Cape Town and Cape of Good Hope. Cape of Good Hope - the sadness and joy of sailors. South Africa Cape of Good Hope history

The Cape of Good Hope - what is it famous for, who discovered it, where is it located, how to get there.

Cape of Good Hope - (or Cabo de Boa Esperanca in Portuguese) a geographical point on the world map with the most romantic and beautiful name. Perhaps no other geographical landmark on the planet has such a poetic name.

What is the Cape of Good Hope famous for?

Cape of Good Hope (Cape of Good Hope) is famous for the fact that it has long been considered the southernmost tip of Africa. Then they calculated that the southernmost point of the continent is Cape Agulhas(Cape Agulhas), located one hundred and fifty miles to the southeast from the Cape of Good Hope.

But no one knows Cape Agulhas, and the Cape of Good Hope is included in all school geography textbooks; it is associated with the era of the Great Geographical Discoveries, this is what hundreds of thousands of tourists and travelers from all over the world strive to see.

The Cape of Good Hope is not the southernmost point of Africa

Who discovered the Cape of Good Hope. origin of name

It is known that the first European to see this African cape was Bartolomeo Dias, the famous Portuguese commander, in 1488.

Bartolomeo Dias first discovered the Cape of Storms in 1488

The expedition was tasked with finding sea ​​route to India around Africa. Dias did not reach India, but became the first European to circumnavigate Africa from the south. Indirectly, he was helped in this by the terrible storms that battered his ships for several days. When the storms subsided, the disorientated Dias headed north and on February 3, 1488 ran into the coast, which “turned” to the northeast. And so the way to the Indian Ocean was opened. Dias was forced to give in to the demands of the rebellious team and did not go further. On the way back, he saw this cape protruding into the sea, which he called the Cape of Storms, because severe storms were constantly raging in this place.

Storms rage near the Cape of Good Hope

Dias announced this “working” name upon his return to Portugal in his report to King João II. But His Majesty was wise and far-sighted. He decided that it would not be appropriate to leave such a harsh name for the turning point, beyond which a direct sea route to India opens. And he suggested calling this place the Cape of Good Hope. Or in Portuguese Cabo de Boa Esperanca. The cape lived up to its name. In 1497 she rounded the Cape of Good Hope and finally reached the treasured shores of India!

Where is the Cape of Good Hope

Today it is the territory of the Cape Province of the Republic of South Africa. The nearest big city is Cape Town. The Cape of Good Hope itself is the national pride and tourist attraction of South Africa. It fits organically into national park or a reserve with the same name “Cape of Good Hope” or in English “Cape of Good Hope”.

From Cape Town ) to the Cape of Good Hope approximately 4 hours by car

As already mentioned, the Cape of Good Hope is not only not the southernmost, but also not the most southwestern point of Africa. The most southwestern point is the completely inconspicuous ledge of Cape Point, located fifty meters to the north. And it is on it that a lighthouse with the name “Cape of Good Hope” is installed. And an observation deck from where all tourists take their memorable photos.

And at the Cape of Good Hope there is a shield with the name and exact coordinates and the inscription “the most southwestern point of Africa.”

How to get there to the Cape of Good Hope

I haven’t been to these parts myself yet, so I’ll use photographs, impressions and stories from various blogs of those who were lucky enough to visit here.

“Upon arrival at the Cape of Good Hope, all tourists rise from the buses using trailers, and then walk for quite a long time to a long, beautiful high cape stretching into the sea with a lighthouse and a panoramic view of the ocean surface, from which everyone takes pictures of “themselves in an embrace” with the very southwestern part Africa." The journey by car from Cape Town will take about 4 hours. But the road will not tire the traveler, because it passes through a nature reserve in which ostriches, antelopes, baboons and a host of other living creatures roam.Here, next to monkeys, cheetahs and antelopes, penguins live.

Penguins in Africa

Yes, yes, it is penguins, which we consider exclusively Antarctic animals. Apparently in time immemorial they swam here and settled on these rocks.Or, on the contrary, did penguins penetrate into Antarctica from Africa?

Be that as it may, the Cape of Good Hope offers stunning views of the confluence of two great oceans, where sea and air currents collide. Therefore, the first name of this place - Cape of Storms - also has every right to exist.

