A trip to Crimea for the May holidays: what to see? Rest for the May holidays in Crimea Rest for the May holidays in Crimea

Amazing and fabulous Crimea equally good at any time of the year, but especially in May. Holidays in Crimea in May offer a unique opportunity to get together with a cheerful, friendly group or the whole family and relax after a long, frosty winter.

In May, the weather in Crimea is already warm, resort weather, but not yet as hot as in summer, which is conducive to an easy holiday. During the day, the thermometer rises above +20 degrees. At night, as a rule, it does not fall below +10 degrees. The weather in Crimea in May is ideal for walks and excursions.

May holidays on the southern coast of Crimea - Photo 01

The weather in Crimea is comfortable in May - Photo 02

What to do in Crimea in May 2018

Holidays in Crimea in May 2018 are offered rich and varied. Quiet, calm atmosphere will allow you to enjoy unique beauties local nature and architecture. During the May holidays of 2018, Crimea offers tourists and guests of the peninsula a variety of entertainment and everything necessary for a comfortable family vacation.

Those interested can go cycling or hiking.

For beginner cyclists, the flat and foothill Crimea, in particular the Kerch and Tarkhankut peninsulas, are ideal. But for more prepared cyclists, more difficult routes are interesting. There are many such places in the mountainous Crimea, the southern and southeastern coasts.

May bike tour in Crimea – Photo 03

Cycling tourism in Crimea – Photo 04

Crimea in May represents the highest flowering of local nature. The opportunity to come into contact with the unique natural corners of the peninsula is offered by hiking. One of the most popular hikes is through the Valley of Ghosts. It starts and finishes in Simferopol. Everyone can go on an intense and interesting hike lasting 6 days and covering 59 km. Travelers are invited to plunge into the Valley of Ghosts, feel the atmosphere of the Middle Ages in the Funa fortress, and go down to the largest waterfall on the peninsula.

A mountain holiday in Crimea in May is suitable for extreme sports enthusiasts. In the southern and southeastern parts of the peninsula there are three Crimean mountain ranges. You can rent a house in these mountains. Tourists can get acquainted with both natural and man-made monuments, such as the Chatyr-Dag massif, located 10 km from the southern coast or the Grand Canyon, located on the northern side of the Ai-Petrinsky massif, not far from the village. Sokoliny Bakhchisarai district.

Valley of Ghosts – Photo 05

Hike in the Valley of Ghosts – Photo 06

Funa Fortress – Photo 07

If desired, travelers can go horseback riding, ATV racing or play paintball. A lot of interesting activities reserved for those around you will give you unforgettable memories and a sea of ​​impressions.

Crimea in May is especially rich in various holidays and festivals. May 9 is celebrated in a special way in Crimea. In a day Great Victory in Sevastopol, all the streets, embankments, main attractions - everything was imbued with a military spirit. The atmosphere is simply amazing! The chic parade, organized in the city center, is held in three directions at once: in the air, in the water and on the ground. Throughout the day, events take place throughout the city, and everything ends with festive fireworks in honor of the victory.

The best place for active rest you won't find Crimea in May.

Sights to visit in Crimea in May

There are few vacationers on the blooming and fragrant peninsula in May. This is undoubtedly a big plus, because you can calmly, without crowds, visit all the sights and cultural monuments.

When vacationing in Crimea in May, you need to go first of all to places that will be crowded with tourists in the summer, or are not as beautiful as in the spring. You can enjoy getting to know the cultural heritage of the peninsula by visiting the palaces of the southern coast - Vorontsovsky, Masandrovsky and Livadia.

The Vorontsov Palace in Alupka is an architectural monument of the 19th century. The building exquisitely combines oriental architecture and English Gothic.

Livadia palace ensemble, located in the suburbs of Yalta, is known throughout the world as the summer residence of Nicholas II, the last Russian emperor. This place is distinguished by a luxurious interior, wonderful architecture, and a unique, original style.

