Problems that may arise as a result of flooding. Floods. strengthening railways and roads that fall into areas of possible flooding; preparation of temporary bypass routes

Report on the topic:


performed by: Armina Sargsyan

Faculty: State Medical University 10th group

Flood- this is a significant flooding of an area as a result of a rise in the water level in a river, lake or sea during snowmelt, rainfall, wind surges, congestion, floods, etc. A special type includes floods caused by wind surges of water into river mouths. Floods lead to the destruction of bridges, roads, buildings, structures, cause significant material damage, and at high speeds of water movement (more than 4 m/s) and high heights of water rise (more than 2 m), they cause the death of people and animals.

Do not use electrical appliances until specialists check the condition of the electrical network.

Simply because the territory is hard and fragile like crystal, and therefore, as Agapito says, it cannot respond to any crisis, be it complete or drought. Are there any disadvantages? The main reason is primarily urbanization. We are much more than we were fifty years ago. If there are about 16 million people in the Padana Basin, up from one or two every few hundred years ago, it is clear that the risks to people and things are increasing. Another problem is waterproofing the area, that is, covering the plains of the road, city and productive activities.

The main cause of destruction is the impact on buildings and structures of hydraulic shocks from a mass of water, ice floes floating at high speed, various debris, watercraft, etc. Floods can occur suddenly and last from a few hours to 2-3 weeks.

There are also reasons caused by human activity. In recent centuries, especially in the twentieth century, anthropogenic factors have played an increasingly important role in increasing the frequency and destructive power of floods. Among them, first of all, deforestation should be mentioned (maximum surface runoff increases by 250-300%), irrational management Agriculture. A significant contribution to the increased intensity of floods and high waters was made by: longitudinal plowing of slopes, over-compaction of fields when using heavy equipment, and over-watering as a result of violation of irrigation standards. Average flood flows in urbanized areas have approximately tripled due to the growth of impervious covers and development. A significant increase in maximum flow is associated with the economic development of floodplains, which are natural flow regulators. In addition to the above, several reasons should be mentioned that directly lead to the formation of floods: improper implementation of flood protection measures leading to the breaking of embankment dams, destruction of artificial dams, emergency operation of reservoirs and others.

Release animals from premises, untie dogs

Obviously, without colliding with the ground where it penetrates and the roots that hold it, the water flows quickly and only moves the flow problem downstream. Once again, Andrea Agapito concludes, it is a matter of culture. Nobody wants the water to remain on their property, and everyone from administrators to the "last experienced" river boatman argues for full speed as quickly as possible. This is also justified, but it does nothing other than move the problem downwards and the water comes down to the plain faster and faster.

Types of floods

High water - a periodically repeated rather long rise in water levels in rivers, usually caused by spring melting of snow on the plains or rainfall. Floods low-lying areas. A flood can become catastrophic if the infiltration properties of the soil have significantly decreased due to its oversaturation with moisture in the fall and deep freezing in the harsh winter. Spring rains can also lead to increased flooding, when its peak coincides with the peak of the flood.

Of course, it is impossible to return to a situation even close to natural. Roads cannot be paved or all the forests in the mountains can be restored, because failure is an irreversible phenomenon, and yet the answer, says Giuliano Cannata, is very simple: Soil protection is mainly carried out through the use of the land: through legislation, encouragement, intervention, in a word, by planning. From "soil use depends on the area's response to rain." Cannata continues: The use of land is subtracted from any market logic because it is completely subsidized by Europe or Italy.

Flood - an intense, relatively short-term rise in the water level in the river, caused by heavy rains, downpours, and sometimes rapid melting of snow during thaws. Unlike floods, floods can occur several times a year. A particular threat is posed by the so-called flash floods associated with short-term but very intense downpours, which also occur in winter due to thaws.

Simply because all land uses in Italy are subsidized, agricultural and forestry land can be directed to hydrological correct use, which corresponds to a smaller volume during the same rain. The most classic example, Cannata continues, comes from Val d'Aosta, who in the 80s geometrized "many mountain streams, cementing and straightening them." Going back to the torrents and destroying all the unnecessary work done for the occasion. Allow the river to flood a wider area and “release” without destruction.

