New rules for hand luggage on planes. Carrying baggage on an airplane: new rules and pitfalls. Carrying hand luggage

The note is written on the basis of the Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) and will help to better understand the rules of Russian airlines and the rights of passengers. New FAPs were updated last year and define a minimum weight hand luggage and baggage, their dimensions, as well as what items of baggage can be carried free of charge on board aircraft of Russian airlines.

The minimum weight of free baggage checked in at the airport has remained the same and is 10 kg. The rule applies only to refundable air tickets. If you purchased non-refundable airline tickets, they may not include luggage.

If the baggage carried exceeds 30 kg, you must notify the airline in advance. In international rules, this limit is 32 kg.

You can add up and combine both free and paid baggage. The main condition: passengers must travel together to the final destination of the route and the combined baggage must not exceed 30 kg. For example, if a family of 2 people is flying, each person’s ticket includes allowed luggage up to 23 kg; you can combine luggage - one piece of 30 kg and the second piece of 16 kg.

For business class passengers, whose ticket price includes 2 pieces of baggage of 23 kg each, the issue of consolidation remains unresolved and depends on the airline’s rules.

The minimum weight of hand luggage that can be carried free of charge has been determined and is 5 kg. Carry-on baggage of this weight is permitted at all air ticket prices. Airlines have the right to increase the weight of hand luggage at their discretion.

According to new aviation rules, airlines can independently determine the dimensions of passengers' carry-on luggage. As a rule, this requirement depends on the type of aircraft; the airline calculates the dimensions of luggage based on the capacity of the luggage racks in the aircraft cabin. The dimensions of hand luggage are determined so that each passenger can fit their hand luggage.

Free carriage of items along with hand luggage

There are certain things that can be carried free of charge along with hand luggage. Please note that a handbag, a men's briefcase and a backpack are mutually exclusive items; if you fly with a backpack, you can no longer carry a briefcase and a handbag, and vice versa. Sizes of backpacks, briefcases and handbags may be limited by the airline. The airline may also introduce a limit on the number of packages carried from Duty Free.

List of things that can be carried free of charge

  • handbag
  • men's briefcase
  • backpack
  • packages from Duty Free
  • holdall
  • outerwear
  • baby food
  • baby carriage
  • bouquet of flowers
  • medicines

You are allowed to take crutches, canes, walkers, and wheelchairs in your hand luggage free of charge. If these items cannot fit in your hand luggage due to their size, they can be checked in for free.

What cannot be carried free of charge in excess of the norm

The list of items that cannot be carried in excess of the carry-on baggage allowance has been expanded. The listed items can be transported in the cabin if you put them in hand luggage: a briefcase, handbag or backpack.

Electronic devices

  • laptops
  • Cell phones
  • tablets
  • players

Photographic equipment

  • cameras
  • video cameras
  • lenses
  • flashes

Printed products

  • books
  • magazines
  • newspapers

Other things

  • umbrellas!!!

Let us clarify once again: all of the listed items cannot be carried separately from hand luggage in “hands” or “on the shoulder”. They need to be placed in hand luggage that corresponds to the size (dimensions) of the airline, and there will be no problems.

Quite often, even experienced tourists have a question: what kind of cargo can be carried on an airplane? What weight and dimensions of luggage are allowed? How to save money on a flight, avoid paying for your luggage, or what to do if your backpack is lost. We will consider all these issues in detail in the article.

International transportation rules do not regulate clear standards for baggage transportation (each carrier has the right to independently change the numbers within the established rules, ticket price and aircraft type). Baggage is not always checked out individually for each passenger. There are two transportation systems:

  1. Weight.
  2. Local.

The suitcase must be checked at the counter, after which it is sent to the luggage compartment

Weight system

This principle of transportation is relevant in almost all CIS countries and Asia, as well as with some carriers in the European Union. It allows you to carry free luggage of a certain weight:

  • in economy class, the weight of the suitcase should not exceed twenty kilograms, and its dimensions should not exceed 203 centimeters (meaning the sum of length, height and width);
  • in business class, the weight allowed for transportation reaches 30 kilograms with the same bag dimensions.

If your baggage exceeds any established parameter in at least one point, then the carrier may require you to pay for a second “piece” at the domestic rate.

According to the official rules of air carriers, each child under two years of age is guaranteed free baggage allowance weighing up to 10 kilograms. In this case, the child may not have a separate ticket (flies in the same seat with his parents). Children who are already 12 years old are entitled to an “adult” rate of free cargo transportation.

