What low mountains are there? Types and types of mountains. What types of mountains are there? Domed mountain peaks

Mountains vary in height, shape, age, origin, geographical location, etc. The article provides a description of the listed types of mountains.

Mountains by height


Low mountains or low mountains - mountain heights up to 800 meters above sea level.


  • The tops of the mountains are round, flat,
  • The slopes are gentle, not steep, covered with forest,
  • Characteristically, there are river valleys between the mountains.

Examples: Northern Urals, spurs of the Tien Shan, some ridges of Transcaucasia, Khibiny Mountains on the Kola Peninsula, individual mountains of Central Europe.

Ben MacDui, Cairngorm, Scotland

This is a hugely underrated mountain that offers fantastic views, so try to pick a day without clouds and enjoy the rocky cliffs and lush valleys this walk has to offer. Good fitness and navigation skills required. A popular ski area in winter, the Tatra Mountains above the city of Zakopane, southern Poland, provide endless opportunities for a variety of iconic hikes throughout the summer, taking in meadows of wildflowers and spectacular lakes. Suinica is the main peak on the Polish-Slovak border.


Middle mountains (medium or mid-altitude mountains) - the height of these mountains is from 800 to 3000 meters above sea level.

Medium-altitude mountains are characterized by altitudinal zonation, i.e. change of landscape with change in altitude.

Examples of medium mountains: Mountains of the Middle Urals, Polar Urals, mountains of the island of Novaya Zemlya, mountains of Siberia and the Far East, mountains of the Apennine and Iberian Peninsulas, Scandinavian mountains in northern Europe, Appalachians in North America, etc.

Monte Bronzone, Lake Lugano, Italy

Tucked into a wooded hill above Lake Lugano is a collection of ancient villages with plenty of trails that take you high into the mountains. This high point offers spectacular views of Lake Lugano and the car-free village of Castello, but spend a few days here and you'll also find impressive waterfalls, huge caves, remote estates and some interesting wildlife.

Jebel Toubkal, Atlas, Morocco

From the small village of Imlil, trekkers climb to Tubqaq's Refuge for the night before heading to the summit early the next morning. In summer it is a rocky, dusty and challenging walk to the summit over loose scree, rocks and boulders. Take your time and drink plenty of water - the heat and altitude can make it challenging. When finished, top it with delicious Berber tapine and a cup of mint.


Highlands (high mountains) - the height of these mountains is more than 3000 meters above sea level. These are young mountains, the relief of which is intensively formed under the influence of external and internal processes.


  • The mountain slopes are steep, high,
  • The peaks of the mountains are sharp, peak-shaped, and have a specific name - “Carlings”,
  • The mountain ridges are narrow, jagged,
  • It is characterized by altitudinal zones from forests at the foot of the mountains to icy deserts at the tops.

Examples: Pamir, Tien Shan, Caucasus, Himalayas, Cordillera, Andes, Alps, Karakoram, Rocky Mountains, etc.

Kala Patthar, Khumbu Valley, Nepal

Kala Pathar offers the best views of Everest for trekkers in the Khumbu Valley. The route to the top of Kala Patthar is steep and loose with many switches, but you won't be disappointed once you reach the top. The increase in altitude creates a long, steep and extremely difficult hike that can take up to 12 hours and should only be attempted physically and with one's head up to the altitude.

Mount Meru, Arusha National Park, Tanzania

Permits are required and obtained through the lottery application due to its popularity. It offers a great warm-up if you're planning on climbing Kilimanjaro, or a shorter, less crowded option if you have limited time. The highlight of this mountain is the opportunity to see wildlife on its lower slopes, including buffalo, giraffe, warthog and dik-dik. You will need an armed ranger to accompany you and accommodation is in wooden huts.

Mountains by shape

According to the nature of the summit endings, mountains are: peak-shaped, dome-shaped, plateau-shaped, etc.

Peaked mountain peaks

Peaked mountains are pointed mountain peaks that are shaped like peaks, hence the name of this type of mountain peak. They are characteristic mainly of young mountains with steep rocky slopes, sharp ridges and deep crevices in river valleys.

Stone Bay Peak, Akaroa, New Zealand

From the beautiful seaside town of Akaroa, on New Zealand's South Island, you can take a circular route to the top of Stoney Bay Peak and back. Keep an eye out for Australian magpies, who sometimes like shiny things. The climb should take about five hours for people with moderate physiology. He holds a Master's degree in Education and a Bachelor's degree in Physics.

