Aeroflot alcohol transport standards. How to carry alcohol in hand luggage. Standards for transporting alcoholic beverages abroad

There are general rules that most airlines adhere to, but there are also individual rules in each specific state, so before traveling it is recommended to study the requirements for transporting alcohol for the country you are traveling to. If the host state has rules that are more stringent than generally accepted, then those strict rules should be adhered to.

Alcoholic drinks in hand luggage

At the moment, there are strict restrictions on the transport of liquids in the aircraft cabin. Most airlines allow no more than one liter of liquid in containers up to one hundred milliliters each to be carried on board the aircraft. This means that only souvenir bottles of alcohol or flasks with a capacity of up to 100 ml are allowed in hand luggage. An exception can only be made for drinks purchased at Duty Free and packaged in a special way.

Duty free alcohol

If a passenger is traveling on a direct flight and the rules of the country of entry allow the import of alcohol, then he can purchase alcoholic beverages in Duty Free stores and take them on board the aircraft. However, you need to remember that before arriving at your destination, it is prohibited to open packages containing alcohol from a duty-free store. If the flight involves a transfer, then the possibility of transporting alcoholic beverages also depends on the regulations in force in the country in which the transfer is carried out.

Transporting alcohol in the luggage compartment of an aircraft

Since only a very small amount of alcohol can be carried in hand luggage, alcoholic beverages are mostly carried in checked luggage. Most airlines adhere to the following rules for transporting alcohol in the luggage compartment: drinks with an alcohol content of less than 24% can be carried without restrictions, stronger alcohol (24-70%) is carried in quantities of up to five liters per passenger. It is prohibited to transport alcoholic beverages with a higher strength. Alcohol must be transported in containers intended for retail sale. That is, the drink must be in a bottle with a label.

Rules for transporting alcohol in different countries of the world

Let's look at the rules for importing and exporting alcohol that apply in the most visited countries on the planet.
Transporting alcohol across the border of Ukraine
According to domestic regulations, up to five liters of low-alcohol drinks, two liters of wine and one liter of vodka are allowed to be imported into Ukraine. You can export alcohol without restrictions.

Import of alcoholic beverages into the Russian Federation

Up to three liters of alcoholic beverages per adult passenger can be imported into Russia and the countries of the Customs Union. The maximum amount of alcohol transported is five liters per person, but for the 4th and 5th liters you will have to pay a duty.

Import of alcohol into European countries

In general, one liter of strong (more than 22% alcohol) alcoholic drinks per person and two liters of low-alcohol drinks (up to 22% alcohol) can be imported into Europe. The rules of each specific country should be clarified immediately before departure.

Thus, it is allowed to import alcohol into Finland only if the passenger’s stay in this country is at least three days. Persons aged 18-20 years can carry up to two liters of low-alcohol drinks, and passengers over 20 years old - up to one liter of alcohol with a strength above 22%.
Alcohol is allowed to be imported into Germany by people over 17 years of age, and exported by those over 18. From countries that are not members of the EU, you can bring no more than one liter of strong alcoholic beverages or two liters of alcohol with an alcohol content of less than 22%. From the Schengen zone states it is allowed to import up to ninety liters of wine or beer, or ten liters of high-strength alcohol. You can export up to 3 liters of any alcoholic beverages from Germany. If a traveler wants to export more alcohol, he must pay a fee of ten euros per liter.

Transporting alcohol from the American continent

You can bring no more than one liter of alcohol into the United States per tourist over 21 years of age. Persons under this age are prohibited from transporting alcohol. When transporting more than one liter of alcoholic beverages, you must pay a fee. Tourists visiting Cuba can take two 750 ml bottles of Santiago rum or any other alcoholic drink out of the country.

Import of alcohol to Eastern countries

You are allowed to import up to one liter of strong alcohol into Singapore and Thailand. The transport of alcoholic beverages (including those purchased at a Duty Free store) to the Maldives is strictly prohibited. If a tourist brings alcohol to this country, the drink will be collected at customs and returned to the owner upon departure.


