Send things to another city. Cargo delivery period. Conditions for sending baggage by rail

There are several ways to carry things with you, it all depends on how much you have. If there are not very many, then they are transported hand luggage. If there is a lot, then you will have to send it as baggage or cargo luggage in accordance with the rules for transporting baggage by railway. All baggage allowances are based on 1 ticket (tickets without a seat for children under 5 years of age are not considered).

On suburban and international trains, baggage transportation rules may differ.

Hand luggage

  • Anything up to 36 kg in size (in SV cars - 50 kg) and up to 180 cm in size in the sum of all three dimensions. There is no need to pay for this.
  • Plus up to 50 kg per seat - for a fee.
  • Plus household, video and audio equipment, which in the sum of three dimensions exceeds 180 cm - for a fee (according to the baggage rate weighing 30 kg, issued at the ticket office with a “baggage in hand” receipt). In general carriages - this is not possible.
  • Passengers with children and disabled people can carry with them free of charge a wheelchair, baby stroller, and other equipment necessary to ensure their mobility or for rehabilitation.

That is, you just buy yourself a train ticket as usual and take your things with you. They will need to be placed in places for luggage in the carriage: upper luggage racks, in lockers under the lower racks, etc.

Remember that your belongings should not worsen the travel conditions for other passengers (that is, they should not interfere).

Not include extra luggage or hand luggage if the child is traveling in the same compartment as an adult. If the child has a ticket with his own seat, it is included.

Sports, tourism and hunting equipment

Bicycles, skis, kayaks and other sports equipment, according to the rules for transporting luggage on trains long distance, no need to check it in as luggage. It can be carried in carry-on bags or placed in other convenient ways. The main thing is that your equipment should not interfere with other passengers, everything should be disassembled, safely packed, and the sum of three dimensions (length + width + height) should not exceed 180 cm.

You must pay for the transportation of sports equipment at the regular ticket office at the station. This can be done at any time as soon as the sale of tickets for your train opens. That is, you can either simultaneously with purchasing a ticket or later. any time before the train departs.

  • Skis, ski poles, and snowboards are transported on trains free of charge. No documents are required.
  • Kayaks, kayaks and oars (both collapsible and non-collapsible) are paid as follows: for each boat you need a receipt for 30 kg of luggage.
  • Bicycles without a motor are charged as 10 kg of luggage.
  • Weapons (hunting and sporting) - disassembled, in a case, separately from cartridges. Transported in carry-on baggage areas, paid as 10 kg of baggage.

If you are traveling alone and bringing luggage with you

From October 2014, most of the luggage compartments on railways will cease to operate. Now your luggage is transported in a separate luggage compartment on the same train you are traveling on. There is a luggage compartment on all trains Russian Federation(in the staff car).

Baggage is checked out in accordance with the approved rules for the transportation of passengers, baggage and cargo luggage on railway transport, as follows. At a regular ticket office, you pay for your luggage and receive a receipt. This can be done either immediately when purchasing a ticket at the box office, or by presenting a printout of the electronic ticket form. Then you check your luggage into the staff car of the train (ask the conductors where it is, you will receive it there), and you go in your own carriage.

  1. All luggage must be checked in at the same time (and take receipts for it too). For each ticket (including children with a seat provided, that is, from 5 to 10 years old) 3 pieces of baggage are allowed.
  2. One piece of luggage in the sum of three dimensions should not exceed 180 cm, weight - no more than 75 kg. The total weight of all luggage is no more than 200 kg per passenger.
  3. Anything that does not fit into the regulations can also be accepted for transportation as baggage, but under special conditions. They need to be discussed separately.
  4. Each piece of luggage (that is, an item checked in - a sofa, a suitcase, a travel bag) must be carefully packed and equipped with devices for carrying and loading. Especially equipment, objects with glass and mirrors, etc. Remember that the safety of your belongings is your concern. Exceptions are baby strollers and wheelchairs. They may be needed immediately after unloading, so they can be checked into baggage without packaging.

