Krasnaya Polyana for tourists. One day in Krasnaya Polyana. Krasnaya Polyana after the Olympic Games

A variety of categories of tourists come to the village of Krasnaya Polyana, located in the mountains 60 km from Sochi: those who love ski down the mountains , and those who just want take a breath of fresh mountain air . Some come in their own car, others prefer organized tours, and there are those who get there by public transport (regular buses go here from Sochi).

Most tourists to these places are attracted by the legacy of the Winter Olympics in Sochi 2014. And this is understandable: to see with your own eyes those sports facilities from which television broadcasts were broadcast every day, and where our athletes competed for medals and became Olympic champions, is very interesting. But in recent years there have been many who simply fell in love with the local mountains for their amazing beauty, and now come here to relax without fuss and get a boost of energy.

For both those and others, the information that I share in this article will be useful - what can be see in Krasnaya Polyana and surrounding areas .

Krasnaya Polyana: attractions within walking distance from the resort

All attractions can be divided into those created by nature itself, and those that appeared in the local mountains through the efforts of man. Let's start with them.

Springboards Russian roller coaster

For example, Russian Hills jump complex . It is located on the northern side of the Aibga ridge, not far from the village and consists of two jumps K-125 and K-95.

This complex was built in record time - all stages of construction can be seen in colorful photos in the complex itself. And the warm winter with little snow that year almost ruined all plans. Many people don’t even realize what a difficult job it is - collecting snow and placing it on the jump. And how quickly it turns into mush in the bright sun!

You will learn about all this by visiting the ski jump complex with a tour. Its cost is about 500 rubles. You will be invited to visit the exhibition hall, watch videos and listen to the guide's story about the Russian Roller Coaster, as well as take the chair lift to the starting point and look down through the eyes of an athlete. Excursions do not operate every day, it is better to check by phone.

And for extreme sports enthusiasts it works on the trampolines tubing. Driving down one of the springboards, K-95, on a “cheesecake” at a speed of 60 km/h is not like riding down a hill on an ice rink! It is simply impossible to describe in words the sensations of going down the tube - you have to experience it yourself. The price for one hour of tubing is 550 rubles. The price includes everything: descents on a tube for an hour without restrictions, ascents to the starting point on a chairlift, rental of equipment (inflatable tube and protection), parking. In one hour you can go down the diving board 10-12 times.


Next, if you are interested in Krasnaya Polyana sports facilities, take a look ski and biathlon complex "Laura" , built by Gazprom in a unique natural area - on the Psekhako ridge. Climbing the mountain on a cable car resort Gazprom , you will see: a biathlon stadium, a ski stadium, ski and biathlon tracks. And from the top of the ridge you will see a wonderful panorama of the mountains.

Sankey Center

Best view of bobsleigh and luge track "SUNKY" with a length of 1814 opens from the A3 or K1-K2 cable car already mentioned above. In general, this is the first track in Russia for international competitions. There are only two dozen such tracks in the world. The Sochi track is the best, technologically advanced, safe: 1500 meters of downhill, 17 turns.

Unique attraction – bobsleigh run — is now available to all extreme sports fans. As in a real bobsled, you can go down in fours or twos. For the descent, special tourist funbobs with soft upholstery, comfortable seats and seat belts were developed. Descents are possible for adults and for children above 150 cm in the presence of parents, the safety of the descents is guaranteed.

The luge and bobsleigh track snakes along the mountainside.

Ski lifts in Krasnaya Polyana

It’s worth visiting Krasnaya Polyana just to climb the mountain by cable car . There are many of them here, they work all year round. Each resort has its own lift prices. To figure out where you want to climb more or where it’s cheaper to do it, read these articles:

And if you are not a mountain fanatic and are not too interested in Olympic venues, then in the vicinity of Krasnaya Polyana there are also routes for you, worthy of attention. Now I will tell you what you can see even in one day.

Excursion to Krasnaya Polyana: weekend route

If you drive your own car, you can see a lot of interesting places in just one day.

I advise you to start from the very end of the valley and get to the year-round resort of Rosa Khutor. What you can see and do here, read in detail .

Then I advise you to turn off the new road onto the old one, which goes through the village itself Krasnaya Polyana.