Congestion - clogging of the riverbed by a stationary ice cover and accumulation of ice floes during the spring ice drift in narrowings and bends of the river bed, restricting the flow and causing a rise in the water level in the place of ice accumulation and above it. Jam floods form at the end of winter or early spring, and arise due to the non-simultaneous opening of large rivers flowing from south to north. The exposed southern sections of the river in its flow are dammed by the accumulation of ice in the northern regions, which often causes a significant increase in the water level. Jam floods are characterized by a high and relatively short-term rise in the water level in the river.

In contrast, Cannata condemns what happened in Italy, where hundreds of square miles of Poro River bank were literally handed over to farmers. But it is also a mysterious culture, says Agapito, who is not. It would be necessary, even to go against our "instincts" to distract them completely, to increase the holding capacity of the water, which will reduce its speed. First of all, with the preservation of the mountain and the territory, so return the forests and other lands to their function: to preserve water in full. Then respect the river, its course and its breaks, obviously within the limits imposed by respect for human activity.

Zazhor - ice plug, accumulation of in-water, loose ice during winter freeze-up in narrowings and bends of the riverbed, causing water to rise in some areas above the level of the main riverbed. Jam floods form at the beginning of winter and are characterized by a significant, but less than jam, rise in the water level and a longer duration of the flood.

If the river destroys the arginello on the drumstick, for example, over and over again, why are you doing it again this time? For example, buildings on a riverbed are doomed to be destroyed sooner or later. After all, it is a mistake to think of simplistic solutions such as having to dig in the riverbed; Paradoxically, when there is a drought, and when floods are at risk, a solution is always being dug in.

Mountain control? So-called mountain maintenance is no longer possible because the mountain has been abandoned for decades and people there are not returning. But with new techniques, it is possible to speed up the adjustment of the slope to arrive, perhaps in a shorter time than natural dynamics, in new forests that absorb excess water. Also the river content is limited; it is necessary to carry out maintenance of the territory, which can be done, for example, by parks or mountain communities.

Wind surge is a rise in water level in the sea mouths of large rivers and on windy areas of the coast of seas, large lakes, and reservoirs, caused by the impact of strong winds on the water surface. They are characterized by a lack of periodicity, rarity and significant rise in water level, and, as a rule, short duration. Floods of this type were observed in Leningrad (1824, 1924), the Netherlands (1953). However, this type of flood is very short-lived.

Factors influencing the value

It's impossible to think, experts say, to ultimately have easy solutions to everything that happens. Otherwise, floods will remain and, indeed, increase. It is always very easy to speak with feeling then; but one thing is certain: tragic events, such as recent ones, and one that should teach us something in the future.

Flood emergencies

Here then, “then feeling” becomes a useful thing. 19 million euros for interventions in the Modena Hydraulic Unit. Meanwhile, it is alleged that only €15 million was spent on emergency brokerage intervention without mentioning other emergency and compensation costs; test of the famous "invest in preventing seven savings in reconstruction." But tell me, did you have to wait for the flood to set them up? Can you make an immediate or regular promise, and then maybe you blame the Ministry of Economy?

Classification of floods by scale.

Low (small) - they are observed on lowland rivers. Covers small coastal areas. Less than 10% of agricultural land is flooded. They hardly disturb the rhythm of life of the population. The frequency of recurrence is 5-10 years, causing minor damage.

Dangerous - cause significant material and moral damage, covering relatively large land river valleys, flood approximately 10-20% of agricultural land. They significantly disrupt the economic and everyday life of the population. Lead to partial evacuation of people. Repeatability 20-25 years.

Will bureaucracy bother us? Meanwhile, we see in the top paragraphs some proposals for preventing disasters associated with meteoglime events. The decalogue is in some way propositional. In Modena, as in recent recent disasters, there were essentially no “two drops of rain”, but almost Caribbean heavy rains, without snow, which is normal for this season. Emilia must be serious and consistent; renewable energy and energy efficiency cannot be “mediated” by cementation and new highways.

Particularly dangerous - cause great material damage, covering entire river basins. Approximately 50-70% of agricultural land and some populated areas are flooded. They paralyze economic activity and sharply disrupt the everyday life of the population. They lead to the need for mass evacuation of the population and material assets from the flood zone and the protection of the most important economic facilities. Repeatability 50-100 years. A striking example of this is the flood in Tomsk in 1947.

In addition to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, we must adapt, that is, live without being harmed by climate change. However, without this, it becomes a loophole for not reducing greenhouse gases, because without mitigating climate change, it will not be a way to protect yourself from meteor disasters.