Almost every traveler before a flight asks the question: “How much alcohol can you take on the plane?” Many passengers, having watched enough Hollywood films, are sure that a small amount of alcohol can turn any flight into a very romantic adventure. But in practice the situation is more prosaic. In some cases, the company's control service may not allow the client to board the plane, confiscate existing alcoholic beverages, or force you to pay a fine.

Based on the established rules for transporting alcohol on board an airplane, airlines allow you to carry only one personal souvenir bottle of alcohol in your hand luggage. According to the standards, the volume of the bottle is no more than 100 ml, as well as bottles purchased at DutyFree must be sealed in a branded bag and have a receipt in a visible place. Please note that shopping bags cannot be opened before arriving at your destination. If you are making, for example, a transfer in a Schengen country, then purchases from DutyFree must be strictly packed in your luggage.

The norm for transporting alcoholic beverages to Russia for personal use per person is five liters. According to the rules, the strength of drinks should be less than 70 degrees.

This could be champagne, liqueur, beer or stronger drinks. Of these total five liters, three liters count as a liter, regardless of where it was purchased. For example, you were given 1 liter of German beer OeTTINGER, and 4 liters of Martini were bought at DutyFree in France. When you arrive in Moscow, you will have to pay for 2 liters, but you will import 3 liters completely free of charge.

In order to import more than five liters of alcoholic beverages with a strength of less than 70 degrees into Russia without unnecessary problems, they must be declared. The passenger must also keep the receipt for the purchase of alcoholic beverages and pay a duty for excess volume, VAT, and excise tax. In Russia, on domestic flights, alcohol with a strength of up to 24 degrees is transported with absolutely no restrictions, but only by passengers who have reached the age of majority.

The permitted standard limit for transporting alcoholic beverages across the Ukrainian border is a liter of vodka, five liters of beer, two liters of wine. There are no specific limits set for the export of alcoholic beverages.

Each country has its own rules, which are often adjusted and amended, so they need to be clarified right before departure in the customs code.

Alcoholic beverages can only be imported into Finland if your stay in the country is more than 72 hours. It is strictly prohibited to import powder for making wine or alcohol into the territory of this country.

Also, for example, only clients over 17 years old can import alcoholic beverages into Germany, and passengers over 18 years old can export them. It is worth noting that if you are entering Germany from outside the European Union, you can safely import a liter with a strength of more than 22 degrees or two liters with a strength of less than 22 degrees. If you are planning to enter Germany from a European Union country, then the rules are completely different. They will amount to about 90 liters of beer or wine, or 10 liters of strong alcohol without duty.

Aeroflot airline does not allow its customers to carry alcoholic beverages stronger than 70 degrees. So, purchased fairly strong alcohol will either be confiscated and disposed of, or you will have to drink it quickly so that the purchased goodness does not go to waste. But you need to take into account the fact that in this case you will not be allowed on the plane if your blood level exceeds ppm of alcohol.

When you travel around the world, remember that in the United Arab Emirates, even a bag of alcohol purchased at DutyFree cannot be easily carried along the street - features of the Eastern mentality.

For example, one liter of alcohol of any strength can be imported into Singapore without paying duty.

In the Maldives, it is strictly prohibited to legally import alcohol, even purchased from DutyFree. If at customs they discover that a tourist has brought alcohol of any kind, it will be confiscated, stored securely until your departure, and returned only upon departure. Also, during customs inspection, all filled bottles are checked for smell.

The import limit for alcoholic beverages in Thailand is one liter of strong drink.

In Cuba, after a vacation, tourists are allowed to take out of the country only 2 bottles (750 ml each) of the fairly familiar Santiago rum or any other alcohol.

For violating the rules, namely the illegal import of alcohol, all tourists face confiscation of these products, a large fine and criminal liability.

How to avoid trouble when transporting alcohol?

The first step is to decide how exactly you plan to transport alcohol. Some people hand over alcohol to the luggage compartment, and some also take it with them out of fear about the safety of the fragile container.

