Classification of aircraft depending on the functions they perform. Classification of transport aircraft and helicopters Classification of civil aviation aircraft

The aviation industry is developing every year. Today, civilian and military pilots use aircraft models of all configurations and varieties. Aircraft amaze with their variety and variations in purpose. Let's briefly study the types of aircraft and their names in order to classify this type of equipment for ourselves.

The world knows several separate criteria by which aviation experts classify various aircraft. One of the important aspects of systematization of technology is the function of the aircraft.. Today the military and civil ships. Moreover, each category is divided into special groups.

In addition, it is also known division according to the speed characteristics of the airliner. Here aviators list groups of subsonic, transonic, supersonic and hypersonic models. This section of the classification is based on determining the acceleration of the liner relative to the speed of sound. Aircraft, which today is used for scientific and military purposes, although previously similar models worked for passenger transportation.

If we talk about the control method, we can distinguish two main types - manned aircraft and drones. The second group was used by the military and scientists. Such machines are widely used for space exploration.

Considering the types and purposes of aircraft, aviators will name and classification according to the design features of the device. Here we list the differences in the aerodynamic model, the number and type of wing, the shape of the tail section, and the structure of the fuselage. The last subgroup also includes varieties that relate to the types and mounting of the chassis.

Finally, they consider and differences in type, number and installation method of engines. They include muscle, steam, air-jet, rocket, nuclear, and electric motors. In addition, ships are equipped with internal combustion engines (piston modifications of power plants) or combine several variations. Of course, in one review it is difficult to consider in detail the complete classification of aircraft, so we will focus on brief description main categories.

Functionality of the equipment

As stated above, airliners are divided into two main groups: aircraft for civil and military aviation. In addition, experimental devices are a separate type here. Each category here involves division into variations according to the type of purpose and functionality of the aircraft. Let's start by studying aircraft that are used for “peaceful” purposes.

Civil aircraft

Let's define in more detail what types of aircraft there are, the names and subtypes of flying modifications. Here aviators are talking about four model options. Let's list the categories like this:

  • passenger liners;
  • cargo sides;
  • training airbuses;
  • special purpose aircraft.

Note that modifications for passenger transportation are separately divided into groups that determine the flight range. Here they refer to mainline ships and airliners for local transport.

Aircraft classification

  • short-range ones that cover distances of up to 2,000 km;
  • medium, capable of flying 4,000 km;
  • long-distance, operating flights up to 11,000 km.

In addition, the maximum capacity determines the following criteria for local airliners:

  • heavy aircraft with 100 or more seats;
  • medium modifications that carry up to 50 people;
  • light airliners carrying a maximum of 20 passengers.

Among the examples local airlines Let's list the modifications SAAB , E.R.J. , Dash-8 , ATR . It is interesting that certain types of airliners of the local category are equipped with power plants of different classes. There are models with jet engines and aircraft with turboprop engines.

Considering long-haul aircraft, let's name ships familiar to passengers Boeing And Airbus . Boeing aircraft are designed by an American corporation, and Airbus aircraft are designed by a European holding company. Both companies compete with each other, constantly developing and modernizing aircraft. Thus, today the Airbus A380 is considered the heaviest aircraft, although until the release of such a modification, American developments and 747 800 .

Models 747 - the first aircrafts wide-body class, which are still in operation today. In addition, such aircraft are used by the best carriers in Russia and the world.

However, the Europeans are not lagging behind their main competitor. Modifications have gained popularity and recognition among pilots , Airbus A300 And A350 XWB. Model A300- the world's first wide-body aircraft equipped with two engines. As you can see, the possible variations in the classification of airliners cannot be described in one review. But knowing what types of airplanes there are and who created them, the reader will decide on personal preferences and find out the basics of aviation.

Military aviation

Now let's briefly study the typology of courts used by law enforcement agencies. Among these aircraft there are manned airliners and drones, modifications with different types motor, including rocket engine subtypes. However, we will consider the division of these types according to profile criteria.