It is difficult if we are allowed to build houses, industrial sheds, farms, etc. But now the city's mistakes of the past and today's climate challenges must be addressed. Urbanized towns and cities, waterproofing the land, increasing the amount of water that is discharged from canals and rivers.

Catastrophic - lead to loss of life, irreparable environmental damage, and cause material damage, covering vast territories within one or more water systems. More than 70% of agricultural land, many settlements, industrial enterprises and utilities are flooded. At the same time, economic and production activities are completely paralyzed, and the lifestyle of the population is temporarily changed. The evacuation of hundreds of thousands of people, an inevitable humanitarian catastrophe requires the participation of the entire world community, the problem of one country becomes a problem of the whole world. If the city is located close to a river experiencing flooding, it is not very high place, as a rule, floods it too.

There is a study commissioned by the company with extreme flood scenarios that see water approaching historical center Modena. Local and local authorities don't have similar studies or they are hidden, so maybe don't panic?

Finally, we would like to remind you that those who promise or promise “never again floods” are not like those who promised a million jobs. "Safety" is a misleading phrase because risk can be reduced but will never be completely eliminated. You can say that. Moreover, it is no coincidence that the Padana plain is an alluvial plain, and this must have fertility.

Flood protection measures

1) reducing the maximum water flow by redistributing the flow over time;

2) regulation of flood flow using reservoirs;

3) straightening the river bed:

4) construction of enclosing dams (shafts);

5) carrying out bank protection and dredging works, filling low places;

Living areas must be ventilated and dried

We tell people to get water if possible. Don't let children play it. When you touch it, then wash it, he tells residents of the Texas metropolis, which was found underwater. But he himself admits that for tens of thousands of people it is too late.

Three million kilograms of harmful pollutants such as nitrogen oxide or benzene have already escaped this week from the damaged oil refinery. “These releases can have long-lasting effects, and this is of great concern to us,” comments Elena Kraft, a toxic agent. In addition to flooding and the impact on oil pipelines, there are also underground storage tanks. This is all threat bullshit,” he adds.

6) plowing land across slopes and planting shelterbelts in river basins;

7) terracing slopes, preserving tree and shrub vegetation.

Prompt preventive measures include:

1) warning the population about the threat of flooding;

2) early evacuation of the population, farm animals, material and cultural assets from potentially flooded areas;

Existing wells must be drained by pumping

There are also two dozen toxic waste dumps in and around Houston that can leach lead, arsenic, PCBs and other carcinogenic and toxic compounds into water supplies. Flooded homes can escape the chemicals and pesticides they held in the storm.

I wasn't afraid of the storm. Pollution can get anywhere,” the sixty-year-old woman shouted. Houston's drinking water supply was not contaminated, but people living in 38 Texas storms, Harvey, are getting their water from private wells. He is afraid that it will be contaminated by water. There are people here in Houston who use it, but we don't recommend it highly, says David Perse of the Houston Firefighters Chorus.

3) partial restriction or cessation of the functioning of enterprises, organizations, institutions located in areas of possible flooding, protection of material assets.

Before evacuating, to protect their home (apartment) and property, everyone must take the following mandatory actions:

1) turn off water, gas and electricity;

In particular, there are fears that groundwater will burst out of the sewer network. "Wells contain human and animal rainfall that wouldn't otherwise get into the water," says Mark Edwards, an expert on water pollution. If people drink water from a well without any thought, an epidemic of cholera or typhoid is not enough.

Products and drinking water supplies that have entered the water must be checked by sanitary inspectors before use.

Hurricane Harvey hit the Texas coast late last week. Houston firefighters and rescue workers are searching for homes in flooded areas and searching for dozens of people burying them. Funeral estates in Houston are close enough to fill their capacity.

2) extinguish burning heating stoves;

3) move valuable items and belongings to the upper floors of buildings (attics);

4) cover (if necessary) the windows and doors of the first floors of houses with boards or plywood.

When receiving an evacuation warning, you must quickly gather and take with you:

1) personal documents placed in a waterproof bag;

Preparatory measures for the evacuation of the population and material assets from areas of possible flooding and its advance implementation in the event of a threat of flooding

Meteorological observers note that Hurricane Irma, which formed in the Cape Verde Islands, continues westward from the Eastern Atlantic. The cyclone has narrowed and is a third-degree hurricane. It is predicted to hit the continent next week in a hole. Winds are blowing at more than 185 kilometers per hour, and meteorologists will be alive.

