Mountain cyanosis who climbed how long it takes. Sinyukha is a mountain of the Kolyvan ridge. Description, interesting facts and nature. The main features of Mount Sinyukhi

Mount Sinyukha is nai highest point Kolyvan ridge, located in the northwest of the Altai Mountains. The mountain has been recognized as a natural monument since 1998 and is included in the territory of the Tigirek reserve. The Gornaya Kolyvan region stretches along the border with Kazakhstan.

The absolute height of Mount Sinyukha is 1 210 meters above sea level.

Every year, on one of the main Christian holidays, Trinity, Orthodox pilgrims climb the mountain. The ascent is dedicated to the memory of the nuns of the nunnery that existed at the foot of the mountain at the beginning of the last century. A worship cross was erected here by the faithful.

The village of Kolyvanstroy was also erected near the mountain for tungsten miners and their families. In 1960, the mine was closed and people began to leave from there. Now it is an abandoned village, since 1980 not a single inhabitant has remained there.

It will also be interesting to visit the Kolyvan stone-cutting plant named after And I. Polzunov and the museum with him in the village of Kolyvan, 8 km from Sinyukha. Farther from the plant is another unusual natural object: a mountain named "Enchanting", which looks like a stone jaws of a monster.

Mountain characteristics

Sinyukha is located in the northern part of the Kolyvan ridge. Coming to the surface at the top of the mountain, granite forms unusual compositions. You can often find such compositions of a round or domed shape. On the top and slopes there are several granite bowls that have arisen here naturally. Many people believe that the water in them is holy. On the northern slope, a spring with water from such a bowl flows down, and locals and tourists often come to it.

The slopes are covered with dense fir and pine forests. At the top there is a weak rocky soil on which young trees do not take root well, so there is nothing but granite rocks.

The mountain owes its name to the fir forest that covers its slopes - in the distance it glows blue.

The mountain is known for its rich flora and fauna. Plants from the Red Book are found here Altai Territory... The diversity of flora and fauna is due to favorable climatic conditions... For research purposes, the slopes of the mountain were visited by many eminent scientists and travelers.


A gentle path leads to the top of Sinyukha, which does not cause inconvenience for beginners. Therefore, climbing does not require special skills and equipment. The ascent will become a pleasant walk through picturesque places with interestingly shaped rocks. You just need to take warm clothes with you, as a strong wind is blowing at the top. It is not recommended to visit after rain, when the washed-out road can be dangerous.

At the foot of the mountain there are two lakes located on different slopes. The most common climbing routes follow them:

  • across Moss Lake: The trail on the northwest slope follows an old abandoned road and then through the forest. Travelers advise lovers to choose a trail from Moss Lake historical sites... Since it goes through the Kolyvanstroy tract and here you can see the abandoned adits. The moss lake grows shallow over time and turns into a swamp. It is located at an altitude of about 600 meters in a tectonic basin. Its shores are surrounded by bizarre granite rocks, and it itself represents a unique ecosystem with 54 plant species. The distance between the lake and the abandoned mine Kolyvanstroy is 4 km. In general, this route will take longer, so you can stop with a tent near the mountain.
  • across White lake : this is a road on the northeastern slope, most of route goes through the forest. In the middle of the way, you can enjoy the clear water at the source. There is only one path here, it is well trodden, which does not allow you to get lost. Beloe Lake is located near the village named after March 8. The water in it is clean, suitable for swimming and fishing, you can ride a catamaran on the water. In the center of the lake there is a rocky outlier island, about which there are legends that a secret workshop for the manufacture of counterfeit silver coins worked there. In the vicinity of the lake there is a tourist center and a camping.

All the way up is marked by peculiar signs - red ribbons tied to the trees. The top offers a stunning panoramic view. On the one hand, the beauty of the steppe will be visible, and on the other, the taiga and the tops of the ridge. A whole day should be allocated to visit the mountain: the ascent will take an average of 3 hours.