Military transport aircraft Il-76

Here, as in the civil classification, there is transport liners transporting personnel. This IL-76,An-12, 26 And 124 . In the USA, these functions are carried by models Boeing C-17, 97 And Douglas YC-15. In addition, the military also uses auxiliary equipment– medical aircraft, communications aircraft, spotters. However, military aircraft developments also use several categories of vehicles that are found only here. Their list is as follows:

As you can see, the category of military aircraft is quite extensive and deserves serious study. We have only briefly described the main criteria for systematizing such a group. However, aviation experts prefer to classify aircraft using a comprehensive study that includes Full description side designs. Let's dwell on this issue.

About design features

Belonging to a specific category of an airliner is determined by five characteristics. Here the designers talk about the number and method of attaching the wings, the type of fuselage, the location of the tail and the type of landing gear. In addition, the quantity, location of fixation and types of motor are important. Let's find out the known variations in the design of the sides.

Differences in design features are an important criterion when classifying airliners

If we consider the classification of the wing, then the airliners are divided into polyplanes, biplanes and monoplanes. Moreover, in the last category there are three more subtypes: low-plane, mid-plane and high-plane sides. This criterion determines the relative position and fixation of the fuselage and wings. As for the typology of the fuselage, aviators distinguish single-fuselage and double-boom modifications. Here you can also find the following varieties: gondola, boat, load-bearing fuselage and combinations of these types.

Aerodynamic performance is an important classification criterion because it affects. Here the designers call the types of normal design, “duck”, “tailless” and “flying wing”. In addition, the “tandem”, “longitudinal triplane” and convertible design are known.

Airliner landing gear is systematized according to the design and method of fixing the supports. These elements are divided into roller, float, tracked, combined types and air-supported landing gear. The engines are installed on the wing or in the fuselage. Moreover, the airliners are equipped with one engine or a large number of engines. In addition, the type of power plant also plays a decisive role in systematizing the class of aircraft.

Unmanned aerial vehicles have found application in the scientific and military spheres

Modern aviation has several types of aircraft, which are classified according to various criteria.
According to their intended purpose, aircraft are divided into civil, military and experimental aircraft.
Aircraft classification
Airbus A380 - a giant in the world of passenger airliners
Boeing aircraft are the main competitor in the field of passenger transportation of the European holding company, which produces Airbuses.

Military aircraft are aircraft used for military front-line or combat sorties, designed for high power without taking into account efficiency, unlike aircraft civil aviation.

Military aircraft, first of all, are required to have a high rate of climb, as well as greater speed, altitude and flight range. For the operational conduct of air warfare, long-range bomber aircraft and missile carriers are used to destroy military targets. Refueling aircraft, which only have fuel on board, have the ability to refuel combat aircraft directly in flight. Military aircraft include long-range reconnaissance aircraft with long range, altitude and flight speed. Tactical military aircraft include fighter aircraft (or starfighters), fighter-bombers, light bombers, and tactical reconnaissance aircraft. Modern military aircraft are often designed as multi-role aircraft, i.e. they are intended for combat use as attack aircraft, interceptor fighters and reconnaissance aircraft.

1) Fighter aircraft (fighters)

A fighter aircraft is a very fast one- or two-seat combat aircraft for destroying (searching for) enemy combat aircraft, unmanned missiles, etc. All modern fighter aircraft are equipped with one or two air-breathing engines for propulsion. The speed exceeds sound and is currently about 3500 km/h, the rate of climb near the ground is over 200 m/s and the maximum operating altitude is up to 30,000 m. The armament consists of 2 to 5 fixed automatic guns (with a caliber of 2.0 to 3 .7 cm) and ballistic, radio-controlled or homing air-to-air missiles. In addition, for the most part, fighter aircraft have extensive electronic equipment such as radar, recognition device, etc.

