The safest airlines in Russia and the world. The best airlines in Russia: list, services and reviews The largest Russian airlines

01/14/2016 at 10:48 PM · Pavlofox · 68 570

Rating of Russian airlines in terms of flight reliability and safety for 2018-2019

Air travel safety is one of the most important factors. The reliability of an air carrier is determined by the absence of accidents for last years, passenger traffic, EASA certification (European aviation security) and membership in international organizations IOSA and ICAO.

The domestic air carrier Transaero was one of the top 20 world air leaders in terms of reliability and safety, and in the Russian rating it occupied the first position. But since October 2015, the company has ceased operations due to bankruptcy. For this reason, Transaero is not included in the TOP-10.

Russia on reliability and safety of flights compiled according to EASA data for 2018-2019.

10. Russia | 63 aircraft

"" (ROSSIYA Airlines) - the domestic air carrier opens the top ten the safest airlines our country at the end of last year. Rossiya is part of the Aeroflot group of companies. In 2018, Rossiya took the fifth position in the ranking of the largest Russian airlines. In 2013, at the Wings of Russia ceremony, she was awarded the Best Regional Passenger Carrier award. The size of the fleet includes 63 aircraft. Average age aircraft is 13 years old.

9. North Wind | 30 aircraft

“” (Nordwind Airlines) is a charter airline established by the largest tour operator PegasTouristik. She is engaged in the implementation of flights to holiday countries. In 2019, it entered the top 10 largest Russian air carriers. In terms of safety and reliability, Nordwind Airlines did not enter the top hundred of the world rating, but was able to maintain its position in the top ten of the national rating. The air fleet consists of 30 aircraft. The average age of air transport is 10.9 years.

8. Orenburg Airlines | 19 aircraft

“” (ORENAIR Airlines) is a subsidiary of Aeroflot. At the end of 2018, the air carrier was awarded the "Charter Passenger Carrier" awards, "Airline of the Year - Passenger Choice Award" - 1st place, "Airline of the Year - Domestic Passenger Carrier" - 3rd place. The air fleet consists of 19 Boening 737-800 and Boening 777-200 aircraft. Average age of transport is 11 years.

7. Red Wings | 14 aircraft

“” (Red Wings Airlines) is a domestic air carrier that operates foreign-made aircraft. The air fleet includes modern Airbus A320 and A321 aircraft. Average age air transport 11.3 years old.

6. Yamal | 37 aircraft

Aviation Transport Company (YAMAL Airlines) - the main air carrier in Yamalo-Nenets autonomous region and the Tyumen region. YAMAL Airlines passed IATA (International Air Transport Association) certification in 2013, confirming its reliability and safety of flights. In 2018, the company won three awards: "Best Airline of the Year - Domestic Passenger Carrier", "Airline of the Year - Helicopter Operator" and "Best Passenger Carrier on Regional Routes". The air carrier did not enter the first hundred of the world safety rating, but took 6th place in Russian rating... The fleet includes 37 vessels with an average age of 11 years.

5. Globe | 23 aircraft

“” (Globus) is one of the youngest airlines, formed on the basis of the ships “Siberia” (S7 Airlines). The company places particular emphasis on flight safety and reliability. For this, the security system is regularly checked and constantly improved. Globus cooperates with many travel agencies. Traveling on tourist routes is the main activity of an air carrier. Globus's fleet consists of S7 Airlines aircraft and includes 23 Boeing 737-800 and Boeing 737 MAX 8 vessels, which arrived in the fall of 2018 and continue to arrive in 2019. The average age of aircraft is 8.9 years.

4. UTair | 65 aircraft

“” (UTair) is one of the largest Russian airlines, which is one of the five largest in terms of passenger traffic. Although UTair was not included in the top 100 safest carriers in the world, it took the honorable fourth place in the national ranking. UTair was awarded in 2019 in the category “Best Passenger Carrier on Regional Routes”. Flight personnel regularly undergo advanced training. The fleet includes 65 aircraft and 145 helicopters. The average transport age is 11.5 years.

