving depth records achieved by scuba divers. So, the first tens of meters are accessible to an amateur scuba diver who has put on scuba gear for the first time. But we must not cross the permissible physiological threshold. This threshold is breathing with highly compressed air. In this case, the blood becomes oversaturated with oxygen and nitrogen dissolved in it. Oversaturation with oxygen causes convulsions, and with nitrogen - intoxication and leads to decompression sickness. At the same time, nitrogen dissolved in the blood begins to be released directly into the veins and arteries. And a person often dies. To prevent this from happening, divers rise from the depths extremely slowly, and then the blood has time to free itself from excess nitrogen. In this case, the ascent from a depth of a hundred meters drags on for 5 hours. The ingenious idea of ​​a Swiss scientist helped defeat decompression sickness Hansa Keller A. The essence of this idea is to use various gas mixtures when rising from great depths. Once, when testing his idea, he rose from a depth of 222 meters in just 53 minutes! But the record for diving in a diving suit was only 180 meters, and the rise from this depth took 12 hours. Keller descended to a depth of 400 meters. This was in 1960-1962. In 1970, English scuba divers descended to a depth of 457 meters. But at the end of the same year, the French moved it beyond the half-kilometer mark; they reached 520 meters! And in 1972, an even greater depth was taken - 565 meters. The next step amazes with its boldness and magnitude. Four American volunteers descended to a depth of 1520 meters, spent 4 hours at the indicated depth and rose to the surface without any harm to themselves. True, the last experiment was carried out in a pressure chamber, but this does not change the essence of the matter. Depth reached! All that remains is to double or triple it, and the depths of Atlantis will be at the mercy of scuba divers. They will be able to search for sunken land and, without returning to the surface of the ocean, relax in special underwater houses. Today, underwater houses of various designs are being tested in the USA, Holland and Italy, Japan and Cuba. It's possible that Atlantis will be discovered not with the help of heavy, bulky deep-sea spacesuits and bathyscaphes, which carried out the first exploration of great depths, but with light, mobile ones, dressed only in a woolen suit under a thin rubber cover, who had undergone special training as deep-sea scuba divers.

Modern researchers have not yet managed to fully reveal all the hidden secrets of the existence of Atlantis. However, thanks to the many studies carried out in this area, there are still a number of assumptions and hypotheses regarding the existence of the described ancient civilization.

Official science, of course, does not recognize the existence in the past of this mysterious - perhaps, really only mythical - civilization.

The achievements of the Atlantean civilization are impressive.

There is an opinion among scientists that the Atlanteans achieved a very high level of progress in all spheres of life. They could plan their lives in completely different ways. For example, telepathic communication with family and friends was not alien to the people who once inhabited this sunken continent. They also loved to have long conversations on the topic of what role they occupy in the Universe.

According to theosophists, the Atlanteans were the fourth race on earth. They appeared after the death of the Lemurian civilization, having absorbed some of its achievements, and existed until the appearance of the fifth race, the Aryans. The Atlanteans, compared to the Lemurians, were much more godlike. Beautiful, smart and ambitious.

They worshiped the sun and quickly developed their technology, just as we do today.

Description of Atlandita by Plato

In four hundred and twenty-first BC, Plato in his writings spoke about the disappeared civilization of the Atlanteans.

According to him, it was a large island located in the middle of the ocean, beyond Gibraltar. In the center of the city there was a hill with temples and the palace of the kings. The upper city was protected by two earth mounds and three water ring canals. The outer ring was connected by a 500-meter canal to the sea. Ships sailed along the canal.

Copper and silver were mined in Atlantis. The ships that arrived brought pottery, spices, and rare ores.

The temple of Poseidon, the ruler of the seas, was built from gold, silver, and orchilac (an alloy of copper and zinc). His second temple was protected by a golden wall. There were also statues of Poseidon and his daughters.

Forty years later, after the death of the philosopher, the Athenian resident Krantor went to Egypt to find Atlantis. In the temple of Neith, he found hieroglyphs with texts about the events that took place.

Scientific and technological progress in Atlantis

Thanks to their high level of psychic and mental development, the inhabitants of Atlantis were able to establish contact with alien beings. Some researchers provide information that the Atlanteans knew how to create ultra-fast and practical flying machines. Their very deep knowledge in the field of physics, mathematics and mechanics made it possible to produce equipment of the highest quality with unusual properties. And it was these devices that easily helped them travel through outer space!

Progress in technology has been so stunning that even today humanity has not yet been able to develop analogues to those flying devices, even taking into account the fact that science is constantly taking leaps and bounds forward in all spheres of life, without exception.

All this suggests that the inhabitants of Atlantis were extraordinary people, possessed of enormous intelligence and knowledge. At the same time, the Atlanteans willingly shared the acquired skills and experience with the younger generation. Therefore, progress in technical development gradually improved and reached unprecedented heights.

The first pyramids were built just on the territory of Atlantis. This unusual phenomenon still puzzles researchers as to what available means and equipment were used to build such unusual structures!

Also economically, their country was prosperous. The work of any person in it was paid according to his dignity. According to legend, Atlantis was an ideal country; there were no beggars or rich people boasting of their wealth.

In this regard, the social situation in this country was always stable, no one worried about food.

Appearance and morality of the Atlanteans

Due to the fact that the Atlantean body had remarkable physical strength compared to modern man, they could do much more work than our contemporaries.

