Piazza di Spagna in Rome how to get there. Plaza de España is a symbol of unification. History of the creation of Scalinata di Trinità dei Monti

The city of Rome personifies the architectural and spiritual values ​​of humanity. The streets of the capital of Italy are filled with ancient ruins, Christian basilicas, beautiful palaces and baroque squares. One of the most popular places in Rome is Piazza di Spagna.

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The fall of the powerful Roman Empire led to the formation of fragmented powers on the Apennine Peninsula. The Papal State was born in Rome, which later became a stronghold of the Catholic world. In military and political aspects, the country led by the Pope was a rather weak new formation. It was considered subject to the influence of the French and Spanish monarchs. The Papal States managed to skillfully maneuver between these two powers, providing them with quarters for their residences under the Holy See. From time immemorial, popes have gained political dividends from this.

In the 17th century, the residence of the Spanish Kingdom appeared on one of the streets of Rome. From then on, the area began to be called Spanish. Formally, the quarter was a French fiefdom, because opposite the Spanish Embassy the Trinita dei Monti church rose on a hill.

It was founded by Louis XII at the beginning of the 16th century. Thus, two objects of irreconcilable rivals were located on the square at once. The historical area around the Spanish square became a guest quarter for foreigners visiting Rome. The wide street served for a long time as a parking lot for travelers' carriages. Leaving their carriages, the guests went to explore the city. Over time, luxury hotels, palaces, as well as expensive restaurants and shops were built on the square.

The spirit of mystical history hovers over the Plaza de España. According to legend, among the carefree and cheerful revelers, the ghost of the wife of the famous healer and adventurer Count Cagliostro, Lorenza Feliciani, appears. At one time, she accused her husband of witchcraft, after which he was imprisoned for life in a dungeon as a heretic. In prison, Cagliostro cursed his beloved.


Plaza de España is filled with romance and amazes with luxury. In spring, the street is decorated with blooming azaleas. In winter, traditional Christmas celebrations take place here. There are interesting sights along the perimeter of the square. The pearl of the Spanish area is a wide staircase with concave travertine steps. Political as well as military confrontation between France and Spain prevented its construction for a long time. At the beginning of the 17th century, largely thanks to the intervention of Pope Clement XI, the monumental structure adorned the Piazza di Spagna. The staircase uniquely resolved the issue of reconciliation between the two kingdoms, connecting the territories of the Spanish Embassy and the French Church.

The steps of an elegant staircase lead to the Trinita dei Monti, which was built in 1585 under the supervision of the King of France. Louis XI wished in this way to celebrate the success of his army in Naples. The Gothic façade of the church consists of two bell towers topped with octagonal domes. Between the towers there is a balcony with a balustrade. A wide entrance, framed by pilasters and antique bas-reliefs, leads to the luxurious premises of the church. Six chapels, located among the arched arcades, are decorated with frescoes by famous Italian artists. Here you can see a unique sculptural composition called “The Descent from the Cross.”

In front of the temple stands the Obelisk of Sallustria. This thirty-meter granite monolith is a copy of ancient Egyptian obelisks, found during excavations in the garden of the ancient Roman historian Sallustria. In the center of Piazza di Spagna is the Barcaccia Fountain. The marble sculpture is made in the form of a half-sunken boat. In 1629, the architect Pietro Bernini immortalized the image of the ship in honor of the memory of the flood that occurred. Then the Tiber River overflowed its unfortified banks and flooded the streets of Rome. The fountain is decorated with beautiful relief compositions. The pool is filled with water from a drinking source.

In the southern part of the square rises a magnificent palace, considered a prominent representative of the Italian Baroque - “Palazzo di Propaganda Fide”. The facade is decorated with concave and smooth cornices. The window openings are framed by columns and an arched composition with relief ornaments. In the Middle Ages, the palace was a focal point for missionaries who were supposed to promote Christianity throughout the world.

In front of the Palazzo di Propaganda Fide there is an eleven-meter column, symbolizing the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary. The marble monument was erected in the Plaza de España in 1854 under the protectorate of the Catholic Church. At the top of the tower is a bronze statue of the Madonna on a small ball. Under her feet you can see a defeated snake, personifying sin. The woman's right hand holds a natural wreath of white lilies, which is erected annually by crane on the day of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary (December 8). The pedestal of the column is framed by statues of Old Testament prophets.

