French Riviera (Côte d'Azur). From Nice to Monaco

The sun is the source of life on the planet. Its rays provide the necessary light and warmth. At the same time, ultraviolet radiation from the Sun is destructive to all living things. To find a compromise between the beneficial and harmful properties of the Sun, meteorologists calculate the ultraviolet radiation index, which characterizes the degree of its danger.

What kind of UV radiation from the sun is there?

Ultraviolet radiation from the Sun has a wide range and is divided into three regions, two of which reach the Earth.

  • UVA. Long-wave radiation range
    315–400 nm

    The rays pass almost freely through all atmospheric “barriers” and reach the Earth.

  • UV-B. Medium wave range radiation
    280–315 nm

    The rays are 90% absorbed by the ozone layer, carbon dioxide and water vapor.

  • UV-C. Shortwave range radiation
    100–280 nm

    The most dangerous area. They are completely absorbed by stratospheric ozone without reaching the Earth.

The more ozone, clouds and aerosols in the atmosphere, the less the harmful effects of the Sun. However, these life-saving factors have a high natural variability. The annual maximum of stratospheric ozone occurs in spring, and the minimum in autumn. Cloudiness is one of the most variable characteristics of weather. The carbon dioxide content also changes all the time.

At what UV index values ​​is there a danger?

The UV index provides an estimate of the amount of UV radiation from the Sun at the Earth's surface. UV index values ​​range from a safe 0 to an extreme 11+.

  • 0–2 Low
  • 3–5 Moderate
  • 6–7 High
  • 8–10 Very high
  • 11+ Extreme

In mid-latitudes, the UV index approaches unsafe values ​​(6–7) only at the maximum height of the Sun above the horizon (occurs in late June - early July). At the equator, the UV index reaches 9...11+ points throughout the year.

What are the benefits of the sun?

In small doses, UV radiation from the Sun is simply necessary. The sun's rays synthesize melanin, serotonin, and vitamin D, which are necessary for our health, and prevent rickets.

Melanin creates a kind of protective barrier for skin cells from the harmful effects of the Sun. Because of it, our skin darkens and becomes more elastic.

The hormone of happiness serotonin affects our well-being: it improves mood and increases overall vitality.

Vitamin D strengthens the immune system, stabilizes blood pressure and performs anti-rickets functions.

Why is the sun dangerous?

When sunbathing, it is important to understand that the line between the beneficial and harmful Sun is very thin. Excessive tanning always borders on a burn. Ultraviolet radiation damages DNA in skin cells.

The body's defense system cannot cope with such aggressive influence. It lowers immunity, damages the retina, causes skin aging and can lead to cancer.

Ultraviolet light destroys the DNA chain

How the Sun affects people

Sensitivity to UV radiation depends on skin type. People of the European race are the most sensitive to the Sun - for them, protection is required already at index 3, and 6 is considered dangerous.

At the same time, for Indonesians and African Americans this threshold is 6 and 8, respectively.

Who is most influenced by the Sun?

    People with fair hair
    skin tone

    People with many moles

    Residents of mid-latitudes during a holiday in the south

    Winter lovers

    Skiers and climbers

    People with a family history of skin cancer

In what weather is the sun more dangerous?

It is a common misconception that the sun is dangerous only in hot and clear weather. You can also get sunburned in cool, cloudy weather.

Cloudiness, no matter how dense it may be, does not reduce the amount of ultraviolet radiation to zero. In mid-latitudes, cloudiness significantly reduces the risk of getting sunburned, which cannot be said about traditional beach holiday destinations. For example, in the tropics, if in sunny weather you can get sunburned in 30 minutes, then in cloudy weather - in a couple of hours.

How to protect yourself from the sun

To protect yourself from harmful rays, follow simple rules:

    Spend less time in the sun during midday hours

    Wear light-colored clothing, including wide-brimmed hats

    Use protective creams

    Wear sunglasses

    Stay in the shade more on the beach

Which sunscreen to choose

Sunscreens vary in their degree of sun protection and are labeled from 2 to 50+. The numbers indicate the proportion of solar radiation that overcomes the protection of the cream and reaches the skin.