This lesson will explain how a mountain is defined, how mountains are formed and their characteristics, and discuss some of the most famous or significant mountains. Most of us can picture mountains in our minds, but how is a mountain really defined? In general, a mountain is a landform that has some significant significance or difference compared to the surrounding land, usually in the form of a peak. Mountains are considered steeper, higher, and more prominent than hills. Mountains can rise individually, but usually form in a series of mountains called a ridge.

Examples of mountains with peaked peaks:

  • Peak Communism (mountain system - Pamir, height 7495 meters)
  • Pobeda Peak (Tian Shan mountain system, height 7439 meters)
  • Mount Kazbek (mountain system - Pamir, height 7134 meters)
  • Pushkin Peak (mountain system - Caucasus, height 5100 meters)

Mountains by age

But what makes a mountain a mountain? Unfortunately, there is no clear answer to this question - there is no generally accepted definition. Most often, prominence is used to define mountains. Some authorities consider anything above 300 meters to be mountains, while others make the limit 600 meters.

So while there appears to be no clear minimum for the height of a piece of land that can be called a mountain, there are several characteristics to consider. A mountain or mountain range usually has a peak, which is a pointed top. Mountains have a different climate than the land at sea level and the nearby flat lands. Climate is the weather over a long period of time for a particular area. Mountain climates tend to include colder weather, wetter weather and thinner air.

Domed mountain peaks

The dome-shaped, that is, rounded, shape of the top can be taken by:

  • Laccoliths are unformed volcanoes in the form of a hill with a magma core inside,
  • Extinct ancient heavily destroyed volcanoes,
  • Small areas of land that have undergone a dome-shaped tectonic uplift and, under the influence of erosion processes, have taken on a mountainous appearance.

Examples of mountains with a dome-shaped peak:

Thin air refers to the fact that at higher mountain altitudes there is less oxygen to breathe. In addition, mountains usually have less favorable conditions for plants and animals. This results in very different evolutionary adaptations for those plants and animals that make higher elevations their home.

The Earth's crust is divided into sections, like an egg whose shell is badly cracked. These sections of the earth's crust are called tectonic plates, and they float on a sea of ​​hot magma, or molten rock. If two of these plates collide with each other, one is forced under the other, and this pushes the earth upward to form mountains. The Himalayan mountain range is still growing thanks to this process.

  • Black Hills (USA). The area was subject to dome uplift and much of the sedimentary cover was removed by further denudation and erosion. As a result, the central core was exposed. It consists of metamorphic and igneous rocks.
  • Ai-Nikola (Ukrainian Ai-Nikola, Crimean tat. Ay Nikola, Ai Nikola) is a domed outlier mountain, the southeastern spur of Mount Mogabi near the western outskirts of the village of Oreanda. It is composed of Upper Jurassic limestones. Height - 389 meters above sea level.
  • Kastel (Ukrainian Kastel, Crimean Catholicate. Qastel, Kaastel) is a mountain 439 m high on the southern outskirts of Alushta, behind the Professor’s Corner. The dome of the mountain is covered with a forest cap, and chaos has formed on the eastern slope - boulders of stone, sometimes reaching 3-5 m in diameter.
  • Ayu-Dag or Bear Mountain (Ukrainian Ayu-Dag, Crimean Catholicate. Ayuv Dağ, Ayuv Dag) is a mountain on the southern coast of Crimea, located on the border of Big Alushta and Big Yalta. The height of the mountain is 577 meters above sea level. This is a classic example of a laccolith.
  • Kara-Dag (Ukrainian Kara-Dag, Crimean Catholicate. Qara dağ, Kаara dag) is a mountain-volcanic massif, Crimea. Maximum height - 577 m (Mount Holy). It is a heavily destroyed volcanic form with a dome-shaped top.
  • Mashuk is a remnant magmatic mountain (laccolith mountain) in the central part of Pyatigorye on the Caucasian Mineral Waters, in the northeastern part of the city of Pyatigorsk. The height is 993.7 m. The peak has a regular dome shape.