Next to the stairs there is a real English tea room. It opened in Plaza de España in 1896 and has maintained its ceremonial tea drinking ritual ever since. In the traditional English interior of the establishment you can always enjoy exquisite and aromatic tea. On the adjacent street to the Spanish district is the legendary Café Greco, founded in 1760. Famous personalities liked to visit the coffee shop: Gogol, Chaliapin, Nietzsche, Goethe, Wagner and others. A street leading to Piazza di Spagna is lined with many boutiques from famous brands - Gucci, Bulgari and Valentino. Tourists from all over the world come here to shop for luxury clothing.

Where is it and how to get there

The square is located in the Campo Marzio area. You can get there by metro to Spagna station (red line). Bus number 119 runs through the entire city to Plaza España. This is quite a beautiful part of Rome, so exploring on foot is recommended.

This place got its name thanks to the Spanish Embassy and the residence of the former Spanish ambassador to the Vatican (Palazzo Spagna, 1620) located here.

History and architecture

Piazza di Spagna is located in the center of Rome, more precisely in the Campo Marzio area. The square consists of two uneven triangles and includes a number of historical monuments. The Spanish Steps are located in the northern part of Piazza di Spagna. It was created in 1726 by masters Specchi and Sanctis. The staircase has one hundred and thirty-eight steps and has different shapes. This staircase serves as a podium for ready-to-wear shows in the summer, and as a stage for nativity scenes in winter. For many years now, this particular place has been attracting tourists to see Via Condotti in all its splendor. Next to the stairs is the Trinita dei Monti Cathedral. In front of the front part of the staircase is the Barcaccia fountain. This fountain has a round shape, in the center of which there is a stone boat. The fountain was built in 1629 and this creation belongs to the author Pietro Bernini. He managed to use the low speed of the water jet and create the semblance of a half-sunken boat. On both sides of the stairs are English properties. Such as the English teahouse "Babington's Tea Rooms". The opening date of this establishment is marked in 1896 and has preserved all its traditions of Victorian rituals. The Keats and Shelley Museum is also located here. In this house, where the museum is now located, the romantic poet John Keats spent his last years of his life and died at the age of twenty-six. But the southern side of the Plaza de España is preserved by the Spanish palace, after which the square was named. In the center in front of the Spanish Palace is the Colonna dell'Immacolata. It was erected in 1854 year in honor of the proclamation of the dogma of the immaculate conception of children.In the eighteenth century, the Piazza di Spagna served as a stopping place for horses and carriages.This place was located on the periphery of Roman territory.
For fashion lovers, it is worth checking out Condotti Street, which originates from Plaza de España. The world's luxury clothing brands are represented here and, rightly, is considered the center of the Roman fashion quarter.


Rome has a large number of architectural monuments that are worth seeing. It will be pleasant to walk through the squares of Rome, surrounded by their fountains. Piazza Venezia is decorated with a monument in honor of the first king of Italy, Victor Emmanuel II. The outstanding Trevi Fountain depicting Neptune. He firmly controls his chariot of sea horses. After visiting the Roman Forum, it is worth visiting its later analogue - the Imperial Forum. Today it is also a ruin, but it has great medieval historical value. Very interesting, from an artistic point of view, will be a visit to the Spada Palace and the Barberini Palace. And also, Campo dei Fiori, Via Veneto, Rome Opera House, Trastevere, Via Margutto. It is certainly worth visiting the world attraction of the Eternal City - the Colosseum and Pantheon.
As for the hotel base, you can choose a number of hotels in the immediate vicinity of Plaza España. Hotel Condotti 3*, Hotel Scalinata Di Spagna 3*, Hassler Roma 5*, Les Fleurs Luxury House.

Note to tourists

Those interested can visit the Keats and Shelley Museum from Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 13:00 and from 15:00 to 18:00. On Saturday the museum is open from 11:00 to 14:00. The museum is closed on Sunday and Christmas holidays.