For example, when applying a cream labeled 15, only 1/15 (or 7 %) of the ultraviolet rays will penetrate the protective film. In the case of cream 50, only 1/50, or 2 %, affects the skin.

Sunscreen creates a reflective layer on the body. However, it is important to understand that no cream can reflect 100% of ultraviolet radiation.

For everyday use, when the time spent under the Sun does not exceed half an hour, a cream with protection 15 is quite suitable. For tanning on the beach, it is better to take 30 or higher. However, for fair-skinned people it is recommended to use a cream labeled 50+.

How to Apply Sunscreen

The cream should be applied evenly to all exposed skin, including the face, ears and neck. If you plan to sunbathe for a long time, then the cream should be applied twice: 30 minutes before going out and, additionally, before going to the beach.

Please check the cream instructions for the required volume for application.

How to Apply Sunscreen When Swimming

Sunscreen should be applied every time after swimming. Water washes away the protective film and, by reflecting the sun's rays, increases the dose of ultraviolet radiation received. Thus, when swimming, the risk of sunburn increases. However, due to the cooling effect, you may not feel the burn.

Excessive sweating and wiping with a towel are also reasons to re-protect the skin.

It should be remembered that on the beach, even under an umbrella, the shade does not provide complete protection. Sand, water and even grass reflect up to 20% of ultraviolet rays, increasing their impact on the skin.

How to protect your eyes

Sunlight reflected from water, snow or sand can cause painful burns to the retina. To protect your eyes, wear sunglasses with a UV filter.

Danger for skiers and climbers

In the mountains, the atmospheric “filter” is thinner. For every 100 meters of height, the UV index increases by 5 %.

Snow reflects up to 85 % of ultraviolet rays. In addition, up to 80 % of the ultraviolet reflected by the snow cover is reflected again by clouds.

Thus, in the mountains the Sun is most dangerous. It is necessary to protect your face, lower chin and ears even in cloudy weather.

How to deal with sunburn if you get sunburned

    Use a damp sponge to moisten the burn.

    Apply anti-burn cream to the burned areas

    If your temperature rises, consult your doctor; you may be advised to take an antipyretic

    If the burn is severe (the skin swells and blisters greatly), seek medical attention

Public transport in Nice includes many bus routes that cover the entire city, as well as one tram line, Transdev (which runs through the city center and past the train station). The transport system is managed by Lignes d'Azur.

Buses run from 5:00 to 21:00, from 21:10 to 1:10 night Noctambus runs around the city. Trams run 21 hours a day, every 4–10 minutes.


A single trip on public transport costs 1.50 euros (Solo ticket, valid for 74 minutes after the first validation). You can buy a ticket for 10 trips (Multi 10 voyages) for 10 euros, saving 5 euros. A daily pass (1-day Pass) costs 5 euros, a weekly pass (7-day Pass) costs 15 euros.

Also in Nice, French Riviera Pass Transport cards are valid for 24, 48 or 72 hours (30, 46 and 68 euros, respectively). The cards will allow you to use unlimited buses and trams in Nice (including buses number 98 from the airport), visit popular museums with discounts and receive other bonuses. You can buy cards on the French Riviera Pass website.


A trip around Nice by taxi will cost from 7 euros - 3 euros for landing and 2-5 euros for each kilometer (depending on the time of day).

Bicycle rental

You can also get around Nice by bicycle. The most famous rental service is called Vélobleu. You can rent a bicycle at one of 175 stations and pay for the rental using a MasterCard. You can ride for free for the first 30 minutes, travel from the 31st to the 60th minute costs 1 euro, each subsequent hour costs 2 euros. There are also other rental points, the average rental cost is 14–25 euros per day.

How to get from Nice airport to Cannes?

From terminals No. 1 and 2, intercity bus No. 210 departs every 20–30 minutes, heading to Cannes. The fare costs 22 euros, travel time is about 50–60 minutes (depending on traffic jams and the number of stops along the way). Baggage is paid extra if it takes up more than 2 pieces (5 euros each).

Travel on bus No. 200 will cost much less - only 1.50 euros. However, it goes very slowly, as it makes many stops (on average, one and a half to two hours). The bus departs from the Aéroport/Promenade stop (located next to terminal No. 1).