The Massandra Palace Museum is located five kilometers from Yalta. The romantic castle of Emperor Alexander III creates a Renaissance atmosphere. This place is famous throughout the world for its winery and delightful palace and park ensemble.

Vorontsov Palace – Photo 08

Livadia Palace Ensemble – Photo 09

Massandra Palace – Photo 10

In the village of Gaspra, not far from Yalta, on a steep forty-meter cliff of Cape Ai-Todor, there is an architectural monument bird home. You can admire the stunning views of the surrounding area from a dizzying height from observation deck for a fee.

Not far from Feodosia there is an amazing and mysterious Karadag reserve. The wonderful landscapes and alien views of Kara-Dag attract travelers from different countries.

Nature in May in Crimea is especially colorful and rich. The eye is struck by the motley color of flowers, fragrant bright gardens, steppe greenery, noisy rivers and small lakes that have not yet dried up, deep Crimean canyons, and all this is complemented by the singing of nightingales.

Swallow's Nest - Photo 11

Karadag Reserve – Photo 12

Crimean canyons await tourists - Photo 13

May holidays in Crimea are a period low prices and discounts. Rates are more reasonable compared to summer prices.

Holidays in Crimea during the May holidays will remain in the memory of everyone who decides to visit this amazing place for a long time.

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  • It is not at all necessary to travel abroad to have a good rest. Our resorts Black Sea region are also quite good. For example, Crimea. Crimea has always been and will be one of the most favorite places among our compatriots. Swimming season in Crimea begins at the end of May and lasts until September. By May, the weather in Crimea becomes very resort-like, and is ideal for those who do not like the heat. pleasantly warm.

    Sometimes it can rain over Crimea in May showers, but they are short-lived and are unlikely to ruin your vacation. Although, you can take an umbrella with you just in case. According to statistics, the “wettest” cities of Crimea in May are , and , as well as a couple of cities in the center of the peninsula.

    It is logical that the weather becomes more summery and pleasant towards the end of the month, and in the last days of May it can be very hot in Crimea. However, in early May it can be somewhat chilly and damp on the coast, and on the beach you will want to wrap yourself in a blanket. Average air temperature in May during the day fluctuates from +18.5 to 22°C, but sometimes the thermometer rises to higher levels.
    It is hottest in May in the area of ​​the village, in the Saki region, in, it is quite hot in (perhaps the hottest in the Crimea), and very hot in May in Bakhchisarai (oh, it turned out like poetry!).

    Night temperatures in May in Crimea they vary - from 10°C to 17°C, again, depending on the region and ten days of the month. Of course, than summer is getting closer, the hotter the night. On average, the warmest nights are in the area. But in general, on south coast nights are warmer on average by 2-3 degrees than in the rest of Crimea. The warmest region in May is considered to be West Coast. Moreover, during sunny hours it gets quite hot, so don’t forget your Panama hat and sun protection cream. Everyone's favorite and a little cooler, but the difference is only one or two degrees.

    On the coast it is always a little warmer than in mountainous areas and forests. As you can see, Crimea is a very sunny place! The sun stands over the peninsula for 13-13.5 hours a day! Well, the “brightest” city is Sevastopol, because the number sunny days it is about 12 days in May.

    Thus, you will be able to lie on the beach and sunbathe in May, but more so at the end of May. Concerning sea ​​temperature, then it should be noted that at the beginning of May the sea is still cool, on average the water temperature is +16...+18 degrees, but by the end of the month the sea warms up to +20 degrees. The sea temperature is approximately the same everywhere, differing by a maximum of half a degree. And yes, in May the waters of Dzhankoy are much warmer than anywhere else.

    If you want to relax without crowds of tourists around, it is better to go at the beginning of the month. At this time, most hotels and private complexes by the sea are 20-40% full. However, by the end of the month the situation is changing, and in the third ten days of May the occupancy rate of housing in Crimea reaches 70-80%.

    What to do in Crimea in May? Oh, there are a lot of options! Firstly, the absence of heat and comfortable weather provide an excellent opportunity to spend an active holiday. Instead of lying on the beach all week, you can travel all over Crimea and see a bunch of most interesting places! The air in May is fragrant, beautiful plants are blooming with color, nature finally wakes up and pleases the eye.