It is recommended that you carefully read the rules for transporting alcohol from your chosen air carrier a few days before departure so as not to waste your nerves at the airport. On the company's website you can always find the necessary information on how to transport alcoholic beverages on board an aircraft.

What is the norm for transporting alcohol within

Tourists who are interested in the question of whether it is possible, when dealing with domestic companies, to carry alcohol in airplane luggage can be completely calm. This method of transporting alcoholic beverages is the simplest.

The following standards for transporting alcohol are currently relevant:

    aircraft passengers over 21 years of age can freely transport an unlimited number of drinks, provided that the strength of the alcohol is less than 24 degrees;

    each passenger who has reached the age of majority can transport on board the aircraft no more than 5 liters of alcoholic beverages with a strength of 24-70 degrees;

    The domestic company Aeroflot prohibits its customers from transporting alcohol with a strength of 70 degrees or more.

Summarizing the above information, we can conclude that some limits on the transportation of alcoholic beverages through the territory of the Russian Federation apply not only to the strength, but also to the size of luggage.

It is worth noting the fact that sometimes transportation and baggage delivery are not carried out very carefully, and often containers with alcoholic beverages are broken. If there are no obvious signs of damage on your luggage, then you should not count on compensation for obvious damage.

Customs regulations. Rules for transporting alcoholic beverages on international flights

In foreign countries, customs rules that control the transportation of alcoholic beverages often differ. Firstly, it all depends on where the traveler is going. You can get acquainted with the current regulations from the tour operator who is organizing the trip or directly from the airline employees.

As for the European Union countries, they have established equal requirements for the transportation of alcoholic beverages. Airline passengers have the opportunity to take one thing on board the plane from the list below:

    one bottle of any alcoholic strength;

    two liters of alcoholic drinks that have a strength of 22 degrees;

    four liters of wine drinks;

    16 liters of beer products.

It is worth noting that if alcohol-containing products were purchased outside the European Union, then upon transfer to one of the Union countries, alcoholic beverages will be confiscated by airline employees.

I would like to add that most European countries are known for their very refined and high-quality alcohol, so everyone can fully enjoy their taste during their trip.

Also, many often ask the question: “How much alcohol can you carry in the luggage compartment of an airplane when returning from abroad to Russia?” Due to the fact that Russia joined the Customs Union, the following regulations began to apply:

    The total amount of transported alcoholic beverages in volume should not exceed, according to the rules, 5 liters. Otherwise, all alcoholic products will be confiscated.

    Without any problems, you can transport up to three liters of alcohol without customs payment. For an additional 2 liters of alcoholic beverages, you must pay the airline a customs fee.

Only one liter of alcoholic beverages, the strength of which may exceed 22 degrees, as well as 2 liters of alcohol-containing drinks, less than 22 degrees, are freely allowed to be exported from the Russian Federation.

Recently, Egypt has been a popular tourist destination among Russians. In this country, our compatriots can safely take 1 liter of alcoholic products, the strength of which will be over 22 degrees, and 2 liters of weak alcoholic products (up to approximately 22 degrees).

An important point is also that alcoholic beverages are always transported by plane only in original packaging!

How to properly pack alcohol on a plane

To avoid broken bottles on board, each alcoholic product must be wrapped individually. There is also one more important rule. It is imperative that the alcohol you transport, in order to avoid problems at the airport during inspection, must have original packaging. Alcohol products must have the necessary labeling, marking, and excise duty.

Alcohol in luggage

To begin with, it is worth ensuring the safety of bottles on board the plane before checking alcoholic beverages in luggage with other things. It is enough to use special packaging that will not take up much space, or in order not to take extra with you, rearrange the bottles with your soft things. But this fairly simple method of stacking alcohol bottles will be appropriate for a small container of alcohol. In other cases, it is advisable at check-in to ask for your luggage to be checked as fragile.