Stunning views of the confluence of the Indian and Atlantic Oceans

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Bartolomeo Dias, a Portuguese navigator, was the first to round the cape in 1488. When he returned, he stopped at the southwestern tip of Africa and called it Cape of Storms. But King John II of Portugal renamed it, calling it the Cape of Good Hope. Vasco da Gama's ship rounded this cape in 1497 on its way to India. The bold voyages of the Portuguese navigators made it possible to establish a sea route around the cape, then regular voyages began, but due to the deceptive coastline and dangerous fogs, these places have seen many shipwrecks.

In order to reduce the risk of possible disasters, it was decided to build a lighthouse on the cape. The first lighthouse was built in 1857 at 238 m above sea level, but it turned out to be so high that fog and clouds obscure it for more than 900 hours a year. After the Portuguese liner Lusitania sank in 1911, the lighthouse was moved to another location and built only 87 meters above sea level. Construction work began in 1913 and continued for almost six years due to the difficulty of delivering building materials here and unfavorable conditions. weather conditions. The lighthouse is the most powerful on the coast South Africa. Visible at a distance of 63 km, it emits three flashes of light every 30 seconds with a power of 10 million candles.

The area around the lighthouse

On the shore around the lighthouse, today you can see the remains of 26 ships that failed to round the cape. One of the most famous shipwrecks was that of the USS Thomas T. Tucker, one of hundreds of ships built by the United States to help the Allies transport supplies during World War II. On its first voyage, the ship lost its course due to fog and collided with rocks.

The picturesque area around the lighthouse consists of green hills through which trails lead down to secluded beaches where elan antelopes, baboons, ostriches and bonteboks, brightly colored antelopes, are found. From this side of the cape, it’s hard to even imagine how many tragedies happened so close by.

The Portuguese sea traveler Bartolomeu Dias first came across the Cape of Good Hope. This significant event took place in 1488. He named it the Cape of Storms. But the Portuguese King João II did not like this name, and he ordered it to be renamed the Cape of Good Hope, hoping that the name would somehow appease the depths of the sea and the path to India would be open, which later happened.

The Cape of Good Hope is the symbol of South Africa. The cape is located on the Cape Peninsula. From Cape Town it takes 4 hours to get here. Time will fly by: beautiful savannas, walking ostriches, baboons, antelopes - all this looks extremely beautiful and organic.

Further the path goes through the reserve with the same name. The surface of the earth here is covered with dense low vegetation, so it is almost impossible to move on foot, only by car. The plants growing in the reserve cannot be seen anywhere else on the planet.

The fauna is also unique. There are monkeys, cheetahs, rhinoceroses, lions, and other predators here. And most importantly, along with these representatives of hot Africa, penguins roam here. You definitely won't see anything like this anywhere.

At the Cape of Good Hope you can sunbathe and swim on the beaches. Swimming season from September to May.

The main attraction of Good Hope is, of course, the 240-meter-high lighthouse, built in 1860. Today the lighthouse does not work, because it is often shrouded in clouds and ships still cannot see it. But it has an observation deck. There is a cable car leading to it, or you can walk. There is also a restaurant and a souvenir shop here. Climbing onto the platform, you get the feeling of flying over two oceans. This is the meeting point Indian Ocean with the Atlantic, in honor of which there is even a special aquarium in Cape Town. On one side the cape is washed by one thing, on the other by another. If you look closely, you will notice that the oceans are slightly different in color.

From the Cape of Good Hope you can take a boat to Seal Island. On this same small island, only four sq. km, there was once a prison, and now a museum telling about the historical events of the country.

The city of Cape Town is located in the Republic of South Africa, on the Cape Peninsula, near the Cape of Good Hope. The city center is occupied by mansions and buildings of old Dutch architecture, built in the Victorian style. But there are relatively few of them. They are sandwiched on one side by Table Bay and on the other by Table Mountain.

Cape Town is often the last stop on South African tours, which include:

Photo hunt in the national park,

This South African city has a lot of entertainment and attractions, but the main ones are the Cape of Good Hope and Table Mountain, which take the breath away of many travelers who have visited there.