Heavy fighter aircraft or fighter-bombers combine the flight power and flight qualities of fighters - high combat speed and rate of climb, high maximum flight altitude, good maneuverability - and the qualities of light and medium bombers - long flight range, good armament, high payload, extensive electronic and radar equipment. They are highly versatile in their combat capabilities. Their intended purposes include, among other things, actions to intercept and attack ground targets, search for submarines, support formations of ships and ground combat operations, and combat use as an escort fighter or reconnaissance aircraft. Armament and equipment accordingly meet the assigned tasks. Radar installations are standard; weapons usually consist of large-caliber guns and missiles (air-to-air or air-to-ground), as well as bombs and torpedoes as bomber weapons. Since there is no free space in the fuselage of these military aircraft, bombs, missiles and additional fuel tanks are suspended under and at the ends of the wings. The speed performance of heavy bombers is between Mach number 0.2 and 2, the maximum flight altitude is from 15,000 to 20,000 m, and the flight range is from 1,500 to 4,500 km.

Previously, there were special night fighters that were used specifically for combat operations at night, as they were equipped with instruments for blind flight. Most modern fighter aircraft are all-weather, i.e. they can fly combat missions in bad weather conditions, as well as at night. Also, all-weather fighter aircraft are often called heavy fighters, since they are in most cases two-seat and equipped with two engines.

The essence of effective air defense is to “intercept” an incoming enemy and prevent him from completing his combat mission, and therefore destroy him. This requires fighter aircraft with good take-off power, high speeds, a high maximum flight altitude and good armament, namely fighter-interceptors. First of all, they are deployed close to the border of industrial centers and other protected sites.

The use of high-speed and high-flying combat aircraft (bombers) with a jet engine has significantly increased the requirements for the rate of climb, speed and maximum altitude of interceptor fighters. This leads to the following power characteristics: maximum speed from 2000 to 2500 km/h, flight range is 2000-3500 km. Such indicators require, with an average take-off weight of 7 to 12 tons, the use of engines with a thrust of 3000 to 5000 kgf, whose power can increase by another 50% due to additional fuel combustion. For short-term acceleration, especially when climbing, additional rocket propulsion systems can be used.

2) Bomber aircraft (bombers)

Fighter aircraft are primarily used to solve defensive missions, while for bombers offensive actions are put in the foreground. A bomber is a large, heavy military aircraft with multiple turbojet engines (jet turbines or turboprop engines). On short runways or when overloaded, bombers are often equipped with auxiliary launch rockets.

Bombers are tasked with attacking distant targets quickly and at high altitude with explosive charges in the form of bombs. Because of great danger When approaching a target in a hostile area, more bombers are upgraded to missile carriers, which launch missiles at a great distance from the target and are remotely controlled to destroy it, while the bomber itself is outside the area controlled by enemy forces. The take-off weight of modern bombers reaches 230 tons, and the total thrust is over 50,000 kgf or, accordingly, the total power is approximately 50,000 hp. Bomb load depends on tactical range; it reaches up to 16,000 km without refueling, and even more when refueling in the air. The flight altitude reaches 20,000 m, and the crew size can be 12 people. The speed of modern bombers exceeds 2000 km/h; on this moment Bombers are being designed that will have even greater speed. Defensive weapons consist of rockets, machine guns and automatic cannons.

Like all types of aircraft, bombers can also be classified according to different aspects, such as bomb load and thus take-off weight (light, medium and heavy bombers) or depending on their combat purpose (tactical and strategic bombers).

Tactical bombers are aircraft that are designed to solve certain specific tasks of operational warfare, namely, tactical missions. This means actions that change the situation on a certain section of the front and subjugate the entire target, and therefore the destruction in a certain area of ​​concentration of enemy troops, assembly areas, firing positions, airfields, supply routes, etc.

