Holidays in March in Altai. How to have a cheap holiday in Altai. The healing powers of Altai: the main health resorts

Most tourists plan a trip to Altai in the summer, during the May flowering period or “golden autumn”. Many come here to meet New Year. What about the off-season? How suitable for leisure and travel? What interesting things does Gorny Altai offer in March?

The first warmth, the first thawed patches, but there are still so few of them that you can’t see much difference between the landscape and the winter one. At first glance, March in Altai is difficult to distinguish from January or February, but there are still changes. The day is getting longer and warmer. It’s already comfortable to spend several hours on the street in a row, managing to see more during them than in winter. There is still a lot of snow, so all popular routes of the cold season are available to tourists. This is the best time for all winter fun and activities. Holidays in Altai in March include skiing trips, snowmobile tours, horseback riding through the snowy taiga in the rays of the gentle spring sun.

Rivers bring warmth

Winter is receding slowly, warmth is gradually rising in the mountains. The flat areas and river valleys warm up first. Along the banks of the Katun, Chuya, and Chulyshman, Spring organizes its first “days.” Here it is easiest to meet her at the beginning of the journey through Altai. It’s still early for rafting, but you can already spend your vacation days in Chemal with pleasure and benefit. There is almost no snow here at this time, and there is also no mud. It's nice to bask in the sun, take a walk, and explore the surrounding sights. For example, the famous local hydroelectric power station or the island of Patmos.

Mirrors of spring

Popular in March Altai lakes. Teletskoye, Aya, Multinskie, Geyserovo. They are available during the cold season. Easy to get there on your own though organized tours easy to find too. Some reservoirs freeze completely, others partially or remain without ice all winter. Absolutely all are no less beautiful than in summer. In contrast with rocks, mountains, green cedars with white “caps” they look even brighter.

On Teletskoye at the beginning of spring there is a chance not only to admire the snow-covered forest and mountains, but also to ride through them on horseback or snowmobiles. A new ski complex has been built nearby. Fishing on the lake is possible all year round, but March is a good time to close the winter season. The inhabitants of the reservoir are active at this time, and the rare Telets whitefish is caught only in winter, so early spring is the last chance to try fresh local “herring”.

A popular March route is a sleigh ride to the Multinsky Lakes. This option will be of interest to those who would like to spend a few days alone with winter nature, in moderate isolation from civilization. Snow-capped mountains, centuries-old trees, a house with a stove next to one of the Altai “blue pearls” - complete peace among the picturesque beauties.

And on the shore of Lake Aya you can stay in a park hotel, with amenities and comfort. The nature around is also untouched and majestic in the Altai way.

In search of icefalls

This rare beautiful word is used to describe frozen waterfalls; there are many of them in Altai in March. Amazing sight! Openwork cascades blue ice strangely frozen among the rocks. Extreme tourists practice climbing the icefall - this is an option for active recreation. For those who are not ready to storm the icy columns yet, a photo tour to them will be suitable.

Altai or Sochi

Skiers make this choice in March. Only Krasnaya Polyana and Altai sport complexes The ski season continues in full swing with the beginning of the calendar spring.

There are many ski centers in Altai, new ones appear regularly, with modern service. March is here - " the Velvet season", mild weather and excellent snow-covered slopes. The choice of accommodation options makes it easy to combine sports leisure with excursions, hikes, entertainment, relaxing holiday among Altai nature.

Time to think about your health

The body, weakened in winter, persistently asks for support. In Altai in the spring, even a couple of days will have a tonic effect. Clean mountain air is healing in itself, and if this effect is supplemented with medical procedures, then the supply of energy will help cope with spring vitamin deficiency and blues. Healing antler baths, herbal teas from local herbs and berries, Altai cedar oil, and honey work wonders. It’s nice that you can buy a supply of “magic potions” and take them with you.

Let's weigh the pros and cons

The first month of spring is not considered a “high season” in Altai, but if you are going here in March, then it is worth finding out the pros and cons of such a trip. I would like to start with the positives. Here they are:

  1. In March there are almost no tourists in Gorny Altai. A rare chance to be face to face with any popular attraction, natural or cultural. During the off-season, you can get to know Altai better, look at it calmly, and remember it more fully. No one will bother you.
  2. There are no problems with choosing a place to relax. There are many options, since most tourist bases are open all year round. They offer the appropriate number of rooms - warm houses with all amenities and a bathhouse nearby. There are few guests, so there is a chance to book excellent apartments at a competitive price.
  3. Prices are the best of the year! For budget travel I couldn't have chosen a better time. The cost of accommodation and tickets turns out to be so favorable that the savings are enough to come and relax again. For example, according to the weekend tour program. Especially if you book early.
  4. The weather is comfortable and milder than in winter. There are still snowstorms, but sunny ones quiet days there will be a lot. The temperature during the day confidently crosses zero. Spring will surround you with melodies: the sounds of dripping, the crunch of settling snow, joyful bird trills, the crackling of the icy shell of rivers.
  5. All are still available winter activities(sleighs, skis, snowmobiles), but the weather is mild, you get much more pleasure from walking than at -20 with wind. Frosts will definitely hit at night, so you should definitely think about a warm overnight stay.
  6. No insects at all! Ticks, mosquitoes, midges are still sleeping sweetly, they will not prevent you from enjoying communication with nature. Encounters with snakes are also excluded.

Are there any downsides?

A little. Possible weather surprises. Unexpectedly early melting of snow, abnormal cold or snowfall.

If you dream of relaxing with company, then you should definitely bring it with you, since in March Altai cannot boast of even a decent number of tourists.

The right time to travel is half the success. We hope that at least once you want to see the arrival of spring in Altai and come here in March.

We went for only 3 days, for reconnaissance. People around us have a lot of questions – why? What is there to do? Skiing?
Well, we are still skiers. So we're just going to have a look. We booked a hotel room in advance - not because there might not be enough rooms, but to be sure that the hotel was open.
Composition - 2 families, 2 cars - our Toyota Camry all-terrain vehicle and a Nissan Pathfinder jeep.

We're going for Chemal. Outside Gorno-Altaisk you are surprised by the empty road and clean roadsides. If you drive here after a couple of months, you won’t find any free space along the shore. Local bases and campsites are already preparing for the summer - they are renovating old houses, building new ones, and cleaning the banks.

We arrive at the base. The room is in good repair, normal beds, bathroom, hot water, TV.

Cost – 850 per day per person over 16. Child free. At the base, designed for 70 people, there are only 17 visitors. So no crowding in the restaurant, no ordering a sauna a month in advance and no noise at night - just the rustling of the river. A paradise for those who don't like crowds. During the high season in Altai you have to choose - either comfort or privacy.

The first day was spent simply relaxing after the journey (after all, the distance was 550 km). Dinner, sauna, walked around the area. There is a chapel on a rock above the river near the base - you could take the keys from the administration and go inside, you were even allowed to go up to the bells.

The next day we went to see the Church of St. John the Evangelist on the island of Patmos, to which a suspension bridge leads. The church was moved to the island at the beginning of the 20th century, then destroyed in the 20s and restored several years ago.
“This place is special, there are traditions and legends associated with it, one of which says that in a vision sent down to the Evangelist John, he dreamed of two temples, as if floating above the water: one in the Mediterranean Sea, the other on the opposite end of the earth, in the Altai outback. It’s curious, that the names of the islands (Patmos) in the Mediterranean and Altai coincide."

Then we just drove along the bank of the Katun, up the river. We were not very lucky with the weather; it snowed in the morning, which melted and froze again, so it was slippery. Foot forays were cancelled. As luck would have it, good weather stood on the day of arrival and departure. But in Altai it is she who likes to mock.

The mountains, in my opinion, are the same color in both spring and summer. I love them in any form.

The ice on the Katun has already begun to break in some places, and in some places it has even been washed away. In thin places and on cracks it is light blue, almost azure. Unexpected contrast with the gray surroundings

What caught my eye in Altai is that there is no snow! At all! He only lay there for a short time after the snowfall. It was somewhat strange to see the area already without snow and still without greenery. This doesn’t happen here, the snow has not yet melted, but there is already vegetation.
At stops they let Anna out to run. Then they put him back with difficulty.
As usual, we managed to find adventures on the rear bumper. We turned off the Katun Valley. At a certain point the road reached a stream. In theory, the road continued along the bed of this stream, but in the summer it was also for large cars. We tried to speed it up in winter on a small but proud Camry.

The sensations are, of course, interesting - the car walks over stones under the snow, waddling, almost turning its wheels. The child was reasonable: “Dad, dad, the car doesn’t drive like that!!!” Fortunately, the stream had already begun to wake up, the ice was washed away further up the riverbed and we returned. As we exited the stream, the steering wheel stopped turning. The power steering belt has fallen off. Neither earlier nor later

We had fun, got wet, and went to the base to warm up and barbecue. Then we sat by the fire until nightfall, and then there was hot tea and a game of Jenga. The essence of the game is to build a tower of blocks, 3 per floor. Players take turns removing one block from the center or bottom and placing it on top. The higher the tower, the better.