We started our second day in Rome from Piazza di Spagna. As all guidebooks write and compatriots who have visited Rome say, this square is a must-visit tourist attraction. What pleased me immediately when I got there was the seller of roasted chestnuts, because again, these chestnuts are a must-have Italian delicacy for tourists.

After trying chestnuts, I realized that I don’t want to be a tourist :)

On piazza di Spagna there is a monument in the form of a half-submerged boat, which was sculpted by the famous Bernini. I learned from the guidebook that this is Bernini and that he is famous :) But that’s not all: Bernini is not one architect, but two – father and son. So, Bernini the father is simply famous because he is the author of this monument-boat, and Bernini the son is even more famous because he worked on a cooler object - the square near St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican.

However, this is not what I found interesting. It turns out that this fountain monument (its name is Barkacha) is still supplied with water using an ancient aqueduct that was opened in 19 BC! This aqueduct is called Aqua Virgo, that is, in Russian - water of the virgin. According to legend, it was a virgin who indicated the source of water for this aqueduct.

We climb the Spanish Steps (also a landmark, and also famous)...

... and we see the most important French church in Rome.

Inside the church there is an interesting wall painting. One gets the feeling that it was not icons that were painted here, but paintings.

The place where the church stands offers a picturesque view.

Let's move on to the next attraction - the Trevi Fountain:

For me, this fountain turned out to be unusual in that it does not stand on its own, but as if it were a wall of a building. Maybe that's why it looks impressive:

A funny detail - almost from this fountain, the fashion began to throw a coin in order to return later. Moreover, here this ritual, it turns out, is seriously developed: it all depends on how many coins are thrown. One coin means you will come to Rome again, two means a love meeting, three coins means wait for a wedding, four means wealth, five means separation. As a result, utility workers extract €3,000 a day from the fountain, according to some sources, and €700,000 a year, according to others.

We walk further. Cute streets...

...take us away from the route described in the guidebook, as a result of which we end up in Piazza Colonna. It is named after the column that stands in the center of the square and is dedicated to Marcus Aurelius. The column is hollow, inside there is a spiral staircase, and before (a long time ago) tourists could climb to the very top of the column. Based on this, two consequences arose: 1) the popularity of climbing the column led to the fact that the right to charge an entrance fee was annually put up for auction; 2) the statue of Marcus Aurelius was lost by the sixteenth century. And now, despite the fact that in Italian the column is still called Colonna Aureliana, it is crowned with a statue of the Apostle Paul:

By the way, the Apostle Paul either shows with his hand or blesses the people who are sitting in the former Montecitorio Palace. Or rather, they do not sit, but sit, because now the Italian Chamber of Deputies works here.

We go further and go out to Peter's Square (piazza di Pietra). The facade of the Temple of Hadrian overlooks this square:

Hadrian was a Roman emperor and became famous 1) for being the first emperor to grow a beard and 2) for his same-sex love for the boy Antinous. In general, same-sex relationships among the emperors of Rome were considered in the order of things, but on this basis it was Adrian who went completely crazy: after the death of his lover, the emperor ordered that Antinous be considered a god, name a constellation in his honor, and build the city of Antinupolis, where games were held every year in honor of the young man. God, and generally ordered statues of his lover to be erected throughout the empire.

The guidebook is modestly silent about the Temple of Hadrian, so we continue along the narrow and pretty streets...

...and we find ourselves on Rotunda Square. In the nineteenth century, there was a large poultry market in this square. An English traveler in 1820 describes the square as “the most disgusting place imaginable: continuous noise, crowds of beggars, lack of sewerage; It’s impossible for an Englishman to even imagine such vile dirt, stench and puddles of sewage that exist in the Rotunda Square.”

Now it’s clean here, but you can still hear the noise and commotion. And this is no wonder: in the square there are crowds of tourists who are attracted here by one of the main attractions of Rome - the Pantheon:

This is practically the only temple that has been preserved practically as it was built (and it was built no less, but more than 2200 years ago - in the second century BC). Moreover, it was preserved thanks to Christianity. The funny thing about the situation is that it was built as a temple dedicated to all gods (not at all Christian, but quite the opposite, pagan) - hence the name, Pantheon - and Christianity re-consecrated it as the Church of all martyrs.