The village is very well maintained and pleasant. It has all the modern infrastructure: shops, hotels, restaurants, swimming pools and bath complexes, gas stations and so on.

There are also historical objects, I talk about them in more detail in this article:

But further along the old road, about five kilometers from Krasnaya Polyana, is located Waterfall "Maiden's Tears" . This waterfall is not like the others, which impress with a powerful stream of falling water. Like in this photo, it only happens in early spring— during the period of active snow melting in the mountains:

And at other times of the year, “Maiden’s Tears” flow down the 13-meter rock in the form of numerous thin streams, originating high in the alpine meadows, and continuing their path, after falling, in the fast Mzymta River. The water flowing over the stone blocks is crystal clear and very cold, because it is formed from the melting of snow high in the mountains.

The surroundings of the waterfall are full of colorful rags and ribbons tied on the branches of bushes growing nearby. They are left by those who believe in the fulfillment of their wish made near a magical place. There is a sign that an unmarried girl who washes herself with water from a waterfall will soon get married. It is not surprising that an excursion to this place is especially popular among the fair sex.

Further along the route there will be a sign to a place with the colorful name Medvezhiy Ugol. Turning off the road into a gorge where a river flows Chvizhepse , you get to Chvizhepsinsky Narzan spring .

Narzan spring Chvizhepse in the town of Medvezhiy Ugol: there is nothing special to see, but trying the water is useful.

Here you can taste the water, which originated at a depth of 200 meters. Legend says that the water of Chvizhepse absorbed all the power of the Earth. There are also scientific facts confirming the amazing properties of water from the Chvizhepse spring: scientists noticed that after drinking the water, people became more cheerful and their strength returned. Admission is paid, 100 rubles per person. Here you can buy a plastic bottle and fill up with water.

After driving another 11 kilometers along the same road towards Adler, you will see a sign for village Galitsyno . The village is unremarkable, but it is through it that the road to Trinity-St. George Convent.

This road, although paved, is very narrow: it is difficult for two cars to pass each other. The monastery was opened in August 1999 at a small abandoned recreation center of a local reinforced concrete plant, and was built with private donations. Thanks to them, here for short term Several architecturally interesting temples appeared.

And in the middle of all these buildings there is a beautiful garden, where it is simply pleasant to stroll and relax in the shade of rose bushes, and admire the pond with water lilies. Detachment from worldly concerns is what makes this place worth visiting, even if you are not a believer.

After resting in the shadow of the monastery walls, move on.

The central place in the park is occupied by the world's longest suspended pedestrian bridge - the SkyBridge - with a length of 439 m. For some, even just a walk along this suspension bridge over the abyss, at an altitude of more than 200 meters, will become extreme. But during the walk you will be able to enjoy magnificent panoramic views: on the one hand - to the Caucasus Mountains, on the other - to the Black Sea coast. Be sure to take a walk if you do not suffer from a fear of heights.

A ticket for a walk along the bridge costs 1,500 rubles for adults and 800 rubles for adults. children's And for lovers of truly thrilling sensations, Skypark offers high-altitude rides.

Tandem jump: not so scary for two?

Also on the territory of Skypark there is a rope adventure park “Mowgli”, interactive museum world bungee jumping, a climbing wall with an area of ​​1200 sq.m. and 18 m high, an amphitheater where concerts and festivals take place all summer, and a panoramic restaurant at the very edge of the gorge.

On the descent from the mountain where the Sky Park is located, there is another local attraction - Akhshtyrskaya cave . Of course, it’s funny to compare it with the New Athos Cave in Abkhazia - it’s not the same scale, but it’s still interesting to see. Moreover, the road to it will not take much time - 300-400 meters down from the park. At the same time, you will walk through a beautiful forest.

Akhshtyrskaya cave is an object of Sochi national park, so they charge an entrance fee. Cost: adult – 150 rubles, children – 70 rubles. And it became famous because, according to archaeologists, in ancient times there was a site of primitive man here. And there is also a good legend that it was in these places that Odysseus met with the Cyclops. Thanks to all these stories, Akhshtyrskaya Cave is quite a popular place among tourists.

Akhshtyrskaya cave.

Going down the road from the cave, you will find yourself in the village of Cossack Ford. They'll be right in your way And glassblowing workshop.