In practice, a very controversial issue related to shared luggage: the total weight of the suitcase is not always divided among several passengers, and the same is true with alcohol. In order to import 6 liters of alcoholic beverages duty-free for two people, it is necessary to check in luggage separately for each person before departure from the country. Important! Try to clarify all the details of baggage registration in advance using the hotline of a particular airline.

When you use the services of airlines within the country, passengers are not limited by customs limits, but you need to pay attention to the specific requirements of airports. Various airlines allow you to pack alcohol in your luggage up to a free limit. Such cargo, as everyone understands, will be fragile, and therefore it is processed accordingly. Passengers are advised to agree with the company on all conditions for the transportation of alcoholic beverages several days before departure.

Alcohol in hand luggage on a plane

The air transport of alcoholic beverages in the aircraft cabin is subject to the same rules as other liquids. The volume of sealed alcoholic product is up to 100 ml. Each passenger can transport no more than 10 of these bottles. Bottles of alcohol must be packed in a ziplock bag of up to 1 liter capacity.

It is also better for passengers not to eat and to bring alcoholic beverages for personal consumption on board the aircraft. Such antics are always strictly prohibited by airlines.

In these situations, it is better not to break the rules; it is easier to use standard airline services: since alcohol on board the plane can always be ordered from the flight attendants.

By purchasing alcoholic beverages at the airport, in DutyFree stores, you have the opportunity to transport them in the cabin of the aircraft, with rare exceptions, in excess of the weight of hand luggage. The volume of the alcohol container may exceed the standard limit for transporting liquids of 100 ml. Regarding the general restrictions on the export and import of alcoholic products, they remain the same: in other words, for example, when leaving a trip back home to Russia, the total free limit for transporting alcohol with you is no more than 3 liters.

To transport alcoholic beverages on board an airplane, DutyFree bottles, according to the rules, must be packed in a special bag with the store’s branding. This package cannot be opened until your destination: not only, for example, on the plane, but even during transfers that you make. An unpacked bottle from DutyFree will be strictly prohibited from being carried on your next flight.

However, it is not always convenient to purchase from DutyFree: of course, no questions arise if it is a direct flight, but if you are traveling with transfers, you will have to pay attention to the customs regulations of the country where the transfer is made and the air carrier.

It is not recommended to buy alcoholic beverages at the very beginning of a flight outside the Schengen zone; for example, if suddenly a security check is expected at an EU airport along your travel route, then during security screening you will most likely be asked to move alcohol from the cabin to your luggage. Very similar requirements apply in the USA: alcoholic beverages are not prohibited from being carried in the aircraft cabin, but provided that the drinks are purchased only at American DutyFree.

Definitely, you should pay attention to the conditions for transporting hand luggage, as well as purchases from DutyFree when you travel with a low-cost airline or buy your ticket at a promotional rate. For example, on international routes of Pobeda Airlines you will still have to pay for a package from the DutyFree store. Only clients on international flights have the opportunity to purchase alcoholic beverages at a duty-free store, since there are no Duty Free shops in domestic airline terminals.

Drinking alcoholic beverages on board an aircraft

This question is very relevant for many tourists. Basically, all questions related to drinking alcohol on board an aircraft can only be found out from airline employees or by visiting the airline’s official website. There are airlines that have strict prohibition laws on board their aircraft, but do not prohibit the purchase of alcoholic beverages directly from flight attendants. Special connoisseurs of alcohol, get ready immediately for the fact that the assortment of alcohol will hardly please you with its variety. Also, if company employees feel some need, they can freely refuse to sell alcohol to a client.

Every doctor who must be guided by professional ethics will often tell you that it is better to avoid drinking alcoholic beverages on board an airplane. After this, he may graciously add that, as an exception, you can allow yourself a small amount of red wine or light beer.

The main thing is not to forget that when you rise to a height of more than three kilometers, the effect of alcohol on the human body increases sharply. In this regard, when you start celebrating your trip on board an airplane, do not forget that it is enough to limit yourself to a third of the usual norm.