Some mountains are formed by erupting volcanoes. Volcanoes are holes in the earth's crust that point downwards. During an eruption, volcanoes release gas, ash, hardwood and lava. Some volcanoes, which release large amounts of molten material over time and reach impressive heights, are sometimes called mountains. Hawaii has volcanoes that are mountains. Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea are two examples.

Mount Everest is located in Nepal and is part of the Himalayan mountains. But did you know that Everest is not the tallest mountain on Earth? It also turns out that Everest is not the farthest point from the center of the Earth. The Earth is not a perfect sphere and bulges near the equator. Chimborazo is part of the Andes Mountains in South America.

Plateau-shaped mountain peaks

Mountain peaks that are flat in shape are called plateau-shaped.

  • Front Range Front Range) is a mountain range in the southern Rocky Mountains of the United States, adjacent to the Great Plains to the west. The ridge stretches from south to north for 274 km. The highest point is Mount Grays Peak (4349 m). The ridge is composed mainly of granites. The peaks are plateau-shaped, the eastern slopes are gentle, the western slopes are steep.
  • Khibiny (Kild. Umptek) is the largest mountain range on the Kola Peninsula. Geological age is about 350 million years. The peaks are plateau-shaped, the slopes are steep with isolated snowfields. However, not a single glacier was discovered in the Khibiny Mountains. The highest point is Mount Yudychvumchorr (1200.6 m above sea level).
  • Amba (translated from Amharic as Mountain Fortress) is the name of the flat-topped hills and mesas in Ethiopia. They consist mainly of horizontal sandstones and layers of basalt. This determines the flat-topped shape of the mountains. Ambas are located at an altitude of up to 4,500 m.

The rest of the solar system hits Earth quite easily. Mountains are landforms with a noticeable dominance compared to the land around them. They tend to be very tall and steep, although there is no official definition of how high they should climb. Mountains have colder weather, wetter weather, less breathable air, and completely different plants and animals compared to the surrounding landscape. They can form when two tectonic plates collide with each other, pushing the earth upward and volcanoes erupt.

Mountains by age

By age, mountains are divided into:

  • Young mountains,
  • Old (ancient) mountains.

Young mountains formed over the last 50 million years. In these mountain systems, internal processes are very actively developing, accompanied by the formation of mountains, earthquakes, and sometimes even volcanic activity. The youngest mountains on Earth are those belonging to the continental and island rings of the Pacific Ocean. The Caucasus Mountains are recognized as the youngest mountains in Russia. Here is the highest mountain in Russia - Elbrus (5642 m). (In the picture on the left: The Himalayas are young mountains, geological age about 38 million years)

Mountain as a landform

The tallest land mountain on Earth is Mount Everest, the tallest mountain on Earth of any kind is Mauna Kea. Considering mountains beyond Earth, the tallest mountain in the solar system is considered Olympus Mons on Mars. The lists are trendy, every day we see new ones published, some call our attention and some not so much.

Well, we didn't want to be smaller, and since we have all the tastes, we leave our top ten and not the most beautiful or necessarily the most spectacular, but these are the 10 highest mountains in the Valencian Community. Have you downloaded them all? Please keep in mind that this is a list only and the climbing instructions for each peak are approximate and we strongly recommend that you carefully document and prepare each one.

Features of the young mountains:

  • the process of growth of young mountains is still ongoing,
  • the relief is sharp, highly dissected,
  • the peaks of the ridges are sharp,
  • the mountain slopes are steep and high,
  • high absolute altitudes,
  • significant height amplitude,
  • the valleys of numerous rivers are presented in the form of gorges, gorges,
  • Young mountains are characterized by the development of glaciers.

Examples of young mountains are:

Perfectly marked, an ascent that we can start from many different points, thus capable of leading our physical condition to the ascent. However, even being the highest peak of the Valencian Community, do not expect to find an impressive peak, since its rounded hill does not allow us to enjoy that good taste that steep peaks leave. Our advice is to enjoy the climb and the surrounding area and don't forget to visit Las Blancas and its impressive centuries-old jungle.

Our classic among classics, majestic, arrogant and often confused with the highest of the Valencian community. But not only will the climb be rewarding, the walk and enjoyment of the approach to the peak will not leave you indifferent, so don’t forget your camera.

  • Alps,
  • Caucasus Mountains,
  • Carpathians,
  • Kopet-Dag,
  • Pamir,
  • Mountains of Kamchatka.