3. Siberia | 100 aircraft

"Siberia"(S7 Airlines) is one of the three largest and safest airlines in Russia in 2018-2019. S7 Airlines has won numerous competitions. In 2015, the air carrier received the National Geographic Traveler Awards 2015, winning the Best Russian Airline nomination. Siberia took 94th place among the world's air carriers in terms of safety and reliability. The air fleet includes Airbuses and Boeings, the total number of which is 100 units. Average service life of air transport is 10 years.

2. Ural Airlines | 45 aircraft

(Ural Airlines) is one of the leading Russian airlines in terms of reliability and safety. In 2018 Ural Airlines were honored with triple awards for Best Domestic Airline of the Year, International Scheduled Airline of the Year and E-Commerce Leader Airline of the Year. In terms of passenger traffic, the company took 6th place among Russian air carriers. The average service life of the aircraft fleet is 12.5 years. The fleet is currently 45 air units.

Ural Airlines has a training room designed to train flight personnel. Here, pilots are trained according to individual programs, improving their professional skills to improve safe flights. The air carrier's gym is the only one in Russia. Only best airlines such as Emirates, Lufthanza and others.

1. Aeroflot | 247 aircraft

(Aeroflot) - ranks first in safety and reliability among Russian air carriers. At the end of 2018, it took 35th position in terms of air travel safety in the world ranking of the independent German agency Jacdec. Aeroflot has also been repeatedly recognized as the best airline in Eastern Europe. The fleet includes 247 aircraft. It is one of the youngest air parks in Europe and the world. The average age of aircraft is 4.1 years. During the 2014 Winter Olympic Games, Aeroflot acted as the official air carrier.

What else to see:

Many Russians prefer to travel by air today. Of course, tickets for this type of transport are more expensive than, for example, for the same trains, but you can also get to your destination by air much faster. However, of course, people who make flights do not least think about their safety. The list of Russian airlines today is quite wide, and most of them, fortunately, are considered reliable in this regard.

A bit of history

Many people remember that in Soviet times, only one company, Aeroflot, carried passengers by air. It was founded in 1921. Initially, it was given the name "Derulyuft". In 1923 the company was renamed Dobrolet. The name "Aeroflot" was given to the civil air fleet of the RSFSR in 1932.

New companies

Unfortunately, in the 90s of the last century, the only Russian airline ceased to exist, splitting up into several smaller ones. Today, the aircraft of the Aeroflot corporation are again surfing the airspace of Russia and other countries of the world. However, by now it is far from the only carrier in our country. includes both giants that can compete with Aeroflot and small charter firms.

Carrier safety selection criteria

Accidents do not happen often, but usually end in a big tragedy with many casualties. Therefore, the choice of the airline, of course, should be approached with all responsibility. Before purchasing a ticket for any flight, it is worth making sure that the carrier is able to ensure the safety of the flight. This can be done very simply.

Since 1999, by order of the Russian Federal Aviation Service, a program for monitoring the safety of civil traffic has been in place in our country. Within its framework, each vessel flying to airspace Russia, whether foreign or domestic, can be checked for compliance with safety standards at any airport in the country. Based on the inspections carried out, the safety rating of the shipping companies is compiled. After reviewing it, you can decide, among other things, whether it is worth using the services of a particular company.

The largest Russian carriers

What kind of giants does the list of Russian airlines include? The rating of safe carriers will be presented to the attention of the reader below. The list of the largest domestic airlines in terms of the number of passengers carried and size is as follows:

    Aeroflot. This carrier, although it is no longer the only one, currently tops the list of Russian airlines with the largest fleet. The latter currently consists of 106 modern machines. this company belongs to the state.

    S7-Airlines (Siberia). This company is currently the leader in domestic Russian transportation. This carrier has 42 aircraft in its fleet. The company operates 80 routes, with only 26 of them being foreign.

    "Russia". This company is also owned by the state. Most of its flights by air are carried out to the countries of the former CIS and the Far East. However, they fly aircraft the company "Russia" and to European countries. This carrier has a fleet of 30 aircraft.