    May in Crimea is the most best time For excursions! Currently, Crimean travel agencies can offer a number of quite interesting non-standard routes, including mountain ranges Chatyr-Dag or Kule-Burun, to the Kachi-Kalyon monastery, etc.
    Climb Mount Ai-Petri in May. In winter, ski lovers are happy to go skiing (although, frankly, this is far from the best ski resort, although on this moment and the only one in Crimea). Even in May there is snow and drizzling rain on the mountain, but the views are absolutely stunning.

    Even if you are not staying in, be sure to take a day to visit this glorious city with a historical heritage. Take a look at the Vladimir (Admiralty) Cathedral, the St. George Monastery, go to the Klimentovsky Cave Monastery, do not forget about the Malakhov Kurgan, visit the aqueducts, the Tower of the Winds, the Kalamita Fortress, numerous museums of the city, and also visit the Alkadar winery (there are also wineries in Yalta and other cities of Crimea).

    IN Alupka take a photo next to the beautiful Church of St. Michael the Archangel and stroll around Vorontsovsky Park.

    IN Alushta and its surroundings, the attractions are beyond the roof: the Karasan Palace, the so-called Stone “mushrooms” (Sotera Valley), the Aluston fortress, a couple of museums, beautiful waterfalls(including the Jur-Jur waterfall), the incredible Gagarina Palace-Estate and the Kosmo-Damianovsky Monastery, as well as a luxurious arboretum, Marble Cave, park “Crimea in Miniature”, etc.

    Near Balaclava There are several old military fortifications and a fortress, as well as a naval museum.
    Bakhchisaray- this is generally wonderful, wonderful, in particular, they deserve attention Cave City Bakla, the old Bakhchisarai Palace, the mysterious Eski-Dyurbe Mausoleum and one of the oldest monasteries in Crimea - the Assumption Cave Monastery.

    Near Gaspra there is a very beautiful Dulber Palace, as well as the ruins of the Charax fortress, a Roman military camp and the largest known Roman fortress in Crimea.

    IN Gurzufancient fortress Gorzuvites are in the thickets of Bear Mountain, and opposite the shore are the picturesque Adalary cliffs.

    Famous Evpatoria rich not only in its sanatoriums, but also in attractions: the ancient city gates of the 15th century, the small but impressive Juma-Jami mosque, the ruins of Kerkinitida, the dervish monastery of the 15th century, as well as several interesting museums(for example, the Pharmacy Museum and the Local History Museum).

    Kerch- these are simply “deposits” of interesting things: several beautiful churches, art galleries and museums, an underground fortress, the Royal Mound and the Crypt of Demeter (an example of ancient Bosporan painting dating back to the first century), as well as the ruins of the ancient Panticapaeum (the capital of the Bosporan state that existed in antiquity ) on Mount Mithridates, etc.

    Cheerful and beautiful Koktebel- this is, first of all, the natural beauty of Cape Chameleon and Karadag Reserve, as well as the Koktebel factory of vintage wines and cognacs, which is no less popular than architectural monuments.

    Well, you can learn more about wines at the Museum of the History of the Champagne Wine Factory in the resort village New World . By the way, there is a nearby incredible beauty Cape Kapchik with a through grotto, strange mountain Karaul-Oba and the wonderful Blue Bay.

    And don’t forget about the beautiful Simferopol with its museums and churches, beautiful Feodosia and Yalta with a number of attractions. There is simply no point in listing each resort - Crimea is truly rich in interesting and Beautiful places that you need to see with your own eyes.

    Concerning entertainment , then Crimea is also rich in them. For example, there are many water parks in Crimea, and they open just in time for mid-May, when the weather becomes more or less warm. Water parks there are in Saki, Sevastopol, Koktebel, Alushta, Simeiz and Sudak. No less interesting aquariums in Sevastopol and Alushta. Visit dolphinariums, which operate all year round - in Sevastopol and Evpatoria.