How to get to Sinyukha Mountain in Altai Territory

The mountain is located in the Kurjinsky district. You need to go to the village of Kolyvan when choosing a route through Mokhovoye Lake and to the village named after March 8 when ascending through Beloe Lake. You can get to the villages in the following ways:

  • by car move along the highway K-70 "Barnaul-Kolyvan". Time on the road from Barnaul to the village of them. March 8 - about 4.5 hours. Mountain coordinates: 51.241502, 82.607288.
  • on intercity bus in the direction of "Barnaul-Kolyvan" from the bus station of Barnaul. From the village of Kolyvan to the village on March 8, it will be necessary to overcome another 6 km. You can use the services of private taxi drivers.

If you go by taxi from Barnaul, you can use popular services: Yandex. Taxi, Gett, Taxi Lucky, Maxim. Intercity transportation is also carried out by taxi Authority, Alpha, Taxi-Mezhgorod.

Panoramic view from the top of Mount Sinyukha:

Video about grief:

Report of Yarusheva Anna.

Pupils of the children's association "Your peak", whose leader is Olga Mikhailovna Yarusheva, during the ascent to Mount Sinyukha in May 2012 took many photographs of the vicinity of the mountain. This excursion is the result of one of the stages of the long-term project "Tops of the Altai region". Anna Yarusheva became a laureate of the regional tour guide competition in Barnaul in April 2013.

Mount Sinyukha 1379 m high, located in the spurs of the Cherginsky ridge, is one of the most beautiful places in the Altai region. it favorite place for visiting many travel lovers. But there are very few materials about our mountain Sinyukha in print and on the Internet. I would like to know more about beautiful places native Altai region and tell everyone about it!

Well, that's all, our trip is over,
The backpack is disassembled, the tent is drying.
Everything seems to be good, but only now
The sadness in the heart crept furtively.

Let someone twist a finger at the temple
And invites us to settle down
But we won't be able to live boringly until
We dream of White snow of the peaks at night.

And a hand reaches out to the card again,
And our heart strives upward again,
And we know for sure - our backpacks
Not destined to gather dust in attics.

This is an excerpt from a poem by Sergey Legkodymov, which fully corresponds to the spirit of the children's tourist association "Your Top".

My excursion is the result of one of the stages of the long-term project "Tops of the Altai District", on which our children's association is working. The main goal of this project is: climbing, observing and collecting information about the most high peaks Altai region, dissemination of the collected knowledge to a wide range of the public.

Cyanosis ... What have I not found with this name! Sinyukha (photo 1) is a genus of plants of the cyanose family (Latin Polemonium). There is a disease, popularly called cyanosis, - cyanosis in medicine, caused by the cyanotic color of the skin due to the high content of reduced hemoglobin in the blood. And I want to tell you about the magnificent mountain, the name of which is Sinyukha.

Photo 1. Plants of the cyanose family.

There are many mountains Sinyukh. I found three mountains bearing this name in the Altai Republic: in Maiminsky, Turochaksky and Shebolinsky districts.

There are several mountains of the same name in the Altai Territory: in the Kytmanovsky District, one of the peaks of the Salair Ridge. The very famous Sinyukha of the Kurinsky region of the Kolyvan ridge. And, of course, in the Altai region of the Cherginsky ridge. By the way, our Sinyukha (photo 2) is the second highest of all the above, after Shebalinskaya.

Photo 2. Mount Sinyukha, Cherginsky ridge.

The mountain got its name not by chance. Our group of the tourist association "Your peak" was convinced of this even in the village of Nikolskoye, where we arrived by bus from the village of Altayskoye to make a fascinating three-day trip with a group of 15 people under the leadership of O.M. Yarusheva. to the top of the mountain. (photo 3)
Photo 3. Children's Association "Your Top".

From afar, the coniferous forest that covers the slopes of the mountain really looks blue. (Photo 4)

Photo 4. Coniferous forest covering the slopes of Mount Sinyukha.

If you, as a tourist, have the opportunity to climb, you will personally see all the beauty and splendor of this natural land.

There is no such person who would remain indifferent to the riot of colors of primroses: the glades of the Red Book kandyks, the hazel grouse (photo 6), violets of various types delight and remain in memory forever. A little later, the slopes of the mountains will light up with the bright flame of an Asian swimsuit (photo 7), and above the shady hollows will turn pink with an elegant Mary's root (photo 8).