Moreover, the day when Christianity decided to make this temple its own is immortalized in religion and is celebrated every year as All Saints' Day.

After sitting inside the Pantheon on the benches and having a little rest, we move on...

and we find ourselves at the final destination of this route - Piazza Navona.

Now there are a lot of artists with their works on it.

An interesting legend is about the martyr, after whom the church located on the square is named.

Her name was Agnes (then the prefix Saint was added to the name), and the son of a local official was inflamed with passion for her. However, Agnes by that time was already a Christian, and in addition, she decided to become the “bride of God” - well, that is, with no one. And this son of the prefect coveted her body so much that after she refused, he ran to complain to his dad. Dad got angry and offered Agnes a choice - either she makes a sacrifice to the Roman gods (well, that is, she renounces her faith), or she goes to work in a brothel. Agnes, naturally, chooses a brothel. Then the prefect says to her: “They will take you there naked.” Well, let's go. And then miracles after miracles begin: first, Agnes becomes Rapunzel - as soon as her clothes were torn off, she instantly grew hair on her head to such an extent that she was able to cover her body with it. Then the men who wanted to go to the brothel with her Togo, began to go blind or die. This is such a legend.

However, the Church of St. Agnes is not the most famous attraction of the square. And the fountains.

Photos taken April 20, 2011.

They are written in detail in the guide book, so I won’t repeat them.

The final photo of this post will be the composition “Fountain and Doves”:

The most beautiful photos of other posts - follow the link to the album on Facebook.

About other Italian impressions and photographs—.

Our route and information from the guide:

Let's start with Plaza de España - piazza di Spagna[Piazza di Spagna], which received its name from the palace of the Spanish Ambassador to the Vatican. Perhaps this is one of the most romantic places in Rome. Piazza di Spagna is a favorite place for both tourists and Romans. Here, on the most beautiful staircase, built in the Baroque style in 1723 - 1726. De Sanctis, artists from all over the world sell their works and offer to paint your portrait on the spot.

In the center of the square there is a half-submerged boat and a fountain. Barcaccia[Barcaccia], an elegant work by Bernini the Father (17th century). One of the strong floods brought a boat here from the Tiber. The water receded, and the sculptor who saw this left us with a memory of the lovely “Boat”.

In May there is usually a flower show, and then the staircase lined with lush azaleas seems to lead to a fairy tale. The staircase ends with the double-domed Church of the Holy Trinity on the Mountains - Trinita dei Monti[Trinita dei Monti]. This is the main French church in Rome, built at the end of the 15th century. for the Order of St. Francis. In the 19th century was restored. To the left of the church is the Villa Medici (1544), built by the architect A. Lippi. In the 17th century the palace became the residence of the cardinals of the Medici family, and in 1803, at the direction of Napoleon, the French Academy, founded for French artists by Louis XIV in 1666, was moved here.

Walking through via Due Macelli[via due Machelli] and turning right onto via del Tritone[via del Tritone], on the left we will see the most famous and, perhaps, the most beautiful of the 400 Roman fountains - Trevi - Trevi[Travi]. Created by the architect Salvi in ​​the mid-18th century. in the late Baroque style (and is its best example) on the site of an older fountain. The fountain is adjacent to the Poli Palace, which belonged to Princess Volkonskaya and where N.V. Gogol visited when he lived in Rome. The fabulous chariot of Ocean (sculptor Bracci) emerges from the arch of the palace facade; the horses are led by Naiad and Triton. On the sides of the arch in niches there are statues of “Health” (right) and “Abundance” (left). Above them are bas-reliefs telling the story of a Roman girl who showed thirsty soldiers a source at the crossroads of three roads (in Italian - tre vie). There is also an image of Marcus Agrippa (1st century), under whom an aqueduct was built from this source. Water from the aqueduct still fills the Trevi Fountain. There is a custom: when leaving Rome, throw a coin into the fountain to return again. The fountain has become a symbol of the Eternal City for tourists.