Another option is to walk to the Gare SNCF Saint-Augustin train station and take the train to Cannes. The fare costs 5.90 euros, travel time is 45 minutes.

An individual transfer from Nice airport to Cannes will cost from 60 euros. By car you can get there in 25–40 minutes.

The airport is unique, its name corresponds to its location - Cote d'Azur (French: Aéroport Nice Côte d'Azur), located on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. Opened in 1944, today it is one of the “advanced” airports.

It occupies third position in the list of popular airports in France, after Paris Charles de Gaulle and Orly. Tourists who want to visit the resorts of the Cote d'Azur - Nice, Monaco, Cannes and Saint-Tropez - fly here. The airport is also used by residents of border Italy.

reference Information

Official website of Nice Airport:



  • Airport information: 0820 423 333 (0.12 EUR/minute) or +33 4 898 898 28
  • Medical assistance: +33 4 93 21 38 81
  • 24-hour taxi: +33 4 93 13 78 78
  • Customs: +33 4 93 21 37 86

Nice airport online scoreboard

How to get from the airport to Nice

There is a bus station at the airport (Terminal 1), from where bus number 98 Promenade des Arts departs for Nice.

Goes according to schedule: 5:40 → 6:00 → 6:36 → 6:50 → 7:15 → then every 16 minutes → 20:13 → 20:45 → 21:05 → 21:25 → 22:05 → 22:45 → 23 :45(except May 1 - a day off).

Ticket offices are located in two terminals:

  • Terminal 1: bus station, near exit A0.
  • Terminal 2: Arrivals hall, between gates A2 and A3.

Cash desk opening hours:

  • 8:00-19:00 - from November 1 to March 31
  • 8:00-20:30 - from April 1 to October 31

Travel price: 6 euros.

By bus Noctambus

The Noctambus N100 bus operates on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and public holidays. Stop in Nice - Le port.

Travel from the airport to Nice according to the schedule:

  • 22:00→22:15
  • 23:30→23:45
  • 1:00→1:15
  • 2:30→2:45

Travel from Nice to the airport according to the schedule:

  • 0:06 →0:30
  • 1:36→2:00
  • 3:06→3:30
  • 4:36→5:00

The ticket is purchased from the driver. 1 baggage with a maximum size of 55 x 45 x 65 is carried free of charge, for each subsequent bag - 1 euro. When transporting large items (over 165 cm), a fee of 5 euros will be charged.

By city bus

If you are not loaded with luggage and want to save money, you can go to Nice by city bus. You need to be prepared for the fact that the bus can be crowded and problems with luggage may arise.

The Aéroport Promenade bus stop is located a few minutes from Terminal 1.

  • Bus number 23 stops at the flower market (Vallon des Fleurs). Travel time is 45 minutes. Runs every 15 minutes.
  • Bus number 52 goes to the J.C. stop. Bermond. Travel time is 27 minutes. Runs every 15 minutes.
  • Bus number 59 goes to the Cathédral-Veille Ville stop. Runs every hour.
  • Bus number 70 goes to the Cathédral-Veille Ville stop. Runs every 15-30 minutes.

Fare: 1.50 euros

From Nice to Cannes

Bus No. 200 also leaves from the airport (Terminal 1) and travels for 90 minutes according to the following schedule:

  • Monday to Friday, Saturday: 6:05 to 21:45
  • On Sundays and holidays: from 7:45 to 21:40

Ticket price: 3 euros

Express bus No. 210 stops in both Terminal 1 and Terminal 2. Departs at 8:00, 9:00 and every half hour until 20:00, there is a flight at 20:45 and 21:55. The bus travels 50 minutes.

Ticket price:

  • One way ticket: 20 euros
  • Return ticket: 30 euros

At night, at 23:30, 1:00, 2:30, 4:10, bus N200 leaves from the airport (Terminal 1). Travel time is 75 minutes. The fare is 3 euros.

From Nice to Antibes

You can get there by bus No. 200 and No. 250. Express bus No. 250 runs every day from the airport. Travel time is about 40 minutes

  • One way ticket: 10 euros
  • Return ticket: 15 euros

At night, at 23:30, 1:00, 2:30, 4:10, bus N200 leaves from the airport (Terminal 1). Travel time is 50 minutes. Fare: 1.50 euros.