On the day of departure we drove a little up the river with the optimistic name “Cuba”. The bridge is “wonderful” - along the edges there are pine trees that are already as tall as me. However, the bridge is passable.

What's the outcome? The child was happy and had difficulty driving him home after the trip. He still wants to go on a hike. Parents are also happy - they took a break from work and gained impressions for a couple of months ahead.
Oddly enough, there are advantages to traveling to Altai in March - the nature is no less impressive than in summer, there are practically no people in tourist places, forest roads are more passable due to the frozen soil, the camp site is relatively cheap and quiet even on weekends. It's a pity that we were only 3 days.


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Altai region – the southwestern part of Siberia, a region whose natural wealth is difficult to overestimate. An amazing kaleidoscope appears to the eyes of tourists in the Altai Territory natural landscapes– gentle chains of mountains, rocky gorges, sloping boulders covered with a patina of moss, steppes, icy springs and majestic rivers that seem to cut forests and endless meadows in two.

In the vastness of the Altai Territory there is a resort federal significance Belokurikha, one of the cultural centers of Siberia - the city of Barnaul, on the border of the region with Mountain Altai, in the village of Srostki the “singer of the Russian village”, writer and director Vasily Shukshin was born, in whose honor the ball museum-reserve was founded. In the Altai Territory, one can easily be imbued with the beauty and cultural way of Siberia - numerous ethnographic complexes, apiaries, and deer farms are open to the public, where guests will not only be told about life and traditions, but will also be treated to fragrant tea made from Altai herbs.


Altai Territory is located in the southern part of Western Siberia. The region borders in the south and southeast with Kazakhstan, in the southwest with the Altai Republic, in the west and northwest with the Kemerovo region, and in the north with the Novosibirsk region. The regional center, the city of Barnaul, is separated from the capital of Russia by 3419 km.

The Altai Territory covers the West Siberian Plain, which gradually gives way to rolling foothills, low mountains with domed tops the Babyrgan and Sinyukha mountains and, finally, the northwestern slopes of the huge Altai-Sayan mountain system. The Altai plains are crossed by gullies and ravines, river beds originating in the mountains. The main water artery of the region is the Ob, and the largest body of water is Lake Kulundinskoye with many islands and bays, sandbanks.

Vegetable world The Altai region is very diverse. Most The territory of the region is covered with forests. The region is the only place in Russia where unique a natural phenomenon tape pine forests– five stripes stretch parallel from Barnaul towards the Irtysh. Steppes and forest-steppes dominate in the Ob River valley and the Kulunda Plain, and taiga flora dominates in the mountains. There are many found in Altai rare plants and endemics, including Siberian linden and water chestnut.


Due to the remoteness from the seas and oceans, the climate of the Altai Territory is sharply continental. On weather have a significant impact mountain ranges, blocking the path of moist air from the west, in turn, the climatic features of the region determine the movement of air masses of the Atlantic, Arctic, Eastern Siberia and Central Asia.

Winter in the Altai Territory is cold and long. A stable snow cover forms already at the end of November and disappears only in April. The average minimum temperature in January is -17.7 °C. Severe frosts occur in the period December-January; temperatures can drop to -40, -50 °C.

Summer is sunny and hot. In July, the thermometer often rises to 33-35 °C.

The average annual precipitation in the Altai Territory is heterogeneous. In the arid western regions the rainfall is about 200-230 mm, the average annual precipitation in the east is about 600 mm.

The number of sunshine is 2150-2300 per year.


The Altai region lives according to Omsk time. Time zone is UTC+6. Time is 3 hours ahead of Moscow.


According to 2014 estimates, the population of the Altai Territory is 2,384,708 people.

Types of tourism

The most developed and priority for further development tourism areas in the Altai Territory are wellness holiday, leisure and ski tourism.

Spa treatment. Altai Territory is the birthplace of the Belokurikha resort, included in the state register unique resorts Russia. Here, several powerful healing factors are surprisingly combined, namely thermal nitrogen-siliceous low-radon waters, or as they are also called radon baths, mineral springs for drinking treatment, climatic conditions, comparable to the conditions best resorts peace. The plant diversity of the region has contributed to the use of herbal medicine as one of the main methods of resort medicine - infusions and decoctions of medicinal Altai herbs are used for drinking treatment, irrigation and microenemas. In addition, products of antler maral breeding and beekeeping are used here - pantohematogen baths, antler mini-saunas, honey massage. In the sanatorium-resort institutions of the region, treatment programs have been implemented for the nervous system, heart and blood vessels, musculoskeletal system, respiratory organs, digestive systems, metabolic disorders, allergic diseases, diseases genitourinary system.