It's forecast to rain again, and strong winds are blowing across the ground, which could knock trees over. Crisis news warns that the soil is already saturated with water and its landslides are severe. Novinar spoke to reporter Petr Nejas after the meeting and the commission.

2) money and valuables;

3) medical first aid kit;

4) a set of outerwear and shoes for the season;

5) bed linen and toiletries;

6) three-day supply of food. It is better to put things and food in suitcases (backpacks, bags).

All evacuees must arrive at the evacuation assembly point by a specified time to be registered and sent to a safe area.

A set of measures to prevent and mitigate the consequences of floods by authorities, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and special forces includes

The prime minister said another culprit could come very quickly because the soil is already saturated with water from previous floods. The intensity of complications should not be the same as in previous days. However, according to Neaz, it cannot be ruled out that water could appear where he was.

The high risk of serious snake activity is confirmed, but only after all the consequences this means a high risk of flooding, strong winds, landslides, including the soil, which is conditional, and with strong winds it can also take revenge on the trees, Neyaas said. “The continuation of the Vltava cascades continues to increase the capacity to hold slaves,” the prime minister added.


1. Concept and types of floods




In hydrological terms, flood means the inundation of coastal areas by river flow that exceeds the full carrying capacity of the riverbed. In arid areas, at the time of high flow, the riverbed itself, which is usually not filled with water, is flooded. The flood stage begins when the riverbed overflows and the water overflows its banks. Typically, the flood level is set to be critical in terms of damage to property and interference with human activities.

Floods can occur on both permanent and temporary watercourses, as well as in areas where there are no rivers or lakes at all, for example in arid areas with heavy rainfall.

The problem of human adaptation to floods becomes particularly complex, because floods, while simultaneously having a negative impact on the population and their environment, also have positive aspects. In flood-prone areas there is no shortage of water and fertile floodplain lands. Attempts to resolve the conflict between the need to develop coastal lands and the inevitable losses from floods have been made throughout human history. Even in the more primitively organized pre-industrial societies, people adapted to floods.

In industrial societies of the 20th century, the concept of multiple use of river basins, according to which the reduction of flood damage should be combined with planning for rational water use, has become widespread.

There is usually an inverse relationship between property damage from floods and the number of victims. Societies that have something to lose in terms of building structures, utility networks, Vehicle etc., usually also have scientific and technical means to ensure monitoring, warning, evacuation of the population and repair and restoration work, and all this helps to reduce the number of victims. In contrast, pre-industrial societies, especially those with a high rural population density, suffer less significant property losses, but do not have the necessary means to carry out preventive measures and save people.

Flooding is dangerous natural phenomenon, a possible source of an emergency if flooding of an area with water causes material damage, harms public health, or leads to the death of people, farm animals and plants.

Within Russian Federation The first two types of floods predominate (about 70 - 80% of all cases). They are found on lowland, foothill and mountain rivers, in the northern and southern, western and eastern regions of the country. The remaining three types of floods have a local distribution.

1. Concept and types of floods

Flooding is a significant inundation of an area with water as a result of a rise in the water level in a river, reservoir, lake or sea, caused by an abundant influx of water during snowmelt or rainstorms, wind surges of water, as well as during congestion, ice jams and other phenomena.

In terms of frequency, area of ​​distribution and total average annual material damage, floods on the territory of the Russian Federation occupy first place among natural disasters, and in terms of the number of human casualties and specific material damage (per unit of affected area) they take second place after earthquakes.

Rivers differ from each other in different conditions for the formation of water flow (water flow is the amount of water flowing through the final section of the river over any time interval).

According to the conditions for the formation of runoff and the occurrence of floods, the rivers of the Russian Federation are divided into four types (Table 1).