    Utair. This company also owns 30 cars. Its main feature is the presence of a helicopter fleet. This carrier occupies both 4th and 5th places in the rating.

This list can also be supplemented by the carrier OrenAir (Orenburg and Orsk). This company is mainly engaged in charter flights. Its fleet includes 29 aircraft.

Rating of the safest airlines in Russia

Below, in descending order, we present to you a list of Russian airlines considered (according to the rating of the Federal Air Transport Agency in 2015) the safest:

    Ural Airlines. Although this company was not included in the list of the 7 largest, today it tops the list of the safest. During the entire existence of this carrier, there have been only 3 incidents with aircraft. And they all did without casualties.

    S7 Airlines. This carrier has been responsible for 3 major accidents since the opening. In 2001, the Tu-154 aircraft of the Siberia company was shot down by Ukrainians over the Black Sea. In this case, 178 people died. Another accident occurred with a Tu-154 of the S7 Airlines brand (51 people). The next crash killed 125 passengers (A310). To date, this carrier is considered one of the most reliable in terms of security in Europe.

    Aeroflot. This company has four accidents. The most famous one took place in 1994. The pilot put his 15-year-old son at the helm. Unknowingly, the teenager pressed one of the levers, as a result of which the autopilot was disabled. It was not possible to align the plane, and it went off in a dive. This accident killed 75 people.

The list of Russian airlines in terms of safety can, of course, be continued. In principle, monitoring compliance with regulations by legal entities engaged in by air, today is pretty serious. However, the companies listed above are currently considered the best in terms of security.

The ranking of the companies with the oldest aircraft

The average age of the fleet in the Russian Federation in 2016 is 12 years. The list of Russian airlines with the oldest aircraft looks like this:

    Kagalymavia - 17.1 years old.

    "North Wind" - 14 years old.

    "Nord-Avia" - 14.

    Yamal - 13.7 years old.

    Ural Airlines - 12.3 years.

    Yuteyr - 11.7.

    Orenburg Airlines - 10.8.

    Siberia - 9.6.

    Red Wings - 6.6.

    Aeroflot - 4.4.

Are any companies banned from flying to Europe?

Some passengers would probably like to know if there are such Russian air carriers that are not allowed to fly to the EU countries. Indeed, in these states there are certain safety standards and specific requirements are imposed on the technical condition of aircraft. At the same time, "black lists" of companies that are prohibited from flying in European airspace are regularly drawn up.

At the beginning of the new millennium, some Russian carriers actually had to abandon flights to Europe. The list of banned Russian airlines included, among other things, such a giant as Ural Airlines (in part). Also, flights of old airplanes "Kuban Airlines", "Airlines 400" and some others were banned. However, these were not sanctions from the European Union. The ban came from Rostransnadzor and Rosaviatsia. At the moment, ships of all Russian companies can fly to Europe.

Summing up the results of 2017 Federal agency air transport has published a summary of performance statistics civil aviation RF. The whole picture for the participants rating of Russian airlines in 2018 looks good. The air transportation market continues to develop, and almost all reliable Russian airlines included in the list showed an average increase in the number of passengers and kilometers flown by 15%. At the same time, the weight of the top five airlines continues to grow. If in 2017 they occupied 67.4% of the total volume, then in 2018 it is already 85%.

Travel with a trusted tour operator: .

Read also:, Skytrax's Best Air Carriers of the Year.

Opens the rating of the largest Russian airlines Nordwind Airlines, also known as "North Wind". Over the past year, the number of passengers amounted to 3.5 million people and compared to 2016 increased by 95%. Passenger turnover also showed growth, increasing by 44%.

One of the largest charter carriers in Russia, which carried more than 2.2 million passengers in 2017, was summoned to the carpet by the Federal Air Transport Agency in the summer of 2016 due to constant long delays of flights up to several tens of hours. The carrier promised to take action. In case of inability to establish regular flights to exact time the company is threatened with restrictions on transportation.

Azur Air was a subsidiary of UTair, but two years ago set off on an independent voyage. In 2017, the number of passengers of the company amounted to 3.6 million people, almost 2/3 more compared to 2016.