Old (ancient) mountains are several hundred million years old. They differ in that the internal processes in them have long since died down, while the external processes that influence the destruction of the mountains are still active. This will continue until the relief is completely leveled. On many modern plains there are areas where, by all indications, there were once ancient mountains. From these mountains, only roots remained in the depths, covered with a thick layer of sedimentary rocks.

Sometimes it is not included in the top ten of the Valencian mountains, because it is not exclusively our territory, but this consideration has a negative impact on the world of the mountain and on nature, few people understand the lines of inked macadams in cartography. The second highest peak in Castellón, Tossal Els Mollats or Moleta del Tossal, with its 656-meter ruggedness, will defeat you step by step.

The dry stone work of Villafranca del Cid's neighbors, long paths and areas of leafy vegetation will make you immerse yourself in the purest surroundings of the Alt Maestrat. The route from Vilafranca is long and, in addition, it is necessary to maintain an accumulated gap of more than 600 meters.

Features of old (ancient) mountains:

  • were heavily damaged,
  • have less contrasting relief,
  • the elevation differences are small,
  • gentle slopes,
  • The river valleys are well developed.

Examples of old (ancient) mountains are:

  • Ural mountains,
  • Timan,
  • Yenisei Ridge,
  • Khibiny (Kola Peninsula, geological age approximately 350 million years).

To collect this beak, you will need to do some kind of field excursion and not be afraid of the cattle you may find. With its 618 meters of height, this peak is one of the highest of the Sierra del Toro and therefore of the districts of Alto Palancia and Mijares.

The climb couldn't be easier and from the top we will enjoy spectacular panoramic views of the mountains, Navas, the plateau and the mountains of Javalambra, Gudar and Penyagolosa. With its 586-meter height, it is a strategic location to have the best panoramic views of the surrounding mountains. So much so that the army decided to build a base there, which is currently repossessed and abandoned, giving a goofy or post-apocalyptic aspect to the top.

By origin

Tectonic mountains are formed as a result of the collision of moving sections of the earth's crust - lithospheric plates. This collision causes folds to form on the surface of the earth. This is how folded mountains arise. When interacting with air, water and under the influence of glaciers, the rock layers that form folded mountains lose their plasticity, which leads to the formation of cracks and faults. Currently, folded mountains have been preserved in their original form only in certain parts of the young mountains - the Himalayas, formed during the era of Alpine folding.

The climb to the top is not lost, just follow the road that starts from Toro to the Peña Salada station. Of course, if you don't want to do the whole 30 km, you can circumnavigate the world on this road, you will have to race on any terrain or go to the track a few kilometers to get closer to your goal.

As with previous summits, we do not have a homologated trail that allows us to reach our summit, so we will have to use the paths of old paths, roads and some noticeable section so that after a little effort and something more than 600 meters of unevenness, we reach the top .

With repeated movements of the earth's crust, hardened folds of rock are broken into large blocks, which, under the influence of tectonic forces, rise or fall. This is how folded block mountains arise. This type of mountains is typical for old (ancient) mountains. An example is the Altai mountains. The emergence of these mountains occurred during the Baikal and Caledonian eras of mountain building; in the Hercynian and Mesozoic eras they were subject to repeated movements of the earth's crust. The type of folded-block mountains was finally adopted during the Alpine folding.

Volcanic mountains are formed during the process of volcanic eruptions. They are usually located along fault lines in the earth's crust or at the boundaries of lithospheric plates.

There are two types of volcanic mountains:

Volcanic cones. These mountains acquired their cone-shaped appearance as a result of the eruption of magma through long cylindrical vents. This type of mountain is widespread throughout the world. These are Fuji in Japan, Mount Mayon in the Philippines, Popocatepetl in Mexico, Misti in Peru, Shasta in California, etc.
Shield volcanoes. Formed by repeated outpouring of lava. They differ from volcanic cones in their asymmetrical shape and small size.

In areas of the globe where active volcanic activity occurs, entire chains of volcanoes can form. The most famous is the chain of Hawaiian Islands of volcanic origin, more than 1600 km long. These islands are the tops of underwater volcanoes, whose height from the surface of the ocean floor is more than 5500 meters.

Erosion (denudation) mountains

Erosion mountains arose as a result of the intensive dissection of stratified plains, plateaus and plateaus by flowing waters. Most mountains of this type are characterized by a table shape and the presence of box-shaped and sometimes canyon-type valleys between them. The last type of valley occurs most often when a lava plateau is dissected.