Personal alcohol in the cabin

For commercial and on-board safety reasons, most airlines have strictly prohibited passengers from consuming their own alcohol. If you decide to cheat and violate the packaging of an alcoholic drink from a DutyFree store, then it will definitely cost you a fairly decent fine when you get off the plane.

There are a huge number of rules that apply to transporting alcohol by plane. Therefore, first of all, you need to deal with a number of questions on the topic “to transport or not to transport.”

1. First you need to decide whether you are traveling abroad or just flying within the country. In fact, this is very important because if you use airline services within the country, customs regulations do not play any role for you. You just need to pay attention to the rules and regulations of the air carrier.

2. When you fly abroad, you need to check and apply all customs regulations to your alcoholic drink in order to be absolutely sure that you will be allowed into the aircraft cabin along with alcohol. Also, do not forget about the customs rules of the country you are flying to, whether it is possible to import alcoholic beverages there.

Thus, we have dealt with many of the features of transportation, as well as drinking alcohol on an aircraft. Try not to forget that excessive drinking at high altitudes slows breathing and also causes a lack of oxygen in the human body. Be careful with alcohol and your flight will definitely be safer!

This tip will tell you how to calculate your alcohol allowance, how much alcohol you can take on a plane in your carry-on baggage, and when Duty Free purchases may cost you extra.

Let’s clarify right away: the rules for transporting alcohol on an airplane apply only to adult citizens, and in other countries the age limit may be higher than in Russia.

Customs regulations for transporting alcohol on an airplane

Good alcohol costs a lot, and knowledge of customs rules and airline restrictions will save you from unnecessary expenses and delays when going through control.

For your own use, you are allowed to import up to 5 liters of alcohol into Russia:

  • up to 3 liters of alcoholic beverages - duty free;
  • over 3 and up to 5 liters - with additional payment to customs.

Information can be found on the website of the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation.

The uniform rate of the Customs Union for exceeding the quantitative norm of 3 liters is 10 euros for each additional liter (hence, a maximum of an additional 20 euros).

The established standards for individuals apply to all imported alcohol: in luggage, hand luggage and Duty Free packages.

Alcohol may only be transported on an airplane in its original packaging. Accordingly, homemade wines and moonshine may be confiscated at customs.

When planning your trip, do not forget to check the customs rules of each country along the route: departure, transfer (if any), arrival. It will not hurt to familiarize yourself with the general prohibitions on the export of goods.

Common practice: restrictions on the import of alcohol are stricter than on the export, so first of all you should focus on the country of arrival and be sure to check the information on the website of its customs service.

However, in some countries, restrictions on the export of alcoholic beverages may be stricter than the import standards into Russia. In particular, it is allowed to export from Hungary no more than 1 liter of strong alcohol (from 22%), other alcoholic drinks - up to 2 liters, exceptions - grape wine and beer, for which the restrictions exceed the Russian norm - up to 4 and 16 liters, respectively.

Alcohol in luggage

Before you check alcohol into your luggage along with other things, make sure to keep glass bottles safe during the journey: use bubble wrap that won't take up much space, or put them in your soft luggage so you don't take extra on the flight. This “folk” way of stacking bottles is suitable for a small amount of alcohol (2-3 containers); in other cases, it is advisable to ask at the counter to register your luggage as fragile.

The issue with shared luggage is in practice very controversial: the weight of the suitcase is not always distributed among several passengers, and the same with alcohol - for duty-free import of 6 liters for two people, you may need to check in luggage separately for each person before departure. Standard advice: check the baggage rules via the hotline of the selected airline.

When flying within the country, passengers are not limited by customs limits, but they must take into account airline rules, although not so strict, and the specific requirements of airports. For example, some air carriers allow alcohol to be packed into luggage within the general free limit, but everyone understands that such cargo will be fragile and must be handled accordingly. It is recommended to agree in advance with the company on the conditions for air transportation of alcoholic beverages. The packaging requirements remain the same: only original packaging, unopened.