If you are not traveling yourself, but want to send only things

In this case, sending items is registered as cargo luggage. This can be convenient, including if you want to return by plane or send things and travel light for some time. Or you just need to send the cargo to another city. Please check the rules for registering, sending and receiving cargo luggage at the station in your city or by calling the Russian Railways information service by calling 8-800-775-00-00.

You can also send the goods to one of the transport companies operating in your region, or by baggage cars by rail. This is done by the company “FPK-Logistics” (a division of Russian Railways).

What can't be carried on trains

Items that can damage or contaminate the carriage or the belongings of other passengers, as well as smelly, flammable, poisonous, flammable, explosive and other dangerous substances are not allowed to be carried as hand luggage.

Remember! Packing and safety of any luggage is your and only your concern.

Items by rail can be transported in hand luggage (along with you) or in a luggage compartment (separately from you).

Hand luggage

Unlike on an airplane, you do not need to check in hand luggage for a train trip, nor do you need to pay for it. Baggage can be carried as hand luggage if it weighs no more than 36 kg and its size in the sum of 3 dimensions does not exceed 180 cm*. This norm is the same for reserved seat, compartment, seated carriages, trains, etc. In a double suite (SV), you can carry up to 50 kg** of luggage. According to the rules, in order to take additional hand luggage weighing up to 50 kg, you need to purchase another travel ticket.

In practice, little attention is paid to restrictions; the conductor will not measure or weigh your bag before boarding. But if you have several heavy-looking bags, you may be sent to the ticket office to pay for your luggage. It all depends on the specific conductor and the station workers who check the luggage.

IN various types carriages, luggage can be placed in different places:

  • In the compartment and SV - in the lockers of the lower shelves and a niche under the ceiling;
  • In the reserved seat - in the lockers of the lower shelves and on the third shelf;
  • In seated carriages, Sapsan and Lastochka - on luggage racks above the seats, in special luggage spaces inside the carriage.

You should not occupy all the luggage compartments with your belongings; other passengers will travel with you with their hand luggage. Passengers who have purchased a ticket for a lower berth have priority to the lower berth locker, while those traveling in an upper berth have priority to the upper berth.

Unlike on an airplane, you can carry any liquids on a train, including alcohol, based on the norm of 0.5 liters per person.

* Based on the sum of three dimensions (length + width + height). The dimensions are indicated for each bag (or suitcase) separately.

** Standard for the carrier JSC FPC. Weight may vary for other carriers' suites.

Special baggage in hand luggage

Bicycles, kayaks, snowboards, skis, and baby strollers can be carried in hand luggage, but only if they are disassembled and packed. It is most convenient to place the bike on the 3rd shelf in the reserved seat. It is better to lay it across two shelves, then it will definitely not fall while moving.

You can also take seedlings (if they are no more than 180 cm in height) with you into the carriage, just carefully tie off the rhizomes and crown. If the dimensions of the item exceed 180 cm in total, then for a small fee you need to issue a “Luggage in Hand” receipt at the cash desk.

Hunting and sporting weapons can be transported in hand luggage, but under special conditions. It must be in a case or holster, unloaded and separate from the cartridges.

All these things do not have to be placed on luggage racks; they can be with you in the compartment - the main thing is that they do not interfere with other passengers. Hand luggage cannot be placed in aisles, corridors or vestibules.

Unlike ordinary bags, transportation of sports equipment will need to be paid at the ticket office at the station. This can be done at any time before the train departs.

If you have a lot of luggage, you should not board the train at the last minute to avoid making it difficult for other passengers to board. It is better to arrive early and carefully stow your luggage, leaving room for your neighbors.

For each piece of special baggage carried on the train, a fee is charged at the baggage rate in kilograms:

  • bicycle - 10 kg,
  • kayak (kayak) – 30 kg,
  • weapon - 10 kg.

