The best places on the superjet 100 Yamal. Yamal Airlines planes. Review of Yamal aircraft

Russian airline « Civil aircraft Sukhoi, together with foreign companies, has developed a modern short-haul passenger airliner - the Sukhoi Superjet 100 (Sukhoi Superjet or SSJ).

It is worth noting that this aircraft model has received EASA - an international certificate that confirms the use of this aircraft by all airlines in the world and Europe that recognize EASA principles as a standard.

Also, the SSJ 100-95B is the first Russian passenger aircraft that meets all European noise level requirements.

Aeroflot is the main consumer of this model of airliners. The airline operates 10 different Sukhoi Superjet models on its routes, out of 22 in service today.

First, let's look at the configuration of the Sukhoi Superjet 100-95V airliner and note both the best and worst places in airplane.

Three first rows The seats are located in business class. All seats are quite comfortable, with the exception of seats A, C and F, D of the first row.
There is a partition in front of the 1st row, due to which there is slightly less legroom than in the other rows of the same class.

Seats from 6th to 20th row are economy class seats. Seats A, C, D, E, F of the sixth row are the most convenient and comfortable in their class. The listed seats have earned the title of the best economy class seats, thanks to the free space in front of the seats and the most convenient location.

Seats of the last row ( 20th row) should be given special attention. It is in this part of the aircraft that differences are observed between the configurations of the AA and AF airliners.

In configuration AA behind the 20th row there are restrooms and technical rooms, so the seats in this row either do not recline at all, or their folding function is very limited. In addition, there will be people constantly walking near the toilets, and sometimes there will be a queue of them. These places can be called inconvenient.

In configuration A.F.— the distance from the last row to the bathrooms has been slightly increased. In addition, the seats in the 20th row are absolutely no different from the others. seats economic class. Although, people will not stop walking past you.

Note: If you are not sure which aircraft you will fly on, choose the last row only if there are no other options.

  • Check out the required aircraft configuration on the Aeroflot website;
  • Choose for yourself good places, taking into account the above recommendations;
  • If you have any difficulties choosing tickets, seek advice from qualified company representatives.

In Russia, as usual, they want the best, but it turns out as always...
This eternal problem has even affected the name of the aircraft and some people cannot understand - are RRJ and SSJ the same thing or are they completely different aircraft?
Evgeniy Kovalenko gave an answer to this question.

blackpost - ....It’s very strange that you equate RRJ95 and SSJ-100. Apparently you are not familiar with the history of the project?

Kovalenko's answer

Yes, I forgot that for you these are two different projects. I'll have to explain.

From the very beginning, the project had the working name RRJ (Russian Regional Jet). This was the name of a family of three aircraft: RRJ-60, RRJ-75 and RRJ-95, differing in fuselage length, capacity, take-off weight (and, accordingly, other weights), as well as different settings of the same engine.

All working documentation, including 3D models, was released under the same name. It was put into production under the same name, and even earlier, under the same name, an application was submitted to AR IAC for certification.

Somewhere in the year 2006 (I may be wrong about the exact date), the State Aircraft System announced a competition for the commercial name of the aircraft. Not a single proposal was accepted (obviously, we did not have enough imagination for this), after which a third-party organization was involved in this process, which proposed the abbreviation SSJ100 (Sukhoi Superjet 100) (accordingly, the modifications should have been designated as SSJ100-95, SSJ100- 75, etc.). Personally, I, and many of my colleagues, found this too stilted and even provocative. But others made the decision...

This is how the name SSJ appeared, although I repeat, working documentation continued to be issued as RRJ.
Over time, in various organizational documents they began to write SSJ, and put RRJ in brackets. This then moved on to various technical documents. Documents with one or another name began to appear in AR MAK. So we had to issue an order and notify AR MAK, factories and suppliers that these two combinations are synonymous. Otherwise, all working documentation would have to be reissued.


And Wikipedia itself says that

Sukhoi Superjet 100 (abbr. SSJ 100, certification name of the RRJ - Russian Regional Jet family of aircraft)…

Moreover, the certificates actually indicate the type of aircraft RRJ-95. As in the RLE - and the RRJ-95B is specifically indicated there.