    It will be very interesting for both children and adults to go to zoos in Yalta and Alushta. Museum of Oceanography and Fisheries in Kerch is definitely an entertaining place for a person of any age. For lovers of art and theater - in Theater named after A.S. Pushkin in Evpatoria. In Evpatoria with children, be sure to go to the children's Disneyland amusement park, created based on our fairy tales - about Ivan Tsarevich, Zmey Gorynych, Baba Yaga, Kolobok, etc.

    In general, as you can see, there is absolutely nothing wrong with entertainment in Crimea. These are both natural beauties and interesting excursions, and museums, and archaeological sites, and architecture, and churches, and mosques, and aquariums and water parks. Absolutely everyone will have fun, even in May, even in August. The weather in May in Crimea is also quite good, and is ideal for active walks and exploring the surrounding area.

    Crimea is perfect place, a peninsula where you can relax with family and friends. Thanks to its climate and beauty, Crimea attracts everyone more tourists who want to have a full and inexpensive holiday.

    Holidays in Crimea in May are well suited not only for lovers of green tourism, but also for fans music festivals, exciting meetings, extreme recreation. If you are tired of sitting at home watching TV, doing repairs at your dacha, or spending time in boring company, a vacation in Crimea during the May holidays was invented especially for you.

    For the May holidays in Crimea, weather forecasters predict quite warm weather. The air temperature will be from +18 to +22˚С during the day and +14˚С at night. Therefore, if you come to a campsite with tents, take warm clothes, as well as several blankets.

    Important: The water in the Sea of ​​Azov warms up to +17˚С. Swimming is not recommended, but water treatments can easily be replaced with boat trips along the the most beautiful bay.

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    Rest on May 1

    May Day holidays in Crimea are traditionally used for so-called May Day holidays; holidays in Crimea on May 1 include numerous tourist rallies and festivals, mountain hikes and active recreation.

    You can relax not only your soul, but also your body: at the end of May, the Kurpaty sanatorium () holds an annual family photography festival (May 20), in which anyone can take part.

    There will also be a traditional holiday Crimean Tatars"Khydyrlez"(May 3) where you can try National dishes Crimeans, get acquainted with the original culture, learn more about the history of the peninsula, and also about its permanent residents. This will help not only to understand another tradition, but also the atmosphere of the entire peninsula.

    If you consider active tourist and dream of new, extreme experiences, Tweed Retro Cruise in (May 14) was invented especially for you! Cyclists from all over the world dress up in unusual retro costumes for the traditional urban ride. A sea of ​​positive emotions and great photos are guaranteed.

    What vegetables and fruits can you buy?

    If you come on vacation in May, you should keep in mind that in markets and stores you can only buy imported or greenhouse vitamins. This is due to the fact that the first fruits begin to ripen on the peninsula only in June.

    The “calling card” of Crimea is the cherry. This is what tourists can find from sellers, towards the end of May. This berry has a whole complex of useful vitamins that are necessary for both adults and children.

    Hotel prices

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    The most popular place among tourists was and remains: a kind of “capital” of the Crimean Peninsula, attracting both rich and budget travelers. You can also go to Alushta, visit the picturesque beaches, relax in or It all depends on personal preferences. Beach holidays in Crimea are very diverse!

    In Crimea you will find accommodation to suit your taste and budget. Average prices for renting hotel rooms (for 2 people) are as follows:

    Reference: If you want to save money, you can relax in the private sector or rent a hostel. Before planning a vacation, be sure to check all prices and accommodation options with a travel agent or on websites: this will help you plan your budget wisely and avoid troubles.

    Holidays with children: water parks, children's beaches, sanatoriums

    If you decide to spend time with the whole family and want to make it memorable, it is best to find the best place and book it. Crimea will delight even the most demanding tourists, giving the opportunity to choose their own entertainment.

    Water parks

    Useful video

    Features of holidays in Crimea:

    To relax in Crimea, you don’t have to have a lot of money: you just need to be patient and take a good mood with you.