Children's strollers, wheelchairs, as well as skis and snowboards can be transported on the train free of charge. No documents are required. Skis and snowboards must be covered, as sharp edges can cut the upholstery and injure other passengers.

Additional hand luggage

Additionally, you can carry another 50 kg of hand luggage on the train, but for an additional fee. If a child is traveling with you without a seat (under 5 years old), then the right to carry hand luggage does not apply to him.

You can transport household, video and audio equipment, regardless of whether the passenger has hand luggage, no more than one item per ticket. Equipment can exceed 180 cm in the sum of three dimensions. For each item, regardless of its weight, a baggage fee weighing 30 kg is charged. You will need to check out the item at the box office using a “baggage in hand” receipt.

If your household appliances fit into the 36 kg baggage allowance, then you do not need to check them in separately. The conductor will not force you to pay for your laptop or microwave.

Luggage compartment

If you want to carry more luggage, you need to check it in the luggage compartment. The luggage compartment is located in the headquarters car (ask the conductors where it is).

From one passenger, including children's tickets with provision of a seat (from 5 to 10 years), up to 3 pieces of luggage are accepted. The dimensions of the space based on the sum of three dimensions (width, length and height) should be no more than 180 cm, weight - up to 75 kg. The total permissible weight of luggage per passenger is up to 200 kg.

You need to pay for the transportation of luggage in the luggage compartment at the ticket office at the station. This can be done either when purchasing a ticket at the box office, or later by presenting a printed boarding pass. Or just give the order number - these are the numbers at the beginning of the SMS about purchasing a ticket.

When boarding the train, present the baggage receipt along with your ticket to the conductor. Then check your luggage into the headquarters car, and you will receive your luggage there. You yourself will travel in your carriage as usual.

Each item checked in must be packed. Only baby strollers and wheelchairs do not need to be packed, as they may be needed immediately after unloading. Remember that you are responsible for the safety of your belongings when transported in the luggage compartment.

Oversized luggage

If the sum of three dimensions exceeds 180 cm, then it is considered oversized and is transported in the luggage compartment. The weight of one piece of oversized luggage must not exceed 75 kg. No more than 1 piece of large luggage is allowed per passenger. Luggage must fit through the doors. The dimensions of one piece of large luggage should not exceed 175 cm in height, 50 cm in width, and 45 cm in depth for a single-decker carriage. Large luggage cannot be transported in a double-decker carriage.

If the baggage does not meet these conditions, the train director makes a note on the transportation document: “Refused transportation. Oversized”, signed and dated. Payments for large-sized baggage not accepted for transportation are returned in a claim procedure.

Car carrier

This is a specialized carriage that includes 3-4 passenger cars. It can also transport motorcycles. Such cars are available on a small number of routes: from Moscow to St. Petersburg, Helsinki, from Moscow and St. Petersburg by south directions. The cost of the service varies depending on the route, on average - from 5 to 8 thousand rubles.

You can’t just bring your car to the train and immediately load the car into the carriage. You must first call Russian Railways OJSC and check the availability of the service on the train you are interested in. Then you need to submit an application by phone, through the Russian Railways website or at a special ticket office.

Transporting animals in luggage

Transportation of animals in the luggage compartment is possible only under special conditions that depend on the specific carrier. For more information, contact the ticket office at the station.

What to do if your luggage is lost

If you have lost (forgotten on the train or left it on the platform) hand luggage or baggage, immediately notify the train or station manager. Show your passport, ticket and baggage receipt.

Like any other, it requires mandatory documentation and compliance with the rules established by Russian Railways.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


It's fast and FOR FREE!

Even if they are ordinary bags, they must comply with regulations, and in some situations you need to pay for them. Let's look at what you should remember and what you need to know when planning to travel by train.

What baggage is prohibited and allowed for transportation?

By rail it is allowed to transport:

  • of people;
  • animals;
  • small piece cargo and;
  • cargo in refrigerated cars (food, flowers);
  • bulk, bulk, liquid cargo;
  • dangerous.