Based on this formulation of the problem, we can formulate the basic requirements for tactical bombers: high combat speed, bomb load up to 10 tons, maximum flight range up to 6000 km. As a result of these requirements, design features are defined that can be summarized as follows: an aircraft with one, two, three or four jet engines with a take-off weight of 20 to 50 tons, with remotely controlled defensive weapons or air-to-air missiles, electronic and radar equipment, with a durable body capable of withstanding heavy loads when flying at low altitudes. From all this, it can be argued that tactical bombers have a certain similarity with heavy fighters, both in their tasks and in their parameters.

Strategic bombers. Strategy is the science of waging war on a large scale. The word strategic means large-scale military operations. This also explains the combat purpose of strategic bombers. These military aircraft are designed to perform combat missions deep behind enemy lines.

All bombers are equipped with radar equipment to search for targets and locate attacking fighter aircraft. Combat sorties are carried out in small groups or alone. Since modern bombers have almost the same speed as fighters, the same flight range, as well as significant defensive capability thanks to air-to-air missiles, today they often refuse fighter cover.

Bombers were first used during the First World War, alone or in small groups. In the Second World War, “massive” combat missions took place in large groups, which numbered several hundred bombers and flew under the cover of fighter aircraft. Bombers of that time had several engines, were relatively slow, designed for a maximum bomb load and a large number of defensive weapons. Modern ones, on the contrary, are designed for long range, altitude, and flight speed. In most cases, reconnaissance planes flew ahead and were intended to find the target. Unlike the bombers of that time, they were equipped with radar devices. Thanks to luminous aerial bombs dropped by parachute, the target was identified. A special type was considered a dive bomber, which approached the target from a great height, then rammed it in a fast dive flight, and dropped one or more bombs from a short distance. After this, the bomber again leveled its position in flight. After the design of intercontinental missiles, there was an opinion that strategic bombers were obsolete. But thanks to their development into missile carriers and flying launchers, they have recently regained their importance.

3) Reconnaissance aircraft (reconnaissance aircraft)

These are multi-seat, lightly armed fighters or bombers (without a bomb load), which are equipped with aerial cameras, radar instruments, often devices for transmitting television signals, or also ship-borne aircraft for aerial reconnaissance, i.e. for reconnaissance of enemy positions, objects, etc., territory and weather conditions in the interests of all parts of its own armed forces. Previously, depending on the maximum flight range and field of application, short-range and long-range reconnaissance aircraft were distinguished. Today, depending on the combat purpose, they talk about tactical and strategic reconnaissance officers. There are special reconnaissance aircraft for conducting artillery fire from the air, for reconnaissance of the area in the firing zone of one's own artillery thanks to visual reconnaissance or aerial photographs, as well as for monitoring the camouflage of one's own artillery. Such aircraft are called artillery aircraft. They belong to short-range reconnaissance or tactical reconnaissance.

4) Military transport aircraft

This large planes, which have from 2 to 8 engines and a flight range of 3000 km or more. They are lightly armed or not armed at all and are designed to transport supplies for troops (food, fuel, ammunition, weapons, also guns, tanks, vehicles, etc.). Military transport aircraft are used for landing (landing) airborne troops, as well as transporting troops during regroupings. A park Vehicle military transport aviation consists of transport aircraft, cargo gliders and helicopters, which are equipped accordingly.

Aircraft classification can be given according to various criteria - by purpose, by aerodynamic design, by engine type, by flight performance parameters, etc.

(aerodynamic diagram of the aircraft, wing diagram, tail diagram, landing gear diagram, fuselage diagram, power plant).

The quality of an aircraft and its efficiency are determined by a number of characteristics and parameters,

the most important of which are the following:

take-off weight,

target load mass,

maximum speed,

cruising speed,


range of flight,

rate of climb,


takeoff and landing characteristics,

reliability and safety of operation,


The aircraft design must meet many requirements based on many years of experience.

design, production and operation of aircraft. The main requirement will always be the requirement

ensuring high aircraft efficiency at

certain costs for its development, creation and operation. Compliance with this requirement is ensured

high level aerodynamic perfection and

perfection of the power plant, aviation and radio-electronic equipment of the aircraft, sufficient

strength and rigidity of the structure, high reliability,

survivability and flight safety for a given aircraft life, its good performance qualities, as well as a high level of design technology. All these requirements must be met with the minimum weight of the structure and the aircraft as a whole. The last requirement is the most important for any aircraft, because... overweighting the structure always leads to an increase

the total weight of the aircraft and reduce its efficiency.