This system is quite convenient, since the number of your bags is not limited, and when traveling together, the weight adds up. If you both take an economy class ticket, then you have the opportunity to take with you one travel bag weighing 40 kilograms, two bags weighing 15 and 25 kilograms, or three with a total weight of up to 43 kg (don’t forget about the dimensions).

Note: Regular airline customers can receive a bonus from it and increase the weight of transported cargo by 10-15 kilograms.

It is very important to ensure there is no overload. The policies of different airlines may vary greatly on this matter. If you are overweight by a kilogram, some carriers can turn a blind eye to this, while others issue a full invoice for the excess weight (quite considerable). Therefore, be sure to inquire in advance about the rules and regulations for transporting baggage on an airplane: they are usually indicated either in the itinerary receipt or on the company’s website.

Baggage enters the compartment via a transport belt

Place system

The weight system is quite convenient, but it is slowly fading into oblivion and being replaced by a local one. Initially, this system worked in the USA and Canada, now it has spread to South and Central America, Europe, Australia and even Russia (Aeroflot recently switched to it). Here the transported mass is also divided depending on the purchased class:

  • in economy you can take one seat with a bag weighing up to 23 kg;
  • The business has two pieces of luggage weighing 32 kg each (total 64 kg).

Note: When flying to the US and Canada, carriers often provide two cargo seats in economy classes. Check this information in advance.

If you use bonus program carriers, you can get yourself an extra seat.

One of the main features of the seat system is that the weight of the bags is not cumulative. That is, if you are traveling together in economy class and are carrying two bags weighing 25 and 15 kilograms, then you will be forced to pay for an overload of 2 kilograms (this will be considered as third place). Very often, the cost of a third seat is comparable to the cost of half or a whole flight ticket, especially for low-cost airlines. The same situation applies to independent travel- if you have two places of 23 kilograms each, then you will not be able to put two bags of 30 and 10 kilograms on them.

Baggage rules may vary from airline to airline.

Note: Trade unions in many countries prohibit movers from lifting suitcases heavier than 32 kilograms. Having loaded 33 kg, you will not only pay extra for a new place, but also face a serious problem with cargo delivery.

The requirements for a suitcase in a seat system are more stringent - the sum of its three sides should not be more than 158 cm.

Oversized luggage

If the cargo you are transporting does not fall within the above parameters, then you will have to register it as oversized. According to the rules for carrying baggage on an airplane, the following are considered oversized:

  1. A suitcase or bag weighing more than 32 kilograms and measuring more than 203 cm.
  2. Various sports equipment (skis, surfboard and snowboard, trekking poles, etc.).
  3. Musical instruments (guitars, trombones, accordions, etc.).
  4. Various climate and household appliances (air conditioners, washing machines, freezers, refrigerators, TVs).

The carriage of any oversized cargo must be discussed in advance with the airline - if you arrive at the airport an hour before boarding and without warning, there is a high probability that it will simply not be accepted.

Note: the airline may refuse to transport you oversized items. There can be many reasons for this - lack of free space, inappropriate type of aircraft (the cargo may simply not fit into the loading hatches).

Oversize space is always paid according to the company's tariffs (it does not fall under the concept of free space). Although some companies allow free transportation of ski equipment in winter, thus luring customers.

Transportation of fragile luggage

Airline policy allows for the carriage of fragile luggage aircraft. To do this, upon delivery, you must declare at the reception that it is fragile. An airport employee will put a special sticker on the suitcase, and the cargo will be delivered to the baggage compartment manually, and not at the elevator. However, the airline does not bear legal responsibility for its integrity. Therefore, it is recommended to take fragile items into the cabin and check them out as hand luggage.

Properly folded luggage will quickly pass inspection


Most airlines prohibit the following substances from being carried in the hold:

  1. Radioactive (note that absolutely all cargo is tested for radioactivity, so if you buy a souvenir and it turns out to be radioactive, you will have serious problems).
  2. Explosives (including cartridges, gunpowder, sparklers, flares, firecrackers, etc.).
  3. Highly flammable (no lighters, refill bottles, gasoline, solvents).
  4. Various gases (self-defense cans and, in some cases, deodorants).
  5. Toxic, oxidizing and poisonous.

It is also prohibited to carry weapons on airplanes (unless there is a special cabinet in the luggage compartment) and dangerous objects that can be used for attack. When transporting weapons, special permits are required, which are issued at customs.