Restrictions are established for the transportation of goods prohibited by law and those that can lead to damage to cars and create discomfort for passengers.

Before packing your bag for the trip, keep in mind that the following substances are prohibited:

  • with a noticeable unpleasant odor;
  • explosive, highly flammable;
  • poisonous.

The list is supplemented by weapons and ammunition. If you need to transport them, then you must have permits to carry weapons, a case, including a separate one for cartridges, and the weapon itself must only be hunting, sporting, or traumatic.

Rules for the carriage of baggage on Russian Railways trains

The transportation of people and luggage is regulated by Chapter 40 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Other documents include:

  1. Rules for approved
  2. Rules for the provision of services

According to the baggage rules, how you need to carry them depends on the type and volume.

A small amount is hand luggage, which can be:

  • take with you;
  • hold in your arms during the trip;
  • place under your feet, in the compartment for personal belongings.

In this case, the norms are calculated for 1 ticket. If a child under 5 years of age travels without a seat, no place is allocated for his or her belongings; they are counted together with the parents. If there is a large quantity, the cargo must be registered and sent by a special carriage in accordance with.

Important! Requirements for intercity trains, long-distance and international flights may vary.

Preparation of documents is aimed at ensuring:

  • legal formalities;
  • procedure for issuing travel documents;
  • requirements for the transportation of people and animals;
  • cargo.

In reserved seat and compartment

The established baggage allowance for a ticket (hand luggage):

  • 36 kg for reserved seat;
  • 50 kg for coupe;
  • 150 kg if all seats in a compartment are purchased (maximum value).

For people occupying the lower bunks, the places under the seats are preferred, for those on top - the upper ones. In this case, the total number of length, width, height of the luggage should not exceed 180 cm.

Excess beyond the norm for an additional fee should not exceed 14 kg. This is called "baggage in hand."

If the train is long-distance, the passenger is allowed to carry with him the following packaged and corresponding to the allocated places:

  • kayaks;
  • baby strollers;
  • bicycles (without motors).

If you need to transport electrical equipment and its dimensions are larger than the allocated 180 cm, then for an additional amount paid you are allowed to transport it, but not more than 1 unit per 1 ticket.

The tariff used is for 30 kg of cargo. Issued through the ticket office for suburban travel. If an additional ticket is purchased, no payment is required.

Important! The passenger is responsible for the safety of things. Blocking aisles and seating areas is prohibited.

Using a compartment makes it easier to transport things, as they are easier to keep track of. This is especially important for valuable cargo. If the entire compartment is being purchased, then you must leave a request no later than 5 days before the departure date. In this case, a seat in a hard carriage will be provided.

Typically, transportation of documentation, equipment, and instruments is used for these purposes. When preparing, it is important to consider the availability of clean, soft packaging that will prevent damage and will not pollute the space.

Important! Dimensions should not create obstacles for loading.

In the baggage car

Baggage is the items that a passenger receives upon arrival at their destination. The luggage does not travel with it, as if it were hand-carried, but as cargo according to a separate document and a place allocated for it in a special freight car.

It is handed over in advance, not at the same time as the passenger boards the carriage. If you plan to transport goods in the luggage compartment, you should take care of its packaging.

For especially valuable or fragile items, it is advisable to carry out an estimated value and apply special markings. In other cases, the railway is not responsible for the safety of the contents.


If cargo is traveling without a passenger, it is registered as cargo luggage. It can be in the form of a parcel or be useful when flying by plane and sending luggage by train over considerable distances, which will significantly reduce the cost of transporting a large number of things.