Examples of erosional (denudation) mountains are the mountains of the Central Siberian Plateau (Vilyuisky, Tungussky, Ilimsky, etc.). Most often, erosion mountains can be found not in the form of separate mountain systems, but within mountain ranges, where they are formed by the dissection of rock layers by mountain rivers.

By geographical location

On this basis, it is customary to group mountains into mountain systems, ridges, mountain ranges and single mountains.

Mountain belts are the largest formations. There are the Alpine-Himalayan mountain belt, stretching across Europe and Asia, and the Andean-Cordilleran mountain belt, passing through North and South America.

Mountainous country - many mountain systems.

Mountain system - mountain ranges and groups of mountains that are similar in origin and have the same age (for example, the Appalachians)

Mountain ranges are interconnected mountains stretched out in a line. For example, the Sangre de Cristo Mountains (North America).

Mountain groups are also mountains connected to each other, but not elongated in a line, but forming a group of indefinite shape. For example, Mount Henry in Utah and Bear Paw in Montana.

Solitary mountains are mountains that are not connected to other mountains, often of volcanic origin. For example, Mount Hood in Oregon and Rainier in Washington.

  • - Peak-shaped mountain peaks;
  • - Plateau-shaped mountain peaks;
  • - Dome-shaped mountain peaks.
  • - Mountain belts;
  • - Mountain countries;
  • - Mountain systems;
  • - Mountain ranges;
  • - Mountain groups;
  • - Single mountains.

Let's consider all the listed types and types of mountains in more detail.

Types and types of mountains by height:

The main feature by which mountains are classified is the height of the mountains. So, according to the height of the mountains there are:

Lowlands (low mountains) – mountain heights up to 800 meters above sea level.

Features of low mountains:

  • The tops of the mountains are round, flat,
  • The slopes are gentle, not steep, covered with forest,
  • Characteristically, there are river valleys between the mountains.

Examples: Northern Urals, spurs of the Tien Shan, some ridges of Transcaucasia, Khibiny Mountains on the Kola Peninsula, individual mountains of Central Europe.

Medium mountains (medium or mid-altitude mountains) – the height of these mountains is from 800 to 3000 meters above sea level.

Features of the middle mountains:

  • Medium-altitude mountains are characterized by altitudinal zonation, i.e. change of landscape with change in altitude.

Examples of medium mountains: The mountains of the Middle Urals, the Polar Urals, the mountains of the island of Novaya Zemlya, the mountains of Siberia and the Far East, the mountains of the Apennine and Iberian Peninsulas, the Scandinavian mountains in northern Europe, the Appalachians in North America, etc.

More examples of medium mountains (added at the request of visitors):

  • more than half the territory of the Altai Mountains (800-2000 meters),
  • mid-mountain ridges of the Eastern Sayans,
  • Aldan Highlands (height up to 2306 meters),
  • medium-altitude ridges of the Chukotka Plateau,
  • Orulgan ridge as part of the Verkhoyansk ridge (height - up to 2409 meters),
  • Chersky ridge (the highest point is Mount Chingikan with a height of 1644 meters),
  • Sikhote-Alin (the highest point is Mount Tordoki-Yani with a height of 2090 meters),
  • High Tatras (highest point - Mount Gerlachovsky Štit, 2655 m),
  • mid-mountain ridges of Transbaikalia (Daursky (up to 1526 m), Malkhansky (up to 1741 m), Dzhidinsky (up to 2027 m), Olekminsky Stanovik (average ridge height - from 1000 to 1400 m, maximum - 1845 m), Vitim Plateau (height from 1200 up to 1600 m) etc.).

Highlands (high mountains) – the height of these mountains is more than 3000 meters above sea level. These are young mountains, the relief of which is intensively formed under the influence of external and internal processes.

Features of the highlands:

  • The mountain slopes are steep, high,
  • The peaks of the mountains are sharp, peak-shaped, and have a specific name - “Carlings”,
  • The mountain ridges are narrow, jagged,
  • It is characterized by altitudinal zones from forests at the foot of the mountains to icy deserts at the tops.

Examples of highlands: Pamir, Tien Shan, Caucasus, Himalayas, Cordillera, Andes, Alps, Karakorum, Rocky Mountains, etc.