Photo 6. Chess hazel grouse.
Photo 7. Flowers of the Asian swimsuit
Photo 8. Flowers Maryin root

The path leading to the temple, where Mount Sinyukha reigns, is surrounded by a coniferous forest. Spruces and firs stretch out their thorny legs towards the travelers (photo 9). There are also larches, and above there are still quite young, but strong cedars (their correct name is "Siberian pine"). All these trees are "gray" from a large number of bushy lichens (photo 10). Lichens grow only in areas where the air is perfectly clean. They are rightfully considered biological barometers. clean air... By the number of representatives of the lichen kingdom, one can judge the weightless transparency and purity of the air of these fabulous places.

Photo 9. Spruce and Fir Trees Stretch Their Thorny Paws
Photo 10. Bushy lichens

All the decoration of Mount Sinyukha is like in a fairy tale by Baba Yaga. So it seems that behind another huge rocky ledge, her famous hut on chicken legs will appear in front of the travelers' eyes and turn back to the forest, and in front of us. And the closer to the top, the stronger this feeling, because more and more often there are rounded dome-shaped rock outcrops of granite, diorite and shale (photo 11). Most often, the rocks resemble huge flaky pieces of cake or pancakes stacked in a neat pile. It is the result of the activity of water and wind. It took them many centuries, starting from the Devonian period, to create such unusual compositions (photo 12).

Photo 11. Rocky ledges on the slopes of Mount Sinyukha.
Photo 12. Unusual compositions of rocks on Mount Sinyukha.

From conversations with local residents and from the traces of life we ​​saw, we learned that animal world in the area of ​​Mount Sinyukhi it is very diverse, because the places here are quiet, clean, not crowded. Marals and musk deer, wild boars, moose, badgers (photo 13), hares and wood grouses feel great here. Of course, there are also predators: foxes and wolves. Wolves are pretty active. On the way, we met the gnawed remains of a rather large animal. It was assumed that it was a calf. In the evening, they burned a fire for a long time, sang songs loudly, trying to scare away uninvited guests. At night there was a blizzard, snow fell, and through the blizzard, the howling of wolves was heard - an eerie impression. Upon returning to the village, the locals told us that that night the wolves dragged two sheep from the village, which they never found. And the third was so torn up that the owners had to kill her.

Photo 13. Nora badger

For a long time, this fabulous country has attracted people with its energy. Local residents willingly tell what they know themselves, what they have heard from the older generation. Cherenev Prokopiy Yegorovich, an old-timer of the village born in 1927, told us the following story:

“Monk Ivan lived in those places. The place where he lived is still named after him - Ivan-stone. He settled there in the 20s of the last century. I built myself a hut. Rumor has it that he was a Kolchak member. All our women ran to him to pray every weekend. They took food with them. How long he lived there - I don't remember. Then the peasants from the village burned his hut, and no one else saw Ivan. "

Nobody knows for sure about the reasons that prompted the villagers to burn the hut. It remains only to guess and think out this strange story ourselves. From generation to generation now there is a legend told to us by a native of the village. Nikolskoe Olga Chereneva:

“Kolchak gold is buried in that place. Many hunters were looking for him, but only no one can find him. The place will not open to every seeker; gold will not go into the hands of the first comer. But, according to legend, there is such a person who will open that place and gold will go to him by itself. Only until now this chosen one was not found.

And the spirit of a monk walks through the forests, guards the peace of the mountains, keeps order, protects animals. In the vicinity of the peak, none of the locals hunt, they are afraid to anger Ivan's spirit. The women were very worried about the disappearance of the monk. They poured out their grief under Palkin Rock. Since then, a clear clear key has been beating in that place. "

We ourselves did not find it, but the residents said that they were looking for it under the wrong rock.

There is also a legend about our beauty Sinyukha, you can read it yourself in the collection "Legends and myths of Altai - 3" by our author-local historian Vladimir Mikhailovich Afanasyev.

In the process of collecting materials, we found out that Wikipedia does not have an article about our Sinyukha. The next stage of a long-term project will be the systematization of the collected material for writing an article on Wikipedia.

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Sinyukha rises at a distance of 56 kilometers from the regional center of Kurya, which is 8 kilometers east of the village of Kolyvan, and the mountain is separated by only 2 kilometers from the village of March 8.

Cyanosishighest mountain The Kolyvan ridge is located on its northern edge and reaches 1210 meters above sea level. Located within the territory. It was named Blue for a reason - in the distance the fir forest, covering the mountain slopes, casts blue.