Globus is part of the S7 Group, being a subsidiary of the Siberian aviation giant, which took second place in the ranking of the best airlines. 2017 turned out to be favorable for the company - the number of passengers increased by 20.2%, amounting to 4.1 million people.

A subsidiary of Aeroflot, which took over from Dobrolet, which died as a result of the UES sanctions, is positioned as a budget company. Although the first tickets for flights of the new airline were sold only two years ago, it confidently entered the top 10 airlines in Russia.

The number of passengers in 2017 amounted to 4.3 million people, an increase of 5% compared to 2016. Despite his youth, the flights of "Victory" have already become overgrown with scandals. User dissatisfaction is caused by the policy of hiding the real price for the flight, demands to pay for the opportunity to sit with families, flight delays and cases when tickets for a flight are sold more than the number of seats.

The fifth place in the rating of Russian airlines in 2018 is taken by Ural Airlines, which carried 7.5 million people in 2017, showing an increase of 25%. In the meantime, the company is demanding from the Federal Air Transport Agency to pay for the transportation of veterans of the Great Patriotic War to celebrate the anniversary of the Victory in 2015. The Federal Air Transport Agency rejected the application for payment, finding fault with the fact that it lacks the words "including VAT" and other points of the same degree of importance.

The owner of the world's largest operating helicopter fleet appears to have recovered from the crisis of late 2014. In 2017, the number of passengers carried by this company amounted to 6.8 million, an increase of 9.1% compared to 2016.

The second subsidiary of the giant Aeroflot, which made it into the top ten of the Russian airlines in 2018, carried more than 10.6 million people last year, demonstrating an impressive 41.5% passenger growth - the highest among the participating airlines. At the same time, the passenger turnover indicator increased by 55.3%.

In second place in the rating of the largest airlines in Russia is Siberia, aka S7 Airlines, which carries out flights to 83 destinations both in Russia and abroad. Most of the latter, however, are served by partner airlines. In total, 9.3 million passengers were transported in 2017.

The Russians continue to fly with Aeroflot planes. In 2017, the company transported more than 30.5 million people, more than 3 times ahead of the second-ranked Siberia by this indicator. It is not surprising, since Aeroflot is the largest and oldest Russian airline, which has been carrying passengers since 1923. Although the company was included in the black sanctions list of Ukraine, this does not prevent an increase in the number of traffic.

According to such criteria as the number of passengers and passenger turnover, the company recorded an increase of 12% over the past year. By the way, Aeroflot can also be called one of the safest airlines in Russia in 2018- not a single major plane crash occurred on its lines, counting, of course, subsidiaries and accidents caused by the actions of third parties. In the airline safety rating published in 2017 by the audit company JACDEC, Aeroflot is in 37th place.