    Save it so you don’t forget!

    Is it possible to swim? What is the air and water temperature? Where to go and what to see? Let's discuss this and much more!

    Should you go to Crimea for the May holidays?

    Crimea opens the tourist season at the end of spring. Magnolias and peaches are in full bloom. The weather is comfortable, but not hot, so sunbathing is much safer than in summer.

    There is no large influx of tourists and huge queues to attractions. On the beaches you don’t have to fight for a place in the sun. Flowering conifers make the air pleasant and healing.

    And everything seems to be fine, but what about the temperature?


    May in Crimea is warm, the summer heat is still far away. Thundershowers are usually rare and short-lived, but it doesn't hurt to take an umbrella and a windbreaker with you. The rainiest settlements in Crimea in May:

    • Alushta;
    • Belogorsk;
    • Gurzuf;
    • Malorechenskoe;
    • Small Lighthouse;
    • Nikolaevka;
    • Parthenite;
    • Rybachye;
    • Simferopol.

    Air temperature

    Daytime air temperatures vary from +17 to +21°C. The average temperature at night is about +10°C. On the south coast, nights are 2-4 degrees warmer. In early May, it can be cool and damp on the coast; in Feodosia there is often cloudy rainy weather, but last days the months can be summer-hot. The warmest region of the peninsula is the western coast, and the sunniest city is Sevastopol.

    Planning a trip? That way!

    We have prepared some useful gifts for you. They will help you save money while preparing for your trip.

    Sea and water temperature

    In the first half of May, the sea water temperature warms up to a maximum of +18°C; by the end of the month - up to +20°C.

    Is it possible to swim in May?

    The swimming season opens first on the coast Sea of ​​Azov: it is not as deep as Black, and warms up much faster. It is advisable to start swimming towards the end of the month; sunbathing on the beaches begins earlier. In other areas, it is better to limit yourself to the indoor pool at the hotel.

    Real prices

    In a restaurant In a store Drinks

    Which resort should you choose?

    Evpatoria is a popular resort for families with children. At the end of May, you can plunge into the sea without fear of catching a cold. The beaches there are sandy, the infrastructure is developed. At guests' disposal are parks, squares, cinemas, coffee shops and restaurants, water parks, theaters (including fire and live sculpture). Every day in the dolphinarium there are shows with dolphins and other marine life.

    Based on budget holiday you should choose the village of Molochnoye or Zaozernoye. The prices there are much lower. You can also safely go to Shchelkino with your child: there is a rental car for children, a catapult on the beach, and inflatable towns. And if you drive 30 km to the west, you will arrive at Cape Tarkhankut with an incredibly beautiful rocky coastline. True, there are not very many amenities there.

    30 kilometers from Yevpatoria there are resort sanatoriums Popovka, Mirny and Shtormovoe. Beaches up to 100 meters wide are distinguished by a high-quality coating of sand of the smallest fractions. The water in the sea is clean, and the bottom is shallow and level. Sanatoriums pleasantly surprise with their prices - unlike southern resorts peninsula. Between Popovka and Shtormovoy there is Oybur Lake - the “dead sea” of Crimea, where already in May the water warms up to +22°C. You can take mud baths there for free, and blue clay rejuvenates the skin. In Shtormovoe in May they ride water skiing or go windsurfing.

    Saki, Novofedorovka and Pribrezhnoye resemble Evpatoria in climate, and the beaches in these populated areas even better. The water warms up well at the end of May, and there are fewer people here, which is also a plus. In Pribrezhnoye, there are parking spaces along the beach; visitors have a place to leave their cars.

    In the village of Frunze - east of Novofedorovka - it is allowed to camp in a car camp, then you won’t have to spend money on accommodation.

    Which city should I choose?

    On the coast of the Azov Sea there are settlements located in shallow waters:

    • Azovskoe;
    • Golden;
    • Kamenskoye;
    • Mysovoye;
    • Novotradnoe;
    • Sand;
    • Semyonovka;
    • Shchelkino.