The top of the hill is formed by “bare” rocks; the reason for this “nakedness” is the weak rocky soil, which does not accept young seedlings. The predominant formations of the mountain are roundness and domes; rocky goli are often found.

The summit of Sinyukha will grant the conquerors a wonderful panoramic view: the main massif of the mountain is split by a number of miniature spurs of the southern and eastern strikes, indented by rivulets. In the direction of the west, the ridge stretches in compact ridges into the steppe distance. The ornate relief forms of the mountain are due to the joint labors of wind and water, the fruits of which are arches and columns, coupled with amazing creatures.

Mountain slopes covered with fir trees, in general, the flora of Sinyukh is represented by 541 species of higher vascular plants, of which 18 are listed on the pages of the Red Book of Altai Territory. For a long time, the mountain has been famous for the richness of flora and fauna, climatic favorable in different parts of the country and beyond. The slopes of Sinyukha were visited by world-famous scientists and travelers: Bunge, Mayer, Ledebour, Millier, Krylov.

Sinyukha has been a massively visited place at all times. At the top of the hill and its slopes there are several natural granite bowls, water in which, as many believe, saint... A source with such moisture flows along the northern "side" of Sinyukha. People constantly visit him in order to drink.

At the dawn of the 20th century, a nunnery operated at the feet of Sinyukha, today a worship cross, it happened on the initiative of believers in 1997. After the celebration of Trinity, every year a camping... And according to tradition, for ascents pilgrims from the Barnaul, Rubtsovsky, Aleisky deanery districts of the Barnaul-Altai diocese come up the mountain. Both Orthodox parishioners and clergy take part in the procession.

To conquer Sinyukha special equipment is not required, as well as mastery skills, because a gentle and comfortable path follows to the top of the mountain, walking along which you can admire the picturesque rocky passages of interesting shapes. Unless a strong gusty wind can darken the ascent. But to those who won the obstacle, the Kulundirskaya steppe will open in all its glory on one side of the mountain, and on the other - the top of the ridge in snow-white headdresses. At the feet of Sinyukha, diluting the placers of granite, there is a pine forest, and lakes and the Charming Rock will appear.

Archaeologically Oriented guests of the area will be happy to visit the village "Podsinyushka", dating back to 2-3 centuries BC and a group of barrows near the coast that has survived from the 1st century BC.

Stay it is possible at the tourist centers or "Kolyvan-tour", at the recreation center "Bogomolov", in the dispensary "Skala" or at the camping "Zagis".

Mount Sinyukha (1210 m) is the highest point of the Kolyvan ridge and is located in the south of the Altai Territory in the Kuryinsky District. The mountain is interesting in several ways. Firstly, this is a sacred place for Orthodox Christians, a temple under open air... Secondly, it has a unique relief and unique vegetable world... Thirdly, it is located near the famous Kolyvan stone-cutting factory in the village of Kolyvan, and many miners, travelers and scientists of the 18th century have visited its slopes.

Mount Sinyukha is located 8 km south of the village of Kolyvan and 2 km from the village of 8 Marta. Climbing to its top can take a whole day. The southern and northern sides of the mountain are steep, so climbing the mountain is possible with two simple routes:

  • along the northwestern slope of Sinyukha. The route is interesting because it passes through the Kolyvanstroy tract near the Loktevka River (where in the 18th century Demidov built the first copper smelter, and from the 1930s-1960s large-scale mining of strategic tungsten-molybdenum raw materials was carried out here) and nearby - a natural monument. There is another object on the pass - an abandoned granite quarry. From here beautiful views on the mountain slopes covered with black taiga. This route is considered the most interesting, the path goes first along an abandoned old road, then along a forest path.
  • along the northeastern slope of the mountain, the route starts from Lake Beloye. The trail here also goes through the forest, but a long ascent can create certain difficulties. Not far from Lake Beloye you can see a group of barrows (1st century BC - 1st century AD), as well as the archaeological site of the settlement "Podsinyushka" (III-II centuries BC) - the oldest settlement of metallurgists. Afanasievites, III-II centuries BC; in our era, a female Orthodox monastery arose in its place. The monastery was destroyed during the Soviet era. On the site of the monastery there is now a worship cross. In the middle of the path is the Holy Spring, which Orthodox pilgrims tend to visit.