Adler trout farm is the largest fish breeding facility in Russia. The “Adler” trout was bred here, capable of living both in the river and in the sea. An excursion to a trout farm usually takes no more than half an hour. But in these 25-30 minutes you will learn how trout are bred and raised, what varieties live in the numerous pools of the trout farm (these pools are clearly visible from the suspension bridge in Skypark), and you will be able to take part in feeding the fish.

The trout farm has a store with all kinds of fresh fish.

The next point on your route could be glassblowing show at the Art Glass Workshop. Here you can get acquainted with the process of making glass products. Watching the deft movements of the masters, you never cease to be amazed at the metamorphoses that occur with glass. Here it is soft and pliable like dough, stretches and curls with tongs into all sorts of shapes, and in a few minutes it will become fragile...

After the show, take a stroll through the sales area, where exclusive works of local glassblowers are presented - I have not seen such a variety of shapes and colors since I visited a similar workshop in Venice, Italy, where the famous Murano glass is produced. Very elegant and original products can be purchased if desired. True, the price tags on some of them bite.

And you can finish your weekend itinerary at "Hamshensky yard" . This is an ethnographic complex and a restaurant at the same time. It's hard not to notice it - the building itself looks like medieval castle, and nearby there is something resembling Noah’s Ark. In general, don’t be lazy, go into the ethnographic exhibition room and look at the exhibits. And then, with a clear conscience, taste the local cuisine.

Hamshensky Dvor complex: see and eat!

That’s how simple it is, in just one day, you can get the whole gamut of emotions: from peace and aesthetic pleasure to chilling fear.

If you don’t have a car, you can contact these guys +79384600693. They will pick you up from your hotel, take you to the most interesting places, show and tell you everything, and bring you back. Their cars are good, and their prices are not high. If you say the code word “Sochifornia”, you will also get a discount on the excursion. The entire route will take you approximately 6-7 hours, plus travel time from/to your hotel.

Have an interesting weekend and see you on the blog!

P.S. I suggest you solve the tourist crossword puzzle. And prizes will be drawn among those who guess the key word.

It is not for nothing that Krasnaya Polyana is compared to edelweiss, securely hidden in the depths of the mountains. The village is located at an altitude of 600 m above sea level, in the valley of the Mzymta River.

From the north it is protected from cold air masses by the Main Caucasus ridge, from the east - the Aibga ridge, from the west - the Achishkho ridge. Only from the south, where the Alek ridge is located, through the deep Akh-tsu gorge, does a warm wind penetrate into the valley.

Krasnaya Polyana is a unique place where four climatic zones replace each other in a relatively small area.

What is Krasnaya Polyana

Protected by mountains from cold winds, the valley has a mild climate: it is warm in summer, but not as hot as in, and in winter the thermometer rarely drops below -2 0C.

On the slopes of the mountains peacefully coexist: ancient oaks, slender beeches, chestnuts, Colchis pines, heat-loving laurels, exotic rhododendrons and relict aristocrats - boxwoods.

Higher in the mountains you can admire alpine meadows where mountain chamois wander. The nature of Krasnaya Polyana is so unique that this area is included in the jurisdiction of the Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve.

In winter, Krasnaya Polyana is literally covered with snow: the depth of the snow cover is more than 1.5 m, so it would seem that nature itself intended these places for ski slopes. However, all this splendor is located in a remote area, where until recently only the most stubborn and persistent ski lovers came.

Only at the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th centuries. a more or less tolerable road was built to Krasnaya Polyana. And only in the last few years, for the Olympics, a convenient, modern infrastructure was created, thanks to which you can get to Krasnaya Polyana easily and comfortably.

It is customary to call the entire valley Krasnaya Polyana, although the village of Krasnaya Polyana itself and the adjacent village of Esto-Sadok are located here (from it to the center of Krasnaya Polyana - 4 km).

Four large resort and sports complexes have been built in Krasnaya Polyana:

  • , the oldest of the resorts, located 8 km from the village of Esto-Sadok;
  • the Laura complex (Gazprom), built in 2008 to host cross-country skiing and biathlon competitions;
  • Rosa Khutor, where the Olympic alpine skiing competitions were held;
  • "Mountain Carousel" is the largest of sports complexes Krasnaya Polyana.