Rules for the carriage of hand luggage

The passenger must distinguish between “baggage” and “hand luggage”. Baggage is a suitcase that is checked in at the airport upon landing. Carry-on luggage is a backpack or bag that you can take with you. The weight of luggage and the weight of baggage on an airplane for one person do not add up.

The following standards exist:

  • In business, luggage dimensions are no more than 115 cm (three dimensions), weight - 15 kg.
  • In economy - 115 cm, 10 kg.

Note: in most cases, you can take additional things with you: a book, a camera, a smartphone, a laptop, a tablet, outerwear, an umbrella, a folding stroller, food for a child, medicine, etc. A full list of these things can be found in the Rules of Transportation of this airline. These items do not add up to the luggage dimensions and weight.

Try to take a little less luggage with you than the airline allows. Sometimes problems can start due to an excess of even 500 grams. Want to avoid trouble? We will tell you a few nuances:

  • before purchasing tickets, study the carrier’s rules regarding luggage (many low-cost airlines do not include it in the ticket price);
  • Once you know how many kilograms you can carry, be sure to weigh your suitcase (this can be done at the nearest post office or on a home scale by picking up the bag);
  • if overloaded, transfer heavy items to hand luggage or simply take them on board (laptop, camera);
  • According to the rules, items in hand luggage must be in plastic bags zipped;
  • if possible, try to register your cargo not as luggage, but as luggage (you will save a lot of time during check-in and will not lose your things).

You can take your laptop with you - it is not carry-on luggage or luggage

If the cargo is lost

So, you already know how much baggage you can carry on a plane. Now we will explain what to do if your cargo does not arrive at its destination with you. At the airport you must receive it using a tag or receipt - it is issued at the point of departure when passing through the counter. If there is no cargo, then you will have to write a statement to search for it. The airline will have to find it within 3 weeks and return it to you. If the suitcase is still missing or damaged, then a second application for compensation is written. Quite often, carriers (especially from CIS countries) send a refusal - feel free to take it and go to court. As a result, you will be compensated for moral and material damage.

Note: the airline must deliver your cargo by specified address, and not force you to drive after him. This is a standard rate and does not need to be paid separately.

In contact with

Every year, air travel experiences changes regarding the size and weight of baggage allowance. To know what bags and suitcases you can take with you, you need to familiarize yourself in advance with all the requirements for luggage of the largest Russian airlines. One such airline is Aeroflot. Let's try to find out what baggage allowances Aeroflot has adopted in 2020.

What caused the changes to baggage rules?

At the beginning of 2020, passengers were overwhelmed by a wave of changes related to the new rules for the carriage of luggage: the system for checking bags and suitcases became more serious, and the requirements for the size of hand luggage also changed. According to experts, such changes are associated with the receipt of a large number of complaints about the lack of space for personal belongings on board the aircraft.

Features of passenger baggage control

Every person preparing to fly for the first time should become familiar with the passenger baggage control system so that they know what to be prepared for. The following features of the baggage transportation system are distinguished:

  1. All things a person takes with him on a trip are divided into hand luggage and luggage itself. Carry-on luggage includes small bags and briefcases that a citizen can take into the cabin. A special tag is attached to it, indicating that we have a certain type of luggage in front of us. This marking will be, first of all, important for airline and airport employees, and not for the passenger himself. Items that cannot be taken on board an airplane are called baggage. They are given in advance upon check-in on board the plane.
  2. All things that a citizen wants to transport with him on an airplane are subject to a mandatory preliminary inspection procedure. All this is done for safety reasons. Things carried by a person can be checked not only at the check-in counter, but also before passport control. At some airports, another personal security screening area may be located right in front of the boarding gate. The number of security screening areas depends on the airport.
  3. Possibility to carry allowed baggage free of charge. If a suitcase brought by a citizen weighs more than what is allowed by the airline, then you will have to pay extra for it. In other cases, the passenger can count on his belongings being transported free of charge. The cost of baggage transportation is automatically included in the price of the plane ticket.

Hand luggage

In 2020, the following requirements were established for the carriage of hand luggage on board an aircraft:

  1. Dimensions can be no more than 55x40x25 cm. This means that if your bag does not meet these dimensions (exceeds them), then it will be transferred to the status of luggage. Previously, the last figure was 20 cm, but in 2018 (due to numerous requests from passengers) it was increased by 5 centimeters. This significantly distinguishes Aeroflot’s requirements compared to others major airlines(S7 Airlines, Ural Airlines, UTair). Their requirements remained the same - 55x40x20 cm.
  2. The weight of hand luggage cannot exceed 10-15 kilograms. The final weight depends on the class chosen by the person. If a passenger flies in business class, then the upper limit for the weight of hand luggage will be 15 kilograms. When choosing other classes (“Comfort” or “Economy”), the passenger will be able to carry only 10 kilograms with him.