Alcohol in hand luggage on a plane

Alcohol from Duty Free on the plane

When purchasing alcohol from Duty Free at the airport of departure, you can carry it in the cabin, in addition to the weight of your hand luggage (with rare exceptions), and the volume of the container may exceed the usual limit for liquids of 100 ml. However, general customs restrictions on the export and import of alcohol remain the same: in other words, when going back to Russia from vacation, you will be able to take with you no more than 3 liters of alcoholic beverages for free.

To transport alcohol on an airplane, Duty Free bottles must be packed in a bag with the store's branding. You cannot open such a package until the destination airport: not only on the plane, but also during transfers, because an unpacked bottle will not be allowed to be carried on the next flight.

Shopping at Duty Free is not always convenient: no questions arise if you are flying a direct flight, but when making transfers you will have to take into account the customs rules of the third country and the air carrier (if they change).

For example, you should not purchase alcohol at the starting point of your journey outside the Schengen zone if your route involves a connection at an airport in one of the EU countries: when going through customs control, you will be asked to put alcohol in your luggage. There are similar requirements in the USA: alcohol is allowed in the cabin of an airplane, but only if it is purchased at American Duty Free.

If you are flying with a low-cost airline or purchasing a ticket at a promotional rate, pay close attention to the conditions for carrying hand luggage and purchases from Duty Free. In particular, you will have to pay for the package from the airport store upon landing on international flights of Pobeda Airlines.

Only passengers of international flights can purchase alcohol at the airport in a duty-free shop: there is no Duty Free in the terminals of domestic airlines.

Other restrictions and regulations

In addition to the rules for transporting liquids and alcohol, it doesn’t hurt to check other nuances of the rules regarding hand luggage and checked baggage before traveling.

How to properly transport alcohol on an airplane

So, what is the correct way to carry alcohol on a plane? What in principle could happen?!... The first, not the most likely thing, is that your suitcase may disappear. Secondly, bottles can simply break in your luggage!

If we can’t do practically anything with the first one - what can we do, suitcases sometimes get lost, this is a fact and we have to come to terms with it 🙁 Unless we buy expensive, beautiful suitcases - thieves may be tempted by them (usually because of the suitcase, but not content). But we can influence the packaging and make sure that our wine arrives intact.

It is no secret that at airports suitcases are treated worse than bricks - they are thrown, thrown off conveyors, placed in piles two meters high, etc. Friends told many stories, many of them had their bottles broken. For example, one friend specifically borrowed a suitcase from friends before a trip and, returning home, put a bottle of red wine in it! As a result, not only did I feel sorry for the broken bottle, but all my things were ruined, plus I ruined someone else’s suitcase, so I had to buy a new one. I also have adventures - a suitcase was lost on the way from Madrid, and in it were two bottles of expensive vintage port!!! (If you are interested in port wine, read the article “”, by the way, there is a photo of one of these bottles). The suitcase arrived a week later, you could tell by the tags - it traveled from Madrid to Moscow, then back to Madrid, and only then came back to me! The handle was broken, one corner was pressed inward, and the leg and plastic edging of this corner were broken, but... the bottles were intact :)

So, my readers, I’ve probably tired you with stories and prefaces, let’s move on, in fact, to the issue of transporting alcohol on an airplane (other liquids), or more precisely, to packing tips:

– It is best to pack bottles in suitcases with hard walls or frames. Bags are more likely to be broken;

– Never place bottles near the sides of the suitcase, if possible, place them closer to the center;

– If there are several bottles, do not put them next to each other, they will definitely break one against the other. It is necessary to lay soft things between them. Equally, do not place it next to a heavy, hard object;

– Do not put many bottles in one suitcase and do not make it too heavy;

– Bottles of wine must be wrapped in soft things and there should be no free space in the luggage so that nothing moves during transportation;

– Before your trip, think in advance about what you will be transporting the wine in and consider packaging.