How to get there

From Sochi to Krasnaya Polyana – 70 km, from Adler – 45 km. The most convenient way to get to Krasnaya Polyana is by train or bus from Sochi or from. From the Adler bus station you can get to Krasnaya Polyana by minibus No. 135, from Sochi - by bus No. 105.

A taxi ride from Sochi to Krasnaya Polyana will cost approximately 1,800 rubles.

A new high-speed electric train “Lastochka” runs from Sochi and Adler to Krasnaya Polyana, on which you can get from Sochi to the final station (Rosa Khutor) in 1 hour 10 minutes, from Adler - in 40 minutes.

The cost of a one-way ticket from Sochi is 112 rubles, from Adler – 64 rubles. There are a total of 2 stations on the territory of Krasnaya Polyana.

The first one is called “Esto-Sadok” and is located at the end of the village, the second one was first called “Krasnaya Polyana”, after the Olympics it was renamed “Rosa Khutor”, and local residents They call it "Alpika".

The first flight of the Lastochka from Sochi to Krasnaya Polyana is at 620, the last one is at 1720, and the last flight from Adler is at 2024). The last flight of the Lastochka from Krasnaya Polyana to Sochi was at 1900, to Adler at 2235.

Skiers heading to Rosa Khutor go to the final station. Those who want to get to the Mountain Carousel must get off at the Esto-Sadok station and transfer to the free bus.

Just a little history

Although, thanks to the delightful climate, people lived in the Mzymta valley many thousands of years ago, these places have practically no written history of their own.

It was so difficult to get into the valley that until the middle of the 19th century, Circassian tribes lived here, whom the inhabitants of the lowlands called “medoveys”: the Circassians did not know agriculture, they collected fruits, chestnuts and mountain honey.

Their main source of existence was robbery, which, due to the inaccessibility of the valley, they could engage in for a long time with impunity.

On May 21, 1864, four Russian armies approaching from different sides met in the Mzymta valley, a parade was held and a prayer service was served to mark the end of the Caucasian War. Later, in 1869, a settlement was founded in the valley, called Romanovsky.

Only dispossessed exiles who no longer had a place in their native lands could live in the inaccessible “bear corner”. In 1878, the Greeks who accepted Russian citizenship settled in the Mzymta valley and named their village Krasnaya Polyana: in the fall the entire valley turns red from the leaves of ferns.

A little later, landless Estonians came here and founded their village of Esto-Sadok. Later attempts by the authorities to name the village Romanovsky or Tsarskaya Polyana did not meet with understanding among the local population.

The road to Krasnaya Polyana was built only in 1898, and only because it was here that the royal hunting lodge was built, in which the Grand Dukes loved to have fun. After the revolution and up to the present day, mainly skiing and mountaineering enthusiasts vacationed in Krasnaya Polyana. In 1963, an experimental beekeeping station was opened here.

Sports complexes of Krasnaya Polyana

The sports complexes of Krasnaya Polyana are built not only at the level of world standards, but also in many ways exceed them.

Complex Rosa Khutor(so named because the farm of the Estonian Rooz once stood in its place) boasts not only convenient ski slopes, but also an extreme park where everyone can practice snowboarding and freestyle.

At the Alpika-Service resort, on the northern slopes of Aibga, Luge Center "Sanki" was built. There are no analogues of its luge and bobsleigh track with three counter-slopes in the world today.

Main local attractions

Museum of History and Local Lore

The school museum in Krasnaya Polyana was created by front-line teacher B.D. Tskhomaria.

Since 1947, he worked at a local school, instilled in his students a love for their native land and its history, and organized hikes around the outskirts of Krasnaya Polyana.

In 1961, B.D. Tskhomaria and his students conducted excavations at the Aishkha pass, where the Soviet Army stopped the Nazis in 1942.

The objects found there formed the basis of the museum's exhibition. Today the museum occupies five halls, and its exhibition consists of 18,000 objects.

Tamsaare Museum

In the summer of 1912, the classic of Estonian literature A.H. was vacationing in Esto-Sadok. Tamsaare. In the small white house that he then occupied, a museum named after him has been opened. The museum’s exhibition includes not only the writer’s personal belongings, but also various items typical of the life of Estonian peasants at the beginning of the 20th century. Today, the museum hosts festivals of Estonian art.