By via delle Muratte[via delle Muratte] we go out to piazza di Pietra[piazza di Pietra] and via Pastini[via Pastini] on piazza Rotonda[Piazza Rotonda]. Here is the Pantheon - Pantheon[The Pantheon] is the only structure that has come down to us almost in its original form. It was built in 27 BC. e. consul Marcus Agrippa, son-in-law of Augustus, and is dedicated to 7 main gods - Apollo, Diana, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Zeus and Saturn, hence - Pantheon (All Gods). And in 125, Emperor Hadrian reconstructed a mausoleum for his family on its ancient foundation. The Pantheon was consecrated in 606 as the Christian Church of St. Virgin Mary. The bronze doors are authentic. Inside, the Pantheon produces an amazing sense of harmony thanks to its perfect proportions. The dome, with a diameter of 43.30 m, almost equal to the height of the building, inspired Michelangelo to create the beautiful dome of St. Peter's Basilica. Since 1870, the kings of Italy have chosen the Pantheon as their mausoleum. Now the Pantheon houses the tombs of the great Raphael and the kings of Italy.

By via Giustiani[via Giustiani] let's get to Corso del Rinascimento[Corso del Rinashchimento], we will cross it and reach piazza Navona[Piazza Navona]. This is the most beautiful square in Rome with picturesque houses, a Baroque church Sant'Agnese in Agone[Santagnese in Agone] Borromini and Bernini's fountains. The square was decorated during the heyday of the Baroque, in the mid-17th century, by the most prominent representatives of this style in Rome and constant rivals in art - Bernini and Borromini.

In 1651 it was opened in the center of the square Fountain of the Four Rivers(Bernini). The unusually picturesque fountain is decorated with allegorical figures symbolizing the four continents and their great rivers - the Danube in Europe, the Nile in Africa, the Ganges in Asia and the Rio de la Plata in America. In the center is an Egyptian obelisk that once adorned the Circus of Maxcentius.

Ethiopian Fountain—the sculpture of the Negro is also by Bernini, and the bowl is by Giacomo della Porta. Bowl Neptune fountain- later, 1878 (Della Bitta and Zappala).

The square is located on the former stadium (circus) of Domitian (1st century) and has retained its shape, similar to a ship ( nave in Italian). During the Christmas holidays, a large market of toys and confectionery opens here.

Piazza di Spagna is always crowded. Tourists buy ice cream, sit on the steps, eat and admire the beautiful view. There are many shops and boutiques nearby. The cute fountain adds a touch of charm to the place.

Square of Spain (Piazza di Spagna), photo by sergio

Square of Spain (Piazza di Spagna) is one of the most cozy and elegant squares, a collection of architectural masterpieces and historical monuments. Throughout its history, it has been a refuge for foreign guests of the capital; many hotels were built here. In the 16th century, by order of Louis XII, the Trenita dei Monti church was even built here for the French. Since the 17th century, Spaniards began to settle in the square.

The shape of the square is unusual. This is a combination of 2 figures - a triangle and a trapezoid. There are beautiful buildings from the 18th century around. In spring there are flower exhibitions and theatrical performances in winter.

Embassy of Spain

Palace of Spain (Palazzo di Spagna), photo Mattes

The square received an unusual foreign name from the Palace of Spain located on it (Palazzo di Spagna), the former residence of the Spanish ambassador to the Vatican, and now the Spanish Embassy. To house the embassy, ​​the luxurious Monaldeschi Palace was acquired in 1622.

Spanish steps

The dominant feature of the square is the Spanish Steps. Its real name is the Staircase to the Temple of Trinità dei Monti. This magnificent Baroque-era structure was built under the will and personal funds of the French diplomat Etienne Geffier, who wanted to smooth over tensions between France and Spain. The staircase was supposed to connect the church of Trinita dei Monti, the stronghold of the French monarchy in Rome, and the Piazza di Spagna.

Cardinal Mazarin decided that a statue of Louis XIV should be installed at the top in front of the temple. This project seemed tactless to the Pope in relation to Italy, and until 1714 the construction was “frozen”. Only in 1725 was the staircase finally built. The authors of the project were Alessandro Specchi and Francesco de Sanctis. It was decorated with lilies, the heraldic symbols of the French Bourbon dynasty, and the papal eagle and crown. The idea of ​​a statue of Louis was abandoned by that time.