Table 1

Types of rivers of the Russian Federation depending on the conditions for the formation of maximum flow

The diversity of floods can be reduced to five general groups that unite various floods according to the reasons for their occurrence and the nature of their manifestation (Table 2).

table 2

Types of floods depending on the causes and nature of the manifestation

Types of floods


Nature of manifestation

High water Spring melting of snow on the plains or spring-summer melting of snow and rainfall in the mountains Repeat periodically in the same season. Characterized by a significant and prolonged rise in water levels
Flood Intense rains and melting snow during winter thaws There is no clearly defined periodicity. Characterized by an intense and relatively short-term rise in water level
Congestion, gluttony floods (congestion, gluttony) Great resistance to water flow in certain sections of the river bed, which occurs when ice material accumulates in narrowings or bends of the river during freeze-up (jazzhi) or ice drift (jammies) Jam floods form in late winter or early spring. They are characterized by a high and relatively short-term rise in the water level in the river. Jam floods form at the beginning of winter and are characterized by a significant (but less than a jam) rise in water level and a longer flood duration
Surge floods (surges) Wind surges of water in sea estuaries and on windy areas of the coast of seas, large lakes, and reservoirs Possible at any time of the year. Characterized by a lack of periodicity and a significant rise in water level
Floods (flooding) resulting from dam failures An outflow of water from a reservoir or reservoir, formed when a pressure front structure (dam, dam, etc.) breaks through or during an emergency release of water from a reservoir, as well as when a natural dam breaks through, created by nature during earthquakes, landslides, landslides, or glacier movement Characterized by the formation of a breakthrough wave, leading to flooding of large areas and destruction or damage to objects encountered along its path (buildings, structures, etc.)

The classification of floods depending on the scale of their distribution and frequency is presented in Table. 3.

Table 3

Classification of floods depending on the scale of distribution and frequency


Scope of distribution



Low (small) Causes relatively minor damage. Covers small coastal areas. Less than 10% of agricultural land is flooded. They hardly disturb the rhythm of life of the population. 5-10 years
High They cause significant material and moral damage, cover relatively large areas of land in river valleys, and flood approximately 10-15% of agricultural land. They significantly disrupt the economic and everyday life of the population. Lead to partial evacuation of people. 20-25 years
Outstanding They cause great material damage, covering entire river basins. Approximately 50-70% of agricultural land is flooded, some settlements. Paralyze economic activity and sharply disrupt the everyday life of the population. Lead to the need for mass evacuation of the population and material assets from the flood zone and protection of the most important economic facilities 50-100 years
Catastrophic They cause enormous material damage and lead to loss of life, covering vast territories within one or more river systems. More than 70% of agricultural land, many settlements, industrial enterprises and utilities are flooded. Economic and production activities are completely paralyzed, the lifestyle of the population is temporarily changed 100-200 years

Buildings that periodically fall into a flood zone lose their capital quality: wood is damaged by rot, plaster falls off, bricks fall out, metal structures corrode, due to erosion of the soil under the foundation, uneven settlement of buildings occurs and, as a result, cracks appear.

2. Characteristics of flood consequences

The main characteristics of the consequences of floods are as follows:

The number of people in a flood-prone area (here we highlight: the number of victims, the number of victims, the number of people left homeless, etc.);

The number of settlements caught in the flood zone (cities, urban settlements, rural settlements that are completely flooded, partially flooded, or caught in the flood zone are distinguished here);

The number of objects of various sectors of the economy caught in the flood zone;

Length of railways and highways, power lines, communications and communication lines caught in the flood zone;

Number of bridges and tunnels flooded, destroyed or damaged as a result of flooding;

Number of residential buildings flooded, destroyed and damaged as a result of flooding;

Area of ​​agricultural land affected by flooding;

Number of dead farm animals, etc.

Generalized characteristics of the consequences: the amount of damage caused by a flood.

The main features of the situation that arises during floods are: the destructive nature of the emergency situation, the rapid increase in parameters damaging factors, limited survival time for victims exposed to them; the difficulty of access to victims, the need to use special floating devices for this, as well as complex weather(heavy rains, ice drift, mudflows, etc.).

The main damaging factor of floods is the flow of water.

The main characteristics of water flow are given in table. 4.

Table 4

Characteristics of the main damaging factor of floods



Characteristics of the main

damaging factor



Water flow Maximum water level during the flood (in the river section under consideration) m or cm
Maximum water flow during the flood (in the river section under consideration) m 3 /s
Current speed (in the river section under consideration) m/s
Flooded area km 2
Duration of area flooding weeks, days, hours
Repeatability of maximum water level years, months
Ensuring maximum water level %
Water temperature during flood degrees Celsius
Start time (season) of the flood month, date
Rate of rise (intensity of rise) of water level during a flood m/h, cm/h
Layer (depth) of flooding of the area at the point in question m, cm

During a flood, secondary damaging factors may occur: fires (due to breaks and short circuits of electrical cables and wires); collapse of buildings, structures (under the influence water flow and due to erosion of the base); diseases of people and farm animals (due to contamination of drinking water and food), etc.