This is done:

  1. On one's own.
  2. With the help of transport companies providing forwarding services on Russian Railways.

When sending cargo, the following points should be taken into account:

  1. Reception takes place in the baggage department of the carrier, which is also the place for receiving or issuing.
  2. You can hand it over in advance, but you should take into account the cost of storage. No fee is charged only if the shipment is delayed due to technical reasons beyond the control of the sender.
  3. A mandatory document to be issued upon check-in is the baggage receipt. It contains all the necessary information about transportation:
    • contact number;
    • requisites;
    • payment made. It confirms the transfer of the cargo to the employee and requires storage until receipt at its destination;
    • For legal entities, a contract for the provision of services is drawn up.
  4. At the customer's request, a notification of arrival can be ordered. Like all services, it is paid before departure.
  5. An important condition when sending any cargo is its labeling and provision of reliable information. You should check the information provided for typos, because if there are any, the cargo may not be released. Providing information about the fragility of packaged contents will help prevent damage.


Before accepting baggage for transportation, preparation is a mandatory step. A consignment note is filled out, which describes the cargo, and markings are installed to make it easier to locate the cargo.

If the cargo is small, it takes up the space allocated to it and this is indicated in the consignment note, on the marking. The minimum weight for each seat is 5 kg.

To confirm acceptance for loading, the passenger is issued a receipt with:

  • admission notes;
  • baggage ticket number;
  • indicating the destination;
  • exact address, telephone number, if you need to inform the recipient about the arrival of the parcel.

Upon acceptance, it is mandatory to reconcile the data in the application and the luggage. Check for damage. If violations are detected, transportation may be denied.

To receive the cargo at the place of delivery, you must present the loading receipt. Issue occurs within an hour after arrival and after the baggage car is unloaded.


Any luggage, like a person, can travel different distances. For a long-distance train, the distance limit is 12,300 km.

Russian Railways offers the most favorable tariffs, which allow you to transport bulky and heavy items, which will be cheaper than any other options. Let us give an example of transportation over a distance of 1670 km, corresponding to tariff zone 40.

Table 1. Cost of baggage transportation on Russian Railways in Russia.

Table 2. The price of baggage transportation depending on the distance in Russia.

Cargo registration occurs simultaneously with the purchase of a ticket, but it can be done later if the owner and luggage are traveling on the same train. At independent travel the cargo is sent by long-distance train in a baggage car.

This service is available not only for individuals, but also for legal entities. For a more accurate cost estimate, visit the official websites selling Railway tickets, online calculators are posted.

Insurance increases costs, but at the same time allows you to protect the product.

An additional service is delivery to the door, packaging, including installation on pallets.

Hand luggage

By supplementing the above information about the requirements for baggage transportation in reserved seat carriages and coupe, let's pay attention to the comfort of travel.

Any luggage carried with the passenger must not:

  • create discomfort for others;
  • provoke contamination of the carriage;
  • provide an unpleasant odor;
  • lead to damage to other cargo.

There are restrictions even for compotes, jams, paints, and butter. The exception is children's wheelchairs. They do not require payment and are allowed to be transported in a general carriage.

Special requirements are established for pets. There is a charge for pets traveling on the train, and failure to comply will result in a fine.

The exceptions are:

  • guide dogs that stay with their owners at all times;
  • service dogs accompanied by instructors.

It is important for them to have documents confirming their qualifications and a muzzle.

Before boarding the train, the pet owner must ensure that the animal has:

  • veterinary passport, health certificate;
  • special carrier bags in which the animal will easily stand up to its full height, turn around, and air will flow freely. Cages in the trunk are suitable for;
  • Birds require not only a cage, but also a cape with an air hole.

If there is any doubt about weighing, the handler has the right to send luggage for weighing. If it is exceeded, the cargo is transferred to the baggage car (carriage requires additional payment), and weighing is paid.

If you urgently need to transport cargo to another locality, it is more convenient to do this with the help of Russian Railways.

  • Firstly, if you have a large number of things, this option will cost you less.
  • Secondly, transportation is carried out quite quickly. In this article you will learn how to send luggage by rail, the price of the service and the approximate waiting time for delivery.

How to send luggage by rail?