Before starting the trek, it will be useful to “ask” the local spirits for good weather - the success of the ascent depends on it. Sinyukha is a mountain of contrasts: the heat here is suddenly replaced by a cold wind and thunderstorm, which can make climbing difficult. The same contrasts, but already pleasing to the eye, await the traveler at the top of the mountain - north of Sinyukha, the endless and sultry Kulunda steppes are spread, with south side It takes your breath away from the snow-white peaks of the Tigiretsky ridge and the slopes covered with black taiga.

The outcrops of gray granite on Lake Mokhovoy and in the upper part of Sinyukha acquired fantastic shapes under the influence of natural forces. At the top of the mountain, the rocks form arches and columns, as well as something similar to ancient fortress walls - all the stones are fitted to one another, the masonry of giant "bricks" is high and powerful. Indeed, it looks like a kind of universal temple - the "walls" in two semicircles embrace the top. Nearby there is another natural wonder - a huge hemisphere of granite, in a natural depression of which water accumulates - a real Holy Grail, a miraculous bowl! The recess in the granite has a regular rounded shape, its diameter is about a meter, and the depth is 40-50 cm.It is said that if you scoop up all the water and wipe the bowl dry, then after a while, drops of water begin to appear on the walls of the recess, and after a while the bowl again fills up. This water is considered curative, healing wounds, curing many diseases. The top of the mountain has long served as a place of worship among the ancient pagans; it has not lost its significance in Christian times. It is no coincidence that an Orthodox nunnery was built just under Mount Sinyukha, which existed until the 1930s. After the destruction of the monastery, the Orthodox communities of Altai and Kazakhstan secretly gathered on the top of the mountain, so Sinyukha served them as an open-air temple for a long time. Today, the pilgrimage to the Holy Mountain continues - after the feast of the Trinity, believers of the surrounding regions traditionally climb the mountain together with the clergy. It is believed that if you drink holy water from a stream with prayer and wash your face in a granite bowl, bow to the cross at the top, then the soul will be cleansed and the heart will be easy and calm for a whole year.

Mount Sinyukha is interesting botanically. There is a huge variety of grasses, shrubs, trees - a total of 541 species. The slopes are covered with relict fir-aspen forests with an admixture of birch, pine (the so-called black taiga). There are no cedar or larch at all. Bird cherry, mountain ash, viburnum, spirea and caragana are widespread. Once in ancient times, in the period between the extinction of dinosaurs and the last glaciation, the Altai mountains were completely covered with such forests. Now areas of the black taiga are not so common, they need protection. A large number of relict plants that have survived from ancient times grow on Sinyukha (Pallas mertensia, Krylov's forget-me-not, maral root, Rhodiola rosea, holosteel poppy, etc.). 18 species are listed in the Red Book (Altai onion, Siberian kandyk, variegated tulip, drip lady's slipper, Bunte primrose, etc.). Alpine euphorbia grows here, which marals and sika deer love to eat.

Many birds and animals live under the shade of forests. Among the birds there are: chickweed, Siberian chiffchaff, garden warbler, green warbler, nuthatch, whistling nightingale, blue nightingale, hazel grouse, gray warbler and curl, bluetail, bullfinch, jug, common buzzard; in some places nutcracker, shchur, redstart, wood grouse. Typical representatives of the black taiga mammals live on Sinyukha: red-backed vole, shrew, East Asian mouse, ground squirrel, red fox, polecat, Siberian weasel, corsair, lynx, wolf. In addition, there are many butterflies and beetles.

In 2009, there were reports that the first in the Altai Territory would be created on the territory of Kolyvan national park"Mountain Kolyvan", which will include such natural objects as the city of Sinyukha, Lake Beloe and. Sights not far from the town of Sinyukha:, town of Vostrukha, settlement Podsinyushka, Kolyvansky stone-cutting plant.

The natural monument "Mountain Sinyukha" was created in 1998. It is of interest for the protection of typical natural biogeocenoses, for scientific research, for recreation (a place of rest and pilgrimage), and is of great aesthetic importance.

The mountain is located 56 km from the regional center with. Kurya, 8 km east of the village. Kolyvan and 5.5 km south of the village. March 8. The area of ​​the natural monument is 453 hectares. The border of the monument runs along the foot of the mountain along its entire perimeter through an altitude of 920 m.