From Nice to Monaco

Express bus No. 110 leaves the airport from 8:45 to 21:15 daily. Travel time is 45 minutes.

  • One way ticket: 20 euros
  • Return ticket: 30 euros
  • Discount ticket up to 26 years old: 15 euros
  • Discount ticket up to 12 years old: 5 euros

Bus number 100 departs from the Promenade des arts stop daily from 6:05 to 20:30 from Monday to Saturday and from 6:00 to 21:00 on Sunday. The bus ride takes about 35 minutes. Ticket price: 1.50 euros

At night, at 22:00, 23:30, 1:00 and 2:30, bus N100 leaves from the airport (Terminal 1). Travel time is 40 minutes. The fare is 1.5 euros.


Wi-fi at the airport

There is free high-quality wireless Internet at Nice Airport.

To connect to wi-fi you need:

  • Connect to the NiceAirportFreeWifi network
  • Go to any browser and accept the agreement for using the wireless network.

Transport at the airport

A free bus (NAVETTE GRATUITE T1 - T2), equipped with air conditioning and a telescopic ramp, runs between the terminals.

From October to March it runs according to the following schedule:

  • 4:30-8:00 – every 10 minutes;
  • 8:00-16:30 – every 7 minutes;
  • 16:30-00:30 – every 10 minutes.

From April to September:

  • 4:30-7:30 - every 10 minutes
  • 7:30-9:00 – every 7 minutes
  • 9:00-15:30 – every 5 minutes
  • 15:30-20:30 - every 7 minutes
  • 20:30-00:30 – every 10 minutes

Terminal 1 ⇒ Parking P8 ⇒ Parking P4 ⇒ Parking P9 / P6 ⇒ Terminal 2 / Car rental center ⇒ Parking P6 / Cargo terminal ⇒ Parking P4 / Technical center.

Travel time:

  • from Terminal 1 to Terminal 2: 12 minutes;
  • from Terminal 2 to Terminal 1: 5 minutes.

Terminal 1

The area of ​​the first terminal is 52,000 square meters and serves up to 4.5 million passengers per year. There are 26 gates located here.

Consists of three floors, one underground and two above ground. We provide you with a visual diagram of Terminal 1, in the future you will see a complete diagram of Nice Airport.

Schemes of the first terminal:

Terminal 2

The area of ​​the second terminal is 57,800 square meters. meters, serves about 8.5 million passengers per year. There are also 29 gates located here. It also consists of three floors: one underground and two above ground.

Schemes of the second terminal:

Underground level First level Second level

Luggage storage and other services

Luggage storage rooms are located in Terminal 2, on the 0th floor, between gates A3 and A4. Phone: +33 04 93 96 21 53.

Opening hours: 7 days a week, from 06:00 to 23:30. When checking in your baggage, you may be asked for documents or a boarding pass.

We do not accept for storage: perishable goods, valuables, dangerous objects, animals, electrical or electronic goods, plants.

  • Ordinary. 1 luggage – 14 euros per day
  • Group. 1 piece of luggage - 10 euros (minimum 15 pieces)

There is also a Service Center where you can:

  • send a letter or parcel;
  • contact the lost and found property office;
  • print documents;
  • rent for a period from 3 days to 6 months children’s travel accessories (stroller, baby seat, high chair, crib, bathtub, etc.)

Transport carts are free. To unlock the cart parking mechanism you need a 1 euro coin, there are change machines nearby.

Luggage packing

Safe bag services are located in both terminals:

  • Terminal 1: near gates D2 and D3 (Mon - Sun from 5:30 to 19:30)
  • Terminal 2: near Gate D3 (Mon - Sun from 6:00 to 23:15)

Price: 12 euros per suitcase

Return Tax free

Terminal 2:

  • 0 floor, exit A3. Opening hours: 7:45-22:30. Phone +33 4 89 98 50 81.
  • 2nd floor, exit B22. Opening hours: 6:30-21:00. Phone +33 4 89 98 50 93

Detax tax refund

You can return VAT using special machines that are located in two terminals. For the procedure, you will need barcodes that will need to be scanned. Follow the instructions in Russian. Detailed description of the service.