Cape of Good Hope

In the 15th century, the Cape of Good Hope served as the personification of the dream of Portuguese sailors looking for a way to India. It was originally called the Cape of Storms, but under King John II this point on the Cape Peninsula was renamed. Now the Cape of Good Hope is famous for its landscapes, which attract millions of tourists. The Cape is the most extreme southwestern point of Africa, which is confirmed by scientists. On the site in front of this place there is an indication with exact coordinates.

Ocean shore near Cape Town.

Nature Reserve on the Cape

The road to the Cape of Good Hope passes through the reserve of the same name. It is distinguished by dense thickets of various plants that make it difficult to travel on foot. Their highest density is observed on the Cape Peninsula, so you can’t get by without a car.

The reserve covers an area of ​​more than 7,000 hectares. In it, along with the rarest representatives of the flora, there are also representatives of the fauna unique to Africa, such as penguins. It is especially unusual to see them next to antelopes and cheetahs, since they are associated only with the coldest points of the planet. However, this is not a mirage. Penguins reached Africa from Antarctica. Previously, penguins walked throughout the reserve, but then a separate area was allocated for them, called Boulders Beach.

Penguins at the Cape of Good Hope.


The lighthouse was built in 1860 and is now one of the main attractions of the cape. It rises 240 meters above sea level and is considered the highest in South Africa. There is an observation deck at the lighthouse. It is located at an altitude of 200 meters, and you can climb it either by cable car or on foot. Nearby there is a souvenir shop and a restaurant with a terrace offering amazing views.

From here, tourists can see two oceans at once: one side of the cape is washed by the waters of the Atlantic, and on the other, the Indian. Taking a closer look, you will notice that they differ from each other in color.


At the Cape of Good Hope you can also relax on the beach. The swimming season usually begins in September: at this time the weather is sunny, and a good tan is guaranteed. The end of the season is in May.

On one of the beaches of Cape Town.

At the same time, there are some climatic features near the coast. For example, the western side is characterized by a mild climate, sandy beaches, peace and tranquility. The beaches are located here. It’s warmer in the east, but the strong winds blowing there make it inconvenient, making it difficult to swim, so tourists in this part of the coast prefer to just sit on the shore and admire the ocean.


An excursion to the Cape of Good Hope most often includes a visit to the reserve and the penguin shore. But besides them, there are other attractions that are worth seeing. For example, on the coast of the so-called “False Bay” a road was built to the town of Simonstown, where the British Royal Navy base was located in the past.

The island of fur seals, with an area of ​​4 square kilometers and having a rather turbulent history, is also of interest to tourists. Since the 17th century there has been a prison, hospital and military base here. It was on this island that Nelson Mandela, the future president of South Africa, was imprisoned.

In 1999, UNESCO classified the island as a world heritage site. A museum dedicated to the history of the state was opened there. Tourists are given tours of the cells and the prison yard.

Table Mountain

This is the main attraction of Cape Town itself, without which it is impossible to imagine this South African city. Table Mountain, or Mount Table, is recognized as the symbol of the city and is included in the UNESCO heritage list. It rises to 1087 meters.

View of Table Mountain from Cape Town Harbour.

The first European to climb this peak was the Portuguese sailor Antonio de Saldanha. At that time, Table Mountain was covered with centuries-old hardwood trees. They were used in the construction of a wooden fort for a new settlement. Usually mountains end in pointed peaks, but Table Mountain has a flat top, like a tabletop, which is how the mountain got its name.

Most of the time, Table Mountain is covered by clouds, so not all tourists manage to get to it. Due to weather conditions, city authorities may prohibit climbing to the top in order to avoid any incidents with travelers. And the weather in Cape Town is unstable, and the reason for this is the warm and cold currents of the Indian and Atlantic oceans that meet in this place. When the mountain is covered by thick clouds, the townspeople say that it is covered with a tablecloth.

Many legends are associated with this phenomenon. According to one of them, one of the local residents, whose name was Fan Hanks, smoked tobacco with such a vile smell that the townspeople sent him to the mountain slopes. There he met the devil, who invited him to arrange a competition: who would smoke whom. Hanks accepted the offer. They lit a cigarette, and their smoke covered the entire mountain. Since then, Cape Town residents have referred to this legend when they see Mount Table covered with a white “tablecloth”.