Mount Sinyukha (1280 m) is located at the northern end of the Kolyvan ridge and is its highest point. When climbing to the top, a beautiful panorama opens up, allowing you to trace various natural communities in its vicinity: on the one hand, the foothill steppe, on the other, the mountain black taiga. The upper part of the slope mountain is formed by outcrops of gray granite mattress-like detachment, forming bizarre rock heaps. On the slopes of the northern exposure, the most developed are deluvial loams; on the slopes of the southern exposure, bedrocks come to the surface.

The slopes of Sinyukha are covered with a fir forest with an admixture of aspen, under the canopy of which there are relict plants Miocene-Pliocene deciduous forests, including: European under forest (Sanicula europaea), fragrant bedstraw ( Galium odoratum), Krylov's bedstraw (Galium krylovii), forest purse (Stachys sylvatica), Krylov's forget-me-not (Myosotis krylovii), forest short-legged (Brachypodium sylvaticum). Slightly below the top, under the rocks, despite the small absolute height, subalpine meadows with bitter broadleaf (Saussurea latifolia), maral root (Rhaponticum carthamoides), rhodiola pink (Rhodiola rosea). In the shadow of the rocks Altai kortuza grows ( Cortusa altaica), and endemic and vulnerable - Pallas mertensia (Mertensia pallasii). At the top there are communities with species characteristic of the highlands: Altai snakehead (Dracocephalum altaiense), cold cinquefoil (Potentilla gelida), cold sickle (Serratula algida), violet two-flowered (Viola biflora), spring minuartia (Minuartia verna), pseudo-gray poppy (Papaver pseudocanescens).

The flora of Sinyukha has more than 550 species of higher vascular plants. 18 of them are included in the Red Book of Altai Territory (2006) (Athyrium distentifolium), mountain bladder (Cystopteris montana), Altai onion (Allium altaicum), long-wrap bullet (Bupleurum longiinvolucratum), European undergrowth (Sanicula europaea), Altai gymnosperm (Gymnospermium altaicum), whole-leaved eutrem (Eutrema integrifolium), Mertensia of Pallas (Mertensia pallasii), Siberian kandyk (Erythronium sibiricum), variegated tulip (Tulipa heteropetala), lady's slipper drip (Cypripedium guttatum), baltic cinnamon (Dactylorhiza baltica), primrose bunge (Primula bungeana); resource species include - maral root (Rhaponticum carthamoides), rhodiola rosea (Rhodiola rosea), male shieldworm (Dryopteris filix-mas), peony evading (Paeonia anomala), Altai rhubarb (Rheum altaicum). In addition, another unique species lives on the top of the mountain - Fisher's violet ( Viola fischeri), endemic to Western Altai (Red Book .., 2006).

Tourism has the most significant impact on the vegetation cover. Two to three thousand people climb the small Sinyukha peak over the summer. Rare and beautifully flowering, unusual alpine plants on the top of the mountain burst into bouquets and are simply trampled. Gold and maral roots are dug up for medicinal raw materials.

Mount Sinyukha is revered in Altai as a shrine. The tradition of pilgrimage to its summit originated over 250 years ago. After the celebration of Trinity, believers, reading prayers, climbed the mountain in the hope that this would help fulfill their desires. To this day, the mountain serves as an annual pilgrimage site.

The general impression of the tourist and recreational attractiveness of the natural monument is created by the exits to the day surface of bizarre granites (in the form of columns of palaces, fantastic animals), rare and endangered plant species, streams at the foot, mosaic landscape sections. At the foot of Sinyukha there are archaeological sites: settlement "Podsinyushka" (II-III centuries BC) and a group of mounds on the shore of the lake. White (1st century BC - 1st century).

On the territory of the natural monument it is prohibited to: cut wood; procurement and collection of medicinal plants; exploration and production of minerals; construction of buildings, structures, power lines, other communications, ski resorts and ski slopes; imploding works; pollution and littering of the territory, storage and disposal of any waste; travel and parking of all types of transport; making fires, starting fires and burning vegetation; implementation of any kind economic activity that has a negative impact on the environment and leads to degradation and (or) destruction of a natural object.