Important! Airport and airline representatives take carry-on baggage requirements seriously, so every item a passenger wants to carry as carry-on baggage will be checked. To check whether a passenger's bag meets the airline's requirements, airport officials use a special frame. If the baggage fits within this frame, it can be carried into the cabin.

What can you take on a plane?

There is a whole list of things that can be carried into the aircraft cabin. These include:

  1. Bouquet of flowers.
  2. Package from a duty-free store. Its dimensions should not exceed 115 cm (length, width and height are summed up).
  3. A small briefcase, handbag or backpack, the total size of which does not exceed 80 cm and weight - 5 kilograms.
  4. Outerwear. Its citizen can freely carry it into the aircraft cabin in order to feel comfortable during the flight.
  5. The suit is in a special case. Many diplomats often make business trips and bring costumes with them. To prevent them from getting jammed, special covers are used. The ability to carry a suit into the aircraft cabin in a special case allows a person not to worry about the safety and cleanliness of his clothes.
  6. Food for children.
  7. Solid foods (cookies, chocolate, fruit, etc.).
  8. A folding stroller, the dimensions of which do not exceed 42x50x20 cm, and the weight is 7 kilograms.
  9. Medicines necessary for a person in flight.
  10. Musical instruments whose dimensions do not exceed 135 cm in the sum of three dimensions. The violin, saxophone, etc. satisfy these requirements. You can also transport a guitar whose dimensions exceed 135 cm, but the carriage of such hand luggage must be agreed upon with airline representatives in advance (36 hours before departure). If a traveler decides to transport a musical instrument, then he must remember that it will become the only place in his hand luggage. The remaining things will have to be taken in luggage.

Important! Previously, you could carry a camera, laptop or umbrella separately from your carry-on baggage, but now these items must be placed in your carry-on baggage. If a passenger takes an umbrella-cane with him, he will have to check in her luggage, since it will not fit in a backpack. Aeroflot changed the requirements for bringing these items onto an aircraft only in 2020.

Liquids on board

Requirements apply not only to things, but also to transported liquids. They must meet the following requirements:

  1. Their capacity should not exceed 100 ml.
  2. They must be packed in transparent, resealable bags so that airport officials can inspect the contents of the bag in case of suspicion.

Important! The rules for transporting liquids include not only drinks (juices, water), but also sun cream, shower gel, shampoo, and mascara.

Transporting animals on board the aircraft

Aeroflot provides its passengers with the opportunity to transport animals, but imposes certain requirements for their import:

  1. Preliminary approval with the airline. If a passenger needs to transport a pet, he must notify airline representatives in advance. A passenger's request to transport an animal is reviewed within 1-2 days, after which the airline makes its decision.
  2. Additional payment for transporting a pet. The final cost depends on the direction and duration of the flight. For international flights it is approximately 75 euros, and for flights within Russia – about 4 thousand rubles.

Important! Not all animals can be transported on board. Rodents, reptiles, fish and arthropods are strictly not allowed on board. Pugs and Pekingese cannot be transported either, because they are brachycephalic dog breeds.

Free baggage allowance: size and weight

Aeroflot has rules and regulations for carrying not only hand luggage, but also luggage that is checked into the luggage compartment of the aircraft. The amount and weight of baggage at Aeroflot depend on the selected flight class.

By general rule, the size of such baggage in the sum of three dimensions should not exceed 158 cm.

Important! The key role when flying on Aeroflot flights is played by the number of luggage pieces.

Cost of additional space and excess baggage

If the dimensions, weight or number of pieces of luggage exceed the established baggage allowance at Aeroflot, then the passenger will have to pay extra for their transportation on board the aircraft. Aeroflot sets the following tariffs for the carriage of additional, excess baggage.

Conditions for transporting oversized baggage

There is not only standard, oversized baggage, which is checked in by the passenger upon check-in, but also so-called non-standard baggage. Oversized luggage includes luggage whose weight ranges from 32 kilograms to 50 kilograms, and whose size exceeds 203 cm in the sum of three dimensions.