On the above-mentioned Wikipedia there is the following “crossed” version of the designation - Superjet 100/95B.

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The Russian Sukhoi SuperJet-100 (SSJ-100), which was performing its first ever demonstration tour of six Asian countries, disappeared from radar screens after a demonstration flight in Jakarta. There are 44 people on board, including the crew: eight Russians and 36 citizens of other countries.

Below is information about the aircraft's performance characteristics.

Sukhoi Superjet-100 (SSJ-100) is the main Russian aircraft production project. The project to create a family of Russian regional aircraft, the Sukhoi Superjet-100, is being implemented by Sukhoi Civil Aircraft CJSC, founded in 2000.

The family of Russian regional aircraft Sukhoi Superjet-100 consists of two aircraft with a passenger capacity of 75 and 95 seats in a basic configuration - SSJ100/75B and SSJ100/95B - and an extended range - SSJ100/75LR, SSJ100/95LR.

The latest technologies are used at all stages of the creation of Sukhoi Superjet-100 aircraft.

The application of the Human Centered Design concept has made it possible to optimize the placement of control levers and instrumentation in such a way that the flight can be completed by one pilot even in the event of an emergency. These solutions, combined with the Dark and Quiet Cockpit concept, ensure the Sukhoi Superjet-100 can be piloted accurately, comfortably and reliably.

Additional gains in fuel efficiency, as well as high flight safety, are achieved due to optimal piloting of aircraft in automatic mode and protection of the flight control system from random errors. The remote control system is based on three two-channel upper-level computers (PFCU - Primary Flight Computer Unit), complementing two-channel lower-level computers (ACE - Actuator Control Electronics). PFCUs process command signals from the cockpit, autopilot and avionics to optimize aircraft performance in all flight modes. The level of functional saturation implemented in the PFCU was developed taking into account the experience of the Sukhoi Design Bureau in creating a control system with automatic limitation of the maximum and operational flight parameters for manual and automatic control. Thus, it is ensured highest level safety at all stages of flight not only due to the high reliability of aircraft systems, but also due to the unique functionality of protection against errors associated with " human factor"If a number of serious failures occur on board, the control system will switch to a backup control loop, providing flight performance at the level of a non-automated (conventional) aircraft.

The fail-safe architecture of the remote control system made it possible to completely eliminate mechanical redundancy. The horizontal stabilizer is also controlled remotely. This helped optimize its dimensions to reduce the level of aerodynamic drag and balancing losses. The Sukhoi Superjet-100 was the first to use algorithmic protection against the tail touching the runway in case of pilot error during takeoff, which made it possible to abandon the use of massive mechanical shock absorbers that other aircraft are equipped with.

The open architecture of the avionics complex was designed by THALES based on integrated modular technology. This made it possible to reduce the number of structural units of the complex by approximately 15% and, thereby, simplify its maintenance. For this purpose, an On-Board Maintenance System is provided, capable of detecting failure - right down to a structural unit - in all major aircraft systems. At the same time, the basic avionics configuration is more functional than its closest competitors. It includes a triple VHF communication system with ACARS function, a second generation T2CAS collision avoidance system, and ICAO Category IIIA approach capability.

Each aircraft is equipped with new SaM146 engines, developed by PowerJet taking into account all the requirements of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 family. Extensive experience and joint efforts of Snecma Moteurs and NPO Saturn made it possible to use modern CFM56 & Tech56 technologies to create an engine with high performance characteristics.

Particular attention is paid to the maintainability of the engine; for example, it is possible to replace the blades without removing the engine from the wing. The modular design of the new engine reduces the number of components by 20%, reducing costs and significantly simplifying maintenance procedures.

The “double-bubble” concept used in the fuselage section made it possible to increase the living space per passenger to a volume of 0.885 cubic meters, and increase the height of the luggage and cargo compartments to 1014 millimeters.

The aerodynamic configuration of the SSJ-100 aircraft is specially optimized for flight at high cruising Mach numbers, due to which the optimal flight mode in terms of kilometer fuel consumption corresponds to the flight speed of modern long-haul aircraft.

Improved takeoff and landing performance, along with all-weather capabilities, a wide range of range and payload capabilities, allow airlines to open new routes by optimizing route network and schedule.