2017 World Airlines Safety Rating (JACDEC)

RankAirlineCountryCarrier codeSafety index
1 Cathay pacific airwaysChina, Hong-KongCX, CPA0,005
2 Air New ZealandNew ZealandNZ, ANZ0,007
3 Hainan AirlinesChinaHU, CHH0,009
4 Qatar Airways QatarQR, QTR0,009
5 K L MNetherlandsKL, KLM0,011
6 EVA AirTaiwanBR, EVA0,012
7 EmiratesUnited Arab EmiratesEK, UAE0,013
8 Etihad airwaysUnited Arab EmiratesEY, ETD0,014
9 QANTASAustraliaQF, QFA0,015
10 Japan airlinesJapanJL, JAL0,015
11 All Nippon AirwaysJapanNH, ANA0,016
12 LufthansaGermanyLH, DLH0,016
13 TAP PortugalPortugalTP, TAP0,017
14 Virgin atlantic airwaysUnited kingdomVS, VIR0,017
15 Delta air linesUSADL, DAL0,018
16 Air CanadaCanadaAC, ACA0,02
17 jetBlue AirwaysUSAB6, JBU0,02
18 Virgin australiaAustraliaVA, VOZ0,02
19 British airwaysUnited kingdomBA, BAW0,023
20 Air BerlinGermanyAB, BER0,023
21 WestJet AirlinesCanadaWS, WJA0,023
22 Sichuan AirlinesChina3U, CSC0,028
23 Norwegian Air ShuttleNorwayDY, NAX 0,032
24 Shenzhen AirlinesChinaZH, CSZ0,032
25 IberiaSpainIB, IBE0,034
26 Jetstar airwaysAustraliaJQ, JST0,036
27 Southwest AirlinesUSAWN, SWA0,037
28 EasyJetUnited kingdomU2, EZY0,037
29 AirAsiaMalaysiaAK, AXM0,043
30 Thomson airwaysUnited kingdomBY, TOM0,047
31 United airlinesUSAUA, UAL0,051
32 Singapore AirlinesSingaporeSQ, SIA0,051
33 China Eastern AirlinesChinaMU, CES0,061
34 RyanairIrelandFR, RYR0,064
35 SwissSwitzerlandLX, SWR0,064
36 LATAM ChileChileLA, LAN0,095
37 AeroflotRussiaSU, AFL0,101
38 Jet airwaysIndia9W, JAI0,109
39 AlitaliaItalyAZ, AZA0,113
40 Air IndiaIndiaAI, AIC0,115
58 Garuda IndonesiaIndonesiaGA, GIA0,77
59 Avianca ColombiaColombiaAV, AVA0,914
60 China AirlinesTaiwanCI, CAL0,977

Choosing one or another airline for a flight, almost everyone is based on the concept of reliability and safety. This applies to the very design of the liner, as well as the upcoming flight. The best Russian airlines are still holding their ground, according to the safety research sites among Russian airlines.

The air carrier market is constantly developing, and the passenger traffic is growing every day.

What should you pay attention to when choosing an air carrier?

In order to increase the passenger flow, many airlines hold various promotions that contribute to the provision of discounts on reuse or lower prices for air tickets. What can this be connected with and what can be reflected?

  • Customer service level.

When purchasing air tickets, be sure to pay attention to which category you fall into. Depending on the class of service, the difference in service and, accordingly, in the cost of tickets appears in the future. Even the best Russian airlines have prices for air tickets distributed depending on the class chosen by the client: economy, business and first class.

  • Frequency of flight delays.

It sometimes happens that some airlines experience frequent departure delays. As a rule, this happens with charter flights... But sometimes departures are also delayed for regular flights. The reasons may vary. For example, many departures in one direction, waiting for their turn, additional checks of the aircraft or emergency repairs. Developed companies strictly monitor the technical condition of air transport and equipment, as well as calculate flight times in such a way as not to create delays in flights, making sure that customers are delivered to their destination on time and on time.

  • Service on board.

Thousands of flights are made every day, their routes often cross. This creates a lot of competition. In order to attract customers to themselves, carriers are trying to diversify Additional services offered on board. Nowadays, many people for work need constant access to the Internet, including at a height. This service has now become available among the best airlines in Russia. For an additional fee, you can be online and work on the Web during the flight.

In the event that the journey lasts more than 6 hours, passengers are given pillows and blankets. But even if the flight takes very little time, there is still always the opportunity to ask for a pillow and a blanket.

  • Meals on board.

Flights over 3 hours are already considered long and usually include meals on board. Depending on the class of service and the airline, the menu for passengers differs in its set. Usually, if the flight takes place at night or early in the morning, a choice of juice, tea, coffee and a light snack is served, during the day and in the evening a hot dish, tea, coffee or juice with snacks are served.

  • The technical condition of the liners.

Not all airlines regularly update their fleet. Before the flight, many clients still study information about the condition and number of aircraft in the fleet of the selected air carrier. As a rule, among the best airlines in Russia there is a regular fleet renewal. A new plane subconsciously feels more reliable than a liner with a cracked skin. The new aircraft have state-of-the-art equipment and are equipped with the latest developments in technology specializing in aviation. They can reach high speeds while using less fuel. It is known that in the fleet of low-cost airlines, as a rule, most of the liners are completely new, because less money is spent on their maintenance. This makes it possible to reduce ticket prices.