Il-96-300 aircraft route map.

Tu-204 route map

When studying sections of the complex, you can additionally use the following sources:

Zhitomirsky G.I. Aircraft design - M.: Mashinostroenie, 1995. - 416 p.

Grebenkov O.A. Aircraft design. - M.: Mechanical Engineering, 1984. - 238 p.

Eger S.M., Mishin V.F., Liseytsev N.K. Aircraft design. - M.: Mechanical Engineering, 1983. - 616 p.

Shulzhenko M.N. Aircraft design - M.: Mashinostroenie, 1971. - 416 p. and etc.

Aircraft classification
depending on the functions they perform

The purpose of an aircraft is determined mainly by the design of its individual fragments, the overall assembly, the equipment used on the aircraft, as well as flight, weight and geometric properties. The site notes that mostly there are two large groups of aircraft - military and civilian.

Military aircraft are involved in air strikes against various military targets, manpower and equipment, as well as enemy communications. Air strikes are carried out both in the rear of the opposing side and in the front-line zone. In addition, military aircraft serve to protect their manpower and facilities from air strikes, as well as to transport troops and equipment, cargo and troops. Sometimes military aircraft are used for reconnaissance and for communication “with our own”. Military aircraft, in turn, are divided according to their purpose into several types - bombers, fighters, fighter-bombers, reconnaissance aircraft, military transport and auxiliary aircraft.

Bombers carry out bombing strikes on the most important enemy targets, as well as on communication centers and places where the largest number of manpower and equipment is observed. Most of the action of the bomber takes place in the rear. Fighters are used to repel enemy air strikes. They are divided into escort fighters (protecting their bombers from airstrikes), front-line fighters (protecting their troops above the battlefield and close to the front line), and interceptor fighters (intercepting and destroying enemy bombers). Fighter-bombers are equipped with bombs, missiles and cannons. They participate in striking in the forward zone and near rear, destroying the enemy air army.

Military transport aircraft are used when it is necessary to transfer cargo, equipment and troops. Reconnaissance aircraft conduct reconnaissance in the rear of the opposite side, and auxiliary aircraft carry out communications, spotting, sanitary and other functions.

Unlike the military, civil aircraft They work in the field of transportation of goods, mail, passengers, and are also used in some sectors of the national economy. They can be divided into several types, also depending on their purpose. Passenger aircraft used to transport passengers, various luggage, as well as mail. They come in mainline and local lines. The site notes that the division depends on the number of passengers, distance air transport, as well as the size of the runways. Trunk lines are divided into short, medium and long-distance, and carry out transportation at a distance of one to eleven thousand kilometers. Local airline aircraft include heavy, medium and light, and can carry from fifty-five (maximum) to eight (minimum) people.

Civil aircraft are also cargo aircraft; they are used to transport cargo of various volumes and weights. Special aircraft are used in agricultural, ambulance and polar aviation. In addition, there are aircraft that take part in geological exploration, to ensure the safety of forests (from fires, for example), and even for aerial photography. There are special training aircraft for pilot training - they come in initial training and transitional types. There are only two seats in initial training aircraft; they are quite easy to learn and technically, and are used for pilots who are sitting at the controls for the first time. Transition aircraft serve to train already experienced pilots to fly production aircraft already in use on various airlines.

In addition to the purpose, there is also a definition of aircraft according to the scheme. The relative position, types, shapes, and number of individual parts of the aircraft are taken into account. For example, airplanes vary in the number of wings and their arrangement, in the type of fuselage, landing gear and engines, and in the location of the tail. There are also mixed designs, one of which is an amphibious boat. The location, type and number of engines greatly influences the design and is determined mainly by the purpose of the aircraft, which was discussed above.