Savings are achieved by minimizing crew retraining costs when operating multiple aircraft sizes as part of a single fleet, easily accessible maintenance areas, a 20% reduction in the number of modular engine components (SaM146) and a 10% reduction in fuel consumption.

Thanks to reduced aircraft weight, economical fuel consumption, and reduced aircraft maintenance costs, the Sukhoi Superjet-100 can reduce operating costs by 10%.

Energy-saving LED cabin lighting technologies allow airlines to save energy and reduce maintenance costs.

The dimensions of the cargo compartment fully meet the requirements of trade unions for the work of ground personnel.

And although the Sukhoi Superjet-100 belongs to the class of regional aircraft, its extended-range version can be effectively used on a number of long-haul routes.

Sukhoi Superjet-100 meets the most stringent environmental requirements, significantly exceeding current and pending ICAO requirements for noise and emissions.

Suppliers of major aircraft systems:

Avionics - THALES

Control system - LIEBHERR

Life support systems - LIEBHERR



Interior - B/E AEROSPACE

Fire protection system - AUTRONICS (CURTISS WRIGHT)

Oxygen system - B/E AEROSPACE


Crew seats - IPECO

Hydraulic system - PARKER

Power supply system - HAMILTON SUNDSTRAND

Engine vibration sensors - VIBRO-METER

Wheels, brakes - GOODRICH

Flight characteristics of the Sukhoi Superjet 100/95 seats aircraft:

Passenger capacity in single-class configuration (seat pitch 32") - 98

Cruising speed LRC, IV - 0.78

Required runway length (MTOW, ISA, SL), 1731 and 2052 meters

Maximum flight altitude (flight level) - 400

Flight range (full passenger load), 3048 and 4578 km

Weight characteristics:

Maximum take-off weight: 45880 and 49450 kg

Maximum landing weight: 41000 kg


Length: 29.940 m

Height: 10,283 m

Wingspan: 27.80 m

Chassis base: 11.249 m

Chassis track: 5.74 m

Passenger compartment dimensions:

Width: 3236 mm

Height: 2120 mm

Passage width between seats: 510 mm

Passenger seat width: 465 mm

The Sukhoi Superjet 100 is a new generation short-haul regional 100-seat aircraft that combines the latest technologies in the field of aircraft construction, developed by Sukhoi Civil Aircraft with the broad participation of a number of foreign companies. The aircraft's certification name is Russian Regional Jet (RRJ), ICAO designation is SU95.

History of creation

The Federal Target Program (FTP) "Development of civil aviation equipment in Russia for 2002-2010 and for the period until 2015", adopted by a decree of the Russian government in October 2001, set one of the priority tasks as the gradual replacement of old Soviet aircraft with new-generation airliners. The priority projects in the Federal Targeted Program were the short-haul Tu-334 aircraft and the regional Tu-324. At the time of the adoption of the Program, the short-haul Tu-334 was almost completely ready, its commissioning was planned for the following 2003, in parallel with it at the Design Bureau named after. A. Tupolev, work was in full swing on the regional Tu-324, which since 2005 was supposed to replace both the morally and physically obsolete Tu-134.

However, unexpectedly for aviation industry specialists, on July 9, 2002, the Russian Aviation and Space Agency (now the Federal Space Agency - Roscosmos) announced a competition to create a promising regional aircraft. The Federal Target Program spoke of a new regional aircraft as a distant prospect, since its development was planned to begin only in 2006 and be completed in 2015. In addition, Rosaviakosmos did not have any authority to hold a competition for the development of a civil aircraft, since the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 728 of October 15, 2001, in which 2006 was determined as the beginning of the competitive design, has not been canceled. And the very idea of ​​holding a competition under the auspices of Rosaviakosmos was very doubtful, because Agency officials knew and know the needs of airlines less well than the Ministry of Transport, which oversees carriers.

The Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, represented by Deputy Minister Alexander Neradko, directly stated the undesirability of holding a competition, which in the margins of the terms of reference for the competitive development of a technical proposal for the creation of a new regional aircraft, the deputy minister wrote: “It seems advisable, instead of holding a competition and developing a new regional aircraft, to concentrate the efforts of a limited budget financing for the completion of certification and deployment of production of the Tu-334, as well as the development of production of the Tu-204 and Tu-214 family."