Today the Spanish Steps are a recognizable landmark in Rome. In winter, the wide steps turn into a stage for Christmas scenes. In the summer, Haute couture shows (or “Alta moda” in Italian) are held on its steps.

Many may have seen the famous staircase in the cult film “Roman Holiday”.

Church of Santa Trinita dei Monti

138 smooth travertine steps of varying widths lead from the square to Santa Trinità dei Monti (Chiesa della Trinità dei Monti), the titular church with two tall towers - the “campaniles” (built 1502-1585). The patrons of this temple were the kings of France, with whom the Spanish rulers were related.

Inside there is a famous fresco of the Descent from the Cross (1541). In 1789, an Antique obelisk was installed in front of the church, which was delivered from the Sallust Gardens. This is a Roman imitation of an Egyptian obelisk.

Barcaccia Fountain

Fountain Boat (Fontana della Barcaccia), photo Kevin Chien

At the foot of the Spanish Steps stands the famous Barcaccia (Boat) fountain (Fontana della Barcaccia) by Pietro Bernini, created in 1627-29. The fountain is made in the form of a sinking ship. Water flowing around a submerged boat creates an optical illusion of movement. The fountain was inspired by a legend that told about the remains of a fishing boat washed up on the Italian shore by the flooded waters of the Tiber.

Column of the Immaculate Conception

Column of the Immaculate Conception and the Spanish Embassy (right), photo by Nelson Diogo

Next to the Barcaccia Fountain stands the magnificent Palazzo di Propaganda Fide. This is the property of the Roman Church. In front of it, on a marble pedestal, is an eleven-meter column of the Immaculate Conception.

Piazza di Spagna - the center of Rome's fashion quarter

View of Via Condotti from the Spanish Steps, photo Paulo Mamede

Piazza di Spagna has become the recognized center of Rome's fashion quarter. From here begins the historic street Via dei Condotti, whose boutiques present the most famous fashion brands in Italy and the world.

How to get there

Take metro line A to Spaqna station.

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Piazza di Spagna is located relatively close to the Trevi Fountain, so on the first evening in Rome we decided to walk around the city at night and walk from Trevi to Piazza di Spagna. After 15 minutes we were already in one of the most picturesque squares in Rome. The square got its name from the Spanish embassy building located on it. In the center of the square is the famous Boat Fountain by Pietro Bernini, made together with his son, the famous Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1627-1629). This is, indeed, a living and figurative embodiment of a sinking boat, with streams of water flowing from the stern and bow.

The fountain got its name “Barcaccia” (longboat) due to its shape of a half-submerged boat and was installed in memory of the flood that happened in 1598, when a boat ran aground in a flooded square. The fountain is supplied with water from the ancient Aqua Virgo aqueduct.

In the foreground is the Barcaccia Fountain, in the form of a boat, and in the distance near the Palace of Spain rises the marble “Column of the Immaculate”, embodying the idea of ​​the Immaculate Conception and the figure of the Virgin Mary at the top of the monument. She stands on a ball and a crescent - symbols of the top of the world. Under her feet is a serpent, which since ancient times has been associated with original sin, but here it is defeated.

The pedestal of the column is also marble, on it are installed the figures of the biblical prophets Moses, Isaiah, Ezekiel and the great King David. They not only decorate the column, but also serve as additional supports for it.

A wreath of flowers always hangs on the statue’s right hand. Moreover, it is not bronze or plastic, but real. Every year, on December 8, the Pope comes to this square with a wreath of fresh flowers. As a rule, these are white lilies - a symbol of purity. These flowers are placed on the hand of the Virgin Mary using a crane and there they hang for a whole year - until the next ceremony.

This column, dedicated to the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary, was installed in Piazza di Spagna in 1854. Unlike the Christian Church, Catholics firmly believe that the Virgin Mary was also conceived outside of sin.

On this occasion, I remember the story of the guide in the Vatican. She cited the motto of Italian students: “Sin without conceiving, and conceiving without sin!”

Piazza di Spagna is also famous for its Spanish Steps, the steps of which rise up to Piazza Trinito dei Monti.