Most often, airline representatives encounter the following types of oversized baggage:

  1. Equipment for skiing or cycling, playing golf or hockey. 1 person can carry 1 set of equipment for each of the listed sports types free of charge.
  2. Fishing equipment. Fishermen can bring 2 fishing rods and 1 set of fishing tackle free of charge.
  3. Weapons and ammunition for them. You can transport 1 weapon for free. To transport it, you need to coordinate the transportation with the airport in advance (36 hours before departure) and obtain permission.
  4. Baggage carried in the passenger seat. It includes items that require special transportation conditions. All luggage must be carefully packed. This will avoid the possibility of damage during transportation. The dimensions of such luggage at Aeroflot cannot exceed 135x50x30 cm, and its weight should not exceed 80 kilograms. To carry such baggage, you need to coordinate this with the airport service in advance, and also pay extra at the rate for one more passenger seat.
  5. Baby stroller.
  6. Wheelchair.
  7. Pet. Can be placed both in the aircraft cabin and in the luggage compartment. Transportation is possible only with prior agreement with Aeroflot representatives.

Question answer

Question: What does 1PC/2PC/3PC mean on the ticket?

Answer: These are designations showing how many suitcases you can take with you. RS is an abbreviation of the English piece, which literally means “piece”. Thus, 1PC is 1 piece of luggage that a citizen can check into the luggage compartment for free.

Question: How much alcohol can I carry in my luggage?

Answer: You can carry no more than 5 liters in luggage alcoholic products in sealed, undamaged packaging.

Question: what to do if Aeroflot lost your luggage?

Answer: Like any other airline, Aeroflot can lose luggage. If this happens, the passenger must follow a number of steps to return the missing items:

  1. Contact the search service personnel in the arrival area.
  2. Write a corresponding statement.
  3. Track wanted status. The search case is assigned a specific number by which you can follow the luggage search procedure. You can track your search in a special section on the Aeroflot website.

Aeroflot representatives must search for luggage within 21 days. Found luggage must be delivered by airline employees to the client’s home. If the luggage was not found, the passenger can submit a written claim to the airline and demand compensation for damage and payment of monetary compensation.

Today we will look at such important points for Aeroflot airline passengers as:

But let's start with the most current news from the airline for March 2019.

Aeroflot news on baggage cancellation for 2019

Aeroflot has officially announced the cancellation of the cheapest fare that includes baggage, called “Economy Budget” with April 2, 2019 G. But there is good news - the airline has developed a new line of fares called “Light”. This fare line does not include checked baggage, but you still have the option to carry hand luggage.

Those who have already purchased tickets at the Economy-Budget fare do not need to worry. Tickets will be valid for travel dates. But, if you have just booked tickets at the Economy-Budget fare, you need to have time to redeem them before April 1, 2019 G.

Aeroflot promises that tickets at the "Light" fare will cost up to 30% cheaper than "full" fares.

04/02/2019 Aeroflot officially announced the cost of baggage transportation in 2019 on the Light fare.

  • 1 piece of luggage weighing up to 23 kg will cost 2000 rub.(in Russia) when paying online on the airline’s website, mobile application or at Aeroflot ticket offices, but no later than 24 hours before departure. At the airport, the cost of luggage will increase to 2500 rubles.
  • When flying to Europe, the cost of one baggage will be 40 euros– when paying 24 hours before departure on the airline’s website online, mobile application or at Aeroflot ticket offices, and 50 euros directly at the airport.

Apparently, this is still an experiment, because the “Light” tariff is currently being implemented only in two directions - Italy and Germany. But at the same time, in the future, Aeroflot will expand the “Light” tariff to other destinations.

According to Aeroflot, the reason for introducing this tariff was statistics according to which many people who bought tickets at the Economy-Budget fare did not check their luggage.

In connection with the news about the abolition of cheap fares with free baggage, people increasingly began to ask questions about what Aeroflot’s free hand luggage standards are and whether it is possible to try to do without checked baggage in order to save money.

We tried to understand this issue in order to briefly, logically and clearly tell you what can be carried in the cabin as hand luggage without additional payment.

Aeroflot hand luggage, sizes and weight in 2019

Since Aeroflot is not a low-cost airline, its hand luggage standards are quite decent. Unlike, say, its subsidiary Pobeda, about which we wrote an article with a detailed analysis of hand luggage.

Let's start with economy class, since this is where most of the airline's clients fly.

So, in the cabin of an Aeroflot plane on standard tickets economy class You can carry hand luggage with dimensions of 55x40x25 cm. The weight of hand luggage should be no more than 10 kilograms.