3. Rescue work in the aftermath of floods

The main goal of emergency rescue and other urgent work in flood conditions is to search, provide assistance and rescue people caught in the flood zone, if possible short time, ensuring their survival in the current situation.

The success of emergency rescue and other urgent work during flood mitigation is achieved by:

Carrying out systematic, advance preparation of control bodies and units of civil defense troops, search and rescue units and services for conducting emergency rescue operations; rapid response to the occurrence of a natural disaster, alerting and deploying the necessary forces and means, organizing effective reconnaissance and deploying a command and control system;

Application effective ways and technologies for searching and rescuing victims, as well as methods for protecting the population and economic facilities;

Rescue operations in conditions of floods and catastrophic flooding include:

Search for victims;

Ensuring access for rescuers to victims and rescuing victims;

Providing first aid to victims medical care;

Evacuation of victims from the danger zone.

Urgent emergency work to eliminate the consequences of floods includes:

Strengthening (construction) of enclosing dams and shafts;

Construction of drainage channels;

Elimination of congestion and jams;

Equipment of berths for life-saving equipment;

Protection and restoration of road structures;

Restoration of power supply;

Localization of sources of secondary damaging factors.

The main ways to protect people from the damaging factors of floods are the evacuation of the population from flooded areas, the placement of people in non-flooded parts, non-destroyed structures and areas of the terrain.

Depending on the location of a populated area, the time before flooding begins, the state of transport communications and other factors, evacuation can be carried out immediately before receiving a signal about possible flooding of the area or only in the event of an immediate threat of flooding, on foot or using vehicles. In addition to the evacuation of the population, the removal of farm animals, material and cultural assets can also be carried out in an organized manner.

The effectiveness of evacuation as a method of protecting the population during floods depends mainly on timely warning of danger, the degree of preparedness of the population and routes.

For this purpose, in areas of possible flooding, a population warning system is created, information is provided in advance about the location of settlements relative to a possible dangerous zone and evacuation routes, training is conducted with the population and evacuation authorities on practical training on evacuation issues, including people’s independent exit to non-flooded areas .

In addition to the direct impact of water flow, a threat to the life and health of people is posed by aspiration (entry into the respiratory tract) of water, prolonged exposure to cold water, neuropsychic stress, as well as flooding (destruction) of systems that support the life of the population, especially failure of systems water supply and sewerage.

With prolonged forced stay of people in water with a low temperature, hypothermia (hypothermia) of the body occurs. If a person gets into water, hypothermia is possible even at a relatively high temperature (Table 5).

Accommodation of people in non-flooded parts, non-destructible structures and areas of the terrain is used in cases where the high speed of water flow causes its rapid arrival in populated areas and (or) the population cannot be evacuated to a safe area. In this case, the implementation of such protective measures, as a rule, requires the further implementation of rescue operations to evacuate people from places of temporary accommodation in danger zone. It should be borne in mind that the population can also use the upper parts of trees as a place of temporary stay (shelter).

Table 5

Time of safe stay of a person in water

The decision to carry out rescue and other urgent work during a flood is made on the basis of reconnaissance data, which during floods is organized to identify the situation in disaster areas in order to minimize damage.

The main tasks of flood reconnaissance are:

Determination of flood boundaries;

Monitoring the dynamics of flood development;

Determining the location of people and farm animals in need of help;

Identification of material assets to be removed from the disaster zone;

Selection and reconnaissance of evacuation routes for people, animals and material assets by watercraft, equipment of berths;

Selection and equipment of helicopter landing sites in the disaster area.

To carry out emergency rescue operations, units of civil defense troops and search and rescue squads (services), reinforced with landing craft, are assigned. To carry out other urgent work, taking into account their nature, engineering, engineering and technical, road units and formations are appointed.

When searching and rescuing victims in water and in flooded areas, aviation technologies using airplanes and helicopters should be widely used.