Achipse Fortress

Where the Achipse River flows into the Mzymta, majestic ruins rise. Its meter-thick walls reach a length of 300 m. The fortress was built in the 9th – 10th centuries, and historians have still not come to a consensus about who it belonged to. Above the fortress in the rock there is an interesting cave, which locals call Slantseva.

Approximate cost of housing

Many hotels have been built in Krasnaya Polyana to suit every taste and budget, and housing is also available for rent in the private sector.

In the private sector, the daily cost of living for one person is approximately 400 - 700 rubles. A comfortable hostel offers its services for the same money.
The daily cost of a double room in an average hotel is 2000 – 2500 rubles.

Today we will talk about this great place our country as the ski resort Krasnaya Polyana. This is a very beautiful object of nature and recreation at any time of the year, among the Caucasus mountains, greenery (in summer), and reservoirs - a neat town with sports entertainment and gorgeous views.

During the preparation period (2006-2014) for the Olympic Games held in Sochi, and especially after 2014 (the 2014 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games were held in Krasnaya Polyana), Krasnaya Polyana became the most respectable resort, and rightfully so.

About the most bright places Krasnaya Polyana, we’ll tell you more about the nuances of relaxation.

“Krasnaya Polyana is an urban-type settlement in the Adler region municipality resort city of Sochi, Krasnodar region. Center of the Krasnaya Polyana settlement district."

Despite the fact that Wikipedia refers to Krasnaya Polyana as a village, Krasnaya Polyana is more often understood as a resort of the same name, which includes both the village and a larger part of the Adler region. We will talk about both the village and the resort.

There are several versions of why Krasnaya Polyana was called red: for example, settlers who descended from the mountains a long time ago mistook the thickets of brown fern, gaping in the rays of the sun, from a distance for red earth; there is a version that in the rays of the dawn sun the tops of the mountains seemed red to topographers.

This is one of the most beautiful places in our country. Located 45 km from the Black Sea... In the Adler region, which is part of Sochi. In winter there is white snow and scorching sun, in summer mountain nature. In recent years, as local residents and tourists note, Krasnaya Polyana has become like a European resort.

“They built towers, hotel complexes, shops, trampled paths everywhere, made highways... it got worse, it was almost virgin beautiful nature, which was admired by both locals and visitors, and today Krasnaya Polyana is simply a “cool” sports resort,” say those who have known this area for decades.

And indeed: a beautiful (from a natural point of view) place has several options for its future fate, for example, it is turned into an amusement park, a promenade, and it, of course, loses its pristine natural appearance, becomes well-trodden, trampled, the other option is to remain as before beautiful, untouched, but closed to people. Wherever a person steps, he spoils a lot, but at the same time, wasn’t nature created for man? True, not for someone who burns forests, litters in parks, and behaves worse than animals.

Krasnaya Polyana is one of the few places in our country where it is also clean and tidy, despite the development of infrastructure. It’s not just the culture of tourists, but the fact that this is an “object of national importance”; sporting events have been and are being held here international importance— Olympic, Paralympic Games, World Cups, etc. In this connection, workers of the complexes and the resort actively monitor cleanliness and order.

The village of Krasnaya Polyana is surrounded by mountains, located at an altitude of 500 meters from sea level, with several rivers nearby. This is an ideal place for extreme sports, competitions, admiring mountains, rivers from the heights of cable cars, etc.

Geography of the village:

“Krasnaya Polyana is located in the middle reaches of the Mzymta River, 39 km from the Black Sea coast at an altitude of about 500 meters above sea level. The village is surrounded on all sides high mountains: from the west by Mount Achishkho and its spurs, from the east - by the Aibga ridge. The watershed of the Main Caucasus Range passes 15 km north of Krasnaya Polyana.

The settlement occupies a vast terrace, which is a slightly inclined area in the form of a triangle, the apex resting on the spurs of Mount Achishkho, and the base resting on the right (orographically) bank of the Mzymta River. During the Ice Age, on the site of the village there was the lower tip powerful glacier, traces of which are found everywhere in the form of huge boulders and grooves on the rocks of the mountains surrounding the valley.