And yet, despite the disagreements and inconsistencies in the actions of the Ministry of Transport and Rosaviakosmos officials, the competition began, and three applications were submitted to participate in it: Tupolev OJSC submitted an application for the Tu-414, EMZ named after. V.M. Myasishchev - on the M-60-70 and the Sukhoi Design Bureau - on the RRJ. Since the idea of ​​holding a tender was unexpected and the deadlines were tight, the projects were probably crude and required serious research and improvements. Because of this, the aircraft developed by the plant named after. Myasishcheva almost immediately dropped out of the competition, and the Tu-414 and RRJ remained in the tender.

On March 12, 2003, Rosaviakosmos summed up the results and declared the Russian Regional Jet (RRJ) project the winner. The decision was expected and did not cause any particular surprise among specialists - the parameters of the technical specifications for the development of a new aircraft largely coincided with the characteristics of the RRJ project. The Sukhoi Design Bureau did not particularly hide the fact that TsAGI specialists named after. Zhukovsky, who prepared the technical specifications, carefully studied the market requirements and conducted numerous surveys of potential customers for the regional aircraft both in Russia and abroad.

At the same time, in early March 2003, in Seattle, the leaders of Sukhoi and Boeing entered into long-term agreements that determined the framework for cooperation on the RRJ program. Boeing specialists have committed to providing consulting assistance and providing their intellectual property for the design, production, certification, marketing, sales, after-sales service of the family aircraft and program management.

Thus, after 2003, all budget funds allocated for the development of short-haul aircraft went to the RRJ program, but the almost finished Tupolev Design Bureau aircraft - Tu-334, Tu-324 did not receive further development and were subsequently rolled up. The Tu-334, for the certification and launch of mass production of which in 2003 almost all the budget funds allocated to support civil aircraft production, looked morally obsolete against the background of the RRJ and could hardly compete in terms of technical level with this promising development.

Giving preference to the RRJ, Rosaviakosmos, by a strong-willed decision, replaced the Tupolev time-tested, well-known and reliable family passenger aircraft to a beautiful idea that existed at that time only on paper. The simplest explanation for this state of affairs is administrative lobbying, because it is no secret that the head of Rosaviakosmos in 2002, Yuri Koptev, also headed the board of directors of the joint-stock company Sukhoi Design Bureau.

The first steps of the new liner

On February 17, 2006, assembly of the first RRJ began in Komsomolsk-on-Amur; a year later, on January 28, 2007, it was delivered to Zhukovsky for static tests at TsAGI.

In June 2007, the United Aircraft Corporation, PJSC Sukhoi Company, the Italian group Finmeccanica, Sukhoi Civil Aircraft and Alenia Aeronautica signed a General Agreement aimed at Strategic Partnership within the framework of the project to create a family of Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft, and announced the creation joint venture. This Agreement determines the acquisition by Alenia Aeronautica of a 25% stake + 1 share of Sukhoi Civil Aircraft. In addition, the Agreement stipulates the conditions for the participation of the Italian side in financing the program (at least 25% of the total investment in the project).

The transaction to acquire 25% + 1 share was closed on April 7, 2009. The total value of shares acquired by Alenia Aeronautica exceeds US$183 million (EUR 138 million), making the Sukhoi Superjet 100 project the largest aviation alliance between Russia and Europe.

In 2007, the Italian Alenia Aeronautica and the Russian Sukhoi holding created a joint venture, SuperJet International, headquartered in Venice, in which 51% of the shares belong to Alenia Aeronautica, and 49% to Sukhoi. The responsibility of the joint venture included marketing and sales of aircraft of the family in Europe, Northern and South America, Africa, Japan and Oceania, as well as after-sales support for SSJ 100 family aircraft around the world. The main goal of opening a joint venture is to achieve a synergy effect and effectively promote the program in developed markets. It is designed to provide customization of aircraft for Western customers, as well as after-sales support and a range of services around the world.