IN business class up to 15 kg is provided, everything else is the same as in economy, nothing changes, i.e. Dimensions are the same 55x40x25 cm.

These dimensions fit into a small suitcase, which can accommodate everything you need for a week-long vacation trip. And the best thing is that, in addition to such a suitcase, you have the right to bring something else:

1. A backpack, weighing up to 5 kg and measuring no more than 80 cm in the sum of three dimensions, or a handbag, or a briefcase - one thing or another - we did not see anyone standing at registration with a ruler and measuring the dimensions, but prove that a hefty suitcase is a briefcase is unlikely to succeed.

2. A bouquet of flowers is the same for all airlines.

3. You can wear outerwear not on yourself, but in your hands.

4. Baby food for the child during the flight - liquid food must be packaged in containers with a volume of no more than 100 milliliters, otherwise they will be thrown out at security screening.

5. A suit in a suitcase is just a suit, not a suit and a bunch of other things.

6. Device for carrying a child - this device can be a cradle, stroller, various holding devices for children under two years old, etc.

Unlike Pobeda, the type of cradle is not indicated here, but there are dimensions of the stroller - no more than 42x50x20 cm, so that it can be stored on a shelf or under the seat in front. If the stroller cannot be folded in this way, it is checked in as baggage free of charge, right before boarding the plane.

One important point. You can use a child seat only if you have paid for a separate seat for the child. Moreover, the chair should not be from China, but only certified for air travel. Otherwise, it may pose a danger to the child and/or other passengers and such a device is not allowed on the flight.

7. Medications and special dietary needs. The amount of these drugs must correspond to the actual amount required, in addition, various syringes with a hypodermic needle, as well as various potent drugs must be accompanied by a medical prescription (prescription). These things will not be checked at the check-in counter or during boarding, but during the security check. So it’s impossible to conceal and hide.

8. Used crutches, canes, walkers, rollators, in addition to them, a folding wheelchair is allowed, as well as removable prosthetic limbs (arms, legs). If you need a portable oxygen concentrator, you can also take it with you on the flight, but its dimensions should not exceed standard carry-on dimensions of 55x40x20 cm.

The same requirements apply to a wheelchair as to a child's chair - it must be folded so that it can be placed on the luggage rack or under the seat in front. Or it can be checked in as luggage, again completely free of charge.

9. Duty Free goods whose total dimensions do not exceed 115 cm. Please keep in mind that only sealed or sealed bags are allowed on board.

Instead of hand luggage, having dimensions 55x40x25 cm and weighing 10 kg, you can carry one of the following list:

1. One musical instrument, the sum of the dimensions of which does not exceed 135 cm. As an exception, carriage of a guitar is allowed, the dimensions of which exceed those indicated above. However, please remember that the number of such guitars on board is limited. Therefore, the carriage of a guitar must be agreed upon with the call center employees no later than 36 hours before the flight departure.

2. Sports equipment - again, something from the list:

2.1. One racket for tennis or squash. The racket must be packed in a case.

2.2. A badminton set consisting of two simple rackets and 3 shuttlecocks, packed in one case.

Let us repeat once again that you have a choice - either you take a suitcase with dimensions 55x40x25 cm and a weight of 10 kg + a list that includes a backpack, cradle, etc., or a musical instrument or sports equipment + the same backpack, cradle, etc. P. You won't be allowed on the plane with your suitcase - you'll have to check it in as baggage.

Aeroflot hand luggage restrictions in 2019

And of course, we must not forget about what should not be in hand luggage or may be within very limited limits.

We are talking about piercing and cutting objects, explosives, poisonous and other dangerous substances and liquids.

Knives, scissors, corkscrews, knitting needles, syringes with a needle without a medical prescription, as well as dangerous substances - all this is definitely not allowed. Imitation of dangerous items (weapons, explosives) are also prohibited for transportation in hand luggage. This is all checked by airport employees, not the airline.

Household liquids (baby food, toilet water, shaving foam, toothpaste, etc.) must be packaged in containers with a volume of no more than 100 milliliters. Security screening staff will not use scales or otherwise measure how much liquid you have in your jar or bottle. They will look at the volume of the container, and if its volume does not correspond to the permitted volume, it will no longer matter to them how much liquid is in it - up to the neck or if it is only half filled.

All of the above restrictions were established not out of harm or in order to incentivize passengers for additional payments, but solely for reasons of safety in flight. Remember this and do not violate it.