Skiing. In the Altai Territory, created by nature ideal conditions for skiing. There are many ski resorts, complexes, individual slopes and modern ski resorts in the region. The Belokurikha complexes, equipped with chairlifts and rope tows, artificial snowmaking systems, trails of varying lengths and difficulty levels, slopes for beginners and tubing trails, have earned recognition from ski lovers. The rescue service and medical post ensure the safety of tourists.

Leisure. Sanatorium-resort complexes The Altai Territory has its own sports and fitness centers with swimming pools, water parks, gyms and fitness rooms. Tourist centers offer various types of active recreation from hiking and horseback riding in the most beautiful and protected corners of Altai, rental of snowmobiles and ATVs, to paragliding and hang gliding.


- a unique climatic and balneological and ski resort in the heart of Russian Switzerland - the Altai Territory. The resort is located at an altitude of 250 m above sea level at the foot of Tserkovka Mountain. Thanks to natural conditions The development of the resort business began here a century ago. On medicinal properties health improvement programs are based on low-radon thermal baths, mineral springs, medicinal mud of Lake Gorkoye, and Altai medicinal herbs. In Belokurikha there are modern health complexes offering both traditional resort treatment and spa services, comfortable resort hotels oriented towards active recreation. In recent decades, the skiing industry has developed here - today Belokurikha boasts an infrastructure worthy of European resorts. In addition, near the resort there are interesting entertainment complexes - museums under open air, ethnographic parks, zoo nurseries and farms.

Barnaul- the capital of the Altai Territory. The city, lying on the left bank of the Ob, is one of the largest cultural centers of Siberia. Barnaul is notable for its historical center, which combines merchant buildings, sculptures and monuments, a museum and theaters. Rest here is, first of all, educational tourism, the city is the starting point of many thematic excursions. Recently, business tourism has been developing in the capital of the Altai Territory, comfortable business hotels and hotels are appearing, offering guests a high level of service and a wide range of additional services.

Transport component

Air transport. By air gate Altai Territory is international Airport Barnaul, host aircraft different regions of Russia, as well as neighboring countries. The airport is located 14 km from the city. You can overcome this distance by using a transfer or taxi, as well as by public transport– regular buses and minibuses.

Railway transport . The Altai Territory has a developed railway network. There are 1,803 km of tracks running through the region. Large railway stations- Altaiskaya, Barnaul, Biysk, Kulunda, Rubtsovsk, Aleyskaya. IN small towns There are railway stations. The West Siberian Railway passes through Barnaul railway. The routes connect Altai with the European part of Russia, Eastern Siberia and countries of Central Asia.

River transport. Navigation is carried out along the rivers Ob, Biya, Katun, Chumysh, Charysh. The total length of shipping routes is more than 650 km. Operates in Barnaul River port and a river station, from where you can go on a boat trip.

Motor transport. The length of roads in the Altai Territory is more than 15,000 km. Large highways pass through the region, including federal roads P256 and A349. The Altai Territory covers a network of regular intercity routes. IN major cities bus stations operate in small populated areas– bus stations. Barnaul Central Bus Station is connected bus routes with Belokurikha, Biysk, cities of neighboring regions, with Astana and Bishkek.

Urban ground transport in the Altai Territory - buses, trolleybuses, trams and minibuses. In small towns, buses are the main mode of transport. The region is served by large and small companies offering taxi services. A car rental service has been implemented in Barnaul and several large cities of the region.

In connection with the adoption of Federal Law No. 214-FZ dated July 29, 2017 “On conducting an experiment on the development of resort infrastructure in the Republic of Crimea, Altai Territory, Krasnodar region and Stavropol Territory”, as well as Article No. 2 of the Law of the Altai Territory dated November 1, 2017 No. 76-ZS “On the introduction of fees for the use of resort infrastructure in the Altai Territory”, please note that in the experiment territory from May 1, 2018 to December 31. In 2022, a resort fee will be charged.

The resort fee will be collected directly at the reception sites (sanatoriums)

Size resort tax for one day of actual stay of the payer in the accommodation facility is:

2018 – 30 rubles per day,

2019-2022 – 50 rubles per day.