There are two most convenient ways transporting things over long distances - going to the post office and sending luggage by rail.

The choice depends on the number of things to be transported, their dimensions and weight. If you have quite a lot of luggage, in such a situation it will be most convenient to use the services of Russian Railways.

You can send luggage by rail in one of two ways:

  • as cargo luggage (in a situation where you are not traveling on a train, but are transporting exclusively your belongings);
  • as luggage checked into the luggage compartment (if you are traveling on the same train as your belongings).

Both ordinary citizens and organizations, enterprises, firms, state and municipal institutions can order transportation.

Conditions for transporting additional things with you on the train

Recently, passengers' personal belongings have been transported in special luggage cars located on the same train as the owner. The transportation service is paid. Payment is made when purchasing a ticket at the ticket office of the railway station or upon presentation of it to the conductor.

In this case, it is important to meet the following conditions:

  • all luggage a passenger has must be checked in at the same time;
  • the owner of the items is given a corresponding receipt, with the help of which the cargo is later received at the place of arrival;
  • one citizen has the right to carry up to three pieces of luggage (that is, three pieces of luggage are provided per passenger, and it does not matter who owns the ticket - an adult or a child);
  • Each checked baggage must be carefully and neatly packed (equipment for convenient transportation is also required).

In addition, each bag must meet certain standards. The dimensions of one luggage compartment should not exceed 180 centimeters in the totality of three dimensions (i.e. width, length and height). However, the weight of one bag cannot exceed 75 kilograms.

The total weight of baggage carried by one passenger is limited to 200 kilograms.

Conditions for sending baggage by rail

Transportation of things without a passenger is carried out in a special carriage according to transportation document, issued in a single copy for all items handed over to the conductor.

The rules for sending, receiving and transporting cargo largely depend on the region of the country, so it is recommended to check information on transportation with the Russian Railways help desk of your location. settlement.

It is worth noting that the dispatch of cargo luggage that meets the conditions established by Russian Railways is possible when traveling through any region of the Russian Federation. The only exception is the transportation of things from/to the Kalinin region.

Cost of sending luggage by rail

The cost of transportation depends on many factors (the availability of additional services used by the owner of the items, the distance between populated areas, the type of cargo, its weight and dimensions).

The price for sending luggage by rail for one piece may be as follows, according to Russian Railways prices for 2017.

It is worth noting that transporting cargo without an escort is somewhat more expensive.

The cost of transportation may be increased if the owner of the items ordered Additional services(for example, insurance of cargo luggage or its proper packaging).

A citizen has the right to carry one large piece of luggage with him. At the same time, its dimensions should not exceed the standards established by Russian Railways:

  • 175 centimeters in height, 45 centimeters in length and 50 centimeters in width (if we are talking about a single-decker carriage);
  • more than 180 centimeters in total in all three dimensions (if the car is double-decker).

Passengers with disabilities or people with small children have the right to take with them a baby stroller and/or wheelchair, as well as other things they need, free of charge.

Where is baggage transportation processed?

As mentioned above, the service of transporting things in a train carriage is paid. You can pay it either directly at the box office when purchasing a ticket, or later if you have e-ticket.

Cargo delivery period

The time it takes to transport things from one locality to another depends on the distance between cities and the train route.

So, when moving from the capital of Russia to Novosibirsk, you can receive your luggage at your destination within two days. If the cargo is transported from Moscow to Vladivostok, delivery times increase to a week.

What is better: sending things by luggage by rail or by mail?

It is more convenient to send small parcels by mail, the weight of which does not exceed 5–10 kilograms. In this case, the service will cost approximately the same as transporting cargo using Russian Railways. However, sending large or heavy luggage by mail is inconvenient and expensive.

In this case, it is more profitable to use the services of Russian Railways. After the train arrives at its destination, the citizen must receive the items within 24 hours, otherwise he will have to pay for storage of the cargo.

Delivery is quite fast, while postal items are often lost or delayed in transit.