    All resorts have excellent sandy beaches, covered with fine sand with a high content of feldspar. Best service and entertainment are provided by Shchelkino and Mysovoye. Not far from the Arabat Spit there is the ancient Arabat fortress, built by the Ottomans in 1705, as well as the Ak-Monai quarries. Kerch is also nearby, where there are many ancient sights.

    Alushta - clean mountain air, mild climate, rich vegetation, stunning scenery, spacious pebble and sandy beaches. There is the medieval fortress of Funa and the Valley of Ghosts. Hotels, however, are expensive, as are services on the beaches.

    What's worth seeing

    In May, Crimea is visited for mountain trekking, excursions and sanatorium and treatment programs. In spring it is much easier to explore the sights than in the scorching heat.

    It is advisable for flora lovers to come in the first half of the month, when Crimea turns into a flower paradise: the flowering of roses, tulips and other plants is in full swing. Guides definitely recommend visiting the Palaces South Bank when their beauty is emphasized by the blue of the May sky and bright greenery. While walking through the old parks, pay attention to the beauty of violets and tulips.

    Popular mountain excursions to the waterfalls - in the spring they are fullest, and in the summer they dry up. The Angarsk Pass and the Dzhurla tract are famous for their six-meter waterfalls, but they are far from Uchan-Su (“Flying Water”): its height is 98.5 meters. It starts on the southern slope of Mount Ai-Petri. There you can also walk among the clouds along rope suspension bridges hanging over a fifty-meter abyss.

    Excursions to the mountains - sometimes on horseback - are also organized to see the caves of the Chatyr-Dag plateau: Kholodnaya with rock paintings(its length is more than 200 meters) and Mramornaya, one of the five most beautiful caves on Earth. Along the way there are many streams with clean drinking water, but in the second half of May they dry up.

    In the Opuksky Nature Reserve, the May steppe is covered with a carpet of wild tulips. The reserve is also visited for the ruins and catacombs ancient city Cimmerick. A little further away is the “pink” Koyashskoye Lake. And it turns pink only in spring - microscopic algae and pink crustaceans actively reproduce in it. The lake dries up, and in cold seasons it is gray.

    Yalta and South Coast were created for urban tourism. It is easier to find housing here in the off-season than in the summer. Yalta is rich in palaces and parks. In Nikitsky botanical garden a spring “tulip parade” is organized - an exhibition of fresh flowers: thousands of tulips and daffodils. A cactus greenhouse, a green labyrinth, and a dinosaur exhibition are also open to visitors.

    In Alupka Park at Vorontsov Palace More than 200 species of plants brought from different parts of the world have been bred. The park, like an amphitheater, descends to the sea and appears to be a natural part of the landscape. The Bakhchisarai Museum “Crimea in Miniature” presents all the architectural sights.

    In May, several events are held on the peninsula festive events:

    • tulip parade in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden;
    • Yalta jazz festival "Djaliton";
    • championship of living sculptures in Evpatoria;
    • celebration of City Day in Alushta;
    • world famous tango festival in Sudak.
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    Is it worth traveling with children?

    Parents should consider the age of the child. It is also important what type of recreation is a priority: active, excursion, beach or resort treatment.

    For a child under 5 years old, the Crimean holidays in May are not suitable: the beaches will become warm only at the end of the month, and long excursions will quickly tire the child. Plus there is a problem with transport. Without personal car moving along the roads of Crimea is not easy, especially with a child. If you're going to go, it's better to go to a sanatorium.

    With a child aged 6-7, you can take a walk along the embankment, watch the “tulip parade” in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, visit children's park Bakhchisaray, go on a short excursion. You can go fishing with a teenager on Lake Oybur, or go on a mountain hike, if your health and physical stamina allow.

    Travel with the whole family for beach holiday better in another month, but if you just want to enjoy boat trips and collecting shells without a crowd of tourists around, then May is the most suitable month.

    Sandy beaches and reasonable prices best choice for a trip with children to Evpatoria and the resorts of the Azov Sea.