On September 26, 2007, the first prototype of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 with tail number 95001 was rolled out in Komsomolsk-on-Amur; on February 20, 2008, in preparation for the first flight, a SaM146 engine race was held. On May 14, the aircraft was tested for the first time on the runway: taxiing and running of the aircraft were practiced, runs were carried out with a gradual increase in speed up to 162 km/h, almost up to the speed of the front landing gear lift-off, and on May 19, 2008 the first flight of the SSJ 100 took place board No. 95001. By October of the same year, the SSJ 100 passed a cycle of factory tests and began the certification process with the Interstate Aviation Committee. The Sukhoi Design Bureau type certificate for the Sukhoi SuperJet 100 aircraft was issued on February 3, 2011.

On February 3, 2012, the SSJ-100 aircraft received a type certificate from the European Agency aviation security(EASA). To obtain the EASA certificate, various tests were carried out on the airliner, including simulating the impact of a fragment of a tire on the fuel tank cap and confirming the fire resistance of a flap made of composite materials. Such tests are carried out after the supersonic passenger airliner Aérospatiale-BAC Concorde 101 crashed near Paris on July 25, 2000 due to damage to the fuel tank. The EASA certificate allows European airlines and airlines of states in which EASA standards have been adopted as a standard, receive and operate SSJ 100 aircraft. Thus, the Sukhoi Superjet 100 became the first Russian passenger airliner certified in accordance with EASA aviation regulations CS-25.

The first airlines to begin commercial operation of the SSJ 100 were regular flights in 2011 Aeroflot and Armavia became.

Technological solutions

The aircraft was built according to a normal layout - a twin-engine turbofan low-wing aircraft with a swept wing and single-tail tail. The supercritical wing design uses single-slot flaps. Part of the wing mechanization, as well as the nose fairing and the wing root fairing are made of composite materials.

The maximum cruising speed of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 is Mach 0.81, cruising altitude is 12,200 m. The runway length for the basic version of the aircraft is 1,731 m, for the version with an extended flight range - 2,052 m. The flight range for the basic version is 3,048 km, for the version with increased range - 4578 km.

The uniqueness of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 family of aircraft lies in the fact that the latest technologies are used not only in the aircraft itself, but also at all stages of its creation - from design to assembly, which, in turn, guarantees the creation of a modern aircraft that meets the requirements of the global market.

When designing the cockpit, such promising solutions of modern aircraft construction as the “passive” side handle and “active” engine control levers were taken into account. The application of the Human Centered Design concept made it possible to optimize the placement of control levers and instrumentation in such a way that the flight can be completed by one pilot even in the event of an emergency. These solutions, combined with the Dark and Quiet Cockpit concept, ensure the Sukhoi Superjet 100 can be piloted accurately, comfortably and reliably.

Additional gains in fuel efficiency, as well as high flight safety, are achieved due to optimal piloting of aircraft in automatic mode and protection of the flight control system from random errors. The remote control system is based on three two-channel upper-level computers (PFCU - Primary Flight Computer Unit), complementing two-channel lower-level computers (ACE - Actuator Control Electronics). PFCUs process command signals coming from the cockpit, autopilot and avionics, and optimize the aircraft's flight characteristics in all flight modes. The level of functional richness implemented in the PFCU was developed taking into account the experience of the Sukhoi Design Bureau in creating a control system with automatic limitation of the maximum and operational flight parameters for manual and automatic control. Thus, the highest level of safety is ensured at all stages of flight, not only due to the high reliability of aircraft systems, but also due to the unique functionality of protection against errors associated with the “human factor”. SSJ 100 is the first regional aircraft with CDS of this level. In the event of a number of serious failures on board, the control system will switch to a backup control loop, providing flight performance at the level of a non-automated (conventional) aircraft.

The use of a fully fly-by-wire flight control system, landing gear retraction/extension and braking system indicates the high performance technology and weight perfection of the Sukhoi Superjet 100.

The fail-safe architecture of the remote control system made it possible to completely eliminate mechanical redundancy. The horizontal stabilizer is also controlled remotely. This helped optimize its dimensions to reduce the level of aerodynamic drag and balancing losses. The Sukhoi Superjet 100 was the first to use algorithmic protection against the tail touching the runway in case of pilot error during takeoff, which made it possible to abandon the use of massive mechanical shock absorbers that other aircraft are equipped with.