The use of certain technologies for eliminating ice jams and landslides depends on the scale of floods and the associated consequences. The main method of destroying ice cover, eliminating ice jams, as well as rock collapses is explosives. The work is carried out by pyrotechnic units equipped with boats and vehicles equipped for the delivery of explosives and means of detonation. During catastrophic floods, especially on large rivers in the North and Northeast of Russia, flowing from south to north, destruction of ice cover, ice jams and ice jams using bomber aircraft is practiced.

Measures to prevent floods and eliminate their consequences are provided for in emergency action plans developed at all levels by emergency commissions.

Organizing the interaction of liquidation forces, the consequences of floods and catastrophic flooding of territories is one of the most important factors ensuring the success of emergency rescue and other urgent work.

Interaction is organized primarily in the interests of rescue units and the completion of these works in the shortest possible time.

Experience recent years to eliminate the catastrophic consequences of floods suggests that in order to improve the protection of the population and territories from floods, authorities executive power subjects of the Russian Federation, local government bodies can be recommended:

Accelerate the formation of territorial monitoring systems, laboratory control and emergency forecasting;

Take measures to develop public warning systems, paying special attention to rural areas;

Take measures to create and strengthen bank protection structures, repair dams, deepen and clean river beds;

Intensify work on the creation of search and rescue units financed from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

Taking into account this experience, revise action plans for the prevention and response to emergency situations;

Create full reserves of financial and material resources to eliminate emergency situations;

Consider the need (expediency) of redistributing funds from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the direction of increasing funds for carrying out urgent measures aimed at the safe functioning of the regional water management complexes.

There are many examples of how in our country, preventive measures have significantly reduced damage from floods. In May and June 1987, very severe flooding occurred in the Tyumen region. On the rivers Irtysh, Tobol, Tura, Vaga and Iset, water overflowed its banks and formed an extensive spill. Some areas of Tobolsk, Tyumen, Khanty-Mansiysk and a number of smaller settlements were under the threat of flooding and destruction. As a result of the flood, five railway bridges were damaged and over 300 km of roads were destroyed or damaged. More than 500 thousand hectares of agricultural land were flooded and devastated. The damage would have been significantly greater if they had not started preparing for the flood in advance, back in March. In particular, Tyumen was saved from flooding as a result of the urgent construction of a 27 km long dam. An artificial earthen rampart helped protect a significant area of ​​the lower part of Tobolsk from flooding the river. In those places of the Tyumen region where preparations for dealing with floods were carried out technically and environmentally illiterately, the damage from the disaster was more noticeable. Many villages here were flooded. In total, over 1 thousand houses, 80 villages and hamlets were cut off from regional centers by the spill. In some places, urgent evacuation of people was required. Many small dams, built without taking into account the size of the natural disaster, were also destroyed.


Flooding - significantly more common disaster compared to other extreme natural events.

Casualties among the population are the most tragic and certainly the easiest to identify direct result of the flood.

In rural areas, losses are especially high due to the death of farm animals and flooding of land, accompanied by soil erosion and destruction of crops.

Water damages agricultural equipment, seeds, fertilizers, feed stored in warehouses, and renders them inoperable. irrigation systems and other sources of water supply, destroys roads.

Floods cause damage to city property, including buildings of all types, engineering structures and communications, transport, and river management.

Indirect losses are usually associated with impacts on human health and general well-being, although values ​​such as scenic beauty, recreational opportunities and preservation of wilderness areas should also be considered.

The normal functioning of health services is greatly complicated by damage to vehicles and utility networks, especially water pipes.

As a result of flooding, there is a danger of infection and contamination of the area, outbreaks of epizootics, which can lead to an increase in the incidence of the population.


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The zone was allocated quite recently. In 1987, several earthquakes with an intensity of 5-6 points were recorded. In addition, according to paleoseismotectonic and archaeological data, traces of ancient earthquakes with an intensity of up to 9 points with a frequency of approximately once per 1000 years have been established. In the platform part of Ukraine, a number of potentially seismotectonic zones with an intensity of 4-5.5 points have been identified. By...

And the central parts Pacific Ocean. The eastward propagation of oceanic Kelvin waves may be caused by MJO activity. 2. Southern Oscillation and El Niño Southern Oscillation and El Niño (Spanish: El Niño - Baby, Boy) is a global ocean-atmospheric phenomenon. Being characteristic feature Pacific Ocean, El Niño and La Niña are temperature fluctuations...