There are two main types: military And civilian. Constructions of the first type are used to perform various strategic tasks, mainly for defense or, conversely, the destruction of military installations. Within this family, a complex network has been formed, consisting of complex system subgroups Civil airliners are passenger and cargo; the main types of aircraft are discussed in more detail below.

It is worth noting that there are many groups based on various characteristics and it is impossible to single out the most common one. Thus, there are the following classifications of aircraft: by aerodynamic design, by tail, by the number and type of wings, and so on.

It is impossible to consider all classifications within the framework of one article. Moreover, detailed description classifications and types of aircraft is dedicated to great amount literature. Therefore, here we will consider the most common division.

Perhaps it’s worth starting with technology used for strategic purposes, since there are more types in this category. Mostly such aircraft can be seen at parades, dedicated to the Day Great Victory, in films or in museums.


The main task that bombers must perform is to destroy ground targets from the air. Bombs and rockets are used for this. The list of the most famous bombers includes Su-24, Su-34, XB-70 Valkyrie, Boeing B-17.

The first aircraft of this type can be called “Ilya Muromets”, created in 1913 by designer Igor Sikorsky. It was converted directly into a bomber during the First World War.


These aircraft are used to destroy air targets. However, despite such a sonorous and rather aggressive name, fighters belong to the class of defense equipment, and these aircraft, as a rule, are not used separately for offensive purposes. It is curious that at first the fighter pilot had to control the ship and shoot at the enemy from a revolver, which later gave way to a machine gun. During World War II, fighter aircraft were actively used, for example, LaGG-3, MiG-3, Yak-1. German pilots flew the Bf. 109, Bf. 110 and Fw 190.


A universal technique that combines the qualities of the two aircraft described above. Their main advantage is that they can fire at ground targets without cover. They combine three important features: lightness, maneuverability and weapons sufficient for conducting a firefight. Among the most common examples are the MiG-27, Su-17, F-15E Strike Eagle, SEPECAT Jaguar.

Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II fighter-bomber


This is a subspecies of fighters worthy of its own class. The primary task of such aircraft is to destroy enemy bombers. They differ from fighters by having radar equipment in addition to rapid-firing cannons. Well-known Soviet models include Su-9, Su-15, Yak-28, Mig-25 and others.


Aircraft in this category were designed for air support. ground forces during combat. The secondary task is to defeat sea and ground targets. Perhaps the most famous name aircraft intended for attack and designed in the Soviet Union - Il-2. Interestingly, this particular model is the most mass-produced in history: a total of 36,183 units this technique.

Civil aircraft

Today air Transport is one of the most popular means of transportation. IN modern world There are so many pieces of passenger equipment that every 3 seconds one passenger airliner lands somewhere on the globe. Below is the most general classification of aircraft.

Passenger wide-body double-deck aircraft Airbus A380


Such aircraft are distinguished by their large dimensions; they are designed for flights over medium and long distances (some models cover routes up to 11,000 km long). The length of the hull can reach 70 meters, and the width of the cabin allows it to accommodate 7-10 seats in a row. Aircraft such as the Boeing 747 and A380 have two decks. Due to their high cost, aircraft from this group are available to a relatively small number of airlines.


This is the most large group, liners from which are used, as a rule, for short or medium-distance routes. The diameter of the fuselage most often does not exceed 4 meters. The most famous aircraft in this category is the Boening 737, or more precisely, 10 types of aircraft belonging to the Boeing 737 family.

Regional and local

The first include small aircraft that carry up to 100 passengers over distances not exceeding 2-3 thousand km. It is noteworthy that both turboprop and jet engines can be used. Examples of aircraft from this group include the ERJ, ATR, Dash-8 and SAAB.

Local aircraft cover routes of no more than 1,000 km at a time, with a maximum of 20 seats in the cabin. The most famous manufacturers of this equipment are Cessna and Beechcraft.

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