Shops and restaurants

We provide you with a detailed layout of shops and restaurants at Nice Airport.

Terminal 1

1 - Saveurs de Provence - wines, cheeses, snacks.
2 — Fragonard — perfume, cosmetics, jewelry, bags.
3 - Pan Garni - snack bar.
4 - Prêt à manger - organic fast food.
5 – Spa by Eric Zemmour – beauty salon (hairdresser, manicure).
6 - Pop up Ladurée - confectionery products.
7 - Bally - shoes, bags.
8 — Hermès — clothing, accessories.
9 - Versace - clothes, accessories.
10 – Hour Passion – watches, jewelry.
11 - Chez Pipo - a cafe where they prepare a signature dish of Nice - Socca.
12 - Relay - newspaper store.
13 – The Fashion place – clothes, accessories.
14 – Riviera Chic – clothes, accessories.
15 – Longchamp – bags, suitcases.
16 – Max Mara – clothes, accessories.
17 - Interchange - exchange office, ATM.
18 - Aelia Duty Free - alcohol store.
19 - Relay - newspaper store.
20 – So Nice / L’Occitane – gift shop.
21 - Aelia Duty Free last minute - alcohol store.
22 - Starbucks - coffee shop.
23 – Pop up La Tarte Tropézienne
24 – Fnac – phones, gadgets, accessories.

Terminal 2

32 – Mademoiselle Vernis – nail salon.
33 - Aelia Duty Free Last Minute - liquor store.
35 – Joe & The Juice – juice bar.
39 - La Tarte tropézienne - baked goods, confectionery.
41 – Interchange – exchange office, tax free refund
42 - Relay - newspaper store.
43 – Saveurs de Provence – wines, cheeses, snacks.
44 - Mode multimarques - fashion boutiques.
45 - Relay - newspaper store.
46 - Aelia Duty Free - gastronomy, confectionery, alcohol, perfumes, underwear.
47 — Hour Passion — watches, accessories.
48 — Hermès — clothing, accessories.
50 – Aelia Duty Free – gastronomy, confectionery, alcohol, perfumes, underwear.
51 — Aelia Duty Free last minute - gastronomy, confectionery, alcohol, perfumery.
54 - Mode Multimarques Luxe - clothes, accessories.
55 — Emporio Armani — clothing, accessories.
56 — Salvatore Ferragamo — shoes, accessories.
57 – Fragonard – souvenirs, perfumes.
58 – So Nice – gift shop.
59 - The Kooples - clothes, shoes.
60 – Michael Kors – bags, accessories.
61 - Fnac - phones, gadgets, accessories.
62 - Starbucks - coffee shop.
63 – SoNice/L’Occitane – gift shop.
64 - Jamie's Italian - pizzeria.
65 - Jamie's Deli - diner.
66 - Petrossian - restaurant.
67 - Éric Kayser - baked goods.

Airport parking

Parking is serviced by the Click&Park service. Online reservations are required. The following parking lots are currently available:

  • First terminal: P2, P3, P4, P8, G1
  • Second terminal: P5, P6, P7, P9, G2.

If you sort by criteria:

  • Directly to the terminal: P2, P5, P7
  • Budget: P9
  • For long-term parking: P4, P6
  • Maximum security: G1, G2.

The price depends on the type of parking and its distance from the terminals. Prices vary from 14 euros to 36 euros per night.

Short-term parking Kiss & Ride. Parking for a short stay. The idea is that the driver drops off his passenger and immediately drives away to make room for the next car.

For motorcycles and scooters there is parking near Terminal 2 (free) and near Terminal 1 (G1) for a fee.

Map of parking and bus stops

How to get there

Address: Rue Costes et Bellonte, Nice
Telephone: +33 820 42 33 33
Updated: 02/08/2018

Nice Airport, officially Nice Côte d'Azur, is located right at the mouth of the Var River on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. This is the main airport of the French Riviera. It is its location that influences the influx of passengers. From here you can easily reach the famous resorts of Nice, as well as the Principality of Monaco, Cannes and Italy. Nice airport is the third busiest in France and second only to the giant Paris-Charles de Gaulle and Paris-Orly.