If you want to take something dangerous with you (weapons or some other dangerous means), be sure to read the article on the official Aeroflot website about what is prohibited from being transported by airplanes and not only by Aeroflot.

Aeroflot baggage allowance in economy class in 2019

So, if you nevertheless purchased an economy class ticket with baggage included, then you should remember what restrictions Aeroflot sets for economy class baggage.

1. One or two pieces of baggage - see when purchasing and on the ticket. The weight of one piece of luggage is 23 kilograms. Here it is necessary to clarify. Some airlines allow you to combine the amount of baggage listed on your ticket. For example, you are flying together, you have 20 kilograms of luggage each and you can check in a suitcase weighing up to 32 kilograms... So, in Aeroflot the baggage limit is 23 kilograms, and if the weight of the suitcase is more than 23 kilograms, then you will pay for excess, and sometimes more expensive than if you just buy an additional piece of luggage, even if you exceeded it by half a kilo.

2. The dimensions of luggage are no more than 158 centimeters in the sum of three dimensions. Standard large suitcase.

3. If you plan to transport large sports equipment, oversized or very heavy luggage, musical instruments, or animals, we study the conditions for transporting such luggage and do it very carefully. If it says that preliminary approval with the call center is necessary, then we call no later than 36 hours before departure, although I would clarify such questions before booking a ticket so as not to miss the flight later.

An airplane, unlike a train, has much more modest capabilities for transporting luggage, which is why certain standards are established that do not allow the airplane to be overloaded.

In fact, if you are flying on vacation, it is unlikely that you will need to call somewhere to find out anything. Shorts and swimming trunks can easily fit into luggage, the size and weight of which correspond to the above standards - 158 centimeters in total measurements and 23 kilograms of weight. Sunscreen and shaving foam are not hazardous liquids.

Aeroflot baggage allowance in business class in 2019

Business class has only two differences regarding luggage. Both of them are based solely on luggage weight. The dimensions remain the same.

So, in business class you are allowed to carry hand luggage with the same dimensions of 55x40x25 cm, but weighing up to 15 kilograms.

Checked baggage includes two pieces of baggage weighing up to 32 kilograms each.

Well, the seats in business class are also comfortable. But this is already lyrics. The most important thing is that now you know the minimum that you need to know to fly on Aeroflot planes!

Good weather and comfortable flights to you!

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Airlines will now be able to sell tickets that do not include baggage allowance at all - previously 10 kg were guaranteed free (new baggage rules on planes).

On July 20, the State Duma adopted amendments to the Air Code (Rules for the carriage of baggage on an airplane), which will affect millions of air passengers. Now on plane tickets airlines may not include free baggage allowance at all. Is it true, this only applies to non-refundable rates- and they are the cheapest, and most travelers buy them.

The news left many tourists stupefied or slightly confused: how is it that baggage-free fares were introduced a long time ago, I paid for a suitcase on the S7 flight last summer? But Pobeda only lets you in with a handbag, and demands money for a backpack!

In fact, the baggage-free fares of Russian airlines have so far been conditionally baggage-free - any of them allowed you to take 10 kg for free. Even Pobeda, with all its strictness, allowed you to carry 10 kg of hand luggage in the luggage compartment. Precisely because this norm was prescribed in the Air Code. Now it has been cancelled. And carriers have every right not to include luggage at all in the ticket price. If you need a suitcase - pay, if you are ready to fly light - save.

And now, tomorrow at all airports in the country they will start charging money for each suitcase? Komsomolskaya Pravda figured out the details of the new rules.


Baggage and hand luggage: The air code allowed each passenger to carry a minimum of 10 kg free of charge. At the same time, it was not specified where exactly - in the luggage compartment or hand luggage. And the airlines interpreted it as they saw fit. For example, S7, according to the baggage-free fare, allows you to take 10 kg of hand luggage into the cabin; there is no free luggage at all. “Victory” is the opposite: a suitcase weighing up to 10 kg can be checked in as checked baggage for free, but they are not allowed to take anything other than the list specified in the Federal Aviation Regulations (See “Important”). Other carriers offer even the cheapest rates free rates more generous than the minimum required by law: " Ural Airlines» 5 kg of hand luggage and 10 kg of luggage, Aeroflot has 10 kg of hand luggage and 23 kg of luggage.

Eventually: 10 kg is quite possible if you are flying for the weekend or on a short business trip. And it really doesn’t matter where these 10 kg fly, in the luggage compartment or the cabin. Passengers could actually save money by buying conditionally baggage-free tickets - after all, they still include 10 kg.