I’ll tell you more about the last point and share my experience. Any tourist to a greater or lesser extent “shops” when traveling abroad. Therefore, luggage on the way there is always less than on the way home. At home, when packing, it is always better to provide some free space in your suitcases, and you can fill it with some kind of ballast. The best way to pack bottles is bubble wrap, so that's what you need to take with you. You won’t be looking for film there and it’s a pity to waste time on it, but it’s not difficult to take it from home, and besides, there’s room. I recommend taking a small piece of tape for packaging.

Bubble wrap and tape

When packing for home, we wrap the bottles in film, in two or three layers, and secure them with tape. This does not cancel everything said above; we place the bottles wrapped in film in the middle of the suitcase and line them with things.

Bottles wrapped in bubble wrap

Thus, transporting alcohol on an airplane, or any other liquid, is not afraid of the most severe transportation, it has been verified! If you don’t have film with you, I think my article will still help with packaging and ensure the integrity of expensive wine.

If anyone has short stories on this topic, write!

For domestic flights, the rules for transporting alcohol are simpler than for international flights, where there are more restrictions. Also, requirements may vary depending on the airline and the type of flight (charter or regular). It is necessary to study all the nuances in advance in order to avoid additional costs, a ban on entering a vacation spot, and confiscation of alcoholic beverages.

The amount of alcohol that can be carried in luggage depends on whether the flight is domestic or international.

Carriage of alcohol in airplane luggage is regulated by:

  • The legislation of the country to which the plane flies.
  • The legislation of the leaving country.
  • Internal requirements and standards of the air carrier.

Domestic flights

You can carry in your luggage:

  1. Alcoholic drinks up to twenty-four degrees - the volume is not limited.
  2. A strength above seventy degrees - no more than five liters.
  3. If the strength is even higher, the drinks are not accepted.

The above points apply to the territory of Russia, regardless of what citizenship a person has.

International flights

When flying abroad, the laws of the state in which the landing takes place apply. Different countries have their own requirements, which need to be studied in advance.

You can bring three liters of alcohol of any strength into Russia (in your luggage). Additional quantities (up to five liters) are paid by state duty, including excise duty and VAT. It is prohibited to import more than five liters. It is important that the alcoholic drinks are factory-made, otherwise luggage with them will not be accepted.

If you carry three liters of alcohol in your luggage, then you also have the opportunity, in addition to this, to purchase alcohol at Duty Free and take it with you to the cabin (from 5 to 15 liters).

If there are transfers, it is worth checking information on the conditions at the landing site. You should pack the minimum amount of all requirements into your luggage. Passengers may be denied boarding if they exceed the number of drinks, have the right to confiscate excess alcohol, issue a fine, or be denied permission to visit the state.

Drinking alcohol on board

The ability to drink on board will depend on the type of flight selected by the passenger. On charters, as a rule, you cannot drink alcohol at all. And on regular flights, passengers are even offered alcohol.


Tickets for such flights are the cheapest, the conditions are generally appropriate.

In rare cases, such flights may offer beer or wine, but more often alcohol is absent not only from the main menu, but also for an additional fee.

Regular flights

Alcohol on board (let's look at the example of Aeroflot airline):

  1. First and business class: 250 ml of any alcohol, 2 mini bottles of elite alcohol from the minibar (liqueur, martini, whiskey or gin). On a long flight, there is also dessert: 50 ml of cognac or liqueur with cake.
  2. Economy class: 330 ml of beer or a small bottle of dry wine (187 ml). A bottle is given on prestigious flights, for example, to Europe. Indoor wine is poured at the rate of 100 ml per person. Alcohol is not served on night and early flights.

Other airlines may have slightly different rules and restrictions may be more stringent. If necessary, you need to clarify the information when purchasing tickets.

Is it allowed to drink your own alcohol on board the plane?

Air carriers often stipulate in their rules a ban on drinking their own alcoholic beverages on board. If it is violated, they have the right to remove or completely disembark the passenger from the flight.

If a limited amount is consumed discreetly and behavior is adequate, no one will pay attention to the passenger. The difficulty is that drunk people can rarely control themselves. The aircraft crew will not take risks, therefore, if alcohol consumption is detected, appropriate measures will be taken. Such amateurs will be blacklisted by the airline and forced to pay the costs incurred.