The open architecture of the avionics complex was designed by THALES based on integrated modular technology. This made it possible to reduce the number of structural units of the complex by approximately 15% and, thereby, simplify its maintenance. For this purpose, an on-board maintenance system is provided that can detect failure - right down to the structural unit - in all major aircraft systems. Along with this, the basic avionics configuration is more functional than its closest competitors. It includes a triple VHF communication system with ACARS function, a second generation T2CAS collision avoidance system, and ICAO Category IIIA approach capability.

Engines SaM146

The development and production of the SaM146 engine for the entire family of aircraft is carried out by PowerJet, a joint venture of the French company Snecma, which today is one of the world's largest engine manufacturers, and the Russian NPO Saturn. Thanks to the new technologies embedded in the SaM146 engine, all aircraft in the family exceed the current and pending future ICAO requirements for noise and emissions.

Comfort for passengers

The SSJ 100 offers unsurpassed passenger comfort - the fuselage cross-section has increased the aisle between rows to 510 mm and offers best-in-class aisle height with five comfortable seats in a row. The height in the passage to the ceiling is 2,120 mm. The width of the seats is 465 mm.

When configured with four seats in a row, you get a full-fledged business class with the same level of comfort for all passengers.

Passengers have simple and convenient access to shelves that can easily accommodate hand luggage with dimensions approved by IATA standards - in 2015, 55x35x20 cm. Volume luggage racks allow passengers to also freely place any outerwear, from a light summer raincoat to a winter fur coat, regardless of time of year and region.


In October 2015 at TsAGI named after. Zhukovsky began endurance testing of the airframe of the regional aircraft SSJ-100-95LR. This is a model with an extended flight range. Life tests should confirm the design life of the SSJ-100-95LR model up to 70 thousand flight hours and 54 thousand flights. Currently, the design service life of the SSJ-100-95LR model, which has been supplied to airlines since 2013, has been confirmed at 9 thousand flight hours and 6 thousand cycles.

The SSJ 100-95LR modification differs from the base model in its increased flight range (4,578 km versus 3,048 km), increased take-off weight to 49.45 tons, and a reinforced wing for the increased take-off weight. The aircraft is equipped with a SaM146-1S18 engine with a 5% increase in take-off thrust compared to the modification of the SaM146-1S17 engine.

In 2018, the Sukhoi Civil Aircraft company plans to create a new modification of the Superjet - a machine with an extended fuselage SSJ-100SV (Stretched Version). Previously, this project was called SSJ 100NG (New Generation). It is assumed that the extended version of the SSJ 100SV will accommodate from 110 to 125 passengers. The new model will have a take-off weight of slightly more than 55 tons. In total, up to 2031 inclusive, it is planned to sell 140 SSJ 100SV airliners. It is planned to bring the SSJ 100SV to the market in 2020. TsAGI is already purging the SSJ 100SV model in a wind tunnel.

As of January 1, 2016, 101 Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ-100) were built, of which 76 were delivered to customers.

On January 29, 2016, it became known that the European Air Transport Safety Agency (EASA) approved the extension of the type certificate of the Aviation Register of the Interstate Aviation Committee (AR IAC), confirming the ability of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ-100) to land automatically in accordance with CAT standards IIIa ICAO.


Model SuperJet100-95B SuperJet100-95LR
Length 29.94 m
Height 10.28 m
Wingspan 27.80 m
Fuselage diameter 3.24 m
Maximum take-off weight 45880 kg 49450 kg
Maximum landing weight 41000 kg
12245 kg
Empty mass 24250 kg
Bearing surface area 77 m2
Cruising speed 830 km/h / 0.78M
Maximum speed 860 km/h / 0.81M
Flight altitude 12200 m / FL400
Engines 2 × SaM146-1S17 2 × SaM146-1S18
Maximum thrust
on takeoff
2×76.84 kN 2×79.00 kN
Range of flight 3048 km 4578 km
Crew 2+2
Passenger capacity 98 in basic configuration (up to 108)
Passenger doors 4
Luggage compartment volume 21.7 m 3
Run length 1731 m 2052 m
Run length 1630 m
Fuel reserve 15805 l
Auxiliary power unit Honeywell RE220
First flight May 19, 2008 February 12, 2013