Baggage: the airline may not include it in the ticket price at all free luggage. Or maybe include it - as she decides.

Carry-on baggage: A passenger has the right to carry carry-on baggage free of charge “within the limits established by the carrier in accordance with federal aviation regulations.” That is, and here almost everything is left to the airline. Maybe my brother will allow 5 kg into the salon, maybe 10 kg. Or it may be limited to items from those same federal aviation regulations (see "Important"), their amendments did not affect them.

That is: the airline will legally be able to demand payment for everything except a handbag or briefcase. Both for luggage and for hand luggage - be it a backpack, a sports bag, or a duty-free bag. Have you seen many ascetics who fly to another city with only a handbag over their shoulder, without, sorry, a change of underwear or socks? In this situation, the passenger will have to pay on top in any case - either for a suitcase or for hand luggage. But. There is hope that airlines will avoid extremes and leave some reasonable standards for free hand luggage. This is what happens in the world, in any case (see “What about them”).

*After the amendments come into force. All this applies only to non-refundable tickets. For passengers with refundable fares, the new law does not change anything.


When will the new rules take effect?

Calmly - only 60 days after the official publication of the amendments. Approximately from the end of September - beginning of October. That is, we will have time to fly off during the summer holidays, as usual, 10 kg are guaranteed free of charge even at baggage-free fares.

Will they charge for a suitcase on any flight?

No. It all depends on the airline and the fare at which you buy the ticket. The amendments make it possible to make completely luggage-free only non-refundable tickets. If the ticket can be returned, then its price automatically includes at least 10 kg of luggage (or more, this is the right of the airline).

Most likely, carriers will reshape their tariff schedules to accommodate the new rules over the next two months. There will be the cheapest tickets, which cannot be checked in and any baggage is only for money, there will be average ones, with 10 kg of free baggage and restrictions on return (with a fine, for example), and expensive ones, where you can take a suitcase weighing 23 kg and change the ticket itself and return it. This is a conditional diagram, of course.

How do I know if I qualify for free luggage?

The amendments oblige the airline to inform the passenger about the conditions for the carriage of baggage and hand luggage when purchasing a ticket. To be fair, they still do not hide this information on their websites. As a rule, you need to click on the name of the tariff next to the price or the icon symbolizing baggage. You will see: hand luggage only, 10 kg, 23 kg... If you realized it after the purchase, in electronic ticket look for the “Baggage” column.

How much will it cost to check in a suitcase?

Tariffs are set by the carrier. On average, at current prices, 2,000 rubles or 50 euros (on international flights) for a suitcase weighing up to 23 kg.

Will tickets become cheaper?

The main argument of supporters of the law is that plane tickets will become cheaper. Why? Baggage transportation is a service for which the passenger pays. After all, with suitcases, the plane is heavier, it needs more fuel, again loading and unloading, wages for loaders, luggage belt. Now everyone pays for this service. And if you divide it - the flight separately, the luggage separately - some passengers will be able to pay only for the flight itself and thereby save. Pobeda's base tariffs, they say, will be reduced by 20%.

Those who are willing to fly at a “naked” fare and without luggage at all will probably pay less. But for most passengers, flights will eventually become more expensive, he believes Alexander SIZINTSEV, General Director of the Internet service for travelers Biletix. Because in addition to the fare, they will fork out money for luggage, even minimal ones.


Let's see if we have tickets for 10 euros!

In the European Union and the United States, laws do not regulate the issue of luggage at all; airlines themselves decide what they will allow a passenger to carry for free, and what for money, he comments PR Director of Aviasales Janis Dzenis.

So in Russia now it’s like all over the world. Anyone who has flown with Western low-cost airlines knows: with Ryanair, EasyJet and the like, the ticket really does not include any baggage at all. But they are generous with hand luggage - Ryanair even allows you to carry two bags, one on the shelf above the seat, the other under the seat. So passengers save on suitcases and take as much as they can into the cabin.

Russian aviators who lobbied for the newly adopted amendments argued that our 10 kg free baggage allowance prevents domestic low-cost airlines from competing with foreign ones that do not have such restrictions. Well, let's see if we will now have tickets for 10 euros, like in Europe - the obstacles have been removed!


50% of passengers do not know whether free luggage is included in the ticket they purchased.

30% pay for the suitcase already at the airport, was surprised to learn that the fare was baggage-free.

You can save 60%, if you pay for baggage not included in the ticket in advance, on the airline’s website.