Types and types of mountains by origin.

The next characteristic by which mountains are classified is their origin. So, according to the origin of mountains, there are tectonic, volcanic and erosional (denudation):

are formed as a result of the collision of moving sections of the earth's crust - lithospheric plates. This collision causes folds to form on the surface of the earth. This is how they arise fold mountains. When interacting with air, water and under the influence of glaciers, the rock layers that form folded mountains lose their plasticity, which leads to the formation of cracks and faults. Currently, folded mountains have been preserved in their original form only in certain parts of the young mountains - the Himalayas, formed during the era of Alpine folding.

With repeated movements of the earth's crust, hardened folds of rock are broken into large blocks, which, under the influence of tectonic forces, rise or fall. This is how they arise fold-block mountains. This type of mountains is typical for old (ancient) mountains. An example is the Altai mountains. The emergence of these mountains occurred during the Baikal and Caledonian eras of mountain building; in the Hercynian and Mesozoic eras they were subject to repeated movements of the earth's crust. The type of folded-block mountains was finally adopted during the Alpine folding.

formed during volcanic eruptions. They are usually located along fault lines in the earth's crust or at the boundaries of lithospheric plates.

Volcanic there are mountains two types:

Volcanic cones. These mountains acquired their cone-shaped appearance as a result of the eruption of magma through long cylindrical vents. This type of mountain is widespread throughout the world. These are Fuji in Japan, Mount Mayon in the Philippines, Popocatepetl in Mexico, Misti in Peru, Shasta in California, etc.
Shield volcanoes. Formed by repeated outpouring of lava. They differ from volcanic cones in their asymmetrical shape and small size.

In areas of the globe where active volcanic activity occurs, entire chains of volcanoes can form. The most famous is the chain of Hawaiian Islands of volcanic origin, more than 1600 km long. These islands are the tops of underwater volcanoes, whose height from the surface of the ocean floor is more than 5500 meters.

Erosion (denudation) mountains .

Erosion mountains arose as a result of the intensive dissection of stratified plains, plateaus and plateaus by flowing waters. Most mountains of this type are characterized by a table shape and the presence of box-shaped and sometimes canyon-type valleys between them. The last type of valley occurs most often when a lava plateau is dissected.

Examples of erosional (denudation) mountains are the mountains of the Central Siberian Plateau (Vilyuisky, Tungussky, Ilimsky, etc.). Most often, erosion mountains can be found not in the form of separate mountain systems, but within mountain ranges, where they are formed by the dissection of rock layers by mountain rivers.

Types and types of mountains according to the shape of the peak.

Another sign of mountain classification is the shape of the peak.

By the nature of the apical endings there are mountains: peak-shaped, dome-shaped, plateau-shaped, etc.

Added at the request of visitors:

Peaked mountain peaks.

Peaked mountain peaks- these are pointed mountain peaks, shaped like peaks, which is where the name of this type of mountain peak comes from. They are characteristic mainly of young mountains with steep rocky slopes, sharp ridges and deep crevices in river valleys.

Examples of mountains with peaked peaks:

Peak Communism (mountain system – Pamir, height 7495 meters)

Pobeda Peak (Tian Shan mountain system, height 7439 meters)

Mount Kazbek (mountain system – Pamir, height 7134 meters)

Pushkin Peak (mountain system – Caucasus, height 5100 meters)

Plateau-shaped mountain peaks.

Mountain peaks that are flat in shape are called plateau-shaped.

Examples of plateau-like mountains:

Front Range(English) FrontRange) is a mountain range in the southern part of the Rocky Mountains in the United States, adjacent to the Great Plains on the west. The ridge stretches from south to north for 274 km. The highest point is Mount Grays Peak (4349 m). The ridge is composed mainly of granites. The peaks are plateau-shaped, the eastern slopes are gentle, the western slopes are steep.

Khibiny(kild. Umptek) - the largest mountain range on the Kola Peninsula. Geological age is about 350 million years. The peaks are plateau-shaped, the slopes are steep with isolated snowfields. However, not a single glacier was discovered in the Khibiny Mountains. The highest point is Mount Yudychvumchorr (1200.6 m above sea level).

Amby(translated from Amharic as Mountain Fortress) is the name of the flat-topped hills and mesas in Ethiopia. They consist mainly of horizontal sandstones and layers of basalt. This determines the flat-topped shape of the mountains. Ambas are located at an altitude of up to 4,500 m.