Is alcohol included in the menu?

The menu is prepared by the air carrier in accordance with legal requirements. Of course, the company wants to make maximum profit, and the cost of alcohol is high, its sale is profitable. Therefore, it is often included in the menu in limited quantities and a small assortment.

On some flights, alcohol is not offered at all: this measure is explained by the fact that a drunk passenger can cause a lot of losses. There is practically no demand for alcohol on charter flights, so there is no point in serving it.

Even if alcoholic beverages are on the menu and the airline’s rules allow drinking on board the plane, if the crew has doubts about the adequacy of the passenger, they have the right not to sell alcohol to him.

Carrying alcohol in hand luggage

A limited amount is allowed to be taken on the plane. The packaging must be transparent, bottles must be no more than 100 ml, and their total volume must not exceed a liter. This quantity is agreed upon for the purpose of transporting gift alcohol rather than for drinking.

Alcohol from Duty Free

Passengers on both charter and regular flights have the opportunity to take alcohol into the cabin, provided that it is purchased at Duty Free.

Alcoholic drinks in Duty Free are sold cheaply due to the absence of duties. Therefore, such a purchase attracts many passengers.

The requirements are set by the air carrier. According to the general rules, you can take from five to fifteen liters, depending on the type of flight and class. The goods are packaged right away, there will be no problems in this regard.

How to avoid unpleasant situations?

It is worth clarifying all the carrier’s requirements in advance to avoid problems.

Excess baggage

If during weighing it turns out that your luggage weighs more than the allowed amount, you will need to pay extra. Each airline sets its own surcharge amount, usually 1.5% of the flight cost.

Exceeding alcohol transport limits

If there are more drinks than the permitted quantity, a customs declaration must be filled out for transportation and state duty must be paid. This must be done in advance so as not to miss anything at the last moment.

How to pack alcohol for transportation in luggage?

Alcoholic drinks must have transparent bottles and be factory-made; homemade drinks are prohibited.

It is better to put alcohol in a hard suitcase, in order to avoid damage, between soft things, after wrapping it in bubble bags.

It is worth remembering a few rules and following them:

  1. If customs rules are violated, the passenger will be subject to administrative liability and will have to pay from half the cost of the excess amount of alcohol to double the amount.
  2. When importing a large consignment for commercial purposes, the absence of a declaration entails criminal liability. A violator may face a fine of up to three hundred thousand rubles and imprisonment for up to twelve years.
  3. Limits on the quantity of alcohol apply to the total quantity in checked baggage and hand luggage (excluding purchases in Duty Free).

How much alcohol can be exported from Russia to other countries: table

A country Beer (in l.) Wine (in l.) Alcohol up to 22 degrees (in l.) Alcohol above 22 degrees (in l.)
Bali 2
Belarus 3
Germany 2 1
Egypt 2 1
India 2
Kazakhstan 3
China 1,5
Latvia 16 4 2 1
Lithuania 16 4 2 1
Norway 3 1,5 2
UAE usually 5 (depending on the administrative-territorial unit)
Poland 16 4 2 1
Thailand 1
Türkiye 5 (max 3 liters of one type)
Ukraine 5 2
Finland 16 4 2 1
Sri Lanka 1,5
Estonia 2 1

If you pay the state duty, you can import more alcohol.

How much does alcohol cost on planes?

For those who like to drink, purchasing alcohol will not be cheap. It is necessary to clarify whether alcohol is on the menu for a given flight and class; you may not have to pay.

The price level will correspond to duty-free trade. But the assortment will most likely be very limited.

Penalties and confiscation

Regardless of the carrier, be it Aeroflot or others, the rules when passing through customs will be the same. If the amount of alcoholic beverages exceeds the permissible limit, you will have to pay a fine. Its size will be from half to double the price of the excess quantity. At the discretion of customs officials, the excess amount may be confiscated from violators.