  • Airfare.

For most customers, the ticket price plays a decisive role in choosing a flight. Air carriers arrange various promotions or temporarily reduce the cost for a certain direction during the off-season. To get more attention from their customers, many airlines resort to such a marketing ploy as indicating next to the price information that there are only a few seats left at that price.

Airline marketing gimmicks

It is also noticed that if you request the same date on the same site, then the initially low price is no longer displayed. In order to see cheap tickets again, you need to log in from a different ip-address. You can try just changing the browser. Tickets purchased several months before departure are usually 25% cheaper than those sold several days before the upcoming flight.

Among the 10 best airlines in Russia, one can single out the most important ones in terms of rating, safety and the number of flights performed.


Aeroflot continues to occupy the leading position, having transported more than 20 million people in the previous year. As one of the oldest and largest airlines in the world, it has regularly transported passengers since the mid-1920s.

It ranks as one of the safest airlines in the world, according to research conducted in 2016. For the previous year, the increase in passenger traffic was recorded by 12% compared to 2015. Today the company ranks first in the rating of the best airlines in Russia.


For many years the Siberian air carrier has been showing itself as a reliable company and is gaining the confidence of an increasing number of customers. Carrying out communication with major cities Russia, she often holds promotions and places special offers on her website. Thanks to this, many people fly S7 flights across Russia in business class at fairly affordable prices.

According to a study to identify the best airline in Russia in 2016, conducted on the basis of an anonymous survey, the number of reserved seats in high-comfort classes was made by people flying on work and business trips. Operating flights to 80 destinations in Russia and abroad, the company cooperates with partner airlines, including the world famous British Airways.

By selling combined tickets, S7 manages to reduce the cost of flights by making transfers and performing connecting flights. Over the previous year, about 10 million people used the airline's flights.


As a subsidiary of Aeroflot, Rossiya is also one of the top best airlines in Russia. Over the past year, the services of this carrier were used by more than 7 million people in various directions in the country and abroad.

The dynamics of the growth of the sold air tickets amounted to more than 40% in comparison with the previous years. The air carrier is based in St. Petersburg and carries out most their flights from Pulkovo. Flights with numbers 6 are operated on behalf of Aeroflot, and those that start with 5 are operated under the name of Russia.


Russian airline Utair has been operating since the middle of the 20th century and is also considered one of the best airlines in Russia. In addition to a fleet of more than 60 airliners, it also has a fleet of helicopters.

Over the past year, the airline carried more than 5 million people, which increased its turnover by about 19%. Based at Moscow's Vnukovo airport.

Ural Airlines

The air carrier carries out regular and charter flights on the Russian aviation market for over 20 years. Operating flights within the country and abroad, the company transported more than 5 million people last year. It has a wide fleet of airliners, mostly airbuses, and is one of the five best airlines in Russia.

The company is based in Koltsovo in Yekaterinburg and the Moscow Domodedovo airport and operates flights to more than 200 destinations. Several years ago, she opened her own simulator for training and educating pilots.


In this case, it is difficult to answer the question of which airline is the best in Russia. The answer may be subjective. After all, each person has their own preferences and tastes. Which air carrier to give preference to, you will have to decide on your own based on personal wishes and experience.

The issue of flight safety is one of the most pressing questions that all travelers, one way or another, ask themselves. Regardless of the distance, any tourist wants the hours and minutes spent in the sky to be as calm and comfortable as possible.

Often, the choice of the airline that operates the flight completely affects all these factors. Every year, international companies compile ratings of airlines, reflecting the entire work of the carrier and its main indicator for the passenger - safety.

The Vipgeo portal represents the safest airlines in Russia and the world, according to international ratings and authoritative publications.

Important: The list of airlines was compiled based on the rating of the European Aviation Safety Agency - EASA. There are several other similar agencies in the world, and their data may differ slightly.

Safe airlines in Russia

According to European agencies, in 2019 the airline was recognized as the safest carrier registered in Russia. She was assigned the highest rating of 0.24 points, based on the calculation - the closer to one, the more dangerous flights by this carrier.