The airport is located 7 kilometers west of the city of Nice, on the site where the first Nice aviation exhibition was opened. By the 20s of the last century, postal air service was organized between Nice and Corsica. In the 30s, the airfield site received the official status of an airport, and by 1955 it received its current name - Nice Cote d'Azur. Now the airport has 2 modern terminals and serves flights from all over Europe.

Nice Airport can be found at:

  • Nice, st. Cost e Balont
    Nice Cote d'Azur Airport

Online departure and arrival board

How to get there

The main road that leads to the airport is the Promenade des Anglais. Along its route you can even get to border Italy. And from the popular Cannes there are as many as three highways. Therefore, the method and time of travel differ greatly depending on the passenger’s point of departure.

The most popular way to travel between the city and the airport is by bus. They operate on two dozen routes, some intercity. The interval in the flight schedule ranges from 20 to 40 minutes. During rush hour – 50-60 minutes. Buses are also divided into 2 types: regular and express. A trip by type 1 bus from the center of Nice costs 2EUR and takes about half an hour. Ticket prices for express buses start from 6EUR. You can view the bus schedule and route.

As with all major airports in France, shuttles operate in Nice. They take passengers to some hotels. The price depends on the specific shuttle.

The second available transport is the railway. At Nice Airport there is a train station where trains arrive from the city's central railway station. You can drive from the center to the airport in 10 minutes, the price is approximately 2 EUR. There are buses from the airport station to the terminals: bus No. 99 (approaches T2), bus No. 23 (approaches T1). In addition to regular trains, electric trains travel from the center to the airport. They arrive not at the airport's central station, but at Saint-Augustine station. It should be taken into account that the distance between the station and terminal 1 is about 500 meters. There are also trains from the airport to other nearby cities; the ticket price depends on the direction. You can find out the exact train schedule and buy tickets online.

You can comfortably get from Nice to the airport by taxi. It will cost from 20 to 30 EUR during the daytime, at night the rate increases by a couple of euros. You can also use the transfer service, which is best booked in advance. The advantage of this option is that you can choose the required class of car yourself and the price for the trip will be fixed.

The most exclusive method of communication is the helicopter ordering service. You can negotiate it with a number of companies and a helicopter will take you from Monaco, St. Tropez or Cannes.

Airport terminal map

Nice Cote d'Azur Airport has two terminals, each of them has 3 floors. Most of the parking lots are located within Terminal 1. The ground floor is divided into arrival and departure areas with 3 exits each and one additional exit in the departure area (for people with disabilities). On this floor there are most of the shops, two post offices, an Internet access point and change machines. There is also a spacious waiting room and several lounges. They house mother and child rooms and showers. There is a luggage storage room located in the arrivals area, near exit A0. On the second floor there is a medical center, an Internet access point, a post office and branches of some airlines. There is also a separate room for prayers. You can take the escalator or stairs to the third floor of the terminal. It is reserved for a large conference room.

Terminal 2 is slightly larger than the previous one. The first floor is entirely occupied by the arrivals area. There are four entrances. On the territory there are a number of shops, an Internet distribution point, several change machines and a post office. In a distant corner there is a prayer room. In the center of the terminal there is a playroom for children.

The second floor is dedicated to the departure area. Has several entrances for disabled people. Convenient escalators and stairs are located throughout. Change machines and telephone booths are also common. There are also 2 mother and child rooms and three Internet distribution points. The third floor is divided into 2 parts, they contain waiting rooms and an observation deck.

Additional services

At Nice Airport, many things have been created and designed in accordance with the needs of people with disabilities - from telephone booths and ATMs to special moving walkways.

Each terminal has business centers on its territory. They house conference rooms. The premises are equipped with the necessary equipment. There are also several hotels in the terminals that also provide conference room services.

There is a pharmacy in Terminal 1, and the Terminal 2 medical center can provide vaccinations to passengers.

Some stores in Terminal 2 have a convenient SHOP & COLLECT system. It will be useful for those who are in transit in Nice, but intend to return to the airport on the return leg of their trip. The system allows you to make purchases and leave them at the airport. Upon purchase, the passenger is provided with a special receipt, where upon return they will need to contact the Safebag service center, which is located in terminal 2.

Tax Free