The Spanish Steps, built in Rome more than three centuries ago, is a famous architectural monument whose history can impress everyone. It received its name thanks to the idea of ​​the French ambassador to Rome, Etienne Geffier, who proposed to connect the Trinita dei Monti church and the Spanish Square as a sign of the unbreakable union of the French and Spanish powers.

And this idea so captured the imagination of the representative of France that he decided to create a monumental structure at his own expense, which he announced in his will, allocating 20,000 crowns for the construction of the staircase.

The well-known Cardinal Mazarin also took part in the construction of the Spanish Steps, thanks to whom the top of the structure was crowned with a statue of Louis XIV. It is interesting that some documents that have come down to posterity since those times indicate the cardinal’s intention to realize the ambassador’s dream not in Rome, but in Italy. Having learned about this, the Pope was very angry at the mere thought that the top of Pincio Hill in Rome would be crowned with a statue of the French king. Of course, the staircase construction project was rejected, but only for a while.

Already in 1717, it was launched again, but the architectural ensemble itself was built according to the sketches of Francesco de Sanctis, an unknown architect at that time. The construction of the structure continued for two years and in 1725 the Spanish Steps appeared in Rome, but without the statue of Louis XIV: at the site of its supposed placement there are attributes of papal power - an eagle and a crown, as well as symbols of the royal house of Bourbon.

The construction begins in Piazza de Spagna, from the middle of which it rises up to the Pincio hill. The Spanish Steps are made of travertine and have 138 steps, each of which has a concave shape and different lengths. Designed by the architect de Sanctis, the building has only undergone one restoration, which was carried out in our time in 1997, and it seems that the second restoration is now taking place in 2016, since the staircase is closed to the public and we were not able to climb 138 steps. It’s a pity, we specially trained before our trip to Chisinau on our granite staircase near Komsomolskoye Lake, which has 218 steps.

If we managed to climb, then at the top of the Spanish Steps, in front of the Church of Trinita dei Monti, we would see the obelisk of Sallust. The dark obelisk is visible in the photo against the background of the white church.

The Obelisk of Sallust is an ancient Roman imitation of Egyptian designs, made during the era of the Empire. Then the obelisk was located in the luxurious gardens of Sallust, located north of the city. The Romans “copied” the hieroglyphs on it from an Egyptian prototype of the 13th century BC, which they brought from Heliopolis and installed in the Circus Maximus.

The obelisk of Sallust was damaged during the sack of Rome by the Goths in 410. And at the end of the 18th century Giovanni Antinori installed it in this place. In addition to the cross, the lily of the French kings was added to the bouquet on top of the obelisk.

This ended our walk through the night in Rome, and we took the metro to get to the hotel.

April, 2016

(Various Internet sources were used in writing this essay)

"You can take the whole world, but leave Italy to me"

Giuseppe Verdi

More details about walks in Italy can be found in the book: " ITALIAN HOLIDAYS"


This book can serve as a short guide to Italy in 7 days:

Three days in Rome(Piazza Venice. Piazza Navona. Trevi Fountain. Piazza di Spagna. Capitoline Hill. Roman Forum. Colosseum and Triumphal Arches. Mouth of Truth. Bridges and Tiber Embankment. Pantheon and Rotunda Square. Roman Castles (Castelli Romani). Appian Way. Grottaferrata, Crypt Ferrata, Frascati, Castel Gandolfo, Tusculum, streets of Rome.

Two days in Florence: Church of Santa Maria Novella. Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore. Baptistery of San Giovanni. Republic Square. Piazza della Signoria. Ponte Vecchio. Uffizi Gallery. Basilica of San Lorenzo. Santa Croce (“Holy Cross”) Piazzale Michelangelo. Palazzo Pitti.

One day in Venice: Murano. St. Mark's Square and Cathedral. City Tour.

In the book I also included non-tourist routes, which are very interesting and little known to a wide range of travelers. I hope that the book will also arouse interest among those who have already visited these places, and they will be pleased to once again mentally walk through familiar places, remember and compare this virtual trip with their own impressions of this amazing and beautiful Italy.

Book price 100 rubles