The rating is compiled on the basis of checking the general condition of the liners, punctuality and compliance with documentary standards and international law. As for plane crashes, since 1993, the Urals have not had a single incident with human casualties.


In second place in terms of safety is the largest air carrier beyond the Urals " S7", Formerly known as the" Siberia "company. The Siberians have an older aircraft fleet, most often in a company with regular flights 15-20-year-old Airbuses and Boeings operate. However, the technical condition of the aircraft has never raised any complaints from international commissions.

The company's largest plane crashes occurred in the early 2000s, with more than 300 deaths in total. Since then, the safety level of S7's transportation meets all international standards, and there have been no precedents, except for two emergency landings.

As for the largest and oldest airline in Russia - "" - by far the most controversy. On the one hand, they have the most impressive budget and allow them to regularly update their aircraft fleet. On the other hand, a series of disasters in the 90s seriously damaged the reputation of the once transportation giant. Therefore, now - only the third place and 0.38 points.

But the main thing that should be said about Aeroflot is that the company is the only one of Russian carriers, consistently getting into international ratings. True, the same JACDEC agency in 2019 placed Aeroflot only in 36th place in the list of the safest airlines in the world.

The company registered in Khanty-Mansiysk today is one of the most demanded carriers in the country, with dozens of domestic and international destinations.

Interestingly, the basis of the company's fleet is made up of new mid-capacity aircraft of the ATR brand, which makes the carrier a kind of leader in short regional flights.

There have been plane crashes at UTair, but the last major incident happened in 2014 with an MI-8 cargo helicopter. Passenger aircraft fly without incident.

Safe airlines in the world

The rating of the safest air carriers in the world in 2019 was deservedly headed by the company "", registered in Hong Kong. She has been on the market since 1946, and over the past three decades, the only incident associated with her aircraft has been a hard landing of a passenger liner flying from Indonesia.

Today "Cathay Pacific Airways" serves dozens of countries, including all Southeast Asia, Europe, USA and Russia. Recently, the company has even launched a Russian-language website with the ability to book tickets.

Despite the incidents of 2017, carriers United Arab Emirates continue to rank second in the ranking of the safest airlines in the world. And the best of the best is the company "". They renew their fleet annually, and also regularly improve the quality of passenger service - from economy class to first class.

For Russian tourists Emirates is important at least because it cooperates with S7 organizing connecting flights to Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam and Maldives... In addition, in 10 Russian cities there is a possibility of a direct charter flight by aircraft of this company.


The third place in the ranking of the safest airlines is occupied by another Chinese carrier - “ EVAAir". It began work in 1989, and over the years of its existence did not allow a single plane crash with fatalities. The only precedents were related to a hard landing in the United States.

Unfortunately, Russian travelers can use the services of this airline only at Asian airports.


And the fourth place, according to the safety ratings of the airlines of 2019, was firmly taken by Middle Eastern aircraft from the company "". The carrier is based in Doha and serves 160 destinations around the world. Since 1993, the company has had only two incidents, but both have done without fatalities.

The carrier has a huge fleet of Boeing and Airbus vessels. What is attractive for Russian tourists is that Qatari planes regularly fly through Moscow, St. Petersburg and Voronezh.

Are low-cost airlines as dangerous as they say?

Recently, due to the increasing reports of low-cost airline crashes, many tourists have begun to abandon cheap carriers, sincerely believing that companies are intent on saving on safety for the sake of the number of tickets sold. But how true is this?

Tourists with extensive experience in flying low-cost airlines claim that rumors and speculation are nothing more than exaggerations. Yes, there are problems with low-cost airlines, but the key cause of disasters, as elsewhere, is human factor... References to the supposedly old planes of our "Victory" and other cheap companies are falsifications. Doubting participants in the discussions are sent to the official sites of the carrier.

If we take the issue seriously, the main problem of low-cost airlines is the lack of proper comfort during the flight, but not the safety of passengers. If you are choosing a cheap flight, you need to know what you are saving on. If you are afraid, you have a direct road to the ticket offices of major airlines.