The village is connected to Adler and Sochi airport by a modern combined road and railway. There is a heliport. There is an internal bus route 63 “Rosa Khutor-Heliport”. WITH Central region Greater Sochi, the village is connected by buses 105 and 105c and an electric train, and is connected to the Adler district bus routes 105, 105c and 135 and electric train.”

On the territory of the village (population is about 4.7 thousand people) there are several ski resorts.

For example, Rosa Khutor is one of the brightest. Not only does it have beautiful name, so this is also a beautiful area and the largest ski resort in Russia. Nine kilometers of slopes and five lifts, in 2012 the first alpine skiing World Cup in Russian history was held here.

Hotel complexes were built using eco-construction technology: “compliance by developers with environmental standards and regulations in force in the territory Russian Federation, the use of environmentally friendly and certified construction technologies and materials, the introduction of alternative energy sources, along with traditional ones, and the implementation of environmental protection measures in the territory of the Sochi National Park.”

In Krasnaya Polyana (resort and village) the most striking attractions are:

Aibga massif

The mountain range that surrounds Krasnaya Polyana from the southeast. The most high peak ridge - Stone Pillar, 2509 meters, slightly less - Black Pyramid, 2375 meters.

There are three ski resorts on the massif: Alpika-Service, Karusel and Rosa Khutor. You can get there on foot or by helicopter.

In the photo is the Aibga Massif

Akhshtyrskaya cave

This place is the site of a primitive man. In the cave, historians discovered many archaeological finds Lower Paleolithic period: “flint tools, points, flakes, side scrapers. A large number of animal bones were found: cave bear, red deer, roe deer, fox, wild boar, etc. The discovered finds indicate that the main occupation of primitive man of the Mousterian era was hunting.”

In the photo is the Akhshtyrskaya Cave

The cave is located in the Akhshtyr Gorge above the Mzymta River in the Adler district of the city, the entrance to the cave is at an altitude of 120 meters above river level.

Near the cave Observation deck, which offers a gorgeous view of the Mzymta River.

Achishkho massif

The closest to Krasnaya Polyana mountain range, height 2391 meters, on the eastern side of the ridge there are several lakes, they are also called Khmelevsky lakes: Bolshoye, Vostochnoye, Yuzhnoye, Zapadnoye. Among the mountains of the ridge there is the Brothers waterfall, which is most beautiful during the snowmelt - in May and June.

Pictured is the Achishkho Massif

SKYPARK AJ Hackett Sochi / Skypark AJ Hackett Sochi

Adventure park at its best. The site operates under the AJ Hackett brand (there are 8 similar sites in the world). The park is located in relict forest among flowering plants.

One of the most exciting adventures is the 439 meter long suspension bridge.

Rope rides will be built on the territory of the park, “an interactive museum of world bungee jumping, a climbing wall with an area of ​​1200 sq. m and 18m high, an amphitheater where concerts and festivals will be held, and a restaurant on the edge of the canyon.”

Also in the park there are extremely extreme attractions - jumping from a height of 207 and 69 meters with your head, somersaults, together with someone on an elastic rope, the highest swing in the world 170 meters, MegaTroll with a length of 700 m, on which you can reach a speed of up to 150 km/ h.

Pictured is SKYPARK AJ Hackett Sochi

Park opening hours: 7 days a week from 10:00 to 18:00

Entrance to the park will cost 1 thousand rubles, and you have to pay separately for entertainment, so the first jump from 207 meters will cost 15 thousand rubles, repeated on the same day almost five thousand rubles, on another day seven thousand rubles, jump from a height of 69 meters from 2.4 to 6 thousand rubles.

Pictured is the Dzykhrinskoye Gorge

Psaho Canyon

The canyons of the Psakho River have long been considered an important attraction not only of Krasnaya Polyana, but also of Sochi. Gorge, waterfalls, tectonic faults, caves of primitive people, boxwood forest, 5-7 meter trees covered with moss and entwined with dianas.

Pictured is Psaho Canyon

A very beautiful place..

Lake valley Dzitaku (Semiozerye)

One of the most beautiful places in Sochi and all of Russia. Dzitaku is a mountain range, part of the Caucasus State Biosphere Reserve. At an altitude of almost 2 thousand meters above sea level there are five lakes that amaze with their purity and beauty. The area of ​​the largest is 20 thousand square meters and a depth of no more than 10 meters.