The body of the Atlanteans was staggering in size. According to evidence, it reached 6 meters in height. Their shoulders were very wide, their torsos were elongated. There were 6 fingers on the hands and 7 on the feet!

The facial features of people who once lived on Atlantis are also unusual. Their lips were very wide, their noses were slightly flattened, and they also had huge, expressive eyes.

According to their physiological data, the average lifespan of the average Atlantean was about 1000 years. At the same time, each of them tried to look beautiful in the eyes of others. Often, a variety of jewelry made of silver or gold, as well as precious stones, were used as decorations.

Atlanteans were highly moral people. Therefore, bad habits and immoral lifestyles were alien to them. They tried to treat those around them honestly in any situation; no one tried to deceive or set anyone up. In family relationships, marriage once for a lifetime was the norm. And the relationship itself was built solely on mutual trust, support and love for each other.

The political system in Atlantis was built in a democratic field. In many ways, it is similar to the one that reigns in modern successful European states with freedom of speech and the right to choose. The ruler of the Atlanteans was chosen by voting. Moreover, he ruled for a very long period - from 200 to 400 years! But no matter who ruled Atlantis, each of its leaders always sought to create such a universal social environment within the state, thanks to which any person could always feel protected and cared for.

Causes of the death of Atlantis

One of the assumptions about why Atlantis disappeared is based on the fact that the kings and population of this continent began to abuse the knowledge with which they carried out their aggressive intentions.

For example, the pyramids they built created portals with other worlds. All this contributed to the fact that the energy coming from a parallel reality could be negative and at a certain moment could have a detrimental effect on the entire continent, completely destroying it in an instant.

In their daily lives, magic began to be used more and more exclusively with malicious intent.

Too much knowledge creates a temptation to use it for selfish interests. And no matter how morally pure the inhabitants of Atlantis were at first, in the end negative trends began to grow in their society over time. Predatory attitude towards nature, increasing social inequality, abuse of power by the small elite who controlled the Atlanteans ultimately led to tragic consequences associated with the outbreak of a long-term war. And it was she who became the main reason that one fine day the entire continent was swallowed up by the waters of the ocean.

Some scientists also confidently claim that the death of Atlantis occurred approximately 10-15 thousand years ago. And this large-scale event was provoked by a huge meteorite that fell on our planet. The fall of a meteorite could change the earth's axis, which caused a tsunami of unprecedented proportions.

What Helena Blavatsky said about the reasons for the death of Atlantis

According to Helena Blavatsky, the fall of Atlantis occurred because the Atlanteans played with God. It turns out that the Atlanteans slipped from high morality to indulgence of passions.

The Atlantean technologies, which surpassed their spiritual qualities, allowed them to create chimeras - crosses between humans and animals, to use them as sexual slaves and physical workers. The Atlanteans had a high level of knowledge of genetic modification and cloning technology. This is similar to what people do now in the 21st century.

Telepathically warned that the continent would sink, many Atlanteans fled, boarding ships before the continent's final sinking in 9,564 BC. as a result of a series of earthquakes.

The American mystic Edgar Cayce, who looked into the so-called astral akashic records in a trance state, argued that many of the souls who once lived in Atlantis are currently living as representatives of modern Western civilization in order to fulfill their destiny.

Searches for a lost civilization

Over the past two thousand years, multiple speculations have arisen about the location of Atlantis. Interpreters of Plato's works pointed to the modern Atlantic islands. Some argue that Atlantis was located in what is now Brazil and even Siberia.

Modern archaeologists consider the thinker's story about the Atlanteans to be fiction. Circular networks of canals and hydraulic structures in those days were still beyond the capabilities of mankind. Scholars of Plato's philosophy and literature believe that he wanted to call for the creation of an ideal state. As for the period of disappearance, Plato cites information that it happened eleven and a half thousand years ago. But during this period, man was just emerging from the Paleolithic, Stone Age. Those people's minds were not yet sufficiently developed. Perhaps these data from Plato about the time of the destruction of Atlantis are incorrectly interpreted.

There is one assumption why Plato’s figure for the death of Atlandita appears 9 thousand years ago. The fact is that in Egyptian calculation “nine thousand” was represented by nine lotus flowers, and “nine hundred” by nine knots of rope. Externally, in terms of spelling, they were similar, which is why there was confusion.

Modern research

In nineteen seventy-nine, all European newspapers were full of headlines “The Russians have found an island.” Pictures were presented in which vertical ridges, similar to walls, peeked out of the sand. The search operations took place exactly where Plato indicated - behind the Pillars of Hercules, above the underwater volcano Ampere. It was reliably established that it protruded from the water and was an island.

In nineteen eighty-two, another Russian ship, sinking under water, discovered the ruins of the city: walls, squares, rooms. These findings were refuted by another expedition, which found nothing. Except for frozen volcanic rocks.

There are suggestions that the disaster occurred due to a sudden shift of the African tectonic plate. Its collision with the European one caused the eruption of Santorini - and the western islands sank.

Of course, it is now impossible to say with certainty what exactly happened to Atlantis and what contributed to its destruction. And many of the hypotheses set forth by researchers can only approximate the truth.

Whether Atlantis was simply a figment of the imagination of Plato and other thinkers, or a reality reflected in ancient legends, miraculously preserved to this day, remains a mystery...

Perhaps our civilization is heading towards the same ending, when we will become for our distant descendants the same mythical event that Atlantis is for us. And our continents will also unsuccessfully search for deep oceans for days.