When the weather is good and clear, you can climb to the top using cable car. This mountain is considered the best observation deck; it is included in the list of the ten most visited places by tourists in the whole world. There are viewing telescopes there, a gift shop and a restaurant. From here you can see the whole of Cape Town. But travelers are especially delighted by the view from the top of the mountain during sunset, when the horizon merges with the ocean.

While walking along Table Mountain, tourists will meet many representatives of the local fauna and flora. There are approximately 1,470 plant species here, including the protea, recognized as a true symbol of South Africa.

Table Mountain is adjacent to several peaks that are part of the Peninsula National Park. These are Devil's Peak, Lion's Head and the Mountain of the Twelve Apostles.

In addition to visiting the Cape of Good Hope and Table Mountain, in Cape Town you should definitely try wines from the Cape region, which are famous far beyond Africa and are highly valued by many gourmets and wine connoisseurs around the world. And also take a couple of surfing lessons at the most famous surfing beach in South Africa.

The Cape of Good Hope is a popular attraction for tourists traveling to Cape Town, South Africa. This beautiful place with unpredictable weather, baboons and adorable penguins playing in the ocean. Here you can fully enjoy the stunning scenery and wealth of wildlife.

Description and location

A hill on the Cape Peninsula, located on the world map near Cape Town. It is mistakenly considered the southernmost point of the continent and the place where the Atlantic and Indian oceans meet. In fact, the tip is located at Cape Agulhas (Agulhas), located on the South African Garden Road, 200 km from the capital of South Africa.

Cold Bengal Current west coast And warm current The Agulhas merge at the foot of one of Africa's top attractions, which, along with nearby Cape Point, offers spectacular scenery.

The summit is located 70 km from Cape Town. You can get there from the city by car in an hour and a half. Legend has it that the ghosts of the Flying Dutchman's crew haunt the Cape and its waters, although visiting tourists are much more likely to see penguins, antelope and perhaps a right whale.

Geographic coordinates of the cape: 54°31′08″ north latitude and 42°04′15″ east longitude. Altitude: 93 m

origin of name

The historical fact of why the Cape of Good Hope is called that is quite interesting. It dates back to the time of exploration in the 15th century, when European powers Spain and Portugal sent sailors to unknown places in search of wealth. The first European to see and discover the cape was the Portuguese explorer Bartolomeo Dias, who was looking for the southern borders of the African continent. The date of the expedition he led is considered to be 1486.

According to some historical sources, Dias called his discovery "Cape of Storms" (Cabo das Tormentas), but later changed it to the current name of the cape (Cabo da Boa Esperança), so named at the suggestion of King John II of Portugal because of the trade opportunities it brought this place. According to other sources, Dias himself came up with this name. He was from a family of hereditary sailors. His older brothers, moving south along the coast of West Africa, discovered Capes Bojador and Green.

History of the Cape

Nine years passed before Vasco da Gama, another Portuguese sailor, also attempted to travel to the southern tip of Africa on his way to India. The sailors met people from the Khoya tribe, and several members of Vasco da Gama's crew were injured in the clash with them. Others important facts in the history of this area are:

  1. Although the Portuguese were the first to travel the Cape, they were not seriously interested in southern Africa. They were wary of the indigenous population, and the weather was sometimes treacherous and dangerous.
  2. Some early Portuguese navigators chose not to sail around this area. Moreover, in terms of trade, South Africa had very little to offer: gold had not yet been discovered, and the land seemed desolate and unpromising.
  3. In June 1580, almost 100 years later, Sir Francis Drake sailed past the cape. He was in trip around the world commissioned by Elizabeth I of England. The weather was calm and the scenery serene. This view inspired Sir Francis Drake to say the following words: “This cape is the grandest thing and the fairest cape that we have seen in all the circumference of the earth.” More British expeditions followed, and soon other European countries followed in their footsteps.
  4. In the first half of the 17th century, the English and Dutch used the route, which was supposed to go around the cape, for trade purposes. Danish and French ships stopped to replenish water supplies and stock up on fresh food.
  5. Although English, French and Dutch East India companies toyed with the idea of ​​establishing a base on the Cape in the 17th century, it was the Dutch who finally took the first step.