Pictured is the Jitaku Lake Valley

Aviary complex

This is a zoo, animals live here in enclosures, and animals representing the local fauna: raccoons, bison, deer, wolves, wild boars.

Tourists, especially those with children, love to visit the enclosure complex.

Pictured is the Krasnaya Polyana Aviary Complex

Pictured are Dolmens

Pictured is Lake Kardyvach

Trout farm

From the name it is clear that it is something related to red fish. This is a farm for breeding small trout. It’s a very funny sight and an interesting process of communicating with huge orange fish splashing in the pools; people feed the fish, some even go into the pools.

Of the 11 pools (ponds), 41 are juvenile.

The photo shows the ponds of the Trout Farm

Dishes prepared from local trout are the specialty of the chefs at the trout farm’s tasting room.

Pictured is the Pear Ridge

Park "Southern Cultures"

The vast green area presents the flora of the subtropical zone of the Earth - the Caucasus, China, Japan, Asia, Africa, the Himalayas, etc.

The park has a rose garden with countless types of roses, a collection of rhododendrons, many coniferous trees- thujas, cypresses, pines, cedars, fir, cryptomeria, lakes with blooming lotuses, beautiful bridges across ponds, alleys with bright plants leading to the sea.

Pictured is the Park "Southern Cultures"


People come to the apiary not just to look at the bees’ houses, but, of course, to taste delicious honey and drink tea. Various types of honey are obtained here, including chestnut honey.

Pictured is the Krasnaya Polyana Apiary

Pictured is Brothers Waterfall

Pictured is Mount Chugush


A mountain range stretching from Krasnaya Polyana to the border of Abkhazia.

The photo shows the Aishkho ridge

Efremov's horizons

This is Mount Monashka, located 750 meters from the shore of the Mzymta and 2 km from Krasnaya Polyana, the height of the mountain is 758 meters. The mountain offers a beautiful view of the resort and the Pseakhsho massif, which is why this area is called Khorozor.

In the photo Krugozor Efremova

Efremov was a famous geographer, poet, and writer, and he loved these places very much, so he bequeathed to be buried here. His ashes are buried on one of the slopes of Mount Nun.

In the photo Khmelevskie Lakes

Mineral springs of Krasnaya Polyana

There are many mineral springs in Krasnaya Polyana; the resort is famous not only as a ski resort, but also as a balneological resort.

“These are boron-enriched Pslukhsky springs, similar in composition to Borjomi, Narzan Chvizhepse, springs in the Achipse valley, similar to Esentuki, and other carbon dioxide mineral springs.”

In the photo Mineral springs of Krasnaya Polyana

Before the Olympic Games, people even lived near springs so that they could walk with a container to the stream several times a day and drink healing water directly from there. It is believed that when transferred, water loses its properties. Water mineral springs Krasnaya Polyana is very healing.

Tourists note as the main attraction, of course, the views of beautiful mountains, rivers, waterfalls, mountains, flowers, snowy rocks, wild gorges and just the view from the window of a bus traveling to one of the Krasnaya Polyana resorts.

Among the advantages of Krasnaya Polyana, tourists highlight the year-round nature of the resort, extreme species sports, Olympic construction and Olympic venues, beautiful landscapes, clean mountain air.

You can get to Krasnaya Polyana by flying to the airport or train station in the city of Adler, which is a district of the city of Sochi, and Krasnaya Polyana is a village in the Adler district. Options for getting to the resort itself from the station and airport: taxi about 3 thousand (there are three roads, if you want to go on a good one, pay well), bus about 175 rubles (takes an hour and a half).

The resort of the Adler region consists of two villages and several ski resorts: Gorki Gorod, Swallows, Gazprom, Rosa Khutor, Alpika Service.

There are several taxi services in the resort, and there are many hotels, inns, canteens and restaurants to choose from. Just be careful and do your research by price range before you go. There are good ones cheap hotels, like canteens, and there are restaurants where you can leave several tens of thousands of rubles at a time.

An option for a comfortable room is presented in the video below the article.

Excursions are possible by bus, on foot, by helicopter, cable car, etc.

You can learn about the nuances of recreation, options for getting to the resort, and attractions on the website, as well as on thematic forums.

On average, a week's stay at one of the Krasnaya Polyana resorts will cost 30-50 thousand rubles.