The procedure for calculating, paying and transferring resort fees

  • The amount of the resort fee payable is calculated as the product of the number of days the resort fee payer actually stays at the accommodation facility, excluding the day of arrival, and the corresponding amount of the resort fee. However, the amount of the resort fee payable is not included in the cost of your stay.
  • The resort fee will be collected no later than upon check-out of the property.
  • Repeated collection of resort fees for the same period of stay in the experiment area is not permitted.
  • The resort fee is subject to credit to the budget of the subject Russian Federation, on whose territory the experiment is being conducted.
  • The transfer of the resort fee to the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation is carried out by the resort fee operator after the expiration of the period of actual residence of the resort fee payer in the accommodation facility.

Payers of the resort fee are individuals who have reached the age of majority and stay in accommodation facilities for more than 24 hours.

The following are exempt from paying the resort fee:

1) persons awarded the titles of Hero of the Soviet Union, Hero of the Russian Federation or who are full holders of the Order of Glory;

2) persons awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor or Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation or awarded the Order of Labor Glory of three degrees;

3) participants of the Great Patriotic War;

4) combat veterans from among the persons specified in subparagraphs 1 - 4 of paragraph 1 of Article 3 of the Federal Law of January 12, 1995 N 5-FZ “On Veterans”;

5) persons awarded the “Resident” badge besieged Leningrad»;

6) persons who worked during the Great Patriotic War at air defense facilities, local air defense facilities, and in construction defensive structures, naval bases, airfields and other military facilities within the rear borders of active fronts, operational zones of active fleets, in front-line areas of iron and highways, as well as crew members of transport fleet ships interned at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War in the ports of other states;

7) war invalids;

8) family members of deceased (deceased) disabled war veterans, participants in the Great Patriotic War and combat veterans, family members of persons killed in the Great Patriotic War from among the personnel of self-defense groups of facility and emergency teams of local air defense, as well as family members of deceased hospital workers and hospitals of the city of Leningrad;

9) persons exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, as well as due to nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site, and persons equated to them;

10) disabled people of groups I and II;

11) persons accompanying disabled people of group I and disabled children in accordance with Federal Law of July 17, 1999 N 178-FZ “On State Social Assistance”;

12) low-income families, low-income citizens living alone and other categories of citizens provided for by Federal Law of July 17, 1999 N 178-FZ “On State Social Assistance”, who have an average per capita income below the subsistence level established at the place of their residence in the relevant subject Russian Federation;

13) persons who arrived in the experiment territory in order to receive specialized, including high-tech, medical care or medical rehabilitation after the provision of specialized, including high-tech, medical care in the conditions of sanatorium-resort organizations, as well as the person accompanying them if the patient is a child under 18 years of age;

14) patients with tuberculosis;

15) persons under the age of 24 years studying full-time in educational organizations located in the territory of the experiment;

16) persons permanently working in the experimental territory on the basis of an employment contract or service contract;

17) persons who have a place of residence in the experiment territory;

18) persons who have the right of ownership of residential buildings (shares in the ownership of them) and (or) residential premises (shares in the ownership of them) on the territory of the experiment;

19) athletes, coaches, sports judges, as well as other specialists in the field of physical education and sports who arrived to participate in official sports events in the experiment territory.

March is a new beginning of life.

This is the time of awakening. Suddenly, as if on command, all spheres of life in the Altai Mountains are activated:

  • logging begins in the taiga, which will be used for lumber for the construction of new recreation centers for tourists
  • On mountain farms, active work is underway to breed livestock, because... on the slopes the snow melts very early and free food appears in the form of, although not yet fresh, but still grass
  • Recreation centers are welcoming guests again

Weather (temperature chart) in Altai in March

10 0 -10 -20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Spring in the Altai Mountains is especially early, which March tourists undoubtedly appreciate. You know that smell of spring in April-May, when the soil has already appeared and the last snow is melting very actively. The same thing happens here in March. That is, you seem to be transported one and a half months ahead, relative to if you were at home.

While there is still snow in the cities, there is already earth under our feet. Even if the fresh grass hasn’t sprouted yet, but listen, it’s not snow under your feet, but earth, and not the dirt you’re used to, but dry, pleasant earth. Here it is worth reminding the dear reader that there is no dirt in the Altai Mountains; all the water instantly disappears between the stones or flows into the beds of numerous mountain rivers.

* Additional charges:
1. The third and each subsequent person in the room, regardless of age, from 300 to 500 rubles. per day
2. Meals: 500 rub. per day for an adult and 250 rubles. per day per child