On December 31, 1687, a group of Huguenots was sent to the Cape from the Netherlands. They fled France to escape religious persecution. The Dutch East India Company needed skilled farmers in the Cape, and the Dutch government saw an opportunity for the Huguenots by sending them there.

Cape of Good Hope plays an important role in the history of South Africa as stopping point for merchant ships sailing between Europe and the European colonies in the east. Initially, Europeans exchanged local residents for food and water, but on April 6, 1652, the Dutch East India Company, under the leadership of merchant Jan van Riebeeck, established a small supply station in a sheltered bay beyond the Cape Peninsula, forming the first European settlement in the region.

On January 19, 1806, Great Britain occupied the extreme point of the peninsula. It was ceded to Great Britain in the Anglo-Dutch Treaty of 1814 and was henceforth administered as Cape Colony.

Today, the small station that provided refreshments to weary sailors has grown into the bustling city of Cape Town.

Vegetable world

The Cape Peninsula is one of eight protected areas in the region jointly recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage for wealth flora. Although the 553,000-hectare Cape flower region represents only 0.5% of Africa's area, it contains almost 20% of the continent's plants. Fynbos, or "fine bush", is the most common category of plants found here, and many species are unique to the peninsula.

The cape is part National Park Mesa, and park rangers can be seen working to remove invasive species such as wattle, pine and blue gum that threaten the survival of native plants.

wild nature

The peninsula is rich wildlife, especially birds. Its shores are inhabited by the gannet, the African black oyster hunter and 4 species of cormorants. But the most famous feathered inhabitants are the penguins at Boulders Beach. Tourists can get an up-close look at one of the few colonies on the mainland at False Bay. There are special paths here that will lead you through the natural habitat of penguins, and if you visit this place between February and August, you can also see fluffy chicks.

Cape mountain zebra is occasionally found in these areas. But more common inhabitants are baboons, several species of antelope and the small, furry dassie, the elephant's closest relative. You can also watch whales and dolphins here.

Classes and activities

One of the main attractions of South Africa is a narrow peninsula overlooking the ocean. But such a location implies the presence of wind and unpredictable weather. However, the landscape that opens to visitors will not leave anyone indifferent:

  1. The coastline meets a backdrop of clouds with occasional glimpses of sun to create a dramatic landscape. While here, you can watch the zebras wandering around. Moreover, this perfect place for whale watching from June to November.
  2. You should climb the lighthouse to see best views to the cape There are 3 ways to get to the top. There is a path with long stone stairs along the coastline. This route offers the best views of the coast. From the parking lot there is a road all the way to the top. The climb is quite easy and not very strenuous. For those who do not want or are unable to walk, there is the Flying Dutchman funicular, which will take you to observation deck in 3 minutes for a small fee.
  3. A drive along the Cape Peninsula is one of the favorite additions to tourist route in Cape Town. The highlights of a day trip are the southernmost points of the Cape, and the stunning sea cliffs and ocean views will make tourists feel like they're on the edge of the earth.

Best places

Muizenberg Beach. Muizenberg is a beach suburb of Cape Town known for its white sandy shore and the very colorful houses that decorate it. The warm waters of the Indian Ocean are an added bonus and attract surfers to this place.

Simon's Town and Boulders Beach. Simon's Town is a historic and charming naval town on the shores of False Bay, and Boulders Beach is famous for its colony of African penguins. Thousands of individuals go about their daily business: cleaning their wings, looking after their children. The Boulders Beach walk is done on a wooden plank. If you want to get closer to the penguins, you need to go further along sand dunes to Foxy Beach, but be aware that penguins can be aggressive and if you get too close you can experience how sharp their beaks are.

Cape Point. This peak can be reached by driving just over 1 km east of the main headland. This is where the Flying Dutchman funicular is located, offering views of the lighthouse.

Chapman's Peak Drive. Nothing compares to Atlantic coast windswept, and Chapman Peak gives the ocean road the most breathtaking views. This toll highway is carved into the rock and features nearly vertical climbs and blind turns. It starts at fishing village Hout Bay and runs to Chapman's Point before ending at Noordhoek. The ocean views are incredibly beautiful along the entire route, but the best are from Chapman's Point - the most high point roads.