Options for the basic layout of the SSJ 100/95 aircraft cabin

Two-class layout
86 seats, pitch: 8C/90 cm + 78Y/80 cm
Standard size galley in forward compartment, 2 toilets

Standard single-class layout
98 seats, pitch 80 cm
Single class layout
103 chairs, pitch 77.5 cm
Small galley in the forward compartment, 2 toilets

Photo of the board of the Mexican AK Interjet and the cockpit - Marina Lystseva (

Today's post is a short overview Russian plane Sukhoi Superjet 100 with tail number RA-89005. The SSJ 100 aircraft, painted in the colors of the SkyTeam alliance, was transferred to Aeroflot on March 5, 2012. My flight on it took place on March 30, 2012, that is, more than a year ago. At that time, only 8 such machines were flying in the world (now there are about 20). I will share my personal impressions of the aircraft. As they say, better late than never.


A girl in an Aeroflot uniform opens the boarding gate for a flight on the route Moscow - Minsk. The cost of a round-trip ticket was a modest 3,868 rubles (1,013 hryvnia or $127).


The SSJ 100 cabin comes in two versions for ~75 and ~95 passengers. The Superjet belongs to the class of regional short-haul aircraft, i.e. designed for medium and short-range flights (up to 2,400 kilometers). But there is also an option with an increased flight range. The layout of the economy class cabin is narrow-body - 5 seats in one transverse row, separated by an aisle (3+2).


As soon as online registration opened on the Aeroflot website, I checked in in the first row after business class.


Pay attention to the plane diagram; this row has the largest legroom.


Even with the toe of an outstretched leg it is impossible to reach the seat in front.


The other chairs are also very comfortable to sit in. The row spacing is decent, as decent as it can be in economy class. For me, as a passenger, this is one of the key characteristics of an airplane.


The salon turned out to be completely new. So clean that it actually sparkled. The finishing is on par. Let's go over the main components.

Individual panel. LED bulbs shine brightly. The buttons on the panel are simple, but pressed softly and pleasantly.


Senior flight attendant console.


Department for hand luggage.


The designers managed to ensure that the size of the shelves corresponded to the size of the shelves of airliners with a large fuselage diameter, such as medium-haul aircraft A320 family. Note that the drawer is deeper above the three chairs. So if your “carry-on baggage” is so huge that it doesn’t fit on your right, you can ask your neighbors on your left to accommodate you above them.


If the cabin is full, and each passenger has a lot of things with them, there will not be enough space in the hand luggage compartment for everyone. However, this is not a problem specific aircraft, and a feature of the entire economy class.


Folding table.


Sukhoi Civil Aircraft CJSC did not invent anything extraordinary. Everything is standard - breakfast fits right in, but oh well.


A brand new wing shines in the window.


It seemed to me that the cabin was a little noisy due to the roar of the engines. Especially during takeoff.



Well what can I say? The flight went as usual and seemed quite comfortable. Nothing irritated me more than usual. At the same time, the cabin of the SSJ 100 does not have outstanding characteristics compared to the cabins of other aircraft of its class that I have flown. The only noticeable plus is the pleasant novelty of the interior. Old Bombardiers and Embraers are more greasy than the newest Superjet.

The tactical and technical characteristics, cost of maintenance and economic benefits from operating the aircraft are not for me, the average passenger, to judge, but for the airlines' specialized specialists. But I’ll still say a few words about the project itself. Firstly, I fully approve of the use of imported components in the aircraft development process. International cooperation increased the quality and guaranteed the success of the project as a whole. But the indigestible Latin “Sukhoi Superjet 100”, which became official name On the contrary, it is very confusing. As a wish, I propose to name the next new model of the Russian aircraft in Russian.

Well, secondly, the SSJ 100 was launched on a domestic assembly line and is being mass-produced, for the first time in modern history Russia. The firm backlog of orders for the aircraft already amounts to 179 units. As the number of Superjets increases, I hope the number of interregional transportations, which we, residents of the regions of a huge country, so lack, will also increase.