A variety of mountains with plateau-like peaks are the so-called mesas(German) Tafelberg, Spanish Mesa- in the lane table) – mountains with a truncated flat top. The flat top of these mountains is usually composed of a durable layer (limestone, sandstone, traps, hardened lava). The slopes of mesa mountains are usually steep or stepped. Table mountains arise when stratified plains (for example, the Turgai Plateau) are dissected by flowing waters.

Famous mesas:

  • Amby, (Ethiopia)
  • Elbe Sandstone Mountains, (Germany)
  • Lilienstein, (Germany)
  • Buchberg, (Germany)
  • Koenigstein, (Germany)
  • Tafelberg (Thule), (Greenland)
  • Ben Bulben, (Ireland)
  • Etjo, (Namibia)
  • Gamsberg, (Namibia)
  • Grootberg, (Namibia)
  • Waterberg, (Namibia)
  • Szczelinec Wielkiy, (Poland)
  • Kistenstöckli, (Switzerland)
  • Tafelberg (Suriname)
  • Tepui, (Brazil, Venezuela, Guyana)
  • Monument Valley, (USA)
  • Black Mesa (USA)
  • Table Mountain, (South Africa)
  • Dining room (mountain, Caucasus).

Dome-shaped mountain peaks.

The dome-shaped, that is, rounded, shape of the top can be taken by:

Laccoliths are unformed volcanoes in the form of a hill with a magma core inside,

Extinct ancient heavily destroyed volcanoes,

Small areas of land that have undergone a dome-shaped tectonic uplift and, under the influence of erosion processes, have taken on a mountainous appearance.

Examples of mountains with a dome-shaped peak:

Black Hills (USA). The area was subject to dome uplift and much of the sedimentary cover was removed by further denudation and erosion. As a result, the central core was exposed. It consists of metamorphic and igneous rocks.

Ai-Nikola(Ukrainian Ai-Nikola, Crimean Catholicate. Ay Nikola, Ai Nikola) - a domed outlier mountain, the southeastern spur of Mount Mogabi near the western outskirts of the village of Oreanda. It is composed of Upper Jurassic limestones. Height - 389 meters above sea level.

Castel(Ukrainian Kastel, Crimean Catholicate. Qastel, Kaastel) - a mountain 439 m high on the southern outskirts of Alushta, behind the Professor's Corner. The dome of the mountain is covered with a forest cap, and chaos has formed on the eastern slope - boulders of stone, sometimes reaching 3-5 m in diameter.

Ayu-Dag or Bear Mountain(Ukrainian Ayu-Dag, Crimean catat. Ayuv Dağ, Ayuv Dag) is a mountain on the southern coast of Crimea, located on the border of Big Alushta and Big Yalta. The height of the mountain is 577 meters above sea level. This is a classic example of a laccolith.

Kara- Dag (Ukrainian Kara-Dag, Crimean Catholicate. Qara dağ, Kаara dag) - mountain-volcanic massif, Crimea. Maximum height - 577 m (Mount Holy). It is a heavily destroyed volcanic form with a dome-shaped top.

Mashuk- a remnant magmatic mountain (laccolith mountain) in the central part of Pyatigorye on the Caucasian Mineral Waters, in the northeastern part of the city of Pyatigorsk. The height is 993.7 m. The peak has a regular dome shape.

Types and types of mountains by geographical location.

Different types of mountains are also divided by geographical location. On this basis, it is customary to group mountains into mountain systems, ridges, mountain ranges and single mountains.

Let's take a closer look:

Mountain belts - the largest formations. There are the Alpine-Himalayan mountain belt, stretching across Europe and Asia, and the Andean-Cordilleran mountain belt, passing through North and South America.

Mountain country – many mountain systems.

Mountain system – mountain ranges and groups of mountains that are similar in origin and of the same age (for example, the Appalachians)

Mountain ranges – mountains connected to each other, elongated in a line. For example, the Sangre de Cristo Mountains (North America).

Mountain groups – also interconnected mountains, but not stretched out in a line, but forming a group of indefinite shape. For example, Mount Henry in Utah and Bear Paw in Montana.

Single mountains

  • The highest mountains in the world. 7 peaks of the world.
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